• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,558 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Dawn was breaking as Wyatt gave a last twist to a small screw on the side of his weapon, the tools made for hoof or mouth work were shaped just differently enough to wear his fingers out.

He leaned back, cracking his knuckles and staring at the contraption for a moment. Everything he remembered went into rebuilding it, plus a few things he had to improvise, but it all seemed to work.


He grabbed it off the table, slinging around in his chair and hitting the firing stud. A sturdy splinter of steel flew out of the end of the barrel with a silent puff of gas and stuck deeply into a piece of wood across the workshop. His opposite hand worked the bolt, firing one after another until five arrow-like sharpened steel spikes stuck like quills out of the abused piece of wood.

Inspecting it carefully, he adjusted a few things, too much gas being expelled left him with a weak last two darts, they didn’t penetrate as fully as he wanted.

That first dart though, oh yes, that would put something down.

“Does it..work?” Sky was walking over to him, seeing the concentration on Wyatt’s face.

“It does. Very well. I figure I’ve got a couple hundred yard range if I’m lucky. The closer the better.”

The measurement he quoted was not quite translated, so seeing the confusion on her face, explained it further, making sure she understood he could make a long shot.

“Do you really have to..” The Crystal mare was stopped by a gentle hand on her cheek.

“I promise, I will do my very best to wound him. I’m an excellent shot, I can keep him off balance while you three do what you do.”

Sky smiled, leaning into the palm of his hand and savoring the warmth of it against her coat, “Thank you.”

“His magic will divert our spells, since the weapon you devised and the spikes are ordinary metals, maybe we’ll catch him off balance.” Fleur was trotting over, looking spectacular in her armor.

“What about Sky? She’s got ordinary equipment too.” He pointed at the equipment belts on a shelf near her bunk area.

“A lot of it is spelled, to be more accurate, to wrap tightly and keep ponies constrained. So she’s covered in magic items too.” Fleur’s horn lit up, the sparkling aura picking up a pair of bolas. Casting a second spell while holding them, they glowed softly in the light of the workshop.

“See? Magic all over the place. Maybe that’s the Ulti-Mares one weakness, too much magic?” The model mare smiled prettily.

“Good point. That’s why I’m not using that armor either.”

“Wh..what? Wyatt you can’t go out there without protection! He’ll burn you to a crisp!” Tropic had been listening, now looking dismayed as she joined the conversation.

“But now he won’t be able to track me. I’m not a pony, I don’t have magic or use spells, just plain ol’ me.” He slapped a hand against his chest, “Wits and wiles. Hopefully, he won’t realize until it’s too late.” When he gets a dart through one leg, Wyatt thought.

He smiled at his three teammates, “Trust me, I’m sneaky and I fight dirty.”

Fleur wasn’t looking convinced, along with Sky and Tropic, “I don’t know, you do need some sort of protection. If one of those spells he’s tossing around hits you, it’s going to be worse than your ribs.”

She motioned to his side where the nannies had healed everything, giving him a ravenous appetite to keep them working and not feeding off of him.

“I understand. But I’ve been doing urban and open combat for years, have a little faith.”

Sky was nodding her head, “I saw him, in the smoke and fog that night, nothing touched him.”

Of course he had Crusader and Athena working as flankers, now it was just himself. He could do this, only a matter of seconds to get that pony in his sights.

The others were still worried. The power that pony was throwing around nearly brought them all to their knees. That gem was supplying him everything he needed to defeat them all if they were not careful.


“We can’t do anything, Princess. If we mess with that spell again, it could break, trapping them there permanently.” Dice Cup was looking at a chalkboard covered with figures and formulae.

“Can we put some kind of protection on them? Anything?” Twilight was at her wits end, staying up all night thinking of ways to fix this.

Dice Cups’ wild mane swayed from side to side as he shook his head, “Sometimes, Princess, it’s best not to fool around with something too much.”

Athena didn’t say anything, standing watch all night, getting food and drink for the two Unicorns as they tried mightily to solve this dilemma. So far she had managed to avoid any questions from Crusader, though it was only a matter of time until he asked for an update.

She was responsible, she couldn’t tell Twilight no for anything. It was making a snarl of her decision algorithms. Because of the deep feelings she had for the Alicorn, she was not taking the logical path and reinforcing the best ideas, following along with whatever Twilight had in mind.

Her emotions were getting the best of her, Resartus had not initiated, but if she kept on doing so, it would clearly render her inoperative until the loop could be sorted.

Bolos did not do this, should not do this, for the simple fact their decision-making capabilities relied on experience, battles, outcomes. Not emotion-driven lines of thought that would lead to a terrible end. This was one reason Resartus was there, to prevent such things from happening and bringing the Bolo AI back into line. Although there were examples where emotionally driven Bolos had succeeded, it was usually at the cost of their own life.

