• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 23,163 Views, 1,155 Comments

The Human Condition - Gilded Tome

When a human shows up to Equestria, will cooler heads prevail?

  • ...

Moments: 31

Andrew watched Marula closely, as if she might disappear at any moment, as if she would fade away and cease to exist. Luna watched closely as well, sitting next to Andrew on the small couch opposite from Marula and Zecora. One hoof rested on Andrew’s leg, his hand on that. Despite his refusal to look away he stayed silent, even as the rest of the group talked. It was awkward at first, but once the excitement had died down, Marula began retelling her struggles for the past year or so, eventually talking about her lost limbs.

“If you fell from the same height as Andrew did, you were lucky to survive.” Twilight said when Marula explained how she had lost them. “He only survived because Luna was there to heal him.”

“And ‘cause you were there to catch him.” Applejack pointed out. “Don’t forget that.”

“I was in the right place at the right time.” Twilight explained, before turning to Marula. “I just wish we could have helped you.”

“The recover was hard.” Marula admitted, rubbing the stump of her arm. “But I had plenty of friends to help. Zecora’s father kept me alive long enough to start healing on my own. After I woke up Elder Rorzo helped me recover physically, trained me in a few Zebrican martial arts to help me build my strength.”

“I thought I recognized your movements from earlier.” Luna added, her face unreadable. “You moved well.”

“Thank you. It was hard learning with my handicap, but Elder was a good teacher, very patient.” Marula explained with a small smile. “His constant training was all I would get up for in the beginning.”

“What do you remember?” Andrew suddenly asked. “About home.”

“Well umm… not much. Sorry.”

There was silence for a minute, before Twilight, Applejack and Autumn returned from the kitchen carrying a pitcher of water, cups and a plate of apple wedges with peanut butter spread on them. They looked nervous to be returning, clearly wondering if they should leave. Eventually they settled on staying, the three mares returning to their original seats.

“I guess I remember some faces, a few friends I think. But most times it feels like I opened a book and read everything I could about our world and that’s it.” She explained, crossing her legs on the couch, her amputated leg held in place by the other. “Like I know what a cellphone is, but I don’t really remember ever using one. I know what a bus is but I don’t remember ever being in one.”

“That sounds terrible.” Twilight commented solemnly. “I can’t imagine not remembering my friends.”

“Well luckily I don’t remember any of them enough to miss them. It was hard but I’ve made new friends in the village, Zecora being the most recent.” She said, smiling at the zebra, before looking to Andrew. “Though… do I know an Alex?”

“Yeah… he was your ex-boyfriend.” Andrew explained hollowly. “You were just starting to get over him when you- When you had your accident.”

“Oh… that explains that I suppose.” She responded, before raising an eyebrow. “Wait, accident? You mean coming to this world?”

“No… not exactly.” Andrew said, seeming to return to himself, chewing his lip. “You were in the hospital when you disappeared, some serious head trauma. To be honest your amnesia could stem from that, not the fall. We weren’t sure you were going to make it.”

“What, for real? What happened?”

“It was a… car accident.” Andrew said, getting a subtle look from Luna. “Someone swerved to avoid something and lost control, slammed into you.”

“We should have Doctor Glow take a look at you when he arrives.” Luna added, keeping Marula from asking any more questions. “If that’s alright with you.”

“I’m not sure what else you could do, the best potion master in Zebrica tried quite a few times to bring back my memories. Still, couldn’t hurt I… guess.”

She trailed off as Andrew stood up suddenly, stumbling slightly as he tried to leave the room. Luna zapped beside him, a quick and silent teleport that startled Marula. Andrew on the other hand silently put his hand on Luna’s back, using her for support. Autumn looked as if she was going to stand as well, stopping when Luna teleported.

“I need some air.” He said simply, both him and Luna leaving out the front door.

The room was silent for a while after they left, Marula watching them leave before turning to the three ponies.

“Is he okay? I mean I know this is crazy and I can’t imagine how he feels. I mean I feel like crap and I don’t remember him at all and…” Marula stopped, closing her eyes and taking a breath before starting again. “What I mean is, he looks sick. Is he healthy?”

‘He’s recovering from Nightmare’s attack on Ponyville.” Twilight explained. “He was caught in the thick of it. He’s been in a coma, only woke up a few days ago.”

“Ponyville was under attack?” Zecora asked, eyes wide in shock. “If I had known I would have come back.”

