• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 3,731 Views, 104 Comments

Pony Split - Ark125

When a teen is transported to Equestria, he will discover that he is altered when ever he feels extreme emotions. Can he and Luna figure out

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True to Your Heart

Pony Split

Chapter 3 - True to Your Heart

My right eye was purple, but not as if I had been in a fight and gotten punched in the face. No, that would almost be normal. No, I'm saying the actual iris of my eye had changed color. That aside, it was glowing, too.

I stared at myself in unbelief for a good 10 minutes. It was then a thought came to me, although it was as if it was not my own. It has begun.

I blinked a few times, finally coming out of this stupor of thought. I turned to look to Princess Luna. She had an expression of worry on her face.

"What's wrong, never seen a pony with a glowing purple eye before?" I tried to laugh it off to ease the tension in the room.

It worked, for she just smirked and shook her head. "No, in fact I have not. But I have also never heard of anypony that did not know what their special talent was, but yet has their cutie mark." We both laughed for a couple seconds, but then she grew a serious expression on her face and said, "But seriously, this has never happened before?"

I shook my head, "Nope, nor have I ever heard of anything like it happening before either."

"Well then, we should probably take you to see my sister so we can ask her about your... condition. She might know more about this strange occurrence then I do. This way, we can also have you formally introduce yourself to her and her student." I agreed, and we walked out the door and set forth for the study of the solar deity.

As we were walking down the corridor, I noticed that we were passing several blurry figures that I could only guess to have been servants and guards. It was at this point that I facehoofed, I wasn't wearing my glasses.

I started to search frantically for them, but of course there wasn't much to search because I didn't have any pockets. Luna saw me freaking out and asked, "What is the matter, what are you looking for?"

"My glasses, I seemed to have misplaced them. Have you seen them?"

"There was a pair of crushed lenses back at the scene of the wreck, but the were beyond repair." I was suddenly very down trodden. "But..." I perked up, "I can just fix your eyesight, if you would like?"

"Oh, that would be fantastic."

"Okay, hold still then..." Her horn started to glow as she attempted to fix my eyesight. "There, is that better?"

"I don't know, did all the lights go out or is there a lunar eclipse occurring?"


"Just kidding!"

She hoofed me in the shoulder. "That was not funny!" I was laughing really hard, soon she couldn't deny it any longer and started chuckling as well. We both then started to walk again.

We were still giggling when we entered Princess Celestia's study.

"Well, I am glad to see our guest is up. How are you feeling," Princess Celestia inquired.

"Great, thanks to you guys, I am feeling much better."

"I am glad to hear that. Now, down to business. I assume my sister has filled you in on what has happened as well as asked you some questions." I nodded my head. "Good, I will have her fill me in on the details later. Oh, how rude of me. I have not even properly introduced myself. I am..."

She started speak but I cut her off, "Princess Celestia, Goddess of the Sun, co-ruler of Equestria. Teacher of the Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle, who is the current librarian of Ponyville. Sister of..." I paused because it was then I noticed the stares I was getting from Princess Celsetia and her student.

"How do you know all that," asked a rather shocked purple unicorn.

"Oh! Well I... uh..." Crap! Now they probably think I'm a stalker. I thought quickly and decided that I should just tell them the truth. I started to give them background on how in my world, we watched them in a show and I also filled them in on my personal background as well as other events that had occurred before I had been transported here. I would frequently stop to answer questions that they had, mostly from the intrigued appentice. We sat there for quite a while, stopping only so the sisters could lower the sun and raise the moon, which was quite the spectacle to behold.

Hours later, when I had finished talking, they all just stared. Dumbfounded. I spoke up and said, "So, Princess Celestia, I..."

This time, she cut me off, "Please, just call me and my sister by our names. There really is no need for formalities." She looked over to her sister who simply nodded.

"Okay, Celestia; Luna says that you might know something about how my right eye came to be this way."

