• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,583 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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It's All in the Mind

Author's Note:

My deepest respects to Robert Asprin and Lynn Abbey, creators of one of the finest fantasy worlds ever. Please don't kill me :)

Repairs are going fairly well, faster than expected even though we don’t have a depot. Nanites can be used in a myriad of ways, it’s the programming that takes time, even for us, and the monitoring. It’s been two weeks since the fight with the Anceti and we are still going over the records and logs, trying to glean as much information as we can.

They leave nothing behind, nothing tangible that we can analyze or look at; nothing but sensor logs and recordings which we play over and over, looking for just that little bit of information that might give us a clue as to what they really are or where they came from.

I turn it all over to my analytics programs, letting the automatics take it, tired of looking at the same thing again and again.

Concentrating on those mentioned repairs, my one track is a mess. We recovered what we could but an entire bogie needed to be rebuilt. That is the main cost in time and money. A lot of metal is used for them, so the remains of the battlefield are going into refurbishing. There is nothing else we can do, except wait and hope we can get them all done. We are almost complete with the rebuild, but just thinking of the effort we’ve expended is..daunting..

My ammunition stores are depleted, making those up won’t be a problem. Between us, we’re going to exhaust every bit of the stocks we’ve been hoarding. Our use of cruise missiles and other heavy armaments has cut a deep wedge into our war materials. Now we are depending on supplies from the mines across Equestria, the payments are heavy, but nothing we do will not be without good reason.

I am... sad... The empty bays in my cargo area are still. Telling me my Hounds are no more each time I view them, whether by myself or through a camera. I miss them. Those solid durasteel hulks that backed me up, that stood defiantly and tried their very best. I visit them every chance I get, but it is tough to do some days. So I try to lose myself in work or other things, maybe it will help.

Crusader has been solicitous, even more so since the fight. Loss, even to us, is a hard thing. It’s felt deeply and surely as if a spike was driven through our cores. I don’t know if it will fade, I hope it will. Having my brother here now, helps in so many ways. I can stand on my own. I’ve proved it, I’ve done it, but sometimes a ‘little’ help is wanted.

Because he makes me laugh...

Crusader and I take a walk through town, a warming day, spring is settling in at its fullest as we head towards Sugar Cube Corner, he actually wants to try Pinkie’s newest concoction. You’d figure after the last few spectacular failures she’s had he’d give up, but nope, dedicated to his cores he is.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Still can’t believe it as we’re heading to the door.

“Positive. You encouraged me to try.”

“Eating Pinkie’s newest things? That’s not living, that’s Russian Roulette.”

He actually laughs, looking at me with a smile, “It is not that bad.”

“Oh?” I return the look, “Let’s see...after we got back she made that new batch of fudge that gunked up your nanites so badly we had to flush and replace them.”

He‘s looking non-plussed, “A simple error in cocoa usage I am sure.”

“And what was that stuff you had to rush back and get rid of before your power plant shut down?” Pinkie had been sad, but he had explained it away as a malfunction and not her baking.

“It was a cupcake, nothing more.”

“Cupcake of Doom is more like it.”

He stops, turning to me, “And just when, oh Eater of Many Pies in One Setting, did you become a critic?”

“I’m not a critic, I’m far from critical, just telling the truth.” I laugh, pushing him onward, “I am, however, a weapons expert and hers would be considered along the lines of Hellbores. Though quite sneakier than just blowing something to atoms, perhaps it’s a new class of weaponry!”

“Athena, be nice.”

“I am! It’s the highest form of flattery from us when someone develops a new way to dispose of your enemies!” I dance around him as he shakes his head.

“It is not weaponry, it is merely an experiment in baking.” He points a hoof at me, although with a warm look, “You be nice.”

We‘re almost to the entrance, the smells of baking coming from inside, “I will always be polite, you know..” We’re interrupted as a pony comes rushing out the door, slamming into us hard, making us all end up in a tangle of legs.

“Pinkie?” I can’t really tell, being upside down right now.

A happy giggle tells me it is, “Hiya guys! Sorry for the rush, but the map is calling!” She points to her flank, her Cutie Mark flashing, “Cutie Mark Alert System!”

Rolling my eyes I laugh as well, remembering when it got named, “Let’s get untangled and go see.”

“Okey dokey lokey!” She stands up, helping Crusader and I, then tugging us along as we zip to the castle and end up in the map room faster than we’d thought possible.

“How in the world does she..” I shove a hoof against Crusader’s mouth.

“You know better than to ask that...” I give him a grin.

He nods, “I know...”

“We both do.” We wait as Twilight comes marching out, telling Pinkie and a newly arrived Rainbow Dash they are to head to Griffonstone to solve a problem.

As Crusader and I sit there, we notice Twilight is not looking happy. Oh she’s trying, doing well, but obviously disgruntled at the map telling her only Rainbow and Pinkie are to go. Her insatiable curiosity is definitely coming to the fore on this one, wanting to see the Empire as it stands now.

I can’t help but smile, seeing as how she’s trying her best to get Rainbow and Pinkie to understand how badly she wants to go. Wrong ponies to try that on really, Rainbow wants adventure and Pinkie..well.. she’s Pinkie.

We are told in no uncertain terms that we cannot go either. It would be a problem with repairs going on right now, so we do not argue very hard with Twilight being adamant. I’m afraid we both try not to smile as we see where it’s coming from, if she can’t go, we can’t. That’s fine, a bit of pique will not hurt and we will never take offense at our friends.

Both of us acquiesce to her orders, nodding as she exits the room for a moment to see Pinkie and Rainbow off on their trip.

Perhaps we can come up with something to take her mind off being left behind this time. I ponder that, watching Crusader eyeing the map once more.

“What’s wrong?”

“I do not like this map. Sending them on missions with no other information than who is to go. How does it know this? How does it make the decisions it makes?”

“It’s magic?” I shrug at him, giving a smile.

“That is a convenient excuse.” He’s not deterred, “It is showing every place in Equestria and then some, telling them where to go. This means it knows what is happening in these places to send them on missions. This also means surveillance of a kind and scope we still do not know of and I find it disturbing.”

“Not everything is bad Crusader.”

“If you had been tasked to take a Melconian held planet without even a hint of intelligence about the mission, you would have protested so loud Concordiat Command would have heard it.”

“You do have a point. But so far it hasn’t harmed anypony.” I raise my brows, pointing it out.

“Yet.” He looks at me across the table, I know that tone of voice.

“Now you’re just being paranoid.”

“I am?” He walks around the table a moment, pointing at the Everfree, “Why did it not tell them of the danger?” He points at the plains near the Unicorn Range, “Why did it not tell anyone of the Anceti lying in wait?”

“Maybe it knows we will take care of the problem?” I shrug again.

“Spurious. It could have warned of the Anceti, allowing us to take them on when we wanted to and not get ambushed.” He taps a hoof on the map.

“Then let me throw one back at you. Perhaps it cannot pick us up, tuned to ponies only and their way of life?” I smile, pointing at the hills near Ponyville where we now rest, “It had no clue about us!” I grin, “It still doesn’t!” Showing him the hills looking almost as they were, though there is a hint of disturbance in them. Not quite what is now, but just that side of reality.

He glares at it, processing my idea for a moment, “I still do not like it, it could send them into a situation that would get them killed Athena.”

All I can do is give him a warm smile, “I know why you’re suspicious and I think that map and whatever controls it, knows what we would do should they be in a situation that turns bad.”

“I hope so.” He gives the hologram one more nasty look.

“Stop that, they’ll be fine. We cannot explain everything Crusader, maybe we just need not try so hard some times?”

“I do not like unknowns Athena, they often cause trouble.”

“I know, but until something happens,” I shrug again, “They also serve who stand and wait.”

