• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 23,147 Views, 1,155 Comments

The Human Condition - Gilded Tome

When a human shows up to Equestria, will cooler heads prevail?

  • ...

Terror: 23

Lightning blazed above the trees, the bright flashes so intense that it cast shadows even through the usually impenetrable canopy of the Everfree forest. Thunder shook the trees as the white flashes hit the ground, more often than not through the trunks of the twisted behemoths that made up the dark woodland. In the center of the storm, standing at the mouth of a deep running cave, stood a tall pony, covered in a dark cloak.

The pony watched the raging storm, barely visible through the small clearing that marked the entrance to the cave. Slowly they began to smile, the malicious grin growing to manic proportions, a laugh eventually bursting forth. The forest seemed to shy away from the cackling, save for the darkness, which somehow seemed to swirl around the cloaked pony. Their mirth echoed even above the thunderous storm, above the creaking trees and the hammering rain. The chilling sound continued even as the pony began to move, heading into the dark, dense forest. The laughter echoed through the roiling rain, the last of the pony disappearing into the night, her path pointed directly to the town of Ponyville.

Andrew was sitting upright in his bed before his mind had even registered that someone was pounding on his door. His bat, something he was pretty sure he hadn’t gone to bed with, was already in his hands, laid across his lap.

“Andrew, wake up!” He heard Luna shout from the hall. “Our friends are in danger and we are needed!”

Andrew’s eyes widened and he threw off his covers. He was disheveled but dressed, having fallen asleep while studying one the runic books. He opened the door hurriedly, finding Luna in her Eve disguise.

“Come Andrew, there must be no delay.” She said with urgency. “The element bearers have been forcefully summoned to the market square.”

Without a second look Luna turned, running down the hall and leaping down the stairs, four steps at a time. Andrew followed, bewildered but awake enough to understand the tension and distress in her voice. He barely had time to shove his shoes on before being pulled outside.

“What the hell is going on?” He asked, following behind Luna as she galloped down the street, barely able to keep pace with her. “What do you mean forcibly summoned?”

“Somepony came for them in the middle of the night.” She explained, not slowing down. “They dragged them to the market place.”

“Okay one, seriously? Can I not get a freaking day of peace without the next day becoming a catastrophe?” He complained. “And second, who the hell would do that?”

Luna stopped at the edge of a house, peering along corner. Timidly at first eventually she scanned the road completely.

“I do not know my student” She assured him, walking out from around the house, hurrying down the street. “But I intend to find out.”

Before she could turn another corner, Andrew sprinted to catch up to the disguised alicorn, stepping in front of her.

“Andrew, we must hurry, the element bearers could be in danger.”

“Okay, I get that.” He nodded, putting his bat down on a nearby porch, starting to remove the bandages on his hand. “But I don’t do following blindly. What’s going on, what do you know, and what are we going to do?”

For a moment Luna looked like she might argue, but she bit her lip and nodded. Andrew continued stripping the bandages off his hand. Once he was free he flexed his fingers, wincing a bit as he did. When he was done he picked up his bat again.

“Shortly before I woke you the town guards stopped by to warn us to stay indoors, as they have been doing to everyone in Ponyville. I convinced them that I was a personal friend of the princess’s, and they explained that under the cover of the storm, someone invaded the town and took the element bearers hostage, dragging them to the town center.”

“Were the girls hurt?” Andrew asked. “Did the guards do anything?”

“They seemed relatively unharmed.” Luna explained. “And they did attempt a rescue, but there were heavy casualties. They have evacuated the few building that aren’t shops, but they don’t want to risk another attempt if no one is being hurt. As such, they have sent word to my sister, and await reinforcements. Unfortunately, it will take some time to even notify Celestia.”

“So what are we going to do?” He asked. “Can’t we just get Spike? He can-”

“Unfortunately it seems that the mastermind of this incident knew of Spike’s abilities, as he has been put under a sleep spell, a rather powerful one at that. He is safe in the library though, so I consider ourselves lucky.”

“Well if no one is being hurt, we should wait for back up.” Andrew suggested. “No need to go in gung-ho.”

“Agreed. However I will not base my decisions on second hoof information when it comes to my friends.” Luna explained. “We will go there and see for ourselves.”

“Alright, sounds good. Let’s go see what’s going on.”

