• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 23,163 Views, 1,155 Comments

The Human Condition - Gilded Tome

When a human shows up to Equestria, will cooler heads prevail?

  • ...

Worry: 15

Andrew silently tied his shoes, pulling them tight before standing. He walked to the window as he adjusted his collar, looking out at the picturesque view on the other side. No emotion crossed his face as he watched the town, his eyes not focusing on anything in particular. Sometime in the past couple of hours he had decided he wanted to leave the hospital. He wasn’t really sure where he wanted to go, he only knew that he didn’t want to be there anymore. His original state of frustration and anger had quickly been replaced by an emptiness that now colored his face with neutrality. He didn’t know what to feel, so instead he just got ready to leave. He grabbed his bat from the corner of the room, and headed out into the hallway.

“Andrew?” What are you doing?” A nurse asked worriedly. “The doctor said you should be ready to leave by tomorrow morning. Why don’t you-”

“I’m ready to leave now.” He said clearly, leaving no room for debate. “I’ll sign whatever you want, but I’m walking out of here.”

The alabaster nurse nodded nervously, trotting away in a hurry to one of the desks. She had a short conversation with a unicorn stallion who Andrew recognized as the doctor who had been in charge of him. He looked over at Andrew nervously and nodded. The stallion picked up a clipboard, a quill and a few sheets of paper with his magic and made his way to the somber human.

“Hello Mr. Dike, Nurse Redheart informed me that you wish to be checked out?” He said questioningly. “Is that true?”

“Yeah. I’ve had my fill of hospitals for a while. Just give me whatever I have to sign and I’ll be gone.”

“Alright Mr. Dike, you’ll have to sign these papers.” The doctor explained as he passed Andrew the clip board. “They basically say that you understand you were advised to stay longer and that if anything negative results from ignoring that advisement the hospital isn’t liable.”

Andrew hurriedly signed the papers, reading through each page quickly. He struggled a bit with the quill, but managed to sign his name anyway. He silently passed the clipboard back to his doctor, who flipped through the pages to double check the signatures.

“Alright, looks like everything is in order.” The stallion said with a nod, sticking out his hoof. “Goodbye and be safe Mr. Dike.”

Andrew shook the doctor’s hoof and nodded, turning around and walking down the hall. He stepped into the bright sunlight, shielding his eyes for a moment as he pushed the doors open, blinking out the glare and exiting the hospital for what he hoped was the last time for a while. He followed the one dirt path from the building, heading toward the town, still not really sure if that’s where he wanted to go. He was pretty sure that if he want home at least one of his new roommates would be home, which was something he didn’t want to deal with. Even so he really didn’t have any other place to go. He didn’t even know a good place to hang out and be alone. Andrew mulled over his conundrum, so deep in thought he failed to notice the pony walking down the road towards him.

“Uhhh Andrew? Shouldn’t you still be in the hospital?” A familiar voice asked, breaking Andrew out of his thoughts.

“What?” Andrew said as he looked toward the pony who had spoken. “Oh, sorry Time Turner, didn’t notice you there.”

Time Turner was watching the human with a worried look, which he quickly hid behind a friendly smile.

“It’s uhh… alright.” The tan pony assured him. “So what’s up?”

“I just got sick and tired of lying in bed and doing fuck all.” He explained. “Plus I got some bad news and… I just needed out of that room.”

“Yeah… I ran into Twilight in town. She said I should put off visiting for a while.” He explained. “I figured I’d come find out for myself.”

“Well thanks, I appreciate the sentiment and everything but I would actually prefer to be alone.”

Andrew turned from the pony, heading down the road once more. He had barely gotten thirty feet before he realized that Time Turner was following him. He turned and looked at the earth pony with a raised eyebrow.

“What?” Time Turner asked with a shrug. “It’s uhhhh…. the only road back to town.”

Andrew shook his head and continued on, once again heading down the road. When he finally a well walked intersection he took a left, not really even paying attention to where it might lead. He made it a hundred feet down this new path before he realized he was still being followed. With a grunt of annoyance he picked up his pace, a brisk walk bringing him closer to the town, the path leading to a section he hadn’t been to before. He continued at his quickened pace until it was clear that Time Turner had sped up as well, easily keeping up with the human. At the end of his patience, Andrew stopped completely. Time turner closed the distance and then passed him by.

“Hey, don’t give me that look.” He said as he looked back at the annoyed human with a teasingly apologetic look. “it’s not my fault you took the shortest route to the bar.”

