• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 23,161 Views, 1,155 Comments

The Human Condition - Gilded Tome

When a human shows up to Equestria, will cooler heads prevail?

  • ...

Progress: 18

Andrew took a deep breath as he struggled to recall the level of zen he had achieved the day before. His tiredness was making it harder, a wall of grogginess holding him back from achieving the semi focused state he wanted. He was also more than a bit grumpy from the lack of sleep, though he had managed to bite back the rising annoyance every time it started to spring up. It was his fault he was so tired after all, he was the one who decide to trade sleep for time to read the book he had borrowed. He had spent hours reading, finally reaching the end a mere hour before Luna was to wake him up for training.

The entire morning since then had been a drag, in that he felt like he was dragging his feet the whole way. In fact, it felt as though if he slunk any lower his hands would drag along the floor as well. Luna had been quite adamant though, doubly so when she realized that he had been up late reading, despite her warnings that that was not a good idea.

“I’m glad you have taken an interest in this.” She had said. “But I will be sticking to our training schedule, whether your rest properly or not.”

Despite her unrelenting words, he could feel her scan him every thirty minutes or sure, to make sure that any grogginess was from his lack of sleep, and not from his accident. She denied it when he had caught her the first time, but he could tell she was worried, which of course made him feel guilty for not sleeping.

“Perhaps next time you will follow your teacher’s advice?” Luna had suggested, when he apologized before they had began.

“Yeah yeah, no need to rub it in.”

Andrew opened his eyes for a moment to look at the incognito alicorn. She was reading through the pages of Gauges journal, eyes scanning the page. She was rolling a blue rubber ball in her hooves. He closed his eyes and attempted to focus once more. He counted his deep breaths, in and out, in and out, in and….

“Andrew!” Luna shouted when she realized the human had fallen asleep. “If you do not stay awake I will teleport you into a river!”

Andrew jumped up from his chair, obviously startled by Luna’s shout.

“Jesus Christ” He shouted as clutched his chest dramatically. “Don’t bother drowning me, I’ve already had a heart attack!”

“Andrew.” Luna said, shaking her head in mild disappointment. “You need to take this more seriously. I warned you that you needed your rest.”

“I know I know, and I said I’m sorry. I couldn’t stop reading, it was so interesting.”

“Well, I am glad you’ve taken such an interest in magic, even if it’s not the proper place to start.” She admitted before gesturing to Andrew’s seat. “Now, let’s keep trying.”

Andrew grumbled quietly before sitting back down, once again going through the process of calming down and equalizing his breathing.

This is never going to work. He thought to himself after his breathing returned to normal. How does someone even look inside themselves? It’s not like there is an actual big red button in the back of my mind. When you really think about it, it makes no sense at all. My thoughts are just thoughts after all, not some 3D area I can reach into…

Andrew’s thoughts continued on their pessimistic path for a while, his frustration rising steadily. He wanted to stand up or shout or anything other than sit like an idiot in a chair, pretending to understand what “searching inward” meant. The buzzing frustration in the back of his head was getting more and more noticeable as he struggled with his conundrum.

Magic. How the fuck am I going to do magic?

He could practically feel his whole body hum with annoyance, his head and his right hand in particularly felt like they were pulsing with it….

…. No… It can’t be…

Andrew squeezed his hand, focusing on the tension he felt in it. He resisted the urge to take deeper breaths, afraid he might lose the thrumming pulse in his head and hand. It was a strange sensation, not unlike a barely detectable case of pins and needles. It wasn’t wholly unpleasant either, mostly just… alien. Strange and new, foreign to his previously sufficient catalogue of sensations.

He tightened his empty grip, hard enough that his fingernails bit into his palm. He studied the sensation, mentally shifting his focus further and further up his arm. Finally he was focused on the sensation in his head, a buzzing center that was completely unfamiliar to him.

How am I doing this? I can feel it, as if it was a perceivable spot. Like a new muscle.

Determined to follow this to its end, he prodded the area mentally, ignoring how such a concept shouldn’t be possible. It resisted his poking, almost as if it was shying away from the attention. He screwed his eyes shut, mentally pushing. He strained against it, shoving and jabbing, failing to make even a scratch until suddenly… he was in.

