• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 23,163 Views, 1,155 Comments

The Human Condition - Gilded Tome

When a human shows up to Equestria, will cooler heads prevail?

  • ...

Always: 32

Andrew stood in the kitchen, slicing cucumbers and pushing them into a pile. When he was done he lifted the cutting board and slid the pile into a small bowl. He washed the knife quickly, cleaning the blade before sliding it back into the wooden block that he had pulled it from. He opened the fridge next, grabbing two sodas before turning and taking the filled bowl, carrying everything into the living room. He sat beside Luna, who immediately slid closer to the human. She levitated a few slices of cucumber for herself, the two quietly munching. Andrew watched Luna from the corner of his eye, the alicorn doing the same. When they finally made eye contact, they both smiled and eventually laughed.

“It is shocking how quickly a dynamic changes from a few simple kisses” Luna finally said, nuzzling her head on Andrews shoulder.

“I wouldn’t have called those simple in any way. Or a few.” Andrew said with a smile, though it slowly faded to a frown as he put down the bottles of soda on the table in front of him. “You realize why I hesitated, right?”

“You once explained that humans were the only dominant species in your universe.” Luna said with a nod, chewing her lip nervously. “And I seem to recall you calling me a horse several times when we first met. I assume that is some kind of animal?”

“Yeah… I mean I obviously know you’re not an animal Luna, but it’s still… A lot to take into account. I eventually decided I didn’t care…” He explained, his hand running up and down Luna’s back, between her wings. “But… you need to understand that it isn’t a switch I can just flick. I’ll need to work on it.”

“So we are taking it slow then?” She answered the unspoken question. “I believe that should suit us both, considering I haven’t been this close to anypony in many years.”

“I think that might be for the best.”

“Well, at the danger of starting another break down… we do have all the time in the world.” Luna pointed out, nuzzling Andrew’s neck, prompting the human to turn and kiss her cheek.

“I guess that’s true.”

“When we say ‘take it slow’ do you mean that you wish to hide our relationship from our friends?” Luna asked after a moment, once again looking a bit nervous.

“No, that just leads to problems down the road, and I don’t want to have to pretend that this isn’t happening… I’m enjoying it too much.” Andrew explained with a smile, his hand sliding back up and coming to rest higher on Luna’s back. “I’ll admit though, I am worried about Alice.”

“And why is that?”

“I’m just afraid that she might… default to old taboo’s if you catch my drift.” He explained. “I mean she has been here so much longer than I have… and with no memories? She must have gotten over stuff like that by now… but I’m still worried.”

“I cannot say how she will feel for certain.” Luna admitted. “But she seems like accepting mare.”

“I hope.” Andrew said simply. “But what about you? You’re a princess and… holy shit I kissed a princess.”

“Indeed you did.” Luna agreed, using her hoof to close Andrew’s mouth, which was hanging open from shock. “Are you now regretting it?”

“What?!” Andrews head whipped around, looking at Luna with wide eyes. “Of course not, not even close!”

“Are you sure?” Luna asked, pulling off Andrew’s shoulder to look at him directly. “I won’t lie, there will most likely be quite a stir about this.”

“Are we talking about privacy invading reporters or rioting in the streets?”

“To be honest I am not entirely sure.” Luna admitted. “Though ponies rarely resort to rioting in the streets.”

“Well that’s good, never been a big fan of death by pitchfork.”

Luna chuckled, absentmindedly shuffling her wings as she did. With her magic she lifted one of the sodas from the table, popping the top off and passing it to Andrew before claiming her own. The alicorn princess took a small sip before returning it to the table.

“So when is Doctor Glow gonna show up?” Andrew asked, taking a sip of his own drink. “And should we see if we can find Al- Marula?”

“Doctor Glow will be in town for a long while, I suspect Marula would like some time to relax and settle in.”

“Yeah, fair enough.”

“You know Andrew… You should be proud of what you did earlier. I know how badly you want your sister, your whole sister back. Letting that go for now must have been very difficult.”

“It was, but it’s what she needed to hear. I’m just glad Zecora talked some sense into me before I fucked it all up.”

“I had faith that you would figure it out on your own.” Luna assured him, getting a look and a raised eyebrow from Andrew. “Though a friendly push is always welcome.”

“Yeah… I need to thank her.” Andrew admitted, rubbing the back of his head. “I was too upset at the time to think about it.”

