• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 23,163 Views, 1,155 Comments

The Human Condition - Gilded Tome

When a human shows up to Equestria, will cooler heads prevail?

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Travel: 29

The train ride had been extremely boring. She could tell that the train was a lot slower than those she remembered from her home, but she hadn’t expected it to take nearly as long as it did. Zebrica was massive but much to her disappointment, it seemed to be made of exclusively dry plains. Boring, empty, completely unordinary plains. They crossed a few rivers, a few small forests like the ones that the village had been next to, but mostly it was grass, dirt and the occasional patch of trees. Which only added to the shock when she stepped off the train and into the humble station of Appleloosa.

“Wow… That’s a lot of colors…” Marula said, her eyes wide.

From the top of the wooden platform she could clearly see a dozen or so ponies walking through the town, each one a drastically different color. She watched as they went about their business, chatting and smiling as they walked. The town itself looked like a shot out of a movie set, the definition of a Wild West town. The only difference she could see was the vibrant colors that the buildings were painted, much too bright for anything that would have happened in a cowboy movie.

“Indeed it is truly a sight.” Zecora agreed from beside the human. “A drastic change from zebra black and white.”

Marula nodded, watching as one pony went along the street, lighting the lamps that lined the dirt road. She looked up to the sky, realizing how low the sun was getting.

“Wow, I slept longer than I thought.” She stated, tapping her staff on the wood beneath her bare foot. “Should we find the inn now or check on your patient first?”

Zecora tapped her chin as she thought, her saddle bags clinking mutely as the mostly cloth wrapped instruments it contained jostled slightly. She had explained to Marula, when the idea of her joining her to Ponyville had first come about, that she needed to stop at Appaloosa for a night to check on someone she had treated on her way to the village.

“When I left the Mayor’s daughter showed no sign of returning sickness.” Zecora finally said. “But that does not mean I should not move with quickness. I will show you to the inn so you may rest, or enjoy a drink if you so request.”

“I could use something to drink…” She trailed off as she saw a pony staring at her. “Uh oh, here we go.”

The pony, a stallion in a vest and a cowboy hat poked the pony beside him, pointing to the pair. Soon the attention of quite a few ponies was focused on Zecora and Marula, causing the human to grind her staff into the ground in annoyance. She hated being stared at, it made her feel like her scars and her handicap was all anyone could see. Zecora noticed her companions change in mood, and stepped forward, walking down the train station ramp. Most of the eyes focused on the zebra, many of the towns people recognizing the alchemist. Marula used the temporary distraction to pull a cloak from her pack, putting it on quickly. It would help her cope whit the stares, and besides, it was getting colder as the sun sank below the horizon. Plus it would cover the scars that covered her body. It wasn’t easy to get the pack back on her back over the cloak, especially with one hand, but she managed.

“Howdy Zecora, welcome back to Appleloosa!” A stallion said as he walked up to Zecora, hoof outstretched in greeting. “Stopping by to check on Heated Sands?”

“Greetings to you Sherriff Fair, and yes I am here to check on the mare.” Zecora greeted, accepting the Sheriffs offered hoof.

“That’s great, last I heard she’s been at home mostly, still enjoying the time off from school.” The stallion explained, releasing Zecora’s hoof and turning to Marula. “And who is your friend here? I don’t mean to be rude but the cloak is awfully foreboding. Not to mention how tall he is…”

“You don’t have to worry she’s as harmless as a fly.” Zecora assured him. “A bit grumpy at times, and more than a bit shy.”

Marula rolled her eyes. She was grumpy because apparently she was a nervous traveler, a fact that apparently didn’t care that she couldn’t remember ever traveling before. She hated when her amnesia did this to her, hiding something an ordinary person would know about themselves. She had been grumpy for weeks when she found out she was afraid of heights soon after arriving in Zebrica.

“Well… since you’re vouching for her… A friend of Zecora’s is more than welcome!” the sheriff said happily, extending his hoof out.

“Thanks.” Marula replied simply, hesitating before reaching out of her cloak and shaking his hoof.