He let out a gasp as his mind was flooded, the previously separating bubble completely popped. A calming rush filled his body, quenching the frustration he felt. Mentally he reached further into the broken shell that had once held him back, reveling in the sensations. He opened his eyes, his hand already glowing with energy. It felt so natural, now that the wall that was holding him back was shattered. He reached out to the desk, sparks dancing around his hand and between his fingers. Luna looked up from the book, her eyes wide.

“Andrew! That’s fantastic!” She said happily, putting the ball she had been idly playing with on the desk. “Now reach out toward the ball. Visualize it hovering, will it to lift off slowl-”

The rubber ball glowed, the same red color that pulsed and sparked around Andrew’s hand. It slowly lifted off the ground, and before Luna could finish her sentence, it rocketed toward Andrew. It crossed the distance between Andrew and the desk in less than a blink, accelerating at an almost impossible pace. Andrew attempted to dodge the ball, tipping his whole body back, which rocked the chair backward. The rubber ball made contact with Andrew’s forehead making a startlingly loud thwock, bouncing off at an impressive speed. The impact threw his head back even further, pushing his tipping chair past the point of no return.

“Andrew!” Luna shouted again, rushing out from around her desk to his side. “Are you alright!?”

Andrew groaned and rolled out of the chair, holding his forehead with one hand and giving Luna the thumbs up with the other.

“Andrew I’m not familiar with that hand signal, are you okay?”

“Yeah… I’ll be fine.” He said, sitting up slowly and rubbing his head. “Get the chair, will you?”

Luna nodded, using her magic to quickly flip the chair right side up. Andrew sat down heavily, groaning a bit.

“God, I have shitty luck don’t I?” He lamented. “Two steps forward one and a half steps back.”

“Andrew I fail to see where this is bad luck.” She replied, walking around him, checking his head for any serious injuries. “You’ve done something amazing in an incredibly short period of time! Despite your inability to control it, the mere fact you were able to tap into your magic so quickly is nothing short of fantastic!”

“Well when you put it that way.”

Andrew put his hand on Luna’s back, leaning on her to stand upright. She watched him closely, as if expecting him to fall over at any moment.

“I’m fine.” He said, partly to assuage the worried look from Luna, and partly to convince himself. “Let’s get back to it. Who knows what kind of progress I’m going to make now?”

“I can’t fucking believe we made absolutely no more progress.” Andrew complained. “Other than getting slightly better at dodging rubber balls, absolutely no progress.”

He stretched out his arms and yawned from the couch. Surprisingly he was mostly over his tiredness by now due to his earlier break through, then by the subsequent failure to progress further. He could still feel the exhaustion though, he knew he would crash if he stayed inactive for too long.

“I told you Andrew, you made amazing progress today.” Luna assured him. “But you can’t expect control all at once. Even with your revelation you have much to learn about harnessing and controlling your magic.”

“Yeah yeah I know.” He replied, still a bit annoyed. “I guess I just hadn’t anticipated the work *after* I figured out how to access my magic.”

Luna nodded, but remained quiet, instead watching the human from her seat across the living room. She remained calm on the outside, but internally she waged war against herself. She could practically feel the sadness and worry emanating from Andrew, and yet he to remained outwardly calm. Many questions about this human remained un-answered, but despite everything all she felt like doing was wrapping her hooves around him and assuring him that everything would be okay. The thought struck her as odd as well, she hardly ever felt like that about anypony, save maybe her sister during times of stress. Her thoughts, and potential questions were cut off as the human stood and began stretching his legs.

“Okay, it’s about time to start getting ready.” He said. “I hope I don’t regret agreeing to hang out like this.”

“I am sure you shall enjoy yourself.” Luna assured him. “In the meantime, I think I shall go for my own walk, explore Ponyville some more.”

With an uncommitted shrug and nod he left the living room, heading to the bathroom upstairs to start getting ready. About thirty minutes later he was walking back down the stairs wearing one of Rarity’s new outfits, his hair still slightly damp from the shower. Once again he was shocked by the quality and feel of her work. He mentally promised himself that he would pay for the next outfit, this kind of work shouldn’t ever be done for free.

As he passed the clock, Andrew realized that he wasn’t nearly good on time as he had thought he was, especially considering he really didn’t know how long it would take him to get there. In fact, he quickly realized he had no idea how to get to Blue Grass Meadows at all.

“What’s up Andrew?”

