• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,556 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Act VII - CMC-Don't Leave Home Without Them..Please. Pranks Bolos Play, Symphonic Destruction.

Author's Note:

If you're going to do something, do it right and with MUSIC!:pinkiehappy:

Crimson Eon has done a reading of another story of mine, an older one, enjoy it here! It's his first, so be kind folks!

PS. Feeling tons better and thanks for all the well-wishing, more to come for you awesome folks!

My reunion with friends is very short lived, it occurs to me that if the poison is still active in the body, that whatever it is in control could drag them back. If they have hurt the controlling intelligence, we may be able to purge the ponies without harm while it tries to recover.

I step near Princess Luna and tap her on the shoulder gently.

“Did...did you rescue the others?”

“We did! All of those taken were pushed back through the portal, truly it was a battle to remember!” She grins, looking at the six near her, “Though we are not sure if they returned to their bodies, we can only hope, for there was no time to experiment.”

A doctor comes rushing up, “The patients are stirring, opening their eyes!”

That’s all I need to hear.

I tear out of the auditorium, grabbing the nearest commanders in a rush.

“Get to the boxes we unloaded, slap a medical pack on every pony that’s been ill, all of them, don’t miss a single one!” I don’t stop to chat, the troops are rushing to obey and ripping open containers of medical packs I had brought in case. Thank goodness for foresight.

I do not wait, I grab as many as I can carry in a set of saddlebags and rush to the bed sides, slapping packs as I go. I see the data streaming from the nanites now, it is almost overwhelming as I bring more cores online to deal with the information. I am pushing the packages hard, pumping medical nanos into the bedridden patients and purging them. This is going to be quick and very nasty I’m afraid.

Stopping to talk quickly with the mages working on the poison itself, they have a spell that can reveal it in a pony now, allowing them to see if any one is infected. This works to my advantage as I tell them to cast it on every patient alongside the medical packs it should allow me to target and eliminate the problem faster.

They break off from their group and head for the wards behind guards carrying loads of packages. Their horns already lighting up with power to be able to cast immediately, I see the ponies scattering every which way as I keep slapping packs on anyone I pass by, only stopping to refill my bags.

In a matter of minutes it is done, when you have helpful assistance there is no argument, just a rush to see it completed. This works well as I now sit in a corner, staring at the floor so I can concentrate on the medical packs. The spells being cast illuminate the poison, letting me target it and program the nannies on the fly for the others.

By one example I can spread the programming quickly to each package with broad spectrum algorithms, killing off the intruding poison and leaving anything else intact, though I see that the nanos are getting rid of a few other diseases along the way. These ponies will be quite healthy when they awake.

I do not know if their ‘souls’ have returned as nothing else came through the portal that I could see, I can only hope.

A pony settles near me and I hold my hoof out to keep them silent as I work on the attack programs, seeing the medical packages doing their jobs swiftly under my gaze. I do not wish to be rude but this many med-packs are a burden on processing to make sure everything is completing the same task.

Staring at the floor allows me to concentrate without looking around, I don’t wish to de-link from the avatar quite yet. But I have to devote more processing power to hundreds of paks at the same time, my avatar must remain still and un-bothered for the moment.

I observe more and more ponies lighting up with the revealing spell as I finish the task, setting the program into a lock and letting the nanites do their jobs. Watching for a moment, I can see the algorithms spreading between packages, this is allowing even the nanos who are in un-revealed bodies to target the poison anyway. It is outstripping the mages casting the spells so should be ready to adapt by the time the magic users reach each one.

Augh, finally! I hate programming on the fly, it’s dirty and not as elegant as taking your time, making sure each little command is in place. If needed I will tighten the coding later, but for the moment it appears as if the nanites are scouring everything as told.

Lowering my hoof I can now turn to the pony who happened to set near...oh for crap’s sake....

Slapping it back on my face I sigh, “I’m sorry Princess, I did not mean to brush you off.”

Princess Luna has a laugh that is bright and merry, her eyes sparkling like her stars, “Do not mind such things, were you busy?”

“K..kind of, I was making sure the medical packs got rid of the poisons, so whatever it was cannot take them again hopefully.”

She nods, looking thoughtful, “Whatever it is was powerful in the extreme, though truly a battle was fought we got everypony through the portal.” She turns to me, “Did you see anything besides ourselves come through?”

“No Your Highness, just you seven.”

“Well the doctors are saying that ponies are awakening, that is a good thing. Though it troubles me that whatever it was is still loose.” She gets a faraway look on her face before brightening again, “But I am off to see my sister, hopefully she has recovered as well! Care to join me?”

“Oh! I..I would love to!” I like Princess Celestia.

The dark regent stands, “Then come along, I am sure her room is quite crowded by now, though maybe we can squeeze in no?” She winks at me with another smile.

Though I like Celestia, Princess Luna has been a friend since the first time in that terrible dream she saved me from. She always has a smile or a friendly moment to chat with me and I can never repay her for all the time spent, though I will think of something eventually.

We travel through the troops who are looking bright and cheerful, seeing ponies awake and aware for the first time in days, as if a heavy cloud has been moved away from the city. There are smiles and goodwill being shared, though Princess Luna is giving me an odd look as I am greeted by name, soldiers and Commanders taking a moment to say hello.

I get more nervous by the second as she eyes me, stopping and rubbing a hoof along one leg, “Did...H..have I d..done something wrong?”

She laughs once more, “Not at all, but I have been wondering why every pony are saying hello to you all of a sudden, even my Commanders.”

“Uhm.... I made friends?” I am trying not to look like I want to crawl under a chair, I do not want her thinking I am trying to usurp her command.

“Oh I can see that, though I wonder about the change.” She raises a brow at me and waits for a response.

“W..well you left th..those orders. I...I was just f..following them.”

She taps an armored hoof on her chin, “Ah yes, orders. They are good to leave lying about in case of trouble are they not?”

“Y..yes Princess.”

She leans near me, her eyes bright, “They serve a purpose in many ways Athena. Some to be followed, some to provide for the common good.” Here she turns to me, placing a hoof on my shoulder, “Some to bring a pony out of her self-imposed exile and join the community by giving her some responsibility.”

