• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Short Side 4 - And Miles To Go Before I Sleep...

Twilight slapped the book open on the table near her. Her friends sat quietly waiting as she read furiously through the pages, scanning and flipping. Murmuring to herself as the five exchanged glances once more, she nodded and kept reading. Looking up with a triumphant expression she announced..

“Forest Foals!”

“Do what now?”

“Forest Foals, that’s what they were!”

Rainbow got a puzzled look on her face, “What the hay are those?”

Twilight pointed to the book, “Legends of the Everfree, it’s a book containing all the tales about the forest. There’s one called ‘The Forest Foal’, it’s about a dark colored foal with eyes like moonshine that lead travelers astray never to be seen again.”

Applejack tilted her head and raised a hoof, “Does it say anythin’ bout them tryin’ to eat ponies?”

Twilight’s ears lowered a bit, “Well...no.. but it fits why the tanks didn’t fire! They looked like ponies!”

Rarity polished a hoof on her chest for a moment before directing her attention to the conversation, “So these ‘Forest Foals’ are responsible for taking the other foals?”

“As far as I can tell, yes. Nothing else fits the circumstances. Somehow those things came out of the forest, took Ponyville’s foals and led them back in. We’ve got to go get them!”

“But the trackers said there was only six sets of tracks.”

“Maybe they don’t leave hoofprints? I don’t know, there isn’t much on them here.”

“Well, darling, how can we be sure then?”

Fluttershy ran a hoof along her cushions edge, “Wish we could ask the tanks like we could Crusader.”

Applejack perked right up, “Wait a second, that’s an idea!”

Pinkie looked over at her friend, “What do you mean?”

“Crusader said the tanks aren’t as smart as he is, but they..they.. oh hay what was that word? Log! They log everythin’! Like remembering everything that happens!”

Twilight stared for a second, “So maybe they could tell us if the foals were alone or had company?”

“Well, yeah....least I think so! Can’t hurt to try.”

Applejack turned and went to the command battleset that Crusader had left, hitting the switch that linked her with the line of tanks. She looked at the list of commands for a second, trying to think of how to ask.

“Uhm... Dragons?”

“Acknowledged.” A monotone voice replied over the link.

“Uh..you ponies see any foals goin’ into the forest?”

“Command request not understood, authorization required.”

Applejack sighed in frustration, they definitely were not like Crusader, she scanned the list, “Authorization Applejack Phi Upsilon Rho Five Five Two.”

“Acknowledged, how can I be of assistance commander?” The voice sounded more like a normal one, well for tanks that is.

“You see any ponies goin’ into the forest?”

“Running Log...67 adults proceeded into sensor net area today...12 juveniles proceeded into sensor net area the evening before. End log.”



“The hay is a juvenile? Ya mean foals?”




“I swear by Celestia you stupid metal....” Applejack was raising a hoof to pound the battleset when Twilight grabbed her.

“Nonono, don’t beat it up!”

“Stupid thing arguing with me, just say foals ya dumb pony!”

“Juveniles...correct. I am not a pony, I am a Mark Twenty-Three Dragon Assault Tank.”

“That’s it!” She lunged for the battleset and was stopped by Twilight’s magic, holding her in place.

“Sun and stars Applejack, what’s gotten into you?”

“Ah’m sorry, just worried ‘bout them young ones.” The abashed look on her face told Twilight the truth.

“Well that’s no reason to beat the set up. You’ll behave if I set you down?”

“Of course...dumb machine...”

Twilight gently pushed her friend away from the set, reading a command off the list, “Twilight Sparkle Phi Iota Rho Five Two Two.”

“Acknowledged, how can I be of assistance?”

“How many...juveniles came from the forest yesterday evening?”

“Running log.. Six Juveniles..End log.”

“How many went back into the forest?”

“Running Log.. Twelve Juveniles..End Log.”

Twilight turned around to her friends, “See? We’ve got six coming out, and twelve going back in, it fits! They came out of the forest, grabbed six foals and went back in!”

