• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 23,162 Views, 1,155 Comments

The Human Condition - Gilded Tome

When a human shows up to Equestria, will cooler heads prevail?

  • ...

Goodbye: 8

The group continued to chat, long after they had all finished their meals. Eventually Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy decided to hit the hay, which left Luna and Andrew looking over the same balcony that he had eaten at earlier in the day. They watched the moon and stars in amicable silence for quite a while.

“I like your sky Luna, it looks amazing” Andrew finally said. “So do you control every star or...?”

“Not all, but quite a few.” Luna replied. “I would show you, but my horn is far from recovered.”

“Yeah, how’s that doing?”

“Imagine knowing you could pick up something, but not being able to because your arms are tied behind you back. And trying to move your arms causes no small amount of pain”

“Ah, so pretty good?” Andrew.

The two chuckled to themselves, before once again falling into a friendly quiet.

“I never did get to properly thank you for sparing me from Twilight's spell when we first returned” Luna said a few minutes later.

“Eh, it was nothing. I knew you were exhausted so I took one for the team.”

“Never the less, it was very selfless of you.”

“What can I say, I’m kinda an awesome person”

“I believe we should be the judge of that.” Luna said, teasing the human. “You are definitely losing marks for your less than clean language.”

“Hey, I’m an adult! I’ve earned the right to curse through years of being yelled at and grounded for cursing.”

“One would think that would dissuade you from foul language.” Luna said in between her laughter.

“What can I say, I’m a stubborn ass.”

Instead of replying, the princess of the night let out a loud yawn, accented by ruffling her feathers.

“Alas, it seems I am still recovering, else I would stay with you until you retired.”

“It’s okay, I should probably head to bed as well. It sounds like tomorrow is gonna be a hell of a busy day.”

“Sound reasoning my new student.” Luna agreed. “I trust you can find your way to your room?”

“Yeah, I got it. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, I shall see you tomorrow before you leave. Someone has to make sure Celestia makes it to the station in time.” The dark blue alicorn said as she walked through the balcony doors, giving the human one more wave before heading off. The human stayed for a few minutes after, before sighing to himself and heading to his room.

The next day, Andrew stood next to an anxious Twilight Sparkle, who was once again going through the contents of her saddle bag for what seemed like the hundredth time. They were at the railroad station, and head been there for the past two hours. She listed off supplies as she floated them back into the bag, while a bored Spike checked them off of a list, or at least pretended to.

“-Quills, ink, and parchment in case I want to make a list on the train, my coin purse to pay for the ticket, back up quills and ink, a few books from the royal library-”

Twilight continued to drone on, packing a surprising amount of things into her saddlebags, all while Andrew looked around the railroad station. Quite a few ponies were walking around, especially for this early in the morning. Many of them stared at the human, a few even cringing when he let out a rather large and deep yawn.

“I still don’t understand why you thought it was necessary to get here two hours before we can even buy tickets.” Andrew said, rather annoyed as he turned back to the lavender unicorn, who seemed to be poised to begin another re-check. “Clearly no one else thought that necessary.”

“Hmm? Oh, well you can never be too careful.” She said. “Besides, you didn’t complain when I woke you up.”

“That’s ‘cause I assumed you were a decent person and weren’t getting me up two hours early!” Andrew complained. “C’mon Spike, back a brotha up.”

“You probably shoulda mentioned we were going early Twi’” The young dragon agreed.

“Oh stop being such foals” Twilight said, rolling her eyes at the both of them.

“Twilight, if we are going to be friends you need to understand how seriously I take my sleep” Andrews said, his tone mockingly serious. “I’m a night person, so waking me up before nine is pretty dangerous.”

“Wow, you’re gonna get along great with Rainbow Dash” Spike said.

“Probably, if either of you stay awake long enough for me to introduce you.” Twilight said, as she rolled her eyes. “And by the way, the reason why no one else is here is because I volunteered to get here early to get everyone’s tickets.”

“So why did you bring me then!?” he said, clearly exasperated with her. Before she could answer him, a shout came from one of the many booths.

“Twelve-thirty south, now selling tickets for the twelve-thirty southbound train, Las Pegasus, Appleloosa, Ponyville and Dodge Junction!” The smartly uniformed stallion shouted.