"Well, let me see..." She beckoned me over, I looked to Luna who confirmed I should do so by nodding. I walked over and as I was within her reach she grasped my head, which really quite startled me. She then made a magnifying glass appear and started to peer in each of my eyes with it. She then did a couple of other tests, ones that you might partake in at any normal optometrist, and finally came to a conclusion after a half hour of testing. "I am sorry, but I have never seen anything like this before in my whole life. But I will research it further for you if you would like."

"That would be awesome, thank you very much Prin... I mean Celestia. I really appreciate it."

"Oh, it is my pleasure. Now then, where will you be staying while you are here?"

I was about to say when I stopped. I didn't have anywhere to go. After all, I had only been there a couple of hours and most of that time was spent unconscious. I folded back my ears and started tracing lines in the floor with my hoof.

"I understand, we would love for you to stay with us in the guest room, if you would like."

I instantly looked up and fiercely nodded in agreement. "Excellent! Well, I am going to see Twilight Sparkle home. Oh, before we leave though, we should probably come up with a different name for you as well as back story as to why you were found unconscious in the Everfree Forest. Just so that no one gets suspicious about you or anything. So do you have any ideas?" She directed the question to all of us.

I spoke up first, "Well, for the name, I think 'Pure Heart' might be a good one."

"That sounds good, but may I ask as to why you picked that name," Luna asked.

"Well, you see, in my world we have three names, a first, middle, and last name. My first name can be translated to 'Pure' in another language, and my middle name can be translated to 'Heart'. So, altogether that would be 'Pure Heart'." I had a sheepish grin on my face after saying this.

"Well I like it, so Pure Heart, how about a background story..."

Two hours later, we were putting the finishing touches on my back story. I am Pure Heart, a traveler of sorts, that had crashed into a tree after getting spooked by something in the forest. My eye looked the it was because of a rare gene that I got from my parents. And if I spoke out again and said something about me knowing other people without them knowing me, it was because traveling around Equestria lets you hear many bits and pieces of gossip and such. And with that, my cover story was complete.

"Wow, would you look at the time? I should really get back to the library before Spike gets worried."

"Yes, and I do believe Pure Heart would like to get some rest as well. Luna will you please take him back to his quarters while I escort Twilight Sparkle home?"

"Of course, dear sister."

"Good, well Pure Heart I am glad you are here and I hope you enjoy your stay in Equestria." With that, Princess Celestia stood up, and beckoned her student to follow.

As they were about to walk out, Twilight turned around and said, "I am glad to have meet you and hope to see you around Ponyville sometime. Stop by the library when you are in town and I will give you a tour."

"I would love to, see you later." Then Twilight followed her teacher all the way out the door.

When the door clicked shut, Luna looked over to me and asked, "So, what would you like me to call you, then?"

I thought for a moment, then said, "Just to be safe probably my pony name, but you can call me Pure if you want. You know, know need for formalities and such," I said with a grin.

"Are you flirting with me," she asked with a gleam in her eye.

"Oh, am I? I'm so sorry," I said and turned away from her, trying to hide my burning red cheeks. What is wrong with me? I have never been so bold as to flirt with a girl, I am usually so shy.

I was so busy thinking how embarrassing that was, that I didn't notice Luna wrap her wing around me. "That is okay, I kind of liked it. I thought it was very... sweet." She then pulled me in and kissed me on the cheek. That startled me and made me blush even more. Luna giggled at the sight of this. I had never blushed this hard in my entire life.

"I think your name matches part of your cutie mark. And I might know what part of your talent is," Luna stated in a caring tone.

Trying to get over my embarrassment, I stuttered, "W-what? T-tell me."

"Truthfulness to yourself and to others." She smiled brightly.

"Oh Luna, that is why I..." I started to mumble.

"Huh, what did you say," she asked.

"Never mind," I said, not wanting her to feel awkward.

"Okay then... let us go, I am sure you are quite tired.

I nodded in agreement and we exited the study.