“…Bar?” Andrew asked, interest suddenly peeked. “Like a beer and greasy food bar?”

“Well uhh… they do have pretty good hay fries….” He admitted. “But I didn’t think you could eat those.”

“I can’t, but right about now I’d eat a chair if you fried it first.” Andrew said, practically drooling.

“You know…. I uhhh ….I could show you were it is…”

“I know what you’re doing Turner.” Andrew informed him after a long pause, a frusturated look on his face.

“Well… is it working?”

“…Yes.” Andrew admitted. “Lead away, I could really use a beer or twelve.”

The bar was located on the outer circle of the town proper and was advertised by a creaky wooden sign that hung above the front door. The afternoon was well past arrived by the time they were close enough to read it.

“The Thirsty Timberwolf?” Andrew read skeptically. “The fuck’s a timberwolf?”

“Well uhhh…. It’s like a wolf made of timbers.” Turner explained. “Everfree Forest is the only place in the world you can find them.”

“A wooden wolf?” Andrew asked doubtfully, shaking his head and pushing the door into the bar. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”

“It’s true.” Turner assured him, as he stepped past Andrew and lead him into the relatively dimly lit bar. “Just ask the owner.”

The two walked to the tables, sitting down in one of the closest. Andrew leaned the bat against one of the table’s legs, before scanning the bar in depth. It was mostly empty, which wasn’t surprising given that they had arrived during the lull after lunch but before dinner. As they sat down one of the waiters quickly came over to the two.

“Turner! Good to see you!” The earth pony mare said. “Haven’t seen you in a while. How’s Ditzy treating you?”

“She’s wonderful, thanks. We might actually stop by tomorrow after work.”

“I’ll have her usual waiting for her then!” The waitress assured Turner, before redirecting her attention to the human. “And you must be Andrew. Names Sunny Smiles, nice to finally put a shape and face to the stories.”

“Uh thanks, nice to meet you Sunny Smiles.” Andrew replied, a bit shocked by the mares lack of nervousness. “Nice to meet someone who isn’t instantly afraid of me.”

“I’ll be honest, if Quill Well wasn’t a regular here it might have been a different story.” She admitted sheepishly. “He stopped by last night, going on and on about your interview. You made quite the impression. I’m sure by tomorrow afternoon the whole town will finally come to their senses. Either way it’s good to see that you’re out of the hospital.”

The waitress stuck out her hoof, which Andrew shook. The middle age mare gave him a happy smile, before pulling out a notepad from her apron.

“So, what can I get you two?”

“You wouldn’t happen to have regular french fries… would you?” Andrew asked hopefully.

“You mean hay fries?” She asked with a raise eyebrow.

“No no, like fried potatoes.”

“Uhhh… what about sweet potato fries?” she suggested. “We don’t really have access to griffon food in such a small town.”

“Oh… well sweet potato fries actually sounds pretty good. I’ll have that and a beer, nothing too dark, other than that… surprise me I guess.”

“Sweet fries and a Saddle Strap Summer ale!” Sunny Smiles said a genuine smile, turning to Turner next. “What about you?”

“I uhhhh… I think I’ll stick with the usual.”

“Butter grilled portabella mushroom, hay fries and a Saddle Adams, coming right up!”

Sunny Smiles left, heading to the kitchen to give the cook their orders. When she was out of ear shot Andrew leaned in and whispered to Turner.

“Griffon food?”

“Potatoes are toxic to ponies.” Turner explained. “But not to griffons I guess.”

“Potatoes are bad for you, but not sweet potatoes?”

“I don’t know.” Turner admitted with a shrug. “I’m a clock repair man, not a doctor.”

“Fair enough I guess.” Andrew agreed with a similar shrug.

"Wait... That means I should have asked for french fries while I was still in Canterlot." Andrew said when the realization dawned on him. "Well that sucks."

Andrew toyed with one of the tables coasters, spinning it around with his fingers. Turner watched him do this, clearly interested in Andrew’s nimble appendages. Andrew ignored his looks, especially when Turner moved his look from his finger to his expression. When Andrew continued to ignore him, he coughed awkwardly.

"You know, I did warn you I didn’t feel like talking much." Andrew pointed out, finally looking up from the table. "I appreciate that you care enough to try, but it’s not really a good time."

"Oh I uhhhh... I know. Twilight seemed pretty shook up when I talked to her earlier." He explained. "You must have really snapped"

"I really did. Screamed at her. At Eve and Autumn too." Andrew explained as he shook his head in disgust, which was clearly focused on himself.