“B..but I.. I’m always this way. It..it’s part of me I’m afraid.” That was just a brilliant statement Athena, way to nail it.

“Be that as it may, I believe you rose to the occasion as I had hoped. That, my dear Pegasus, is a good thing.” She taps me on the nose, I remember it from her and the Crusaders and laugh, rubbing it with a hoof.

“Your Highness, I don’t think anyone gives you enough credit sometimes.”

She waves a hoof airily, motioning me to join her walking towards Celestia’s room again, “Oh, well I wouldn’t want ponies thinking I was anything other than a normal, smiling, happy go lucky Princess now would I?”

“Of course not Your Highness.” I concede the point, but I do make a gesture towards her armor and weaponry, “Though wearing that may confuse the issue?”

The Alicorn laughs once more, “Point taken.”

Chuckling to herself as we walk along, we see a crowded room where Princess Celestia is sitting up in her bed. “Luna!”

The darker mare drops her weapon off to a nearby guard before entering the room.

The two sisters hug tightly, joined by Twilight and her friends as well, the room a bit stifling with the mass of ponies.

“It is good to see you awake ‘Tia, we were worried.” Her face shows the truth though, how she was more than most.

“I seem to be doing fine, though I have a strange thing attached to my flank here.” She gestures towards a med pak I had slapped on in a rush right on her Cutie Mark, she is fully aware of what it is and is only teasing me.

Peeking out from behind Princess Luna, I can only apologize, “Uhm.. Sorry Your Highness, I was in a hurry.”

Her laugh is warm, “Then I should leave it there I believe?”

“Yes Your Highness, it will turn white and remove itself by falling off,” I watch as the green color fades, “By the look it is almost done.”

“Well then, that’s a good thing.” She looks at all the anxious faces, “Why so worried? You did wonderfully and rescued so many ponies, you should be celebrating your success.”

Twilight rubbed a fore leg along the other, “Well we didn’t get rid of the thing doing it, it’s still out there.”

Princess Celestia’s smile lit the room, “Then we will just face that when it comes. You can’t worry every second of the day about a thing you cannot control. Be happy, when or if it shows again we will be better prepared I believe.”

Luna nodded as well, “Let us hope this is the extent of the thing’s plans for now, I don’t believe Equestria can take much more excitement.” She shakes her head and laughs, “If wishes were candy....”

The larger Alicorn smiled gently, “I think you just need some rest my sister,”She motioned to all the others in the room, “Please excuse us, the dawn is soon and if my sister would raise the sun once more we can both rest here together.” At the worried looks from everypony, “We are protected, go and get some well deserved sleep.”

Applejack looked concerned, “Ah dunno Princess, I mean all this kinda snuck up on us.”

“Such is the way of ne’er do wells Applejack, one cannot predict them.” She inclined her regal head, “But for now, no worries, please go get some rest.”

Twilight started to protest, sputtering about security and worrying that she may not be fully recovered and was stopped by an upraised hoof, “Worry not, go now and we’ll speak later Twilight.”

“But..security! You might still be sick! What about....” She was grabbed by Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

“Geez Twilight come on, she said go. You can freak out in the hallway or something!” Rainbow laughed as Applejack nodded in agreement.

“Listen to the Princess..er...Princess, let’s go.”

“I am not freaking out! She needs more security and doctors need to check on her! We can’t just go!” She was protesting the nudging by her friends as they all conspired to crowd her out of the room, myself included, helping to herd her along.

Princess Celestia watched as the crowd left, chuckling to herself, “Sometimes Twilight is a bit too worrisome eh Luna?”

Yawning mightily, the Night Princess nodded, “True, but she wouldn’t be Twilight without it I think.”

The darker mare moved to the window, looking out into the night as she powered her horn, lifting the sun into a glorious dawn once more before turning back. She retrieved her weapon from the guard outside, giving orders they not be disturbed except for emergencies.

She was content as she lay her head down in the comfortable bed next to her watching sister, falling asleep with a feeling of a job well done.

I will keep command as given by Princess Luna, even though Celestia is awake I cannot in good conscience let her do anything until she is cleared by doctors, though I would never say that to her face. I watch Twilight take up residence outside the room with both Princesses in it, keeping watch herself, I see her head getting lower and lower as she tries not to fall asleep.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash put a pillow under the nodding head and cover her with a blanket before they head to their own beds. They know for right now things are safe and rest is badly needed.


Sitting on my hill I watch the new day arise, it is always wonderful watching this globe of fire lift into the sky knowing that somewhere a single Alicorn is raising it to play out its journey in the sky. Though I still ponder such things, I accept it as the norm now, I revel in the warmth it brings as I trot towards town.

My drones have spotted two sites, plus a third I am investigating now. Hammerheads are being equipped with penetrators alongside Area Denial Weapons that should take out anything left over. Bolos are nothing if not extremely good at overkill, to that I am also making sure my starboard howitzer battery is being cleared for action, that should add quite the show to the mortar barrage.

It will be less than an hour or so until it would be proper to meet with Spring Flower, the Crusaders I am sure have been taking care of her, though I am a bit nervous about that knowing what kind of trouble they can get in to.

I watch the shops open, the stalls in the marketplace being swept and opened for business, the hustle and bustle of ponies doing everyday things. It is still amazing to me that not too long ago each and every one of them was standing on a line prepared to do battle with the horrors coming out of the forest, today it’s as if nothing has changed.

It is soothing to see smiles, some even directed towards me as I sit near Applejack’s stand, feeling a bit lonely as she is not here to shoo me away from sitting next to her all day.

Athena had notified me that they were getting some rest after the long night, I will not attempt to communicate with Applejack until later, she deserves sleep. After the SitRep I received on what has happened I believe it well earned.

But I ponder a few things, such as my need for a commander, it is not as pressing a feeling it once was. I don’t feel the need for it any longer, though I would like Applejack to remain so. So many things have changed in the past months, some good and some bad, but most for the better.

While not a utopian society as some would wish, I think this is a close to one as can be had while still having free will. Things will change, as they would do anywhere I am sure, but hopefully not too much. There will be arguments, emotions running high, other things that are always present anywhere I believe. But if tempered with the regents soft rule, I think things will remain on an even keel.

