• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,558 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Boredom is Rough.


“I have them, sensor grids are green.”

“Huh, sneaky sneaky.” Athena’s voice is excited.

“Not too bad I’d say.”

“Eh, could use a bit more flair.”

“Drones in place, standard combat patrol.”

“Spinning guns up now! Feeds are greased and ready!”

“Sensors are hot, battlespace is prepared.”

“Here they come!”


“There’s just nothing to do! It’s boooring!” Rainbow Dash is lamenting today.

A calm day, the breeze carrying the warning of an early chill in the air as the fall sets in. It is a rare day, one in which there really is nothing to do for anypony except enjoy. Stands are open in the marketplace, ponies going about their lives, but with even less bustle and hurry than before.

I will be having a talk with Athena later when she is not busy, something about the other day and me stalling Twilight in the spa, something is off and I’m not quite sure what it is. I keep receiving a lot of smiles and being asked if I would be taking a job there permanently.

But it truly is a nice day as I sit beside her, listening to Rainbow's complaints. The bench is warm and the sun just begun it’s journey through the sky.

“I’m sure there is a nap or two waiting to be had Rainbow.”

“I’ve napped enough, and I’ve done all the weather stuff, and everything!” She waves her hooves around, “There’s just nothing left and it’s only morning!”

“Perhaps a book from Twilight’s library?” I’m trying my best here, but a bored Rainbow is a bad thing either way. Athena is busy with the others right now, so I am stuck trying to console her.

“Meh, Daring Do’s latest doesn’t come out for another three weeks.” She scuffs at the ground near the bench we’ve both ended up on.

I turn to her, “Then what do you want Rainbow? What is it?” I’m sure my slight frustration with her is showing as I have sat here for an hour listening. “What could possibly make your day better?”

“I don’t know, something exciting! Maybe a dangerous monster to beat up or something!”

“After all that has happened, you think it would be a situation you’d avoid, not wish for more of.”

She looks at me with wide eyes, puffing out her chest, “Avoid a challenge? C’mon this is ME we’re talking about! Rainbow Awesome Dash!” She thumps her hoof proudly against herself.

“Fine, then let’s test your mind shall we?”


“Follow me, you want a challenge, I’ll give you one.”


We end up in my open bay, a battle board has been set up by my tech spiders and I introduce her to wargaming. Explaining the units, how they move and what they do, I keep it very simple. She is not stupid, but she is a bit lazy when it’s not interesting enough, but this catches her attention.

“This is a battle grid, you have an army, I have an army, it’s simple. Defeat me.”

“You mean I command all these things?” She points to the thousands of units on the huge board, holographic representations of tanks and platoons of men, artillery and planes. All showing a designation above their areas for easier moving and ID. Movement by both sides is concealed unless two opposing units meet, that way there is an element of fair play and you cannot observe them unless you have reconnaissance placed well.

“You command them all, give an order out loud, such as ‘Move Platoon Three to grid four’. Your grid is different from mine so there is no cheating, you can’t know what my grid is.” We watch my unit hustle across the board to a small hill and wait.

“That’s it? I just have to beat your army?”

“That’s it. But I warn you, you wanted a challenge, I’ll give you one. You will not win if you are lazy and I will not give you a win. You earn it.” I point a hoof at her and the board, “You know the rules, now do it.”

We start slow, but she wanted a challenge and I pull no punches, roundly defeating her first few attempts. I can see the frustration on her face, but I am not going to just let her win.

“Oh that’s not fair!” She’s pointing at a tank battalion that just overran her last position.

“It is fair, by the rules and the game. You need to listen to what I tell you and reason out why you lose. You wish to be the Captain of the Wonderbolts one day, then learn what it is to lead.”

I tell her what mistakes she made and how to use her units more effectively. She learns quickly, doing a few maneuvers that almost catch me off guard, but I recover and repulse the attacks. She is not a professional, but an amateur and those are dangerous in any setting.

“Hey, anything in the rules say I can’t get help?”

“I don’t see why not..” She’s out the door before I finish as I reset the game board one more time. It has been two hours, and she’s been trounced a few times, building her frustration up. She does not like to lose.


“Yes Athena?”

“Why is Rainbow dragging Twilight out of the castle, telling her she has to help to win a game?”

