• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,558 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Not Quite As Planned...

“There it is!” Spike tapped Athena on the shoulder as they came abreast of a shop front, the windows decorated with games and magazines that drew the eye.

“Xtreme Comics and Games! Home of Ogres and Oubliettes!” The banner almost screamed out in neon colors. It was quite crowded, brisk business being done as ponies walked out loaded down with bags of swag.

The little dragon jumped off Athena’s back, proudly announcing, “One of my favorite places in Canterlot!”

Twlight chuckled, “And they make a lot of bits off him.”

“But it’s so cool inside too!” He grabbed the sable pegasus’ hoof, tugging her inside, the rest following.

The inside of the shop was everything a comic/gamer/collector/avid reader would want.

Books and magazines lined shelves that almost hit the ceiling. Unicorn employees using spells to retrieve whatever the customers wanted, quickly moving on to the next request.

Games of all sorts were on more wooden supports in the middle of the open space. Board games of all shapes, sizes, ages decorated the store everywhere. Stuffed animals dominated one row, posters and movie memorabilia dotted others, packed full of fan-pony goodness, this store was the end all-be all of fun.

They lost Pinkie after she set foot in the door, zooming off toward the snack stand that happened to be by the ‘Movie set party supplies.”

Rarity peeled off when seeing the costuming section, exclaiming about something being definitely beyond good taste and she just had to do something about it.

Fluttershy immediately headed towards the stuffed animals, murmuring something about completing a collection.

Casualties were mounting fast, most of the group were gone, lost in action as they tried mightily to make their way to the counter. It was so close, yet so far! They could see smiling employees behind the polished marble top, happily helping gamers and collectors alike.

They just had to make it!

Rainbow was history, no one saw her after passing the ‘Daring Do’ section. An entire quadrant dedicated to everypony’s favorite action heroine, Daring Do. They could hear her exclamations of delight, seeing things she had never known existed in the catalog.

Twilight was still there, though her eyes were wandering. Staunch ally Applejack by her side as they waded through the crowded aisles. Athena and Crusader were still forging forward, determined to find out about the mysterious comics.

Alas, Spike was gone early in the quest, a poster announcing new O&O modules released just yesterday caught his eye and he was lost in the swirl of the mob.

Twilight turned to make a comment to her stalwart companion, but Applejack was gone. The sight of a blonde tail disappearing in the ‘Outdoor Games’ section of the store was the last seen of her.

Troops were dwindling fast. Losses were causing consternation as they made their way down the twisting path to salvation at the counter. The clink and ring of bits so close they could hear the coins rolling in payment for the treasures found within.

Athena reached out, grabbing onto Twilight’s tail as something caught her eye, dragging her back into line with an irresistible tugging that would make sure she had no chance of escaping. Both faux ponies took a stance on either side, making sure she had no route but to the counter to ask for the manager.

At last! Over the walls we have climbed, through the trenches we have fought and arrived at our destination. Here the battle will be fought, here we will find the answers we seek, we are indomitable, we...

"Running an internal monologue is getting a little weird even for you, Crusader.” Athena was chuckling over the warbands.

“Applejack reminded me earlier that it is my turn to tell a story to Applebloom for tonight, I am practicing.” The little filly had one of the coveted commlinks and stayed in touch with Applejack through them. The older Apple sister had been telling her bedtime stories from afar while visiting the Crystal Empire.

“You’re hamming it up.”

“Of course. After being told my beloved Shakespeare was not wanted for a bedtime story, I have had to search other avenues.”

Athena laughed out loud, getting a few looks but muffling it fast enough to just get the evil eye from Twilight who knew that she and he were talking over the internal commlinks.

Finally though, they made it to the counter, standing before a happy looking employee.

“Hi! Welcome to Xtreme Comics and Games! How can I help you?”

Twilight had to be nudged, rubbernecking at all the cool stuff around her, to talk to the counter pony.

“Oh! Uhm, may we please speak to the owner?”

“Of course, Princess! One second, please!” The Earth Pony trotted off into the back, returning quickly with a Unicorn that had a mane of frizzy hair sticking out in all directions, happily chattering the ear off the employee as they walked back to the Princess.

He stopped and blinked, seeing a Princess in his shop for the very first time, almost gobbling in surprise as he tried to form words.

“Please, calm down, sir.” Twilight rolled her eyes, used to dealing with things like this, “We’d just like to chat for a minute, if you would?”

