• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 3,728 Views, 104 Comments

Pony Split - Ark125

When a teen is transported to Equestria, he will discover that he is altered when ever he feels extreme emotions. Can he and Luna figure out

  • ...

The Silence

Pony Split

Chapter 8 – The Silence

Luna's POV

I cried. I cried so much, I could fill an ocean with the salty brine of my tears. It had been 3 days since Pure Heart had disappeared from Sugarcube Corner.

During that time, I refused to eat. I refused to perform my duties as a princess. I even refused to talk to anyone at all.

The only thing that brought me any comfort was the music box he had left in my care. I listened to it whenever I was sad, which was all the time. I had listened through all his songs at least 3 times.

It was weird, he had mostly sad toned songs on it. In fact, the only song I can recall that was happy at all was sung by some high-pitched person, who by his name, was quite small. The song was about having a great time playing in the sunlight. It didn't bring me any joy though.

The one song I listened to the most though was one that sounded like it was actually speaking to me personally. I listened to it so often that I began to memorize the words and would sing softly along with it. My favorite line from the song was definitely when it asked me to cry for him because he was so lonely, then asking if there was anyway at all to fix a broken heart. It sounded like exactly I was doing for Pure Heart, for I did indeed cry for him whenever I listened to the song.

There was another song that just made cry even harder, though. The reason being that it related to how I was feeling right now. It really never felt like my world would return to the way it was. I did feel like a part of me was dying every night.

Pure Heart was so right, listening to his music did make me feel better. But it could not fill the empty void in my heart, no matter how much I tried to not miss him.

"Pure Heart, where are you?" I asked the empty space in my room, wishing it would answer.

I woke up to another bright day. It had been a month since the tragic event. I was actually starting to get over him being gone. Looking back, I wondered what it was that me obsess over Pure Heart so much. I mean, I had only known him for a day or two, and yet I was instantly smitten when I first saw him. It was as if I was placed under a spell that had been wearing off since he left.

Anyways, I still had nightmares about him. Sometimes about him being burned to ashes from the sun. Other times about him being forced to kill others against his will. It always ended the same though, me waking in a crying fit.

Why am I still tormented by these dreams, I wondered.

I was deep in thought about the subject when there was a knock at my door. "Who is it?"

"It is your sister."

"Come on in Tia."

Celestia walked in with a look on her face that told me she had news.

"How are you faring my sister?"

"Okay, I guess. I am still having nightmares though. But they are not as bad as they used to be."

"I am so glad hear that."

"So, how was the campaign trip?" I had kind of missed her for the past two weeks she had been gone. She had been traveling Equestria, making sure everpony was prepared for 'him'.

"It went as just as planned, everypony is ready in case there is an attack."

"That is good," I said.

"I also have a report you might want to have a look at." She levitated a file to me with a label which read: Everfree Forest Creature Census.

"Why would I be interested in this Tia?"

"Just look at it and see."

I opened the file and saw two charts, both show the populations of the creatures of Everfree. The one from a month ago had much higher numbers than the one that had been put together recently.

I was still confused as why these statistics should be at all significant to me until Tia pointed out what happened a month ago.

I gasped, "You m-mean... he is still alive!"

"Now I didn't say that, but it is possible, yes."

"I am going to go find him."

"But how? We don't even know if it is him or not."

I was about to retort when another knock came at my door. "Come in."

One of the patrol captains came in and bowed to them, saying, "Your majesties, while we were out making our rounds, we saw a strange thing in Everfree Forest. It seems to be a fort that has been laid out in a way so that several bones spell something out."

"What did it say, captain," Tia asked.

"It said: Is there anyway to fix a broken heart?"

"That is indeed very odd. Luna does this mean anything to y..." Celestia turned to find Luna wasn't there.

"I'm coming Zach! I'm coming," Luna said as she flew straight to Everfree Forest.