The stallion watched her hand and arm with a raised brow, but kept his thoughts to himself. Instead he turned, gesturing for the duo to follow him. Marula re-shouldered her bag, and followed behind Zecora.

“Things have been going pretty well for the town since you left. I hear the harvest’s coming in great this year, an’ the mine finally hit a vein of iron shortly after you left.” The Sheriff added casually, walking beside Zecora. “Everypony is in good spirits, in fact we’re getting ready for a festival in a few days if y’all feel like sticking around.”

“That is truly good to hear, but we must move on quickly I fear.” Zecora explained, looking up at the signs that hung out from the shops and building on the long street.

Sheriff Fair nodded understandingly, continuing the conversation as they went. Marula’s attention drifted as she followed behind the two equines. She was vaguely aware of Zecora explaining that she wanted to go to the Inn first as her eyes followed the many ponies that they passed. The initial attention of being new arrivals seemed to have passed, the long analyzing stares turning into curious glances as ponies went about their evenings. Marula bumped into Zecora as the zebra stopped, stumbling slightly as her prosthetic caught on the ground. Zecora instinctually stiffened her legs, letting Marula lean against her as she used her staff to regain her balance. Marula cursed under her breath, while Zecora only politely ignored the stumble.

“Well, here’s the inn.” Sheriff Fair explained with a wave of his hoof. “Y’all have a good night, I’d walk you to the mayor's house Zecora but I have my rounds to make.”

“Do not worry Sheriff Fair, I will have no trouble getting there.” Zecora assured him, giving the stallion a quick hug.

The stallion blushed and tipped his hat as he left, turning around the corner and out of sight. Zecora waved with a smile, turning to Marula and motioning inside.

“The mayor’s house is not that far, so feel free to wait for me at the bar.” She explained, adjusting her saddle bags. “Or you could rent a bed, if you just wish to sleep instead.”

“I’ll grab a drink, though I’m not promising I’ll be up when you get back.” The human explained.

“You slept enough on the train to last you for days.” Zecora teased, turning to leave. “Be careful, too much sleep will put you in a daze.”

Marula shook her head and waved her friend off before turning and entering the Inn. She couldn’t help but smile as she pushed the saloon doors open and the whole room grew quiet as its occupants studied the human, before the majority turned back to their conversations. It was like a scene out of a bad western. The young woman made her way to the bar, leaning her staff in a notch on the counter. She could practically feel the stares on the back of her head, but she took a deep breath and waved to the bartender. The tawny colored unicorn looked her up and down, but nodded.

“You want a drink?” She asked with an unsure smile.

“Yeah… I’ll have whatever’s cheap and popular.”

Marula took her pack off of her back, setting it on the stool beside her. After a quick look through she pulled out a small satchel, and from within that pulled out a small coin. She was about to slide it down on the counter when she realized something. Zecora, who had been nice enough to lend her some equestrian money never explained what coins were worth what.

“Umm… Is this enough?” She asked the bartender as she put a bottle in front of her. “I’m kinda new to the area…”

“More than enough, give me a minute and I’ll get your change.”

Marula nodded and placed the coin on the counter, sliding it closer to the bartender. She reached for her drink, turning it to see the label. She obviously wasn’t familiar with the brand, but as far as she could tell it was some sort of fruit blend. She sipped it slowly, nodding her head in appreciation and put the drink down. She watched the bartender tend to another patron before charging her horn and taking the coin off the counter.

Zecora had explained unicorn magic to her before, but this was her first time seeing it in person. Part of her hadn’t really believed it was possible, despite being exposed to various types of magical plants during her time working with Azerith. She had come to terms with the fact that in this world magic was real and just about common place. But she was still surprised by how easily and nonchalantly the unicorn mare levitated the coin and placed it into the register.

The mare looked over her shoulder at her, and Marula looked down at her drink before taking another sip. Marula watched as the mare walked closer, placing a few different coins on the counter in front of her. She could see the mare try and peak around her hood as she did, and with a defeated sigh decided that enough was enough. She placed the drink on the table and lifted the hood off her head, shaking her head gently to get her hair into it usual messy place. The unicorn gasped, covering her mouth with her hoof, blushing when she realized how loud she had been.