Autumn Song’s familiar voice came from the doorway into the kitchen, breaking Andrew out of his thoughts.

“Autumn! Perfect timing!” He exclaimed happily. “How well do you know the town? I made plans with Time Turner but I just realized I have no idea how to get to it.”

“Pretty well, I studied a couple of maps before I left Canterlot. Where are you trying to get to?”

“Some place called Blue Grass Meadows. Ring any bells?”

“Uh yeah, that’s not too difficult to get to, though it’s a bit outside of town proper.” She said, tapping her chin in thought. “Do you want me to write down some directions?”

“Nope. You can show me yourself.” He answered simply, heading to the door and opening while stepping to the side. “You’re gonna come with me, keep shit from getting awkward.”

“Awkward? I thought you got along with Time Turner?”

“I do, swimmingly in fact. But it’s a picnic that was originally just a date with him and his marefriend.” He explained. “He insisted, said I could bring a friend so that I wouldn’t be the third wheel.”

“His marefriend?” She asked, biting her lip a bit as she thought about it. “I don’t know, that sounds fun and all but I’m not sure I should…”

“Look, if it’s terrible, I promise I’ll make it up to you somehow. Besides, it’s hard to keep an eye on me if you’re not actually with me, right?”

“I haven’t had a problem so far.” She replied quickly, with a mischievous grin.

“Uh… how’s that? This is our first conversation since the other…” Andrew trailed off as he studied Autumn’s face. “Wait… have you been following me?”

Autumn didn’t reply, instead she walked out the front door, her tail flicking Andrew as she went. He watched her walk out, his eyes wide with surprise.

“Hold on, you’re joking…. right?” He called out after her, shutting the door behind him as he went. “Please tell me your joking?!”

By the time Andrew and Autumn made it to the outskirts of the main town it was almost three o’clock. With an edge of hurriedness in their step they made their way down the dirt road.

“So she gave you a bag of candy? How was it?”

“I don’t know. Eve took it before I could try any, said I would spoil my appetite.”

Autumn laughed into her hoof, a singsong giggle that made Andrew smile.

“Don’t laugh!” Andrew teased, a big grin on his face. “She’s probably already eaten it!”

“I hope not, Sweetie Drop is supposed to be the towns best candy maker, I even know a few nobles in canterlot who get their orders shipped to them.”

“Really now?” Andrew said, more than a bit surprised. “I had a brief run in with a couple of them at the train station. Didn’t seem like the kind of ponies to eat something made in a small town shop. Might have poor on it.”

“I’m afraid you may be right” She agreed with a laugh and a nod. “What kind of run in?”

“Twilight and I were waiting in line to get train tickets when two of them cut us, and everyone else in line. I was just about to start chewing them out when Twilight interrupted.” He explained, suddenly a bit cross at the memory.

“Yeah. I’ve lived in Canterlot for a while now, and I wish I could say that was an outlier.” She replied with a shake of her head. “They can be a real pain to deal with.”

“I was just as pissed at Twilight for stopping me as I was at them to be perfectly honest.” Andrew admitted.

“Really? I mean I understand being angry with the nobles, but I’m assuming Twilight was just trying to keep you out of trouble.”

Autumn paused as they reached a split in the road. She pointed to the sign in between the separating roads, and began to follow the one labeled Blue Grass Meadows. Andrew followed close behind her before continuing their conversation.

“Yeah, I know. I still need to apologize for getting so upset.”

“Why did you get upset at all?” She asked, watching the humans face. “You’re usually so relaxed.”

“I don’t like things being unfair.” He explained simply after a long moment’s thought.

“The world isn’t fair Andrew.” Autumn responded, her voice a bit subdued. “It’s sad but true.”

“No, see I have issues with that statement.” Andrew replied adamantly. “It’s not the world that isn’t fair, its reality. Reality is a cold hearted bitch, a roll of the dice, a shuffled deck. But that doesn’t mean the world can’t be fair. Fairness is a human… or a pony concept I guess. It’s up to us to force fairness... justice really, onto the world. Without that it’s just anarchy.”

“And that’s what you were going to do? Force justice?” Autumn asked, watching the human even more closely.

“Kinda, I guess?” Andrew agreed weakly, wincing. “It sounds a lot more ridiculous and potentially violent when you say it out loud like that. It’s really not that complex. I just don’t like watching the world be unfair.”