“Nightmare came back for some revenge.” Applejack explained, picking up an apple slice and eating it. “It was mighty messy, Andrew… Well he got hurt pretty bad.”

“Nightmare Moon returned? And yet Luna sat here undisturbed?” Zecora asked, clearly confused.

“Yeah… to be honest Luna could explain it in much more detail, but simply put Luna and Nightmare are two different mares, with Nightmare being some sort of spirit parasite.” Twilight explained. “They kept it all under wraps because they didn’t want ponies panicking and accusing each other of being possessed by Nightmare. “

“But Nightmare came back lookin’ fer some revenge. She caught all of us in cages and was plannin’ on killing us when Luna and Andrew came and rescued us.” Applejack continued, starting off when Twilight paused. “We… regrouped while Luna held her off, then we tried to use the Elements of Harmony on her. Andrew took one for the team keeping her distracted while we got ready. ”

“Only it didn’t work well as we wanted, and we were all weakened in the process. Andrew-

“Carved some symbols into his chest, infused them with some sort of magic and then went toe to toe with a crazy looking mare.” Marula finished.

“Yes… That’s right.” Twilight responded, her face colored with confusion. “How on Equs did you know that?”

“Because that attack is what I was having nightmares about! Looking down at those symbols glowing and filling, feeling them burn with some sort of energy, magic I guess, then kicking some pony butt! I even-“

She stops, looking at Twilight with wide eyes, pointing a finger at her.

“You! You attacked him with a hot stone! You burned him after he worked so hard to save you! Why would you-”

“Stop!” Twilight yelled, putting up a hoof urgently, looking nervously at Zecora and Autumn. “Just hold on, don’t say anything else. Luna needs to hear this.”

And with that, she rushed out the door, looking for Luna.

Andrew and Luna walked out the door, Andrew leaning back against the thick wood after Luna closed it behind them. His eyes were closed, his breathing deep.

“Would you perhaps like to go for a walk?” Luna suggested, standing in front of her student. “Marula is in good hooves for now.”

“I…” Andrew started, originally intending to say no, but changing his mind as Marula’s voice echoed softly behind him. “I would need my chair.”

Luna nodded and turned, quickly walking around the side of the house, returning not a moment later with the chair ensnared in her magic. She placed the chair down for him, and Andrew sat down heavily. Wordlessly Luna gripped the handles of the wheelchair with her magic, pushing it slowly past the fence and down the street.

“Did you hurt yourself?” She asked, breaking the silence. “Running into the house?”

“No.” He responded simply, not even turning his head. “I’m fine, maybe a bruise or two but nothing worse than that.”

The two were silent again, Andrew looking down at his lap, while Luna traded of from looking ahead to watching the human closely. The two made their way around a corner, neither of them really noting where they were going.

“It’s alright, isn’t it?” Andrew asked quietly after a moment. “Alice is alive. She’s alive and she’s here. So what if she can’t remember me. It’s still Alice, right?”

Andrew finally looked over at Luna, his eyes almost begging for what he had said to be true. Luna stopped, the magic around Andrew’s wheelchair fading.

“She is here, and it will be alright Andrew.” Luna assured him, stepping closer and nuzzling his cheek.

“It’s just… I thought finding my sister would be the happiest day of my life.” Andrew explained, not moving as Luna nuzzled him. “Instead I just feel… hollow.”

“Your life was just flipped upside down, for what must be the fifth time since you’ve been here.” Luna responded, pulling back to look Andrew in the eyes. “You have a lot to process, give it some time.”

“Yeah… alright.” Andrew said, nodding while before taking a deep breath and rubbing his face. “I guess with Alice here… I guess I have plenty of time.”

“And if you need any help, I’ll be right here for you.” Luna added with a soft smile, prompting Andrew to look back up towards her.

“I know Luna, thank you.”

Andrew put his hand on the side of her neck, his own smile spreading as Luna leaned her head forward, their foreheads pressing together, Luna’s horn laying against the top of Andrews head. She hummed, a reassuring sound that seemed to travel through her into him. He closed his eyes, letting go of another deep breath. A small part of him wondered when such an intimate gesture had become so normal between the two of them. The rest of him didn’t care, simply letting the reassuring contact cool his rushing emotions. The smell of jasmine tickled his nose, and he smiled.

“There you two a-“

Twilight started, her words dying with a squeak. Her eyes widening a bit, her words stumbling while the two turned towards her, Andrew spinning his wheels to do so. Luna blushed, suddenly very interested at the wall of a nearby house. Andrew seemed undaunted by the interruption.