“I have been teaching Rainbow war games, she desires to lead one day, I thought it would be a good experience. She had been complaining that she was bored.”

“Are you...?”

“I am not holding back, she has been soundly defeated each time.”

“That’s not quite fair you know.”

“She wants to be a leader one day.”

“That’s a bit harsh, they’re not trained troops or commanders.”

“If one wishes to lead, then learn how to do so under any condition, defeat or victory. She will win if she is not lazy, I guarantee that, I am not using all my abilities.”

“Well she’s dragging all of us with her.”

“You may give advice, but no more, understood?” I make my desires very plain with no misunderstanding.

“O..ok...okay.... Why are you so ad..adamant?”

“Because while she is brave, loyal to a fault and courageous, a true leader must learn things.”

“What are you planning?”

“To teach.”


I have the board reset, the armies are waiting as she drags in Twilight, followed by the others. She tells them what we are doing and points out everything I have taught her so far. Twilight looks at the board curiously, I can see strategies already passing through her mind. She is quick on the uptake, and to be honest, I would like to see what she does as well.

“So, we have to win right? That’s the object of the game?” Twilight is honest in her questions.

“Yes. But..!” I point a hoof at Rainbow, “You cannot move for her, she has to make each and every decision based on your advice, nothing more. None of you can move nor direct any pieces in play.”

“There is a time limit, we will play for twelve hours. The only breaks you get are for nature or food, and they better be quick as the battle will not be stopped. As many games as we can fit in that time. Plus there may be some minor rule changes along the way, so keep up.”

“What? But that’s..that’s not fair!” Rainbow is notorious for wanting to snooze mid day or anytime at all when the mood strikes.

“Life is not always fair Rainbow, even here, do you agree to my terms or do you forfeit?”


I watch Crusader force the terms on Rainbow. He’s not being as polite as he usually is, and I wonder why. His abrupt manner reminds me of missions past, when he has had to do something he thought was right, missions that would forever scar him deeply.

But he is not watching the game board, he is watching her.

So I observe the game, adding advice only when I am asked, never volunteering. Rainbow has to make the decisions if conflicting things come up and I can see her sweating them out as the minutes pass, decisive in some moments, bold and brash in others.

He watches her closely, when she is foolish or being lazy, he makes her pay dearly on the board, his troops exacting a hideous toll in units. Crusader is not toying with her, he has never humiliated anyone, well not lately, but he is doing what he does and that is fight.

Time slows, as it does when conflicts arise, when decisions of import are made. Her natural way of always being competitive are being worn down by Crusader, she does not wish to do this anymore, but is trapped by the contract of terms.

I watch Twilight, scrolling through the holographic screen that details units and their capabilities, she is an excellent advisor, her moves are becoming swift and deadly when done right.

Pinkie and Applejack are becoming skilled at guerilla tactics, their actions are having a decided effect on anything they turn their mind too. Being Earth ponies, they take a great interest in the ground troops and Marines on the field. Bolstered by Twilight, they are in harmony as they make suggestions on what to do.

What surprises me is Rarity and Fluttershy, I am stunned at what they are doing with tanks and artillery. Fluttershy is using her ability and knowledge of animals and relating them to the units, moving them in ways we haven’t seen before; making with Rarity who sees the details, the little things, a formidable force and tank commander.

But it is still down to Rainbow, who has to decide whether or not to do these things. Her mane and coat are matted with sweat from the pressure, I can see it dripping down one cheek as she makes a move..wait a second...

I KNOW this!

Scanning through files I haven’t touched in a long time I see what is going on.

Crusader is putting her through ‘The Sweat Box’, a beginning tactics course for Bolo Commanders. This is where they throw a human who wants to be a Bolo Commander into the fray. You are given limited time, limited units and knowledge and you are expected to act!

You are tested to your limit, you can access friends with you or databases, but you MUST act! You are thrown into the heat of battle, purged of everything you know or think you know and you are drilled to the bone in what you have to do. The game is made in such a way you cannot just walk away, you are a part of it and it affects you.

They are taught, do not freeze, do not clamp up, no matter what DO something. It is constant warfare at a scale that draws you in and immerses you in the battlefield. If you halt, if you panic, you fail. Period.