I believe what is most interesting, barring catastrophic failure, is I will be around to see it happen.

It’s time to see if I can talk to Spring Flower, I do hope she can give me a few answers I can share with Athena. This situation is getting worrisome to the extreme.


Visiting Spring’s house I realize it is early, but it appears her parents are up and about. They dote on their daughter and it is quite understandable, she is likeable and very precocious. I hope the Crusaders have taken care not to do anything too upsetting, but then again, they are the Crusaders.

“Crusader. Pleasure to see you again.” Spring’s mother Autumn is smiling, though it seems a bit forced.

“Good morning to you as well Autumn, would it be possible to talk to Spring once more? I apologize for being so abrupt, but it is important.”

“I’m sorry but no, she’ll be around the house for today.” I see her mother sigh.

“Is there a problem?”

Her mother hesitates for a moment, “We appreciate that Spring is making friends and having a wonderful time, but could you please tell those fillies to stop getting her in trouble?”

“I take it something happened?” The understatement of the decade I realize too late.

“I understand you asked three fillies to watch over my daughter because she is important somehow to all this mess going on," She holds up a hoof to silence me before I can explain, “Those three have appointed themselves Cutie Mark Crusader Bodyguards, taking it as their job to help my daughter get her Cutie Mark as well as protecting her. She came home yesterday dripping in honey, she was completely covered in it horn to tail, it took us hours to get her clean.”


She is now giving me a look I’m not quite comfortable with, “Yes....Honey.”

A small voice comes from a back room, “But moooooom, we were trying for our beekeeping cutie marks!”

She plants a hoof on her face and sighs again, “Spring, you’ll get your Cutie Mark when you get it, there’s no reason to keep doing those things!”

The little Unicorn comes bouncing out from the kitchen, all smiles, “But it was fun!”

Her mother isn’t angry with her daughter, more exasperated, “Spring, it looked like you fell into a pool of honey!”

Two little hooves tap each other, “Well, the hive kinda fell over when we tried to see inside it. The bees weren’t real happy about that so we had to run for a bit...annnnnnd we didn’t mean to run through that pony’s pile of leaves he was raking.”

All I can do is listen and hope that is the worst of it. How soon we are disappointed in our wishes.

The little face brightens up, “But we made it back to Apple Bloom’s farm and tried to clean up!” She looks at the ground again, “We really didn’t mean tip the hay bales over either, it was an accident, I didn’t know stuff would stick to honey that much.”

Her mother gives me a deadpan look, “Oh yes, did I forget to mention the leaves and hay stuck all over her, silly me. My what a combination with drying honey, truly an experience I would love to forget.”

“But Scootaloo said maybe Apple Cider would help clean it off! But the barrel was pretty big, we didn’t mean to spill all that. It smelled bad though and Sweetie was stumbling around a lot singing to everypony after she drank a bit of it by accident.”

She bites her lip and tries to smile again, “Big Mac said it was..uhm.. Al-co-hol-ic Brand-dee or something like that, that’s why I felt so funny when I swallowed some. Apple Bloom said that was normal cause all the big ponies who drank it got that way too.”

Her mother is really eyeing me right now, “Oh yes, getting my daughter sloshed was on the top of my list that day as well.”

The little hooves twist against each other as she peeks up from under her eyelashes, “I really didn’t mean to throw up on Big Mac’s hooves, that stuff made my tummy feel bad.”

Her mother says nothing, she is just staring.

“But I apologized like mommy said I should and he said it was okay!” She looks at the ground again, “He went to get some stuff to help clean us off...and...” She hesitates this time, her mother gently urging her on to my dismay.

“Tell Mr. Crusader the rest dear.” Autumn is grinding her teeth right now, I can hear it very clearly.

“Well, we got hungry waiting... Sweetie Belle said she could cook some eggs and stuff and Apple Bloom said Applejack just got a brand new stove too!” Her face is bright once more, “So we went in and started the stove up, I didn’t know..uh..al-co-hol could burn..so when Scootaloo’s tail caught on fire I got some of the Brand-dee we spilled and tried to put it out!”

“Scootaloo’s tail caught on fire?”

“Oh yeah, she got too close to the stove, and..and.. the leaves that stuck to her tail caught on fire!”

“You dumped brandy on her tail?”

“Well mommy said to put out fires with water so I figured it would work better, but the Fire pony said that wasn’t the best idea when they came to put out the chicken coop.”

“Wait....the chicken coop? What happened to the chicken coop?”

Two little hooves twist in front of the pretty little Unicorn as she sticks her tongue out, trying to remember, “Oh! Well when I put the brand-dee on her tail it went “WHOOMP!” She throws her hooves up in the air, “Like a big firework! That’s when Scootaloo started screaming for help. So we tried to get a blanket on her but she went running out of the house and accidentally ran into the chicken coop.”

I can only gape as the little face looks up at her mother and myself, “Did you know chickens look really funny without feathers?”

Honestly, I do not know whether to laugh or cry as I ask the obvious question, “Why did the chickens not have feathers?”

“Oh they ran out when Scootaloo ran inside, though they kinda caught on fire too, they sure were running around a lot!” She grins up at her mother, “But Apple Bloom rounded them up! She was really good at it and Mac said they can repair the barn in no time!”

I don’t even ask, I just wait.

“Tell Mr. Crusader about the barn sweetie.” Autumn’s voice is no longer in any way amused or kind.

“Well, Apple Bloom rounded the chickens up..only they went into the barn and all the hay stored in there was kinda dry from what the fire pony said. He said it was like a..a.. tin...der...box..” She looks very proud pronouncing that word.

“So..flaming chickens went into the barn and lit the hay on fire?”

“Welllll.. that and the brand-dee we spilled. It was al-co-hol-ic and it burned really good from what the fire pony said. That’s what got the hay on fire.. The chickens were okay once we got them into a trough of water! But Mac says he can fix everything right up along with the kitchen! So it’ll all be repaired in no time!”


“The fire pony said it was just smoke! Sweetie Belle left the eggs on the stove and they kinda burned.. I didn’t know eggs could make that much smoke.” She thinks for a moment, “Oh! Granny Smith should be out of the hospital in a couple days too! The fire pony said all that smoke wasn’t good for her.”

