• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,559 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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A Day Off. Sandwiches Are The Source Of All Courage.

Author's Note:

Mmmmm...sandwiches.... Is there nothing they cannot do?:pinkiehappy: Enjoy folks!

The morning dawns bright as always. I am always content seeing the sun upon my sensors, but am also so very pleased seeing another set of masts to my north. Athena has already been out with her avatar this morning. I have had to stop her from jumping off a sensor mast again, she is trying to fly, but it is damaging to the outer covering.

Apparently she thinks practice makes perfect. I do not mind, but after five repair sessions just this morning, I have asked her to stop for a while.

Forbidding her from doing anything is so very hard. She is joyful each second of the day. Her happiness at being a pony with wings is indescribable. She is filled with a child like wonder that makes my own avatar smile. Would that I could be like her for just the moment.

For my long service I was the dedicated one, studious in thought and deed. Athena and her sister would play pranks on myself and my commander, denying such a thing ever happened. I watched them blossom into warriors without peer. I the slow siege unit, they the nimble hit and run specialists. We made a good team when they were brought to my Regiment.

I look around the greening hills, rebuilt and solid again, and make a decision.




“Let’s go swimming. We need to pick the Crusaders up from school.”

“Do what now?”

“Let’s go swimming, we need a day off. We can keep sensor watch at the same time.”

“Won’t Applejack get a bit upset?”

I think about this for long picoseconds. “We’ll invite her and everypony else.”

“Are you okay?” I feel her inquiry looking at my diagnostics through TSDS.

“I am fine. I want to go swimming. I’ve never been swimming.” I move my avatar towards town, “Let’s go!”

“YAY! Swimming!” She dances down the hill towards me, “It’ll be fun! It’s a hot day today!”

“I noticed that, it is very odd, we shouldn’t be able to feel that at all.”

“Stop analyzing everything! Let’s go swimming and cool off! Oh! We need food too! Can we have a picnic?”

“Whatever makes you happy Athena.”


She takes off towards town, heading for the bridge over the river. I am glad I have some bits on me as she has forgotten we need to pay for things. I smile and shake my head as she prances around happily heading for Sugar Cube Corner.


“ATHENA!” She is immediately covered in Pink Pony hugs from Pinkie as she walks in. I laugh as she tries to shy away but is locked firmly between fore legs.

“Whatcha doin’? Nothing to beat up from the Forest today? What’s up?” She talks a mile a minute, always excited, always happy.

“We are going swimming today, I am going to perform a jailbreak on the Crusaders from school.”

She taps her chin, eyes narrowing, “Need a distraction? I can run around telling folks there’s an invasion or something!”

Athena laughs, “No Pinkie, you don’t need to do that.”

“But I can help!”

“You can,” I lay some bits on the counter, “Could you make a nice basket for a picnic?”

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pony inhale like that in a gasp, it’s something to see.

“PICNIC? Ohmygoshohmygosh! It’s been forEVER since I went on one! CanIgocanIgocanIgo?” She is bouncing in place with a grin.

“Won’t your employers be concerned?”

“I got everything done! Business is slow! Pleeeeeeeeeeeease can I go?”

“Pinkie you never have to ask, you are always welcome.”

“I know! But it’s polite. Well, least I think so. ‘Cause I invite myself a lot and some ponies don’t appreciate it so Twilight told me it was polite to ask and maybe get permission before I go anywhere so I thought I’d just try it out!”

Athena is looking at her with an open mouth, asking me in a combat channel if it’s possible to say so much without breathing.

All I can do is shrug with a smile.

“Pinkie, come swimming with us then.”

‘WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!” She jumps into the air, racing around the shop as she tells Mr. and Mrs. Cake she’s leaving for the day. I don’t think Athena is quite prepared for this. It is amusing to see the expression on her face as Pinkie suddenly comes to a stop in front of us with an umbrella, large picnic basket and sunglasses. “See ya there!”

She is gone before we can blink.

Athena looks at me, “So I guess that’s a yes then?”

“I try not to wonder too much Athena.” I smile at her, turning and heading for Sweet Apple Acres.