“Sorry, I know it’s not the prettiest face in the world.” Marula joked with a smirk.

“N-no, it’s not that. You just surprised me…” The mare admitted, clearly embarrassed and trying to hide it by busying herself with cleaning a glass. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

The rest of the room slowly returned to its normal volume, having quieted down quickly after the reveal and the bartender’s reaction to it. Eventually, Marula felt confident enough to swivel on her barstool and examine the modest inn. There were only a few ponies in the room, most engaged in private conversations. Everyone seemed to be happy, with smiles on most of the ponies faces and laughter frequent over the din of voices. Marula closed her eyes, and for a moment she was home. A memory, foggy as usual, drifted through her mind. It felt familiar, the laughter and the warmth of the room. Not in a specific way, but in the way made her feel, for a moment, like she wasn’t surrounded by talking ponies or strange magic. The moment passed as quickly as it had arrived, and the human spun back to lean on the counter.

She took another sip from the bottle, holding it in her hand as she let out a long sigh, her shoulders slumping as she did. Memories, even the ones that were as nondescript and vague as this always left a bittersweet taste in her heart. She shifted her left shoulder, trying her best to adjust the cloak. Her body wasn’t used to wearing clothes anymore, and the constantly shifting fabric was getting distracting. And itchy.

Before she could really start to obsess over the rough cloth that Zecora had stitched together, a small plate of food was pushed in front of her. Marula looked at the bartender, who was looking rather sheepish.

“I didn’t order…” She started, trailing off as the mare smiled.

“On the house, as a sorry for being rude.” She explained before turning away and tending to another customer.

Marula looked down at the plate, poking at it with a finger. What looked like pan toasted bread turned out to be a rather delicious looking grilled cheese sandwich, with some apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon next to it.

“Thank you miss…”

“Warm Light, but you can call me Light, everyone does.” The mare explained over her shoulder.

“Okay, well thank you.”

The young woman took a small bite out of the sandwich, rolling her eyes as she chewed. It was like heaven. While she had never gone hungry, and quite a few members of the village were fantastic cooks, including Azerith, she had always known that their style of cooking was very different from what she had been used to before she came here.

“This…” She started, before stopping to finish her mouth full. “This is amazing!”

“Well, I’ll be sure to…“

The young mare trailed off as the few groups of ponies who had been sitting down around the room made their way out, into the streets. Warm Light waved down a stallion who was at the back of the pack.

“Chisel, what’s going on?”

“Somethings going on with the sky. We could see it a bit through the windows but we are getting a better look.”

The stallion turned and walked through the doorway, leaving Marula and Warm Light alone. They looked at each other, both a bit confused before Light shrugged, laying down the cup she had been cleaning and tossing the rag into a bin. She made her way around the bar, walking past Marula, who took another bite before grabbing her staff and following the mare out.

Everyone was looking up at the night sky, looks of awe and wonder on their faces. As Marula and Warm Light walked out from under the covered porch they too looked up. Marula gasped, her jaw dropping as she looked up into the sky.

The moon was full, glowing brighter than Marula had ever seen before. It seemed to radiate its silver essence all the way down to the town itself, bathing them all in soft, pale white. The stars shined just as bright, easily visible despite the moons incredible glow. The milky way ran across the sky behind the silvery moon, painting the it in an incredibly light orange and red that seemed to emphasize the twinkling stars it contained. The town gasped in unison as a shooting star streaked across the sky, leaving a brilliant tail that lingered before finally fading away.

“I suppose Princess Luna must be happy about something.” Warm light guessed in a hushed whisper. “I’ve never seen a night sky this intense.”

More shooting stars streaked across the sky, each one shining bright against the already brilliant dark horizon. Part of Marula wanted to respond to what Warm Light said, but she just couldn’t bring herself to do anything other than watch and smile. They stood there for a long time, the whole town stopping to watch the magical display. Eventually, the shooting stars slowed and stopped, and the town slowly dispersed, though Marula stayed until Zecora returned. The two headed into the inn and rented a room, a sense of happiness and relief in them.