He laughs over the link, “Do not be quoting things to me my incorrigible sister.”

I can‘t help grinning, “Hey, two can play that game.”

“Ahem...” The clearing of a throat garners our attention, both of us turn to see Twilight standing there. Yeah, she’s been watching us silently talk, she still dislikes when we do it.

Crusader answers first, “Yes, Twilight?”

Twilight walks near the table eyeing the Griffon area, she does a really bad job of trying to do it slyly, we both notice immediately.

“Since the Map decided I can’t go to Griffonstone with Pinkie and Rainbow..” I stop her with an upraised hoof.

“Yes?” Yep, she’s pretty disappointed about it, I think I have a solution.

“How about we go sightseeing?” I give her my warmest smile.

“Sightseeing where?” She’s looking interested.

“Someplace special.”


“Are you sure about this?” Crusader is sounding concerned, the last time we did this the shakes were pretty bad, Twilight was on the edge of withdrawal for a week. Though the second time was a disaster the shakes still appeared, albeit less than before.

“I am. I’ve got a stock of Idamolizide now. Using the medical data for ponies we’ve got, I’ve adjusted dosage for use. If she gets it again I can give her some.” I sigh, “I just wish we’d have known they were susceptible earlier.” On a happier note, “This does give me a chance to test out the new programs, something fun.”

“We had no way to know Athena, worry not. I have reviewed your simulations, I concur on its use, be careful?”

“Always, you know that.” I send him assurance before returning to myself on the Command Two deck where Twilight is lying on a bunk.

“Are you ready?” I see her fidgeting slightly, getting comfy in the thick mattress.

“I’m not sure. I’d rather just sleep here, this is so nice!” She grins at me, her mind taken off the mission for a moment.

“Then sleep, but your mind will be with me.” I let a tech spider put the tabs on her head, avoiding the horn and making sure they’re snug as she settles into the pillow. “Close your eyes, let yourself drift.”


I sequester a few datapoints, locking them away before I go into neural link, as I told Cadence, she’ll never know from me and I am fine with it. One can love a friend. As I watch her resting in the embrace of the link, I know it’s true.

I drop connection with my avatar, letting it lie down gently on the floor as I join in the link-up. I can see Twilight looking around at the gray space in between thoughts, time passes so fast here allowing us every moment in the world. Programs like this had been used for decades in the Concordiat, giving any user a chance to see and do things they normally couldn’t.

“So..” She lifts a hoof, staring underneath it as we both stand there, “Where are we sightseeing?”

I give her a warm smile, “Everywhere.” The gray fades, we’re standing on a balcony above a shallow crustal rift, greenery is evident and never-ending as it goes to the horizon. There are birds and other flying things in the air as Twilight gasps. She sees how the rift splits the land, showing forests, far-off in the distance the hint of a desert, so many things.

I tap her shoulder, pointing behind us as her eyes go wide. A city reaching into the stratosphere, lights outlining the slim buildings as they keep going and going upwards. She’s stunned. Acknowledging the beauty of a glittering monument to ingenuity as the sun is just peeking over the horizon, letting her see how high we really are.

She shies back from the edge, I stop her with a chuckle, “We cannot be hurt permanently, there is no danger Twilight, I would never let anything harm you.” I do have one thing to add, “We’re normal ponies though, that’s not to say we can’t get in trouble.”

The look I receive is grateful, she forgets it’s an illusion but one so deep it’s hard to tell. The air is thick with scents of growing things, humid and wonderful as if just after a breaking storm. I stretch my wings and let her look around, taking it all in.

“Where..ohmygosh it’s amazing!” Her voice is almost reverential.

“Just a place I made, something special to show you.” I see her still looking around, trying to take in everything in detail, “I saw you getting a bit miffed at not being able to go with Pinkie and Dash. Why not have your own adventure?”

She turns to me, “Adventure? What adventure?”

Pointing over the edge of the balcony I sweep my hoof across the horizon, “We can explore remains of extinct races, discover ancient technology and solve puzzles.” I see her perk at that, “Maybe fighting a few bad guys and save the world? It’s all open to you.” I wave again, “High technology,” marking the city behind us, “To low out there, and everything in between. It’s all for us to discover if you want.” I stand at the low railing, “It’s an adventure scenario, one that citizens of the Concordiat used all the time.” I turn my head to her with a grin, “Now, it’s all ours.”

Her eyes flicker back and forth as she ponders that, I can see her mind flashing through all the possibilities and wanting everything at once. “But.. how are we.. I mean who.. Where...?” She can’t make her mind up, it’s actually pretty funny.

“How about this..” I tweak the program, a broad brimmed fedora appears on her head, a baseball cap on mine, “I’m your sidekick Twilight, we’ll go any direction, any place, your choice.” I make sure we have saddlebags of supplies, making it as real as I can.

She almost wails, “But this will take forever! We can’t do everything!”

“Time passes differently here, we can explore for a long time while only minutes pass. We can’t do everything, but we can do enough.” I nudge her, “C’mon Twilight, adventure, fame and fortune! Even Daring Do can’t say she’s done this!”

The Alicorn pats her hat tightly down on her head, getting a determined look on her face as she lifts herself tall, pointing a hoof outward she declares, “That way!”

“You sure?”

“Yes,” She nods once, “That way! We’ll find out what lies that way!”

I salute with a grin, deleting all knowledge of anything on the map, it will be a true discovery for both of us, “You got it boss!” I leap off the balcony. Spreading my wings and catching the thick air easily, seeing her join me with a bright laugh as we head off to the unknown.


I look upwards, sighing once more, “Seriously Twilight, it’s only been an hour for Celestia’s sake!”

“I didn’t know!” Her face is apologetic, looking at me as we lie there.

“They had skulls on poles at the outskirts of the village Twilight, didn’t that at least give you a clue they might not be friendly?” I absolutely cannot believe this.

She shrugs as best she can, “It could have been decoration or something. I mean, we had to at least try to be friends!”

I goggle at her, “Twilight, they’re planning on eating us!” I show her the ropes around my forelegs as we both lay tumbled down beside a stoked fire, the natives adding more wood and setting up a skewer...oh that’s gonna hurt. I’d limited us in strength, just normal ponies as if we were exploring for real. Leave it to Twilight. This is so cliche’ it’s not even funny.

Spotting the village from above, Twilight wanted to see another race and I agreed. Though I know how to be careful, Twilight has the intelligence but still naive in a lot of ways. We landed and I immediately pointed out the border markers I saw with skulls on them, some looking a little ..ew.. fresh.

The indigs were a short fuzzy race who smiled quite a bit, anything that smiles too much, you really ought to wonder. But I was the sidekick, and the Princess of Friendship took over as I watched. Yeah, shoulda just beat them up. I could end the program, but then it would be a bust, retreating when we should be finding solutions.

We got dog-piled and tied up. Obviously we’d come at the right time as they were preparing for dinner, looking as if dinner was anything or anyone they caught. Glad we could help.

“But we don’t know that, this could be a way of welcoming us to their town!” She smiles brightly, before seeing a large native grinning back at her with pointed teeth, licking his lips and drooling an awful lot, “Or..maybe not.” Her face drooping slightly.

“Can you just use your magic and untie us? We can make a run for it and take wing.” She hasn’t been listening to me request that, so I try again.

“I wouldn’t want to scare them...”

I almost scream in frustration, “Twilight!”

“Okay okay!”

Her horn lights up. Villagers turn in fascination as our ropes dissolve, letting us scamper for the forest. We take to the sky as a bunch of really angry short fuzzy things that looked like a cross between skunks and bears chased us.

The air is roaring in our ears as we take off fast as we can, “Next time, pay attention Twilight, yeesh!”