They went against battle hardened Bolos each time, that’s why ‘The Sweat Box’. That Bolo was a veteran of countless battles, a lethal mind that thought nothing of devastating you if you were stupid and showing it to you as they took you apart piecemeal.

I had seen the finest educated so-called perfect students break down so badly they had to be hospitalized. But then I had seen some with barely a high school education go through this test and pass. It’s not what you are, but who you are.

It is not a test of skill or knowledge, that they learned to their detriment, it is a test of you.

The thing is when you finally win one, if you do, you are given one final test, and that is the worst of them all. Even if all you have done is lose, the final test is given, and it makes or breaks you.

As the battles go on, one after the other, new weapons are introduced, new units. Twilight picks up on this and uses them, as they do so, Crusader matches them and after each battle shows them what they could have done, what they are used for. He is good at teaching, showing them everything after each skirmish, increasing their knowledge by leaps and bounds.

It gets furious in the open bay, I have cranked the coolers up but they are doing no good. Each of my six friends are looking worn as the hours pass, so involved in the battles as Crusader sits quietly on the opposite side, an infuriating measure of calm on his face.

Food is provided, but is barely touched as the war goes on, getting worse and worse as new things pop up; new terrains, new rules, everything you have to learn as you go or you will suffer for it.

If he is using the same protocols, and I believe he is, it’s going to get worse. It will draw them in, make them so focused on it to the extent of everything else that it will shock them when he...

“Break time!” The soft voice calls out as the battle pauses.

I can’t warn them, I can’t tell them.

“Oh thank Celestia! I could use a break! My mascara is positively out of style by now!” Rarity heads to the facilities as the others grab something to eat.

Rainbow is actually shaky as she gulps down a few sandwiches, along with Twilight and Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy, they are all frazzled and worn, but it is the smiles I see.

They’re smiling, having a wonderful time playing this game. It’s interesting, it’s fast paced, and it’s exciting.

They’ve also made a grievous error, no one is watching the field of play.



“You’re not going to hold this against them right?”

“Of course not, they are performing well, and doing brilliantly under the circumstances.”

“So it will restart in...”

“92.4 seconds, no alarm. They slipped, no one’s watching. They seem to have forgotten I said the battle wouldn’t stop.” He chuckles over the link.

“Are you giving the Final Test?”

“Yes. She is learning, but I wonder if she has truly understood, or is it all just a game to win at?”

“You will give the Speech?”

“Yes, third game to last.”

“Why are you doing this?” I want to know, because looking at the matted coats and manes I am worried.

“Rainbow was complaining she was bored, so I gave her a challenge. Plus I have wondered what they would do with something like this. Their tactics have made me bring another core online to deal with the unconventional aspects. They are good Athena.”

I see Twilight looking at Crusader across the huge game board, tilting her head for a moment.

“Uh oh.”

Narrowing her eyes, Twilight stared at the calm stallion over the frozen battle, a small smile was on his face as she thought for a second, then called out, “Rarity! Get back in here!”

“What darling? I was just touching up my...” Her voice is breathless as she gallops out of the facilities.

“Nevermind that,” She points at Crusader, “He’s up to something! He said the battle wouldn’t stop, but it’s frozen now.”

“What? He would never cheat I’m sure.”

“No...” She looks at him once more, “Nooo...but he’s up to something. I’m going to watch the board, make sure nothing moves.” She tells Rarity to go warn the others at the table, they grab food and drink and sit across the board once more, glaring at Crusader.

“She caught you!”

“Well done I’d say.”

“You were smiling, it tipped her.”

“I’m sure I wasn’t.”

“Oh yes you were, you big softie!”

“I would never do such a thing.”

“Riiiiight..” I’m so proud of my brother sometimes.

The board goes live once more, catching them a slightly off guard but not as badly as it would have.

An artillery barrage decimates their front lines and it’s back into the battle.

But the next few fights are tough, tougher than they have ever been; it comes down to individual troops that make the difference, a sniper here, a land mine there. The subtle things are being used now to affect the larger goals.

It is the fiercest fighting I have seen in a long, long time on a battle board. Rainbow has gained confidence in her decisions, and although sometimes rash, she is making the right ones with her advisers help. Twilight and the others are swiftly gaining experience in how to use things they’d never thought of at first. It is devastating on both sides.