"Well I'm sure she knows you didn’t really mean it." Turner assured him. "Just like I know that even though you’re telling everyone you want to be alone, you don’t really want that."

Andrew looked at Turner, eyebrow raised. Turner met his gaze and grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry, my mother is a psychologist." He apologetically explained. "It kinda rubs off on you."

"Ditzy must love that."

"So far I've managed to avoid doing it to her." He said as if it surprised him.

"Lucky her."

Andrew was silent for a while, patiently waiting as Sunny Smiles dropped off there drinks. He thanked her somberly, which she noticed but decided to not bring up. After she had left again, Andrew began to explain.

"They came up with another theory about me, where I'm from. They have no idea how I got here, or why I'm here, so suffice to say it pretty much means they have no idea how they could possibly send me home. I'm stuck here in the land magical land of ponies, unicorns and pegasi."

"Well... There are probably worse places to be stuck." Turner pointed out with a hopeful shrug.

"It’s not about where I'm stuck. It’s who I've left behind." Andrew explained simply.

When Andrew offered no elaboration, Turner nodded his head solemnly.

"Alright, I won’t ask for any details. A stallion has his right to privacy."

"Thanks." Andrew said. "Not just for that, for coming with me."

"Your welcome." Turner said with a small smile. "So… what is that thing?"

Turner pointed to Andrew’s cloth covered bat, poking at it with his hoof. It began to slowly slide off of the legs it was leaning on.

"It's my baseball bat." Andrew explained as he deftly caught the handle, pulling it up and undoing the knotted cloth. "See?"

"I mean I see it, but what’s baseball? And what does that piece of painted wood have to with bats?"

"Baseball is a human sport from back home. And this bat was why I was in the hospital. We are a bit sketchy on the details, but essentially it drained me of a lot of my magic."

“I’ve heard magical exhaustion can be terrible." Turner commented with a sympathetic wince.

"Oh no, it was like going to a carnival." Andrew replied sarcastically. "It was kinda like having the flu, being dehydrated and recovering from the worst hangover in history, all at the same time."

Before Turner could comment on that Sunny Smiles arrived to drop off their meals. She had them skillfully balanced on her back, and easily placed them in front of the hungry duo. Andrew’s plate of sweet potato fries was massive and smelled amazing, while Turners meal looked equally appetizing.

“Thanks Sunny, its looks delicious as all ways.” Turner commented. “Tell Quick Cook I said thanks.”

“Sure thing. Andrew, you need anything else?”

“I’ll take a refill when you get the chance.”

“Round two coming right up!” She said with another smile, and headed off.

The table was quiet for a while, save for a mutterings of enjoyment as they dug into their food. Andrew, a ketchup dipped fry in his hand, was the first to get back to talking.

"So how was your date with Ditzy?" He asked.

"Oh the one the other day? It was a lot of fun, but then again it always is with her."

"You said you've been seeing her for three months? Things must be getting pretty serious."

"Four months in a week actually." Turner corrected with a happy smile. "We are trying to take things slow, but it all just feels so easy and normal. We've been trading off which of our houses we sleep in for two weeks now."

"Wow dude, good for you!" Andrew congratulated him, thumping him in the back. "I’m afraid I’ve never had to much luck in the love department, otherwise I’d probably have some sage advice for you."

"Sage advice? From you?" Turner joked, poking the human with his hoof. "No thanks, I'm good."

"Har har, very fucking funny."

"Right, sorry. Honestly I’d accept any advice, sage or not.” Turner admitted with a nervous smile. “This is uhhhh… my first real adult relationship and I'm so worried I’ll mess it up."

“Advice?” Andrew asked, obviously racking his brain. “Treat her like a person, then a princess, then a Greek goddess, then like a person again?”

“And uhhh… what’s that mean?”

“It means that she’s per- uh…pony, not a something to put on a pedestal. I mean yes, you should treat her special, because she is special to you, but don’t forget that at the beginning and end of it, she is a pony, just like you.”

Turner paused for a moment, looking at Andrew with slight shock. He nodded his head as thought what he had said through.

“Wow… Andrew that’s pretty good advice I think.” He praised. “Seriously, that might actually keep me from doing something stupid down the road…Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me, I stole it from someone else.”

Turner laughed at Andrew’s admission, shaking his head.

“Well either way, it’s uhhh… it’s good advice.”

“Happy to help I guess.” Andrew said with a shrug.