Luna nodded with Andrew’s assent, slowly peaking around the corner. Seeing nothing dangerous, she headed around it, starting off at a gallop. Andrew followed close behind, shaking his head.

“Really, is two days in a row two much to ask?” he muttered to himself, catching up to Luna as she paused to look around the next corner. “This is what I mean about storms and bad shit.”

“What?” Luna asked back at a whisper.

“Nothing, we just need to hurry.”


Before Andrew could say anything else Luna stopped, perking her ears. She skidded to a stop, standing very still for a moment, listening. Andrew, realizing what she was doing, strained to hear as well.

“What is it?” He asked when he heard nothing. “What did you hear?”

“I heard…” She said after a moment, face confused. “My name..”

Luna headed off again, with Andrew following as quickly as he could, falling slightly behind disguised alicorn. Luna eventually stopped, peering around the corner of the final house before the market place. Andrew hurried to join her, peering around the corner.

“Luna! Why would you do this?” He heard and saw Twilight shout, her front hooves pulling on the bars of a thick iron cage.

Confused, Andrew studied the scene as it unfolded. In the center of the market place, beside the now drained fountain where six large metal cages, each one containing one of the hostage mares. Twilight, the only one awake, stood with her front hooves on the bars, trying in vain to shake her way out. In front of her stood a tall cloaked pony, staring down the scared mare, her face still hidden by her attire.

“I am not your precious Luna.” The cloaked pony corrected, the voice of another mare coming from under it. “You could not be more wrong, poor Twilight Sparkle.”

“You are Luna! I don’t know why you’ve become Nightmare Moon again, but you can change back!” Twilight shouted back, still struggling with her cage.

In the other cages the mares struggled to stand, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were first to climb to their hooves. Rainbow Dash immediately tried to take off, but just as quickly stumbled to the ground as her wings struck the metal bars of her prison. It looked like she was yelling, but as far as Andrew could hear, no sound came out. Applejack began shouting as well, but her voice was equally silent.

“What did you do to them?” Twilight asked pleadingly, watching her friends talk but not able to hear them. “Luna why are you doing thi-”

“Will you just shut up already?! I already told you, I am not your idiotic Princess!” The voice shouted again. “I am the All Powerful and Mighty Nightmare Terror!”

Lighting stormed from the sky as the cloaked pony shouted her name to the sky. All at once her cloak burned, pale red flames licking at the cloth, revealing the large mare underneath. She was a light blue, clad in purple armor around her legs, face and head down to her withers. Her horn was sharp, much like Luna’s normally was, and like the alicorn she stood a full head taller than Twilight. Odder still was the mare’s wings, ethereal and see through, they seemed to be formed from clouds of light red smoke, coiling and roiling in the shape of wings.

“I don’t understand.” Twilight said meekly, confused and frightened by the clapping thunder. “What happened to Luna?”

“Luna, what’s going on?” Andrew asked. “Is that…”

The unicorn threw its head back and laughed, a long maniacal cackle that chilled Andrews’s heart and stopped him mid-sentence.

“Yes Andrew” She answered, her eyes watching the mare solemnly. “It appears that Nightmare has found a new host.”

“Well… fuck.”

Andrew watched Nightmare stand in front of Twilights cage, laughter still echoing through the market. He watched her return her gaze to Twilight, smiling all the while.

“You have no idea how long I have been waiting for my chance at revenge!” She said, beginning to pace. “I was so weak after our little fight years ago, wracked with pain and laid low by your damned Elements! I was stuck, a whispering tickle in the back of ponies minds, looking for a suitable host!”

By now all six captured mares were awake, all of them watching Nightmare Terror closely as she paced back and forth. While she walked, her necklace glinted, a large red gem in the center. It looked more intricate than that, but at their distance Andrew couldn’t make out what the design was. Rainbow Dash, having recovered slightly from her initial stumble, was trying her best to punch her way out of the metal cage.

“Imagine my surprise when I stumble upon one such host searching for the Alicorn Amulet! A strong unicorn mage who hungered for the same revenge that I did.” She shouted happily, spreading her wing facsimiles. “I used her hunger for revenge to crack open her mind, bending her to my will in a way that even your weak princess never was! And now I am so close to my revenge, the element bearers all in my hooves, and now their precious Elements can’t hurt me!”

