• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 23,163 Views, 1,155 Comments

The Human Condition - Gilded Tome

When a human shows up to Equestria, will cooler heads prevail?

  • ...

Healing: 7

The group of excited ponies, along with Spike and Andrew hurriedly made their way through the halls to Celestia’s bedroom, where Luna was waiting. They were led by Princess Celestia, though at this point they had spent so much time walking the castle halls the past few days, even Andrew could have lead the group there. The Princess walked with a spring in her step and a smile on her face. She was obviously glad that her sister was finally awake and had no problem showing her happiness. In fact, almost the whole group was in good spirits as they walked the marble halls. Autumn chatted with Fluttershy, talking about some of the people she had met while working at the castle. The auburn pony had integrated into the group remarkably well, aside from the occasional slight frown that would form on Applejack's face when she thought no one was looking. The happy chatting continued down the line, but petered out at the final pony in the group, Twilight. Andrew noticed this, and slowed down to walk beside her.

“You’re afraid she’ll still be angry for attacking me, aren’t you?” He asked. She looked at the human, worry and guilt plain as day.

“Yes, of course I’m still worried. I don’t know how you managed to forgive me so easily, but Princess Luna is…”

“Stubborn, spiteful and unforgiving?” Andrew finished nonchalantly. Twilight practically stumbling over her own legs from shock as Andrew so easily insulted one of her Princesses.

“Andrew! You cannot say things like that about-” she started, her voice angry and chastising despite it being a whisper.

“Alright, alright, just calm down.” He said, cutting off her tirade. “Look, the point is that Luna is a pony just like you. Her job may be important and she may be a bit taller than you, but she is still capable of getting agitated and saying things she doesn’t really mean, just like everyone else. I bet you anything that she is supremely distraught over how she spoke to you.”

Twilight looked at the human in surprise, not used to him being so… insightful. She mulled over his words as he patted her back and hurried to rejoin the group. Ignoring his oddly worded reassurance, she continued to look worried and nervous, though she didn’t hang her head nearly as low.

The group reached the door to the Princesses room not long after Twilight and Andrews conversation, and Princess Celestia hurriedly pushed the door open, ignoring the guards on either side. As they followed the white alicorn inside, Andrew got his first look inside her room. It was surprisingly simple, with an artistically shaped fireplace off to the side, a few tapestries hung from the wall and stacks of books and scrolls placed here and there. In the middle of the room was a large, circular bed where Luna sat. Immediately Princess Celestia swooped to hold her sister. The dark blue alicorn stood easily, happily returning her sisters hug. They separated after a long moment and Luna turned to the group, soon focusing her gaze on Twilight. Everyone was quiet as she walked to the nervous unicorn and stood in front of her for a long tense moment. Twilight looked at the ground, too nervous to meet Luna’s gaze. Suddenly Luna leaned in and wrapped her in tight hug, surprising her friend who let out a yelp at the sudden embrace.

“Oh Twilight, please forgive us for what we said. We were angry and surprised at what you had done, but it doesn’t excuse us for being so harsh.” Luna said, sadness and shame in her voice.

“Princess…” Twilight trailed off, shocked that Luna was apologizing to her, while not seconds ago she had been afraid she wouldn’t accept her apology. “but I was the one who acted so hastily.”

“Yes, that is true” Luna agreed. “but we don’t think you deserved such harsh words.”

“Well…of course I forgive you Princess Luna, as long as you forgive me for being so hasty.”

“Thank you friend.” Luna said, letting out a relieved sigh “Ever since we awoke we have been supremely distraught. We thought you may not forgive us.”

Twilight gave an odd look from the Luna to Andrew, but remained silent.

“We assume that you two have also made peace?” Luna, catching Twilight’s look but missing any meaning.

“Of course!” Andrew beamed, walking to the two and ruffling Twilights hair. She looked very annoyed, but Andrew pretended not to notice. “We’re best buddies now! She even helped figure out what happened when she tried to kill me.”

“Really?” Luna asked, looking to the pair, her curiosity peaked. “And what has thou learned?”

“I’m a-

“It seems that the spell you used to heal him gave him magic. He has mana pathways similar to a unicorns running through his whole body.” Twilight said, cutting off the human. She smirked when he turned to stare at her, his mouth agape at her betrayal.

“Next time tell me its apple juice first.” She said to him under her breath.