Before Luna could respond, there was a knock on the door. Luna stood and made her way around to the door, opening it shortly after the second knock. The doctor, an aging unicorn stallion had arrived, laden with saddle bags and a stethoscope around his neck. Luna and Doctor Glow both chatted about the train ride from Canterlot as the alicorn guided him into the living room. Andrew quickly realized, as Luna left the room to do some paper work in the study, that the doctor, while kind and gentle, tended to get straight to business. Soon after a short introduction and an explanation of what they would be doing, Doctor Glow started his work. As far as Andrew could tell with his limited knowledge of medicine, it was a combination of physical therapy and magic, with exercises that worked large muscle groups in order to strengthen and stretch them, with magic helping the process be more efficient.

He struggled with quite a few of the exercises, and by the time Luna came down to check up on them he was feeling plenty sore. She offered encouraging words to Andrew and made her way to the kitchen. Doctor Glow, to his credit, took it easy on the human for his first check-up, perhaps detecting the weariness that Andrew was already feeling from the excitement and high emotions form the day. Even still, Andrew was thankful when the doctor finally declared that they had done enough. By the time the aging doctor said goodbye, Andrew was more than ready for bed.

“You do realize that you are going to be even more sore tomorrow?” Luna pointed out when Andrew slumped into the kitchen, leaning against one of the counters.

“Yeah, I know. I suppose that’s the cost of getting back in shape.” Andrew responded with a groan, rolling his shoulder. “Don’t suppose you got a pain blocker spell or something?”

“I do, but they are usually only used for extreme circumstances.” The alicorn explained as she levitated a dish, scrubbing it with a cloth. “Playing with our senses directly is delicate magic that is not often used.”

“Ah, gotcha. Yeah now that I think about it that would set a scary precedence.”

Andrew made his way over to Luna’s side, catching the bowl she was scrubbing and drying it with a towel, continuing with the next dish and the next. He bumped Luna with his hip, sharing a smile with her as they worked.

“Are you alright?” Luna asked eventually, about half way through cleaning the dish filled sink. “Today has been… eventful to say the least.”

“I’m… not dead?” Andrew responded with a shrug, receiving a teasing scowl and a gentle hip shove. “To be honest Luna, I’m still processing. I probably will be for a while.”

Luna paused, her current dish sinking until it was just above the dirty water. She looked at Andrew, who returned her look with a raised eyebrow.

“Was this… the wrong time to…” She asked nervously.

“Make out with your student?” Andrew finished, causing Luna to blush and open her mouth to respond. “It’s alright Luna, I’m just teasing you. We hardly had the teacher student dynamic that makes that something to avoid.”

“I suppose that is true.” She agreed with a nod, turning her head back to her task, passing her dish to Andrew and starting another. “And you didn’t answer my question.”

“Was it the perfect time? Probably not.” Andrew said, drying the saucer and placing it in a cabinet. “But it wasn’t a terrible time, there could certainly be worse times. And… with how much is changing… everything that is happening… I’m glad to know you’re here. With me.”

“You did not have to return my affection for that.” The alicorn pointed out. “I would have stood by you regardless.”

“I know, I know. But this is different.”” Andrew replied, before wincing. “Sorry, that’s all a bit more serious than ‘take it slow’ should be.”

“It is fine.” Luna assured him. “I think it’s safe to assume that with all we have been through since you’ve arrived, taking us seriously is more than okay.”

“Guess that’s true.” Andrew agreed with a shrug.

The two continued making their way through the dishes and silverware in the sink, Luna eventually handing the last fork to Andrew.

“There, all done.” Luna said happily as Andrew hung his towel to dry. “Thank you for your help”

“No problem. It’s been a while and I’ve always found it therapeutic to be perfectly honest.”

“Really? Well if you enjoy them so much maybe you should be in charge of cleaning the kitchen?”

Andrew laughed, shaking his head as he craned his neck to look at the clock. He frowned and looked out the window.

“It’s only 5? It’s a lot earlier than I thought. I already feel ready for bed.”

Luna's horn glowed for a moment, and Andrew felt the slight sensation he now easily connected to being scanned. He smirked and looked towards Luna.

“Aren’t you supposed to ask permission before you do that?” He teased.

“Technically… I suppose…” Luna answered with a blush. “I’m just worried. Sorry.”

“It’s alright, I understand.” He assured her, patting her back and leaving his hand there. “So, what’s the verdict?”

“You’re just tired, which is understandable.”

“Yeah… but it’s kinda still early to go to bed if I’m just a bit tired, isn’t it…”

“We haven’t had dinner yet… Perhaps we could go to town and get some?”