Pinkie and Applejack are dangerous with their advice on troops, the units are hammering the enemy and fading back into the forests, then reappearing again somewhere else.

Rarity and Fluttershy are using the armored units and artillery to horrific effect, blasting through lines and sweeping back to pound the enemy from the rear. Even I stop giving advice and watch as the battles play out.

One of the tricks of these sessions, is the games are designed to draw you in fully, you can think of nothing else, concentrate on nothing but the game. It is an old trick, but one used to great effect when weeding out Bolo Commander wanna-bes.

I am so proud of Twilight my chest could burst, she is becoming a strategist of the first rank. Taking all the information and dealing it out in a way that is both useful and quick, she gives Rainbow everything she needs to bring forces onto the field and hold their own.

But Crusader is ruthless, if they slip, if they make the tiniest mistake, he makes them pay for it in casualties that are so high they cannot keep up with the numbers. He loves games, he loves a challenge, and these six ponies are giving him one.

He is testing them all, watching them closely and seeing the sweat practically pouring off them as they do nothing but give advice and watching Rainbow move the troops around to good effect.


One game is rigged, and only one, the final test notwithstanding. If the combatants have fought well, the Bolo will let them win one to pursue a lesson. If they are lazy, if they are stupid and willfully so, the Bolo will win, but still do it in such a way that it will be of import to the speech he will give.

They are tired, I see it in their eyes, they’ve never been pushed like this by anything. Crusader is not being soft, though he is adjusting things. But through it all, the camaraderie is still there, laughter and nudges, smiles and giggles at mistakes. But underneath it, a combined will of durasteel.

Now the third to last game ends, though it is rigged, the victory is hard fought and well won. A single platoon stands on the field of all the thousands and thousands of units. It is their platoon and they are yelling in victory at finally beating Crusader.

Crusader is always gracious and congratulates them as I sit and wait. He walks onto the battlefield and points at the single grouping of fifty soldiers, the last of an army.

He was always good at this.

“Rainbow, do you know what a Pyrrhic Victory is?”

The haggard looking Pegasus shakes her head, “No..what is it?”

“Let me tell you a story.” He gestures all around to the terrain and battlefield, “In our history a king named Pyrrhus of Epirus fought another tribe called the Romans, who were a power in their day and nearly unstoppable.”

He points to the board as it changes, showing different units, the battle of Heraclea. I see Twilight scrambling for a quill, scribbling on paper.

“At two times in two years, this king fought the Romans and won, at a place called Heraclea, and a place called Asculum; but with tremendous cost. During a time they called the Pyrrhic War.”

The armies clash, it is horrendous fighting with sword, spear and shield.

“In these battles, he fought the Romans to a standstill, even winning. It was bloody and bitter fighting Rainbow, some of the worst at that time.”

I watch the multi-colored mane nod, listening to the story. Please pay attention Rainbow, please.

“A scribe named Plutarch, reported on the battle later when he had time to write about it. He said:

‘The armies separated; and, it is said, Pyrrhus replied to the one that gave him joy of his victory that one other such victory would utterly undo him. For he had lost a great part of the forces he had brought with him, and almost all his particular friends and principal commanders. There were no other there to make recruits, and he found the confederates in Italy backward. On the other hand, as from a fountain continually flowing out of the city, the Roman camp was quickly and plentifully filled up with fresh men, not at all abating in courage for the loss they sustained, but even from their very anger gaining new force and resolution to go on with the war.’

Crusader points at the two clashing armies around him, “What we learn Rainbow, is that victory is always welcome. But when it comes at too high a cost, taking away everything even though you’ve won, it is likes ashes in the mouth, bitter and dry.”

He has been approaching Rainbow as he talked, walking along the game board as the battle fades. He is almost muzzle to muzzle with her.

“Bolo Commanders knew this, that there is a time and place for everything. That to lead one must not squander, nor look to those under them as disposable just for the chance at victory. Winning is not worth anything when all you have left is dust.”

He looks her square in the face, “Do you understand this Rainbow Dash?”

“I...I think so.” She’s so tired, but I see her nod thoughtfully, a true change for her.

“Good, let us continue then.”