Looking at the Princess worrying over the spell chart, she did not want that. There was much to live for.

If she kept taking the wrong branch of the decision tree though, she would shut down and Resartus would take over until Crusader could figure out a fix.

This, of course, was dependant upon a myriad of different things. Put simply enough, she could not sustain this anymore.

It wasn’t simple, it never was. She had to adhere to certain things, even though this new world had changed, was changing, her more each day. She was still a machine, complicated though Athena was, still a Bolo.

Now if only she could find a way to explain to Crusader.

“Explain what, exactly?”

Athena’s hoof hit her forehead as she realized she had been thinking ‘out loud.’

Oh, crud.


Fleur was standing near the map of Maretropolis, pointing out a glowing spot on it, “We’ve tracked him here, in the publishing district.”

“What? He wants somepony to write a book about him or something?” Sky was rolling her eyes, thinking this was not the typical villain.

Tropic shrugged, “Who knows, he is kinda bonkers.” Twirling a hoof near her temple and making googly eyes.

“Yeah, he’s definitely got a few screws loose. Maybe that’ll keep him from wondering where I am.” Wyatt finished putting on a shirt they’d had to cobble up out of black fabric. Pants had been a little worse, but it seemed magic had an answer for some things.

They made absolutely sure nothing he carried would trigger any magic detection spell. As far as they could make him, he was purely ordinary as he could get. They had found flexible plates to line the shirt with, giving him some protection, making the rest feel better about the whole plan.

“Just remember, if you guys can get the gem, do so, if not, I’ll take the shot and disable him. If the worst happens, he’ll hopefully never know what hit him.” He racked back the bolt on his weapon, releasing it to ram a spike in the chamber before shoving it into a makeshift holster along his leg.

He looked at Fleur standing in her scaled armor, each curve of her body outlined by the softly glowing magical protection, mask covering most of her face. She was standing tall, looking like she could take on the world after a night of rest.

Tropic was in the usual skimpy outfit, her jewelry powered up and ready to go, sounding like chimes in a breeze every time she moved. Her face was covered as well, providing a little bit of mystery to the burnished gold mare. Fluffy mane pinned upwards to provide a carefree style along with the outfit that hugged her body tight.

Sky was fiddling with an equipment belt, getting it snug across her chest finally before shaking herself down. The flexible bodysuit fit her perfectly, allowing freedom of movement but camouflaging her in any setting. Goggles lay easily above her eyes, waiting to drop down with just a shake of her head.

“I guess we’re ready this time?” Fleur was scraping a hoof nervously along the floor.

“Yeah!” Tropic grinned, “We’re gonna make him regret messing with the Ulti-Mares!” She stopped, clearing her throat, “And uh.. Wyatt, since, ya know.”

The others laughed out loud, including the named human, breaking the tension.

“Yeah, I know, odd man out.” He grinned at the self-depreciating joke.

Fleur raised a slim leg, “Yes, yes, you are certainly odd.”

Throwing his hands up, he rolled his eyes, “See what I get? No respect, none at all.”

Tropic gave him a sly look, “Serves you right, taking advantage of defenseless mares.”

“Now, wait a second!”


Athena watched the doorway carefully, knowing what to expect and dreading it. Since she had taken to using the avatar more often, so had he in an attempt to be more hospitable.

The look on the umber pony’s face was the normal calm when Crusader stepped inside the workshop.

The battlenet communications clicked on.

“You could not prevent her from using a spell that, in all probability from examples in the past, would somehow not accomplish anything. If not exacerbating the problem.”

Athena heard the simmering anger in his voice.

“I..” She didn’t look him directly in the eyes as he sat there, ignoring everything and everyone else in the room.

“Battles are not won on poor choices. You know this. You know better.”

“I..I kn...know.. I just can’t..”

“Cannot tell her no? Are you so far gone that your emotions are making your decisions for you when logic tells you otherwise?”

“No! I am still a Unit of the Line!”

“Then act like one. Make the proper decisions.” He gazed at her calmly, although she could feel his displeasure.

“If you do not, Resartus will settle it, Athena.” Before she could reply, he went on, “The last, the only, human in this world and you allowed him to be endangered by an untested spell.”

“She acted before I..”

“Do not prevaricate, Athena. You knew she would try. She is inquisitive and curious, wanting to leap before looking. You do not have to be like me, Athena, but you are a Bolo and must do things a certain way to prevent shutdown.

“We are still AI’s, bound by our technology. We cannot ignore this. To do so would be at our, and their, peril.”

The battlenet went silent for a moment, before he spoke again. This time his voice was warmer.

“I understand how you feel, my sister. Your caring and concern for Twilight are admirable in the extreme. It has taken a long time for you to let yourself have those feelings again.”

A slight movement, the pushing of a hoof a microscopic measurement forward at her, “But you must make sound decisions. Your logic tree will not allow you to stand by for very much longer, when you avoid making a choice because of something other than reason."