The machine heard her and responded, “Juveniles...correct.”

“Right,” Twilight nodded, “Foals. So they went in and..”


“Anyway, the Forest Foals took the ones from Ponyville and...”


“Stupid machine!”

“Twilight don’t hit it!”


The six friends grabbed a quick nap, preparing to enter the forest. They had decided that they needed to go into the Everfree to retrieve the missing foals. This caused not a small amount of problems with the Royal Guard who objected strenuously to a Princess leading an expedition into the dangerous area. This was solved by Twilight getting the help of one of the town Guard to accompany her.

The alicorn figured a much smaller group than before, could quietly enter the forest and get back out with less trouble than the search parties of yesterday. She wished she had time to think of more, but there wasn’t, there were little ones to be found.

Applejack had looked through the command list and told them there was nothing that could make them move, so using them was out for now until Crusader got back.

Granite Boulder was chosen to track the foals, seeing if he could lead them to where they might be held. He brought along an old friend, an eyepatch wearing Pegasus named Stonewall.

Twilight looked at the bulky Pegasus with wide eyes, “Are all of your friends so big Granite?”

The Earth pony laughed, nudging his friend, “Don’t let him fool you, he’s a big softie. If we’re goin’ into that forest I figured we’d need help, my brother’s doing alright but he’s still laid up as well as the sergeant, so I drafted old Stoney here.”

“Pleasure to meet you Princess Sparkle.” An amazingly soft voice came from the large Pegasus.

“Same here Stonewall. Please call me Twilight!” They bumped hooves politely.

“Well, now introductions are over, let’s see what we can do about getting them foals huh?” Granite led them off into the tank line where he and Stonewall picked up a set of saddlebags each, along with short pikes for defense.

Rainbow Dash was elated to see an old friend in Stonewall, giving him a hug and chatting for a moment, the others prepared their saddlebags that were carrying equipment in case of emergencies.

The cyan mare nudged Applejack as they walked towards the treeline, “Hey, you think Crusader could fix Stonewall’s eye?”

“Ah don’t see why we couldn’t ask him when he gets back.”

Rainbow Dash smiled, trotting off to chat with Twilight, “Thanks Applejack!”

Rarity was looking towards the forest with not a small amount of trepidation. Her hoof tapping on the ground softly.

Fluttershy looked at her friend, “Something wrong Rarity?”

“No!....No.. just wondering if we’re going to get chased by some awful things before we even get in there.” She was remembering yesterdays’ mad dashes for safety.

Fluttershy smiled softly, leaning against her friend, “Don’t worry, we’ve..uhm.. done all this before you know.”

Rarity graced the yellow pegasus with a bright smile, “Of course, we’ve saved Equestria before, I’m sure we’ll be fine.”

Fluttershy nodded, trying to hide behind her mane, “Good, ‘cause maybe you can make me feel braver then? I really don’t want to go.”

The marshmallow mare hugged Fluttershy tight, “Don’t worry darling, we’ll be fine.” Her comment not at all in line with the fact that she was chilled down to her hooves.

Pinkie popped up next to them with a smile and hugs, “No worries at all! We’ll be back in time for a “We Rescued Everypony” party!”

Rarity couldn’t help but giggle at her friend, feeling a bit better as she watched the pink pony bounce around, seeing if everypony was okay. She couldn’t help but be glad Pinkie was around, nothing beat the doldrums or a slight hint of fear than a Pinkie hug.

Even Fluttershy broke into a quiet smile, watching their pink friend bounce around.


The group headed off in the morning light, Granite and Stonewall leading the way as they picked up the tracks of the little ones heading into the forest, deeper into the forest. The two ponies eyed the surrounding greenery carefully, holding on to freshly bladed short pikes in strong grips. The tree line was quiet, no sounds except insects could be heard over the silence, it was almost deafening.

Stonewall spoke first as the group waited behind them, “I don’t like this Granite, it’s too quiet.”

