• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 23,162 Views, 1,155 Comments

The Human Condition - Gilded Tome

When a human shows up to Equestria, will cooler heads prevail?

  • ...

Examination: 6

About two and a half hours later, Andrew had a full appreciation for what Twilight had meant when she had claimed it would “take a while“. He was thankful for the cushions beneath him, he didn’t even want to imagine how sore he would be by now if they hadn’t been there. What he was even more thankful for was the chance to stretch he had gotten before Twilight had begun her more in depth magical scan. She had paused after releasing her first spell and written down a page or so of notes while he cracked his back and stretched, before casting the second. While the first spell had created a less dense cloud of magic around him, the second spell created a thin film across his whole body, one that squeezed and pulsed around him. Even more disconcerting than that was the occasional probes of magic he felt, as she scanned deeper. However, even these bizarre sensations became boring after the first thirty minutes.

He stared at the ceiling, his eyes following the intricate pattern for what felt like the thousandth time. Eventually he turned his head, making sure to move slowly so he wouldn’t incur Twilight’s wrath. He had made that mistake earlier, resulting in a few very stern words from the purple unicorn. Unfortunately boredom wasn’t something he dealt with very well, so before long he was once again getting antsy. As he looked around he spied Autumn sitting in a corner, her face in the same book as before. Although before it had been because she was enjoying the story, now it was because she had fallen asleep and had face planted into the book. As if to erase any doubt that she was sleeping, she was beginning to snore quietly into the pages. Andrew suppressed a laugh at that, and instead looked to the two the other two ponies in the room. Fluttershy had chosen a different corner, as far away from the new pony as she could manage, and was reading book rather intently. It was marked by the image of a hawk-like bird, as well as a bear. Occasionally she would look at the human, or cringe as she read something. The last pony, Applejack, was clearly enthralled by the magic Twilight was performing, because she watched it closely, alternating from a wonderful expression to one of a pony deep in thought as she watched her unicorn friend. He was about to speak up and ask her what was so interesting when he felt the magic that had been encasing him start to lessen and finally disperse. He took a deep breath, not realizing how… restricted he had felt while Twilights magic was encompassing him.

“Alright, that should do it” The unicorn declared, letting out a tired sigh as the spell dispersed. Both the pony and the human stretched, joints creaking loudly. Andrew got up and sat in a chair close to Autumn, who had been awoken by Twilights declaration.

“Give it to me straight Doc, am I gonna make it?” Andrew joked, trying to hide his nervousness with humor. Twilight just looked at him, rolling her eyes at his dramatics.

“Yes, you’re going to be fine. There was no sign of magical corruption or-

“Wait that was a possibility?!”

“any remaining spells.” Twilight continued, ignoring Andrews interruption. By now the rest of the group had gathered around the two and were listening to the unicorn. “That’s the good news from your first scan. The bad news is that I can’t pick up any unexplained magic around you. Either it never existed, or all the magic you’ve been exposed to over the past few days has erased it. Personally I think it’s the latter, mostly because I can’t imagine a natural occurrence explaining what happened.”

“So no leads on how I got here?” Andrew asked, wanting clarification.

“No. I’m sorry, but whatever spell or magic that brought you here is long gone” Twilight explained. She looked at the human apologetically, sad that she couldn’t help him. “If you hadn’t been on the moon, or hadn’t been blasted by Luna when she healed you…”

Andrew rubbed his face, a sigh breaking through his hands as Twilight's explanation trailed off. The group was silent for a while, no one really sure what to say or to. Finally, Autumn put her hoof on Andrews back, rubbing it comfortingly.

“I’m sorry Andrew” she said quietly. Andrew looked back at her, thanking her with a look and a nod.

“Now hold on just a second, Just cause we don’t know exactly how ya got here, don’t mean we can’t send ya back! I’m sure Twi and the Princesses will come up with somethin’ to get you home! Just have some faith!” Applejack said, trying to keep the mood from slipping into despair.

“That’s right! It may take a while, but we won’t stop working on it until we find a way to get you home!”