He retreats back onto his side, the board starts up and the second to last game plays out, not giving them a chance for rest. It is furious and it is exciting as I watch. They are giving it their all and they are beautiful in their combined efforts. I watch sweeping maneuvers and small unit tactics that are just as thrilling as those fought when I was in battle.

They are so unconventional and odd, that it’s hard to understand what they’re doing sometimes, and that makes it all the better. Everything goes into data storage, this is something Crusader and I will analyze for years to come.

But it does end in another loss for them I’m afraid, but it is a good loss, a battle to be proud of either way.

“The final game is with us now, you can all rest except for Rainbow, it is her turn.”

All six look at each other, Twilight speaking up, “What?”

“She must fight the last battle alone, her decisions, her ideas, it is all her now. You cannot give advice nor can she seek it.”

“Wait, that’s not real fair now is it?” Applejack’s voice is concerned.

“It is the game, she must take everything she has learned and use it. Her and her alone.” He smiles gently, “It is how it’s done my Applejack, don’t worry.”

The game board is set up as I herd the others away from the area. It is Rainbow Dash and Crusader facing off over the setting.

This then, is the Final Test, this is where you make or break yourself. Like I said, the test is not skill or knowledge, it’s about you. What will you do? What can you do?

The board looks the same, the exact same you’ve been fighting on, but there are subtle changes if you know where to look. Over twelve hours you learn things and you have to understand the battlefield.

Crusader has patiently taught her and the others each and everything they needed to know. But it comes down to one and only one.

Will you be a leader that has to depend on others for your decisions? Can you make them on your own in a crunch? Can you make the right one?

It is the hardest test of all, because over twelve hours you have fought against a mind that does nothing but win, slaughtering you, building up your resentment and anger until you can’t take it anymore. You think the Bolo is probably laughing at your losses, or just plain humiliating you for the fun of it so the frustration builds.

The board is set, the armies placed, and there are changes that make it look like you can win, like you can suddenly strike and overwhelm the opposing force.

But if you take your time and really see the board, you know something.

You have to lose.

This is the hardest test of all, the ability to know, to absolutely know when you are going to lose and you must retreat. There is no other option, there is nothing you can do except that.

“Take your time, we have four minutes before the game starts Rainbow.” His voice is soft as it carries in the quiet bay.

Twilight looks over, she sees it immediately and raises her voice, “Rainbow...!” I cover her mouth with a hoof, shaking my head.

“You cannot help her Twilight.”


“No, those are the rules, I’m sorry.” I try to smile at her gently as she shows a frustrated face.

Rainbow wants to win so badly you can see it in her stance, her very being. Her nature is that she has to be the best and so she pushes herself to the limit. Here and right now she is given a chance of overwhelming victory, but it is a sham. She must understand, she must look at the board and truly understand this is a no-win. She has to retreat from the field, if she attempts an attack, anything at all, she has failed.

“What do you think Crusader?”

“I think her loyalty to her army will make the difference. Even though they are not real, it will show because she is that way. She understands Athena, I believe she truly does.”

“She is a good pony.”

“She is, but she wants to win badly, let’s see if she makes the right choice.”

“Are you ready Rainbow?”

“Yep! I can do this!” She sits down and smiles, her whole body is dragged out from the last twelve hours.

“Then let us begin.” The board lights up, units start rolling out as Rainbow orders a general retreat off the field.

Everything stops.

“Why did you do that Rainbow Dash?” Crusader’s voice is even.

She looks nervous, finally giving up a sigh, “ ‘Cause...'cause I knew I couldn’t win. I just knew it somehow.” She points at the board, “Something wasn’t right, it looked the same, but it just wasn’t right.” She sighs again, “I hate losing.”

“Well done Rainbow, well done indeed. You didn’t lose at all.”

“But..but I retreated, I didn’t even fight!” She's looking exasperated now.

“It’s not about the battles Rainbow, it’s about you making the right decision, you’ve done excellently.”

“Wait, all this was for nothing then?” Her face gets an angry mien.

“Not at all, it proves that deep inside you, you have a maturity that will come later, to make the right choices and be a good leader. You’ve done very well Rainbow.”

“So...so I won?” She is puzzled.

“In all the ways that mattered, yes, you won.” He tilts his head in acknowledgment with a simple bow.