“Why Luna… Are you asking me out on a date?” Andrew asked mockingly, a wide grin on his face.

“Why Andrew, I believe I am.” The alicorn replied, not missing a beat.

“Good.” Andrew responded simply. “Sounds perfect. But you’re driving.”

Luna raised one eyebrow as Andrew made his way out the front door, following behind him. He plopped down in his wheelchair. She laughed when she realized what he meant, her horn glowing as she guided him down the front walk with her magic.

“So I’m assuming you’re past the denial phase?” She teased as they made their way down the road. “Does that mean you’ve moved on to anger?”

“I’ve always preferred bargaining myself, maybe we could skip to that? Then maybe skip right to acceptance?”

Luna laughed and nodded, nuzzling Andrew for a moment as they walked, turning down another road, heading for the center of town. Before Luna could reply, two silent bat ponies fell in line behind them, a discrete but obvious distance away. Luna stopped and turned, the two guards closing the distance when they realized she was waiting.

“Yes Princess Luna?”

“There is no need for an escort tonight, you may return to your patrol.”

The two stallions bowed slightly before leaving, following their princesses orders. Luna shook her head as they walked away, resuming their pace.

“What’s wrong?” Andrew asked, casting a glance back at the retreating ponies.

“Captain Steel is not going to be happy that I told them to leave.”

“So? You’re his boss aren’t you? I mean you must lead the military in some fashion, right?

“Together my sister and I do, but my personal guard is different…”

“Different how?” Andrew asked, shrugging when Luna looked at him. “What? My girlfriend’s problems are my problems.”

“Well… I explained how they are all bat ponies? Before my banishment they were the most loyal ponies you would ever meet. I cared for all our subjects, but my little cave dwellers held a special place in my heart.”

“But?” Andrew asked, sensing her hesitation.

“When I was controlled by Nightmare I abandoned them, left them to fend for themselves. For a long time they were treated quite poorly. Tia did eventually help them once she realized what was going on, partially by reforming the lunar guard.”

“That sounds like a good thing, right?”

“Well they still are looked down at by many of the nobles of Canterlot, but beyond that they are seen as respectable guards and skilled miners. They provided much of the marble and granite used to build Canterlot.”

“Still sensing a kinda strong ‘but’ here.”

“I have no right to lead them anymore.” Luna admitted quietly, looking away. “I abandoned them and they suffered for years. Merchants refused to trade with them, and they had grown to rely on trade enough that they practically starved. Their connection to me left them ostracized, quite a few got ran out of various towns. If Tia hadn’t started the lunar guard again they would have never regained a footing in society.”

“I suppose pointing out that Nightmare abandoned them, not you, wouldn’t really change how you felt?” Andrew asked, watching Luna closely, who nodded. “Have you talked to them? Asked them if there is anything you could do to make it up to them?”

“They don’t remember it, the time period was so tumultuous that no records survived. It was a thousand years ago after all. The only reason I know is because I demanded that Tia tell me the truth. ”

“So you don’t feel right bossing around Captain Steel because you feel you’ve lost that right?”

“No, Captain Steel isn’t a bat pony. Princess Celestia appointed him from her own guard.”

“That seems a bit… sketchy…”

“It isn’t a prerequisite, she promotes based on merits and he is a brilliant soldier. There have been plenty of bat pony captains as well. No, dismissing him would be wrong because he earned it and because… they follow him. They trust him and follow his orders without question.”

“That’s better I suppose. But you still shouldn’t let your subordinate walk all over you. It’s bad for moral for one thing.”

Luna said nothing, her head still turned away. Andrew frowned and leaned over, flipping on the wheel chair’s simple friction brakes. Luna stopped, noticing the extra resistance, and looked over at him. Andrew stood, groaning slightly at his stiff muscles. He walked over to Luna and wrapped her in a hug, his arms around her neck, pulling her head against his chest. Her horn poked over his shoulder as he ran his hand up and down her neck.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have pushed.”

“No, it’s alright.” She responded, pushing back against Andrew. “I know you mean well. I’m alright.”

Andrew pulled back slightly so that he could look at Luna, who was looking back up at him. They both smiled before pulling apart, Andrew sitting a bit heavily in his chair.

“The Thirsty Timberwolf?” He asked, his hand on Luna’s back.

“Sounds good.”

The two entered the bar, looking around at the ponies waiting to be seated. None of them had noticed the two yet, at least until Sunny Smiles came to greet them.