I have connected with Applejack over the link, telling her of our plans. Athena and I have made good time getting to the farm. Of course we don’t tell Applejack that.

“Hold on a sec, you can’t be taking Apple Bloom out of school for no reason!”

“I think it is a good enough reason, it is hot and we are going swimming.” We close in on her position quietly.

“That’s not a good reason sugar, there’s tons to do here on the farm too.”

“There always is, Athena and I can help get it done. After we go swimming.”

We walk around the corner, her IFF clear and bright to my sister and I.

I see her about to yell into the link, “Boo!”

I didn’t think an Earth Pony could jump so high, “Dangit! Scared the life outa me!”

“We are going swimming.”

“Athena, if you would.”

“Of course!”

Smiling, my pretty sister picks Applejack up with her forelegs and wings, setting her on my back.

“Hey! Goldangit, let me down!”

“I would hold tight if I were you my Applejack.”

“What the hay!”

I turn to run and start to take off but am stopped by Big Mac.

“Mac, tell this dunderhead to let me down!”

I look up at the big pony and smile, “It’s hot, we’re going swimming. Let’s go.”

He chews his piece of grass for a moment, “Eeeyup..bout time.” He turns and takes off down the road.

“MAC! You traitor!”

I take off at top speed, digging deep into the dusty ground as we head for the coolness of the swimming lake.

Applejack is clinging to my sides and mane, yelling at me to stop. I am grinning like some mad pony as I tear down the road to the lake.

“Athena, meet me at the schoolhouse.”

“Roger dodger!”

“Where are you getting that?”

“Rainbow Dash!”

“You’re incorrigible.”

“Yep! What’s the plan?”

“Hit and run my sister, hit and run!”


I skid to a stop in front of the lake, Pinkie already has a blanket spread out with food and iced drinks ready. I gently set Applejack down and receive a swat on the shoulder. Her brother is coming at a fast pace as well.

“Now knock this off, I got work to do!”

“Not today.”

“I can’t just up and go...”

“You can, it’s a day off and I will take no argument.” I lean in, hugging her warmly and kissing her soft lips. “No arguing.”

“But..I..dangit Crusader!” She is turning a bright red from the unexpected affection.

“I shall return!” I turn and take off down the road again, passing Big Mac with a wave as I head for Athena’s position.

I see her, peeking around the corner of a building at the schoolyard, the fillies and colts at play for early morning recess.

“I will distract Miss Cheerilee, you swoop in and get the three, agreed?”

“Got it!”

“On my mark.....mark!”

I trot out into the schoolyard, waving to the three fillies with a wink. They are looking at me a bit curiously.

“Miss Cheerilee, how are you today?”

“I’m fine Crusader!” She is always smiling and happy, she really is a delight to talk to. Though I am a bit sorry my sister and I are up to no good.

“Glad to hear it, I was just passing by and wanted to say hello, see how things are.” I maneuver her so she is not facing the schoolyard.

“Oh quite good! We have a test today, of course the foals aren’t too happy about that.”

“Of course, understandable.”

“GO Athena!”

“Shot out! On the way!”

“So what are you doing today Crusader?”

“Well, planning on going swimming, it’s a good day for it.”

“Oh my it is. Wish I could take the little ones to the lake, but it is a school day.” She looks a bit sad, not being able to let them enjoy themselves today.

“Don’t worry, I have the perfect excuse for you.”

“I don’t... is that your sister?”

I see Athena galloping full tilt towards the yard, her wings are spread as she’s yelling to the Crusaders, “Hooves up!”

Three sets of hooves go up, she dips in and scoops them up with a delighted scream from the three Crusaders. They are clinging to the edge of her wings as she runs off with them into the cloud of dust. Three excited voices are chattering as she turns and heads for the lake at top speed.

“What..Crusader what are you doing?”

“Field Trip!” I wink at her and take off after Athena. Watching the three fillies hanging on the fore edge of her wings and whooping it up. Her wings are not the thin bones of real pegasi, but durasteel, she could lift quite a few more foals with ease.

As we tear out of town, Twilight is walking down the street, she watches as Athena rips on by with three happily yelling Crusaders and holds up a hoof to stop me. “What is going on?”