“YES!” She leaps into the air of the bay, punching a hoof. Her friends surround her with hugs and congratulations.

Crusader has the board dismantled and taken away as we all enjoy a bit of food and drink for a moment.

“But Rainbow, what else did you learn?” Crusader is always teaching someone something, it’s his way.

“What do you mean?” Her voice is muffled by the mouthful of food she’s currently gulping down.

“Why did you get Twilight and the others?”

“Well....because she’s an egghead, she knows this stuff better than I do!” Twilight smacks her on the shoulder.

“No, it’s not that.” He’s smiling at her nervous look.

“ ‘Cause...I knew I couldn’t do this by myself..” Her voice is faint in the cargo bay as she scuffs a hoof on the floor.

“Once again, well done. It’s good to know you have someone to depend on, even when the decisions are yours to make.” He points to all of them, “Be yourself, be who you are, but always remember you have them to help in times of need.”

“I do, all the time!” She smiles brightly at all her friends.

Ah.. but this is Rainbow we’re talking about, such things can get a bit twisted in her mind, such as being a good commander.

Which brings us to now.


“I guess being told she won the commander’s test kinda went to her head eh?”

“She is Rainbow Dash, it’s to be expected.”

We watch the cyan mare pointing and giving orders to all the other pegasi, she‘s having a ball. “Shouting commands and doing this, it’s a little much. But it’s sure going to be fun!”

“Let her lead, let her have her moment. It’s been quite a while and we need to make some awards anyways.”

“I’m still wondering how she roped Princess Luna into this!”

“That would have been me, she wanted to try her hoof at this, so I let her know it was being set up.”

“I’m not too sure about painting a Princess.”

“She knows the stakes.”

We are setting underneath the sensor masts above Crusader’s hull, watching the preparation for this fight. The day is beautiful, and we are about to fill it with the air of battle.

“Well, long as she’s okay with it.”

“Ponies work in odd ways sometimes Athena, I doubt we’ll ever truly know why.” He laughs over the link.

“Doesn’t it frustrate you?” I wave my hooves around, “Doesn’t it just make you confused when we keep running into things we don’t understand?”

He turns and smiles at me, “But that is what makes life wonderful Athena, the unknown, the finding out of things.” He touches me on the shoulder, “We have so many years ahead of us, why not spend the days in wonder, make each moment precious and rare.”

“It’s still frustrating sometimes.” I knock grass around with my hoof.

“I understand, but in time you’ll see it too, I promise.” He points a hoof towards the open area where Rainbow stands, “But until then, we have this, and so many other things to keep us busy. You are growing in ways a Bolo never has sister, it is new and amazing, enjoy each second.”

“I will, or at least I’ll try real hard!”

“Lao Tzu once said, ‘Music in the soul can be heard by the universe’, and you my dear sister, sing so brightly and clear.”

“I really wish I knew what you see in me.”

“So many things Athena, so very many things.” He pauses, “Speaking of which, why am I getting odd looks from the day when I stalled Twilight at the spa, did I do something untoward or wrong? I can’t quite understand it.”

Nope...nonono not gonna discuss this with him right now, nope nope nope.

“Incoming!” I point at the groups now taking wing, they are splitting up and doing some very odd maneuvering.

“I have them, sensor grids are green.”

“Huh, sneaky sneaky.” I’m excited to be doing this.

“Not too bad I’d say. Trying to catch us off guard by going ahead of the time we set.

“Eh, could use a bit more flair.”

“Drones in place, standard combat patrol. Area is clear of any threats.”

“Spinning guns up now! Feeds are greased and ready!”

“Sensors are hot, battlespace is prepared.”

“Here they come!” I know I’m wanting to hop around a bit, this is my first time with all this, it’s going to be fun!

“Go easy, no targeting lasers.”

“I know, I know!”

“On your word Athena.”

“Wh..what? Bu..but you always do that!”

“I can’t do everything my sister, on your word.” He smiles so warmly at me, I can’t think of anything else as I hug him tight.

I know the look that crosses my face, the same one on a window in a hall in Canterlot, a Pegasus with a battle grin to beat all. I watch the flights of winged ponies take to the air, wishing so badly once again, but that’s all right.

Everything is all right.


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