• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 3,731 Views, 104 Comments

Pony Split - Ark125

When a teen is transported to Equestria, he will discover that he is altered when ever he feels extreme emotions. Can he and Luna figure out

  • ...

Other World

Pony Split

Chapter 2 - Other World

I woke up in a dark thicket, a little confused on how I came came to rest in a forest. I tried to recount what had just happened, but then felt an extreme migraine coming on. I held my head to try rubbing the pain out of my temples, but instead of feeling flesh touch my head I felt a hard nail-like substance come into contact with it. I looked down at my hands to see what I could have done to them to make them feel like that, and was instantly shocked at what I saw stretched out in front of me.

They were hooves! I had hooves on the end of my arms, or legs, or whatever. I instantly looked at my feet and they were hooves as well. Oh my gosh, what kind of monster am I. Then I felt something on my rump I looked back and saw a tail. Holy crap, I must be dreaming, but what kind dream is this.

I really didn't have much time to think because it was then I realized that I was no longer in my car. I looked around and saw it, it was smashed up underneath a tree. Holy shizfit, my beautiful car was completely squashed by a freakin' tree. I ran over to it in a state of panic and frustration. I was suddenly super pissed at my self for not getting insurance for tree disasters. I found my mp3 though, it was hanging on a branch. It was completely unscathed, but it was then I realized that I wasn't.

I felt something dripping off my neck, I ran my hand(hoof) under my chin and looked at what this liquid could be. Blood. I hadn't realized I was bleeding until now because of the spike of adrenaline that I had from the crash. But now it was wearing off and I started to feel woozy. The last thing I saw was my car, billowing out black smoke from the engine compartment, then catch on fire, then I blacked out.

Twilight's POV

In a large hollowed out tree

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a large sonic boom echoed throughout Ponyville, nearly scaring my cutie mark right off my flank.

That Rainbow Dash and her silly Sonic Rainboom. I ran outside and saw how dark it had suddenly gotten. That's strange, Rainbow said it was supposed to be sunny all week long.

It was then I saw large puffs of black smoke coming from Everfree Forest. What could that be, is all I thought before Spike came running out the door and straight into my backside.

"Whoa, Spike you scared me."

"Sorry Twi, but I just got an urgent message from Princess Celestia."

Worried of what it could possibly be, I quickly grasped the scroll out of Spike's claws with my magic and tore it open to read:

My faithful student,

I am sorry for the inconvenience but I need you and the other Elements to quickly gather at the entrance to Everfree Forest. Please hurry, me and my sister will meet you there in 10 minutes.


Princess Celestia

I was instantly worried as to what the Princess could need all 6 of us for. Spike saw the look on my face and asked with panic in his voice, "What is it? Is it hydras? Manticores? Zombies?"

"I don't know, but we need to gather up the girls and head over to the entrance to Everfree right now. You go get Rarity and Pinkie Pie, I'll get Applejack and Rainbow Dash and we'll pick up Fluttershy on the way. Get going," I said with a very distraught tone.

"Yes ma'am!" He then scurried off to find the hyperactive party thrower and the prissy fashionista. I went my way, feeling very uneasy inside.

Once we had all gathered outside Everfree Forest, Applejack spoke up, "I don' mean to be impatient Twilight, but why we all out fron' of Everfree Forest, anyway?"

"Yes darling, why are we out here? This humidity is doing absolutely dreadful things to my mane."

"Well I'm not entirely sure, but I'm positive the Princess will tell us as soon as she arrives."

Just then a large flash of light appeared and the goddesses of the sun and moon stepped out from it.

"I will indeed do just that. But that will have to be on the way, we must hurry into the forest," Princess Celestia said.

They all rushed into the forest, and on the way Rainbow Dash said, "So Princess, why are we heading into the forest anyway?"

"Well, we need to find the source of whatever caused that sonicboom."

"You mean that wasn't Rainbow Dash who made that big explosive noise," Pinkie Pie said while waving her hooves in the air for emphasis.

"Oh please, if that had been me, all the windows in Ponyville would have shattered," Rainbow Dash said matter-of-factly.

"Sure they would've," Applejack said, rolling her eyes at the exaggerated comment the cyan pegasus made.

"Is that a challenge," Rainbow said with a smug grin on her face.

"GIRLS! We don't have time for this right now. Besides I think we are about there," I exclaimed.

"What makes you think that Twilight," whispered Fluttershy.

"Well for one thing there is a fire up ahead."

"WHAAAATT!" said everyone else at once. Sure enough they saw flames consuming what looked to be some kind metal carriage.

"THERE IS SOMEONE IN THERE," said the moon goddess in her traditional Canterlot voice, "I MUST GO IN TO HELP THEM!" She immediantly rushed into save the unconscious stallion from the blaze.

"Quick, everyone start kicking dirt on to the flames," I yelled. We all started to kick up lots of dust hoping to get the inferno under control.

After an hour of kicking up dirt, the fire had finally been put out. We then turned our attention to the the mysterious stallion that Princess Luna had bravely dragged out of the fire. "Does anyone know who he is," asked Rainbow.

"No, but...OH MY GOSH, HE'S BLEEDING," I said, pointing at the puddle of red liquid collecting near the base of the tree he was propped up against.

"Do not worry Twilight Sparkle, I can mend his wounds," Princess Luna said calmly. With that her horn started to glow and the wounded stallion was slowly surrounded by a blue aura. Then as quickly as it had started, the aura slowly dissipated and the gash in the back of the stallion's head was no where to be seen.

"Good job my dear sister, but now we must find a place for him to rest more comfortably," said Princess Celestia.