Andrew looked at the group, and couldn’t help but smile at the determination he saw. They all had drawn closer, as if to support him by proximity. Even Fluttershy was close, going so far as to put her hoof on his shoulder.

“Thanks you guys, I really appreciate that. I’m okay with waiting, not like I have anything going on at home anyway.” Andrew’s smile grew bigger and more genuine, before realizing that Twilight had only gotten through half of her findings.

“So…what else did you find?”

“Ah, well...” She said, once again looking at her notes. “you have magic.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Andrew blinked, staring at the purple pony, emotion shocked from his face, leaving it blank and unbelieving. “That’s absolutely ridiculous, I don’t have magic.”

“I know it’s unbelievable, but you absolutely do” The unicorn insisted. “I could see the mana pathways throughout your entire body. They aren’t exactly like the ones in a unicorn, but they are similar enough that I could easily identify them. Not only that, but I was able to locate your focus point. It’s your right hand, the same hand you reached out with to block my spell when I… uh attacked you yesterday”

Another silence fell over the group, all eyes on the human’s blank face as he stared at Twilight. Finally he spoke.

“so you’re saying… that I… Andrew Dike…”


“have magic?”

“Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying.”

Andrew leaned back in his chair, absorbing what Twilight said. He looked at his hand, then back to Twilight, and again back to his hand. He did this numerous times before Applejack finally had enough.

“Andrew, you okay? Yer actin’ like confused puppy” she said, a mildly worried look on her face. He looked at her intensely.

“Okay? Am I okay? You’re asking me… if I’m okay?” Andrew said, his voice getting steadily louder. “Okay?! I just learned that I’m a FUCKING WIZARD! I’M FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC!”

Andrew jumped out of his chair and began dancing around the room, yelling and screaming in delight. He jumped and spun and shouted curse filled phrases of excitement, only stopping when Twilight managed to snag him with her telekinesis and placed him back into his chair.

“Andrew. Andrew… Andrew!” Twilight said, having to shout in order to finally get his attention. “While I understand your excitement about magic, this poses a particular problem.”

Andrew finally calmed down upon hearing this, although he still has a very large smile on his face.

“Oh come on, don’t go ruining this with your common sense and logic!” he said looking at Twilight in mock indignation.

“I’m not going to ‘ruin’ it for Celestia’s sake!” She started, raising her voice to emphasize how serious she was. “But you need to understand how dangerous this can be. You have the power of a full grown unicorn, maybe even a bit more! But on the other hand, you have the control of new born foal. That’s a dangerous combination to have! You need to be taught control as soon as possible, before you perform a foals spell more dangerous than a half formed bubble shield.”

“Foals spell?”

“It’s a spell that a foal casts instinctually when they get emotional. They can be really unstable, but generally not very powerful” Autumn answered automatically, before getting slightly embarrassed as everyone turned to stare at her, as if she hadn’t meant to talk out loud. “Uh… my little brother is a unicorn?”

“Um… Yeah, that exactly right Autumn, and therein lies the problem.” Twilight explained, after her surprise at earth ponies interjection passed. “For an ordinary unicorn, foal spells are nothing more than an occasional annoyance for the parents. But a foals spell instability combined with a fully grown unicorns power… it could have some poor results.” She paused again, gathering her thoughts as she paced back and forth. “Deeper than that though, is the fact that unicorns are born with an innate understanding of magic, one that keeps foal spells to a minimum, in both frequency and severity. We foster this innate knowledge through practice and tutelage until we can cast conscious, stable spells. We have no idea if a human who is given magic will have that foundation. Which means that instead of foal spells activating in “dire” circumstances, you could cast them whenever you aren’t paying attention, or whenever you get excited past a certain point, regardless if its excitement because you’re scared or any other emotion.” She took a deep breath, her speech almost frantic by the end of her explanation.

The group paused looking at the human anxiously. Both Applejack and Fluttershy took a full step back from the shocked human.