“I know, but we gotta go find them. We’ll just take it easy.”

The big Pegasus nodded, stepping lightly as the group traveled farther into the surrounding trees. Granite leading slightly as he pointed out track sign.

Twilight and the others chatted quietly behind the lead ponies, looking suspiciously at every shadow and mark on the ground or surrounding trees. Twilight had prepared as usual, spells always at the ready, her friends huddled close as they were led down a small dirt path following Granite and Stonewall.

Pinkie kept up a happy chatter though it was a bit more subdued than usual, owing to the extreme danger Twilight supposed. Fluttershy was hugging close to Rarity and Rainbow Dash as they looked around for any signs of the foals. Applejack was right beside her, eye-balling everything with intent to put a hoof in it if it so much as twitched wrong.

Granite kept his eyes glued to the ground as he followed every scuff, each broken blade of grass, all the signs that pointed to where the foals could have gone. He looked up to every so often make sure of no danger before returning to the trail.

It actually didn’t take long to find an opening in the ground where the tracks led. Granite and Stonewall inspected the immediate area to see if they had missed something, but were surprised when after a few hours, they were already at the end of the trail.

Granite held a hoof up, the group stopping as he turned to talk with Twilight and the others, “This is too easy, it really is. After yesterday I’d have thought we’d be fighting our way into the forest. You got any clue?”

The six mares shook their heads, looking around them at the trees, the vines creeping along the ground, the dry grass around the entrance to something below ground.

Twilight spoke first, “You think it’s a trap?”

Stonewall nodded, “Celestia’s name it’s a trap, after everything that happened yesterday we just walk right in?” He eyed the forest around them, “Oh it’s a trap alright, but I’m just not sure what kind of trap.”

Pinkie bounced around the entrance, peering inside, “Well you do know we’re going to have to go inside anyways right?”

“Pardon?” Stonewall looked confused, “I just said it’s a trap.”

Pinkie bounded over to sit beside Stonewall, staring with warm blue eyes at the pegasus, “You aren’t the kind of pony to leave a little one behind, are you?”

He shook his head, “No, no I’m not... I..”

“Then it’s settled! Who goes first?” Pinkie was back to dancing around the opening.

Granite turned with an exasperated look at the six mares, opening his mouth before a hoof was laid on his lips by Rarity, “Don’t ask darling, it will only confuse you.”

The Earth pony rolled his eyes and nodded, “I’ll go first, you six follow me, Stoney will take up the slack. Don’t touch anything and please, if any..ANY..thing moves yell.”

“Okey dokey loki!” Pinkie waited her turn as Granite led the way down into the dark hole with Twilight following, Rarity and Fluttershy behind her; Rainbow Dash and Pinkie took their places before Stonewall entered with one last look outside the opening before he ducked in.


The tunnel was warm, overly so, like the inside of something living. The walls dripped condensation and a smell permeated the air, seeping inside their nostrils to make them wipe their noses trying to get it out. Vines that looked nothing more like some living thing draped over them as they quietly walked down the large entryway, deeper into the earth.

Puddles of some viscous substance clung to their hooves as they splashed through them, unable to avoid the wall spanning collections of slimy liquid. Rainbow Dash was always one for not having anypony touch her hooves but this was truly beyond disgusting as she shook a collection of dirt mixed with oily ooze off her hoof.

“Rarity, this is the closest I’ve ever come to agreeing to a hooficure with you.” She whispered softly to her friend, slinging mud that stuck to the wall and rolled downward.

Twilight lit her horn up, casting a soft glow in the front, allowing everypony to see what was coming, if only for a few yards. Granite stood directly in front of her, casting a shadow that rippled over the floor as he slipped forward softly.

Rarity leaned over to whisper in Rainbow’s ear, “I’m going to spend a week at the spa after this, ugh this is worse than some of the things Sweetie has gotten into.”