“What is it Twilight?” He asked, missing Luna’s embarrassment but picking up on Twilights stuttering. “Is everything alright?”

“Y-Yes, everything is fine, it’s just that…” Twilight struggled for a moment before starting again. “You need to hear what Marula is saying Luna.”

“What do you mean?” The alicorn asked, looking back to Twilight, her blush fading quickly. “What is she saying?”

“She’s talking about Nightmare’s attack, and she is getting very close to talking about… that thing that involves you two, Princess Celestia, Discord…”

“Truly? And she learned about this how?”

“She says she’s been having nightmares about it for the past month.”

“Nightmares…. Interesting.” Luna responded, tapping her chin with her hoof. “Andrew, I am sorry but we must return, this is not something I can ignore.”

“No I understand. Important business.” Andrew says with a nod, starting to wheel himself toward Twilight. “Plus I’m pretty sure I’ll want to hear this, it involves me to right?”

Luna nodded and used her magic to push Andrew along, rushing home with Twilight right beside them. Once they had made their way to the house, Twilight pushed open the door and walked inside, while Luna stopped by the door to help Andrew. He had stopped in front of the front steps, but waved Luna off while Twilight continued on, walking around the corner and out of sight. Luna nodded and gave Andrew a final glance as she turned the corner. Andrew paused a she left, not sure what to make of the tender, almost shy glance Luna had given him. He shrugged, stepping up out of the chair and pushing it to the side, locking it and entering his home. He was about to close the door when Autumn spoke from behind him.

“I got it Andrew” She said, closing the distance and walking out the door, Zecora in tow, both of them carrying packs. “Luna wants me to help Zecora get her things back to her house. I’ll talk to you guys later.”

“Ah, gotcha.” Andrew nodded, stopping Zecora as she walked by. “Look, Zecora. I know you didn’t know you were doing it but… Thank you for bringing Alice back to me. I didn’t think I would ever see her again.”

Andrew stuck out his hand, taking Zecora’s hoof as she extended it.

“I am glad to have brought you such a happy surprise.” Zecora responded. “But I don’t think calling her your sister is wise.”

“What? Why not?” Andrew asked, pulling back his hand.

“Princess Luna trusts you, so what you say must be true.” Zecora explained quietly, looking up at Andrew. “But even so she is still Marula, completely and all the way through.”

Autumn, having stopped on the front porch, looked back at the two, biting her lip as she listened and watched.

“She has been herself for such a long time, to tell her otherwise is not very fair.” Zecora continued, still speaking softly. “Pulling on her past does more damage than you are aware.”

“So, what are you suggesting I do?” Andrew said, clenching his fist but managing to sound mostly civil. “Nothing?”

“No, that would be cruel, just do your best to not be a fool.”

Andrew’s eyes widened and he took a step forward, prompting Autumn to step forward and hold up her hoof in front of him. He stopped, but looked very angry.

“A fool? I find my sister after she has been missing for more than a year and you tell me not to act like a fool? Do you have any idea-”

“Please do not misunderstand what I have said, I know the pain you must feel in your head. But Marula is my dear friend, be careful of the fall with the bridge you must mend. Please just be kind, don’t tear at her mind.”

“Alice deserves a chance as well. Should I just forget about my sister? Let her die even if she is somewhere inside her head?”

“I think what she is trying to say Andrew…” Autumn interrupted. “Is that you shouldn’t try to force Marula to be your sister, or try and force her memories to return. Let it happen naturally, if-“

Autumn stopped suddenly, her eyes wide. She pulled back her hoof and covered her mouth, before looking down.

“If it happens at all.” Andrew finished, his fist slowly unclenching.

Zecora nodded, though she looked much more sad about having to say what she did then happy that Andrew had finally understood and calmed down. Andrew took a deep breath and half leaned, half collapsed against the wall, rubbing his eyes with his hands.

“Alright, I understand what you mean. I’ll try my best.”

Zecora nodded and silently left, exiting the still open door, leaving just Autumn and Andrew. Autumn clearly wanted to apologize, but before she could Applejack poked her head around the corner.

“Andrew, everything alright?”

“Yeah, I’m coming.”

He smiled reassuringly at Autumn before turning and walking away from the front door, eventually hearing the door shut behind him. He followed behind Applejack into the living room, sitting back down next to Luna a bit more heavily than he had intended to.