“Whoever you are, the princesses will never let you get away with this!” Twilight shouted back. “You’re no match for them!”

“Silly silly Twilight, did you not hear what this amulet is called?” The light blue mare said, voice dripping with false saccharine. “It is the Alicorn Amulet, surely one of your books mentions the most powerful artifact ever known?”

“Alicorn….” Twilight looked confused, before suddenly gasping. “The Alicorn Amulet, but that has been lost for centuries! You have to take it off, it corrupts the user and-”

“Oh please, don’t make me laugh. A curse, corrupting me? There is nothing left to corrupt!”

Again the faux alicorn threw her head back and laughed, lightning once again thundering in the distance. Twilights eyes grew wide, her back legs collapsing as she watched the mare in fear.

“Unfortunately, I fear you are correct about one thing. I cannot defeat both of your princesses at once.” Nightmare Terror admitted, grinning. “Which is why I will be long gone by the time they arrive!”

“No… We will stop you!” Twilight shouted back.

“Poor little Twilight, You don’t seem to understand. You won’t have to watch me beat your beloved princess, just like you won’t have a chance to stop me.” She assured the scared unicorn, barely containing her manic laughter. “You and your friends will be long dead by then! I won’t make the same mistake twice!”

“Fuck me!” Andrew hissed under his breath. “That sounds like our cue.”

“Indeed it does my student.” Luna agreed. “I shall battle Nightmare. You free our friends.”

“Right, okay. You get the crazy pony, I get to bust open a cage.” Andrew repeated, nodding. “Are you going to be able to take her? She seemed pretty confident that she could beat you one on one, and your horn-?”

“Is perfectly healed.” She assured him. “I shall not be defeated by the likes of Nightmare. Not again.”

“Okay, we will back you up once everyone is free. Anything else I should know?”

“No!” Luna half shouted. “Andrew you must promise me that you won’t interfere. This is my fight, I will not let anyone fight it for me.”

Andrew chewed his lip, studying his mentors face.

“Fine, we will stay out of it.”

“Thank you my student.” Luna said, hesitating after. “Andrew I know I ask a lot, but I would not think lesser of you if you did not wish-”

“Don’t even finish that thought.” He cut off, putting his hand on her back. “They are my friends too. Besides, brash charges into stupid danger, ignoring ominous circumstances and possibly looming death seems to be on the fast track to being my second special talent. I say fuck it, let’s kick some ass.”

“If-…When we defeat Nightmare, I shall do my best to bestow you with a second mark.” Luna joked, before looking back at Andrew. “Be careful, my student.”

“I will be. The same goes to you.” He said back. “You still have a lot left to teach me.”

With a nod, Luna turned back to the scene in front of them. With a quick spell, Andrew found himself teleported alongside Luna, going from the outskirts of the market into the middle of it, his back to the large iron cages. In a flash Luna fired up another spell, this time firing a beam of magic that scorched the earth in front of Nightmare, carving a crater in the process. Rocks and debris was thrown into the air, and Nightmare Terror jumped back out of harm’s way. When the last chunk of magic burned stone fell, Nightmare looked at Luna, her manically joyful face now colored by surprise.

“My my my, what a brave unicorn you are...” She said with a coy smile, looking at the large crater. “And so powerful too… Who are you? And your strange friend there?”

“You are not worth our names fiendish Nightmare.” Luna spat. “You will not hurt my friends!”

“Oh, is that so? You think you could stand up to me?” Nightmare Terror said, mirth twisting her lips into a wide smile, showing off her sharp teeth. “How unfortunate, I seemed to have mistaken bravery for stupidity.”

Nightmare punctuated her insult by firing a light red beam of magic at Luna, who had dropped into a more defensive position, spreading her front legs to a more solid stance. She leaned her head into the beam, her horn glowing just before it made contact, a shimmering effect absorbing, then firing the magic back at Nightmare, who in turn deflected the spell with her hoof. The spell rocketed away from her, slamming into the nearby fountain. The stone sculpture exploded into tiny shards, small pieces of it peppering the ground. Nightmare watched the showering rocks, looking backed to the disguised alicorn.