Andrew waited impatiently for the doctors to return, propped up against the headboard of his bed. Luna sat close by, slowly going through a large stack of papers, signing a few as she went. The papers were a special early release form, specifically releasing him to the care of Luna and a private doctor she had brought to Ponyville to watch over her own slow recovery. Luna placed the papers down on the table and looked over to the human.

“Are you sure you feel fine? The doctors wanted to keep you a bit longer for observation.”

“They already went over me with a fine tooth comb yesterday.” He reminded her. “You heard them yourself, I’m fine. Everything serious is healed, and there is no reason for me to stay just because I’m a bit weak. That will get better with some physical therapy and your doctor is more than capable of doing that without me confined to the hospital.”

“Well I won’t stop you. Doctor Glow is an incredible doctor who will take good care of you.” Luna agreed with a nod. “And the house hasn’t been the same without you.”

“What have you been doing since I took my little nap?” Andrew asked, peeking over at the papers Luna was reading. “I mean I assume you were healing for a chunk of it.”

“I am still healing in all honesty” She admitted, stretching out her right wing. “My feathers have only recently stopped itching and this wing gets tired very quickly. My magic is still a bit strained as well, though that’s getting better every day.”

Luna’s horn glowed and several things around the room glowed with her magic levitating into the air before getting laid back down. Straightened the sheets on Andrews bed as well, which he immediately kicked back to their original placement.

“Show off.” He teased, sticking his tongue out.

“Very mature.” Luna admonished with a smile before continuing. “Other than that I’ve been settling into Ponyville.”

“Settling in?”

“I’ve been living in Ponyville since Terrors attack.” Luna explained.

“And Princess Celestia was okay with that?”

“She didn’t have to be. It was my choice.”

“I thought we had this all worked out?” He asked, an eyebrow quirked. “The whole going back and forth thing?”

“I couldn’t exactly do that while I was injured.” Luna pointed out, returning to the paperwork. “And the deal was to return to that schedule after you woke up.”

“I’m glad you healed up fine” Andrew added after a pause. “You were pretty banged up”

“I could say the same to you.” Luna said, putting the paperwork down on the table, and the pen in its well.

“Eh, I’m tougher than I look.”

“Of course. And are delusions of invincibility standard in humans or…?”

“Pretty much. I just got lucky that I’m actually invincible.” Andrew answered with a cocky smile that made Luna roll her eyes.

Before Luna could say anything there was a knock at the door, followed by the door opening. In walked Andrew’s doctor, as well as a nurse pushing a rather welcome contraption.

“Is that a wheelchair?” Andrew asked. “For a human?”

“Technically it’s for a minotaur.” The doctor admitted. “But other than maybe being a bit big for you, it should work fine.”

The nurse pushed the wheelchair further into the room, pushing a metal bar with her magic. She slid the contraption up alongside Andrew’s bed, then set to work pulling off the sheets. Then, when that was done he did a final check of his remaining bandages. Magic had greatly sped up his healing, but the second to third-degree burns on his stomach and chest still needed to be bandaged and treated carefully. His muscles also felt incredibly weak.

“Now Andrew, I know you will feel the urge to stretch your limits.” The doctor started as he flipped through some papers. “But as I’m sure Doctor Glow will agree, the key to these types of recoveries is patience. Your muscles need to recover naturally, and your bones, while mostly healed, still need some time to finish.”

The doctor put his clipboard to the side, pushing his hoof against the wheel lock on the chair, repeating for the opposite wheel. He helped the nurse finish her task, then helped Andrew slowly get up to a sitting position. Luna straightened out her stack of newly signed papers, using her magic to stack them next to the doctor's clipboard. She made her way to Andrew, looking him up and down.

“How do you feel?”

“Weak, but not in any sort of major pain.” Andrew answered, moving around in place, experimenting with his muscles.

“Unfortunately that will probably change. Your muscles have a lot of strength to regain, they will most likely ache as you work them.”