“All this happened....?”

Her mother answers in a low voice, “Yesterday. Would you like to hear about the day before?”

“I don’t think that will be...”

“Are you SURE? I am positive my lovely daughter would absolutely enjoy telling you about trying for her Roof Inspector Cutie Mark.”

Spring bounces on her hooves, “It was fun! Oh we had a great time!”

“That won’t be necessary, I am sure you had a wonderful time.” I give the little filly a warm smile, seeing her mother giving me a look that would melt durasteel.

I do have to ask, “Is Scootaloo all right?”

Her mother nods, “She’s fine, all that honey kept her from getting hurt. Sweetie Belle is staying with her right now and Apple Bloom is helping with repairs at the farm.”

“So could I still....”

“No,” Autumn’s voice is very firm, “Not today, we’ll be keeping her with us today to prevent any more..” Her teeth grind again, “Mishaps.” She shoos a protesting Spring into the house, “Tomorrow would be fine, I’m sorry but not today.”

“Understandable, thank you for your time.” I nod, seeing her point as any parent would do the same.

“Crusader I am sure it’s important, but our daughter is important to us.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Before she closes the door she looks at me one last time, “You may want to talk to those fillies, I’m sure they’re good ponies but they seem to get into a lot of trouble.”

The door closes with a finality I cannot argue against.

Applejack is going to murder me.

“Oh you bet she is!”

“Athena! Don’t you know it’s not polite to eavesdrop?”

“TSDS is not eavesdropping, I was wanting to see how the bombardment plans were going.”

“Hold....” I check something quickly, “You hacked the TSDS Alert coding? Athena!”

“What? I didn’t want to bother you with silly alerts cause I was in sharing mode or anything.” She giggles along the network, “So... those plans?”

I sigh internally, “The plans are going fine, I am cleared for action.”

“Good....good... That’s good.”

“What do you want Athena?” She is being deliberately vague.

“Who me? Nothing, I couldn’t possibly want anything, not after hearing all that!”


“Well since you asked... Maybe a line of credit at the bakery?”

“A line of credit?”

“Well you know, so I can go buy things when I want to? When my fabricators are up and running I know I can get a share of income for making things, but this is easier I think don’t you?”

“Wait.. Are you blackmailing me?”

“Such a harsh word brother mine, I prefer a more elegant term like extortion.”

“You have enough money why do you need...” I am cut off.

“You don’t let me buy what I want and you’re always complaining about me eating cupcakes!”

“Your systems won’t handle all the sugar that well, you know how you get when you’ve had too many.” I am trying to make her understand this as gently as I can.

I see her waving a hoof airily, “Oh pshaw, I’m fine, so I get a little excitable!”

Sighing internally I explain once more, “A little excitable means the difference between being happy and destruction of the immediate area.”

“Oh stop it, you’re just mad cause I’ve got you all wrapped up in a nice little present!”

“You do not.” I cannot believe my own brethren, much less Athena would do this.

“Oh yes I do... Oh! Applejack’s up getting something to eat, I’m sure she’d get a laugh out of the antics I just heard.”

“Athena!” There is silence on the line.




“I’m sorry..what was that?” Her voice is sing song in tone.

“I said fine.”


“Yes I promise, now can we forget this?”

She assumes a magnanimous tone, “Well of course! Oh wait, don’t forget you owe me cupcakes for taking the paperwork!”

“Hold on a second, you just received a promise of a line of credit...”

“I didn’t say that covered what you already owed me.”

“Now you’re just being greedy.”

“Yes, yes I am. Just make sure they’re in my refrigeration unit when I get back.” I can feel the glee in her voice over the network.

“You do realize we could have worked this out without such shenanigans?”

“We could have yes,” I hear the mischievousness in her voice, “But where’s the fun in that?”

“One day my sister you will get in deep trouble for your pranks.” I let my voice take on an admonishing tone.

“Maybe, but you’ll be there to help me won’t you? You’ll always be there?” I can hear a slight uncertainty in her voice.

“I gave you my word and I will stand by it until the end of our existence Athena. I will always be there for you.” I can’t help but sigh again, “But even you may get into trouble I cannot get you out of, a fair warning sister.”

I can feel her smiling over the network, “That’s better than any cupcake ever made. I won’t say anything so don’t worry, be safe out there.”

“I will, I’ll let you know when it starts.”

“Talk to you soon.” She cuts the link as I sit in front of Spring’s house, shaking my head and trotting off to the bakery. I rewrite the Alert coding so she cannot eavesdrop on me again.

Such audacity, but then that is my sister.


I cover my mouth so nopony can see me snickering, Crusader is SO easy to get, especially when I can hack things behind his back so he doesn’t know I’m listening. Too bad that his rewrite won’t work since my coding is in the underlay of the alert system, but he’ll find it soon enough. I’m sure I’ll get a call from him in...oh..about another hour when he realizes it. Thank goodness conversations over TSDS take mere seconds.

But until then I can listen in, I know he’s very concerned about Spring Flower and what happened, but answers are never easy. It takes time, quite a bit of it as we’ve been shown time and again. He is clear and pinpointing two sites already with a third under surveillance..whoops..he found it, wow that was quick.


“Yes Crusader?”

“In the underlay? Really?”

I give him a metaphorical shrug over the network, “What can I say? I learned from the best.”

He sighs, he can never be angry with me, “You and your pranks.”

“I can only be what I was taught to be.” I give him a cheerful reply.

“Poor excuses sister mine, but a well done hack.” That is the last I hear before he cuts the link, this time without me being able to listen in.

I wonder though if he’s noticed the happy pony faces on the sides of all his drones I had his tech spiders repaint? I’m sure he’ll get a chuckle out of them, maybe...kinda.. He needs to smile more! Yep that’s it, he needs to smile more, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

Why do I have a feeling I’m never getting anymore cupcakes?


Ponies are recovering well, the rewrites on the nano coding is tightened and more targeted as I see them working through. The poison is being purged, it will not allow whatever it is to grab them again hopefully. I watch carefully each and every med pak, making sure they are completely exhausted and nothing remains of the poison, truly vile thing that it was.