“Hey!” Her voice is loud over the wind of our rushing off, “I’m trying to make friends! I AM the Princess of Friendship!”

“You can’t make friends with everyone!” I lean left to drift closer, “I mean they had skulls on poles! How could you get us in trouble in less than an hour anyways?”

She shrugs, she actually shrugs, grinning at me, “I’m good at what I do?”

I can’t facehoof right now, but maybe later.


Later, yeah later. About that....

“Stop touching things!” I am running as fast as I can, my legs are so tired as we tear through the tunnel. The echo of our hooves is nothing compared to the roaring sounds behind, telling us we’re not going to keep ahead of what’s after us much longer.

“I didn’t know it was going to do that!” Twilight is right beside me, we haven’t got room to fly so we’ve got to get out of this place.

“Twilight, I swear, you are just a magnet for trouble!” We hit a corner, skidding around it as the thundering steps behind remind us both we aren’t alone, We’re going to be really dead soon if we can’t find the exit.

“It was a stone! It wasn’t a button or anything, just a bunch of funny writing around it!” She’s giving me an angry look, panting as we keep running.

I can‘t help but yell, “Don’t you at least try to decipher things before pushing on stuff? I mean c’mon! You don’t just..oh stars!” We skid to a halt, kicking up dirt and dust as another huge figure comes into the tunnel from the side, we slip under the reaching tentacles and take off once more, “You don’t just push things!”

“Fine, I’ll stop touching things! Yeesh!”

“Thank you!”

I see light! There it is, the end of the tunnel out of this temple of carnage, good grief, it’s only been three hours of game time! We bail out of the passageway and take off, Twilight turning to blast a bolt of magic at a reaching stone tentacle that follows us out, allowing us to get away clean.

Finding a cliff side, we land on an outthrust of rock. I’m digging through the packs and finding some rations to munch on. I’m hungry and thirsty. by looking at Twilight she could use a pick me up too. I toss her a wrapped cupcake.

“Is that..?” She turns it in her hooves.

“Yep, Sugar Cube Corner’s finest, can’t play a game without them!” I give her a grin.

She laughs, unwrapping and taking a bite with a satisfied “Mmmmm!” She looks out over the forest, “This tastes so good, everything is so real. I’m tired, sweaty, thirsty..it’s amazing!”

I lean over, giving a sniff, “Yeah wow, too real.” Getting swatted on the side for my joke as I laugh.

She chews thoughtfully for a moment, “Don’t you know everything here though? I mean you made it.”

“I deleted all inside knowledge, I’m going in blind like you are. We’ll be learning together.” I’m happy with that decision, though just the last three hours...

“You forgot? Really? You mean you don’t know what’s out there?”

Shaking my head, I take another bite of a really good cookie, “Nope, don’t know a thing. We have to get supplies, we have to survive or discover. The only thing I can do is end the game.” And tweak certain other things, but I don’t tell her that.

She rummages through our packs and exclaims in delight at finding a daisy sandwich. Munching happily, she looks out from our spot on the cliff-side.

I see her face turn merry, prompting me to ask, “Why the smile?”

“Rainbow Dash is going to be sooooo jealous!” She turns to me with a grin as we both laugh, our voices echoing off the stone walls.


It’s not all bad though, having the Princess of Friendship along is a benefit sometimes. This is proved by us sitting in the middle of another village where Twilight and I landed. Meeting new races made me suspicious. I’m always that way though, but this time it wasn’t needed.

The natives were shy, tall and thin, almost elfin in appearance. So different that Twilight and I had a hard time getting them to come near us. But after a few hours they warmed to her voice and her selfless ways trying to make friends with one of them.

For all the trouble we’ve had, watching her do what she does is a treat. Smiling gently, showing her magic off, accepting offered food and drink from them.

She really does know how to do it and well, surprising me for the last hour. I’m not quite sure what we’re eating, but it tastes so good I can forgive that, something like grapes, but juicier and sweeter than anything we both know. I wish perhaps I hadn’t deleted my knowledge, but what’s life without risks?

We can’t quite grasp the language well, there’s quite a bit of ‘look-see’ done to get our point across, though with lots and lots of good natured faces and humor. It’s enchanting, contacting something unknown and trying your best to talk, to learn.

The townies are almost ethereal, wispy thin, faces with single eyes tinted so deep it’s like looking into purest color. They are ghosts in reality, but kind, gracious. Translation could be done by me, though it would take the fun and the mystery out of things, so I don’t offer nor use it.

I accept a bowl of water from one, perhaps a small child as I smile at her..him? It’s hard to tell. Twilight is having the time of her life, learning everything she can while we refresh ourselves. I can only shake my head listening to her trying to pronounce the whispery language; getting it wrong more often than not to the giggles of the villagers.

I watch her. Surrounded by beings she has no concept of, showing her delight and laughing at little things. Her whole self dedicated to making one new friend, just one. It made me wonder some times about the whole princess thing. She proves it though as I watch her, relaxing against the soft grass myself.

My design arrays definitely did a bang up job on this world, creating it from scratch and my own files, it’s wondrous as I look around, seeing the trees towering over us, colorful birds in flight, that huge teeth-filled mouth coming silently towards....


I have to admit, I do a really REALLY good blood-curdling scream, so much so that the villagers all turn to look at me pointing at the huge..wow that thing is really huge! Thing coming through the forest at all of us, all teeth and slime and pseudopods and..oh yuck that’s disgusting. I find it not so odd anymore as I react like a normal pony, not a Bolo.

Twilight’s horn lights up as I take up a fighting stance, I’m gonna give it my..what the heck?

All the villagers have pulled shiny little blades from somewhere, massing in the middle of the space between huts and piling onto that thing like fleas on a rat, good Celestia’s name!

Twilight and I stare at each other in horror as we watch these friendly, shy little almost insubstantial creatures take this thing apart like it was a jigsaw puzzle. Pieces fly everywhere as the monster doesn’t stand a chance against the wave of slim figures tearing into it like it was one of Pinkie’s cupcakes!

I’m actually cringing. Watching the devastation those razor-sharp blades do to the poor..yes poor, monster. I know it was probably going to eat us or something but..whoa.. nopony deserves that. They move like wraiths, cutting into the scaled skin, making it roar it’s displeasure..well..until they cut it’s tongue out. Oh blech.. Wow, those little guys are vicious!

It only takes a few minutes. The soft chattering of the villagers gets slightly louder as they stand on a pile of what used to be something living, raising their blades in the air once before making them disappear again. We stand quietly as they beam at us, returning to their cooking, washing, even giving us more food and water.

“Don’t..don’t make them mad Twilight, whatever you do..” Keep smiling Athena, yeah, keep smiling.

She‘s nodding fast, beads of sweat rolling down her cheek as she grins back at the townies, “I got it, I got it!” She replies through clenched teeth, her eyes wide.

Oh sweet Celestia’s name did I design a Death World or what, can’t anything just be peaceful?

Through the magic of sign language, though really hard with hooves. We find the townies are not warlike, just that they defend what’s theirs with determination. I applaud that, I really do, but stars above! I let Twilight do the talking, not wanting to use anything I have for an advantage, letting her have the adventure.

We spend the ‘night’ there, taking our time before we go off once more, seeking the unknown. Before we take our leave we’re gifted with pretty shells that attach to our ears like earrings. From what Twilight can figure out, it’s a ‘Clan Gift’ making sure other clans know we’re friends.

Thank goodness, looking at the pile of remains being picked at by scavengers, I’m glad Twilight does what she does.

The elders had drawn a map for us of the surrounding area, showing something that grabs our attention. A series of eroding bulwarks that they say, as best we can understand, are ‘ancient beyond ancient’, a fortress of some kind? Twilight is grinning like mad as I sigh, I know what she wants to do as we take to flight once more, waving our farewells to the indigs.