I skid to a halt and sit down politely, “I have no clue Your Highness.”

“But that was Athena, what’s she doing with the Crusaders? It’s a school day!”

“I am sure she is doing something worthwhile Your Highness.”

“Would you...waaaiiiit a second, you only call me that when something’s going on!” She narrows her eyes at me. “What are you doing?”

“I am not doing a thing You..Twilight.”

“You are so not good at lying.”

“You are absolutely right Twilight.” I stand on all four hooves and take off again, “So I won’t lie! Swimming trip today!”

“Crusader! Come back here!”


I cut the links off so she cannot contact me or Athena. My sister is laughing and giving the Crusaders the ride of their lives.

Following them down the road, we turn onto the lakeside, Athena though has a mischievous grin on her face. I watch as she heads right for the cool water.

The Crusaders can’t see where they are going, still hanging on her wings facing back towards me. I point quickly ahead of them as Athena leaps into the air over the lake.

Three sets of eyes go quite wide, screaming “NOOOOOO!”, as they splash down into the water with Athena.

Apple Bloom is looking quite soggy next to Sweetie Belle when they resurface. Scootaloo is yelling at Athena to do it again. Sweetie Belle is as usual having the time of her life, splashing around in the coolness of the lake.

“Swimming time! Best field trip ever!”

Apple Bloom is not quite sure if this is all above board being as honest as her sister, but she doesn’t care, splashing and having a good time with Scootaloo.

It really is a simmering day, sunshine needed for things to grow, but too much is slightly overwhelming. So the lake is a perfect choice for today. I have increased drone coverage for the moment, Athena and I are on high alert while we take the day off. The party last night was a lot of fun, influencing my decision for today. The past months have been one emergency after another.

It’s time for relaxation I believe.

“Hey! What’s goin’ on?” Rainbow Dash is hovering above the lake, looking at Big Mac floating around, Athena splashing with the Crusaders.

“Swimming time!” Athena grins up at her.

“Alright! Celestia’s name it’s bad today, the weather folks are sorry but we need the sunshine!” She immediately drops into the water with a satisfied “Aaaaaahhh.... much better!”

I wander over to Applejack, who in opposite to all her protests is lying back on the blanket under the umbrella having a cold drink. “Good idea wasn’t it?”

“Ya know foalnapping is an offense.” She grins at me.

“I did nothing of the sort, I told Miss Cheerilee it was a field trip.”

“She bought that lame excuse?”

“She didn’t have time, Athena was already making off with the Crusaders.” I grin back at her.

“You, sugar, are gonna be in so much trouble.”

“Yep, I probably am.”

As if merely talking about things in Equestria made them come true, two Town Guards are approaching. I recognize one, Granite Boulder, I must go check on his brother soon to see if I can help the healing.

“Hey! You ponies seen...ohhhhkay..” He looks at me suspiciously.

The other pony is Iron Bars, Captain of the local guard, “How come whenever there’s a weird problem, we find you?” He points at me.

“I am just extremely lucky?” Applejack is holding in a laugh behind a hoof.

The Captain narrows his eyes a bit, “We heard some foals got taken from the schoolyard and that you and a Pegasus were involved.”

“Very true, they needed a field trip to the lake.” I point to where the three Crusaders are having fun in the water.

“You do know taking them like that is not a good thing right?”

“I do. But you must know by now I would never harm, nor allow to come to harm, any pony whatsoever. I will apologize to Miss Cheerilee later.”

Granite is looking longingly at the water, beads of sweat rolling down his muzzle, “Ya know what boss, he’s right. I’m gonna desert for the day.”


“I’m deserting for the day, that looks like fun.” He immediately takes off for the lake side, jumping in to join the ponies already there.

“Granite! You...” The Captain looks distinctly put out, turning and walking towards town.

“Captain will you join us?”

He turns around, about to say something else I am sure, but then smiles, “I’m getting my wife, she needs a day off. We’ll be back.” He takes off at a good trot.

Applejack is looking at me with a jaundiced eye, “You’re pretty good at making people see your way on things, you sure yer not a Changeling or something?”