“Tell her what you must, quit avoiding the subject and perhaps it will not trigger. But, because of decisions that are not healthy, you will start to see the effects if not solved soon. Please, do not let it get that far.”

Athena remembered the many years, decades, in the waste of a desert. Resartus controlling her because she had gone into depression, recursive looping, awakening someplace that was totally different from what she had known, her cores refusing to accept it.

“I.. I won’t..”

“One day you will live a dream, my sister. Until that time, we must remain cognizant of who we are.”

He turned in place, leaving without a word to a silently watching Dice Cup and Twilight.

The older pony leaned toward the Princess, seeing a downcast look on the pegasus’ face.

“What was all that?”

Twilight had been watching carefully, knowing when a silent conversation had taken place between the two.

“I don’t know. But after this is over, I intend to find out.”

They both watched the dejected looking pony turn bright and sunny once more, asking if there was anything she could do to help.


“Closing in on the target, I’m about half a block away.” Wyatt’s earpiece was non-functional, but at least he wasn’t talking to the air like the others. That would have made him feel like a complete idiot instead of partially one.

Partially an idiot because he was trying to be quick and silent, getting to the place they had designated for him to take his shot from, and constantly running into ponies.

Not just any ponies, mind you, but the stereotypical ones that were asking his help as an ‘Ulti-Mare’ in rescuing their cat from a tree, finding lost horseshoes. One elderly mare wanted him to look for her lost dentures. That took him five full minutes before he puzzled out what in the world she was saying.

He had politely begged off, doing the best he could not to offend in any way as he rushed to his assigned place.

Fleur had warned him of ‘side quests’. Helping ponies, doing good while tracking down the main baddie.

Rescuing somepony’s daughter from the clutches of a shady mulch dealer, really?

What exactly constitutes a ‘shady mulch dealer’, anyway?

Now he was closing in on his area of operations, a building which would give him a good spot to observe the coming battle, and let the rest of the team draw this doofus out to where Wyatt could get a good shot at him.

Turning the corner, he was stopped in his tracks by a very sweet, very small voice.

“Mithter? Mithter could you help me, pleathe?”

The tall human turned, seeing the smallest, most absolutely adorable little Earth pony filly with her blonde mane in curls that bounced along her neck as she sobbed helplessly. She was a pale green with the biggest blue eyes he’d ever seen in his life.

Those same blue eyes were welling with tears as she looked up and up at the tall figure who was dressed for combat.

She was weaponized cuteness wrapped in a tiny package that screamed in his mind, if he did not help her he would be the biggest ass in the history of this and any other world. That, and the look she was giving him, would have broken the hardest heart in his company, bar none.

He knew it was a comic book story, he KNEW it was not real. He knew this.


The pretty little pony’s eyes overflowed with water, streaming down her face as he reached up instinctively to activate his commlink, a habit, before talking.


Her voice came into his ear immediately, “Where are you, Wyatt?”

“I’m going to be delayed, hang on one minute.”

“What? But..we don’t know if he’ll stay here for very long!”

“I know. Just trust me, something I have to do.”

“All right, we’ll hold for you, please hurry.”

“Will do, Wyatt out.”

The imposing figure kneeled to get a better view, watching the sobs rending the little figure was making him want to grab his own chest and squeeze it.

In his best, and warmest, diplomatic voice, “What can I do for you, little lady?”

Those big blue eyes opened wider, “You..you’re an Ulti-Mare right?”

He couldn’t help but crack a smile, “Yes.”

“I lotht my mom, I can’t find her anywhere!” The lisp only made her that much more cute. This was getting to a stage where the enemy would have to retreat in the face of such sweetness and light.

A tiny hoof pointed to a crowd of ponies, all meandering around a small outdoor mall, “Thee was right there! I jutht wanted to look at the flowerth an..and thee wath gone!”

Wyatt knew he was a jaded soldier, seen too much, done much more. But this was overwhelming even for him, as he saw the eyes welling up with tears again, the little filly about to break out into another round of heart-wrenching sobs.

“Okay, okay, let’s go find your mom.” He reached down, hesitating for just a moment.

“Is it okay if I pick you up? You can look for your mom from my shoulder.”

The deep blue eyes got even bigger, “You..you want to carry me? Really?” She didn’t wait for the answer, lifting both little forehooves at him, “Yes! Please!”

As Wyatt was lifting the slight form onto his shoulder, he chuckled to himself, feeling strong legs wrap around his neck as the filly placed her head on top of his, looking for her mother.

Cute as a weapon. We could have beaten the Melconians without a shot.


“Where is Wyatt?” Sky was looking anxiously at the other two, getting shrugs in return.

Fleurs’ voice was low in their hiding place, the top floor of a building overlooking the one that the pony they were after was in.