“Oh thanks guys, that’s reeaaaal helpful” Andrew said, giving annoyed looks to both offending ponies. “and Twilight, what part of that exactly didn’t ruin the whole human with magic thing? Cause the way you describe it, I’m one jump scare away from turning everyone into freakin’ frogs.”

“Oh, right. I suppose that does sound pretty severe.” Twilight answered apologetically. “Well…with the proper training, you could learn how to use it, which in turn should curb your tendency to use foal spells.”

“Ah, okay… so I can still be a wizard?”

“I get the feeling you aren’t understanding the severity of the situation or how difficult the training will be, but yes… you can still be a wizard.” Twilight said after letting out a rather loud sigh. “The important thing is that we’ve identified that the magic was coming from you and that there aren’t any spells still connected to you.”

“Huh… well that’s awesome… almost as awesome as being a wizard!” Andrew shouted, once again getting up and dancing around the room, this time making weird arcane gestures and vaguely magic whooshing sounds as he did. This continued for a good moment, while the ponies watched, expressions ranging from the bemusement on Applejacks face, to the exasperation that was practically oozing of Twilight. Suddenly, in a particularly grandiose movement, a spark of red magic flared from his hand, and a book across the room glowed. It jerked towards him at an incredible velocity, smashing into his chest and throwing him back onto the floor. The book ricocheted off to the side and smacked into the wall, leaving Andrew a groaning pile of hurt.

The ponies rushed to his side, most of them shouting various concerned words. Fluttershy was the fastest, rushing to his side, checking him for any serious injuries until he waved her off. She sat back as he got up into a sitting position, swearing heavily and rubbing his chest.

“God dammit Twilight, that’s what you call ‘poor results’?” He finally said after he was done cursing. He was looking at Twilight as he spoke. “Maybe next time you lay a little heavier on that one?”

“You mean like it going ‘terribly, terribly wrong’?” Twilight responded, looking at the human reproachfully, even when helping him up.

“Again with the logic and …” he groaned, trailing off as he got to his feet. He leaned heavily on Autumn as he did. “…you know what, I’ll let it slide this time. I’m in too much pain to be snarky or sarcastic.”

“Are you sure you’re ok Andrew?” Fluttershy asked, her face worried.

“Yeah, I’m ok. Just gonna walk it off…” Andrew said, as he made his way to the door, still holding his chest.

“Good idea, we should go talk to Princess Celestia about what we’ve learned anyway” Twilight said, following him out the door, with the rest of the entourage following behind.

“No. I need a drink. Then we can see Celestia.”

Andrew leaned against the ornately carved railing of the dining room balcony, holding an opaque bottle. Next to him, balanced on the rail, laid an apple core, as well as two empty bottles identical to the one he held. He stood there, occasionally taking sips from the mostly full bottle, admiring the view. In front of him lay a white and golden city, with mountains, rivers and forests beyond that. Far in the distance, in a small plain, he could see a town, barely visible in the distance. He watched the town, until his silent reverie was broken by the not entirely unwelcome return of a pair of ponies.

“We’re back Andrew” Autumn called, accompanied by an ever quiet Fluttershy.

Andrew had been surprised when Fluttershy had agreed to stay with them when Twilight and Applejack had announced they were going off to find Spike. Andrew could only assume was a friend of theirs. He turned around, now leaning against the balcony rail to great the two of them.

“Hey you two, enjoy your lunch?” He asked. The two ponies had elected to eat indoors, both out of preference and because they could both sense the human wanted some alone time to think about everything that was happening.

“Umm yeah, the hay salad was good.” Fluttershy whispered, looking from Andrew to Autumn.

“I suppose I’ll have to take your word for it.” Andrew replied, after chuckling quietly. “I’m pretty sure humans can’t eat hay, we can’t digest it.”

“Really? Well I’m glad I didn’t put that in your breakfast this morning” Autumn said, a smirk on her face. “Although it might have made the past three hours a bit more exciting”

“You’re telling me that meeting the first Equestrian human, watching said human learn he is the first human wizard, then watch him knock himself on his ass wasn’t entertaining?”