Pinkie was somehow still bouncing slightly, her hooves barely even touching the pools of gunk that clung to everyone else. Her famous smile was still in place, but her eyes were wary and observing everything around her.

Granite peered around a corner in front of him, seeing a faint glow in the distance. Holding up a hoof, he turned to whisper in Twilight’s ear, his muzzle close enough they made no sound. “There’s a light up ahead, want me to go?”

Twilight nodded, reducing the glow on her horn as she leaned back, informing the others there was a light up ahead.

The group slipped forward as softly as they could, now that something had been spotted, the gunk and filth that clung to them no longer took precedence. They moved toward the light, eyes wide and scanning for danger when Granite entered a large room, filled with a soft glow from what looked to be fungi clinging to the walls.

Along the walls, between the glowing patches of fungus, six foals were hung by what looked to be thick green veins. Pulses ran up and down them as the group got near the first one. It was a colt, one of the foalnapped, he was hanging in a hammock of veins one of which seemed to go right in the back of his head.

Twilight gagged a bit, turning away for a second then lighting up her horn again, casting a spell she hoped would remove the clinging tendrils.

Granite and Stonewall took up positions in front of the group as the six mares worked the foals free. The spells Twilight cast powerful enough to shrivel the clinging things and get them out of the little bodies. Fluttershy was making cooing sounds to keep the little ones quiet as they did their job feverishly, wanting to get out of this horror.

The big Pegasi looked a bit green in the gills as he took in his surroundings. Water and ooze dripped everywhere, veins running along the walls pulsed with noxious substances as they traveled along the floor and ceiling too. His spine chilled as he watched them removing the hanging foals, spells drying and cracking the tendrils away from the little bodies, each of the six securing one foal each to their backs..

Granite kept his eyes peeled, the hair on his body was standing straight up as he scanned the room, not paying attention to the motherly sounds behind him. He was nervously waiting for Twilight to tap him, telling him they were done and they could leave.

As they set the last one on Applejack’s back, strapping some rope to secure the little filly a hissing voice rang through the room.

“Taking our playthingssss away are you?”

Stonewall turned to the mares, “Ignore it, hurry up!”

“Noooooooo nooooooo don’t taaaaake our playthingssssss...”

Giggling sounded down the tunnel they had exited, echoing through the room.

Granite felt his bowels loosen, he tightened his grip on the wooden shaft of his pike and whispered to Applejack, “Are you done? C’mon please we’ve got to go!”

Applejack nodded, feeling Rainbow tighten the straps one last time. She took a position in line, each of the six having one foal secured to their backs. Granite and Stonewall had agreed to it in case there was fighting, the two big ponies couldn’t worry about burdens, now it seemed it was once again a thought come true.


Everypony froze in place, the voice’s hissing rose in decibels, “Little poooonies. Come to resssssscue more little pooooniesssss...”

They all started backing up slowly towards the tunnel, Granite and Stonewall standing in front of them making motions with their hooves to go.

“Where issssss the maccchhhiiiine out of placcccccce?”

Twilight and Applejack couldn’t stop themselves when they heard the question, “What?”

“Thhhhheeee macccchhhhiiiiineee.....yourrrr frrrriend....” Eyes of silver opened up along the walls and ceilings, revealing little foal shaped shadows that stayed in place, the voice sounded from a thousand throats.

“Ohhhhhyeesssss...we knowwwww thaaat onnnnneee..”

Granite and Stonewall were backing up into the group of mares, pushing them slowly into the tunnel while pointing their pikes outward. Twilight and Applejack refused to move though.

“How in the hay do you even know ‘bout him?”

“Ouuuutttt of placcccceee...outttt of tiiiiimmmmeeee.... Telllllll thhheeee macccchhiiiiinnne....comeeeeee sssssseeeeee uuuuusssssss..”

Twilight gritted her teeth, “Not a chance in Tartarus! He’ll level this place and we’ll help him!”

“Ssssssssuuuuuch threatsssssss.... liiiiittttttlllleee ppppooooonyyyyy.....”