“Truly? You can perform magic?” Luna asked, her eyes wide. “We saw you cast your crude shield when we first arrived home, but we had not imagine thou was mage.”

“Wizard, I prefer wizard.” Andrew said with his arms crossed, still grumpy from Twilights revenge. “not that I have any control over it.”

“Control isn’t all he lacks at this point. He doesn’t have a unicorn’s instinctual understanding of magic.” Twilight explained. “Earlier today he attempted to levitate a book and only succeeded in knocking himself over with it.”

“It really hurt too” Andrew complained as rubbed his chest, wincing.

“That does sound most serious, levitation is one of the most basic spells and many foals learn how to do it safely at a few years of age.” Luna said, deep in thought. “We suppose he would need a rather good teacher to compensate for that…”

“Indeed sister, we decided upon that earlier. Word has already been sent to the Canterlot’s unicorn school, as well as Manehattan’s.” Celestia interjected. “We will have him a proper tutor in several days.”

“That long huh?” Andrew said, slight disappointment on his face. He had been looking forward to learning how to control his magic as soon as possible. “Well that kinda sucks. At least I can hang out with you guys.”

He looked happily to his new friends, only to find all four of them looking awkward and guilty.

“Seriously guys? You didn’t tell him?” Spike asked admonishingly. He had been sitting against the wall, finishing his comic book when he had heard Andrew.

“We were workin’ on it Spike” Applejack replied, looking a bit guilty. She turned back to the human. “Andrew we all gotta get home tomorrow. Ma brother needs help with the cider makin’, Fluttershy needs to get home fer the animals an’ Twilight needs to run the town library.”

“And I have work to take care of as well, I’m going to be real busy for the next few days.” Autumn Song added, while all four of them muttered apologies.

“It’s okay guys, don’t worry about it.” Andrew said, rubbing his face. “it just hadn’t occurred to me yet. I should have guessed as much when Fluttershy mentioned you all live in Ponyville.”

Fluttershy walked to the human, looking up at him worriedly.

“Are you sure you’re going to be alright by yourself? I would hate for you to be lonely.” She asked. “Maybe if I could find another babysitter for a day I could stay a bit longer?”

“No that’s alright Fluttershy, I can’t ask you to do that. I’ll be fine, I promise” Andrew assured her. She was about to tell him it wouldn’t be any trouble when Princess Celestia spoke.

“Actually Fluttershy, I have a better idea. What if Andrew went with you three, back to Ponyville?” She suggested. “Then you can introduce him to your other friends.”


“But what about learning about magic?” Andrew asked, looking back at Celestia curiously.

“Most likely we can find a tutor who will be willing to travel to Ponyville as a favor to the Princesses” she said, smiling. “and if not, then you can consider it a short trip.”

Andrew began to speak, but had the urge to look back at Luna, who had walked around the room, and seemed to be pacing, still deep in thought.

“Something on your mind Luna?” he asked, everyone turning to look at the alicorn. She returned the look, and she seemed to make up her mind.

“Yes, but we would prefer to have that conversation in private, between yourself, my sister and I.” she started, looking very serious. “My apologies friends, perhaps you could go and await us in the dining hall and we shall join you for an evening meal.”

The group of ponies looked at each other in surprise, before Twilight spoke up.

“Of course Princess Luna. C’mon everypony.”

As the group left, they cast curious glances back, while both Andrew and Princess Celestia looked at Luna quizzically.

“What is it Luna?” she asked. “I can’t imagine anything about this that we should keep private from Twilight or her friends.

“In short, we agree with you sister. We cannot think of a better place for Andrew than Ponyville” Luna said, jumping straight into what was on her mind.

“…That’s good Luna, but why-”

“But there is no need to find him a tutor, for we shall be his mentor.” Luna stated in no uncertain terms. “We trust no other in this task”

“…While I don’t disagree that you would be a great teacher dear sister, this matter requires near constant attention, which you cannot do from Canterlot.” The elder sister pointed out after pausing to consider what she had said.

“Once again we agree. That is why we shall be accompanying him until he is fully trained.”

Both Princess Celestia and Andrew looked at the dark blue mare in surprise. The room was silent, so much so that they could hear the sound of clinking metal at the guards outside in the hall shifted positions.

“Luna, I appreciate your enthusiasm for our new arrival, but you cannot-”

“But we must. For we caused his new predicament, so we shall be the ones to instruct him until he can control his magic.” Luna said, interrupting her sister.