“That’s us! I hope that not all of the private cars have been reserved.” Twilight said hopefully, as the trio got into line. A few ponies managed to get there before them, but they were still very close to the booth. Better yet, the line was moving relatively fast, and soon they were only behind two ponies.

“How much am I gonna owe you by the way?” Andrew asked Twilight as the couple in front paid for their tickets. “I can’t pay you now, but I want to eventually.”

“A private car is a lump sum, so you won’t have to worry if…” Twilight trailed off as two ponies walked down the line, heads held high, as they cut into the line right in front of them. As the couple before them walked away, tickets in hoof, the new duo walked up to the booth. Twilight shook her head and looked away, while Andrew looked from her to the new members of the line.

“Uhhh, am I missing something?” Andrew asked, wondering if there was some sort of cultural reason behind the two fancily dressed ponies cutting in front of them.

“Hush Andrew, don’t worry about it.” Twilight said under her breath.

“Oh, so they are just cutting? Fuck that, I ain’t havin’ it.” Andrew said, stepping closer to the booth, holding his hand up to stall the ticket vendor. “What are you-“

Andrew’s complaint was quickly cut out by a magenta glow around his head. The offending ponies looked back at the shouting human, as he attempted to be heard outside of the bubble Twilight had cast.

“I’m sorry about that, please go on ahead.” Twilight said as her magic expanded around him and pull him back to his original place next to her.

“Keep better control of your… pet” one of the two ponies, a mare, said before turning back to the booth. “Really, what use is a malformed minotaur anyway, so uncouth.”

Andrew looked at Twilight through the bubble that surrounded him. He crossed his arms, clearly upset with her. The unicorn ignored him however, patiently waiting for the line cutters to get their tickets and leave before releasing him. She half expected him to immediately shout at her, or even to go after the two fancily dressed ponies as they walked away. Instead he just stood there looking annoyed, his arms crossed.

“Oh don’t be so upset Andrew. I understand why you wanted to say something, but they were obviously part of the Canterlot nobility.” She explained. “They’re more trouble than they’re worth.”

“That doesn’t mean someone shouldn’t put them in their place. It’s not fair to let them get away with shit ‘cause they think their special!”

“It wasn’t worth the trouble Andrew, trust me. I used to live here, I know how trying to reason with them goes.”

“It has nothing to do with trouble Twilight, I just don’t like letting people off the hook like that. It isn’t fair.”

‘ “I know, I know.” Twilight said, clearly trying to placate him. “But that’s just how it is.”

Twilight talked with the vendor, who eyed Andrew warily as Twilight made her order. He gave her the ticket for their private car, and shouted “Next!”

The trio made their way to a nearby bench and Andrew plopped down on it. He stretched out wide, and yawned before slumping slightly. Spike hopped up next to him, while Twilight stood in front of them, putting the tickets into her saddle bag. Andrew still seemed annoyed at Twilight, and the silence quickly drove her to apologize again.

“Alright Andrew, I’m sorry I kept you from arguing with those ponies. But I was only trying to save you from making a scene.”

Andrew sighed loudly and rubbed his face, almost as if to work the tiredness from it. When he finally finished he looked at Twilight, his expression very serious.

“Twilight, I understand you wanting to help, and I appreciate it.” Andrew began. “but please don’t use magic on me like that again. I’m an adult and I’m perfectly capable of listening to reason, even when I’m angry. There is no need to force me to stop, just explain to me. If I choose to ignore you, that’s my choice and I’ll have to deal with the consequences myself.”

Twilight was once again shocked by Andrew’s the seriousness. Between his sage advice about Luna the day before, and the glimpses she was occasionally catching, Twilight was beginning to realize that there might be more to Andrew other than his sarcasm, humor and tendency to shout.

“Alright, I promise.” She replied simply. After a long pause she walked away from Andrew and Spike, giving the human some space. Spike looked at the human as he leaned forward, once again cupping his face in his hands. Twilight was soon out of sight, and the human sat up and turned to dragon sitting beside him.

“I wasn’t too harsh, was I?” he asked.