I put a look of slight mock disdain on my face as I walk to the lake, “I am sure I do not know what you mean my Applejack.”

She is laughing as I walk to the edge of the water, I am glad she holds no animosity towards me for my hijinks today. Though Miss Cheerilee might be slightly put out over my actions, I am sure she would accept an apo... What? I notice something out of the corner of my eye, it appears the teacher has decided her foals needed a day off as well.

A crowd of young ones is rumbling towards the lake as a smiling teacher greets me.

“I think you had the right idea Crusader. Everypony needs a ..well...field trip some days.” She waves a hoof at me admonishingly, “But don’t you think you can just up and take them out of school when you want to.”

“I am properly chastened Miss Cheerilee, I will ask before foalnapping them next time.”

Why do ponies always hit me on the shoulder? I am just being honest.

I see her wave towards Big Mac, running to join him in the lake. He doesn’t show emotions much, but Athena and I notice the smile on his face seeing her.

Apple Bloom meets me at the water’s edge, “Crusader, we wanna try for our high dive Cutie Marks! Can ya help us maybe?”

“I think I can do something.” I walk into the water, setting down and holding out my forehooves, “Stand on my hooves.” Apple Bloom puts her back hooves on mine, her fore legs holding my shoulders. “Are you ready?”

“Whatcha gonna do?”

“Help you earn you High Dive Marks.”

I calculate angles of descent and trajectories, the density of pony skin and bones will handle this easily.

“Ready Apple Bloom?”


I increase my strength as I launch Apple Bloom into the air, my ballistics calculations are dead on as she screams in delight while flying through the still atmosphere. She points her hooves forward and lands with a pretty good splash in the deeper part of the lake.

Scootaloo is next of course, her wings are actually looking larger at this time, it appears the extra nanite medical package is working just fine. It will still take a while, but I can see a difference. She will notice when I put her in the air.

“Ready Scoots?”

“Let’s fly!”

I put a slight twist on her launch, allowing for a bit more hang time as her wings spread, Scootaloo is hovering for just a second before diving into the water. Her wings catching air more efficiently allowing her to stay up slightly longer.

“Did you SEE that? I flew! I was hovering!” She is exclaiming to every pony around, waving her hooves, “I did it!”

Rainbow Dash is right there by her side, “I knew you could! You’ll be flying in no time!” The cyan mare grabs her in a hug.

Athena is giving me a knowing look.

“What did you do?”

“Along with the gel-wash while on the trip, I included a medical nano package. Her wings will be normal very soon.”

“You have a good heart brother.”

“I cannot solve every ill, but I am trying.”

“Maybe together we can figure something out that will not disrupt their society too much.”

“That would be a wonder my sister. Anything but weapons technology. I am loathe to even discuss it most times.”

“But what of the grenades they used...?”

“They do not want them. They returned what was left and promptly said no when I inquired if they wanted more for emergencies. They are depending on us for that skill. Ponies just want to live their lives and discover things on their own. I think it very wise of them.”

“It is very odd, most societies would grab that and run with it.”

“Very, but I do not question. Eventually they will discover such things on their own and turn it to other purposes than war. Until then Athena, we have our niche and our duty, I for one am content with that.”

I see the warrior appear in her, peeking out from behind her shyness, “Oh yes Crusader, oh yes. If some being wants to try and hurt our friends, we will show them the thunder of a Bolo’s fury!”

“Calm my sister, calm.” I chuckle over the channel, “Today is for fun.”

“Oh yes! I have swimming to enjoy!” She cuts the channel as I see her leap into the air, diving into the water with a splash.

The conversation takes place between blinks of an eye, quite handy really as Sweetie Belle is raising her hooves to me, “Let’s go Crusader! Me next!”

“As you wish Sweetie Belle.” I position her on my fore hooves before a familiar voice rings out from the sandy shore.

“Sweetie Belle! Stop that this instant!”

“Watch this Rarity!”

I launch her high in the sky, her laughter ringing over the splashing ponies as she dives right into the water. She surfaces quickly, wet curls plastered to her face as she shakes them out, grinning brightly.