“Chat? Me? Here?” The frazzled looking Unicorn shook his head to clear it, “Why, of course! Come in, come in! Come right this way where the magic happens!” He opened the counter, ushering in the small group who got envious looks from all the other ponies waiting to pay for their purchases.

“I’m Dice Cup, as you can tell my passion is games and other things that make life so much more fun!” He had an infectious laugh, his voice easy on the ears. If only he didn’t look like some crazed wizard.

Leading them back into his workshop, he swatted a switch, lighting more of the area up and revealing pieces and parts of games under construction, things being built for current games, and parts being made to replace those lost. It was a wonderland of fun.

“Oh, you’ll love this! For the fillies and colts!” He held up a game, “You chase a mouse around the board and build a trap to catch him at the end. “And! It changes between games, so it’s never the same thing twice!” He cackled in glee, making them all smile.

“I do so love building and creating things, it makes my heart warm. I remember when I first created Ogres and Oubliettes, such fun, and seeing others enjoy it makes me happier every day.”

“Wait a second.” Twilight stopped dead, “You created Ogres and Oubliettes? One of the most popular games in Equestria? You?”

“I did indeedy!”

“But it was created by a pony named Gygax. Not Dice Cup.”

A belly laugh and a wink from the jolly pony, “Oh, that’s me. Gygax. Get Your Games At Xtreme! Gygax! Pretty sweet, huh? I thought it was cool and fun!”

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle, this pony was too much, he had all the enthusiasm of a colt, “Wait until Spike finds out, he’ll flip, that we met the creator of his favorite game.”

“Oh ho! Nono, musn’t tell a soul! Can’t have anypony finding out, it’d destroy all the mystery. Please, Princess, don’t say anything?”

Twilight immediately agreed, “I promise. Not a word.” She saw Athena and Crusader nodding as well, knowing they’d keep the secret.

“Then I shall give you a copy of the latest module, it’s truly a fun time! I’ll even sign it, you can say it was a special sale.” He gave the alicorn another wink, causing her to grin in return.

“So, what may I do for you, Princess?”

“Twilight, please.” She saw him nod, “We came about some magical comic books, that put you into the story?”

“Oh my, yes! I invented that spell! It’s truly special if I do say so myself!” He raised his bushy eyebrows, “And I do!”

You could not help but like this pony, enthusiasm flowed off him and brought everyone along for the ride.

“Well, maybe you ought to put a disclaimer on it? Telling ponies that they could get whisked into an adventure?” Athena was watching him closely, seeing delight in his eyes suddenly turn to dismay.

“You mean they didn’t?” The pony paced the floor, “Oh no. Nonono. They were supposed to tell ponies, make sure they wanted to go on an adventure!”

“I’m afraid I was drawn into one of them, with the Power Ponies, and now friends of ours are in one called ‘The Ulti-Mares’.”

“Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I am so very sorry, I did not mean to cause trouble, just fun. Oh my stars and comets. This isn’t a good thing!” He turned and faced them, stopping his walking back and forth, “I will contact the publisher and demand they place a special warning, so ponies know!”

“That would be wonderful,” She smiled at him warmly, “You are not in any trouble, we just want to know if there’s any way to stop the adventure and get somepony out again?”

Dice Cups’ face turned thoughtful, brows narrowing together and forming one large caterpillar resting upon his forehead as he tried to think of some way.

“No. I’m sorry. The adventure has to end first, tampering with it may cause problems.” He tapped a hoof on the floor, thinking, “I’ve tried many variations of the spell, but it only works the one way. I’m so very sorry.”

He produced a scroll from under a pile of board games, giving it to Twilight, “I trust you with it, please take a look. You are the Element of Magic, perhaps you can figure something out?”

Twilight took it solemnly, “I promise nopony will ever see it, or know about it. I’ll have it sent back to you by Royal Courier.”

“You’re a Princess, I would expect nothing less.” Dice Cup chortled, “Now, let’s see.” He rummaged around, coming up with a booklet that was shiny and new, “Here it is, the latest book for O&O.” He produced a quill, signing it with a flourish, “I hope your friend enjoys it as much as I did making it.”

“He will, that’s the truth. He is a O&O fanatic.”

“Wonderful!” The Unicorn clapped his hooves together, “Wonderful and full of wonder, yes! Is there anything else I may help with? Maybe design a game for you?” He perked up, “I have it, ‘Adventures of a Pony Princess’! Oh, the fillies will love that!”

He stopped gushing, looking a bit abashed, “Only with your permission of course, Your Highness.”

Twilight was fast on her hooves, “As long as any profits go to providing games to colts and fillies who can’t afford any.”