The air is heavy as we head right for the ancient site. Our wings grabbing onto it like it was meant for flying, which it was thank you very much.


“I know! I know! Don’t touch anything!” She rolls her eyes at me.

“Long as we’re clear on that.” I eye her with a merry face, making sure my ball cap is tight on my head as we see the towering walls come into sight.


Even I’m stumped as we look at the wall of glyphs, I peek out into my files to see if there’s anything similar and nope, looks like the design cores made up their own language. Wow, I gotta take a look at the programming on this when it’s over, this is way deep.

We’d landed on what appeared to be a fortress of some kind, emplacements for huge energy type weapons were burned and shattered, you could tell by the remains of power cables leading to the cratered holes. Something had bombarded this place like ammunition was free. Though the holes were eroded, you could see the extent of damage, an orbital strike or ten from what I could figure.

The entry ways were made for something a lot bigger than we were. Leading down into the maze like interior, built for defense it had twists and turns, corners and switchbacks that were perfect for ambushes. My hackles rose as we walked inside, Twilight was getting a bit nervous as well.

But this was an adventure, and we were having a great time. If she’d stop pausing at every little thing we’d be further inside by now..sigh..

She points to a picture, a huge humanoid shape that didn’t look friendly, “I think that’s who was in this place, who owned it.”

Tilting my head I can’t make heads or..heh..tails of it, “How do you know?”

“Well...it shows them using something out there, see?” She points to a faded spot I have a hard time making out until I focus.

Huh, she‘s right. I can see the faded drawing, the large creatures standing behind some sort of emplacement like outside, “Wow, good catch there, okay.”

She taps a hoof on her chin, “Maybe we shouldn’t go farther, if it’s a military place, it might have traps.”

I couldn’t agree more, “Maybe we can find a nice dungeon to plunder somewhere then?” She looks at me grinning like a madmare.

Her face is shocked, “Plunder? That’s not nice!”

I roll my eyes, stamping a hoof, “It’s a game! We’re adventuring! Let’s go rip some loot off!”

Shaking her mane out, she grins abashedly, “I keep forgetting about that.”

I drag her outside into the waning sun, “Okay. We need to find a village, then a bar, that’s where adventures usually start!”

“Wait, wait..a bar? Why there?” Her face is puzzled.

“I have no clue, but whenever our commanders played adventure games, that’s where they started for some strange reason.” She’s still looking at me oddly as I shrug, “I dunno. They did.”

Still eyeing me she looks outward into the jungle, “Well, where do we find one?”

“Not a clue, ready to fly?”

Yep!” Her hooves skitter across the vitrified stone of the fortress, leaping into the air as I follow, winging our way towards the horizon.


The design programs must have been on a binge, there’s quite a few towns dotting the landscape. Admittedly far enough apart they can’t intermingle easily, but enough. This world is bigger than I thought. We’ve been at this a day and a half of game time and I don’t think we’ve gone very far, but that’s all right with me.

Looking at the smile on Twilight’s face I can’t help but grin myself. The wind blows our manes back, catching our wings and letting us ride the updrafts from the forests below, making it easy to glide along.

We’re so free words cannot describe it. The air is soft, our bodies floating along on the winds as we look for just the right town to start our adventure.

“Still miffed you couldn’t go to Griffonstone?” I yell over the rushing sound in our ears.

“A little bit, but this..” She waves a hoof, turning on her side for a moment to do so, “Makes it a lot less so. It’s..incredible!” She flips over in the air, doing a stunt for a moment as I clap in delight.

Tilting her head regally, looking smug, “Easy to do here for some reason,” She eyes me suspiciously.

“What? Can’t make sure my best friend is able to do things?”

She laughs, warming my heart, “I guess so, but now I’m going to want to do it in Ponyville too!” She does a quick loop-de-loop, coming back with another giggle, “See?”

“You never know, learn it here, do it there!” I give her a sly smile.

“Can you do that?” She looks intently at me.

I grin, “Not me, you. Your mind does it, just a matter of making your body follow.”

“Huh, I’ll remember..” She points, “Town!” Spinning off to the right in a dive, I follow her down, landing beside her in a square. Humans walking around and not paying a couple of brightly colored ponies the least bit of attention. Good thing I added us into the environment or we’d probably be in trouble a lot more than ever.

I spot a sign, giving Twilight a nudge, “Bar! Adventure ho!” We trot off to the tavern, a rather rude sign proclaiming it to be ‘The Vulgar Unicorn’, the picture beneath it of said rearing and very rampant Unicorn even makes me blush. I’ve got to review things closer next time, this tavern definitely gets an adult rating.

Twilight is glaring at me as we walk in, “Why would you put something like that here?” She gestures to the sign outside.

“It’s not me. I have programs do it, it adds lots of things, I can’t oversee it..” She knows I’m fibbing a bit by the look she gives me, “Alright, I let the programs do it and got lazy okay? Yeesh!”

The tavern is crowded, humans brushing up against us, speaking in a language close to Equestrian thank goodness. I had programmed it in, letting the cores do the rest. We both trot up to the bar, lifting ourselves and placing front hooves on the top, getting the attention of a very large looking bartender. He has only one thumb for some reason, odd that.

His voice is gravelly, “What can I get you?” Twilight is rubber-necking so hard she isn’t paying attention to a thing.

“Two ales please, cold.” He nods, waiting for something..oh! I fumble in my packs, getting out four bits and slapping them on the counter where he glares at me. Looking suspiciously at the golden coins he taps his fingers on the wooden counter top. Stars, didn’t I convert the money?


“That ain’t enough missy, double that and you’ll get your ale.” He gestures to the shiny coins, rubbing his one thumb and forefinger together. Nope, didn’t, dangit we’re gonna get mugged.

“Oh that’s a rip! For ale?!” I give him a disgusted look, but I want something to drink so I reluctantly place four more coins on the top of the bar, seeing them disappear into a horny palm.

He turns, drawing two mugs..oh boy..human sized.. from a barrel sitting in ice, putting them down in front of us. I can smell the earthy flavor pouring off it, making me drool as it’s been a long flight. It’s cold enough to frost the outside of the metal mugs too. Oh yes.

I turn to Twilight, who’s watching a bar wench negotiate with a patron before they head upstairs. I hit her with my wing, bringing her attention to the mug of frosty liquid, “Have a drink.”

“So..were they...?” She points back to the stairs.

“You bet they are! ” I give her a grin.

“Got it.” She lifts the mug with her magic, I see patrons making signs against evil as she does. Muttering coming from the humans around us about sorcery. Oh great, we landed in Luddite Witch Burner Village Number Twelve, wonderful..

She drinks thirstily, smacking her lips at the taste and smiling as I keep a careful watch around us. First one to draw a weapon is gonna get plowed with a hoof. Her magic is a light touch, but the aura is plain to everyone in the place.

The burly bartender leans over the bar, “You are a wizard then?”

Twilight stops drinking, the foam lying across her lip as she looks at the imposing barkeep. She’s really cute looking that way, “A...”

“Yes!” I grab Twilight, hugging her close, “She’s a wizard of the first rank!” I’m ad-libbing, don’t sue me. “She’s powerful beyond mortal means! And I, her faithful companion, swear by Goddess Celestia’s firm and fairly decent looking rump she is not to be trifled with!” I give a grim look around the bar, seeing the patrons turn away now.

Twilight gasps, looking at me in shock, “Athena! Don’t use Celestia’s..”

I quiet her with a nudge, saying out the side of my mouth, “Shuuut uuuppp..” Crud, the patrons start up again, noticing her reaction and thinking they can get away with pummeling us probably. Rough place, wow..