"I suggest we take him back to the palace for closer observation. Just until we are sure that he is completely fine," said her younger sister.

"Okie dokie lokie. In the meantime I will get started on throwing him the bestest party ever," said Pinkie, and with that she bounced off before anyone could say anything else.

"Yeah and I need to get started on these dark clouds," Rainbow Dash said and flew off.

Rarity then gave an excuse of having some orders that she needed to fill and Spike offered to help. Fluttershy said she had some injured animals that she had to attend to and excused herself. And finally Applejack said she had to get back to the farm to help buck more apples. That left Twilight, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna.

"Well, we had better be off as well. Twilight Sparkle would you like to accompany us to the castle," the sun goddess inquired.

"Yes, I would love to, I want to ask you some questions about what happened today." Then the sun goddess' horn glowed and they were all transported back to the castle.

"Princess Luna will you see to that our guest is accommodated for in a comfortable fashion while me and Twilight go to my study to talk."

"I will do just that my sister," Luna said.

"Carry on." Then we all went our separate ways.

Luna's POV[

After they went off to there study to talk, I took the stranger to the guest chambers to rest. After I had laid him down on the bed, I got my first good look at him. He was a young unicorn, probably in his early twenty's. He had a dark red coat that resembled the coloration of a withering rose and a short brown mane as well as a brown tail. He also had orange tipped hooves almost like fire and was the same height as me. He was built with just a bit less of the stature of the earth pony called Big Macintosh.

The one thing that caught my eye the most, though, was his cutie mark, a carbon gray heart with an azure crescent moon covering the side of it, and on top of that was a white 4-pointed star. It made her wonder what kind of skill this stallion had that gave him such an odd mark.

As I sat there watching him for a couple of hours without interruption, in case he woke up, I couldn't help but really care for this stallion. It was almost as if there was some strange attraction that he gave off.

It was then that I noticed he had been carrying something this whole time. I slipped it out of his grasp with my magic and studied it. What a strange looking object, and what could this string be for. I turned it all around, every which way until I had accidentally pushed something and it started to make sound. It sounded like music, but it wasn't any kind of music I had ever heard. For one thing the beat was really heavy and dark. The other was the fact that whoever was singing sounded like they were screaming. I then turned it over and noticed something written on the back:

Property of Zach.

Zach's POV

I woke up in a nice cozy bed that felt like I was laying on a cloud. I then realized that I was no longer in that forest, but in a large room with high ceilings. I tried to sit up but fell back over after feeling aches all over my body. I decided to just lay there and think about what was happening. Okay, so I am in some strange room, somehow I have turned into a horse, and the moon goddess is sitting right next to me...

I quickly whipped my head around and stared right at the immortal deity. I couldn't help but jump up and startle her. "Oh my gosh, your Princess Luna!"

She looked at me and said, "Yes I am and I would presume you are Zach."

"Holy crap! You know my name?" I couldn't believe it, the moon goddess was standing in front of me and knew my name. If this was a dream, I never wanted to wake up.

"Well, yes, but only because of this strange little music box." She then held up my mp3 player and I flipped out.

"Oh thank you so much. So I guess this is Equestria then, right?"

"Indeed it is." She then hoofed me my mp3 player and I inspected it to make sure that it wasn't damaged. It was then I saw what song was next on the playlist queue: Otherworld from the FFX soundtrack.

Wow, that is ironic.

Princess Luna suddenly broke the silence, "If I may, I have a few questions that I would like to ask you."

"Ask away."

"Well first off, what does your cutie mark represent?"

"My what?" I then turned around and was excited to see that I had a cutie mark of a heart, moon, and star. "Well, I really have know idea. I'll tell you when I find out."

Luna then thought, He does not know what his special talent is, this is very odd. "Okay, my next question is how did you come to reside in the Everfree Forest, stuck on a burning metal carriage no less?"

This caught me completely off guard, for all I could remember was that bright light engulfing me. Plus, what was I supposed to tell her, I mean I guess I could try the truth. "Well you see, I am not actually from around here."

"Well then, exactly where are you from?"

I took in a deep breath, "I come from a planet called Earth. See, all I remember was that I was driving down the road in my ca..." I then paused and realized that my car had been destroyed by the stupid tree. That didn't make me feel to great. To some it was just a car, but to me, it was much more than that. I had put so much work into it that I couldn't believe that it was gone.

"What is wrong, did I offend you?" Luna looked very concerned as she said this.

"No, no, nothing like that. I just realized that my car has been totaled and most likely won't ever live to see another day," I said solemnly, "Anyways, I was driving home when all of a sudden I heard a low rumbling, then I saw a bright light and was engulfed in it. Then all I remember is waking up in that forest."

It was at that moment that I came to the realization of the heart breaking event that had occurred last night. I began to sob. The goddess saw this and asked what was wrong, I sorely explained what had happened the night before while continuing to sob. Princess Luna wrapped me with one of her wings, trying to console me, "Shh, its okay, I know how you feel."

I realized that she was right, if anyone could understand how such an event would feel, it was her. After all, she did have her own heart wrenched out when she was banished to the moon. I hugged her and said, "You always have been my favorite princess."

In the study of the immortal goddess of the sun, Princess Celestia had a shiver run down her spine. She decided to just shrug it off.

Luna blushed and said, "Why, thank you. Now I still have one more question."

"What is that?"

"What is wrong with your right eye?"

I looked at her strange and said, "What do you mean?"

She then preceded to lift a handmirror off the dresser and said, "Look for yourself."

When it was right in front of my face, I looked at myself and gasped. My left eye was its normal blue color, but my right eye had started glowing a dark shade of purple.