• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 3,731 Views, 104 Comments

Pony Split - Ark125

When a teen is transported to Equestria, he will discover that he is altered when ever he feels extreme emotions. Can he and Luna figure out

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Epilogue - Slow Fade

Pony Split

Epilogue - Slow Fade

Beep... beep... beep... beep...

"What the deuce? Someone turn off the alarm clock." I said as I began to sit up.

"He's awake!" A frantic woman screamed as ran in to hug me.

"Who are you?"

She stepped away and blinked, "I'm your mother."

I kind of had a hard time focusing, but once my eyes adjusted, I realized she did look familiar.

"Oh hey. What are you doing in Equestria?"

"Wow that crash must of done a number on you." Another familiar voice said.

"Marcus! How is Applejack?"

"Um, good I guess." He said with an arched eyebrow.

It was then I remembered what just happened and began to look around the room.

"Zach, what's wrong?" My mom asked.

"Where is Luna?" I said with anger in my voice.

"Your car was totaled in the crash." Marcus said.

"Not the car! I'm talking about my wife!" I snapped. I jumped out of the bed and began to run out the door.

"Zach! Sit down! You are going to rip out your stitches!" Mom said.

"Not until I find my wife!"

"You're not married!"

"Yes I am, see?"

I thrust out my left hand. Wait... hand?

"What the heck? Why I am human?"

"Zach, please calm down. You are scaring me." Mom said, shaking in fear.

"You're scared? YOU'RE SCARED? I'm the one who just woke up to find my wife is gone and I am no longer a pony!" I screamed.

"Doctor! We need you!"

"The Doctor! Of course, I bet he can explain!" I looked for my phone but couldn't find it.

Suddenly, I was tackled and strapped down to the bed.

"What are you doing?" I yelled.

"I'm sorry son, but this is for your own good." The doctor undid the back of my hospital gown and began to inject me with something.

"Why is that necessary?"

"We can't do an LP with you squirming. Plus we needed you conscious to do it."

"What do you mean- Ahh!" I screamed as they stabbed a large needle into my spinal chord.

My mother came around to see what they were doing, then she gasped. "Zach, when did you get that!"

I was sore from the needle still and so wasn't really listening. "What?"

"That tattoo."


They put a mirror in front of me and one behind me. Sure enough, there was a tattoo of two angelic looking wings on my back, right on my shoulder blades.

I smiled. "I guess I got my wings after all."

"Zach, you are in big trouble." Mom said.

I chuckled, "Yeah, sure. Now can you please explain to me where I am?"

"You are in a hospital. You were in an accident that caused you to go into a coma."

"Wow, again? That is like the third time in the last 6 months."

Marcus got a really confused look. "Dude, you have been in a coma for the last 6 months."

"Noooo. I've been in Equestria. You were there, don't you remember? You and my family were there for my proposal and wedding."

"Man, that crash must have REALLY rattled your brains."

"Yes Zach, you must have been dreaming." My mother assured.

"I wasn't dreaming. It really happened! Look, I have proof." I held up my arm and looked at it.

"Zach, that is just a piece of metal that was infused into your skin from the crash. The doctor's said it couldn't be removed because it is too close to an artery. But it isn't a danger to your health, so they left it alone."

"What are you talking about? This is my wedding band!"

"Please calm down, you are going to screw up your stitches."

"Huh?" I ripped open my shirt and found there were stitches over my left chest. "What happened?"

"A piece of shrapnel punctured your heart in the crash. The doctors were able to save half of it."

"So I only have half a heart!"

"... Yes."

3 Months Later

My life was slowly turning back to normal. Well, I guess as normal as you can be walking around with only half a heart.

Everyone said it was just a dream, that it was just a figment of my imagination that I had gone to Equestria. But I couldn't give up on it, it was just to real.

The other strange thing is I felt someone was watching me. Not like a paranoid feeling like someone is about to jump out and stab you. More like a feeling that you are being watched over or protected. And I could swear that every so often, my name was carried in the wind.

I think it was Luna, but my therapist said otherwise. He said it was time to let go of the silly notion of me being with a fictional character. But I refused to let go of my love. She was the one I wanted to spend the rest of eternity with.

I quickly fell back into depression. I didn't want to live without her. I tried to get back to Equestria by any means at all. I researched metaphysics, alternate realities, wormholes, magic, and even other religions. But nothing seemed to work.

I was even considered darker thoughts but turned them away. So I decided I would just travel and see what I could find. I sold all of my worldly possessions and purchased a ticket to New York, the first place I decided to look.

After a day or so of flying, I got off the plane and walked the streets of the Big Apple. I looked everywhere for any answers. But I couldn't find any.

After another month of soul searching, I was beginning to lose all hope. I was walking down the street when I heard a commotion coming from a back alley. I checked it out and found a couple of punks harassing an older gentleman.


They looked up.

"Why don't you leave that man alone."

They grinned and the tallest one, which I guess was the leader, said, "Oh, a hero, huh? We'll teach you to mind your own business. Get him boys."

The other two guys came at me with pipes and I felt a rush of energy and quickly dispatched them.

The leader kind of just stared in shock. "Well, let's see how you fare against this." He pulled out a gun and shot me.

I spewed out some blood from the impact and fell to the ground.