“So… what’s going on? Why did you send Zecora away?” Marula asked, looking at the others a bit nervously. “I didn’t do anything wrong did I?”

“Oh no, nothing wrong. I just thought that Zecora might want to offload her bags.” Luna explained simply. “She will return in a bit.”

“Oh, alright. So should I tell you about my nightmares?” Marula asked. “I mean you all already know the story, you were all there.”

“Indeed, we were all there.” Luna agreed with a nod. “But the question is how long where you there for?”

“Well I saw it from Andrews point of view, from the moment he started… doing that magic on himself.” Marula said, her eyes widening a bit. “Holy crap, you did magic! Now that I know you’re real that’s… That’s incredible!”

“Yeah… it’s kind of a side effect of Luna healing me when I fell out of the sky.” Andrew explained. “It’s come in handy a few times but mostly it’s kind of a pain. I can’t really control it.”

“You seemed in control of it to me.”

“That’s ‘cause I was using runes, they work differently than Unicorn magic. I’m pretty good at them.”

“Before we get off track, I would like to return to our original subject, Marula’s dream.” Luna cut in, stopping Marula’s follow up response. “We have plenty of time to talk about that later.”

“Right, fair enough.” Andrew agreed, sitting back in the chair.

“Well… They always start there, though I’ve always gotten the sense that the story starts a bit before that.” Marula continued. “The dreams show me different parts, bits and pieces, but never before Andrew starts… using his magic on himself, and never after Twilight… burns his chest.”

Twilight looks down at her hooves at the second mention of her actions in the end of the conflict. Andrew notices her guilty look, and speaks up.

“Just to clear it up, Twilight was doing that to save my life.” Andrew began explaining, but stopped when he felt Luna nudge him subtly with a hoof.

“Why?” Marula asked. “It felt like the pain itself nearly killed you.”

“The runes he carved into his chest were drawing power from him, and couldn’t be stopped by simple means.” Luna explained, again nudging Andrew before he could continue. “His body couldn’t handle the drain, nor could it handle the strain that the abilities the runes were putting on him. Much more of either and he might not have woken up.”

As Marula was focused on Luna, Twilight and Applejack shared a look, beginning to pick up on what Luna was doing as she avoided mentioning certain parts of the story. Andrew, to his credit, quickly realized what she was doing as well and managed to keep a straight face.

“If you would have to say, what moments felt like they had the strongest connection in your dreams?”

“Well… when he started filling the… carvings with magic and when Twilight burnt them off.” Marula answered, scratching her neck as she thought. “Even then it was hazy. I couldn’t even understand what everyone was saying ninety percent of the time. There are a few patches I think I’m missing too.”

“Hmmm… I may have a theory as to why you have been having these dreams.” Luna explained after a moment or two of thinking. “If you would allow me to do a few magical scans first, I could confirm it.”

Marula nodded and Luna closed her eyes, her horn glowing. However, instead of Marula glowing, Andrew glowed in Luna’s typical light blue magic. He jumped a bit, sitting up straight before rolling his eyes after he realized what was happening.

“A little warning next time Luna.” He said, relaxing back into the couch.

“Sorry Andrew, I’ll be sure to ask next time.”

Luna smiled at her student before her horn stopped glowing, quickly starting again as she scanned Marula. She looked at her arm nervously before looking back as the spell faded, only to have another one make her body glow. Eventually that glow stopped as well.

“Well, the first scan confirmed it.” Luna started, looking from Andrew to Marula. “You two are siblings.”

“We are?” Marula asked, a bit surprised. “I mean it’s not like I thought you were lying Andrew, it’s just…I don’t rememeber… And”

Andrew bit his lip for a moment, watching Marula grapple with the revelation, seeing the confusion in her eyes. He took a deep breath before standing up, making his way to his sister, taking a knee in front of her.

“Marula, it’s fine, you don’t have to remember all at once.” He assured her, his hand on hers. “There’s no pressure here. If the memories return, that’s great… I won’t lie that I hope they do. But, I understand that this is a lot to come to terms with. Don’t feel like you have to be Alice, or that you can’t be Marula. You don’t have any obligation to me, all I want is to be your brother again, no matter what you remember or what I call you.”

Marula listened with wide eyes, slowly watering as Andrew reassured her. She squeezed his hand and leaned forward, hugging him tightly and sniffling. When she leaned back she wiped her eyes, Andrew wiping his own.