“Your highness!” She said with a wide eyed look, bowing to one knee before starting again. “W-welcome to the Thirsty Timberwolf, w-would you like a seat?”

Luna and Andrew looked around at the other ponies waiting in line as they too rose from their bows. The bar was busy, though Andrew was glad to see that everything was spaced out enough that it didn’t feel cramped.

“What about everyone else waiting?” Andrew asked hintingly.

“N-nonsense, they would happily wait a bit longer for the P-princess.” Sunny assured them nervously. “How m-many will be with you tonight?”

“Just Andrew and I.” Luna answered dejectedly, clearly not enjoying the attention.

“Somewhere in the back if you don’t mind.” Andrew added as Sunny led them away.

Luna, following behind Andrew as he slowly weaved his chair through the restaurant. She watched as other sat up straighter, silence and stares following her as Smiles led them to a back corner, one of the more private tables.

“Andrew.” Luna said, getting her boyfriend’s attention, pointing a hoof at the bathroom door. “I shall return in a moment.”

Andrew nodded and continued to follow Sunny to their table, standing from his wheel chair with a groan and pushing it out of the way before sitting down. He held up his hand when Sunny began to speak, cutting her excited look off.

“Sunny, can you do me a really big favor? I know everyone takes the princesses really seriously, and I know meeting her is a really big deal… But could you please try and treat her like a normal pony?”

“Normal? What do you mean? She’s a Princess shouldn’t I-”

“Sunny not so loud.” Andrew said hurriedly, looking around nervously before turning back. “Please, I would really appreciate it, Luna would really appreciate it as well.”

“But why?”

“Cause it’s been a long day and we both want to just relax.” Andrew insisted. “Please, I would owe you big.”

Sunny Smiles looked over at the bathroom door, chewing her lip nervously before looking back at Andrew.

“You promise she won’t be insulted?” She finally asked.

“I promise, just you watch she will love it. Just take a deep breath and treat her like you would any other customer.”

“… Okay, fine. I’ll try my best.” She said, finally relenting. “But Andrew if this is some sort of joke I will not be very happy.”

“It’s not, I swear, just a long day. Just come back in a few minutes and to get our orders and everything.”

Sunny nodded and gave Andrew a tense but agreeable smile, heading off to the nearest private booth. After a while Luna returned, sliding into the seat beside Andrew. She leaned on him gently, which Andrew did in return.

“Sorry that took so long.” She whispered. “I was raising the moon.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize, fair enough.”

Luna chewed her lip a bit, looking out at the semi secluded back corner they were in, looking at the few other tables that were close by, all of them seemingly oblivious to who they were in the presence of.

“Maybe we should have stayed in.” Luna said quietly after a moment. “I don’t like interrupting pony’s plans just because I want to eat at the same place they do.”

“It will be fine.” Andrew assured her, putting his hand on her hoof. “Besides, not much we can do about the ponies we cut in line now. And nobody can see who is sitting here so nobody else will freak out.”

Luna nodded glumly, before taking a deep breath and shaking her head to break away from her stupor.

“So when would you like to continue your magic lessons?” She asked, changing the subject. “Next week? After the weekend?”

“Maybe the day after tomorrow?” He replied with a noncommittal shrug. “I kind of like the idea of having another day off, but I would like to get back to it.”

“You don’t have to jump back in so quickly.”

“I know…” Andrew said, thinking a bit before shrugging again. “I’m looking forward to learning and there’s no reason not to start now. Not like I have other responsibilities. Which reminds me, now that I’m awake are you going to start going back and forth between Canterlot?”

“Eventually. But I find myself very determined to drag my hooves and spend as much time as possible here.”

“You won’t find me complaining.” Andrew said with a chuckle. “Though you shouldn’t wait too long, your sister won’t appreciate it.”

“Once I explain what’s going on Tia won’t complain too much.” The alicorn explained. “At least not for a few days.”

“About that… Princess Celestia isn’t going to freak out about us… is she?”

“She might want to talk to you about it…” She admitted after a moment of silence. “I don’t think she will freak out about it though.”

Andrew frowned at the thought, not looking forward to that conversation in the slightest. He nodded though, squeezing Luna’s hoof smiling at her when she turned to look at him. Before either of them could say anything Sunny made her way to their table.

“Hello Andrew, P- Luna, would you to like some drinks?” She asked, stumbling but recovering quickly.

