• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 23,162 Views, 1,155 Comments

The Human Condition - Gilded Tome

When a human shows up to Equestria, will cooler heads prevail?

  • ...

Magic: 16

When Andrew woke up the next day, it was to the sound of a loud thumping at his door. He groggily wiped his eyes as he struggled to wake up fully.

“Andrew, are you decent?” A voice Andrew easily recognized as Eve’s said from beyond his door.

“Yeah, more or less” He replied.

The mare quickly pushed the door open, entering the room and fixing Andrew with a rather professional and official look.

“It is time to wake up Andrew, your training should have begun an hour ago.” She explained. “I let you sleep a few extra hours, but don’t expect that concession in the future.”

“What time is it?”

“Seven in the morning.”

“…And why do you think my training should start at six in the morning?” Andrew asked as he resisted the urge to flip off the scholarly unicorn.

“Because the earlier we have these lessons the more privacy we will have.” She explained. “Plus there will be less thaumaturgic pollution.”

“Thauma-whatisit?” Andrew asked skeptically. “No way you didn’t just make that up thirty seconds ago.”

Despite his skepticism he slid himself upright, throwing the covers off of himself in the process. He stretched and stood, looking around for a shirt.

“I assure you I did not. Though for this morning’s lesson I don’t believe pollution can be avoided.”

“Why’s that?” He asked conversationally as he finally found his shirt.

“You shall find out soon enough.” She explained mysteriously. “Meet me at the back patio when you are finished getting dress.”

“Yeah yeah, keep your shirt on.” He dryly joked as he pulled his own shirt over his head.

By the time Andrew had finished tying his shoes he had woken up considerably, but was still ecstatic to find a pot of coffee already being brewed when he got down stairs. After having a quick cup and an apple with some peanut butter, he headed out the back door. True to her word Evening Primrose stood on the back patio, her eyes closed and her horn glowing. Beside her was a considerable pile of something, covered by a thick white sheet. He made his way beside her, keeping quiet lest he disturb her concentration. When she opened her eyes she began walking, gesturing Andrew forward with a nod.

“What were you doing?” He asked as he stepped to follow her. “and what was under that sheet?”

“I was scouting a suitable place for your lessons and training.” She answered. “And the sheet was protecting a few learning aids I brought from Canterlot.”

“Ah… well how far away is it?” He asked. “You made it sound like we would be starting just out back.”

Andrew asked this as they entered the tree line behind the house. Eve showed no signs of stopping.

“Far enough.” She said simply in a patient tone.

Andrew debated pushing for a real answer, but as they walked he realized how good it felt to stretch his legs after the past few days of being laid up in a hospital bed. Soon he was smiling, looking at the forest as he followed Eve. She seemed to know exactly where she was going, so Andrew didn’t question her. Finally she slowed, stopping in a decent sized clearing surrounded by massive oak trees. Small saplings dotted the relatively empty spot.

“Wow… This place is pretty cool…”

Andrew walked to the nearest tree, running his hand across the bark. Hardly more than a couple of feet away stood another tree, and another and another. The clearing was surrounded by them, their branches intermingled above it. Andrew finally looked back down, his eyes falling back to Eve.

“So, I’m assuming this is the special spot?”

“That is correct.” She replied. “However, it isn’t done yet.”

“Not done…?” Andrew asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Indeed. While discussing your teaching with Princess Celestia, She suggested that I start off by showing you the power of magic. What you one day may achieve if you work hard.”

“Uh… I’ve already seen some pretty impressive things so far.” He said skeptically. “I’m not sure what-.”

Andrew cut his sentence short as Eve closed her eyes, her horn glowing the already familiar light blue aura. He watched as she concentrated, the magic she was wielding pulsating around her horn. She released the spell, the aura leaving her horn and expanding into the clearing. It slid through the air like deliberate and hasty smoke, pouring into the trees that surrounded the clearing, and into the saplings that dotted its interior. They soon pulsed with Eve’s magic. Loud creaks and cracks echoed through the forest as the trees began to change, the wood growing and stretching as if it was living clay, reaching out to meet one another. Soon the area was almost completely closed off, with holes appearing in the wood that could only be a single door and a few scattered windows. The branches above them moved as well, weaving together tighter and tighter, until it was clear that it would hold against all but the most severe storms. The saplings quickly grew as well, coiling around themselves to form chairs and bookshelves. Andrew watched in stunned silence as the wood kept growing, a door dropping down and fixing itself in the doorway by growing rudimentary hinges that fit into the already existing wall. The windows were soon covered by impossibly thin leaves, so thin that light poured in through them, but strong enough that the sounds of the woods was soon muffled almost completely.