“I already do that, Your Highness!” A hoof waved in the air, “Oh, so many things for the little ones! I make enough to keep the store open, create fun things, and pay my dutiful employees, that is more than I need.” He bowed before her, “I will donate even more then, Princess Twilight, you have my word.”

“Good enough, Dice Cup.”

“Now, is there anything else I can help with?”


They left with lighter hearts and a possible solution, along with a new friend who was as personable a pony as they ever met. Twilight didn’t even mention the spell when they found the rest of the group waiting for them, laden with packages that various excuses were given for.

“I can’t believe you mares, and you too, Spike!”

“Darling, trust me, that Daring Do costume was atrocious, the shirt was totally wrong for the set.”

Twilight sighed, giving up, “Forget it, let’s head back.” She rolled her eyes at Athena, glancing her way with a sly grin. No matter what, they were her friends forever.


“Come in! Come in! I know you’re there! Come to see my powers come fully into their own have you? I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!” The male voice boomed across the warehouse floor, echoing off the walls and into their ears.

“He sounds like a loon.” Wyatt quipped, getting a snigger from Tropic and the others.

“Are you there? I know you’re here someplace, but I seem to have a problem pinning you down. Oh, well. No matter.” Another flash of light, and all the exits were suddenly sealed tight.

Fleur whispered, “What should we do?”

Wyatt was not one for sitting around, “Let’s kick his butt and get the gem. He’s a nutcase.”

Tropic agreed, “He is, let’s hit him hard!”

“Once I drop the invisibility spell, he’ll definitely know where we are.” The slim mare was sounding nervous.

“Just stay behind me. You’re the ranged weapons, stay tight, hit him and move. I’ll close in on him and knock his brains even more loose than they already are.”

Sky couldn’t help it and giggled so hard she almost fell over, “Will you stop saying that stuff!?”

A fist clenched with one powerful movement, unseen and unfelt except by Wyatt, “Can’t help it, maniacs bring out the best in me.”


Fleur tapped him on the arm, “Are you ready?”

“I am, let’s get this over with.” He was having trouble understanding words now, it seemed the spell was starting to break down. He’d have to get Tropic to renew it or whatever it was ponies who used magic did.

He could, however, understand enough to know there was going to be some action. That didn’t take anything special to comprehend, just a willingness to fight, and he definitely had plenty of that.

An armored hand reached out, touching each of his teammates, “Let’s go.”

He stepped out from behind the pile of crates, looking through the blinding light that was coming from a raised dais, upon which was standing a single form. The blazing glare was an omnipresent thing that seemed to be an all around aura.

He couldn’t see whoever was speaking too well, but he had enough vision to spot the shadowed form. It, or he, judging by the voice, seemed to be wearing some sort of odd hat. Didn’t matter, he was going to flatten it and the head wearing it.

“Let’s do this.”


“Twilight, perhaps messing with this is not something you want to do. They are inside the book, or the spell, and I believe we should wait.” Crusader was watching the alicorn mumbling and making notations in a notebook.

“I think I’ve figured out what he’s done,” She said out loud to no one in particular, “It’s just a matter of bringing the whole thing to an end and making sure they arrive back safe.”

“Do you think, or do you know?”

“Well, I can’t ever be absolutely sure without plenty of testing. Magical theory is sometimes hit or miss..” She stopped, seeing the look on the umber pony’s face.

“Then leave it alone.” His voice brooked no argument. He wanted Wyatt back badly. He had missed humanity and the thought of the only representative of it here and now being injured or possible killed because of a spell malfunction, would not sit well with him at all.

“But if I could bring them out, maybe..”

“Think, and maybe. I would advise you not proceed, Twilight.” He stood up, turning to leave, “I am on watch, please be careful.”

He left without a further word, leaving a frustrated alicorn behind him and Athena still there.

“He’s just worried for Wyatt, Twilight. He wants his safe return more than anyone.”

“I know, I know.” The Princess was staring at the original spell and her voluminous notes, “But all I have to do is end the spell, trigger it to think the adventure ended and they’ll pop right back in.” She eyed the comic books, brought here for study.

Athena noticed the looks, when Twilight was working on a problem, she tended to blot out anything else, “Maybe it’s best to wait. Wyatt is very skilled and he would never let the others come to harm.”

Twilight paced for a few seconds, “He’s got Sky with him, and Fleur Dis Lee and Tropical Sun.” They’d found out the names after a little research and questioning witnesses. “Hope he can keep them all together.”