The gang leader laughed and turned back to the man, "Now where were we."

I laid there dazed, but I began to hear sirens.

"Crap! It's the police, run!" The leader dropped the old man and ran, the other two scrambling after him.

The old man kind of stared in shock and then ran over to my bruised, bleeding body. "You saved my life."

I winced in pain and said, "Just... doing... my duty... as a guardian..."

I began to fade and the man noticed this, but he could tell their was nothing he could do. The bullet had pierced my femoral artery and I was bleeding out fast.

"Please, just tell me your name so I know who to thank."

I hacked up some blood and smiled, "Pure Heart..."

I began to slip into nothingness, but a single word came through my mind, and I decided I might as well try it. I whispered the word, "Split..."

Marcus' POV

I woke up and got ready for the funeral. Zach was found dead in an alley way after being the victim of an assault by a gang in New York two weeks ago. Whoa, Deja Vu. I thought.

I arrived at the cemetery at around noon. The service was to start at 1 PM. I saw many faces that I recognized and many that I did not. There was one face that really stood out from the rest though.

It was a scraggly, bearded face with compassionate eyes and tired wrinkles.

I walked up to him and extended my hand, "Marcus."

He looked at me and smiled, grasping my hand and saying, "Ark."

"So how did you know him?"

"He saved my life, he was shot because he was trying to stop those gang bangers from hurting me." He said with a sigh.

"Well, it's good to know it wasn't for nothing."

"How did you know him?"

I sniffled, "I was his best friend."

He patted my back and said, "It's okay, let it all out." I began to sob into this man's shoulder.

The ceremony was beautiful, the bishop said that we would see him again one day. He talked about life and also death. Zach would of loved it.

Afterward, Ark pulled me to the side and asked, "Who is this 'Zach' they keep talking about?"

I was dumbfounded, "He is the one who saved your life. Didn't he tell you his name?"

"Well yeah, but he said his name was Pure Heart."

Before the casket was lowered, we had the final viewing. We all lined up and slowly looked upon him, each of us giving him our final thoughts.

When it was mine and Ark's turn to see him, we both stood their silently for a few moments. Finally, I broke the silence, "Zach, you are my best friend and always will be. I will miss you." Tears flowed freely from my eyes.

Ark spoke next, "Pure Heart, or I guess Zach, I never got to know you, but I do know that I would have died without your kindness. For that, I thank you. I hope to see you again someday."

We both turned to walk away, when we heard a voice, "Thank you..."

We turned around to catch a glimpse of something. I'm not entirely sure what I saw, but it seemed to be two miniature horses. One of them was blue with a mane that seemed to flow in a nonexistent wind and had what looked like wings and a horn. It had a picture of a white moon on its rear end.

The other one was crimson red with a brown mane and blue eyes. It also had a horn and two wings as well as a picture of a moon, only with a heart and a 4-pointed star as well.

The one thing that really caught my eye was that they both had bracelets on there forelegs that looked absolutely magnificent.

They looked directly at us and smiled. The red one looked at me and winked.

Then they both turned around and began to walk away. As they walked towards the setting sun, I could clearly hear a male voice say, "So Luna, what kind of adventure should we have next?"

A female voice spoke up, "Well, Pure Heart, I was thinking parenthood."

The male voice gasped, "Are you serious?"

She giggled, "Completely."

"Wow, I get to be a father."

"And you will be the best father ever."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

The two figure paused and kissed. As they did, they began to slowly fade out of sight.

When they were completely gone from view, Ark turned to me, "Did you see that, too?"

I nodded as more tears flowed. "Good luck... Pure Heart."

Comments ( 22 )

Wow. Just...wow. I love this story, and I can honestly say it brought me to manly tears. If there was a follow up story I think it might even be better then the first........... FORESHADOWING!!!!!

That actually brought a tear to my eye
Very well done:fluttercry::pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

It was good but the ending was...
(I just would have liked a different ending.)



Runaway next to Papercut? Two chapters later: One Step Closer? Do you listen to Linkin Park?


Nope, just things that I feel are depressing things that happen in my life. :facehoof:

Here's your sign.:rainbowlaugh:

I...LOVED...THAT...ENDING!!!!! FRIEKN AMAZING! congradulations Ark125 :applecry::applecry::applecry::pinkiehappy::fluttercry::fluttershbad:

hey im fucked up leave me alone:pinkiecrazy:


Hey now. No need to give yourself dain bramage. That's my job!:pinkiehappy:


Indeed. This part was probably one of the most random of my thoughts when writing my story. :facehoof: Remember, this was early on and so I really had no idea where I was going with this story.:pinkiehappy:


I'm glad to see I am not the only Brony who has an affinity for Disturbed as well.


Indeed it was. I saw the movie like a week before I started writing.

Where is everypony getting these awesome emoticons! :twilightangry2: And which link?


If you have never played the kirby games, this will make no sense.


I hope you do. It is a nice story.:pinkiehappy:


"It only takes 10 seconds of courage." Or whatever it is.


Tell you the truth... I was.:pinkiehappy:


well this is a bit different of a story. it is good a bit rushed but it works for this story.
I am hoping the sequel is as good.

3572597 well I must say that was rude even though he confirmed it

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