“Luna you cannot just drop everything to go on another adventure, you have responsibilities here.” Princess Celestia replied.

“This has naught to do with adventure, it is about dealing with the repercussions of our actions.”

“I understand that Luna, but what of the night court? What of the ambassador from Saddle Arabia? You have responsibilities here that you must attend to.”

“No sister, we have busy work! Things you decided are easy enough for your little sister, and that won’t drag us out of your sight for more than a few hours.” Luna said, her voice rising slightly. Andrew simply looked back and forth between the two sisters, shocked at how this was developing.

“I’ve only been trying to ease you back into the world Luna, a process that would take much less time if you took it seriously instead of-”

“We are not a foal! While we may still not fit perfectly into this world, we do not require hoof holding!”

“Luna why must everything be an argument with you? I am only trying to help, but you refuse to change or accept your full responsibilities!” Princess Celestia said, matching her sister rising volume.

“We resort to arguments because you are oblivious to the more subtle attempts at explaining-”

“I am not oblivious Luna, you have just never-”

“Uh guys, why don’t we calm-” Andrew started, trying to diffuse the situation, but quickly being overridden by the rapidly escalating argument.

“You are! If you would stop working and listen to us you might understand that-”

“I understand just fine, you refuse to accept the responsibilities of being a leader, and-”

“Responsibilities as you define them sister, you know very well we disagree about our role-”

“C’mon you two, arguing won’t-”Andrew said as he tried again to interrupt, only to be completely drowned out by the rising volume. He could feel his frustration rise alongside theirs.

“Do not start that again! We are both leaders, we cannot just shirk our responsibilities-”

“It is not shirking responsibility to let our subjects take a more active role in governing-”

“It is when it leads to chaos!“

“Freedom is more important than-“

“Order leads to freed-“

Oh for fucks sake shut up!” Andrew shouted, a spark of magic dancing across his throat for barely an instant. The two sisters were buffeted by his yell, their hair whipped around by its force. Stacks of books fell down behind them and scrolls were blown this way and that. The sisters stood in stunned silence, both staring at the clearly aggravated human.

“Both of you just shut up for one second!” He shouted again, after a loud cough. “Your arguing is pointless, so both of you just chill the fuck out and take some deep breaths.”

He waited and watched as the two alicorns looked at each other, faces still surprised. After a minute or so of silence, and once he was satisfied that they had done as he asked Andrew turned to Princess Celestia.

“Princess, you have no right to tell Luna what she can and can’t do. For one thing, she is her own woman and for another, she is the co-ruler of Equestria. You are equals and therefore you can’t demand anything from her.”

Celestia glumly nodded, seeming to realize how embarrassing their little argument had been. Luna began to smirk, until Andrew turned to her.

“However Luna, by that fact you cannot pretend you don’t have responsibilities. Whether you like it or not you are co-leader of this place, to jump up and run off to some quest, no matter how important the quest may be, is blatantly irresponsible.”

Luna’s smirk fell, and she looked as if she might balk at Andrews lecture. Thankfully however, she nodded in agreement after a moment or two. Once again Andrew turned to Princess Celestia and continued.

“Next up, Princess you need to realize just because you have her best interests at heart, doesn’t mean you know what’s best for her. Yes she seems to be having a hard time fitting back in, but you need to realize that your way of helping her back into the world isn’t necessarily the way she wants to be helped. Let her help herself, or ask how you can help”

Andrew immediately looked back to Luna, not even waiting for Princess Celestia to agree.

“And Luna, you need to understand that while it’s an older sibling’s job to help their sisters, they don’t always know how. So take her wanting to help as its intended, instead of focusing on the fact that she doesn’t know what she’s doing. Cause last time I checked, there wasn’t exactly a handbook on how to rehabilitate a sibling that you banished to the moon for a thousand years.”

He paused, taking a deep breath. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to solve this conflict before it sparked up again. Both Princess Celestia and Luna watched the human, still in shocked silence.

“Since you guys clearly need to work on compromising only a small amount less than a ton, I’ll show you how it’s done. Tomorrow I’m going to join Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy and go to Ponyville. Luna, you are going to spend the next four or so days getting everything in order here, then you can join us. You’ll spend two weeks with us, then return to Canterlot for a week, taking care of all the work that has built up, and getting ahead of the curve. Then you can come back, and we rinse and repeat. Princess Celestia will make a list of events that you absolutely need to attend so you don’t miss anything important. And finally, because this is undoubtedly put your sister under even more stress, you have to promise to work harder on fitting back in Luna. Step one should be to try and stop switching your pronouns back and forth, it’s beginning to get a bit old.”