“All I need to do is..” She trailed off, mumbling again, quill held in powerful magic and making more notations, “Just fool the spell into thinking it’s over, that’s all.” She smiled up at the quiet pegasus, “Simple!”

“Twilight, please, don’t do anything.” She was trying to keep Twilight from doing anything that would exacerbate the problem, and trying to help. It was a delicate balance sometimes.

“Don’t you trust me?” Violet eyes searched lavender ones.

“I.. I do, always. You know that.”

“I can do this. It’s not simple, but with enough power..” She’s determined to try, her horn lights up, drawing on the power of being a Princess, magic fills the room.

“Twilight! Don’t!”

In a flash the spell is worked, a golden twister forms in the middle of the room as the force works its way into the comic book, delving into it as if seeking the lost ponies. It hesitates, then dissolves in a shower of sparkles and crackling power.

Athena had averted her eyes, waiting until the brilliance died down and looked back at the book, it was scorched and not in very good condition.

“Oh, Twilight,” She looked at the dismayed Princess staring at the book, “What did you do?”


Wyatt slipped out of the crates, the others following him, he hoped, clenching his fists and heading for the one pony that would end all this and get them back home. Not that he didn’t like a good adventure, a tale well told. But he was getting tired of situations not of his making.

Athena and Crusader had warned him that strange occurrences happened in Equestria, but this was one for the books, literally.

Now, he was going to get everyone out safe, period. Nothing, and no one would be standing in his way. If they did, they wouldn’t be upright for very long.

Fists clenched, he walked right towards the odd dais the pony stood on, trying to get a closer look at it, see who he was dealing with. The light shining from around it made it very difficult, even with his visor, to see.

Fleur, Sky and Tropic spread out in a fan behind him. Fleur’s horn lit up, dropping the invisibility on Wyatt so he could be the focus of attention. She was whispering instructions to the others, readying the most powerful spells she could think of, Tropic muttering trigger phrases and words, her bangles and bracelets ready at the merest nudge.

Sky had had time to figure out a few things on her equipment belts, getting a thin rope out with a bola on the end, twirling it silently and waiting to tangle the target, the rope and bola wrapping around and knocking them out hopefully. She wasn’t too sure, but she was willing to try.

“Well...well...well..” The loud voice announced once more, “Is it..Anvil of the Ulti-Mares? Looking a bit different these days aren’t you?”

Wyatt had enough, flipping up his faceplate, “Listen up nutball, give us the gem and I won’t hurt you too badly.”

“No, ohhhh no. I have power finally, power enough to do whatever I like!” The shadow was getting clearer as he took careful steps forward.

Wyatt cracked the knuckles of one hand, clenching it tightly. He’d always despised people like this, bullies, power-mad, those that thought a little rank gave them the ability to say and do anything. This was getting his goat, strangling it, and then spitting it for a barbecue.

“Really, now?”

The floor shifted, almost knocking him off his feet, a rumbling sound tore through the warehouse at such volume he had to look around quickly, even seeing the demented shadow stumbling in the aura of magic. Something changed, something imperceptible, but enough that it made him wonder. He felt nauseous, as if magic had been used on him.

Fleur and the others faded into view, the invisibility spell knocked right out by the whirlwind of sound that ripped through the crates and stacked barrels. They spread out even farther, giving Wyatt room ro move as well as themselves.

“Give it up, whoever you are!” Fleur’s voice was magnified, “We won’t hurt you, just come along quietly!”

None of them could penetrate the globe of light surrounding the mysterious figure. It’s as if the magic was infusing him with more levels of might as the moments dragged on.

“All the Ulti-Mares! Once I rule the world, perhaps you, Prism, can be my consort! I do have your poster you know.”

Tropic rolled her eyes, “Not a chance you..you..whoever you are!” She fired off a spell that created a wide beam of force that slammed into the glowing orb surrounding the shadowed pony. It splattered against the outside and sprayed off in different directions, crushing a few poor innocent crates in the way as the entire spell was deflected away.

Sky whipped her hoof around, tossing her whirling bolas, seeing them ricochet and end up in the rafters after being burnt to a crisp from touching the strange aura.

“Oh, Celestia..this might be a bit tough.” She was rummaging for something else off her belts.

"Goldbeam, Goldbeam... Trying so hard to be magical, yet all you can do is flirt with stallions and wear clothing so tight its a travesty!” The voice kept teasing them, knowing perhaps he couldn’t be touched.

“I... Will show you MAGIC!”

The aura grew intense, blinding them for a moment as neon colored waves of power ripped outwards in a circle towards them. Walls blasted outward in splinters and shards, crates and barrels disintegrated at its touch.