“You’re forgetting the three hours we watched you just lay on the ground.” She said teasingly

“Oh please, don’t pretend you weren’t asleep for most of that.” Andrew shot back, enjoying the distracting banter. “I saw you, I hope the librarian wasn’t angry for you drooling all over her book.”

“I do not drool!” Autumn said, a bit flabbergasted. “I am the image of a lady, even when I’m asleep.” Autumn tossed her head at the last part, mimicking exasperation.

“Oh, so do all girls snore here?”

“Okay, I know I don’t snore!”

“Umm… Autumn, can I uh… can I ask my question?” Fluttershy said, her quiet voice still managing to cut into the bickering banter of the other two.

“What? Oh yes, that’s right. Andrew, Fluttershy has an interesting question for you.” Autumn said, as both her and Andrew turn to the yellow pegasus. Fluttershy shied back a bit as they both looked to her.

“Uh yeah okay, sure. What’s up?” He said in the gentlest voice he could manage.

“Well… The thing is…” She started, standing a bit straighter upon hearing his tone. “Well I take care of the animals in Ponyville, so I have experience with lots of different kinds, including… well… meat eaters.” This got a wince out of Andrew. He looked over at Autumn, who simply nodded her head back to Fluttershy.

“I uh… kinda noticed that you have canines, and from what I’ve seen and read, those only show up in animals that eat meat.” She continued, looking nervously at the human. “So do you uh… do you eat meat?”

Andrew looked at the nervous pony, and then to Autumn. The auburn pony looked that the human knowingly, but still nodded back to Fluttershy, encouraging him to explain.

“I suppose that hoping this just wouldn’t come up was a bit of a stretch anyway” He sighed, sitting down against the railing. He took a long drink from the bottle, before beginning. “The truth is that humans are omnivores. We eat both meat and plants, balancing between the two to stay healthy. Now, from what I understand, in this world even the small animals are smart and like... alive in an emotional sense. Where I'm from that's not the case, even remotely. We aren't bloodthirsty monsters torturing our food either. I would never, and will never eat anything that is even remotely conscious on our level. Or even close for that matter.”

“Well than what are you going to do?” Autumn asked.

“I was getting to that Autumn, chill” he said, sticking his tongue out at her. “Luckily, I happen to have dated a vegetarian at one point, so I know what kind of changes I would have to make in order to survive without meat. So, I promise I will not be eating any of your woodland friends.”

As he looked at the two ponies, he was surprised to find Fluttershy wasn’t shying away from fear. In fact, if anything she seemed worried about him!

“Are you sure that’s healthy? It’s important to eat healthy, even if that means… eating meat” She asked, the last part coming out barely a whimper.

“As long as I eat a variety of vegetables, and plenty of protein from nuts and soy, I should be fine.” He explained, keeping to himself how much he would miss eating meat.

“Oh really? that’s good to hear. Should we tell Twilight and Applejack that when they get back?” Fluttershy asked. Andrew winced at that suggestion, not wanting to go through this again. Fluttershy was being very understanding, but he was worried that others wouldn’t be.

“I’m willing to bet that the Princess already explained this to Twilight and.... well I would rather not go into it if I don’t have to, especially if I’m changing what I eat to vegetarian already. But I promise not to hide it if it comes up in the future.”

“Oh I don’t know, I think…” Fluttershy started, but was quickly waved off by the human.

“I understand your concern, but this is my secret to tell, so please keep it between us.” He said the last part while looking at both Autumn and Fluttershy and they both nodded, albeit a bit hesitantly. Andrew took a long swig of his bottle, effectively ending the discussion. He turned back around to the view behind him, once again watching the small town in the distance. The two ponies made their way to the edge, and joined him.

“Hey, you can kinda see Ponyville from here!” Fluttershy said excitedly, grateful for a new subject. “It looks so small.”

“Ponyville? Seriously?” Andrew asked, holding back a laugh at the rather on the nose name.

“Yes, it’s where we live. Well me Twilight and Applejack.” She explained with a smile. “our other friends too.”