Before the trees had even finished moving, Eve’s horn glowed again, this time the magic poured into the ground, which rumbled and shook under Andrew’s feet. A giant slab of slate pushed up from the ground, carried by arm thick roots. They lifted the rock off the floor, the slab stopping at about eye level. It wasn’t until small pieces of white stone pushed up from the ground and rested on a small shelf at the bottom of the rock that Andrew recognized it as an impromptu chalk board. Another smaller chunk of slate pushed up from the ground, this one reorienting itself until it was parallel to the ground. A desk, held up by thick roots.

Again Eve cast her magic out, the wisps of magery once again pouring into the ground. Hundreds of rocks pushed through the dirt, ranging from fist sized to ones the size of Andrews head. Soon the entire floor was lined with these rocks, all of them rotating so that the floor was a relatively level and smooth surface. Andrew swayed slightly as a handful spun under his feet.

Eve took a deep breath, sucking in air greedily. She held the long breath as her horn glowed again, the last time in her performance. The spell glowed around her horn for a few moments longer than the other spells, dancing and sparking around it. Finally she released the held breath, the magic popping away. For a fraction of a moment Andrew thought the spell had failed, only to shout in shock as hundreds of items teleported into the room. Books popped into existence on the shelves, boxes with various labels stacked themselves in the corners and curious bronze contraptions filled the tables. The final touch was an apple appearing on the newly made slate desk.

For a long moment, Andrew stood with a gaping mouth, completely shocked by the impossibilities he had just witnessed. Eve inhaled deeply but evenly, strained but clearly not to the degree Andrew would have expected from a normal unicorn. He reached out behind him without looking back, pulling the natural wicker chair behind him and sitting down into it heavily.

“Wow…” Andrew said when he finally found his words. “That… That was… Wow.”

“Thank you, your graceful words honor me.” Eve said jokingly.

“Your welcome.” He joked back. “But seriously, that was really impressive. I’ve seen some interesting things so far, but this was the first time I’ve seen magic used to do so much.”

“Unfortunately that is to be expected. Many unicorns in this era are all too happy to only know the magic that applies to their special talent. Those who dedicate themselves to magic as a whole are comparatively far and few between.”

“That must have been some high level magic, right? I’m pretty sure I’ll never get to that level.” He guessed. “That’s fine, I’ll just be happy to not almost kill myself every time my hand glows.”

“I’m glad you said that, because in that assumption lays your first lesson.” She said with a smile. “Every one of the spells I just used was a class B or below.”

“And class B means what exactly?”

“Spells are classed in terms of difficulty. The lowest class is ‘D’. All healthy unicorns can cast the three D class spells, though they technically aren’t spells.” Eve explained, waving off Andrew’s question before he could ask it. “We shall delve deeper into that soon enough. D’s are followed in difficulty by is C, then B, followed by A, S, double S, Triple S and finally the forbidden spells. You are actually already familiar with a forbidden spell, one was used to heal you from your… arrival.”

“Yeah, Twilight mentioned it the other day, but didn’t go into much detail.”

“It’s not hard to imagine why. It was quite a dramatically tense moment.” She explained. “or so I’ve heard.”

Andrew rolled his eyes at Eve’s quick addendum, but said nothing, a mischievous smile on his face. Eve missed his response though and continued talking.

“Forbidden spells are closely guarded. A great many of them are illegal to even know, though proving one knows something has always been a… touchy subject. The morality of delving into one’s mind is a hotly debated subject. But I digress.”

Eve made her way to her desk, pulling a nearby sapling chair with her magic. She sat, frowned and used her magic to adjust the seat, before looking back to Andrew.