Fleur gasped, throwing a shield, thick and tall, surrounding them fully, in front of all of them, barely holding on until the wave passed, watching the destruction as the roof fell in around them. Beams on fire smashed into the floor, unidentifiable contents of containers flew everywhere, the sky lighting up as if a fireworks show went off.

All throughout they heard maniacal laughter, such as those typical of any comic book villain. But this one had the might to back it up now, thanks to the Eye of Argon!

“Celestia’s name, that was too close!” Fleur was gasping for breath after holding the spell so long against so much magic.

Wyatt growled, seeing sweat running down the pretty mares’ face and leaping forward, the armor took him into the air as he cocked a fist back, his whole body throwing itself into a punch that would have demolished entire buildings.

“Wyatt! No!” Tropic was aiming her foreleg, a bracelet letting loose another terrible beam of magic that surrounded him in a glowing shield to help boost his resistance. She was fumbling for another when he started falling from the arc.

He could see nothing but a shadow right now, eyes tearing up from the actinic glow, the fist coming down right on top of the globe surrounding the looney pony.

Such was the power and the fury behind the punch, it actually pushed the hardened orb into the floor a foot or more, the shock-wave making Fleur and Tropic erect another shield to keep their feet as he put everything he had into one small area the size of his fist.

Thunder cracked as the globe was driven into the stone, cracking and rumbling through the remains of the warehouse in a rippling wave that centered on him, throwing the debris outward in a tsunami of further destruction.

He landed on his feet slamming another flurry of hits into the globe, tossing it backwards to the laughter of the pony contained within. The suit surrounding him multiplied the force by hundreds, close to thousands of times when pushed to the limit. He could crack boulders with a tap, but could not penetrate this stupid wall of magic!

Runnels of sweat ran down his face and neck as he slowed, then stopped. The suit still needed something directing it and providing the initial force to feed back, so he tired quickly. Kneeling on the ground as a warmth surrounded him, yanking him back to the group inside the shield Tropic was maintaining with her powers.

“Are you okay?” Sky and Fleur wore worried looks.

“I can’t get through. Seriously, it’s like a Bolo force screen, I gave it all I had.” He gasped for more breath, inhaling cool sweet air filtered by their own magic around them.

Smoke was gathering, and then whipped away by the magics being thrown around like candy at a parade, Fleur was slamming the shadow pony with spell after spell, pushing herself to the limit as Prism. Her armor glowed with it’s own light, bringing more and more energy to the fight.

Tropic had activated a few bracelets, using their spells to bolster the shield around them, protecting them all while Fleur took the offensive.

Sky was tossing small round things, containers of smoke and explosives that rattled their teeth, blowing more crushed materials around and away from them, actually clearing a space. Her ammunition ran out as she tossed the last few at the strange pony.

More laughter, high-pitched as if hysterical. They couldn’t do anymore but hold their own now, trying to figure out a way to get that gem.

“Wyatt, what can we do?”

He was at a loss, this was something he had no clue. A rifle, a few grenades, some trained troops. Would have been tough, but we’d triumph. This was a total unknown.

“Sky, I don’t know..honestly.”

They watched the globe suck itself inward, the power flowing to its end into the pony who stood there wearing a strange hat.

The laughter was maniacal, definitely. This pony had a screw loose as far as they were all concerned.

“Oh, you will bow to me Ulti-Mares, all of you will! The Power Ponies will be swept away by my might!”

They could see him coming closer now, the wide grin, the strange hat a helmet with curling horns on it.

“I am your new god, the god of mischief, of terrible fates for those who do not obey my will!”

He was a strange color, a reddish all over, nothing else, no cutie mark at all.

“You will all bow to me! I will rule this world!”

His mane was straight up and cut as if from a single block. Pure black, it ran down from the top of his head to the shoulders.

He kept getting closer and closer, ending up near their shield of magics, barely holding on against the spells he was tossing around as if nothing. The booms and crackles of lightning and fireballs wrecked the remains of the warehouse even more, nothing but dust and splinters now.

Wyatt couldn’t help it, even now, “Who the hell are you anyways?” His voice was translated, brokenly, but it came through.

“Me?” Laughter again as the strange pony reared in the air.


“Yes, you, dumbass.”

This made the pony stumble, ruining his monologue by Wyatt being himself. He shook his head and growled, throwing a few more powerful spells against their shield.

“Your new god has a name, you’ll need it to worship me properly.”

“You can call me...”


To be continued....

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