The mare watched the two with a bit of a nervous smile, switching from Luna to Andrew. Andrew looked at Luna as well and noticed her frozen expression and gave her a nudge to break her out of it.

“Oh! Yes I would like a glass of wine, red please.” She finally answered.

“And I’ll have that sweet drink you served me last time I was here, what was it… pineapple cherry something?”

“The Pineapple Cherry Twist?” Sunny confirmed, jotting down the order when Andrew nodded emphatically. “Okay, now what about food?”

“Umm I’ll have the mushroom burger please, with extra hay fries.” Luna answered, her tone almost more a question than anything.

“And I’ll have the same, with- “

“Sweet Potato fries, and a no oats bun.” Smiles finished, flipping her order book shut. “I’ll get those out to you shortly.”

The waitress gave Andrew and Luna a smile, though her smile towards lune still looked a bit shy. Luna looked to Andrew, an eyebrow raised.

“Did you say something to her?” She asked.

“Say something? Yeah, I ordered my food. You were right here when it happened.” Andrew responded, smile, suddenly very interested in his fingernails.

Luna opened her mouth as if to ask again, but instead she just smiled, leaning up against Andrew and nuzzling him. The two sat in silence for a moment, enjoying each other presence.

“So. Does red wine pair well with burgers and hay fries?” Andrew asked, his smile mischievous as he teased her.”

“Quiet you, I was flustered and couldn’t think.” She replied, poking his side. “and besides, red wine pairs well with everything if you drink enough.”

Andrew’s eyebrows raised in surprise as he turned to look at Luna, who was now taking her turn to stare at her hoof and feign innocence. After a moment she looked at Andrew with her own mischievous smile.

“What? I told you I spent a long while traveling as Eve after I returned from my banishment.” She explained. “Did you think I became a monk?”

“Fair enough I guess.” Andrew said with a long chuckle before sitting up straight. “Hey wait, if you spent so much time being Eve, why did you still talk like… well you know.”

“I may have… exaggerated a small amount.” Luna admitted with a grin. “Mostly to poke and tease my sister.”

“I guess that explains how you stopped so quickly.” Andrew said with a smile and a shake of his head. “You know I-“

Andrew stopped mid-sentence as he saw Sunny returning, carrying their drinks on her back. She stopped when she saw Luna leaning against Andrew, her eyes widening. She shook her head though, a smile returning to her face as she got to their table. She placed their drinks down in front of Luna, who levitated Andrew’s to him.

“Alright you two, here are your drinks. It’s getting a bit busy, but wave me down if you need anything or want a refill. Food should be done in fifteen minutes or so.”

“Thanks Sunny.” Andrew said, raising his mug in a toast to his waitress before taking a sip from his straw. “Ooo, that’s good.”

“It’s certainly colorful.” Luna commented, taking a sip from her wine. “A bit too sweet for me I think.”

“Yeah, normally I would agree with you but I love cherries and pineapples.”

“Really? I do love cherries, but my favorite would have to be…”

Luna and Andrew continued to talk to each other for quite a while, only stopping to eat when their food finally arrived, but quickly starting again after that. Quite a bit of time passed as they sat next to each other, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. Eventually, after their food was done and their tab was payed they left the bar with a bit more bounce in their step. They walked the town, happily chatting and smiling, Andrews hand on Luna’s back as she pushed him. After taking the long route they made their way home, entering the house quietly to avoid waking their roommate.

“Andrew, that was truly wonderful.” Luna whispered happily as she closed the door behind them. “Thank you.”

“I’ve definitely had worse first dates.” He teased quietly before smiling and nodding. “It was a lot of fun.”

“We should get some sleep though. I’m surprised you’ve lasted this long to be perfectly honest.”

As if to confirm her words Andrew covered his mouth as he yawned, nodding his agreement.

“Yeah I need to be horizontal in like two minutes.”

The couple slowly climbed the stairs, trying their best to be quiet as the steps creaked. When they got to Luna’s room they both stopped, looking at each other.

“Today has been absolutely insane.” Andrew said, his hand sliding on Lunas neck as she leaned on him. “But amazing too. It’s going to take a while to get used to everything but… I’m so glad to have you here with me.”

“Always” Luna said simply, leaning up to give Andrew a kiss, which he returned after a barely noticeable hesitation. “Now we both need our sleep.”

Andrew nodded and took a step back, looking from her too his door, then back to Luna. She cocked an eyebrow, a mischievous smile on her lips.