“Hmmmm, it seems that you are even stronger than I thought.” She admitted. “Still, you’re no match for me. Not even your precious alicorn princesses could match-”

Luna cut off Nightmares speech, firing her own spell, lightning dancing across the ground after leaping off her horn. The sparks danced and jumped, almost impossible to follow, rushing toward the twisted villain. Nightmare flapped her hazy wings, taking off into the air, but not before one of the sparks zapped her leg. She shouted in pain, but remained in the air, her leg smoking but largely unharmed.

“You insolate cretin!” She screamed down at Luna. “I will make you pay in blood!”

Fiery pale red magic lanced from the flying mare, slamming into the ground and blowing chunks of it into the air. Luna dodged and jumped around the blasts, quickly making her way away from the cages. Andrew, who had been waiting for the fight to start in earnest before starting his task, ran to Twilight’s cage.

“Twilight, are you okay?” He asked, examining the cage door, jiggling the large metal lock. “I’m going to get you out.”

“What are you doing here?” The lavender unicorn asked urgently. “You and Eve are no match for Nightmare Moon, you should be getting word to Princess Celestia!”

“First off that’s not Nightmare Moon, trust me. Well it’s not Luna at least. Look I didn’t really get the chance to clarify it so let’s just agree that’s it’s not the Nightmare Moon that you knew and move on.” Andrew tried to assure her, still examining the lock. “Secondly, don’t worry, Eve has crazy whats-her-face handled, I’m just here to bust you out and offer moral support.”

Andrew maneuvered the lock so that it hung off the door at an angle, raised off into the air. He took a step back and cocked his bat, getting ready for a huge swing.

“Andrew its metal, there’s no way that wood is going to-”

Andrew cut off Twilight by swinging as hard as he could, the bat making perfect contact with the lock, and continuing on through, the lock shattering. A shower of metal shards and sparks flew out, hitting both Twilight and Andrew, stinging but doing no real damage.

“break it…”

“Do you get tired of being wrong?” Andrew asked as he kicked the remaining ruined pieces off the door, swinging out so Twilight could escape.

“Shut up, how did you do that?” She asked, exiting her cage quickly.

“I haven’t the foggiest.” Andrew admitted, turning to watch Luna and Nightmare Terror battle. “Well I mean some of the runes denote protection and strengthening, so I had a hunch. Also, I may or may not have tried it by smashing rocks into the woods the other day.”

“Wh-“ Twilight looked as if she was going to ask a question, but she quickly shook her head. “That’s not important, what’s important is-”

Twilights words cut off as she watched Nightmare Terror fire off another barrage of pale red magic, this time focusing them closely on Luna. Twilight gasped when the powerful projectiles slammed the ground, and into the shield that Luna managed to conjure up at the last second. Dust consumed the bubble completely, and Twilight made to move toward the unicorn she was sure had been already defeated, only to gasp when the dust settled, revealing an unfazed Luna, still in her Eve disguise.

“See, I told you, she can handle herself.” Andrew emphasized, pushing Twilight along. “Now go, I’ve got these two, break out the others.”

Andrew turned and rushed to the next cage, this one containing Rainbow Dash. The mare watched from inside the cage, hopping from hoof to hoof anxiously as he hurriedly lined up the lock just as he had done before. When Andrew finally smashed the lock to pieces, a quiet zap marked the end of the spell keeping the occupant quiet. Immediate the prismatic pony tried to bolt past him into the air. Andrew barely managed to grab her back hoof, and with his hand still holding the metal cage, pull her back down with a yank. She landed in a heap, immediately glaring at Andrew.

“Hey, what did you do that for?” She demanded, looking at him, rubbing her back leg. “I was going to help Eve!”

“She has things covered.” He assured her. “Trust me, the rest of us would only get in her way. Besides, I need your help with Fluttershy, I don’t think I will be able to get through to her alone.”

Andrew nodded his head towards the last cage on their end, a trembling Fluttershy huddled inside. Rainbow Dash immediately rushed towards the cage, pounding on the door.

“It’s okay Flutters!” She shouted. “We’re gonna get you out!”

Andrew followed right behind Rainbow Dash, pushing the mare out of his way. With a long wind up he once again smashed the lock to pieces. With the lock destroyed a quiet whimpering flooded from the cage. Rainbow Dash tore the door open, rushing inside to comfort the mare.

“Fluttershy, it’s okay, we’re here now.”