Andrew and Turner ate their late lunches while chatting about this and that, including Sunny Smiles in there conversations when she walked by, up until the bar began to fill with the beginnings of the dinner rush. Andrew had decided to stop around three beers, which meant he was smiling and laughing, his earlier worries gone from his mind for the moment at least. Turner however had stopped after two, saying that he had to get back to work after they finished. They were both smiling as Turner attempted to convince Andrew to accompany him and Ditzy on a picnic.

“I’m telling you, it would be fun!” Turner assured the human. “She would love the chance to meet you.”

“And I’d be happy to meet her, believe me.” Andrew agreed, but clearly unconvinced as a whole. “But a picnic seems like a rather… datey thing for me to drop in on. I would definitely just be a third wheel.”

“Nopony says you’d have to stay the whole time.” The stallion pointed out, finishing the last of his hay fries. “You could stop by, have something to eat then leave before sunset. It’ll be fun!”

“Oh I don’t know man…”

“You could always bring a friend?” Turner suggested. “You wouldn’t be the third wheel then. Just four ponies hanging out, having a picnic. Besides, Doo has been kinda busy lately, so this might be your only chance to properly meet her for a while.”

“Alright alright, I’ll stop by with a friend for a bit.” Andrew agreed, finally caving after a pause to think. “When is it?”

“Thursday. You could stop by at uhhh… four maybe? We’ll have an early dinner.”

“Sure, okay. Where again?”

“Doo has a favorite spot outside of town, a clearing called Blue Grass Meadows. It’s a walk but it has a great oak tree for shade, and the wild grass is amazing!”

“Oh… there’s gonna be food other than the grass… right?”

“Huh? Oh yeah, definitely! Especially if you’re going, Doo can’t resist the chance to show off her muffins.”

“Okay, just making sure.” Andrew said with obvious relief. “Blue Grass Meadows, four o’clock. I’ll be there.”

“Great!” Turner said happily, before turning to a clock on the wall of the bar. “Unfortunately it’s about time for me to get back to work, I have some orders to fill before the day is over.”

“Sure, that’s fine. Feel free to take off if you need, I got this.” Andrew said as he pulled out a small sack, jingling it for emphasis.

“Oh no, I can’t let you pay for me. Besides it was my idea to come here anyway.”

“No no, really it’s the least I can do. I really appreciate you dragging me out here.” Andrew insisted. “Besides, its courtesy of the Equestrian government, not me.”

“Well, when you put it like that I suppose I can allow it.” Turner finally agreed with a smirk, pushing his chair away and standing up. “Sorry to run off like this, but reality beckons.”

Time Turner made his way around the table, sticking out his hoof. Andrew stood and shook it heartily, giving Turner a pat on the back as well.

“Thanks again buddy. I’ll see you on Thursday.”

Turner nodded and headed to the bar door, waving once behind himself before pushing through the door. Once he had left, Andrew sat back down. Eventually Sunny Smiles noticed Turners absence and made her way over.

“Hey Andrew, Turner headed back off to work?” She asked as she took away the stallion’s empty plate and bottle.

“Yeah. I’m almost ready to leave as well.” He replied, finishing that last swig of his beer. “I’ll have a double shot of honey whiskey before that though.”

“Sure thing, I’ll be back in a moment.”


Andrew began to peel the label off his bottle, staring at the amber glass. He ignored the looks of the slowly filling bar room, quickly falling deep into thought.

When Andrew finally left the bar it was about an hour later, the afternoon just about meting into night time. The bar was full and Andrew had eventually grew tired of trying to block out all of the whispering and the pointing. He had left, leaving two gold coins on the table, which was more than enough to cover the meal and their drinks. He waved to Sunny Smiles as he left, who smiled and returned his wave. As he left he heard the friendly waitress chastise a table full of ponies for pointing at him behind his back. He smiled as his big tip was validated by the waitress’s kindness.

The streets were surprisingly full, and Andrew quickly realized that this was the town’s version of rush hour, with all the ponies returning home from wherever they worked. The stores and stalls he passed were either closing or already closed, save for restaurants and a few other places. He once again ignored the weird looks, though he begrudgingly noticed there were far few looks of fear than before. Despite this meager achievement Andrew felt his sour and depressed mood returning, his mind once again dwelling on his inability to get home. He knew Twilight, Luna and everyone else wouldn’t give up trying to find a way to send him home, but with the recent revelations he couldn’t even try to keep thinking optimistically.