As I watch, the soldiers start easing off more but standing to and watchful, more relaxed now that they see a threat contained. I do make absolutely sure the word gets out, any more incidents like this should be reported immediately to authorities and reaction groups.

In the back of my mind though is a niggling thought, something gently pushing at me and making my cores itch. It is the fire that runs along my molycircs, it wants out and to spread. I am very dubious of this, though it is soft and warmth giving I do not trust it. I am already infected with whatever it is, but I am not glitching, nor are my cores unstable. If anything I am more stable than I ever was, but trust comes hard after seeing things like this plague of copies or the poison given to innocent folks.

I will keep watch on it, making sure it does not spread anywhere for the moment. A tech spider is ready to cut the hard line between Crusader and myself if I feel even for one attosecond it will break free.

So I help out, keeping myself busy and happy with packing things away, getting more items ready to move out of the hospital as things return to normal. It’s a good feeling knowing I contributed in some small way to the overall mission, though I wish things could have gone better.

It will be a few more hours until the others are awake and the Princesses can order the final disposition of the cordon and it’s results. I would like to see us heading home this evening, it would be nice to relax on the hill top, Manehatten is nice but much to big a city for me I think.

I look out the window at the streets, bustling with ponies now that the word has been given they are free to resume business. Not as full as they once were, but I am sure being a center for commerce it will ramp back up. My drones are still in high patrol sweeps over the harbor, I will not recall anything until given the order, this is safer I believe.

I have given Crusader a hard time when he sits and sends his thoughts to the stars, to our brothers and sisters that may be out there. But looking up into the blue skies I send one of my own. I wish you were here Hera, it would make this all so much better.


My drones have spotted two sites I have targeted for destruction, a third has been confirmed and added to the list. There is a fourth I am currently investigating and it is giving me problems.

Looking at the current maps I have in memory I see the sites are forming a pattern, I am doubtful the enemy would make such a stupid maneuver, but then everything it has done has been confusing and utterly confounding some times.

The words insane, madness and others have been used to describe this by me and it is all true, what it has done is contrary to everything I have known of battle. We have overcome though, sometimes at the very last minute and that in itself is frustrating.

Looking at the geography and coordinates for the bombardment in my battlespace it becomes apparent that the enemy is either very cunning or a total idiot. I am not sure which and this in itself is giving my tactical database fits as I try to figure out why it would do such a thing and be so brazen about it.

Either way I am still going forward with the plans for the attack, I will not sit and wonder why anymore. The enemy needs to be destroyed utterly, but I think Athena may want to be informed about this.

I connect through the TSDS and get an immediate response.

“Crusader! I’m so sorry...” She seems to be worried I will be upset about the coding.

“Never worry Athena it was a good hack, I am impressed.” I send her comfort along the network.

I feel her brighten again, “Well you did teach us about that.”

“I know, so no fault of your own. This is not about that, I have something to show you.”

I do a VSR and SitRep on my drone data to her, the .00416 second upload hits her like a ton of bricks.

“Are you absolutely positive on this?” She sounds a bit incredulous, I watch her do the calculations as I have.

“I assure you this data is correct to the eighth decimal, the fourth site is now being confirmed along with where the original site was, see the pattern?” I put a map overlay onto the original data.

“This... Is the enemy that stupid?” She is taking the same stance I am.

“I do not know, but I am wary of a trap. I am debating on holding the action until we all discuss this.” I let my frustration show.

“I agree Crusader, are there any more sites to add to the pattern?”

I review current data, seeing the fourth site confirmed by close in reconnaissance, “Fourth confirmed. What do you think the enemy doing?”

Athena hesitates for a second, reviewing some recognition data, “Wait one, isn’t that the same pattern...” She flips up a picture to me, overlaying the map, it fits with all five sites and the one suspicion we have about the central site.

Athena voices my question, “Why would they make a pattern that matches Twilight Sparkle’s Cutie Mark?”

“I don’t know. But seeing as how the enemy has acted, I would consider it a terrible joke, although you can only see it from above.” I let my consternation show, “It is nothing more than an attempt by the enemy to confuse us Athena.”

“Don’t you think we should wait and tell them about this?” She points out the central site we are assuming is part of the whole.

“But nothing is there except some ruins... Hold one..” I access older memories from months ago, “The Tree of Harmony.” I immediately share all I have heard concerning it.

Athena concurs, “We cannot destroy that tree, it is an integral part of this world. I would not go so far as to say sacred, but it is close.”

I agree with her assessment, “This presents a minor problem to eradicating the enemy then, I will wait until you get back to have a face to face with everypony on this, including Princesses Luna and Celestia, about this target. The other four sites I have targeted will be taken care of immediately, they are far enough away no damage will come to the ruins.”

Athena concurs, “Good idea, Twilight would be quite upset if you destroyed the old castle, she enjoys going there for relics and old books.”

“Well the last thing we need is her ‘freaking out’ as Rainbow Dash says.” I share the humor with Athena.

She laughs, “But she is a good and kind pony, she just gets a bit over wrought about the simple things.” Athena hesitates, “It seems we are packing up, Celestia has been cleared by the doctors and has reviewed the status of the cordon, we are standing down.”

“Good, it will be nice to have you all back home. Advise Princess Celestia and Princess Luna of the action being taken, I would contact by link but since you are there, a face to face is better. Get Command Authorization as well, I don’t want to do this unilaterally because of the amount of damage this will cause.”

“I will notify her immediately Mon Capitan!”

“Athena, seriously.....”

“What? I am giving the proper response to an order!” She actually giggles again over the combat network.

I let her hear the sigh, “I’m not going to bother my silly sister, just make sure you let her know all aspects of this.” I consult my tactical database, “I’ll be commencing within the next two hours, I’ll drop the screamers first to warn any wild life away.”

I hear her give a disgusted sound, “Ugh, sometimes I wish we could just go back to being us and blasting the ponyfeathers out of anything that was annoying.”

“New world, new ways Athena. We can’t just drop a nuclear weapon on anything anymore, we have to calculate things more closely than we ever have.”

“Agreed. I’ll be seeing the Princess now to inform her.”

“Thank you, I’ll let you know when it starts.”