Andrew looked around nervously, looking back to watch Luna’s battle with Nightmare. The disguised alicorn was doing her best to avoid all of the flying magical bolts, her opponent furious as she missed again and again, with the few spells that got close being deftly blocked. Looking back to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, Andrew moved closer and kneeled.

“Fluttershy.” He said softly. “I know you are scared, but I need you to get up. We need to move, before this gets any more dangerous.”

Fluttershy slowly pulled back her hooves, peaking around her own mane to look up at him. She still whimpered, flinching at the sound of the battle.

“Fluttershy, please.” He tried again, brushing her hair aside so he could get a better look at her face. “I know you have courage inside you. Stand up, be strong, we need you.”

The yellow mare trembled a moment more, then slowly nodded, pushing off the ground until she stood on unsteady hooves. Rainbow Dash stood beside her, encouraging her as the three left the cage, hurriedly heading towards Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Applejack.

“Okay girls, you’re all out, let’s get you to a safe distance before-”

“Wait, you want us to leave?” Twilight asked in hushed tones, taking a step forward towards the fight. “We need to help Eve!”

“No no no, she made me promise we wouldn’t intervene.” Andrew explained. “Really she can handle herself, we just need to get out of here before-”

“NO!” Nightmare terror shouted from the air, having finally noticed the empty cages. “NO I WILL NOT FAIL!”

Nightmare Terror started to fly towards them, her horn already charged for her attack. Andrew stepped forward, hefting his bat in both hands.

“The biped thinks it can stop the All Powerful and Mighty Nightmare Terror?” She screamed down, in indignant rage. “I will wipe you all from existence! No matter the cost I will have my revenge!”

“Go no further Nightmare! Your fight is with me!”

The shout echoed through the market, snapping the direction of the flying mares rage from one side to the other. Luna, Eve, stood tall on the other side, a determined grimace on her face. For the barest of moments, Andrew saw her look at him and the ponies behind him, regret coloring her face before it was gone again. Her horn glowed, and her façade began to fall. Her coat shimmered and faded, her whole body growing as she released her disguise. With a shake she uncoiled her wings, nestling themselves back into place. When her transformation was done, the market was silent, save for a surprised gasp from Rarity.

“My my my, isn’t this a development.” Nightmare finally said through her now grinning teeth. “Poor Princess Luna, come to save her friends.”

“I will not let you hurt them.” Luna stated back, putting a defiant hood forward. “I will erase you from this world, as I should have done long ago.”

“Oh come now, poor Lulu. We both know you can’t do that.” She said, her voice sickly sweet and mocking. “You never had the stomach for killing. Always had to have me do it for you…”

Luna visibly flinched at Nightmares jab, her determined gaze faltering for a moment. A moment later however, it returned, her stance dropping low as she prepared for combat.

“Many things have changed Nightmare.” She rebuked. “I think for you I can make an exception.”

Nightmare landed softly, her hoofs clopping on the ground as she walked around Luna. Luna followed suit, the two circling each other, each waiting for the other to attack first, both of their faces creased by a hate fueled snarl. When Luna passed by Andrew and the girls, she paused.

“Andrew, my student. Get the elements out of here.” She said quietly, her eyes not leaving Nightmares. “This battle is no place for them. Or you.”


“Go!” She ordered, much harsher this time. “You made me a promise.”

After a long pause, Andrew nodded, turning to the six mares.

“You heard her. We need to go.” Andrew repeated, gesturing with his hands. “Now!”

“But, I don’t understand…” Twilight started, looking past Andrew to Luna and Nightmare beyond her.

“Yeah join the fucking club. We need to go, Luna has this handled.” He assured them stepping toward them and gently pushing Twilight back. “C’mon, move your shit and go!”

Twilight hesitantly moved back from Andrew’s push, the other girls slowly moving as well. Andrew took a step forward and pushed again, forcing Twilight to turn. The girls followed suit. Slowly leaving before picking up the pace, running away from their Princess and Nightmare. Andrew followed them, pausing as they turned a corner. He hesitated, shook his head, and followed them away.

“Now that was just touching!” Nightmare mocked. “Sacrificing yourself to save your precious friends… Too bad I’ll just kill them all when I’m done with you!”

