• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 3,728 Views, 104 Comments

Pony Split - Ark125

When a teen is transported to Equestria, he will discover that he is altered when ever he feels extreme emotions. Can he and Luna figure out

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I Wanna Grow Old with You

Pony Split

Chapter 35 – I Wanna Grow Old with You

Luna's POV

I stared as I watched Ark rip out the beating heart of this pony that I saw sitting in the chair. The bile in my throat nearly came out all over the cavern floor.

"What did you just do to that pony?" Tia asked.

"What, do you not recognize him? That is sad you don't recognize your own brother-in-law." He said with a smirk, the beating heart still in his hoof. We all gasped, causing Ark to laugh. After his bout of laughter, he calmed down and looked at the thumping organ he held. "Mmm. So much hatred is being expelled from it. It is so delicious." Ark stepped away from what I now knew was my husband, the blood and ventricles coming out with it, though they seemed to be turning solid. "Oh no you don't." He pulled out a large sword and cut the ventricles that were progressing towards the solidification. After he did that, he set down his sword and said, "Bottoms up." He stuck the heart into his mouth and swallowed it without even chewing. "Ooo, I was right, it was exceptionally tasty." He said as he wiped his hoof on the body my spouse to clean off the blood. "Though it was not entirely filling, I am still hungry for more." He turned to Discord and Nightmare Moon and smiled even broader. "Perfect." He held out his hoof and said, "SPLIT!"

They both screamed in agony as their life essence was extracted and sent into the gullet of Ark. The two of them fell to the floor, nothing but empty husks now.

"Simply amazing!" Ark yelled. He looked at himself and smiled as he began to glow. "This is spectacular!"

He was enveloped in a dark aura and when it subsided, he stepped out. Though he looked really different.

"Oh my… he has 6 wings!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Holy crap! I did not see that coming at all!" Rainbow Dash said.

For once in her life, Pinkie Pie was speechless.

"This is impossible! Let alone the fact of getting one wing, but six! How can you even do that?" Tia said.

"Oh my dear sweet Celestia, it is quite simple. I merely used my knowledge of gene splicing to take the wings and power of those three idiots and converged it with my own."

"That aside, you cannot just become a full-fledged alicorn just by taking his heart. You do not have a pure heart."

"Ah, but you see, that is where you are wrong. The rule says that it only has to be a pure, whole heart. It does not say whether it be good or evil. Your beloved Pure Heart was brought over from his good side when he released all of his hate. He only had half a heart, so he could only be one side of the spectrum, and he came to the dark side. I guess you should of called him 'Half Heart', but I guess you can now call him 'No Heart'." He laughed maniacally.

"How marvelous! This power is spectacular!" He looked at us and smiled. "You have just witnessed a very significant event, the birth of a deity! Bow down and tremble to your new overlord. I am Ark, The Seraphim of Oblivion."

"You killed him." I whispered.

He disappeared and reappeared next to me, causing everypony else to jump back in surprise. "What was that my dear?"

I turned to face him, burning hatred in my eyes. "You killed him! You killed my Pure Heart!"

He laughed, "Oh, I didn't kill him. He was already dead." He poofed away and appeared leaning on Pure Heart's shoulder. "You see, he died earlier when he let his hatred take over. You see these red crystals?" He broke off a spike from his head. "They are actually his blood, turning to crystals in anguish of his loss." He licked the crystal he had broken off. "Mmm, my favorite flavor." He continued to lick it.

"I will make you pay!" I screamed.

"Oh, you will, huh?" He said as he finished the blood pop. "What are you going to do, kill me?" He took another piece off Pure Heart's head and began eating it.

"No, death is too good for you. No, I'm going to banish you to the sun!"

I shot a ray of light at him, hitting him dead center in the chest.

"Hah! That tickles!"

"Not for long!" Tia said as she also shot a ray of light at him.

"Oh, that actually stings a little."

"Well hold on, because it is about to get ever so more painful. Ready girls?" Twilight said, giving the other girls their respective necklaces. They put them on and nodded, each one beginning to glow. They shot their signature beam of rainbow energy at him.

Ark merely yawned and walked in front of Pure Heart, "Hah! That is still not enough to beat me. Your attempts are useless!" He laughed out loud.

We all let our beams of energy fail and dissipate. "Ah, tired already? I guess that means it is my turn!" He cracked his neck and took a step towards us.

Suddenly, he knocked off his feet. "What the-"

"Ten Thousand Needle Implant!" Said a voice of dominance. Pure Heart's eyes began to glow bright blue and his sword came out and stuck itself into Ark's chest, right through the heart.


Pure Heart's crystals began to melt back into a liquid state and seeped into his skin. Soon his body was back to normal.

"You are supposed to be dead! I ripped out your heart! How are you alive?" Ark screamed.