“Okey dokey! Talk to you soon!”

I can only sigh, between the silliness and pranks I can only imagine what happens next with her. Only one stop next before I start, I gallop out to the farm to check on things there after yesterdays escapades.


I see Mac as usual, chewing on a piece of vegetation as he watches the repairs on the barn, helping to lift and put into place anything heavy.

Settling next to him for a moment, I drop a bag of bits I have brought along to help with costs. Though I know the farm makes enough now, it’s still something to help as I feel responsible.

“Repairs going all right?”


“Apple Bloom okay?”


“You going be here when Applejack gets back?”





I manage to get an audience with the Princess, her guards are keeping her from being too bothered with things until she is ready. I think this is good, it will give her much needed time to relax.

Informing her of our findings and suspicions, she agrees with our conclusions. I ask official permission for the action to be taken and I am granted it, though the central site will have to be discussed in more detail. She asks why I have requested this and I inform her because of the amount of damage that will be done deep in the forest, we thought it better this way.

She is always kind to myself and Crusader, understanding we do not do this lightly and that it will take pressure off Ponyville.

“Will this stop the attacks?” She has a hopeful note to her voice.

“We hope so Your Highness, it will take out most of the enemies ability to create hordes of creatures or at least that is our guess.”

She looks towards her sleeping sister, smiling warmly and turning back to myself with an expression I have not quite seen on her before, “Do what you must, I am tired of my little ponies being hurt.”

I can see it in her eyes, the war between wanting to lash out or to remain the placid ruler. In this case a compromise is reached, her subjects come first and I receive the authorization which is immediately transmitted to Crusader.

He acknowledges and moves ahead with finalization of plans.


I have received the orders and magazines are being filled from stores as we speak. My starboard howitzer battery is ready and cleared, all mortar plates alongside them open for action. Tech spiders are doing one last check as I fire Hammerheads into the air, setting them on their course of vengeance.

Makos are already in place, recon and combat drones are hovering, waiting for my order to take out stragglers.

My cameras are doing sweeps of the local airspace along with Radar, LiDar and Microwave, pulsing out to make sure nothing is in the battle space, giving me a clear...wait a second..

I zoom in on the fuselage of a Hammerhead from a recon drone, seeing something painted on the side..is that.. I do a quick camera inspection of the drone magazines.



“You painted smiley faces on ALL my drones? REALLY?”

“Uhm..well you need to be happy more, I thought maybe it would brighten your day!” Her hesitation shows me the truth.

“You are such a bad liar my sister.”

“I..well..uh..” I hear her snicker over the network, then into a full blown laugh, “Oh my gosh your reaction was priceless! Wooo! I got you brother!” She is laughing hard now.

I have taken all this planning seriously, but during this day I have been pranked by Athena, I have graciously received it if it makes her happy, though I think this is slightly more than needed. If she wants to play a game of one upmanship, I can do that as well oh my sister.

“Do you have a battleset?” I interrupt her chortling.

“What? I..yes in the Ferret.”

“Set it up, invite an audience if you’d like.” I give her no choice in my tone.

“I..what are you going to do?” Now she’s getting nervous.

“I’m going to show you a side to stodgy old Crusader you thought never existed. Set up the battleset immediately.”


I cut the link, there is a couple of things to do, one of them is a stop by Vinyl’s house, she has what I need.


He didn’t sound too thrilled, but I’m sure he’ll get over it. Though I’m wondering about the battleset as I go to the Ferret and bring it in. The auditorium would be a good place as I set it on the stage, tuning it into the frequencies and setting up the Tri-D aspect of it. A few soldiers are around and they question me as to what it’s for, I tell them Crusader told me to set it up, explaining it’s some technology we carry for emergencies.

Of course I don’t tell them that maybe my pranks had gone a bit far this time, but he wouldn’t be mad at me would he?

No, Crusader would never be mad at me, he loves me and I him, but....I mean... maybe this time he could be?

No, no he’d never be that mad. Could he?

I sit and chew at a hoof as I watch the blank screen for now, wondering what he’s up to.


I check myself in the mirror one last time, when one is doing something, one should do it well and properly. A Bolo has a reputation to live up to, this will be something I hope my prank playing sister remembers for a long, long time.

Chuckling to myself I step out of the Command Deck, slowly moving up to the top of the hill. My batteries are ready, they are checked by internals one last time, magazines are loaded and prepped.

The signal from the battleset comes through loud and clear as I take my place among the sensor masts. I look around to make sure that everything is in place, cameras are rolling as I tap into the communications system. All drones are in place and I am ready to do as ordered.


Twilight had wandered in, rubbing one eye as she saw soldiers watching the blank screen of the battleset’s tri-d projector.

“What’s going on?” She was looking at me nervously chewing at my hoof as I put it back down on the ground.

“I uh.. pranked Crusader a few times today and he..uhm...I think he got mad.”

“You what?” Her eyes pop open as she stares at me.

“P..pranked Crusader?” I’m trying not to go hide somewhere.

She slaps a hoof onto her face, “Athena, good grief, who knows what he’s going to do.” She sets down beside me with a hug, “But I bet it’ll be something to see!” She looks around for a moment with a malicious grin, “Anypony got any popcorn?”

Soldiers scrambled for a moment looking around for something until a Unicorn slung some spells, there was bowls of the freshly popped kernels being passed around as we all waited for what was to come.

I am still chewing on a hoof as Twilight laughs, passing me some food to chomp on instead of an appendage, “Stop worrying.”

“I don’t know, he’s never been upset with me before.”

“What did you do?”

I tell her about the blackmail and the painting of smiley pony faces on his drones, the hacking of the TSDS system and listening into his conversations.

“You blackmailed him?” She’s giving me an astonished glare.

“We..well it was only in fun..I..I mean.” I can’t tell her what it was about, I promised not to.

“You are really in trouble now.” She winks and laughs, giving me another hug.

I sigh, “I guess I deserve what’s coming.”

“Yes,” She nods, “Yes you do, take it like a mare.”

“Yes Twilight.”

Before she can laugh again the set comes to life.

Crusader’s face is center screen, I can see the sensor masts in the background. More ponies are filtering in behind us as I hear music welling up in the background, it is a beautiful haunting melody that strikes deep in the heart, ears are pricked as everypony listens closely.