“You live in that small town, waaaayy over their?” he asked, pointing in the vague direction of the town. “What are you doing in Canterlot then?”

“Oh I was visiting a family friend, Doctor Steady Hooves. He’s actually the one who stabilized you after your… arrival. Whenever I see him, I share some of my natural remedies with him and he shares some stuff like bandages and more modern medicine.”

“Ah, gotcha. So I guess you’re kinda like a vet?”

“uhh… yeah, but not officially, I just like taking care of the animals.”

“Holy shit, is that a midget dragon?!” Andrew practically shouted, pointing dramatically. Spike had come in behind Applejack, munching on a red gem. He looked surprised and offended by Andrews outburst.

“Hey! I’m not a midget dragon, I’m a young dragon!” he shouted back indignantly. “and you don’t have the right to call someone a midget, you’re the runtiest minotaur I’ve ever seen!”

“Ooo, I like him!” Andrew said, breaking into a huge smile, and walked over to the young dragon and crouching in front of him. “Sorry about that little buddy, you’re the first dragon I’ve ever met!”

He offered the dragon his hand, which Spike reached out and shook.

“That’s okay, you’re the first human I’ve ever met. Sorry about the minotaur comment, I know that’s not what you are.”

“No harm no foul little dude” He reached out after the hand shake and rubbed the top of Spike’s head, as if he was mussing his hair. “So where have you been, I could have used another guy to talk to.”

“Oh, sorry, I know how that can be” Spike said, wincing. “I was out buying comic books, and getting a snack” the dragon held up his partially eaten gem, sticking the rest in his mouth and crunching.

“Woah, that’s metal.” Andrew said when Spike started crunching his snack, holding up a semi sarcastic horn sign.

“No, it’s a ruby actually. I don’t like metal, it gets stuck in my teeth.”

“Right.” Andrew said, more than a bit flummoxed by Spikes completely serious response. Instead he stood and turned to Twilight. “So introductions are done, shall we go talk to the Princess?”

“Uh, maybe we should wait a little while.” Twilight responded, looking at the bottle Andrew was holding, as well as the few empties.

“What? Oh, this?” he asked, shaking the still half full bottle before tipping it up and draining the whole thing in one go. “I’ll be fine”

“Andrew, take it easy!” Twilight said admonishingly “I understand you’re under a lot of stress right now, but drinking isn’t the solution to that. Self medica-”

“Whoa nelly, your certainly a stick in the mud! Lighten up Twilight!” Andrew said, smile evident and shared by Autumn and even Applejack. “Look, you don’t even know the drinking limits of a human, how could you know that I should ‘take it easy’? I’ll have you know that ‘this’” he said while shaking the now empty bottle “is very good for a human, especially if it’s all natural.”

“W-well that’s too bad. You’re in Equestria now, so you’ll follow our rules. From now on no drinking like this in public!”

“Damn. Fine, if you’re sure.” Andrew said, a small smile still on his face. He pushed off from the railing, grabbing two of the empty bottles and the apple core before walking to the balcony door. “I promise I’ll be on my best behavior, despite how much I’ve drank.”

With an aggravated sigh, Twilight relented.

“Fine, let’s get going, but don’t come crying to me when Princess Celestia gets mad at you.”

“Oh I’m sure I won’t have to worry about that. Oh and Twilight, mind grabbing that last bottle?” he asked, reaching the door and pushing it open. With another sigh, Twilight levitated the bottle, pulling it closer. Out of curiosity she brought it to her nose and took a tentative sniff.

“Hey! Wait a minute, this is apple juice!”

“You know” Twilight said, talking to Applejack as the group made its way to Celestia’s office. The two ponies were hanging back, with Autumn Song leading the rest of the group further along. “you could have told me it was just apple juice”

“ah know hun, but it was some harmless fun. Besides, ah had only jus’ recognized the bottle before ya started to talk about it.” The farm-mare said, trying to keep her friend from being to hurt. “Besides that, ya could have asked just asked him what it was, as opposed to jumping to conclusion…”

“Yeah, you right.” Twilight admitted with a sigh. “I suppose I should apologize at some point for jumping to conclusions like that”

Applejack nodded in agreement, before bumping her friend.