“Ummm… I don’t think so?” Spike said after tapping his chin in thought. “In all honesty, you probably had the right to be even angrier with her. Using magic like that on another pony is kinda frowned on. And on top of that Twilight can be… a bit pushy at times.”

“Yeah… I’ll bring it up later, when I’ve cooled down a bit.

“Good call” Spike agreed. “Twilight will probably bring it up again anyways.”

“Fair enough” Andrew said, before changing the subject. “So how long before everyone else shows up?”

“Well…” Spike looked at the notebook he was still carrying from earlier. “According to Twilight’s list, in an hour.”

“Perfect, wake me up when they get here.” Andrew instructed, as he put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes.

Andrew sat on a bench, in the middle of a long hallway. His hands shook from anxiety and he felt a lump in his throat, as if he was about to burst into tears. He no idea why he felt this way, just like how he had no idea why this hallway looked so familiar, or why that terrified him. The urge to get up and run screamed throughout his brain, but it felt like the air around him had thickened and was keeping him from doing so. He looked down the hallway, his head slowly turning as if in slow motion.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” He shouted down the hallway, but his voice sounded muted. The end of the hall was dark, and he couldn’t tell how far away it was. Suddenly he heard the sound of footsteps coming from the other end of the hall. Each thunderous step seemed to shaking him to his core, a sense of inescapable dread building with each one. A sudden realization flooded through him

It was happening again.

“NO! Go away, I can’t do this again! Please, I’m begging you, leave me alone!” He screamed, the muffled words doing nothing to slow the approaching horror. The footsteps got closer and closer, until finally they stopped, barely a foot away from Andrew. He struggled to turn his head, fighting the invisible bonds that held him still as a statue. Finally he managed to turn his head just enough to see the man standing beside him. He was clad in a dark blue uniform, a badge on his chest. He placed his hand on his shoulder and Andrew screwed his eyes shut, awaiting the words that would destroy his world all over again.

“Andrew, wake up!”

Andrew’s eyes shot open and practically leapt off of the bench. The sun was bright in his eyes and he was no longer in that terrible, terrible hallway. Instead he stood in a busy railroad station, surrounded by three concerned ponies and a rather confused looking dragon.

“You a’right big guy? You were mumblin’ and tossin’ somthin’ fierce.” Applejack asked from beneath her Stetson.

“Uh yeah.. sorry, just a bit of a bad dream” Andrew explained as he tried to slow his deep breaths. “No big deal.”

“Oh no, a nightmare? That’s terrible!” Fluttershy said, clearly very concerned. She put her hoof on his hand in an attempt to comfort him. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“No it’s alright, I get them sometimes, I can handle it.”

“Wait, you get them often?” Twilight asked. “That’s awful. Maybe you should ask Princess Luna for help, she-”

“No!” Andrew shouted, surprising all of them, including himself, with his volume. “Uh sorry, No that’s not necessary. They aren’t that bad, and they don’t happen very often. I’ll be fine.”

By the look on their face, he could tell that Fluttershy and Twilight wanted to ask more, Applejack cut them off before they could.

“Well a’right sugarcube, if that’s how ya feel about it, we can’t force ya to.”

“I suppose that true.” Fluttershy reluctantly agreed. “But let us know if you change your mind.”

“I will.” Andrew agreed before changing the subject. “So how long was I out?”

“About an hour and a half.” Spike answered. “Twilight felt bad for getting you up so early, so we let you sleep.”

“Oh, well that’s nice I suppose” Andrew. “I’ll consider your apology complete if you get me something to eat”

Twilight sighed while rolling her eyes, but never the less she reached into her saddle bag and pulled out and apple, dropping it into Andrews outstretched hand. He took a large bite, and chewed hungrily.

“thish wone of yoursh?” He asked Applejack with a full mouth. The farmer pony leaned over and sniffed the apple.

“Yup, and ya got lucky! That ones from the northwest field, it came out pretty good this last harvest if I do say ma’self.”

Andrew’s only reply was a groan of enjoyment. He quickly finished the apple and threw it in a nearby trash bin.

“Apology accepted.” He told Twilight, after he patted her head. “So, when are we boarding?”