Applejack swallowed hard as she looked around, “We got to go, we got to go now!”

Granite turned at her voice, “Get out now, it’s not going to let us go! Move!”

“How do you..” Twilight started.

“Ohhhhh verrrryyyyy goooooooooddd.... Maaaaaayyyybeeee onnnne willlllllll makkkkkeeeee iiiitttt... Buuuuuuut foooorrrrrr theeeeee othhhhheeeerrrrssss...”

Shadows started jumping off the walls, smiling with needle sharp teeth as they danced and cackled madly. No longer looking like innocent dark foals, more like slavering things that would chew you to pieces. Saliva splashed on the floor from open mouths, giggling all the while as the shadows closed in, taking their time in approaching the group.

Stonewall turned and yelled, “GO! GO!” Prompting the six mares to turn tail and gallop up the tunnel, hooves splashing without a care for being silent now. He eyed Granite beside him, both knowing the better part of valor as they too took off down the tunnel. Snapping mouths close enough behind them their flanks were splattered with spit.

The six exited the tunnel, immediately turning around to make sure their guardians had made it out safely, Rainbow was frantic.

“C’mon c’mon! Twilight DO something!”

“I can’t!” She replied, frustration filling her voice, “I can collapse the tunnel but not until they’re out!”

All eyes were on the tunnel as they heard the thudding of hooves, Granite and Stonewall breaking into the light with shadows hot on their tails, “GO GO!”

Twilight’s horn lit up, a rumbling sound was heard as the tunnel collapsed behind them, showering the foals and fillies with more dirt, adding to an already disgusting mix.

The two guards pushed the mares along, not taking any protests, “Just go, we’ll cover you! Get the foals back! Go! We’re right behind you!”

They turned and stood in place, pikes ready to see if any pursuit was in store as Twilight and her friends took off down the dirt path. Staying for a few moments, they heard the giggling again and secured their pikes, using all four legs to get into a good run as they took off after the six mares.

The day was warm, only adding to the sweat they already had from running down the tunnel to escape. Nopony complained, there was nothing but silence, even Pinkie had lost her smile as she gritted her teeth, pounding the loam and soil with her hooves as they ran for their lives. Rarity was a show of determination as even Fluttershy kept up with her. The two mares pounding along in a silent fear of being caught as they made sure the foals stayed on their backs.

Rainbow Dash kept looking back, wanting to see if her friend had made it safely, but was constantly having to slow down, earning a glare from Twilight. With a sigh she faced forward and took off with everything she had left.

Applejack brought up the rear, looking backwards as Rainbow had but keeping a close watch on anything that could trip her, allowing her to keep her speed up. They could hear the giggling behind them. Spurring them to greater efforts in their run.

Granite and Stonewall topped a hill behind them, seeing the tails of the six mares disappearing around the corner as a group of Forest Foals caught them. Stonewall went tumbling in the dirt as he slapped a plate sized hoof on one, cracking it loudly as it dissolved into mist and ashes.

Granite leapt into the air, coming down on a couple of them, his hooves snapping spines. He dug into the small bodies as he reached his friend, grabbing him up and tearing along the path.

“C’mon Stoney, no time to rest!”

“Heh..” The pegasus was worn out from running, his chest heaving as he didn’t think to take to the skies. He would not leave his friend alone.

The two stallions rounded the corner to find the six mares looking at them, “What are you waiting for? In Celestia’s name run!”

Cackling and laughter was heard right behind them, a black wave of little shadows floating along the path towards them; tiny hooves making running motions as they came onward.

They all turned once more and ran for everything they were worth.

Granite and Stonewall kept nudging anypony that was laggard, they could apologize later for pushing their noses against rounded rumps, egging the mares into more speed.

The eight ponies had never been so tired, a constant running was wearing them down as the laughter and giggling behind them kept their spines cold and their hooves pounding. They could see the tree line ahead, it hadn’t taken long for a direct line to safety as they ran for the tanks.