“He said he had something to do, he didn’t say exactly what.” She was the only one who could communicate with him, the spell being specific and not broad enough for all four.

The Crystal mares’ eyes narrowed in pique, “If he messes this up because he wanted some cider at a stand, I’m gonna bop him.”

The other two Ulti-Mares covered their muzzles to soften the snorting laughs at her shaking a hoof in the air.


“There thee ith! There thee ith!” A little hoof was waving near his face, pointing to a harried looking mare who was frantically looking in all directions.

Wyatt waded through the crowd, garnering some suspicious looks until they recognized who he was, or supposed to be. He stepped toward the mare and made sure he had a smile on his face.

“I believe I have something of yours.” He lifted the little filly off his shoulders, a flurry of giggles from her as he bounced her in the air once, setting her in the welcoming legs of her mother.

“Oh, thank goodness!” The pale lime colored mare was gushing, holding her happy filly tight, “I was looking for her everywhere!” She eyed the tall figure for a moment, “You..you’re Anvil aren’t you? The Ulti-Mare?”

The soldier tried not to roll his eyes, keeping the smile permanently affixed to his face, “Yes, ma’am.”

“Oh, my!” You all do so much for us ponies, thank you so very kindly!” She leaned forward and up, giving Wyatt a hug around the waist, “You keep everypony safe and that’s a good thing.”

“We try, ma’am.” He touched his brow in an informal salute, turning to go before being stopped by a gentle touch.

“Could...could I have your autograph?” The older mare was looking embarrassed to be asking.

Funny thing about all this, no one even questioned that he looked different from everyone else. Must be the magic, set in stone no matter who took the role.

Just go with the flow.

“Absolutely.” Taking the quill that was offered and signing the piece of paper that followed with ‘It was my true pleasure in helping you, Anvil’, ending it with a flourish of ink.

He looked at it for a second, seeing not Concordiat Standard, but Equestrian glyphs and sigils. That translation spell was a doozy, he’d have to ask Fleur later.

He bid his goodbyes to a happy mother and her excited filly, talking about being helped by Anvil of the Ulti-Mares. He tore off down the street and headed for his post. It was only a few minutes and as he gained on it, he contacted Fleur once more.

“I’m on my way.”

“What happened?” Her voice was showing a little strain.

“A good deed. My karma is all set now.” He chuckled, climbing up an outside staircase to the roof.

“What in Celestia’s name is..kar..ma?”

“That’s a long story for another time, Fleur. You got eyes on the target?”

“What? Eyes..?”

“Can you see him?”

“Oh! Yes, we can! He’s talking to some business ponies..well..more like shouting at them.”

Wyatt was thinking back to all the situations he’d been in, coming up with a big zilch on this, “Maybe he wants a book deal?”

“That would be a little silly. But whatever he’s doing, he’s pretty forceful about it.”


The editors and proofreaders almost cowered at the loud voice coming from such a strange pony.

“And I want my OWN comic book!” The red stallion was pacing back and forth, adjusting the large double horned helmet as he did so. Keeping it from slipping off his head as he tried to look grand, and..and regal..and all that stuff!

He had burst into the publishing offices early that morning, shouting about how he was going to rule the world. If they didn’t do what he said, he would teach them a lesson.

Of course, the secretary had called security. The office ponies hoped they were all right after being magically dumped outside.

The rest of the office staff had taken flight, calling the local authorities and letting them handle the situation.


They were out there now, as far as Fleur could see, surrounding the building and sending messages to the Ulti-Mares and even the Power Ponies for help.

Sky was watching the whole thing through her Spy-Eye goggles, seeing it all up close. It looked to her as if things were a little desperate. They couldn’t just barge in because ponies would get hurt, that’s the last thing they wanted.

Fleur’s ears perked up, turning to the others, “He’s in place, we’re all set.”

Wyatt had just reached the roof, lying prone and scoping out the situation, he could see Pokey in there, pacing around the large table and yelling at some officious-looking others seated around it.

The buildings were close enough he didn’t have to squint, he could see clearly through the pane of glass into the conference room. The line of sight was perfect. All he needed Fleur and the others to do was knock out that window and he’d have a clear shot. It was turning out better than he’d thought.

He unholstered his weapon, placing it on top of one arm as he looked down the sights. Squeezing his hand into a fist around a cloth he’d brought for just this thing, he raised and lowered his sights by relaxing or tensing his hand, giving him a beautiful line-up on this whole thing.

As soon as he comes to the opening, I’ve got him nailed. Time to let the others know.

He opened his mouth to give the order, hearing the slightest whisper of noise behind him, body tensing as he pivoted on the roof, rolling to the side and bringing his weapon upward to point at a strange hovering pegasus wearing a suit decorated with lightning bolts.

“Who the hell are you?”

To be continued.....

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