“Now Andrew, what happened to taking it slow and needing to adjust to me being a pony?” She asked, poking his stomach. “I thought you had more honor than that, trying to take advantage of a princess.”

“I- I wasn’t –“Andrew stammered before frowning as Luna giggled. “Ha Ha very funny Luna. I wasn’t suggesting… that specifically. I told you I was a cuddler.”

Andrew rubbed the back of his head, blushing in the dark hallway. Luna smiled, blushing as well.

“As tempting as it may be, we should stick with our plan to take it slow.” Luna, clearly conflicted.

“It’s okay Luna, it is up to you.” Andrew assured her, leaning down and kissing her cheek before taking a step back. “Goodnight Luna.”

“Goodnight Andrew, I will see you tomorrow.”

Andrew nodded and watched as Luna turned and entered her room, shutting the door behind her. He shook his head, a smile on his lips as he headed to his own bedroom, shutting the door behind him. The hall way was silent for a long moment, save for the muted sound of the grandfather clock at the base of the stairs. After a few minutes had past however Luna’s door cracked open, and the navy blue Alicorn looked up and down the hall before creeping to Andrew’s door, slipping inside without a sound.

Comments ( 46 )

Is it supposed to be tai? Instead of tia?

exept for a few mentions of tai (pretty sure your you ment tia) it was awesome and sweet :twilightsmile:


Thanks! I fixed them both I think!

If the main OCs in this story were voiced, what would they sound like?

Holy crap that's a great question! Ide have to say that Andrew has a subtle Boston accent that gets stronger when hes agitated. Marula is the same but hers is barely noticeable even when shes agitated. Autumn has a Manehattan, which is to say a New York, accent but its subtle like she's worked to get rid of it.

The guard captain may be dismissed becuase he is more loyal to celestia than luna.

It still says tai 4 times, 3 of them when they are discussing the night guard.


Thats really strange, i must have not hit save when i made the edits? They are fixed now though. Hopefully >_>


I wonder what's gonna happen next.

such a happy sweet slice of life chapter.

Clop in the next chapter guys

This story is rated teen, so no clop >_<

“But she seems like an accepting mare.”

her smile towards luneLuna

Green for correction.

Thanks for the chapter. I have a huge smile on my face now.

Hallelujah! I can sleep now!

I don't know how I managed to not see this story for so long, but I finally came across it and had a listen. This was a brilliant thirteen hours and fifty three minutes of absolute awesome. It has a great pacing and never drags or stumbles. Even the exposition chapters are somewhat interesting, which is hard to do as an Author. The pacing on the romance seems natural as well. I applaud the Author for having a mature Main Character, which is really rare in these types of stories. Often the OC unrealistically over reacts on first contact, in an over the top and absolutely ridiculous way, and don't get me started about sex in these stories. The number of stories on here where the OC hyperventilates into a paper bag whenever a story even remotely becomes sexual is ridiculous. It is refreshing to see an adult main character with a mature mindset for a change.

Gilded Tome, you have great characters and great character development. I really enjoy the character arcs you have formed. Keep up the great work.

The Monk

Another great chapter! Keep it up! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!

Ah yes finally after a week of on and off reading I finished... Good story so far

Good story, and glad Trixie isnt going to be stuck with that virtually undoable conditional punishment. He does need to meet her again to talk soon though.

Dam best story ever love this

Well made and executed. I miss the adult part, most stories right now focus more on the teens and the ponies but this feels more mature, something akin to the How many friends have you made today?! trilogy, lots of emotion floating around.

I hope the five and a bit months of inactivity does not mean what I think it means and you continue this wonderful story.:twilightsmile:

Warning! Red Alert! Incoming spelling corrections! Scramble all fighters! Repeat, scramble all fighters.

Doctor Glow, to his credit, took it easy on the human for his first check-up, perhaps detecting the weariness that Andrew was already feeling from the excitement and high emotions form the day.

That should be "from", not "form".

"Hello Andrew, P- Luna, would you to like some drinks?"

That should be "two" or "2".

Is new chapter coming soon?

Alright, for the longest time I had this story bookmarked, telling myself I'd read it, and being slightly put off by the first chapter's grammar the first few attempts way back when I was a grammar nazi.

Now though? I'm kicking myself for not getting into this sooner. I absolutely adore this story, so many interesting and unique twists, I even found myself accepting the addition of another Original Human Character. Which I normal don't like the dynamic of, but all the foreshadowing and background knowledge about her eased her into it, and made her role seem to fit in just right.