“Actually, boarding started a few minutes ago.” Twilight said, as she looked around anxiously. “We are waiting for-”

Twilight’s explanation was cut off by a commotion at the opposite end of the station. Gasps and mutterings of amazement made their way through the crowd as Princess Celestia and Luna made their way to the group. Ponies hurried out of their way, kneeling out of respect once they had.

“Friends!” Luna shouted as she increased her pace, making it to the group ahead of her sister. “I hope you are all well this afternoon?”

The quintet responded with agreements and greeting as Luna stopped to stand next to Andrew, who smiled at the alicorn. Twilight looked to her mentor as she made her way to the group at a much more… regal pace. Behind her walked three guards, all walking with rigid attention.

“Princess Celestia, I’m so glad you came to see us off.” Twilight said, smiling ear to ear.

“Of course I came my faithful student, I could not let you leave without saying goodbye” Princess Celestia assured her. “Especially after I missed eating with you all yesterday.”

“It’s a’right Princess, I’m sure you were busy.” Applejack said.

“Indeed I was, I had a rather urgent meeting.” She explained. “Though it still saddened me to miss the meal.”

“There’s always next time Princess” Andrew said.

“I suppose there is.” The Princess said with a warm smile. “Well, as always I am sad to see you all go, but I am sure I will see you again soon.”

Twilight walked to the Princess and gave her a hug. The Princess returned her embrace, wrapping her student in her large wings. She held her like this for a moment, before letting her go. Twilight made to return to the group, but Princess Celestia stopped her with a touch.

“Be safe my student, I shall see you soon.”

“I will Princess.” Twilight responded before returning to the group. Celestia turned, and made her way through the crowd, her guards following closely behind.

“I should take my leave as well, my next few days are going to be very busy.” Luna said, giving Andrew a slight shove to tease him.

“Hey, don’t blame me!”

“I jest Andrew, your compromise was fair and just.” Luna said, before turning to the others. “I shall see you all very soon, expect me in four or five days, depending on how much my control over magic improves over the next few days.”

To prove her point, she attempted to levitate a nearby piece of rubbish. The empty cup glowed, and lifted off the ground, but the spell sputtered out as she tried to move it to the trash bin.

“By the Creator is it annoying!” She muttered through a wince as her spell failed.

“Well, good luck” Twilight said. “And go easy, straining yourself will only make it take longer.”

“Listen to the mare” Andrew ordered, looking at Luna seriously. “Slow and steady wins the race.”

Luna opened her mouth to say something, probably a witty retort, when the train whistle blew, and a conductor shouted “All aboard the twelve-thirty southbound trip! Train leaves in ten minutes.”

“Oh no, that’s our train!” Twilight said anxiously. “I thought we had more time than that!”

“Relax, ten minutes is plenty of time” Andrew said, as he gave Luna a pat on the back. “See you soon Luna.”

“Goodbye Andrew, and goodbye my friends, I look forward to seeing you all in Ponyville.”

The homeward bound group said their goodbyes, before the Princess of the night spread her wings and flew away toward the castle. They all watched her go, before making their way onto the train.

Andrew sat in the private car, watching as trees whizzed by the window. The chairs inside the train were a bit different from what he had seen so far during his stay in Equestria. They were long with a sloping artistic back that made it impossible for him to sit on the inside row and lean back. In fact, he wasn’t sure there was an “inside row”, it seemed like everyone had their own seat. There was plenty of room for a pony to lay down on their stomach, which he now realized was really akin to sitting down to them. Spike was dozing in the corner and while he had tried to join him, Andrew had given up sleeping about an hour ago because the steady jostling of the tracks had kept him awake. So far though, he hadn’t minded much. The view was amazing, every inch of landscaped that passed his window was pristine and beautiful, like it was created from someone’s idea of paradise. Every plain was filled with flowers and every forest filled with greenest healthiest tree’s he had ever seen. Even the track itself seemed to avoid damaging the wilderness, avoiding the hills and forests and yet somehow remaining relatively straight.

“Hey Andrew, mind if ah ask you somethin’?” Applejack asked. She sat in the space across from him, and had been watching the human for a while now.

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Do ya really have no idea how you got here?” Applejack asked after chewing her words for a moment or two. “So far ya seem like a nice enough… human, but you seem awfully fine fer someone stranded in a totally different world. If ah were in your place… ah imagine ah would really be freakin’ out”

“Huh. You’re smarter than you let on, aren’t you?” Andrew said with smile.