“I guess that’s not all too uncommon among ponies either.” Autumn admitted.

Andrew shrugged, quickly changing the subject to friendlier, and less personal, topics. They chatted amicably for a few minutes before Autumn noticed something off of the road.

“Isn’t that Big Macintosh? Applejacks brother?”

Andrew followed her look, and sure enough Big Mac was working in the field next to the road. A cart was filled with rocks of various sizes, and the red earth pony himself was dragging another small rock, lugging it to the cart. It looked heavy, but not nearly as big as some of the other boulders that were still in the field. Andrew walked off the dirt path, leaning on the fence that lined the edge of the field.

“Hey Big Mac! Whatcha doing?”

The stallion turned his head, and waved. He wiped his brow and walked to the two, joining Andrew and leaning on the opposite side of the wooden partition.

“I’m clearin’ rocks.” He said simply, which made Andrew roll his eyes. “Expandin’ the oats field fer next season.”

“Sounds like hard work.” Autumn said sympathetically. “You’re not gonna move those big ones by yourself, are you?”

“Eynope. AJ should be done with her section by tomorrow, then we’ll move those together.”

“Good, they look like pulled muscles or strained backs waiting to happen.” Andrew added, before pushing off the fence. “Well don’t work too hard big guy. If you’re still at it when we come back this way I’ll lend you a hand. Least I could do for lunch the other day.”

“Thanks” He said with a nod, getting off the fence as well. “Though I’m almost done fer today, be outta here in an hour or so.”

The two returned to the road, Big Mac returning to the field, sliding into the harness he was using to pull the rocks. Andrew glanced over his shoulder before setting his sights further down the road.

“I feel bad for leaving him alone to do all that work.” Andrew explained unhappily when Autumn caught his backward glance. “’Specially because so far all I’ve done is mooch of everyone.”

“Mooch? Andrew don’t be ridiculous.” Autumn admonished. “You were sucked into a completely foreign world, fell from who knows how high, did your best raindrop impression, was healed by the princess of the night, and then you became a wizard. Which could potentially kill you if you don’t figure out how to control it. I don’t think anypony will hold it against you if you let the Princesses pay for some necessities for a while.”

“Well… Shit.” Andrew replied, a bit flabbergasted by Autumn’s friendly reprimand. “When you put it like that…I mean I still don’t like it… but thanks.”

Before Autumn could continue Andrew squinted, shading his eyes with his hand as he looked out over the field that had just become visible over the hill. Sure enough, beside a great oak tree were two ponies sitting on a large blanket.

“Hey, I think that’s them.” He answered, turning off of the dirt path, heading straight for two other ponies. “C’mon, we are already late.”

The two cut through the meadow with a spring in their step, reaching the tree rather quickly. Time Turner saw them coming and waved.

“Hey Andrew! Good to see you!” The tan earth pony shouted when Andrew was in earshot. “Hurry up, the ice tea is getting warm!”

“Hello Turner, good to see you.” Andrew greeted when he got closer, stopping at the edge of the blanket. “Sorry we are late, I didn’t realize how far the walk would be. Hope you guys haven’t been waiting too long.”

“Oh no, don’t worry about it!” The second pony assured him. “Besides, there isn’t a better place to wait than under the old oak.”

“Oh, Right!” Time Turner said, gesturing to the mare with a hoof. “This is uhhh… the ever beautiful Ditzy Doo.”

The light grey mare blushed, a wide smile on her face as she gave a small friendly wave to the newcomers. Andrew returned her smile happily.

“It’s nice to finally meet you Ditzy.” Andrew said, kicking off his shoes to stand on the blanket. “I hope you don’t mind that Turner invited me and a friend to crash your picnic.”

“Of course not! I was sad when I didn’t get a chance to meet you the other day, at your party.” She said, sticking out a hoof to Andrew. “I hope everything worked out okay…”

“Oh yeah, it was just a misunderstanding.” He explained with a halfhearted smile, shaking her hoof before sitting down cross-legged “Though I’ll admit Rainbow Dash is hardly my favorite person right now.”

“He means pony.” Autumn explained, responding to Ditzy Doo’s slightly confused look. “He speaks Equestrian obviously but personal pronouns seem to be a bit different.”

“Ah, I see.” She responded, nodding happily. “And you’re a new arrival to Ponyville as well?”