Before long he turned to the road that led to his new house. It was much later than he had intended, and he mentally kicked himself for pausing to sit lazily on the few benches that dotted the streets. When he realized he had arrived at his street, he was shocked that he had managed to find his way home without getting lost or asking or directions.

“Human one, Ponyville zero.” Andrew muttered to himself with a ruthful laugh.

The street passed quickly, fancy houses spaced far apart, with the place he was calling home waiting for him at the end. Along the way he realized just how tired he was, after almost falling on his face as he tripped over a barely visible hump in the ground. When he was once again stable after his stumble, he shook his head.

“Alright, tie game then.”

He managed to make it to the door without any more difficulty. He could hear the chattering of ponies inside, much more than the expected two voices of his new roommates.

“So much for getting some more rest…” He muttered, shaking his head and pushing the door open.

Andrew walked inside and kicked off his shoes, putting them against the corner of the doorway before heading into the hall. The house was now quiet, the voices having stopped when he had closed the door behind him. He made his way to the entrance to the living room, stopping when he realized just how many ponies where there.

In the living room were five ponies and a dragon. They all looked at him with varying degrees of shock and relief. Evening Primrose and Autumn both sat on one of the couches, with Applejack and Twilight on the other. Fluttershy sat in the single chair while Spike sat against the stone of the dormant fireplace. Twilight was the first to overcome her surprise, teleporting from the far end of the room to directly in front Andrew. To his credit he hardly jumped when she appeared in front of him with a pop.

“Oh thank Celestia! We were all starting to get worried!” She said at a half shout, concern evident in her voice. “Why did you check yourself out of the hospital? Why do you smell like whiskey? Where have you been!?”


Andrew scanned the other occupants of the house, more than a bit thrown off by Twilights emotional surge. Eve looked as collected as she had been earlier, though a bit relieved. Autumn looked relieved as well, giving Andrew a happy smile when he looked at her. Fluttershy looked like she was still worried, as if he could still disappear at any moment, and now that he looked he was pretty sure Spike was asleep. Applejack just gave him a knowing look.

“Well?” Twilight asked again, regaining Andrew’s attention.

“I didn’t disappear, I just left early.” He explained, a bit defensively. “I couldn’t stand being cooped up any longer, I needed to leave. Met up with Time Turner by chance, he took me to the Thirsty Timberwolf. We had lunch and I hung out there for a while.”

“That’s very irresponsible of you Andrew, the Doctor clearly thought that-”

“The doctor was just being overly cautious, I’m fine!” He insisted. “All I was going to do there was rest and sleep. I can do that here. Besides I’m not a child, I do what I want.”

“Walking around town is not resting Andrew.” She pointed out. “And neither is hanging out at a bar.”

“Look...” Andrew started looking at Twilight then at the rest of the group. “I’m sorry that I made you guys worry. I was feeling antsy even before all the shitty news so I just needed out. I was going to go for a walk and just sleep under a tree but Time Turner convinced me to hang out with him. I’ll admit going from the hospital straight into a bar might not have been the smartest choice, but I’m fine, I swear.”

For a moment it looked like she may push the subject. But her face softened and she pushed into Andrew, wrapping one leg around him. She embraced him tightly, her eyes watering.

“I’m sorry, your right. We were all just so worried and…” Twilight trailed off, pulling out of the hug and wiping at her eyes. “I was worried you might blame us, for not being able to send you home.”

Andrew recovered from Twilights sudden swerve in mood, shocked out of it by her guilty admission. He kneeled in front of her so they were closer to looking eye to eye, with him looking slightly up at her.

“Whoa hold on there Twilight. I don’t blame you guys, that wouldn’t be fair at all.” He assured her, patting her neck. “You didn’t bring me here, so I could never blame you for not being able to send me back.”

“But we promised to send you home…”

“And I’m sure someday you will make good on it.” He said confidently, surprising himself in the process. “In the meantime don’t beat yourself up over it. It’s not your fault.”

This time it was Andrew who pulled Twilight into a hug, wrapping both arms around her. He released her and stood, mussing her hair up a bit as he did. He turned to the others, his hands held up pleadingly.

“I really am sorry if I worried you guys. I guess I’m not used to having so many people concerned about my well-being. I’ll try not to up and disappear on you guys from now on.”

“I reckon it’s a’right, I think we may have worked ourselves up a bit.” Applejack assured him. “You’re right. Yer ah grown stallion, an’ yer allowed to do yer own thing.”