Pure Heart stood up and stumbled over to where Ark was pinned to the floor. "I told you I would make you feel my pain." He grabbed hold of his sword by the hilt. "And I don't need a heart." He turned his head and looked directly at me, and he winked, "I already have the heart of another, and I can die happy knowing I had the chance to be with her." He turned his head back to Ark, "Now then, I have a couple last words to say to you…"

Ark coughed, but he coughed up some fine powder. "What is that?"

Pure Heart smiled, "Go to hell, you sadistic murderer." With that, Pure Heart twisted the hilt of his sword and red crystals began to expand out of Ark's skin.

"NOOOO!" Ark screamed as he was consumed in crystal. Then silence, Ark was nothing but a red statue. Pure Heart stood up on his hind legs and slammed is forehooves into his chest, shattering the statue into a million pieces.

"Take that!" He yelled in triumph, then falling to the ground in a heap.

"Pure Heart!" I yelled as I ran over to his fallen form.

I knelt down to him and scooped his broken body, cradling it in my arms.

He opened his eyes and said, "Ooo, look. A pretty blue angel. Are you here to take me home?" He must have been dazed from the massive blood loss.

"Pure Heart, it's me, Luna."

He squinted his eyes. "Oh yeah. Hey there beautiful. What's wrong?" I was beginning to cry.

"You're going to die, that is what is wrong." I hugged him closer.

"Hey now, don't be sad, I hate seeing others cry." He gave me a goofy grin.

I chuckled a little, but continued to sob. "I don't want you to leave me." I buried my head into his chest.

He reached up and stroked my mane. "Listen. Listen to me." He ran his hoof under my chin and lifted it until I meet his eyes with my own. "I would never leave you. I promised I would be your guardian angel, remember?"

I nodded, "Right, but you're-"

He held up his hoof to my lips. "No buts. I may be losing consciousness from the massive amount of blood I lost and will most likely die in a couple minutes, but I want you to know I will always be with you. Right here." He pointed to my chest.

"In my heart?"

"No, in your arteries." He said rolling his eyes.

I punched him lightly in the shoulder. "You jerk."

"I know. But back on topic, even if I die, you can bet your butt that I will be back, because nothing can stop me from coming back to you."

"But... will I ever see you again?"

"Did I just not explain that? Look at your foreleg, Luna." I did so. "What do you see?"

I sniffed, "I see our wedding bands."

"And what did we promise when we put those on?"

I sniffed again, "To love and cherish each other forever."

"Right. And has it been forever yet?"

"No, but you never even got both of your wings."

"Sure I did." He slowly flexed his pair of wings.

"When? How?"

"When you all shot Ark with your beams of light, I guess it was enough to purify the heart inside of him, which ultimately led to his downfall."

"So you should be okay."

He coughed up some blood, "Do I look okay?" He grinned.

"No, you like horrible."

"Then I don't think I will be okay."

"But we have doctors, and the best medical facilities, we can make sure you stay healthy and alive. We can make you better." I was beginning to become frantic.

"Shhh. It's okay. We will be together again soon. And then we will be together forever."


"Shhh. Silly little Luna. Everything will be fine." He took a sharp breath. "How about I sing a song for you. That will make you feel better." He looked around, "The rest of you might as well sit down as well." It was then I noticed that everypony else had formed a circle around us, all of them weeping softly. I turned back to Pure Heart, and he coughed a little before he began.

"Another day
Without your smile
Another day just passes by
But now I know
How much it means
For you to stay
Right here with me

"The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger
But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer

"I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
Sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you

"A thousand miles between us now
It causes me to wonder how
Our love tonight remains so strong
It makes our risk right all along

"The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger
But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer

"I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
Sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you

"Things can come and go I know but
Baby I believe
Something's burning strong between us
Makes it clear to me

"I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
Sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you."

When he finished, everypony else came in for a hug. "Come on guys, this isn't 'goodbye', it is simply 'see ya later'. I will be back, I Pinkie Pie Promise." I smiled and held him tighter. Everypony else was crying their eyes out. "Luna..."

"Yes my love?"

"I don't have much longer. But I want you to know..."

He coughed up a lot more blood.

"Know what? Know what?!" He was starting to fade fast. He was literally beginning to fade out of existence.

He lifted himself to my face to kiss me passionately on the lips. He released and smiled, "That I... love... you... ooo, pretty... light."

Pure Heart began to glow brighter than any light I had ever seen before. "No! Pure Heart! I don't want to be alone again!"

"I love you... my little moonbeam."

"I love you." I whispered as he disappeared completely. Tia walked over to me and enfolded her wings around me. "Where did he go Tia?" I cried as I buried my face into her chest.

"Home. He went home Luna."

The walls of the cavern began to fade and the sky slowly turned to its original blue color. "Will he ever come back?"

Tia frowned and held me closer, "I don't know." She rubbed my back with her hoof and looked up to the sky. "I just don't know."