“Oh right, my bad.” Andrew said, speaking up when he realized he hadn’t introduced his companion. “This is Autumn Song. She’s here from Canterlot to help me stay safe in Equestria while I settle in.”

“It’s nice to meet you Autumn Song.” Ditzy said with another winning smile as she sat back down in her spot. “I’m glad Andrew has some one taking care of him. I can’t imagine how weird it must be.”

“Well so far I’ve done very little to help.” Autumn insisted modestly. “Other than a few stumbles he’s pretty much good.”

Andrew sat in one of the corners, opposite of Ditzy and Turner, who was now sitting beside the grey mare. Autumn sat next to Andrew, curiously sniffing one of the baskets.

“Oh, you guys must be hungry!” Ditzy said happily. “Turner, why don’t you pour us some iced tea and I’ll get us some sandwiches.”

Turner nodded, passing Andrew and Autumn a cup from one of the baskets. The ice clinked in its pitcher, a few cubes plopping into the cups as he filled them. Andrew took a sip, his eyes opening in surprise, quickly taking a long draught.

“Wow, this is pretty good!” He said, a bit surprised before taking another sip, this time savoring it. “Seriously, delicious.”

“Thanks, I made it myself” Turner explained, putting the pitcher down on the flat part of a rock next to the blanket. “Its all about the timing.”

“Timing?” Andrew asked as Ditzy passed him a wrapped parcel, a letter A

“Yeah, the tea leaves have to steep for exactly the right amount. Too long and it’s too strong, not enough and it’s too weak.”

“Damn, next level tea game.”

“It’s his talent.” Ditzy explained while unwrapping her sandwich, which Andrew promptly copied. “Timing things that is.”

“Right, okay. I remember reading about cutie marks and special talents when I first got here. I get the feeling it was a kid version of the explanation, so wanna clue me in?”

“Well… to be honest you might be better off getting Twilight Sparkle to explain it to you.” Ditzy admitted, Turner nodding his head in agreement, mouth full of his sandwich. “But Turner’s talent is timing. He just seems to know when something is done, or when to do something to get is just right.”

“Right okay… and that’s represented by a hour glass? I guess it’s not that complex.”

“Well it varies from pony to pony. Some ponies have very literal marks.” Autumn chimed in. “Others are much more interpretive.”

“Mines like that actually.” Ditzy volunteered, moving one of her wings to show off the bubbles adorning her flank. “I’m no better with blowing bubbles than any other pony.”

“So what? Are you particularly buoyant?”

“No, though that would be funny.” She said admitted with a giggle. “I’m good at following air currents. I’m not the fastest flier, and I can sometimes follow the wrong gusts of air which makes precision flying a bit wonky, but it’s great for long distance flights.”

“She’s being modest.” Turner added with a proud smile. “She holds Ponyville’s distance record. Not even Rainbow Dash can beat her in distance.”

“Oh hush honey, you know that’s only because she hasn’t challenged me yet.”

“Horse apples, I know you could take her.” Turner insisted, giving Ditzy a peck on the cheek, making her blush.

Andrew shook his head, a rather big smile on his face, which he hid by looking down at his sandwich, pretending to inspect what it was made of.

“But yeah, when I was younger my mother used to blow bubbles for me when I got upset. They seemed so… happy floating through the air, taking them where the wind blew. So while it makes sense to me, there’s nothing really connecting bubbles to air currents.”

“That’s really sweet.” Autumn said, with Andrew nodding beside her.

“Oh it’s nothing special.” Ditzy said modestly before changing the subject. “So you guys are living in the royal estate? That’s pretty high class, one room looked like it cost more than my whole house.”

“Tell me about it, I feel so out of place in it.”

“Yeah, I keep worrying I might break something and be in debt for the rest of my life.” Autumn added. “Even the bed seems too expensive.”

“I’m glad I got here first so I could grab the simplest room.” Andrew said happily. “It reminds me of my first apartment.”

“Mine reminds me of some of the noble houses in Canterlot.” Autumn said, frowning in distaste. “Have you seen the whole thing Ditzy?”

“Oh Celestia no, I just delivered a few packages there once.” She explained. “I’m a postpony.”

“Really?” Andrew said excitingly. “I applied for a mailman job a few years ago, thought it would be fun. Got passed for a more experienced guy though.”

“It’s a lot of work, I can’t imagine it’s any easier when you don’t have wings.”