“This… This is all so crazy. Thank you for understanding Andrew. It’s gonna take me some time before I get used to it, but I promise to try my best. And… I hope the memories come back too. I think I’ve been hiding from them for a long time… it was… less painful that way.”

“I know how that feels.” Andrew said simply, standing and returning to his spot near Luna.

“So… What did the second scan say?” Twilight asked, causing Marula to perk up.

“Well… It seems that Marula and Andrew shared a sibling bond. During the time that Andrew was in immense pain he bridged between his own mind and Marulas, sharing his memories with her. I believe that while he was in his coma his subconscious was forcing Marula to dream of it, over and over. Tell me Marula, have you had the nightmare in the last few days?”

“No… I haven’t. I was blaming it on the travel.” She explained. “I don’t sleep well in new places, so I figured I just wasn’t dreaming.”

“You think it was because I woke up?” Andrew asked Luna, pointedly cutting off a confused question from Twilight.

“It’s very possible.” Luna agreed with a nod. “The bond could have broken down simply because Andrew was experiencing more, creating new memories, eroding the bond until it fell apart.”

“That’s… pretty far-fetched.” Marula commented. “Are you sure?”

“As sure as I can be. The link is broken now, but there are definite signs that it existed.”

“I’m sorry I put you through that then.” Andrew apologized, rubbing the back of his neck. “If I had known.”

“Then I hope you would have done nothing different.” Marula responded strongly. “That mare, Nightmare, she was bad. I could just tell by the way she was acting, her tone of voice. I’m just glad you all made it out, a month of some nightmare is a small price to pay.”

“Thanks.” Andrew said simply, nodding before taking a deep breath. “Let’s just hope that the nightmares actually stop.”

Marula nodded in agreement before slowly leaning back into the couch.

“So how does you having magic work? How did you get it? I mean is it something that you just learned or…?” Marula asked. “I mean you don’t look like you have a horn, far as I can tell.”

“Well… It’s actually a long story…”

“And by that, he means he doesn’t understand it very well.” Luna added, poking Andrew in the stomach teasingly.

The group laughed as Andrew begrudgingly agreed with her, and began explaining his magic. Eventually, when explaining how he had gotten it, Twilight chimed in, as did Luna, describing how she had healed him after he had fallen from the sky. The group chatted amicably for a while, talking about what had happened in the past month, and the past year for Marula, laughing happily as the tension and stress from a surprising day slowly unwound. Eventually Marula leaned down and tightened the straps of her leg prosthetic and stood, stretching her arms a bit.

“Is it alright if I go for a walk?” Marula asked. “I would like some time to think, maybe stretch my legs a bit. I’ve been sitting a lot today.”

“Somepony ought to go with ya.” Applejack pointed out starting to stand. “Wouldn’t want you getting lost.”

Before Marula could protest, Andrew waved the farm mare off.

“Don’t worry, she’ll be fine. Plus she’s always had a great sense of direction” He explained before turning to his sister. “There’s a bench under a tree not far from here. Left, right then right again. The first left is a long one.”

Marula nodded, giving a small bow, then a smile before leaving the four remaining ponies alone, the door shutting after a moment. Twilight began to immediately speak, but Luna held up a hoof, halting her words while they waited in silence. Eventually she lowered her hoof, her horn glowing as she cast a muffling spell on the room.

“Was that all true?” Twilight asked, after Luna nodded and gestured for her to talk. “Sibling bonds are extremely rare and while theoretically possible between normal siblings its only ever been observed in twins, and generally only when they are teenagers or younger.”

“No, it was not all true. The fact that they are siblings, and that they shared a bond was in fact true. What kind of bond it was however…”

“She’s my other half, isn’t she?” Andrew asked simply.

“Indeed she is.” Luna replied, before continuing. “A strong bond attaches pairs of Children together, one that has been known to transfer powerful memories during times of duress.”

“Why didn’t ya just tell her that?” Applejack asked. “Lyin’ like that… it ain’t right.”

“Applejack, while empathize with your deep aversion to lying, understand that this is done to all new members of our ranks. Andrew is, as seems to be the norm for him, and exception to the rule.”

“Why? Hiding something like that seems cruel.”

“Eventually, as her power grows and she begins to show the hallmarks of a Child of Royal Blood, all will be revealed. As of now, she is not finished growing, and she has much to learn about life.” Luna explained. “Imagine the affect that being told of your destiny, learning that you will hold immense power, that you will gain immortality. Imagine what that could do to a young pony. While I admit she seems like a mature and capable mare, it would still be a poor decision to inform her.”

