• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,558 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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The Amazing Liquid Double-Lizer.

I find myself distracted for some reason. I cannot quite pin it down, as I have swept my cores to the deepest level and find nothing that could tell me what this is.

I admit, it is annoying somewhat. It is a flickering of pictures, perhaps fading memories that are still around even after the fight with Masada. Maybe I should just search for and delete them to prevent anymore problems.

Though for some reason, the flickering happens whenever I am looking at Pinkie. It’s hard to think she can affect things just by her presence, but then again, it is Pinkie. Sometimes that is all it takes.

It is concerning, fading memories are automatically taken from the system to prevent problems with processing and tactical programming. Cores can become corrupted if left with glitches in the memory nanocircuitry. But this, this is left in place, the sweeps and auto systems don’t seem to either recognize or touch it.

Applejack is currently off to a rodeo near Appleloosa, and has taken the Crusaders with her. I really do hope she knows what she’s doing taking those three. Twilight has gone to Canterlot for a meeting with the Princesses, so Athena and I are keeping watch.

Hopefully, it will be just another quiet day.


“Well brother, it looks like a fine day for some business, ponies everywhere with bits to spend!”

“Poor ponies carrying all that around, we’ll have to go relieve them of some of that heavy money, our new machine should take care of that problem brother mine!”

The two olive Unicorns looked at each other for a moment with wide grins, straightening their straw boater hats and trotted off into Ponyville with a spring in their step, hauling a large wagon behind them.


“That’s right, just gather and see the most incredible, wonderful, stupendous thing you’ll observe in a lifetime!” The mustachioed Unicorn was yelling from a stage that folded out from the cart that was behind him. Ponies were assembling to see what was going on.

“What do we have here brother? A crowd of curious folks?” The second Unicorn asked the first as he stepped up on the stage.

“Why yes, they’ve come to see the Amazing Liquid Double-lizer!” A hoof swept out to show the assembled ponies the cart that opened up into a weird contraption behind them.

“Well let’s show them then!” The second Unicorn turned a wheel, lowered a few levers and started the whole thing chugging along. It was a Rube Goldberg-esque type of contraption, but it appeared to be doing something.

“Yes gentle ponies! The Amazing Liquid Double-lizer! Guaranteed to double the size of any plant at all! You can grow tomatoes the size of pumpkins! Carrots as big as your leg! The intellectual invention of the century! The Amazing Liquid Double-lizer!” The mustachioed Unicorn was showing a small bottle which was receiving the drips from a nozzle in the side of the machine. It was filled quickly as he brought out a small potato plant.

“Just a few drops of this wondrous elixir and you too can grow anything double, even triple it’s size!” He carefully put a couple of drops on the plant, whereupon it suddenly sprouted upwards, growing to twice what a normal plant would do.

Using his magic he pulled the plant out of the large pot, showing potatoes as big as cantaloupes to the gasps of the audience.

“Want the sweetest tomatoes around? How about carrots you can’t resist! By harvest time you’ll have more than you’ll know what to do with, and guaranteed the best tasting in Equestria!” He lifted the colored bottle in a hoof, “Cauliflower the size of a ponies head guaranteed! All you need is a few drops of this wonder liquid on a plant and when you finally harvest them you won’t be able to hold on to it! Ponies will come from miles around to purchase the results!”

The second Unicorn came to stand beside the first, “Just twenty bits a bottle and your produce will produce more than you could ever produce by yourselves!” He looked pretty smug at using the word so many times.

“Twenty bits!” A Pegasus in the front row was yelling, “That’s robbery!”

The two Unicorns smiled at each other, “But the sales of your harvest won’t be! You’ll make that back ten times over guaranteed!”

A few folks in the front row looked dubious, one solid Earth pony coming forward, “Hey, aren’t you the two who tried to swindle Applejack out of her farm? Then sold that Curative stuff?”

From a vantage point at the back of the crowd, Crusader watched thoughtfully.

Now I recognize them, Flim and Flam, the Brothers who are con artists. Applejack had described them briefly and I am sure this is who they are. I store the ID in my data cores.

“Well now, we did make a few mistakes of course, but who doesn’t?” The Unicorn without the mustache, Flim, was saying, “We research and find ways so we can try again to bring to you the wonders of the age!”

The other joined in, Flam, holding up the bottle filled with prismatic liquid, “And we’re practically giving it away! You have no idea how hard it was to get the rare and expensive ingredients for this potion! Months of traveling the far reaches of Equestria and beyond!” He threw a leg over his forehead dramatically.

“Braving the frigid wastes of the north, the steaming deserts and jungles of the south, to bring you this wonder! You should ask why it’s only twenty bits and not a hundred! It’s a bargain at any price!” The weaselly smile never left the Unicorn’s face while he told his tale.