My only worry is that the shadow person thing from Rainbow's nightmare was never discussed. I'm assuming that's supposed to be some sort of foreshadowing, but I can't for the life of me figure out what, or if it's even relevant anymore.

Along with the slight plothole of Autumn being there to watch Andrew, even though sometime whilst he was at the Castle Celestia scanned him and found out he was a new Child that they knew was eventually coming years before. Having someone there to watch to see if he's trouble is rather pointless when she recently admitted that he would be harmless compared to everyone else for years until his powers grew. And even his magic being very new, thus being unable to control it.

My only hypothesis for why Autumn had the elements and was sent to watch him was to make sure he was safe from anything else, whilst making it to look the other way around (which seems counter productive), or to make sure that if his powers awaken, they have something to stop him/undo what he does. But that doesn't make sense either since it was stated that what he did was something none of them expected to happen.

So, slight plotholes in my eyes, but maybe there are reasons for this that I either missed or is still in the making. (Like why is Autumn still there when, absolutely for sure they know he's an up and coming child.) Curious ideas.

Anyways, keep up the great work. I love the characters, and they way the story is going. I absolutely can't wait for future chapters, no matter how long they may take to make.

(And I see that AppleSparkle pairing coming in. Unique, don't think I've seen that one before.)

I'd almost forgotten about this 'fic. Still need to finish reading it.

Glad to see you're enjoying yourself though, it's not often people respond to comments from years ago, but I always like seeing it.

i am sorry to say i am pulling this story from my primary list and moving it to my UN-finished list.
i hate to see a story die as it is just happening way to much but well i am thinking this one is finished.

"Tai" Not all of them, I'm afraid.

Eventually, after their food was done and their tab was payed they left the bar with a bit more bounce in their step

Also, I like how they evidently did a long distance teleport from the restaurant in land-locked Ponyville to a shipyard so they could play with a bunch of tar before going back to Ponyville...but I'm not sure if the bill was ever paid.:derpytongue2:

Delightful chapter. I wonder how long before Andrew gets in trouble when Alice/Marula finds out about him & Luna. :rainbowlaugh:

I really gotta dispute that. They all knew his motivation was to go back to earth and search for his sister. If he ever DID then he qould have qctually been separated from her. But instead of telling him his sister was likely in equestria and handwaving it away they let him keep believing she was on earth. This tells me their intent was not to help him, but to keep him there so he performs his assigned duty. Then there's his sister, which is FAR worse. Finding and helping her was his underlying motivation. By taking that away he is left with nothing, except to fall into the arms of one who has plotted against him by acting against his interests. Zecora is also fucking horrible because what right does she have to his sister? She talks like she belongs to the zebra, and doing anything to gelp her woukd be immoral. Alice is crippled and knows avosolutely nothing of her own past and idea, and yet every pony present rhinks it a great idea for Andrew to just give up in her entirely because a greedy zebra has claimed a new god as fucking property. This also makes Celestia and Luna hypocrites given they're lauding him abandoning his sister entirely.

If they haven't been plotting against him, then they're guilting if incompetence and selfishness to the point its indestinguishable from malice. So yeah, I'm pretty damn salty over it.

Story's dead huh?

also sent as mail.

Are you ever going to finish this? People ask but you ignore us.

There's a great deal of uncertainty of exactly when Celestia became aware that he was gifted by the All-Mother.
From the moment he dropped in? Highly unlikely.
From the moment he began using magic? Possible, but again, highly doubtful.
From the moment his butt-tat showed up after playing with the runes? That's the most likely time.
She may have suspected at an earlier point, but there's no indication of when that might have been. So I doubt that is a matter to call her "lying". Even if that weren't so, the problems of trying to send him home previously mentioned would have prevented her from even trying.

The only thing I would/could call "lying" on Celestia's part would be the matter of her saying something to the effect of "Ponyville is a peaceful place"--but Gilded Tome and I already had that discussion. This could just have been the author making an error about his version of their world. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

As for Zecora: she wasn't implying she owned Marula. She merely recognized that for however long Marula was living in the girls head, Alice just wasn't home anymore. But trying to force the old personality back into a fully formed replacement persona is a great way of inducing all sorts of pleasant psychoses into the subject: including, but not limited to Multiple Personality Disorder, which on its own could evolve further into bipolar disorder, PTSD, and/or full blown psychotic behavior. There's also the self-harm and potential suicide just from the MPD, not to mention all the other fun things the other disorders could bring. Discord might appreciate someone just as nuts as himself, but I seriously doubt Andrew would.
Fortunately, Andrew wasn't so moronic as to ignore the zebra's warnings.