Andrew nodded, stretching before putting his hand on Luna’s back. He strained a bit, standing up for the first time in a month. His legs wobbled but he caught himself, leaning against Luna, turning slowly until he could sit back against on the wheelchair.

“You don’t have to stay in the chair twenty-four seven.” The doctor continued, unlocking the wheel locks while Andrew adjusted his position. “In fact, I’m sure Doctor Glow will have you out of it quite frequently. But any time you leave the house you should be using it.”

Andrew pulled and pushed the large wheels on the side of the chair experimentally, moving a bit as he did. Luna took a step back and Andrew pushed himself forward past her, maneuvering around the room. He was struggling a bit, visibly working to move. Eventually, Luna’s horn glowed, holding the push bar and steering Andrew back.

“Hey, I had that.” He commented with a light scowl.

“The doctor was just finished telling you to take it slow.” Luna countered. “That includes your whole body.”

“Princess Luna is correct.” The doctor agreed, now going through the paperwork that Luna had just finished. “You are in the wheelchair because the damage you did a month ago is still healing, as well as the atrophy from being bed ridden for so long. Magic can do a lot for that, but it can’t fix it completely. That means taking it easy on your arms as well as your legs.”

“Yeah yeah, I get it,” Andrew said begrudgingly, crossing his arms. “I just don’t like being babied.”

“Please, do you really think that I’ll be babying you, my student?” Luna asked with a smile, shaking her head. “You have much to learn, and Doctor Glow was adamant that your magical studies can continued unfettered by your physical recovery. You’ll be working hard to regain your strength, as well as learning to control your magic.”

“Well… Good… Glad we sorted that out then.” Andrew said, clearly a bit unsure if he had actually won. “So, are we good to go?”

“Yes, I believe everything is set. Good luck with your recovery Andrew.” The doctor said with a smile, reaching out with his hoof. “If you feel like something is wrong, don’t hesitate to come back in for a checkup.

Andrew nodded and shook the stallion's hoof, returning his smile. The doctor walked towards the door, the nurse following close behind. He passed his clipboard to the nurse, who started going through the file as she left the room, shuffling through the pages.

“So… let me change and we can go home?” Andrew asked, looking at Luna over his shoulder

“Sure, I’ll be just outside the door if you need me.”

It took much longer than Andrew had anticipated to get changed into normal clothes. The outfit was brand new, delivered by Rarity at some point during the last month. A simple t-shirt and shorts combo, it was just as comfortable as her first designs. Eventually, Andrew plopped back down into his seat, more than a bit annoyed with how difficult it was for him to even get dressed.

“Alright Luna, come on back in.” He called out.

Luna pushed the door open and entered, wordlessly grabbing his chair with magic and pushing him slowly into the hall, walking beside him as she pushed. She seemed to sense his annoyance and did not say anything, waiting for Andrew to talk. He eventually did, though it wasn’t until they were entering the main lobby. He snapped his fingers as if recalling something suddenly.

“Hey, I forgot to ask, was last night some sort of holiday or something?”

“Holiday? I don’t believe so.” Luna responded, multitasking with her magic to push the main doors of the hospital open and guiding Andrew outside. “Why do you ask?”

“Well last night’s sky was incredible, I thought maybe you were celebrating something.”

Luna blushed lightly and smiled, shaking her head in an attempt to quell the slight warmth in her cheeks.

“I was celebrating the return of my student.” Luna explained, looking back to Andrew as she walked beside him, guiding the wheelchair with her magic. “Surely that warrants such a show?”

“I’m not sure anything was worth that show Luna, it was the most incredible thing I have ever seen.” He said as he stretched out and leaned back in the chair. “Seriously, how do you do that?”

“It’s all rather complicated.” She assured him. “Part of it is on purpose, but a lot of it is just in tune with my emotions.”

“Well… either way it was incredible.”

“Thank you… Though I’m sure there are quite a few astronomers in Canterlot who are pulling out their manes.”

“What? Why?” Andrew asked in surprise.