Twilight seemed to be grasping Luna’s logic, twisting her lip as she thought about what the alicorn said. Applejack on the other hand seemed to be seriously struggling between the logic and her overall disgust with dishonesty.

“Think about it like this Applejack.” Luna offered. “If Apple Bloom suddenly came to you and asked for you to explain the true meaning of the ‘birds and the bees’ to her, what would your reaction be?”

“Ah… Ah would probably tell her that it’s how foals are made, and only between two ponies who love each other.” Applejack answered, clearly confused.

“An acceptable explanation that would most likely satisfy her curiosity, without delving to deep. But what if she asked this question ten years from now, when she is well into the young adult phase of her life? Surely then the discussion would change drastically reflecting her maturity and the potential for her to find a partner?”

Applejack nodded, though clearly wincing at the idea of Apple Bloom being a teenager and having to discuss such a topic with her.

“This is s similar situation. While yes, what I told her today may not be exactly true, it was necessary because she is not ready for the full and truthful explanation. Just like Apple Bloom’s age means that you might hold back details and facts from her, we must hold back this information from Marula. It is for her sake, not mine that I hide the truth.”

“I… I understand.” Applejack said, frowning but nodding her head. “I won’t tell her, as much as-“

“Uh, Luna…” Twilight said, cutting off Applejack and pointing towards Andrew. “Andrew is…”

Luna turned to follow her pointing, finally noticing that not only was Andrew silent, his eyes were wide, his mouth slightly agape. He was stunned, and it took Luna a moment to realize what had caused it. She turned back to Twilight and Applejack, a frown on her face.

“I believe this would be what you might call ‘case and point.’ I think you should both go find Marula, offer to show her around the town if she is up for it, then maybe bring her to find Zecora, I am guessing that she will be staying with her.”

Applejack and Twilight shared a look before both of them nodded, standing up quickly and heading out of the room. They both paused, looking back with worried looks before leaving, the sound of a closing door once again echoing through the house.


“I’m… I’m gonna be immortal?” He said, turning to look at Luna. “How did I not connect that together?”

“A type of immortal Andrew, but yes, you will be.” Luna confirmed before continuing. “In about ten to fifteen years you will slowly stop aging. You won’t get sick any more, and you’ll get stronger and more durable. Your mana stores will increase until you are eventually as strong Tia and I are, which is about two or three times as strong as the average unicorn. But you can still get hurt and you can still be killed, as my battle with Nightmare clearly showed. But time will never touch you again, once you become a full-fledged Child.”

“That’s…. That’s insane… I can’t…”

“But you won’t be alone Andrew, never again will you be alone.” Luna explained, using her hoof to tilt his head to look at her, eye to eye. “Your sister will be with you now, as will your new family, your fellow Children.”

Andrew closed his eyes and breathed deeply, slowly calming himself. When he opened his eyes again Luna was still there, looking at him with care and worry in her eyes. He returned her gaze, studying her teal eyes, watching them watch him.

“And you, you’ll be there too.” He said with a smile, raising a hand to hold her cheek.

“I will Andrew, I will always be here for you, no matter what.” Luna assured him. “For as long as you’ll have me I will be here.”

The moment hung forever as the two sat alone, staring into each other’s eyes. Andrew could feel the pull, feel her gravity drag him, feel his heart push him from within as his mind ran ragged. Every touch, every hug and every moment of closeness suddenly made sense. Every word of encouragement and assurance and support suddenly fit into place.

Arguments of species, of appropriateness and of all manner of things ran through his head, raging and shouting, all in this impossible moment. Time seemed to stop as he fought this internal battle, as he watched, realizing that she was waiting, pleading with her eyes. Everything raged and screamed in his head, filling him with doubt and uncertainty until…

A smile danced on her lips, one that filled his heart with hope.

And it all disappeared.

He leaned forward and kissed her, feeling her press into him, feeling the warmth and electricity pass through him like a wave that crashed in his head, making his world spin as he felt her touch his cheek. He could feel her pull back as the second impossible moment passed, as he too pulled back and opened his eyes, his hand still on her cheek.

They stared at each other once again, only this time they both smiled, a grin that held back an infectious giddiness that bubbled and popped within them both. A third moment passed, and they both leaned in again.

Author's Note:

Ill Admit, I'm kind of nervous about this chapter, please tell me what you think about it in the comments ^_^