Zecora actually helping her apprentice? No, she doesn't have her best interests in mind I think. If anything only Andrew has her best interests in mind, even before his own. Them saying the zebras attempted to get her menories back doesn't make sense with what Zecora says. She says the best thing to do is nothing, because that will do nothing. It all comes across as her being unwilling to try anything because Zecora wants Marula, not Alice. Because if she's Alice she'd have more connection to Andrew and Earth instead of Zecora and her tribe. Zecora doesn't want to lose Marula even if it means healing her. They all act like they care, but they all agree with Zecora and say giving up on her and doing nothing is the best thing, and Andrew is praised for giving up on his sister. How could do ANYTHING be considered harmful? I'm not saying forcibly pushing things into place, but making any method at all? Instead the moral choice is to take the option that will have the least effect.

That everybody thinks this is great is fucking terrible, he just gave up on his Best Friend. Luna is as well, because now all he has in his life is her, why should she care? She has him devoted to her and he'll never leave her. At this point it looks like nobody actually cares about Andrew or Alice, not even Andrew himself. Plus him and Marula having a "sibling bond" is stupid as hell, if Alice is dead and gone why shoukd someone with no connection to her be his sister instead, especially of he's told to not care? This farce of a "bond" plus how all this was forcibly thrust on both of them says the All-Mother kinda a heartless bitch. Why do such a thing to someone, how could it be benevolent? It would be far more merciful to have just destroyed both their minds to create blank slates to fill their appointed roles, or better yet just pick two ponies. Or just spawn them from nothing instead of hurting people and forcing them into it without a choice.

Frankly I've come to hate the turn the story has taken, because it seems its hopelessly bleak and nobody actually cares about the protagonist, who has just plain given up all will to do anything.

There's considerable difference between "doing nothing because we want the new person rather than the old person whom we never met" and "fubarring things up because we don't know what the hell we're doing".

First, the zebras tried to help her recover her memories but were unable to do so. Whether that failure was a result of the damage Alice received before falling through the portal, after landing in the tree, their simple incompetency, or some combination of all three doesn't really matter. The fact was, their efforts were unable to help Alice--therefore, their ONLY option was to let nature take its course--also, since they know they're not the ones who could help her, which is why they're giving Marula over to the Equestrians, which hardly "working to keep Marula Marula". Therefore, Zecora's warning to Andrew "to be careful with her"--which is NOT saying "do nothing with her, or else I'm coming for you!"

Second, even in THIS WORLD, the kind of trauma Alice got is a tricky thing to work on. Trained psychiatrists would tread extremely carefully with someone in her condition, yet you would wish Andrew to scream "fuck it, I'm getting my sister back, no matter that I haven't a clue how to do that without killing her, but I'm gonna do it even if it destroys her!" and throw caution to the wind to proceed.

Third, Alice/Marula has only just arrived in town--literally hours ago at the time of Chapter 32--so there's been little to no time for anyone who might have the skills needed to recover and reintegrate Alice's mind back into her brain. I expect the coming chapters to show that Twilight, Celestia, and Luna will be seriously looking into how to proceed without undue harm to both personalities.

It's simply wise to proceed with caution with someone in her condition. It's not like anyone's given up on the idea. But a good sign exists in that Marula learned she's actually this stranger's sister with a complete life and memories. She knows there are memories she just can't access at the moment. The fact that Marula's not completely freaking out over knowing her own inevitable and forthcoming existential crisis is actually a good sign for her future recovery.

And no, wiping out Marula isn't a smart option at all! She STILL IS Alice, just a damaged, malfunctioning version of her. Trying to wipe out Marula and replacing her with Alice's mind prior to the point of her beating is just as immoral as purging anything of Alice and keeping Marula in her place! No, the proper thing to do would be to help the mind sort and integrate both personalities into a single, whole, functioning personality.

I binge read this in the course of like five days. I need more. I love this organic pace that Andrew and Luna are taking. Ugh, it’s so cutsie. I need moar

Just found and binges this today. Any plans to continue it?

Needs a continuation. Err...rather it needs finishing. Good story though.

You doing more? I’d really like that.

Aww, is the story abandoned? It's so good!

Any new chapter soon? :fluttershysad:

update it we want too see more chapters:heart::pinkiecrazy:

Well this is a good story

I'm jeast wondering if thear well be more to come soon?

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