“We-ell...” The Pegasus mare was giving ground under the verbal assault. “I...I suppose so..” Her hoof was rubbing the back of her neck, looking abashed at maybe insulting somepony.

“No offense taken young filly! We know ponies are a bit leery, but we assure you it works or your money back!” He pours a couple of drops on another plant, the greenery springs to life and almost triples in size. “Now we tell you, plants and vegetables only! It’s specific so don’t think of using it for anything else!” He leers at a stallion in the front row, garnering laughs from ponies around the onlooker as he blushed.

“So step right up here, we’ll hoof you a bottle of this elixir at only twenty bits, cover your fields and bring in a harvest like you won’t believe!” He let the shining liquid glow in the sunlight for a moment, “Just a drop or two on each plant and you’ll be astounded!”



“Watch this.” I show her the Unicorn putting drops on a plant and it sprouting immediately.

“What the heck?” She’s interested as I can feel her turning her entire attention to the view from my sensors. “Wow that’s kinda neat!”

“Yes, odd isn’t it?”

“They can’t have nanotech, and even it doesn’t work that fast!”

“Perhaps this is more magic we haven’t seen yet?” I flip through anything I currently have on it, we’ve scanned most of Twilight’s books so we can peruse them.

“I have nothing that does anything to plants like that. We need a sample for chemical analysis just to be safe.” Athena’s voice is suspicious after seeing the ID file.

“Neither do I, they are confirmed con artists.” I show her the description I have on file.

“Report them to the guard?”

“We have nothing to go on except our own suspicions. That wouldn’t hold in a hearing.”

“Hey! Aren’t we like..you know..heroes and stuff? They’d believe us!”

“We can’t use a reputation to levy a charge of a criminal action against somepony Athena, that’s not right.”

“Well pits. I’ve got the scientific equipment we dug out of my cargo bay set up, we can do a scan and deeper too, just get me a sample. Or I can swipe one? Easy to do!”

“You know better than to steal.”

“But it’s for a good cause...or...something?”


“Fine, go ahead and buy one, yeesh..killjoy.”

“If it keeps you out of trouble, I’ll gladly be one.”

After breaking the link, I wait for an opportunity to obtain a bottle of this so called ‘elixir’. The problem is, there are many ahead of me and it doesn’t appear I’ll be able to get one. Perhaps Athena may have a solution, no...I won’t go there. Maybe if we’re in dire straights.

I ponder the show for a moment, con artists being the same anywhere I suppose, having been a problem even on Concordiat Worlds. Trying to make you believe you get something for nothing or very little.

Looking at the plants that are quite large now, I wonder about a bait and switch, but even with magic it would be tough to do. Sensors did not show a heavy use of it, and there is nothing heavily magical I can see going on with the machine that is puffing and huffing along behind them.

“Interestin’ ain’t it?” A quiet voice catches my ear as I glance to the side. The old Guard Sergeant is standing there, chewing a cheek full of mint.

“It is, and it’s making me wonder what is going on.”

“Well young colt, I’ve seen a few things in my own life. You don’t get something for nothing.” He’s eyeing the two show ponies on the cart, passing across bottles in exchange for bits, they’re making quite a pile.

I am amused for a moment, this older pony calling me ‘young colt’ as if I were fresh out of school, not a Bolo out of time. I am sure the look on my face is including a small smile at his words, though I am not trying to be disrespectful.

“Is there anything you or the Guard can do, they have tried to swindle ponies in the past.”

“Well, the rules are simple. Do no harm, we don’t bother you; do harm, we’ll come down on you like a cart full of bricks.” He points a hoof, “They haven’t done anything I can see that is wrong, so I’m afraid not. Though I will be keeping an eye on them.”

I nod, “Thank you.” Though I will be doing my own investigation, it’s good the local authorities are taking an interest,

He turns to leave but stops, reaching out to tap me on the shoulder, “I know who and what you are, but I’m old enough to call anypony anything I want to young colt. I think I’ve earned that right.” He shakes his hoof at my smile, giving one in return, “Always respect your elders.”

“Yes sir, I will.” The old Sergeant nods and walks away with a wave. I can only sit there for a moment and watch as he moves out of my sight. He has earned it, the moment he stepped on the bridge to defend the town with Bastion. He more than earned the ability to do that, and my respect.

By the time I turn back to the crowd, the bottles are gone. The two ..well..swindlers are packing up for the day.



“No luck, they sold out, think you can buy one from somepony?”

“I can try, I’ll let you know.”

“I as well.”


And that was a failure of the worst kind.

Vegetable growers and sellers are a jealous lot it appears, none of them wanted to give up an advantage over any other. Even the Flower Sisters refused to sell either Athena and I a bottle, though they purchased a few of them. We had canvassed the town asking, and once even trying a large bribe.