“The significance of the spells I just used being B or below is that it proves that being a good mage has very little to do with what spells you know, it’s all about experience and creative uses. A great mage may only know a few dozen spells, but will know hundreds of ways to apply each of those spells.”

“Okay, I suppose that makes a certain kind of sense.” Andrew agreed with a nod. “So what spells did you use?”

“The rock floor was a simple directional spell, a derivative of telekinesis. The desk and chalk board was a growing spell, as was the walls and ceiling. The only difference was the severity and dispersion. The roots are still alive because I was much gentler with them, choosing roots from a dozen or so different trees. The walls and ceiling however, were created with a much more empowered version. They were almost completely dead before I could even cast the second spell. Unfortunate but necessary, especially when considering how many trees we would have had to kill if we made this out of refined lumber.”

“Fair enough I guess…” Andrew said. “You think I can learn any of those? I mean I can brag all I want about being a wizard, but it doesn’t mean shit if everyone else can do magic that’s way better than mine.”

“Stallions” Eve joked with a small smile. “Always so focused on being better. To answer your question though, Yes. I believe you should be capable of learning those and more.”

“Really? I thought Twilight said I wouldn’t be able to learn much?”

“I believe her main concern was your apparent lack of magical instincts.” She corrected, standing up and walking to one of the boxes in the corner of the room. “And after some discussion with an expert on the subject… I believe she was at least partially wrong.”

“How so? I mean it kinda made sense to me.”

“To understand that, you need to better understand the basics of Unicorn magery.” She explained as she pulled the top off of a box, sifting through its contents.

Eve pulled a roll of paper from the container. It glowed with her magic as she unrolled it, pinning it to one of the walls. Printed on it was some sort of anatomy chart, with lines and arrows pointing at an intricately colored Unicorn. It showed rainbow colored lines running to every corner of the pony cross section. A great many of the lines converged on the brain, running alongside it before stretching across the gap between the brain and the horn. However, at some point all of the lines came in contact with a large oval in the middle of the pony’s chest.

“This is a rough generalization of the mana pathways of a unicorn. They can vary from pony to pony, especially if the pony has a particularly unique special talent. Notice how they run through almost every inch of the body, many of them branching to the surface of the skin. This is how a unicorns, as well as pegusi, earth ponies and even alicorns absorb the natural magic around them. The magic comes through their skin and is slowly pulled to their mana concentration, here.”

Eve tapped her hoof on the poster, pointing to the central oval that all of the mana pathways eventually connected too. Her horn glowed and another poster floated from the same box, unrolled itself and tacked itself alongside the already hanging picture. This one was a very simplistic picture of a human, clearly drawn and filled in by hand, rather than the rather professional looking pony poster.

“This is a rough sketch Princess Celestia had created with help from the information that Twilight Sparkle gathered during you’re examination. It is far from perfect but it will illustrate the point relatively well.” She explained as she motioned to the new poster. “As you can see your mana concentration seems to be in your chest as well. Your mana pathways were normal as of yesterday morning when I scanned you. The biggest difference between you and a unicorn at this point is that your mana focus is your right hand.”

“Wow, I got a mana concentration in my chest?” He asked more than a bit concerned. “What happens if it like… pops or something?”

“Pops..?” She asked, confused for a moment before realizing what he meant. “Ah I see, I suppose I assumed too much. You see magic is ethereally stored within your body. There is no physical part to the mana inside you.”

“So how does it stay inside you then? If it’s not physical, wouldn’t it just stay behind when you move?”

“That is because of the mana creation process. During the process of pulling in wild natural magic inside you, it is refined and tuned to an individual’s magical field. Your magical field, which is generated by your mana pathways, pushes the magic to a central spot. This is why draining your magic to the point of draining you mana pathways is so dangerous. If emptied completely you could lose the ability to store and gather wild magic and turn it into mana.”

“Oh, explains why everyone was so worried about me…”

“Indeed it does.” Eve nodded solemnly. “Advance magical exhaustion can be very serious.”


“Yes, whoops indeed.” Eve shook her head. “Shall we both strive to prevent such a thing from happening again?”

“I’m all ears.” The human replied, leaning forward, his elbows on his knees.