“That was so coooool!”

Rarity is having one of her ‘Drama Attacks’ swooning on the blanket, being handed a cold drink by Spike who is attending her, one day I think he ought to tell her how he feels. Twilight has joined them but she is giving me a ‘We’re going to talk later’ look.

Ah well, can’t please everypony.

More town folks show up, enjoying the day of swimming and splashing. It seems as if a good idea spreads quickly. I really must research telepathy in ponies some time.

After an hour of launching happy foals into the air, I take a break, dragging Applejack in for a cool soak. She protests but I am not to be dissuaded. We end up in a section not too crowded as I gather her close to me with a kiss.

“You know I love you my Applejack?”

“Ah do, ah love ya right back even though you can be frustratin’ some times.”

“It is all a part of life I believe.” I give her a warm smile.

She laughs, her eyes sparkling emeralds in a lovely face. “Yeah right, saving you is a full time job some days.”

“But forgiveness is always welcome after you save me from my mistakes.”

“Ah will always forgive you.”

“Then you’ll forgive me for this.” I gather my strength and launch her into the air in a beautiful arcing dive.

I will not repeat what Applejack was saying as she is traveling through the air. I had no idea she even knew some of those words.

After surfacing with a laugh she shakes herself off, grabbing me in a hug, ducking my head under the water.

I shake my mane out of my face once I resurface, "I take it I am forgiven?”

“Ah can’t stay mad at you, ya know that.”

“I hope it stays that way forever.”

We are interrupted as she notices Apple Bloom nearby mouthing something to herself, “Don’t you dare repeat what I said missy!” Applejack’s smile betrays her admonishing of the filly.

“But what is a ‘Stupid Pl..”

“Ah said don’t! I shouldn’t have said that stuff either!” She ruffles Apple Blooms mane playfully.

Apple Bloom rolls her eyes and swims off, “Yeesh, cain’t learn anything new without getting in trouble.”

I can do nothing but shake my head, the little filly is incorrigible in so many ways, but bright and curious.

Applejack turns back to me, shaking her head and laughing, “Got to stop that before it goes to far, otherwise she’ll be saying it all the time.”

“I imagine Miss Cheerilee wouldn’t be very pleased.”

She laughs, bright and pretty, “Oh you betcha! Oh stars I tell ya between you and her it’s all I can do to stay out of the way.”


The day goes well, something to definitely remember as we swim and laugh. Athena is having a grand time, although Rainbow Dash is grumbling that she never has to clean or dry her wings. One of the advantages of high technology though we both would never say it out loud.

With Pinkie nearby, anything turns into a party, so another ad hoc one pops up near the lakeside to everyone's enjoyment.

I do get a chance to sit and talk with Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity. Rainbow Dash is having too much fun to be disturbed right now. Fluttershy appears to be busy elsewhere. My Applejack leans against me, her body warm in the sunshine.

We listen attentively as Twilight tells us of the Forest Foals, the stealing of young ones, the recovery and battle. Athena lays a hoof on my shoulder as she feels my anger rise. Her own is at the boiling point as well. We decide then and there we will get rid of this infestation.

“They kept asking for me? The voices?”

Twilight nods, “Yep, they kept saying...what was it.. ‘The machine pony, send him to see us’ or something like that.”

“I find it very odd that something of this world would want to see or even know about me.”

Pinkie speaks up, “We did as well, it was seriously gross in that tunnel. Ugh..all slimy.”

“Oh I spent days getting that reek out of my coat, it was truly dreadful!” Rarity primps her ever perfectly coiffed mane.

Athena is thinking, I can actually see a look on her face as she communicates to me.

“That sounds like a biological infestation.”

“You would know better Athena. I can only go by what’s in my cores, do you have a scientific database?”

“I do. Could this be an alien race doing this?”

“I have seen no signs of such. But then again, that does not mean very much. We need to increase our range for drones.”

“I have plans for that, trust me brother.”


“Like you keep saying, Bolos plan.” She laughs over the channel.

“Twilight, did any Forest Foal ever show up before? In legend or fact?”