“Ah don’t know about that…”

“Well to answer your question I did freak out, you guys just missed a lot of it. Luna did a good job calming me down before we came back.” He explained. “Also, I have some… experience being uprooted and thrown into new places. I’ve never reached terminal velocity during the throwing, but I have learned that it doesn’t help anyone to deny reality. I’m here, so I need to make the best of it.”

“Experience?” Applejack asked, raising her eyebrow. “What do ya mean experience?”

“I… moved around a lot when I was younger.”

“oh, ah gotcha.” The orange earth pony looked satisfied with that answer and she turned to stare out the window.

Andrew looked around the relatively empty car, and observed the other ponies. Twilight sat in the seat behind Applejack and was either asleep or doing a fairly good impression of it. Fluttershy sat in the same section and she was intently reading a book, which Andrew recognized as the same one she had been reading while she waited for Twilight to do her scans the other day. He decided to let the pony read in peace, and instead joined Applejack’s vigil. After a long while Applejack once again looked to the human.

“Do ya miss yer family?”

A long pause followed her question, and Andrew’s gaze remained on the passing scenery. After a while, long enough for Applejack to wonder if she should repeat her question, Andrew answered.

“Every day.”

Time seemed to be going in slow motion for Andrew. He resisted the urge to sigh loudly and instead started to drum his fingers against the side of the booth. The girls were all awake, with Twilight reading a book and Applejack talking to Fluttershy about a new rash of animals that had been eating her crops. So far neither of them had been able to figure out what kind of animal it could have been.

“How much longer Twilight?” Andrew asked at a wine, finally giving into the urge of boredom.

“About three more hours” Twilight said, without looking up from her book.

“What? You said three hours last time I asked!”

“Well, you asked about ten minutes ago.” Twilight shot back, finally looking up to fix Andrew with an annoyed look. “Ask again in ten more minutes and I’ll say ‘about two and a half hours’”

Andrew sighed and crossed his arms, sinking back into his seat.

“Ah know how ya feel Andrew, I don’t like sittin’ still fer so long either.” Applejack said, as she retook her seat across from Andrew. It seemed like her and Fluttershy had finished their conversation, and were now both looking at the human.

“It’s not the sitting still part that bothers me, it’s the freaking boredom!"

“Would you like to borrow a book then?” Twilight asked from behind Applejack. “I’ve got a Daring Do book that I’m bringing back for Rainbow Dash.”

“Nah. I like reading and all but I don’t feel like I could get into a book right now.” Andrew responded as he got up. He stretched his arms up and back, bending backwards as he did. The girls winced as way too many bones cracked and clicked back into place.

“Well, then what would you like to do?” She asked, watching the human walk to the seat across the aisle from hers.

“Why don’t you tell me about Ponyville?”

“Oh, that’s a great idea! Some back ground knowledge never hurt anyone!” Twilight said, easily slipping into lecture mode. “Ponyville was founded in-”

“No no no, not that kinda stuff.” Andrew said, cutting of Twilight. “Like, what are the ponies like, are strangers welcome? Am I gonna have to worry about pitchforks and torches? ‘Cause I’ll warn you now, not so good at running from angry mobs.”

“Oh! Yes, everyone is very nice. I mean, you may get some stares for a while, but they will warm up to you... uh… eventually.”

“Oh well that’s reeaally encouraging...”

“Don’t ya worry Andrew. It’s true that everyone may take some time to get used to ya, but ah can promise that we’ll keep you company until they do.” Applejack assured the worried human.

“And don’t forget about Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. I’m sure they will be your friends too!” Fluttershy said, joining in to support Applejack’s assurances.

“Exactly. Don’t worry Andrew, everything will be fine.” Twilight finished.

“…Thank you guys. I really appreciate all you’ve done for me the past few days.”

“Oh hush ya softie, what else are friends for?”

“I suppose that’s fair enough” Andrew said with a laugh. “So much has been going on, it will be nice to have some time to unwind and digest everything. I feel like my head might explode if anything new happens in the next few days.”

“Well I think you are doing an amazing job dealing with everything.” Fluttershy complimented. “Not everyone could say they calmly made friends after waking up in a new world.”