Again he paused, looking to the two alicorn expectantly. When they didn’t immediately respond, he impatiently asked “Hello? Thoughts? Opinions? Concerns?”

“We… I think it shall suffice…” Luna managed to get out after Andrew’s prodding. “it is… fair.”

“I… agree. While Andrews negotiations where a bit… brutal, the compromise is fair.” Celestia agreed. “If Luna takes her weeks here seriously, then I see no problem.”

“Great!” Andrew exclaimed with a loud sigh of relief. “Now, since you two have had plenty of time to calm down, anything you want to say?”

The alicorn’s looked at each other, embarrassment at having gotten so angry clear on their faces. Instead of talking they simply crossed the distance between them and hug, fully embracing one another. Their apologies wrapped over each other’s, and when they finally separated they both wore tired smiles, drained but content.

“Shall we join the others for dinner?” Luna asked her sister.

“You both go ahead. I find myself not very hungry at the moment. Please let Twilight and her friends know that I will see them off tomorrow.” The Princess said, turning to the door off to the side of her room. “And Andrew… thank you for your help”

They both nodded, Luna a bit sadly and Andrew in acknowledgment. Luna turned and walked to the door, with Andrew following close by. As they both walked through the door, Luna turned to Andrew and asked. “When did you learn how to use the royal Canterlot voice?”

As the turned the corner, Princess Celestia heard Andrew reply.

“The what now?”

Luna and Andrew were silent while they made their way to dining hall. The silence was awkward and oppressing, with Luna casting furtive glances at Andrew as she tried to figure out what he was thinking. As they reached an intersection Luna made to follow the path to the dining hall, but Andrew cut her off, continuing to walk until he reached a relatively familiar door. He pushed it open, entering his temporary room, and motioned for Luna to follow. As she walked past him into the room, he shut the door behind her and made his way to a chair. He spun it around and sat down, leaning against the back with his arms crossed. Luna stood not far away, trying very hard not to seem as shaken as she was.

“So…” Andrew began, clearly not sure what to say. “Want to explain what that was?”

“A simple spat between siblings.” Luna said dismissively “they are common enough that it shouldn’t be surprising.”

“Yes, I’m aware that small fights between siblings are pretty common, lord knows I had plenty with...” Andrew said, quickly starting again. “The point is that I sure as hell know wasn’t some simple spat.”

Luna’s eyes widened with surprise and she asked “Andrew, do you have a sibling?”

“Uh… kinda.” he answered with a wince. He hadn’t meant to say that.

“Why have you never spoke of them? And for that matter, why have you never mentioned your family at all?” Luna said, realizing it was true as she tried to recall any time he had mentioned them.

“Because I don’t talk about them.” Andrew explained. “and besides, we aren’t talking about me, we are talking about you. What was that about?”

“But Andrew, to not talk of your own family is-” Luna began, before the words died in her throat. The look on Andrews face was pleading, desperate for Luna to drop the subject. “Alright, I shall not pry”

“Thank you.” Andrew said, before rubbing his face and letting out a tired sigh. “Will you tell me what is happening between you and your sister?”

“We have been… at odds lately. When I returned from my banishment and was separated from Nightmare, my sister believed the problem to be solved.” Luna began to explain, as she walked around the room. “She never expected how broken I would be.”

Luna’s tone grew heavy, a slight waver in her voice that Andrew almost missed.

“In the beginning of our exile all we did was sleep. So deep was our slumber that we did not dream or notice the passage of time.” Luna said, her voice tight as she recalled painful memories. “But, during the end of our banishment the bonds weakened, to the point that eventually we were able to escape. But before we could manage that, our deep slumber ended. I awoke fifty five years before the spell that held Nightmare finally broke down, and she regained control. During that time all I could do was wait.

“Luna, I had no idea-”

“Tis alright Andrew, while the memory are not pleasant, the healing has been long in the making.” Luna said reassuringly. “When I returned, my sister wished to keep me close. For one month I stayed in the castle, trying to entertain myself. By the end of that first month, I almost cracked into insanity. I felt trapped, like I was back on the moon, counting the minutes and seconds with no end in sight. So I left.”