“You think you are a match for me?” Luna asked shaking her head. “You have fallen deeper into your insanity.”

“Have I? So I suppose the rumor of a particular Princess injuring her horn quite badly must not have been true.” Nightmare shot back, the two resuming their circling. “Oh well, must have been some other princess…”

“I am healed.” Luna insisted, her façade cracking slightly. “I will defeat you!”

“You’ve gotten so good at lying my poor Lulu, perhaps even to yourself.” Terror teased. “But you can’t fool me.”


“Enough talk!” The manic mare shouted, her front hooves slamming into the ground, cracking the earth. “Time to meet your fate!”

Andrew followed the six elements of harmony closely, making sure that none of them left the group. They ran and ran, eventually arriving at Twilights home, the Library. They rushed inside, Andrew slamming the door behind them.

“What was that!?” Rainbow Dash shouted, poking Andrew in the chest harshly. “Why did we just abandon Eve, I mean Princess Luna? What the hay is going on?”

“Luna needed us out of the way, she can handle Nightmare by herself.” Andrew assured her, not completely convinced himself. “I was… Twilight, what are you doing?”

Twilight had immediately headed to a book shelf, tearing books from the shelf as she franticly searched for one.

“Sugarcube… I think this might not be the best time for checkin’ the books…” Applejack pointed out, walking to the mare’s side. “Ah reckon we need to figure out what is going on and come up with a game plan.”

“That’s what I’m doing hun, I just need to find… Aha!” She said, opening a book and quickly scanning through the pages. “Here! The Alicorn Amulet!”

Twilight put the book down on the table, Andrew, Applejack and Rainbow Dash moving in to look over her shoulder, while Rarity hung back to comfort Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie chewed on her hoof, torn between the two before heading to Fluttershy. Sure enough, on the open pages was a picture of the amulet the Nightmare Terror had been wearing around her neck. The lavender mare began reading from the book out loud.

“The Alicorn Amulet is one of the most powerful artifacts known to pony kind, with the astounding ability to magnify any unicorn’s magical ability multiple times. Said to bestow an average unicorn the ability to stand toe to toe with even an alicorn, it has been long sought by those who would abuse it, and those who wish to keep it from being abused. The stories surrounding its creation are shaky at best, but many historians believe that originally it was not the Alicorn Amulet, but another powerful artifact of unknown intent. The stories claim that this original purpose was corrupted, tainted to fuel a long forgotten feud. It is this taint that makes the amulet so dangerous, for the longer one uses it the more the corruption spreads from the amulet to the user. Furthermore there are only two known ways to remove the Amulet. The first is for the user to voluntarily remove it themselves, the second is to kill the user. The amulet was last seen about….”

Twilight trailed off, reading the passage quickly to herself, flipping to the next page, then the one after that. Finally, she put the book down, turning to the others.

“The rest just talks about its history, who’s worn it, when they wore it and what they did.” She explained. “None of its good.”

“Okay, so we need to get it off her… But how?” Applejack thought out loud, beginning to pace. “Nightmare is clearly insane, she ain’t gonna just give it up.”

“Yeah, about that.” Rarity added. “What exactly was that? I was under the impression that we took care of Nightmare Moon years ago.”

“It doesn’t matter!” Rainbow Dash shouted over the others. “No way am I letting Princess Luna have all the fun!”

“I just can’t believe Princess Luna was pretending to be Eve…” Fluttershy mumbled, barely heard with every one talking at once.

“Loud noises!” Shouted Pinkie Pie.

“Okay, Everyone SHUT UP!” Andrew shouted as he rubbed his temples. “We need to focus here!”

The group of mares stared at the human wide eyed and surprised before Twilight and Applejack nodded their heads.

“Okay, good. So the first question that needs answering is really important.” He started again. “Twilight, how long would it take for an alicorn’s horn to heal?”

“How long…” Twilight looked confused for a moment, before her eyes opened wide in realization. “I’m not sure. Depending on how bad it is it could take months for a unicorns horn to heal fully. I’m not sure how long it would take for an alicorn’s…”

“A week or so?” Andrew asked, scared that he already knew the answer.

“…not likely.” Twilight answered quietly.

For a moment Andrew did nothing, staring at the ground, gripping his bat tightly. Finally, after his pause he spoke.