“Good. Now where was I?”

“My right hand?” Andrew answered, shaking his hand about.

“Ah, right, thank you. Your right hand is your focusing point, the bones in your arm seem to have been suffused with magic, just as a unicorns horn is. You will need to learn how to focus and direct your mana through your hand, something that comes second nature to unicorns. Then you will need to learn how to weave and will it into spells. I believe that learning to exert this much control over your magic will teach you how to control yourself. ”

“How exactly will I do that? If I have no magical instinct like Twilight said, how can I possibly learn any sort of control?”

“As I mentioned before, I believe that Twilight Sparkle was at least partially incorrect in her findings.” Eve explained. “Your scans clearly shows your mana pathways interacting with your brain.”

Eve pointed to the point on the rough drawing of Andrew where a handful of the rainbow colored lined met with his brain. She pointed to a similar point of the unicorn poster.

“This is generally considered to be where magical instincts are stored. However, at first I was concerned whether or not this alignment meant anything for you specifically.” She explained. “After all just because your mana passes through your brain doesn’t mean you can influence it. But, after discussing a surprisingly similar case with a specialist, I have come to the conclusion that you do in fact have some sense of magical instinct.”

“Similar case? I kinda find that hard to believe.”

“As did I. Never the less I believe this pony’s unique accident will be invaluable to teaching you how to control and eventually use your magic.”


“About one hundred years ago, a railroad worker by the name of Phoenix Gauge was injured while on the job. An iron rod was blown completely through his skull, damaging a section we now know is associated with controlling magic.” She paused her explanation to point to the area were the mana pathways connected to the ponies brain. “Amazingly he survived, but as a result he was completely stripped of all magical skill, reduced to the most basic of class D foal spells. When threatened he was capable of casting a shield spell. When he desired something he would occasionally levitate it or even teleport it to himself. I believe that does sound familiar.”

“So what, I’m equivalent to a brain damaged unicorn?”

“To put it bluntly, yes.” She agreed with a nod. “Mr. Gauge was stripped of all magical familiarity, all the way down to how it felt to access his mana. But his magical instincts remained. I believe you have a similar problem.”

“And you think that in the same way that he was casting foal magic on instincts alone, you think that because I’m doing that same must mean I have instinct?.”

“Precisely!” Eve said happily. “If you had no instincts what so ever, you wouldn’t be able to access your magic at all.”

“So what does that mean for me exactly?” He asked, trying to hide his impatience.

“It means that with hard work and lots of practice we can build up your familiarity with the intricacies of magic, just as Phoenix Gauge once did. And we will even have a head start, for Mr. Gauge left detailed notes on his progress in the form of a journal, which was donated to the Royal library after his passing.”

Eve levitated another box from the corner, pulling the top off as it made its way to her desk. From the box she pulled a crudely bound book, signed with the name ‘Phoenix Gauge’ in large cursive lettering.

“I read through them before I arrived, it was truly fascinating. It seems Mr. Gauge had a similar problem with foal spells, just like yours. He was advised to relearn accessing his mana, which would hopefully in turn curb the amount of foal spells considerably.” Eve explained animatedly, opening up the journal delicately. “It took him several months, but once he was able to access his mana consistently, the number of foal spells dropped massively.”

“I hope he left a step by step instructions with plenty of pictures, ‘cause there is no way I’m lasting a couple of months just sitting here meditating.”

“Lucky for you it seems he was a detailed writer and a son of early sciences. His descriptions are detailed and he was surprisingly practical in his methods.”

“Fantastic.” Andrew said, clapping his hands together and standing up. “So, where do we start?”

Andrew laid back against the wooden chair, his eyes closed. His breath was slow and even, his mind focused and calm. It had taken him a good thirty minutes or so for him to achieve this state, most of that time spent sating his curiosity, asking Eve random question about magic that popped into his mind.

“That’s it, slow your breathing and empty your mind.” Eve said soothingly. “Focus on the second time you used magic. You reached out with your magic and levitated a book. Focus on how it felt, the emotions you had and the feeling of tapping into your mana.”

Andrew let out a long, drawn out breath. He did as Eve instructed, recalling the memory of when he had used magic for the second time.