“Well… while I was banished the skies became rather stagnant. The stars had never changed of course, and the moon had always been set on the same path before… well you know.”

Andrew nodded supportively, reaching out and putting his hand on her back. Luna looked at him and smiled, before clearing her throat.

“Anyway, while I was gone the night sky became predictable, and many ponies took it upon themselves to track when certain things would happen. Some of them take it very seriously, especially since the truth about my existence was lost to time. Everypony eventually just assumed that the events of the sky were just as stable as the stars.”

“But why freak out? I mean if the stars are the same who cares? I know where I was from people had charted most stuff that went on up there but that’s in a world without magic.”

“I think you will find that sometimes ponies can be spectacularly resistant to change.”

“Yeah… Humans can be like that as well.”

“I suppose it is the nature of living creatures.” Luna admitted. “I try not to hold it against them.”

The two moved down the path in amiable silence, finally reaching the town proper. Immediately the ponies closest to them stopped and bowed before continuing on their business.

“If you’ve been living here for the past month that must be getting super annoying.” Andrew guessed. “For you and them.”

“You should have seen them a few weeks ago, they wouldn’t get up until after I had passed."

Before Luna could continue, a pair ponies approached them. They were clad in purple armor, which was curved and very different from the armor Andrew had seen during his stay at Canterlot. The decorations seemed to flow, which matched nicely with the featherless, almost dragon like wings that sat on their backs.

“Greeting Princess Luna, may we escort you home?” The bigger of the two asked, while they both bowed their heads.

Luna hung her head and sighed, before eventually nodding. “You may Swift Night and Dark Skies, but stay in the Ambassador formation, all conversations between me and Andrew are considered private. “

The two ponies nodded and saluted, before walking around Luna and Andrew, taking up a position behind them, far away enough that it at least seemed as if the two had some privacy. Luna started to walk again, pushing Andrew beside her.

“Ummm…” Andre started, looking at Luna with a raised eyebrow.

“They are my personal guards.” Luna explained with a quiet sigh. “A platoon of night guards, my personal guard, was stationed here after it was decided that I would be staying while you recovered.”

“Yeah okay, that makes sense…” Andrew agreed, looking over his shoulder to observe the two ponies. “But what are they?”

“They are bat ponies”

Andrew just stared at Luna blankly for a moment, before she nodded.

“Fair enough, no reason why you should know what that means.” She agreed with Andrew’s silent sentiment. “They are the ancestors of an ancient race of pegasus who dwelled deep inside of massive caves. When Equestria was in its infancy I saved their villages from a few greedy dragons. As thanks they volunteered for my personal guard, a tradition that has stuck with them as their villages grew to entire subterranean cities. ”

“So they are a fourth race then?”

“No, bat ponies can be unicorns and earth ponies too. These two just happen to be pegusi.”

“Okay… then why are you so annoyed with them?”

“I’m not… not with them individually at least.” Luna admitted. “It’s just tiresome to be escorted everywhere. It’s just another wall between me and everypony else.”

“It’s funny, I never saw you with them at Canterlot.”

Luna nodded, the two turning down a familiar road. The amount of ponies died down and it was easier to navigate the streets with Andrew’s chair.

“The majority of them are nocturnal, both for obvious reasons and because with their night vision the darkness suits them.”

“So this must suck for them too.”

“Indeed, they find the heat and light of the day distracting to say the least.” Luna responded, looking back at the two, concern on her face. “I just wish they would wear the eye protectors I had made for them.”

“You made them sunglasses?

“Indeed, it was to help them cope with their occasional daytime duties, but most prefer to not wear them.”

Finally the two stopped in front of their home. Andrew smiled as he put his hand Luna’s back, looking up at his teacher.

“So, what are the chances that Pinkie Pie planned a welcome home party for me?”

“I’m not sure…” Luna responded with a mischievous grin.

Andrew shook his head and put his hands on the wheel, pushing himself down the front walk.

“C’mon then” He called back to Luna. “Can’t let them have a party in my own home without me!”

Author's Note:

Thanks for being patient everyone, im sorry that its taking so long to get these chapters out!