“We manage.” Andrew said with a laugh. “I’m sure you’ve got earth pony or unicorn mailmen.
Or postpony’s I guess.”

“Mhmm, we do. We have a couple of earth ponies in our team.” Ditzy answered. “No unicorns anymore though, not after Paper Pusher transferred back to Canterlot.”

A lull in the conversation lasted long enough for them to drink and eat a bit before Turner spoke up.

“What do you do Andrew?” Turner asked. “I don’t think it’s ever come up.”

“Ah well its nothing illustrious. I bounce around a lot, especially the last few years.” He explained after swallowing his bite of sandwich. “I’ve been a firefighter, a bouncer, a bartender, handyman, even a construction worker. But the moving the past couple of years has made it hard to hold a real job, so I’ve been a cashier mostly, at a small Italian shop in Boston.”

Andrew went on to describe the city that he had been living in for the last six months, with Turner, Ditzy and Autumn listening with interest. Autumn herself seemed to love the way he described the docks and the ocean, while Ditzy was astounded by the description of the city’s airport. Meanwhile Turner asked him to repeat the description of parking meters several times before Ditzy finally put an end to it. From there the conversation flowed freely, amicably moving from subject to subject. Before long the sun began to set, something that Autumn had been watching closely. In a moment when both Turner and Dizty were focused on each other, she leaned in to whisper to Andrew.

“I need to get home.” She said quietly. “Princess Celestia expects me to send her a report not long after the sun sets.”

Andrew nodded understandingly, which got the attention of the other two.

“Everything okay?” Turner asked.

“Yup, Autumn just has some stuff to do before it gets too late.” He explained. “And I’m kinda due for a super-sized night’s sleep.”

“Oh, that’s okay.” Ditzy said, a bit disappointed. “It was very nice to meet you both. I hope we see you around.”

“I’m sure you will, not going anywhere anytime soon.” Andrew said, the dip in his smile not missed by Autumn. “Stop by the house sometime, I’ll show you around and we can hang out.”

“That sounds like fun.” Ditzy said, her smile returning. “Oh! Before you go, take some muffins with you.”

The grey mare stood up and picked up a paper bag, passing it to Andrew. He took a peek inside, the smell of fresh baked sweets meeting his nose.

“These look amazing, thank you so much.”

“They taste even better, trust me.” Turner assured them, standing beside his marefriend. “Best muffins in the world.”

“Oh hush you…” Ditzy jokingly admonished, taking a loving swipe at Turners shoulder. “But any way you to, have a safe walk home!”

Andrew put on his shoes easily, turning and waved again walking away from the picnic blanket and the two ponies who sat on it. They returned his wave, and Autumn followed behind him. After they made it back onto the road she caught up to him.

“They were great, so adorable.” She said with a smile.

“Mhmm, they seemed great together.” Andrew agreed. “Certainly explains why Turner talks about her so often.”

“You didn’t have to come with me you know, you could have stayed a bit longer.”

“I know, didn’t want to make you walk back on your own.” He explained. “Besides, I think Turner wanted to be alone with Ditzy for the sunset.”

Autumn nodded, taking the lead slightly as they headed up the hill. As they made it to the top, they could once again see the field in which Big Mac had been working with. As they began walking down the other side, the breeze, which had been negligible most of the day, picked up. It blew into them, and Autumn’s demeanor instantly changed. Her legs spread slightly and her eyes widened. She bent he front legs slightly, and her entire body tensed. She seemed like a coiled spring, ready to pounce.

“What is it?” Andrew asked, a bit worried.

“I smell blood.”

“Blood? Where is it…” Andrew began but trailed off as he looked around. “Oh no.”

Without a word Andrew began to run down the hill, as fast as his legs could carry him. Autumn followed, her head on a swivel, seeming to watch all directions at once. When he finally reached the bottom of the he leapt over the fence that ran along the semi cleared field.

“What is it Andrew?” Autumn asked loudly as they ran.

“Big Macs cart!” He said. “He said he was going to be done soon, he shouldn’t still be-”

Andrew’s explanation was cut off before they could even reach the cart. As they had gotten close, Andrew spotted a flash of red, and he skidded to a stop. He ran to the nearby boulder, and as he cleared one side he saw Big Mac, laying on the ground, one of his back legs pinned under the massive rock.