“Cheer up sugarcube. Next time ah promise to keep ya in the loop, okay?

“Thanks Applejack” Twilight said, leaning over to nuzzle against her friend for a moment.

“Uh it ah, no p-problem sugarcube” Applejack said, a slight tremor in her voice. “so you said the Archmage will be there to hear what you found?”

“Mhmm! The last time I met an Archmage was when I was a little filly. But back then it was Comet Light, and she retired a year or so ago.” Twilight said, following Applejacks attempt to distract her. “I’m excited to meet her replacement.”

The group re-formed in front of the familiar door, with familiar guard standing next to it. Stalwart simply nodded and opened leaned to open the wooden door, and the group filed in. Celestia was waiting inside, sitting behind her desk in full regalia. She looked the same, if not a bit happier. Twilight realized how much her sister’s disappearance must have been weighing on her for the relief to be visible even now.

“Welcome my little ponies, and Andrew as well! I hope your day has been productive?” The Princess asked. Her soothing, motherly voice put everyone at ease as they found places to sit. Spike chose to sit in the back of the room, opening up one of his new comics to read.

“To a degree Princess. Before I go any further though, shouldn’t we wait for the Archmage?” Twilight asked, not seeing any new ponies.

“Ah yes, that’s right.” Princess Celestia said, looked at the group in front of her. “unfortunately it seems she is unable to make it. She’s a busy mare after all. But do not worry, I will make sure she is kept in the loop.”

Upon hearing this the purple unicorn sagged noticeably.

“Well that’s kinda rude” Applejack said, mostly to herself. Her words weren’t missed by Autumn Song, who couldn’t help but giggle.

“Well in that case, I suppose we should just get into it” Twilight started. “My preliminary scan showed no signs of any still attached spells, so he is clean of anyone’s influence. Unfortunately, it also showed no sign of residual magic. I believe that whatever happened in the hospital, as well as the subsequent teleports overwhelmed and erased any signs of whatever spell might have brought him here.”

“So that means that we have no leads on how to return him to his world?” The Princess asked, looking for clarification.

“Unfortunately, that’s exactly it.”

The white alicorn turned to the human, who seemed intent on making sure his fingernails were clean.

“Andrew, you have my word that we will find a way to get you home. While this is a setback, we will not give up.”

“Thank you Princess” Andrew replied, finally meeting the Princesses eyes. “I really appreciate that.”

“You’re very welcome Andrew.” Celestia nodded, before again looking to her student. “and what about your more in depth scan Twilight? What did that turn up?”

Before Twilight could begin Andrew cut her off.

“Ooooo ooo pick me!” Andrew shouted, his hand raised as he rocked side to side in his seat. He looked hopefully at the Princess, until she motioned to him with her hoof. “I’m a wizard!”

“Really? Twilight, is that true?” Princess Celestia asked, after the rather surprised look passed from her face.

“It is. My in depth scan showed mana pathways very similar to those of a unicorn. We also witnessed it in a rather… spectacular way.” Twilight explained, a small smile working its way to her face. “So far it has been nothing but foal spells. Unfortunately, they have been backed by the same amount of power that a full grown unicorn could wield. Earlier he attempted telekinesis but only succeeded in launching a book into himself.”

“That is a very dangerous combination indeed…” The Princess said, thinking out loud.

“Very much so” Twilight agreed. “He needs a proper mentor to teach him control and soon, before he casts something very dangerous.”

“That seems like the best course of action. I will send out word for teachers who could tackle this amount of… unique circumstances.” The Princess said, looking to Andrew. “is that acceptable?”

“Of course, that’s great!” Andrew said earnestly. “Anything to keep my magic from hurting anyone.”

“Good, I’m glad to hear that Andrew” The Princess Celestia said with a smile.