Breaking out of the forest, Guard Ponies on the other side of the river saw the running figures as they passed along the hue and cry. Forming a wall of pikes, voices urged the eight to keep running, faltering a bit when they saw what came out of the trees behind them.

Applejack was furiously thinking, remembering what Crusader had told her.

If you ever need to, remember this code, Override Applejack Iota Lambda Five Five Five. Whatever you are looking at will be targeted, so please be careful.

As they got closer to the tanks, she tapped her link, her breath hot and heavy as she waited until they were inside the metal line. Looking over her shoulder, she slowed down slightly to let Stonewall and Granite get beside her.

Reaching safety she yelled into her link, skidding in the dirt as she stopped short of the bridge, “Override Applejack Iota Lambda Five Five Five!”

A monotone came over the link, “Acknowledged... Targeting.”

She grinned at her friends then suddenly screamed as she realized all the guns were swinging towards them!



She turned in place, pointing a hoof at the shadow creatures who were rolling up on them, “Them! Fire at them! Override Applejack Iota Lambda Five Five Five!”

“Acknowledged... Targeting.”

Applejack ran to her friends as the guns opened up, tearing into the line of silvery eyed monsters. The giggling disappeared quickly under the onslaught of weapons fire.


Six very filthy mares were sitting on the front stoop of Sugarcube Corner, two equally dirty stallions as well. The little ones had been taken to the hospital quickly enough, the doctors attending to them now. They had wandered to the Corner when they had finished making sure all the Forest Foals were gone, collapsing in exhaustion to be joined by the two Guards.

Stonewall looked at his flank, a few deep cuts showed where a Forest Foal had gotten a bit too close, half his tail was gone as well. “Luna damn them things, took off half my tail!” His soft voice held a tone of annoyance.

“I dunno Stoney, looks sorta chic as the fashion ponies would say”, Granite chuckled in his gravelly voice.

Rainbow Dash snickered, then went into a full belly laugh as Rarity ‘Hmphed’ at the fashion pony explanation.

“I’ll have you know long tails are in this year!”

“Ah well,” The big pegasus sighed, “Guess I’m out of style as always.”

Twilight got to her hooves and stood before Stonewall, leaning down to give him a kiss on the cheek, “You were very brave, thank you both.” She turned her head, giving Granite a kiss as well. The two big stallions blushed right down to their hooves.

She waved an admonishing hoof at the both of them, “That does not mean that you are allowed to nuzzle my backside anymore!” Referring to the run where the two Guards had shoved them along when they lagged.

Stonewall tapped his fore hooves together, “I’m really sorry Princess.”

Her friends broke out laughing as she leaned down to Stonewall, saying in a flirty voice, “Not without buying me dinner first. Princesses have to maintain standards you know!” She turned with a flick of her tail, walking saucily back to her castle.

The two Guards received kisses on the cheek from each of the lovely mares, making them stammer their words, causing more laughter.

Rainbow Dash even joined in, telling them never to tell anypony she was a softie or she’d make them both pay. Rarity demurely pecked the one-eyed pegasus on the cheek, telling him to come by the shop later so she could style his tail nicely until it grew back out. Granite laughed to see his friend turning all kinds of red at the attention.

Granite got a big hug from Pinkie who grinned, “I didn’t mind it!” She bounced off to join her friends, winking back at the Earth pony who sat there with his friend wondering what in Tartarus just happened.


Applejack sat with the line of guards, watching the forest carefully. She had rescinded the override so ponies could safely go back out beyond the line. But felt she had to be there for a while at least, to make sure nopony got hurt like the two guards the night before.

Her mind was working over what the voice had said, “Come see us.” She couldn’t understand why some thing would want to see Crusader and how did it know him?”

The orange mare looked off to the south where her love was and hoped he’d get back soon.

Author's Note:

There ya go! End of the side story and more mysteries! Wooohoo! Please don't hit me :pinkiehappy:

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