“I was excited. I had just learned I had magic, which at the time sounded pretty cool and not dangerous at all.”

“And what else? What else did you feel?”

“I was… Scared. Scared because so many new things were happening and it felt like I have… had no control.”

“And then what? What did you do” Eve asked softly.

“I guess I reached out… Wanted to see my magic for myself. I thought if I could use it...”

“You might get some control back.” Eve finished when Andrew couldn’t find the words.

“I guess, yeah.” Andrew agreed solemnly, his eyes still closed. “Wasn’t nearly that conscious though”

“Focus on how it felt, reaching out. The sensation of the mana within you, pulling it forth and reaching out to grasp something.”

Andrew pursed his lips, his mind focused on recalling the sensations Eve was describing. He searched his mind for the same sensation, looking for the trigger. Seconds slipped by as he studiously searched his mind. After a long moment or two he let out a sharp gasp, drawing a deep breath in.

“What? What is it?” Eve asked, excited that he might have finally made progress.

“Nothing, I just forgot to breathe for a minute.”

Eve rolled her eyes and fixed Andrew with a lightly withering look. “I thought you were going to take this seriously?”

“I thought you had teaching experience, shouldn’t a teacher have more experience with unruly students?” Andrew teasingly fired back, his eyes still closed.

“It has been a very long time since I’ve had a student, I’m still a bit out of practice it seems.” She explained. “But I assure you I can be patient when it is required.”

Andrew smiled and shook his head, but once again turned his thoughts inward. He made sure to breathe, taking in long slow breaths.

“How did he describe it again?”

Eve looked down to the journal she had placed on the table, using her magic to flip through the pages. During the last hour or so they had searched through the book for hints on how Andrew could consciously access his mana. She found the page she was looking for and read it out loud.

“‘as I searched inward I finally found a place that emanated self, an undiluted pocket of my essence. It was warm, and somehow felt of home. I mentally reached for it, and it was as if it reached back to me, for it was no sooner that I had done so that my horn began to glow. I reach outward with my magic in an attempt to pick up the marble I had placed on the shelf. It glowed with my mana, and shot across the room, narrowly missing my head. It was a few hours before I had calmed down enough to try again. ’”

“Right, search inward, find a pocket of my own essence… god why does that sound so dirty?” Andrew said, mumbling the last part.

“What was that?”

“I said I hope this works.” He lied, unable to hide a small smile. “And I hope it doesn’t take a couple of months.”

“I’m sure with proper guidance you will achieve your goal soon.” Eve reassured him. “Now, focus, or it will take even longer.”

Andrew groaned as he stood, stretching his arms and back. He had been sitting in the chair for an hour or so since his last break, and he could feel his muscles tensing. He has spent the whole morning meditating, trying to access his magic. So far he had made absolutely no progress, and he could practically feel the frustration buzzing in the back of his mind.

“Think we can call it a day?” He asked his teacher as he stretched. “I’m getting too annoyed to keep my mind clear right now.”

“I suppose that’s a valid point.” Eve agreed with a nod of her head. “It’s around twelve anyway, and I suppose we have other things to do today.”

“We do?”

“Indeed. I believe the books I requested on runes should be delivered by this afternoon, tonight at the latest.” She explained as she stood, walking around her desk. “It would do us both well to have a meal and unwind before then.”

Andrew rubbed his cheek, fingers outlining the stubble that was growing there. He was weighing his choices carefully, something Eve did not miss.

“What is it Andrew?” She asked. “You look conflicted.”

“That’s ‘cause I am.” He responded cryptically.

The human looked at Eve, studying her closely. Finally, a choice having apparently been made, he sat back down in the chair. Eve regarded him with a raised eyebrow.

“So… Why are you hiding?” He asked simply.

“Hiding? I’m afraid I don’t understand…”

“Please, don’t lie. I can imagine a few legitimate reasons for whatever this…” He gestured to Eve. “… is, but don’t lie when I’ve clearly figured it out. Luna.”