“Knock it off you worthless gimps!” The bartender slams a heavy hand on the wooden top, making me and Twilight jump, “If she’s a Wizard of the First Rank, I don’t need her spilling your livers and lights in my bar because you’re too stupid to back off!” He glares at the beady eyed humans, making the patrons settle back down. This bartender is awesome, his prices suck, but he’s awesome.

The vicious looks fade into the background. I can hear the sounds of steel going back into sheaths, giving a sigh quietly as I nudge Twilight again, “Just play along, this isn’t a good place.”

She nods, standing a bit taller and drinking from the huge mug slowly. Looks like she’s got a taste for good ale, huh.

“Begging your pardon Mistress, my patrons don’t know better.” He doesn’t take his eyes off the crowd as he talks to us, “We didn’t know you to be a Wizard of the Ranks.”

I give Twilight raised eyebrow, whispering to her, “Say something!”

“Oh..uh..” She sets her mug down, “Of course, no problem at all.” She waves a hoof airily.

He tilts his bald head slightly, “Need anything Mistress, just ask for One-Thumb, be at your service.” He walks down the bar, grabbing mugs and money off the counter.

Heh, One-Thumb...ooookay.

I get slapped on the shoulder, Twilight is whispering fiercely at me, “Celestia’s rump? Really?”

I take a drink of my cold ale, oh yes, goes down smooth, “It’s all I could think of, it worked didn’t it?” The smile on my face says it all.

She rolls her eyes, “Can’t wait to see the friendship journal entry on this one.” Laughing, she downs the rest of her mug. Wow she can drink like a fish, licking her lips and waving for another.

“Yeah, gonna be pretty good I’d think.” I finish my own, letting her get the refills this time.

“WHAT? Eight bits for drinks? Oh c’mon!”

I can’t help but laugh inside, I guess even Wizards get gouged.


We stay for a meal while waving off the mutton stew they offer, asking for potatoes and vegetables, getting huge bowls of both. We’re left alone. The patrons ignoring us now as we dig into the well-cooked dinner. Surprising really, as most taverns way back the food wasn’t exactly five-star, blessings on my programs.

“So..what do we do now?” Twilight is chewing on some crispy potato skins.

“Well from what I remember, they always met some guy or whatnot, giving them a quest to go on or something. The games were odd, but humans seemed to enjoy them.” I remember times when commanders sat with old-fashioned pencils and paper books, playing games to much laughter and arguing. It puzzled us Bolos to no extent really. All the technology at their beck and call and they used pencils? Paper?

They never did explain to us what was going on. We watched with immense curiosity. It was a very low-tech way of gaming, but one that fascinated Bolos everywhere.

“Like that guy there?” She points to a hooded form sitting by the large hearth, sipping from a warming mug. All alone, staring at us with a weathered face that had seen quite a few decades, making a come hither motion with a wizened hand.

“Well..yeah.” Duh Athena, miss the obvious.

We finish our meal, paying the bill to Twilight’s protestations over the price, trotting over to sit beside the crackling fire as the figure chuckles.

“Wizard eh? Looking for adventure I suppose?” His voice breaks as he coughs for a moment, “Ah, the grand life, to see the world.” He smiles, “What wouldst thou give to go searching for the Lich’s Staff?”

“Uhm...” I’m thinking as Twilight waits, “Nothing? Because we have no idea what that is?” I get a glare from her now, yeesh I’m trying!

He cackles, leaning over and laughing at my statement, “Fair enough young lady. ‘Tis said to control the dead, and bring great riches to whomever holds it. But be warned, 'tis in a foul and cursed dungeon filled with death that finds many.” His eyes are bright in the firelight as Twilight and I sit entranced.

Yes! Exactly what we’re...

“But that’s nonsense, you can’t control the dead. Good grief what kind of..” She stutters as I almost knock her over with a hit from my flank, glaring at her before shifting my eyes to the figure and back again.

“Oh..uh..” She stammers a moment, “Why yes, we’d like to ..uh.. have that?” Her smile is so fake, thank goodness this is a game.

“So you would have it?” He gets an evil glint in his eyes now, “Then 'tis but a simple payment for the way to the Tomb of Kings where it lies.”

“What do you want?” We both ask it, grinning at each other for a moment.

A deeply wrinkled hand is waved at us, “Just a petty thing, nothing of consequence. A jewel of fire so deep and red it looks like blood in stone form. You’ll find it in the treasure room of the Tomb.” He smiles a gap-toothed grin, “Bring it to me is all I require.”

“Oh is that all?” Yes, I’m suspicious.

“ ‘Tis enough for the secret path to get there I think, for an old man to spend his days in comfort.”

“Well, that’s not so bad,” Twilight I swear, one of these days, “We can do that!” She grins at the figure who cackles once more.

I roll my eyes at the theatrics, smelling a trap a mile off. But as I said, it’s a game...so.

“Okay, we’ll bite then.” I hold out a hoof, he takes it in a cold hand, shaking it once.

“A deal made is done, here is the way.” He tells us how to get to the hidden door in a rock face, the place to open it, but as for inside he cannot tell us much.

I eye him again, “Then how do you know the gem is in there? I mean you can’t even tell us how to get to the treasure room.”

“Legends young miss, legends tell of the Eye of the Deep, just bring it to me is all I ask.” His voice is firmer now, asking for his reward.

“All right, we’ll meet you back here then?” Twilight is curious now.

“Aye, I’ll be here. Of course if you don’t return within a few days, mayhaps they’ll be another to try for it eh?” He laughs as we walk off after agreeing once more.


We set out for a walk after the meeting, just a moment to get a feel for this town.

“Seriously, could that be more of a trap? He wants a jewel that’s in there, it’s dangerous, he knows it’s there but can’t tell us what’s in the tomb. Oh, can we please say ‘It’s a trap’ now?” I am talking to Twilight as we walk along the dusty main road, watching passerby.

“Maybe he just read about it and wants it, I mean there’s a lot of ways right?” Always the peacemaker Twilight, that’s why I adore you.

“True. But I’m still saying it’s a trap.” I shake my head as we both chuckle.


We stayed the night at the tavern, not the greatest accommodations but at least no fleas or bedbugs. stars only knows how we’d get rid of those!

Finding supplies was easy that morning. The armorer had a problem when we asked for things, not having anything to fit ‘Some strange outlander Wizard and her apprentice’.

We did get some protection just in case, a few simple armor pieces, but now we’re out of money after resupplying. I swear this whole town lived to rip off ponies, especially us.

Crusader would definitely find humor at this. I should have invited him, his sense of humor would have fit right in this whole thing.


“Soooo...can I touch something now?” Twilight is grinning at me, pointing to the outcropping where the lever we’re supposed to use to get in is staring at us.

“Oh stop it.”

She touches the stone, the side of a boulder rumbles away, leaving us staring into a dark tunnel of carved and worked stone and artificial materials, we can see the bricks and mortar that make it up, crumbling with age.

“Dark tunnel, check. Musty air, check. Evil feelings, check.” I’m nodding to myself as we look into the dark.

Twilight’s magic fires up lighting the whole area as we look farther in, just a simple tunnel, yeah right.

“Well, we wanted adventure,” Twilight grins, “Here it is.” She points a nervous hoof towards the entrance.

“Okay! Let’s go plunder the Tartarus out of this place!” I raise a hoof, getting it slapped by Twilight’s as we both walk into the tunnel side by side.


“I didn’t touch anything!” Twilight is yelling at me across the pit as we are standing as tight to the walls as we can get, seeing the opening yawning wide, the glint of bloodied spikes below tell us of our fate should we slip.

“I didn’t say that!” Crud we can’t even fly, the tunnel is too narrow. Yeah, this is gonna be tight. “Can you levitate us out of here? Like..maybe somewhere NOT here!?” I point to the opening, the grinding sound loud in the narrow confines of the passageway as I try to bury myself in the wall, stupid traps!