“It’s certainly ah one of a kind achievement” Applejack agreed.

Twilight slowly closed her book, suddenly looking a bit worried.

“What’s up?” Andrew asked.

“Well… not to change the subject, but I just had a thought. We haven’t warned you about Pinkie Pie. ” Twilight said, looking nervously at her other friends. “She may be a bit… excited to meet you.”

“Oh shoot… ah hadn’t thought of that” Applejack agreed. “I hope she doesn’t ambush you immediately off the train.”

“Wait ambush? The hell are you guys talking about?” Andrew asked, clearly confused.

“Pinkie throws huge parties for everyone new to Ponyville.” Fluttershy explained. "But she can be a bit… intense.”

“I can handle intense, but I’m not a big fan of big parties. I prefer small gatherings.”

“Well I’m sure that she’ll take that into account. She may be intense, but she really is a sweet…” Twilight paused, looking at Andrew, or more specifically the empty seat behind him. “What is that?”

“What is what?” Andrew said as he followed her eyes and looked behind him. There, behind him on his seat was a rather large cupcake on a plate. The cupcake was chocolate and it was adorned with pink frosting, with sprinkles and a few cherry on top. He carefully picked up the plate, holding it as he looked at the others.

“Uhh…that was not here when I sat down.” He said simply, not exactly sure what to think.

All three of the mares looked at each other and simultaneously said “Pinkie Pie.”


“Pinkie Pie is ah bit… random.” Applejack said, as if that explained everything.

“Random?” He questioned, clearly not expecting such a simple explanation. “By random do you perhaps mean she sometimes breaks the laws of reality? Cause the seat was empty, and then it wasn’t. That doesn’t happen.”

“Pretty much” They all said together.

Andrew stared at the others, before shrugging and taking a large bite of the pastry. His eyes grew wide and he immediately took another bite. “thish ish amashiing!

“She does have a way with baking.” Twilight said as she levitated the tray to herself. “Huh, now what is this?”

She levitated an envelope that had been under the cupcake, opening it up and pulling out the card within. After putting the tray and the now empty envelope down, she began reading.

“‘Dear Andrew Dike. You are invited to a party to celebrate your arrival at Ponyville! The party will be at the Golden Oaks library at six o’clock tonight. Food and drink will be served, and then there will be cake. And party games, can’t forget the party games! Yours truly, Pinkemania Pie. P.S. I’m glad you like the cupcake, I’ve never put cherries on one before! P.P.S It will be a small party, I promise! P.P.P.S Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy and Spike, you guys are invited too! ”

The train was quiet after she finished reading, and the human sat there, his mouth hanging open full of the best cupcake he had ever tasted. He swallowed it loudly, pink frosting still at the corners of his mouth.

“Now that just seems like cheating.”

Three hours later Andrew could finally see Ponyville off in the distance. It was getting late, the sun set made it look like a scene out of a movie as the town got closer and closer. The buildings definitely had the ‘small village’ look, with thatched roofs and visible beamed walls. But small town looks aside, it was surprisingly big. As they got closer to the station, he lost count of how many houses they passed.

“Wow, this place is pretty big.” Andrew said as he turned to the girls. They were getting up and stretching, working the kinks caused by the five hour trip. Fluttershy nearly fell over as the train began to slow down in preparation for the stop.

“So” Andrew started after he helped steady the pegasus. “What’s the game plan for tonight? How long do Pinkie Pie’s parties usually last for?”

“Until the last person leaves usually” Twilight said, before giving Andrew a sly look. “Why, I thought you were a ‘night person’”

“I am, I’m just curious how I’m going to get into were I’m staying.” He said, which caused Twilights eyes to widen.

“I hadn’t thought of that…” She confessed. “Well… I suppose you’ll have to stay at my house and we can visit the mayor tomorrow. She will have the key for the house and it wouldn’t hurt to introduce you to her either way.”

As she talked, the train finally came to a stop, the brakes screeching. Spike, who was still asleep, rolled slightly from the stop and would have fallen off of his seat if Twilight hadn’t reached out with her magic and caught him, placing the slumbering dragon on her back.