Eve looked back at Andrew with a confused expression for a long moment or two before letting out an exasperated sigh. Her horn glowed for a moment and a barely negligible pulse expanded from it, passing through Andrew and through the walls of the newly made classroom. The pulse made him feel as if he was being watched by a nebulous presence. A few moments later the unicorns horn glowed again, this time there was a quick flash and the dark mare was replaced by a familiar alicorn. She continued to fix Andrew with a rather worried look.

“Much better.” He said simply, apparently satisfied. “So… why are you hiding? I’m assuming this has to do with that whole ‘I don’t like being a princess anymore’ thing?”

“Partially I suppose.” She began solemnly, head turned to look out one of the windows. “When I was traveling Equestria I made several friends who I felt I could trust enough to tell them who I really was. While they were understandably shocked, most of them forgave me. I still receive letters from the ones who did. However, when I felt it was time to return home and resume my duties I could not bring myself to… drag them into the spotlight. They remain my anonymous pen pals, never more.”

“How did they feel about that?” He asked as he watched the alicorn recall old memories. “Potentially being dragged into the spotlight that is.”

“Snow Blossom thought it would be exciting, Honey Bun and Cinnamon Twirl insisted that they could deal with it. The rest… I never even asked. They had no idea what kind of attention that would bring them, no matter how hard I tried to explain it to them.”

“So you didn’t get them involved.”

“Indeed. I could never forgive myself if my friendship ever brought a negative eye upon them.”

“That’s…unfortunate that you had to do that.” Andrew said with a shake of his head. “But what’s changed?”

“Well… I was hoping that I could treat the six bearers of the elements differently. They are all strong mares who have shown they can handle the attention of being affiliated with my sister and myself. Combined with the fact that they are already a sort of celebrity … I believe that adding personal friend to a princess wouldn’t be that much of an addition. I already consider them my friends, I just…Wish they saw me as simply”

“So you’re hoping that spending some time with them in disguise will be enough to prove that you’re just another pony?” Andrew guessed.

“Essentially, yes. It’s underhanded and perhaps more than a bit selfish, but I saw no other option. As kind as they all are, nobody has really ever listened when I simply tell them to be informal. I’ve been trying to convince Twilight Sparkle for years now and I’ve just now started to get the smallest bit of a reaction from her.”

“And you’re going to tell them the truth eventually?”

“Of course, I had planned to do so after I returned from greeting the Saddle Arabian ambassadors in a few days.” She explained. “But does that mean you will not reveal my secret?”

“No. I mean your gonna owe me cause I really don’t like lying, and I’m kinda disappointed you didn’t let me in on it considering I’ve never really treated you like a princess, but it’s kinda a last ditch thing, right?”

“It is. I do not enjoy lying to my friends either, but I could not imagine any other way. When they see me all they see is their princess. But when they see Eve…” Luna trailed off as her horn glowed and flashed, once again in the form of a unicorn. “they see me.”

Andrew studied Luna’s face, her disguise, and saw the sad desperation it held. Instead of answering he made his way to the princess and wrapped his arms around her neck. She leaned into his hug, returning it happily, one of her front legs around him.

“Your secret is safe with me.” He assured her after they pulled apart. “Be careful though, you might have a few difficult apologies after this is all said and done.”

Luna solemnly nodded her head, turning from the human to pick up the apple from her stone desk. It glowed in her magic then split into two halves, one of which she passed to Andrew. While still solemn she seemed very relieved.

“Thank you my friend. I will admit, I wasn’t sure how you would react to this.” She admitted. “Not that I thought you wouldn’t understand or empathize.”

“It’s fine, it’s for a good reason. I only hope it works.”

They both smiled, and Andrew took a bite of his half of the apple. Luna walked around him, opening the door with her magic. Before she could leave Andrew stopped her.

“Wait, before you go…”

“What is it Andrew?” She turned to face him, a bit worried. “Is something wrong?”

“No… well yes actually…” His serious face cracking a bit. “Your uh… your wings are showing.”

Luna’s eyes went wide and she craned her neck to look at her back. Sure enough attached to her barrel were to dark blue wings, both shuffling slightly. She spread them a bit before tucking them back completely.

“Gates of Tartarus not again!”

Author's Note:


For those who didnt get the reference and are intersted in pheonix gauges human equivilent!