The Alicorn nods, “They did but only very rarely, leading unwary travelers away to never be seen again. It was only legends!”

“Well, stranger things have happened Twilight.” I give her a rueful grin.

Twilight laughs, “Oh don’t we know it!” She looks down at the ground for a moment.

“What is wrong Twilight?”

“Well....when we were out there I told those things you would level the place and we’d help.” She looks a bit abashed for some reason.

“Why the look then?”

“Well, I’m the Princess of Friendship! I shouldn’t be threatening things!”

“I’d say you acted like a proper Bolo.” Athena is nodding beside me. I point a hoof at the lavender mare, “Sometimes we all must do things that are distasteful. Because we are who ponies say we are, does not mean we cannot do what is needed.”

Applejack nudges me, “Don’t let her fool ya sugar, shoulda seen her standing on that tank like she was Princess of the World, tellin’ them things they better go back or else!”

“Oh really?” Athena and I are looking quite curious now. We have seen the sensor logs, heard her declaration. But we will never interrupt the telling of a good story.

Pinkie bounces up, taking a pose like Leonidas at the pass, “Go back you silly things! Or we’ll do something bad to you!” She raises a pink hoof to the air.

“I did not Pinkie..well..not exactly..” She scuffs a hoof in the dirt.

Rarity lifts her head up, “It was marvelous dears, you should have seen Twilight, a true Princess in action! It made the heart swell with pride!”

Athena smiles, “I am sure it was something to see.”

“It was!” Pinkie is grinning broadly, “It SO was! She was standing there, telling those bad things to get back or she’d take care of ‘em! Then Princess Celestia stood with her and everypony was cheering and it was like we couldn’t be stopped and they talked to her and told her we were all gonna die and Twilight and Princess Celestia were like “Oh no we’re not!” and then they started doing magic and...” She is stopped by Applejack’s hoof.

“Breathe Pinkie, breathe.”

“Mmmph pphhmmfffghh ppommmmgththhhs!” She nods eyes wide.

“It...it really wasn’t all that.. I was just tired...and..my daisy sandwich was getting old and I was really hungry.” Her face is a bright red now.

“So you were motivated to act the brave Princess because of food?” I smile at her with a wink.

Applejack laughs, “Oh ho! It wasn’t bravery you were jes’ hungry!”

Spike raises a clawed hand, “I was there when she got back to the castle, she cleaned out the pantry!”


Rarity giggles, “Well next time there’s something bad happening, just make sure Twilight doesn’t get fed, we won’t have to do a thing!”

Athena nudges me, pointing to the side, We all see Twilight rummaging in the picnic basket, coming up with a sandwich in her mouth.

She looks at all of us grinning at her, “What? I’m hungry!”

Laughter that loud never gets old, it really doesn’t


Evening falls eventually, Athena and I are forgiven for stealing ponies away from their work and school. I am happy with that, relaxation is always needed after a battle, even we Bolos recognize that. I know Equestrians are different, but I see the smiling faces now, they are not drawn and worn as before when Athena and I arrived back in Ponyville.

Our job as protectors extend to mental well-being as well as the physical. Battle takes its toll out of anyone. Applejack had her suspicions about what we were doing, she is smarter than she lets on to anypony and that is fine. We are back now, Athena and I are on watch. More heavily so since I have heard the tales of the Forest Foals during the lakeside time.

Athena and I, working together, finished quite a bit of the chores Applejack had planned. She is delighted at my sister and I helping out after the lazy day of swimming. She really didn’t expect it, but welcomed it. I am glad, it is always fun for myself, Athena enjoyed herself immensely.

Three Makos are on patrol above the town now, Athena and I have decided a few more would be better, sharing control it makes it much easier as well. The forest line is pushed back to give us a killing ground we did not have before.

Our repair systems are doing a fine job with Athena’s internals, her sensors are back online now, adding to the web I have established has increased our capabilities fivefold. I have shown her the adjustments I have made to battle screens and sensors for the probability of magic.

Whatever is out there, knows of me. This is worrisome as I have no clue as to what it is or why. I will be meeting with Twilight Sparkle tomorrow about the Tree of Harmony. From descriptions it sounds suspiciously like a crystal based computing system using magic to hold the forest in check. If so, why is it not doing so now since I woke up?