Twilight shakes herself, looking at me and firing up her magic once more,an aura surrounding us both and lifting us over...gently! to the opposite side of the pit.

“You know, that’s pretty nifty stuff, maybe I shoulda been a Unicorn?” I give her a side glance, seeing her stare at me. “Oh wait, maybe add a horn and keep my wings, what do you..” I stop, seeing her looking absolutely aghast.

“You wouldn’t dare.” She actually presses a hoof against her chest, ignoring the pit that’s finished opening and is now closing once more.

I can‘t help but grin, “Nightmare Night IS coming up again you know.” I lean in, “And oh yes, dare I would.” I give her a wiggle of my eyebrows as she laughs.

“You couldn’t..” She gets a very interested look on her face, “Could you do magic?”

“I have no clue, and no I would never impersonate an Alicorn, ever.” I bump her with my shoulder, “Relax, I don’t want to do magic, I want to fly.”

“That would be interesting though,” She’s lost in thought for a moment, stepping back to think when her backside hits the wall, another grinding sound coming from within the stone near us.

“Oh for...” Seeing spikes lowering out of the ceiling I grab Twilight and move us out of the way quickly enough to avoid them dropping on us, “Careful bumping into things!”

We watch the razor tipped spikes hit the floor, then retract back into the ceiling. Twilight gets out a piece of paper we’ve been using to map the place, showing me the areas we’ve been down.

Pointing to a Y shaped intersection up ahead, she taps her hoof, “Which way you think?”

I stare at it for a moment, “Well, we’ve got the dark, dank, dripping wet way,” I point to the tunnel crawling with mold and slime, “Or we can go the dry arid dusty way?” Moving my hoof to point down the clean, clear tunnel.

Violet eyes turn slowly to look at me as I sit there peering at the two tunnels, “You know, you have a really ..different.. way of describing things.”

“Different? But..it’s true though!” I point, “One’s dry, one’s wet.”

She snorts at me, “I think you just like being snarky.”

“I do not!”

She grins, pressing a hoof against my chest, “You do too!”

“Do not!”

“Do too!”

“I am..” We both hear a sound, turning to look at the left passageway, out of which is emerging a small group of..of..skeletons? Bony things draped in rotting flesh coming at us with raised weapons, a groan coming from open mouths. They are horrible to see, and even smell, appearing in a large group from the dark wet tunnel.

We are seasoned adventurers, yep, been through tough times, good times, monsters, and everything else this world and the real one could throw at us and we came out..oh hell with it, we screamed like fillies.

I open my eyes after the screaming dies down, both Twilight and I are holding each other tight as we look at the..really..slowly.. approaching monsters. I give her a glance with one eye, she looks back at me as we both start giggling, dropping back down on our hooves and watching the bad guys.

“Wow, they’re..slow?” Twilight is lighting up her horn.

“Well..no muscles. Can’t even understand how they’re mov..oh riiight, magic!”

Twilight is just offended, “Magic? What kind of magic would... I mean this is Dark Magic, whoever did this..” I stop her with a hoof on her lips.

“Twilight, shoot the bad guys.”

“Oh..right... got it.” She fires a beam of force, watching one of them clatter to the ground in a pile of pieces, “Yeah! Got one!”

We leap right in. My own style of fighting holds in good stead, letting my hooves ram into the hard bones, breaking and knocking chunks out of them as Twilight finishes the rest with her magic spells. The beams of light slamming them back against the wall or floor, turning their bones to dust so they don’t get back up.

We made that mistake only once, seeing the pile of bones from the first one reassembling itself before we got the hint, stomping the things into powder to make sure.

I kick through the piles of remains, looking for goodies as Twilight watches me, a look of disgust on her face, “What are you doing?”

“Looking for loot! Or goods, or even money. I mean we’re broke.”

“Why would they be carrying money? What could they possibly buy?”

My mouth opens, then closes as I turn to look at her, “I hate when you’re logical.” I still paw through them as she giggles, “Oh hey!”

She steps forward, joining me as I flip out a pile of coins from the jumbled chunks, “Money! Yeah! We’re not gonna be living in the streets!”

“Where did they even carry those?” She’s peering over my shoulder.

“I don’t know. It’s a game silly filly!” I kick a skull, watching as it hits the wall, cracking open with a sharp sound. Another pile of gold coins dropping out of the braincase as we both look at each other.



A few more encounters later, much later actually as we had to stop and look at everything, even in the middle of fighting something that looked as if it’s family tree included a floating eyeball and a squid, she actually wandered off to look at some interesting writing on the wall.

And the traps, good Luna’s name, the traps. Someone got bored and had a field day in here with all the complicated things we’ve narrowly avoided! Either that or I have this subconscious nastiness inside me that might need looking at, that’s disturbing in a way.

We finally stand outside a banded wooden door, set into the wall with a heavy locking mechanism and hinges, we’re not going to be able to knock this one off the frame. So...we sit there.

“Can’t you just..like.. blow it apart?” I point at the lock, Twilight is shaking her head.

“No, I’m pooped, been using magic a lot and I’m worn out.” She is looking tired, I’m feeling it too. We set our packs down, rummaging through them for something to eat and drink.

We carefully stay away from any walls, or suspicious looking stones on the floor, we’re so paranoid right now it’s almost funny..almost. I wouldn’t even sit down if I weren’t so tired from everything. Funny how it is, feeling exactly like I’m alive, and it is wonderful.

Twilight laughs, “This really has been fun, I can’t believe we can do this.” She’s munching on an apple, smiling at me happily.

I nod, tossing a cherry tomato in my mouth and chewing quickly, yeah we can break rules for preserving food, “I thought you might like it, something to just have fun with.”

She sighs, looking around at the door, the walls, ..me, “Thank you.”

“For what?”

She waves a hoof, “For all this, for..for taking my mind off not being able to go to Griffonstone.”

“It’s my pleasure, honestly. I don’t mind doing things for you as you never ask.” I chuckle, tossing a cookie at her, “You keep rushing through life so I have to come up with stuff to do for you.”

When she smiles a certain way, it‘s so pretty, “You don’t have to really, I’m just glad to learn things.”

“We’ll learn them together, don’t worry when you get busy, you know I’m not moving anywhere in the future.” I laugh at that, yeah we’ll just relocate to Manehatten. “All I ever ask is please don’t take me for granted, that would hurt more than anything.”

She nods immediately at my words, “I won’t, that I can promise.”

We sit for a moment, listening to the rustle of things better not thought of behind the walls as she charges up to use her magic once more. I notice her fidgeting and wait, she wants to say something but it’s hard on her.

Rubbing a foreleg along the other, she gives me a glance, then looks away, “Athena..”


“Remember when you asked me about..about.. being human?” Her voice is soft as she has my entire attention now.

“I do, if you don’t want to say anything...” I get waved off.

“Nono, it’s not right, I should have told you and Crusader a while ago.” She pauses, “Well..we should have told you.”


“We all know, Applejack, the Princesses.” She’s trying to look at me, but embarrassed she’s been keeping this secret. It’s an easy tell, watching her body language.

“If it’s secret, stop worrying about it, we can wait until the time is right.” I’m giving her an out but my curiosity is really up, I want to know about this.

She shakes her head, “No, you should know, it’s not right we kept this. But we had to, if ponies knew it could cause a problem.”

“I do understand, really I do.” Of course I do, secrets should be kept sometimes, it’s a fact of life.

She sighs, lying on her forelegs and resting her eyes, “My crown was stolen one day..”

She tells me everything, stunning me down to the core. Another world, populated by humans, but not the humans we knew. More like human analogs of ponies, coloring, Cutie Marks, though different.