“I just abandoned Luna to fight against a ‘roided out amalgamation of her absolute worst nightmare and she can’t even defend herself.”

The room was silent as the severity of the situation hit everyone. For a moment no one moved. Suddenly, Andrew hefted his bat, smashing it into a nearby chair.

“GOD FUCKING DAMMIT SON OF A BITCH PIECE OF SHIT MOTHER FUCKER!” He screamed, reducing the chair to splinters with his bat, his eyes wide with fury. “I fucking LEFT HER THERE!”

Andrew spun and rushed to the door, desperately trying to open it. Finding it locked he slammed his shoulder into it, trying to get out, get back to the market place. Twilight, Applejack and Pinkie Pie rushed to him after recovering from his violent outburst. They tried to calm him down, with Twilight holding the door shut with her magic.

“Andrew! Andrew calm down! We need to come up with a plan!” Twilight shouted. “ANDREW!”

Twilight’s final shout was emphasized by her using her magic to shock Andrews arm, making him stumble backwards. He reached out with his hand to steady himself, his breath coming in deep, long pulls. The room was quiet again, Andrew doing his best to calm down. When his breath was finally normal he looked up, staring at Twilight.

“What are our options?” He asked.

“Well…” she said, wracking her brain for an idea. “We could go around town trying to find some unicorn volunteers, work together on a spell. We might be able to cast something powerful enough to hurt Nightmare Terror then.”

“Nightmare Terror?” Applejack asked, having been sealed in a magical cage for most of Terrors monologue. “Is that her name now?”

“Yeah, So Nightmare Moon was Luna and something else I guess.” Andrew tried to explain. “She didn’t go too far into it, but I guess you guys separated them when you beat her awhile back. But the Nightmare part was something separate… like a parasite.”

“A parasite?” Rarity said nervously. “How uncouth.”

“Down right disturbing iffen you ask me.” Applejack answered. “Unnatural as a tap dancin’ snake!”

“So… can we separate Terror and whoever she’s infecting?” Fluttershy asked. “Using the Elements?”

“… Maybe?” Twilight answered uncertainly, tapping her chin.

“Maybe? That’s not really good enough.” Andrew pointed out.

“Sorry, I’m just… not sure how the elements work.” Twilight explained. “Besides, we don’t even have the elements, they’re in Canterlot.”

“That’s… not entirely true…” Came a new voice from the now opened front door.

Autumn Song stepped into the library, saddlebags on her sides. She shut the door behind her, locking it. Andrew watched her locking the door, and looked at Twilight, confused.

“It’s pull, not push.” She explained sheepishly.

Andrew shook his head, focusing on the new arrival.

“Autumn, I’m glad you’re okay, but why are you here? You should be at home, where it’s relatively safe.”

“Well… I needed to find them… and give them these.” Autumn explained, nodding to her pack.

Twilight used her magic to pop open the buttons on the saddle bags, gasping when she lifted the flaps.

“The elements of harmony!” She shouted, quickly levitating them to her friends, hers coming out last. “Where did you get them? How did you get them?”

“I’ve had them since I got here.” She explained sheepishly, suspiciously unable to look Andrew in the eye.

“But why!? They should be in Princess Celestia’s private vault!”

“Umm… well… the princess entrusted them to me… in case… well.”

“In case you had to use them on me.” Andrew finished for her, watching Autumn. “Looks like the Princess trusted me even less than I thought.”

Autumn nodded, looking sad and worried before apologizing. “I’m sorry.”

“The Princess doesn’t trust you?” Applejack asked. “Why in tarnation not?”

“Well I am an alien, from another universe.” He explained sympathetically. “A bit of distrust is expected I guess. But that’s not important! We have the elements now, we can use them on Nightmare Terror! Separate her from her host!”

Twilight nodded, putting her jeweled element on her head. The other mares did the same, fastening theirs around there neck. When they were all done, Twilight walked to the door, standing beside Andrew.

“Are you ready?” She asked nervously.

“Of course not.” He answered before opening up the door and walking out, the others close behind him. “Lets go.”

Author's Note:

Hey everyone, here is chapter 23.
Lots of edits and lots of re-writes on this one, sorry it took so long. the next chapters shouldn't take nearly as long now that i hammered out all of the rewrites!

Hope you enjoyed it, leave a comment saying what you think!