“Left were?” Andrew asked.

“Everywhere. In disguise I traveled all over Equestria, even outside of it. I would raise the moon from were ever I was and I would return to the castle to assuage my sister’s worries and to attend some important events. But mostly I tried to fill the void I felt in my heart for the many years I spent alone. When I finally returned to stay, not even a full year ago, I tried to fit into my sister’s world as a true co-ruler of Equestria, but by then…”

“Your heart wasn’t in it?” Andrew finished for her.

“Yes.” Luna confirmed. “During the almost two years I was traveling I connected with so many ponies. Some of them I trusted so much that I revealed who I truly was. I still correspond with quite a few of the ones that I did. But when I returned, and took a seat on the throne next to Celestia, I felt so disconnected. I was unapproachable, to be revered and respected. I do not blame them for it, but I do not enjoy it. Celestia understands this, but to her it does not matter. To her, it is our duty to rule and guide our little ponies and to maintain… order.”

“I can understand why that would cause some friction.” Andrew said, scratching his chin in thought. “Thank you for sharing all of this with me Luna.”

“Nay Andrew, thank you for listening, and for treating me like an actual pony, rather than an idol to put on the shelf.”

“Oh now that’s not a problem” Andrew said “I was never one for hero worship. I do have one question though.”

“What is it?”

“You spoke of nightmare as if she was a tangible being, but when others have mentioned it, and when you talked about it when we were on the moon, you explained it like it was part of yourself.”

Luna thought deeply on his question, and Andrew got the sense she wasn’t thinking of the answer, but deciding how much of the answer to tell him.

“Nightmare is a separate being. She took advantage of a time of weakness to convince me to merge with her in order to get what I wanted.” She explained. “I regret that weakness every moment of every day.”

“Why the smoke and mirrors then? And where is she now?” Andrew asked.

“My sister and I felt it was best to leave that part of the story out, in order to protect other secrets, as well as to prevent panic. As for where she is, we do not know and not for lack of looking.” Luna said, pausing over her words as she chose them carefully. “I am sorry, it is not that I don’t trust you, but there are some things that…”

“Don’t worry, I understand. You’re a princess, which means sometimes you just can’t share some things.”

“Thank you for being so understanding Andrew. And thank you for helping settle our argument. You handled it very well, even if you were a bit… loud.”

“No problem, I hate seeing siblings fight. Besides, seeing both sides of an argument is something I’ve always been good at.” Andrew said as he stood up and looked at the clock hung on the wall. “So, should we go meet the others?

“Yes, I believe that is a good-” Luna started, before being interrupted by a loud rumbling from her stomach. “-idea.”

Andrew laughed as he opened up the door and followed the dark blue alicorn through.

“We’d better hurry or I’m gonna end up having to carry you there.”

When the two finally arrive at the dining hall, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy and Spike had all sat down on one corner of the large main table. When Applejack caught sight of them, she sat up and waved to the duo.

“Over here!” She shouted, easily getting their attention in the quiet hall. The two made their way to the group of three ponies and a dragon.

“Hey guys, what happened to Autumn?” Andrew asked as he plopped into the seat next to Spike, who’s head was still buried in his comic book. Luna sat beside him, getting comfortable before getting the attention of the waiter with a wave of her hoof.

“She left not too long ago, said she had some work to do.” Twilight answered as the waiter came around. “What about Princess Celestia, is she on her way?”

“No, she claimed she wasn’t very hungry.”

“Oh… well that’s okay, maybe I’ll see her tomorrow.” Twilight said, more than a little downtrodden.

“As a matter of fact, you will. Celestia asked for us to inform you she will be present to see you off” Luna said to the crestfallen unicorn. Before Twilight could respond, the waiter arrived and began taking everyone’s orders. He made his way around the group, spending extra time once he arrived at Luna.

“May I interest you in the chef’s special Princess Luna? The chef has created a lovely cabbage salad with-”

“No thank you, I will have the grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup.” Luna said, cutting off the waiter’s extravagant description.

“Ooo make that a two, I haven’t had that in forever!” Andrew included excitedly. “Oh and flour only in the bread, no oats for me. Gotta keep my girlish figure!”

The waiter gave the human a rather blank expression of annoyance before leaving to give the chef their orders. An awkward silence fell over the group, and both Luna and Andrew could tell that the others desperately wanted to ask about the private meeting. Applejack was the first to break the silence.