“Thank you.” Andrew said with a nod, not sure what else to say.

“Grown stallion or not I think it’s about time he made good on his promise of rest.” Eve suggested. “I’m sure you all have things to do before the day is done.”

The group nodded and stood up, saying their goodbyes. Twilight poked Spike awake, who jumped with a start. He grumbled something about knowing everything was okay and walked out with Twilight and Applejack in tow. Applejack paused before leaving, turning to Andrew.

“Iffen you ever need a quiet place to think, ain’t no better place then under an apple tree.” She assured him. “Big mac don’t talk much and ah can tell when a pony needs some time to sort their thoughts. Stop by if you need some time to yer self.”

“Thank you Applejack.” Andrew said with a solemn smile. “I might just take you up on that sooner or later.”

“Umm… I’m glad you’re okay Andrew.” A voice, Fluttershy, said from behind him. “You really should listen to doctors, but as long as you’re careful… and ummm get plenty of rest.”

Andrew smiled at the shy pony, kneeling down to give her a hug as well.

“Thank you Fluttershy. And don’t worry, I’ll get plenty of rest.” He assured her.

The yellow pegasus nodded before leaving, gingerly shutting the door behind her, leaving Andrew alone with his two new roommates.

“So…” He started awkwardly, turning to face the two ponies who were still sitting in the living room. “That was a load of fucking fun.”

“They were genuinely concerned about you Andrew.” Eve emphasized as she got up and walked past him, heading to the stairs. “You would do well to take that seriously.”

Andrew could do nothing but nod as she headed up stairs, no doubt of to the room she claimed as her own. Once she was out of sight he turned and headed to the kitchen, grabbed a soda and headed back to the living room, sitting next to Autumn, who had curled up on the couch. They sat in silence for a while, before Autumn spoke up.

“I’m not going to ask if you are okay or not.” She said, raising her head to look at her human friend. “It’s not exactly hard to imagine the answer to that.”

Andrew visibly relaxed after she said that, his shoulder slumped and head sagging before he rubbed his face. He eventually leaned back against the sofa, spreading his arm around the top.

“Thanks. It gets old quickly.”

“I know.” She replied. “You'd just lie and say you were fine anyway.”

“Probably.” Andrew agreed with a nod, unable to deny that she was right. “So, how are you doing?”

“Me? I’m fine” She answered, looking at Andrew with confusion. “Why?”

“Well you got ordered to follow someone you barely know from Canterlot all the way to Ponyville.”

“Oh…” She looked away, out toward the window on the other side of the room. “I don’t mind that much, it’s fun to meet new people.”

“In between keeping tabs on me of course.”

Autumn looked at Andrew with shock and guilt, surprised that Andrew had realized her real purpose so quickly.

“It’s okay.” He assured her. “I would have done the same thing in Princess Celestia’s place. In fact, I probably would have sent actual armed guards. I certainly won’t hold you doing your job against you.”

“You mean that you don’t mind that I’m here to keep an eye on you?” She asked, her eyebrow raised in disbelief. “Even though I send reports to the princess?”

Andrew just shrugged and took a swig of his soda, setting it down on the table when he was done.

“I mean I’m not doing anything wrong so why would I be worried? It’s fine, really.”

“You’re… weird.” Autumn said, clearly at a loss for words.

“Yeah… can’t really argue with that.” He agreed with a laugh and a nod. “Oh well, worse things to be. Either way I just wanted you to know that I’m okay with it, in case you felt guilty about it or something.”

“Thank you… I guess.” She replied hesitantly. “How did you figure it out?”

“How could I not?” He asked hypothetically. “I mean why else would you really get sent here? Eve certainly doesn’t need to be watched. You following me around in Canterlot was one thing, but this is kinda obvious.”

“Well when you put it like that…”

He patted her back as he stood up from the couch, stretching his arms around. He cracked his neck and hands before turning to smile at Autumn.

“I hope we can be friends despite that." He asked. “Assuming that wouldn’t get you in trouble or something.”

“…No, I think that would be fine.” She finally said after a long pause.

“Good. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to pass out. The whiskey is catching up and I need to be horizontal. Night.”

She nodded as Andrew turned and left, still a little thrown off by what had just happened. As Andrew climbed the stairs to the second floor and out of sight she shook her head and smiled, happy despite her confusion.

Author's Note:

Chapter 15!

I loved hearing all your theories, even though the majority focused on one thing :P

So today I'll ask for the same with a twist! leave a comment with your non-Eve related story theory!