“Alright, solid plan.” Andrew agreed. “Just please for the love of all that is holy, don’t wake me up until you have to.”

“No promises.” Twilight said as she walked away, a mischievous tint to her voice.

Andrew shook his head, following the three ponies as they made their way to the end of the car. On the other side of the door was another car, this one filled with random ponies, all headed to a different stations. They made their way through the populated car, all the while ignoring stares and the pointing hooves of ponies who had inevitably noticed Andrew. Eventually they made their way out onto the station. The Ponyville station was very small, especially when compared to the canterlot station they had left many hours before.

“Welcome to Ponyville!” Applejack said, bumping into Andrew teasingly as he looked around. “It may not be as pretty as Canterlot, but the people are friendlier, an’ the food is ah heck of ah lot cheaper.”

“It looks… quaint.” Andrew said. “I’ve never stayed long in a small town, I’m not sure how ill deal with no hustle and bustle.”

“I‘m sure you’ll love it here, just give it a chance.” Fluttershy said as she stretched her wings.

“I’m sure I will.” Andrew said as followed the three ponies down the ramp of the station.

As they walked he listened to the three talk about the shops and homes they passed, pointing to the best places to get this and that. The streets were mostly empty, which made sense considering it was around dinner time. However there were a few ponies walking the streets, and almost all of them stopped to stare at the group walked by. One of the ponies even tried to hide behind a row of shrubs.

“Ok, that’s it.” He muttered under his breath as he broke away from the group. He made his way to were the pony was hiding, walking around to squat behind the shrub next to him. From there he could see the pony’s cutie mark, a golden based hourglass.

“It didn’t see me, it didn’t see me, it didn’t-” the scared pony repeated to himself.

“I don’t think it saw us thankfully! Such a weird looking creature!” Andrew whispered to the pony.

“Uh…yeah, I think it might have been a minotaur, but I’m not-” The pony stopped mid-sentence as he turned to look at Andrew. The pony’s mouth dropped open and stayed there as he seemed to freeze in fright.

“Okay, I can tell by that look that you’re pretty terrified. But here’s the thing. I’m actually a nice guy, and I’m kinda new to… well the planet I think, so if you could just give me a chance to show you there is…” -The pony sprinted away at top speed, stumbling and tripping over himself until he rounded the corner- “…okay good talk, see-ya around.”

Andrew let out a loud sigh and returned to the road, shaking his head. When he finally made it to the dirt path and looked around, and saw the three ponies further down the road.

“Hey, wait up!”

“I can’t believe you guys almost left me behind” Andrew complained for the fifth time. “I would have been completely lost!”

“Well maybe you shouldn’t have gone off to scare Time Turner like that.” Twilight retorted as they rounded the final corner. In front of them stood the impressive library. The lights were on, and a large sign saying “Welcome to Ponyville!” was hung in the front.

“I wasn’t trying to scare him, I swear!” Andrew said. “He just flipped out and ran away.”

“Ah’ve gotta agree with Andrew, Turner has always been a bit of a chicken.” Applejack added.

“He’s very nice though. He helped me set up a clock that lets me know when it’s time to feed the animals.” Fluttershy said, defending her fellow meek pony.

The trio arrived at the front door, and Twilight turned to Andrew.

“So… Are you ready?” She asked.

“Nope, not even close.” He answered as he pushed past her. Without hesitation he threw the door open and walked into the room, throwing up his hands and shouting “Andrew is in the house!”

The once buzzing room turned completely silent as the entire group focused on the new arrival. The ponies, who had moments before been chatting happily amongst themselves, now stood in shock at Andrew’s sudden entrance. Eyes grew wide and jaws dropped and one pony, who Andrew would later learn was Rarity, fainted onto a couch. Twilight pushed her way in, and stood beside Andrew.

“Real smooth Andr-”

“Twilight, look out!” A light blue pony shouted, cutting off Twilight. The pegasus took off at incredible speed, aimed directly for Andrew.

“Oh for fucks s-!” Andrew shouted, before Rainbow Dash punched him in the chest at high speed, sending him flying right back out the door.

Author's Note:

Chapter 8 !

I really hope i caught all the Google doc errors!

WOOT, 200 Thumbs up
Thank you so much everyone, im having a blast writing this so far!