“Ah know you asked fer privacy but…”

“… Is everything alright?” Twilight asked, finishing Applejacks sentence before she could end it with something more intrusive.

“Yes, everything is fine, thanks in no small amount to Andrew.” Luna answered, momentarily brushing Andrews shoulder with her wing.

“Oh… well that’s good.” Twilight said, looking at Andrew with a raised eyebrow, who discretely waved off any more questions once again the group settled into silence, this time slightly less heavy.

“Are you still coming to Ponyville?” Fluttershy asked Andrew, breaking the silence again.

“We will both be going to Ponyville.” Luna answered for him.

“Really?! That exciting news Princess.” Twilight said after she recovered from her surprise, an emotion that her fellow Ponyville citizens shared. “Why is that though?”

“We… I shall be Andrews’s new teacher, until he has mastered his new abilities.” Luna explained “and that would be difficult to do from Canterlot.”

“That’s… fair enough I suppose” The lavender unicorn said. “Well… I’m sure Ponyville will be glad to host a Princess for a while. Celestia knows Rarity will love every minute that royalty graces our town.”

“Yer gonna get a lot of attention ma’am” Applejack said, a worried tinge to her voice. “not every day a Princess comes to town.”

“I am aware, it is something that I have grown… more used to over the years. I do not overly enjoy such treatment and I am hoping that over time it will subside.”

“You… you don’t enjoy being a Princess?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

“I…do not enjoy the separation from everyone else.” Luna explained simply after a pause. Again silence fell over the group, this time a thoughtful pause instead of awkward.

“Which is why you always insist I call you just Luna.” Twilight mumbled, having put it together in her head.

“I told you so!” Spike shouted, having put down his comic for a second. “See Luna, I’ve got your back.”

“Thank you young Spike, I appreciate your candidness” Luna said with a smile. “In all honesty I understand why our subjects treat us as they do. We-”

Her next words were cut off by the arrival of their food and drinks. The waiters quickly placed the sandwiches and salads around, placing drinks for each of them. Andrew took his sandwich and dipped it into his soup, before taking a large bite.

“Where are you going to be staying?” Fluttershy asked as she poked at her food.

“Uhh… good question”

“We keep a small house maintained in Ponyville for when ponies stay there on official business.” Luna answered. “It should suit our needs quite well.”

“That’s good, ah thought I was gonna have ta put him up in our barn” Applejack said with a grin, obviously kidding.

“Seriously? That was an option?” Andrew asked a tad worried.

“Of course not, you would have stayed in my spare bed” Twilight assured him. “Though I should point out Spike snores very loudly.”

“You’re not exactly quiet yourself!” Spike shot back, taking a break from gorging himself on a rather large plate of gem salad.

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Twilight shouted, a rather obvious blush on her cheeks.

“Well thanks anyway, I think I prefer it this way” Andrew said through a choked back laugh. “Though it’s gonna make paying for it a bit difficult.”

“Pay for it?” Luna insisted. “We already own the building, there is no need to pay rent.”

“Then I’ll pay for our food. I may be lazy but I’m not a freeloader. I’m sure I can find a job eventually… hopefully. And besides, it will give me something to do when you’re back here.”

“Well worse comes to worst, you can work at Sweet Apple Acre’s, I’m sure we can find something for you to do.” Applejack offered

“Thanks Applejack, I may have to take you up on that sometime soon.”

“Wait, what do you mean ‘back here’? Twilight asked out of curiosity.

“Luna is gonna have to commute back and forth every two weeks.” Andrew explained. “She may be my new teacher, but she still has responsibilities here.”

“For now, I shall remain here, while Andrew goes with you all tomorrow.” Luna said, continuing on Andrews’s explanation. “After a few days I shall join you.”

“Wow, this is exciting” Fluttershy said with as much enthusiasm as her quite nature allowed. “I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone!”

“And I can’t wait to meet them.” Andrew agreed. “Although I’m not sure how much more new stuff I can take.”

Author's Note:

Here you go, Chapter 7!

i had some help editing from 'The rainbow explosion' so thanks to them, though i admit im impulsively posting this before it *technically* done editing. but ive gone over it several times, so it should be ok.

Im still looking for another editor, and I'm also looking for a better cover art picture. any volunteers will receive my immense gratitude!