He is wearing a bow tie as he lets the music play for a moment, the view switches to shots from his drones over the Everfree, pictures of rolling hillsides, Ponyville and Canterlot fly by from high altitude camera angles. It is a panoramic view of Equestria that shows the wonder and beauty of it all, the gleaming sea from Manehatten and stark desert from memories we have of my rescue. The stunning artistry of a magical land pours through the battleset, the buildings of Cloudsdale fly underneath the cameras, a rainbow of color and light making a prism through the rain gently falling on the city below.

It is dazzling and solemn as silence reigns, I look around and see the auditorium packed shoulder to shoulder. Applejack and the others have joined us nearby, I hadn’t been paying attention as I listened to the lovely music.

Twilight informs the others of what’s going on, though I do get a hoofbump from Rainbow Dash for ‘Really good pranks’. I feel slightly better, but knowing Crusader as I do, it won’t last for long.

It doesn’t, his face returns to the screen as he smiles into the camera. His hair is slicked back in some odd way as I watch him fiddle with the bow tie.

“Greetings from Ponyville! I am Crusader for those that do not know and this is live, don’t ask how let’s just say it’s magic!” He laughs, there are quite a few in the audience that chuckle along with him knowing magic as they do.

Now I’m worried.

He gestures around to the town and land beyond, “You’ve seen the wonderful canvas that is Equestria, truly a world unlike any other and one that I have come to love and call home.”

He holds up a hoof, “But I am not here to expound on what you already know.”

A couple of figures sit next to me, I glance up and see both Princesses, I give a nudge to Twilight, she passes it down the line until we are all staring.

Princess Luna laughs, “We had wondered why the hospital was so silent.”

Twilight fills them in quickly as Crusader keeps talking.

“..and so, enough of this wonderful place. I have called you all here to talk of my sister Athena.”

Almost every eye in the place turns to look at me, I’m going to kill him. I can’t turn off the set, he’s overridden the codes already!

“What can I say about my sister? Except that she is many things.” Another piece of music lifts into the background, one I had never heard before.

A recording of me dancing in the moonlight along the sensor masts shows, “She is grace.”

It switches to one of us in the cave, my battlescreen on as I punch a Forest Foal to keep it away, “She is power.”

A show of all our friends, dressed up for Pinkie’s party that night, glittering like the stars themselves, “She is beauty, alongside our wonderful friends.” The recording shows all of us in our finest, Twilight, and all the others. There are quite a few whistles and compliments shouted from the audience, the seven us to a mare blushing furiously.

I hear Applejack mumbling about 'all that frou-frou stuff’ as I chuckle alongside the Princesses.

“But there is another side to my winsome sister, one that nopony ever sees.”

A recording comes up, I am stumbling suddenly and faceplanting on the Command Deck, “She has not always been the most graceful of Pegasi, as shown here.”

He shows a recording of me tripping over my wings, thankfully the cussing was left out as I hear Princess Celestia snicker, “Oh my, poor Athena.”

“She is somewhat easily distracted,” Here he shows me walking beside Twilight, right smack into a doorway. The Alicorn is laughing, not paying attention as she too hits the other side, distracted by my actions. The audience roars in laughter.

Twilight plants a hoof on her face and sighs, hearing laughter from Rainbow and Applejack, Fluttershy is giggling up a storm alongside Rarity and Pinkie.

“How did you get those recordings, that is MY Command Deck!”

“I taught you cyber combat young apprentice, the teacher knows many secrets.”

“Oh you are in so much trouble!” I make sure he sees my embarrassment.

“Of course, but until then...”

Crusader’s smiling face fills the screen, “Ah, so many memories, how about a few more?” The crowd cheers, egging the face in the projection on.

“She is a protector and fierce warrior, fighting evil wherever it may be!”

Suddenly shots of me beating a stove into scrap come up, from what Crusader saw when I and the Cutie Mark Crusaders thought the stoves possessed.

Crusader’s head pops up in front of the shot, smiling slyly and raising one eyebrow to the camera, “Poor thing, that stove was just sitting there innocently cooking! But fear not loyal citizens of Equestria, my sister Athena has made sure it shall cook no more!” He raises a hoof triumphantly.

The crowd is collectively losing it, laughing hard enough to make them cry.

“But she is my sister and is allowed her ..well...quirks shall we say?”

I glance to the side, seeing Princess Luna and Celestia covering their mouths, laughing into their hooves. My friends are doing the same though they are trying to not let me see out of politeness, sighing quietly I figure if you can’t beat them, join them. So I laugh at myself, especially the next few clips that come up.

“Such precious moments!” Crusader’s voice is cheerful.

A recording of me burying my face into a cupcake is shown, I can’t help but smile, remembering that moment when Pinkie gave me my first one. She is right there grinning beside me as we both enjoy the confection.

For a long minutes the laughter is infectious, seeing moments I would rather have not been shown but are brought into full color by Crusader’s editing and stealing of some from my own cores.

My first taste of hot sauce, I never realized my eyes were crossed like that.

Many more times of smiles and laughter as Twilight hugs me, the others grinning as they see themselves as well. Rainbow Dash napping on a cloud, Applejack showing me how to applebuck, which didn’t go over really well as shown by her hoof pinching her nose, the apples spread everywhere except the buckets.

Fluttershy’s link camera showing me leaping about twelve feet into the air as she introduced me to the spiders that help keep the bad insects away. I was surprised okay? Yeesh!

More scenes from my life and the others fill the screen, the crowd in the auditorium are alternatively cheering and laughing at the times in all our lives we really didn’t realize were being recorded.

There a picture of me with a deadpan look as Rarity had coerced me to be a model for some of her dresses, I was not thrilled that day with about forty different changes of clothing.

A link camera shot of Twilight looking at me before Rainbow Dash crashed into me from behind, causing us to both tumble and roll over to end upside down against a tree in the orchards. The camera is shaking as Twilight is laughing too hard to keep it still.

Another recording from me peeking around a corner, seeing Twilight laying on the floor in front of the hearth reading ‘Great Romances of Equestria”, she scrambles to her hooves and shoves one into my face as she pushes me out the door. Celestia is grinning at her blushing former student who is trying to hide behind Applejack.