I am told the tale of Sunset Shimmer and her redemption, of Canterlot High, and adventures she’s had there. Her voice falls silent as I sit quietly, trying to process this and failing dramatically, this was absolutely nothing like we had ever expected.

She finally stops, leaving me speechless, looking at her as if this is all one big joke. It’s not. I can see the honesty in her face, hear it in the tone of her voice, it’s all true. But Crusader and I had theorized perhaps they knew through some sort of old tech, a spell that let them see the past, something, anything but this

We had seen Discord open a rift at the Gala, but it never occurred to either of us to think something like this could be made to allow travel back and forth.

“This is why you didn’t bat an eye when we mentioned humans.”

She nods, “We already knew of them, or..well.. somepony like them.”

I lay my hoof on hers, scooting closer and looking into her eyes, “Tell me this is all a story and we’ll forget this. Tell me it is so Twilight and we will just let it go.”

She shakes her head, “No, it’s all true.” Her eyes meeting mine, “How did you even find out?”

“You were far too comfortable when we mentioned humans, a race as alien to you as you were to us and you didn’t blink. Rainbow Dash slipped at the Gala, causing me to ask.” I slide back from her for a moment, “We are paranoid by design Twilight, our curiosity runs high when we run into things that make us wonder. We told you, you knew that.”

I watch her nod, a sad look crossing her face, “I’m so sorry, I never meant to keep it from you but.. We didn’t think.. Even after all you’ve done it was just easier to keep it a secret.”

I tilt my head, listening to each word, “I know how easy that is, to keep a secret rather than to reveal it. Oh believe me, I know.” I sigh, leaning against a wall after checking it for any traps, stupid tomb, “But you couldn’t trust us? Even after everything, all we’ve been doing? You couldn’t trust us that far?”

She shrugged, extending both legs out to the side with a helpless look, “It was just easier not to think about. I’m sorry.”

I nod, it’s all I can do. It’s not hard to forgive for me, especially when it’s Twilight. But when Crusader hears about this, I have no clue what he will think. He still remembers the loss of humanity, our commanders and the ones we were closest to before all this. He never says, never shows, but when we’re in TSDS I can see it down deep. His memories of a lot of humans he knew are gone, but what’s left, he clings tightly to them still. Always faithful, always doing his duty.

I do not know what his reaction will be.

“Twilight,” I make sure we’re still safe, glancing here and there for a moment, “Tell me about that other world, what kind of technology?”

“Technology? You mean like..uh.. what did they call it? Cellphones? Comp-u-ters..things like that?” She purses her lips, thinking hard at what she saw and read about.

“Yes, was that the highest tech you saw?”

“Well..yes. They had something called ‘The Net’ but it wasn’t really new, been around for a while, that was pretty much it.” She shrugs, “I didn’t stray much, so..it sorta looked like Manehatten.” She gives a good description of everything she saw and experienced.

Got it, Late Twentieth Century, Early Twenty-First, they aren’t even close to psychotronic circuitry or even an autonomous AI. It’s probably just a glimmer in someone’s eye at the moment.

“Did you ever see any military?”

“No..not even when Sunset turned into a demon, I mean no guards showed up, nothing.”

Now that I find very odd, no authority showing up even after Sunset had trashed a prominent High School? Either they’re really laid back or really stupid.

Our rest is interrupted by a groaning sound coming from far down the corridor, reminding us we’re on borrowed time. I stand up, facing back down the dark passage, nudging Twilight, “Bust that lock open quick, we gotta get outta here.”

She nods, firing up her horn and letting loose a coruscating beam that slams into the door, melting the heavy lock off. I back up, joining her and kicking backwards to fling the door open, turning at the same time.

We both peer into a well-lit room, treasure is lying on the floor, piles of gold and silver, platinum and gems in piles against the walls. The riches contained here would make us queens in our own countries had we the desire. The dreams of avarice are true as I hear Twilight gasp. Looking further, we see an aged staff, floating above the center of the room. No monsters anywhere we can see as we stay at the door, peering in and around.

Finally we look at each other, eliciting a laugh when we both nod at the same time, “Trap.”

Twilight keeps looking into the room, seeing the staff hovering there, me on the other hoof I’m really suspicious of this whole thing. Something’s not right. The middle of the room is clear, but all the treasure is lying around the sides, piled and heaped high.

That’s just really odd, looking at the staff floating there, no pedestal, nothing holding it up. It’s like...wait a second..

“Twilight, get ready to shut that door.” She nods, watching me pick up a coin from near the doorframe, giving it a good hit towards the staff. We both hold our breath as it gets closer, spinning through the air and suddenly stopping near the staff as something ..invisible.. shudders.. What the hay?

Twilight echoes my thought, “What the hay is that?” A lavender hoof pushes past my shoulder, pointing at the coin sitting in mid air.

“I don’t know, but whatever it is we can’t see it. Wanna bet it eats ponies?” I give a chuckle at her exasperated expression. She knows though, especially during our little crawl through this crazy tomb of horror. I can’t help it as I lay a gentle touch on Twilight’s shoulder, “Don’t go try making friends, huh?”

My laughs are louder as I get a glare and a slap on the side, “I’m not that bad!”

“Ohhh yes you are.”

Before we can get into another good-natured discussion, the staff moves, heading our way with a slithering sound.

“Uh..hit it Twilight!” I’m pointing at the staff moving around.

She lights her horn, the aura growing deep as she blasts whatever it is with a wide beam of magic, a scorching sound and really bad smell accompanies the results.

“Oh that is just awful..” But we see the staff back off, encouraging Twilight to hammer it again and again with as much power as she can muster. Her body shaking from the effort as whatever it was finally drops the staff and becomes visible, letting us see just a pile of transparent goop on the floor which quickly dissolves.

“Yeah!” I punch a hoof in the air, turning in delight ....to catch her as she swoons from the effort, using too much magic after just resting is kicking her tail. I let her down slowly to the floor, laying her head on our bags as we stay outside the room looking in. The door open to warn us of anymore critters as I throw a hoof-full of coins across the floor, making sure anything moving will rattle them.

I make sure she’s comfortable, tweaking the program a little to let me remain watchful instead of tired. It’s cheating a bit, but I don’t think she’ll mind. I may not know what’s in the program but I still control some parameters, though I haven’t done anything except a few supplies ‘till now.

Looking at her peaceful face it makes me smile. We’ve been through a lot her and I, adventures and arguments, sad times and good. I wouldn’t trade it for all the treasure in that room or the world. I settle next to her and wait, remembering my promise to Cadence, and as always I guard her while she sleeps.


“Wow, uh..how long was I out?” Her violet eyes are sleepy as she rubs them with a hoof, seeing me doing my Sphinx impression next to her.

“About an hour. Don’t worry, nothing’s out to get us right now.” I motion with a hoof, showing her the food and drink I’ve left in front of her, urging her to eat. She does so immediately as I watch the door and passageway.

“Aren’t you tired?” She asks between bites of sandwich.

“Somewhat. But it’s fine, you overdid it on the magic.” I stop her questions, “I made sure we were just like real ponies, too much magic is going to affect you.”

“Yeah, wow it sure did.” She plows through a few more items, taking a deep drink of water, “That hits the spot!” She wipes her lips, laughing.

“What’s funny?”

“Oh, since this isn’t real, I bet we’re going to be starving once it’s over!” She chuckles, stuffing a cookie into her face.

I don’t tell her a medical tech spider did a skin tap into her body, feeding her nutrients while she sleeps, she won’t be that hungry.

I push a hoof against her side, “And you can eat what you want and not gain an ounce.”

I get a disgruntled look at that, “Are you saying I’m fat?”

“Nope, just saying.”