“That just leaves figuring out how he suddenly has magical talent.” Twilight said, checking a list that seemingly appeared from nowhere.

“Actually, I believe I have an idea as to how this all fits together” Princess Celestia started. “Learning that he has magic is the final piece of the puzzle. As you all know Princess Luna used a rather unpredictable technique to heal our new friend after he was… damaged by his arrival.”

Nods and murmurs of varying levels of understanding went through the group as they listened to white alicorn. Twilight flipped over her list and almost instinctually began taking notes.

“I believe that that the wild magic used in that spell not only healed him, but also gave him magic.” The Princess continued, easily slipping back into lecture mode. “But while it gave him the ability to use magic, it did not fill his magical storage. This essentially created a vacuum, at least in terms of magic.”

“And nature abhors a vacuum!” Twilight almost shouted, excited to have figured out what her teacher was getting at so quickly.

“Exactly my student. And because a spell already connected this vacuum with a rather large amount of magic, namely Luna’s, it just pulled more and more of it in, causing resonance cascade of sorts. That is until Luna managed to cut it off.”

“But he had already absorbed too much. So even after she managed to sever the connection, he was in danger of…” Twilight let her sentence trail off as she turned to look at Andrew. “You must have been in incredible pain!”

“I don’t really remember anything in between impact and waking up on the moon” Andrew said with a shrug. “but by the sounds of it that may be a good thing.”

“Magical overload is one of the most painful things that can happen to a unicorn, and you were drawing from one of the largest pools of magic in Equestria!” Twilight exclaimed. “how you didn’t just explode is a miracle!”

“I think I might have actually, but after I got to the moon.” Andrew said, clearly not happy with himself. “There was a rather large crater not far from where Luna and I were. I checked it out while she was sleeping.”

“Ah, my sister was hoping you hadn’t noticed that.” Princess Celestia said, a rather sad look on her face.

“Wait just a minute here. You blew up?” Applejack said, thoroughly confused by this point. “that doesn’t make any sense”

“He didn’t explode per say, but all that energy would have had to have gone somewhere ” Twilight said, trying to explain to her friend. Behind applejack was an equally confused Fluttershy. Autumn Song on the other hand seemed to be having no trouble keeping up, either that, or she wasn’t paying attention at all.

Through all this Andrew didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t believe that he had been this close to causing that much damage. That crater had been massive, and if it had gone off in canterlot who knows how many peop-ponies may have gotten hurt. Now not only did he feel guilty for hurting Luna, but for almost destroying a castle! This was terrible, horrible, inexcusable and…

“Andrew Dike. Are you listening?”

The Princesses voice managed to cut into Andrews emotional spiraling, and he jerked his head up to meet her gaze.

“As I was sayingAndrew, you are in no way to be held responsible for what *could* have happened” Princess Celestia insisted. “in fact, you should be commended.”

“Commended? Commended for what?” Andrew asked, clearly confused.

“Somehow you managed to communicate with my sister that you needed to be far away from anyone you could harm” She explained. “You were in so much pain that you couldn’t speak, and yet you managed to communicate through
my sister’s horn that you needed to be far far away. That is extremely commendable.”

“Thank you Princess.” Andrew said, forcing a smile onto his face. “I’m just glad I don’t have to worry about that happening again.”

Celestia was about to reply when the stone on her necklace began to glow. She placed her hoof against the stone, murmuring something under her breath. A smile sprouted on her face, and she looked at her ponies with obvious happiness.

“I have good news everyone. Luna is awake, and she would like to see you all!”

Author's Note:

Hey guys!

So im starting school again tomorrow, so things might slow down for awhile. :/
that being said, I'm having a lot of fun, so this isn't going to just disappear!

and for en extra surprise! i had some free time earlier to i present to you...

Autumn Song!

This is how i see her in my head, so i figured ide share it with you so you can picture her the same way. let me know what you think, i might end up doing this for every OC pony i make.

thanks for your support guys!

Edit: alright, I've been convinced. I need some editors, anyone want to volunteer as tribute?