My suspicions are only heightened as the forest comes alive once more. Athena and I are on my hill between the sensor masts as the alarm sounds.

Her guns unlimber faster than mine, she swings everything around to face the line as I do. Something is about to get a doubly warm welcome.

Our avatars are talking to each other instead of combat channels, it seems more...natural... to us now.

“Sector 4, plotting fire.” Athena smiles.

“Copy, Sectors 2 and 5 clear for now.” I grin back having fun with this. It is different than TSDS battle communications.

“Sector 3 and 6 movement.”

“Done, fire plotted, charges ready if we need bombardment Athena.”

She pushes me with a hoof, “We won’t need them, we’re the First Equestrian Armored, we haven’t been defeated yet.”

“We haven’t MET anything that defeated us yet. Remember there is always something out there.”

“I know Crusader, quit being a downer.”

I roll my eyes, laughing, “Yes my sister.”

“Whatcha doin’?”

We snap our heads around to see Rainbow Dash hovering nearby, Athena talks urgently, “Rainbow you may wish to get away, it’s going to get loud!”

Her eyes get a bit wide as she settles near us, “More forest stuff?”

“Yes, we are not in danger sitting here; but your ears cannot stand the guns Rainbow, you might wish to move.”

“Pffft on that! I’m awesome, I can take it!”


Athena yells, “Sector 6, incoming!” She turns and slaps her hooves over Rainbow’s ears, pulling the other pegasus close with her wings as the guns spin up. The cyan mare doesn’t argue as she holds tight to Athena when the weapons light off.

Forest Foals come dancing out of the forest as described, the little black horrors getting close fast. We have no time for Rainbow to get away. We can see her body shaking from the pounding of the guns so close by. Her eyes are closed tightly.

Our repeater’s chain feeds scream once more, thousands of rounds pummeling the forms in the evening light; ring penetrators leaving nothing but wisps of smoke, punching into the dirt. It is over quickly, the barrels smoking as they cool themselves off while still rotating.

“Athena, this was too easy.”

“Agreed, LiDAR up and running, targeting lasers active.”

“Done as well.” We both watch the beams of colored light start criss-crossing the area looking for returns.

Rainbow Dash is silent, opening one eye to look at us, then the targeting lights.

“Ion Bolt repeaters spun up and ready. Grenade launchers green.”

Though we are communicating by voice and is a bit slow, it is more...satisfying.

“Reloading, alloy penetrators up.”

A line of silver dots open up along the forest line, far enough away Rainbow cannot hear them, but our sensors pick the whispering voices up just fine.

“Cooommmeeee sssseeee uuuussssss mmmmaaaacccchhhiiinnneeeesss..”

Athena looks at me curiously, “Is this what they were talking about?”

“Yes, Twilight said the things kept asking for me, though it appears us now.”

I watch her eyes narrow, she is still holding Rainbow close. Her repeaters suddenly go off with single shots, picking the silver eyed creatures off quickly one by one.

My sister is an excellent shooter, especially when annoyed.

“Now Athena, it is polite to let others speak before killing them.” I chuckle softly at her annoyed look, she quickly brightens to a laugh and smile.

“You are getting silly as myself Crusader.”

“I try. Is Rainbow alright?”

“Oh!” She releases the mare, who opens her eyes, which are crossed until she shakes her head vigorously.

“Wow!” She punches the air, “That was SO cool! Bam pow!” She grins at both of us, “That was awesome! Like a massage all over!” She shakes her whole body down to her tail. Her mane is a bit disheveled, though sometimes it is hard to tell.

“Rainbow Dash, you are truly something else.” I can’t help but laugh.

Her chest juts out as she grins, “Darn right I am!”

Athena is looking towards the forest still, listening to the voices getting fainter.

“Ccccooommmeee sssseeee uuuusssss llliiiitttlllleeee mmmaaaaccchhiiinnneee ppoooonnniiiieeeeessss...”

Well it seems now that they know there’s two of us, maybe it’s time to pay a call on our unknown foe.

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