She finishes her cookie, glaring at me the whole time, I can’t help but snicker, “You ready to loot this place? I’ve been eyeing all that stuff, we’re gonna make out like bandits!” I point to the treasure room.

“But what’s the use? Once we leave it’ll all go away won’t it?”

I shake my head, grinning, “Oh no, I can save the whole thing at the exact point we left. We can come back and play again and again, we’ve a whole world to discover.”

“Can we bring everypony else?” She’s looking excited at the thought of this, all the friends having adventures together.

“Yep.” I smile at her, “You can be anything you want here, a wizard powerful and feared, a warrior of might and magic, whatever you can imagine.” I sweep a fore leg out, “The whole world is open.”

“Well, I’d still like to be the Princess of Friendship, even here.” She glances at me shyly as I grin.

“Only you Twilight, only you.” I nudge her as we carefully walk into the room, checking it for devices and the usual, finding nothing as we meet again in the center of the room next to the staff. It looks like gnarled wood, aged and very old, tipped with silver in the shape of a screaming skull. It’s kind of eerie.

She levitates it along her packs, securing it and nodding, “Now we just need to find that gem right?”

“I still think that old guy is bad news, but we did promise.” I start scuffing through piles, slipping the most valuable stuff in my own bags.

“Hey, that’s steal..” She stops as I give her a ‘really?’ look. “I forgot, we’re looting.” She grins at me with an embarrassed look, turning back to search through the piles of goodies.

“Got it!” She holds up a huge ruby, deep and red as blood, yep, that thing’s as evil as they come or I’m no judge of adventure games. I’m not, but it does look evil.

“Okay, let’s get out of here.” I start heading out as she stops me, “What?”

“I got it this time,” with a flash we’re both taken to the entrance, standing outside in the cool night. She’s grinning like a fool, “Teleport magic remember?” Her shoulder nudges mine as we take off towards town.

Can't believe I forgot about adding that.


Standing outside the bar it’s looking a bit rough and tumble in there, night time all the creeps come out in this town it seems. Thank goodness for wings, we can land right by the front. That sign is still downright rude though, I’ve got to change that. For now Just seeing Twilight’s blushing face, it’s hilarious.

“I don’t think we oughta give that gem to the guy, I really don’t.” We’re walking towards the door, passing revelers on the street.

“We promised though.” Twilight is adamant, don’t break a promise.

“You know it’s not going to turn out well, right?”

“Oh, I’m sure we’ll be fine, just fine.” She replies over her shoulder happily as we enter the crowded bar once more.


The medical spider had removed the tap as I kept her in-between for a moment longer, no wound or anything to show so she’ll never worry, skin perfusion works nicely.

She awakes with a gasp as I sit there laughing my tail off, grabbing my belly and hee-hawing like I’ve never done before to her embarrassed look.

“We kept our promise!” She looks firm at this, seeing me rolling on the ground.

I‘m howling now, “Oh yes we did!” I keep guffawing, I can’t help it, it was the funniest thing ever!

“Well, we didn’t know!”

“I told you. I told you something wasn’t right, but noooo, we’re keeping our promise!” I keep laughing, wiping tears from my eyes, oh stars this was something I will never forget.


We had walked into the busy tavern, the bald bartender giving us a firm nod as he recognized we’d come back from our adventure, loaded with specie to spend and a newfound sense of power. The patrons didn’t even bother with us this time. Seeing Twilight standing tall, our bags stuffed full with treasure, we were a force to be reckoned with now, proving ourselves to be capable. Even if I did wear a ball cap that says “Go Wonderbolts” on it.

The old man was still sitting in the same place, sipping on a different mug of something now as we approached.


She gave me a no-nonsense look, “No, we’re keeping our promise!”

“Okey dokey.” I will follow her regardless, her determination makes me proud, though I just have that feeling..

The voice cackles, seeing us again, “Well...” A phlegmy cough accompanies the greeting, “Seems you’ve survived after all. Come you hence with my treasure?” His eyes are dark as they turn to us,holding out a withered hand.

“We have it right here,” Twilight levitates the gem out of her bag, placing it gently into the grasping palm. She looks proud at finishing the task, giving him his reward.

“Oh yes, the Eye of the Deep,” The figure leans close to the fire, turning the ruby this way and that as he cackles, the laughter getting louder, “The return of my power!”

Oh stars, I knew it, we really messed up this time.

We both watch as the gnarled figure stands up, throwing back the hood and showing us he only had skin on his face, the rest of his head was gleaming bone, “Oh yes, the return of my power, and my staff!” His hand snatches the thing from Twilight bags, making us both back up as he seems to loom larger, every face in the place turning to look.

“Uh..Twilight..” I’m nudging her now, over and over, she’s shaking like a leaf at the maniacal old man, her eyes as wide as they can go, “Twilight run..run!”

We pivot on our hooves, heading for the door top speed as we hear the voice getting stronger, louder, more..diabolical. Footsteps pounding behind us as the patrons scatter for cover.

“Now you’ll all see the true power of the Undead! Bow before me, the Lich King, once more!” We barely make the door as the room fills with fire, hitting the street as the building behind us blows apart in a tremendous explosion, causing us to go tail over mane and hitting solid stone as we are slammed against the fountain in the square.

Yep, game over. We’re relegated to the grey in-between for a moment before we return to ourselves.


“Bwahahaha! That was awesome!” I can’t help it, it was! It was so much fun!

“Will you stop laughing!” Twilight’s looking grumpy as she lays on the bunk for a moment.

I lean on the bunk, looking at her face which is showing pique right now at not accomplishing everything, I lay a hoof on her shoulder, “Twilight, you had a great adventure, we saw things nopony else has and you stayed true to yourself always. That was what made everything good, don’t ever change Twilight.”

She gives me a grateful look, giggling to herself as she shakes her head, “But we kept our promise and I am not sorry!” She makes sure to point at me.

“Oh, I’m sure you’re not. Keeping a promise, oh yeah was it ever kept! To the freaking Lich King!” I grin like a mad mare, giggling insanely.

“Well..” She taps her hooves in front of herself, “It was fun..” Looking up at me as I nod, giving her a look that says it’s okay.

She covers her mouth, snickering behind it as the pure outrageousness catches up with her, “Never blew up a bar before..” She snorts, trying to stop herself from laughing as I keep looking at her.

“Nope, but ya sure helped do it this time! BOOM!” I shoot my hooves out, falling back to the floor and howling with delight.

She crawls out of the bunk, looking at me and finally giving up. Her smile turns into full laughs, plopping her backside on the floor and just belting it out with me as we relive the whole thing with expansive gestures and remarks.

I watch her joyful face, her whole body relaxed as we share this moment. An adventure that will be a wonderful memory, part of us forever and no one can ever take it.


That evening, we’re sharing a cup of coffee in the castle, laughing still and recounting our adventures in the game world. She giggles every time I whisper ‘Boom!’ to her.

Pinkie and Rainbow stumble in, looking worse for wear as we help Rainbow to a seat, her ankle is taped up and from what they’re saying it was quite the time. Rainbow making amends with an old friend Gilda, which is good, helping to maybe set the Griffon Empire on a track to better days.

Twilight told them to take a gel pak or two, but nooo.. We slap one on immediately as she settles onto a chair.

Pinkie grabs a cup of her own, sipping the rich liquid and beaming around at us, “Soooo... You guys do anything interesting while we were gone?”

Twilight gives me a sly smile before looking at her friends, “Oh nothing, just an adventure or two. Gotta keep busy you know.”

I stay silent, seeing the look on Pinkie and Rainbow’s faces, “Adventure?” The cyan mare is curious, “What kind of adventure could you two go on?”

As she tells them about what we’d done, I find she was right, I’ve never seen Rainbow Dash that jealous, ever.

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