Crusader’s face comes back into view as the shots fade away with the music, he is looking a bit serious now as he steps back, gesturing to the side as a split screen comes on, showing four red circles on the targets in the Everfree.

“Now, the final part of my presentation. Laughter and pranks are all well and good my sister, but when you do something, do it with something other than just for a laugh.” He points to each of the circles, “These are targets in the Everfree forest where we have found the monstrosities are coming from. I have dropped things nearby that have forced the wildlife into moving away from the target areas.”

Pictures of the various critters we have fought are shown to gasps and amazement, many ponies had heard tales of the Battle of the Everfree but had not realized what we faced.

“I have received orders from our regent Princess Celestia,” Here he shows a picture of her atop the tank that night, her horn glowing in power with a fierce look on her face, “To take care of this problem.” Ponies are cheering for their beloved Princess as Luna nudges her with a grin.

“But since my sister believes I am ‘stodgy’ and ‘dull’ and that I need to smile more, I have decided I will do this a different way.” He looks one last time into the camera, “There will be things you will see here that may not sit well, but understand this, they are monsters out to hurt or even kill ponies. There is no reconciling with them, no truce, no peace. A reverence for life is a wonderful thing, but not when it concerns these abominations.”

The camera pans back, showing him in bow tie standing at a podium. He looks over his shoulder where the camera slips back some more, widening the shot to show Vinyl Scratch at her turntables, waving to the lens wearing a blast helmet.

Cheers ring out from ponies who know her.

“Are you ready Mistress of Music?” Crusader is asking this in a haughty tone of voice.

Vinyl laughs, saluting, “You got it boss, say the word!”

He raises a baton in his hoof as the screen splits once again, showing the battery of howitzer barrels raising in sequence to his commands.

I can do nothing but stare at the screen, hearing a laugh from Applejack as she knows him better than most, seeing the ridiculousness of this whole thing. The rest of us wait in anticipation as he gestures to Vinyl who nods, getting the needles ready on her tables.

She hits the switch and music comes blasting out of the speakers. I am shocked, Crusader NEVER plays this stuff. He absolutely loathes things like this but there it is as he raises his baton and begins his conducting.

Camera views of diving Hammerheads fill the screens, their long rod kinetic penetrators let loose in a graceful diving swoop, the explosives opening up the caves under the ground as they caverns boil out with things best left alone. They swarm like bees out of the hidden places, allowing the Makos to do their runs, strafing the lines of creatures with ring penetrators that slap deep.

The soldiers and others watch in silent awe as this is played out real time in full color, until one voice rings out from a soldier in the front row, “GO GET ‘EM!”

Soldiers know, they always understand threats, especially now.

Cheers become whoops and cries as the graceful drones do their work, hammering the target sites with payloads of destruction to the music accompaniment. He shows camera views of things that cannot be described except in hushed terms and only in fairy tales, it strikes a deep chord of fear as he shows them the monsters he is destroying, making it clear why this must happen.

The end of the first song comes, showing the work of his drones in the camera view from recon drones nearby, he orders the flights of combat aircraft away as he begins the final movement of his symphony. A new one comes blaring through the set and entrances everyone with it’s composition, matching what is to come.

I am amazed at my brother’s work, his head moving quickly in time, winging his baton in balance with the music as he orders the bombardment to begin. His mane is snapping back and forth, looking like some not quite sane conductor playing the music of madness. But it is beautiful in it’s own way, the towering might of the song comes through as the howitzers ripple fire alongside the mortars.

Vinyl’s mane is blown back from the concussions of the powerful weapons, but she hangs on and keeps the music going, smiling and bobbing her head in time. Probably one of the strangest gigs she’s ever had, but her wide grin betrays her thoughts beneath the tanker’s crew helmet and shield.

Crusader keeps his baton moving, the barrels of cannon swinging for new azimuths as he fires and fires again, the crescendo of the song reaching in time to the pulsing of the mortar tubes launching volleys of fire in arcs to the awaiting groups of evil things who are wondering where the attack is coming from.

We see the creatures from a high orbit drone, looking around and up into the sky as everything explodes in light and thunder. The drones capturing clear audio as well as full color, huge trees blasted into the sky with gibbering horrors to land back and be vaporized by the next round.

Dirt geysers up into the air, bringing trees and greenery with it, the powerful shells digging deep and vaporizing everything in a square around and in the target site. Clouds of dust are thrown high into the atmosphere as the music rages on, the thumping chords along with the pictures of pure destruction make everypony gasp then cheer as they see the wind clearing away the dust, showing nothing left of the things that would have awaited them in the night.

Long minutes of nothing but blinding explosions thumping through the battleset alongside the music, the power of heavy mortars and howitzers showing what the least of our weapons can do and it is amazing.

As the song ends, Crusader’s mane is straggled and wild as he turns to the camera, lowering his baton into the silence at the end of the song. The split screen showing churned ground as his mortar and howitzer batteries took a heavy price from the things in the Everfree.

Camera shots from orbiting aircraft show the craters, the turned ground and dust flowing into the air from the fires burning themselves out quickly enough. There is little left but blasted landscape around and in the target areas, nothing to recreate anything to bother Ponyville again.

Crusader is about to say something when he is hit from the side by a white and blue blur, the camera doesn’t follow them as they both tumble over, we see flying hooves for a moment. Two disheveled ponies stagger back into camera view though, his bow tie is crooked as Vinyl pumps a hoof into the air, she is laughing and leaping in the air, ruining what ending Crusader had planned.

“That was THE MOST AWESOME gig I have ever played!!” She is laughing and hugging the bewildered stallion.

Pointing a hoof at the camera, she grins, “And that, Manehatten, is how PONYVILLE ROCKS!”

The auditorium erupts in stamping hooves and cheers, resounding through the thick stone walls as every one goes wild. I watch Vinyl taking a bow and waving to the camera, it’s obvious Crusader told her where it was.

He rolls his eyes and joins her, bowing and grinning at the camera like an idiot, his voice the last thing we hear before the screen fades out to static.

“That, my sister, is how you do things with style.”

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