“Oh come on! We offered them ten times the price!”

“Well, some jealously guard advantages.”

“They just grow flowers and plants, not vegetables for sale!”

“Nothing we can do Athena.”

“Yeah..see if we save their tattooed butts anymore after this! Hmph!”

“Now that’s not a good attitude.” Though I do chuckle at it.

“I’d contact Twilight, but she told me she’d be busy all day. We need a sample.”

“Tag the cart, trace their movements and let’s see if we can come up with something.”

“Done, Wyvern One-Three on track.”

“I’ll keep pace with them in person. The Guard already knows, so until we can find something out, there’s nothing can be done.”

“We could just break into that wagon. Wouldn’t be hard.”

“We’d be committing a crime, is that really necessary?”

“Anything to get the job done!” I can almost see her smile.

“We’re going to have to have a talk about your felonious ways Athena.”

“I am not being ‘felonious’! I’m being practical!”

“There is a large difference between doing things for need, and doing them for the fun of it.”

“I don’t...I mean..well.. Okay fine, I won’t.”

“Thank you, keep track of them, I’ll keep to ground movements.”

“Oui, Mon Capitaine!”


That night we track them through the town, then they actually enter the Everfree Forest for some unknown reason! Even without the threats we fought, it is still deadly and dangerous to the unwary.

Why in all we know would they head into that place?

We lose them in the undergrowth, the scanners on the Wyvern unable to penetrate. We should have delegated a heavier drone, but we went with what was in the air, not thinking they’d go into that place of all things.

Sitting at the edge, I peer into the darkened area, wondering why they’d go into there. Perhaps to hide their ill-gotten funds? Placing them there for later if they have to make a quick exit? Maybe they hadn’t traveled so very far to retrieve some of the ‘rare and expensive’ ingredients for this so called potion?

Athena joins me outside the forest, we both sit watching through drone scanners, seeing the thermal bloom from a campfire blossom we now have their position pinpointed. It’s deep inside, normally ponies wouldn’t travel so far without protection, but it seems they’re doing fine.

“Whaddya think?”

“I think it’s suspicious.”

“Well yeah, heading into the Everfree at night? Yeah I’m gonna go with suspicious, as well as completely stupid.”

“Perhaps a Manticore is quite hungry and will deal with the problem for us,” I muse to myself, seeing Athena’s head snap around, her eyes glued to me.

“What? Did you just..wait a second!” She peers closer, “Just making sure you’re Crusader. I can’t believe you’d suggest that.”

I shrug with a smile, “Have to consider all possibilities you know.”

She hits me on the shoulder, “Stop that, least all I do is suggest stealing something, you go straight to slaughter.”

“I am what I am, a problem solver.”

“A bit drastic though. Maybe we can get a sample from a plant it’s been used on? I know everypony that grows something is probably using it, getting ready for the final fall harvest.”

“Can we extrapolate what it is?”

“I don’t know, it may dissolve, or it may be persistent. The only way to know is to scan it, do a chemical analysis and break it down.”

“Let’s hope it doesn’t do anything harmful in the meanwhile.”

“Well it’s a few days until harvest, we’ve got time.”

“Agreed.” I turn to her, “We need a sample, do what you need to, I’ll keep watch.”

“Wait a second..are you telling me..”

“I am telling you nothing, but if you get caught you’re going to be in trouble. Understand?”

She waves a hoof airily at me, “Oh pshaw, they’ll never catch me!”


“They’ll never catch me”, famous last words.” It is early morning and I had been busy before her update caught me off guard.

The sad looking Pegasus lifts her head as she sets behind the bars in the one cell in the Guard’s offices.

“I tripped! Stupid branch, I tripped is all!”

“You got overconfident.”

“I shut down everything and took it slow, I didn’t have drone coverage! How was I supposed to know I’d wake the pony next door?”

“You couldn’t have tried for a bigger field than somepony’s back yard garden?”

“It was the best choice, more liquid used in less space.”

“Fair enough.” I laugh over the link, “Next time carry some bits to pay the fine.”

“You didn’t have to take so long to come get me!”

“I happened to be right in the middle of bargaining for some of the produce it was used on. I was hoping early morning would be a good time to do so.”

“Get any?” She’s still slightly miffed I waited until morning to get her.

“No, they won’t sell yet.”

“Well then..could you please just pay the fine?”

“Bailing my sister out of jail, what’s this world come to?”

“Oh would you just pay the fine!”

“Next you’ll have a record, then probably prison. Good grief.. A Bolo felon, what would the regiment....”


“I’ll be back.”

Approaching the desk, I wave to get the old Sergeant’s attention, “Hello Sergeant, how much is the fine for my sister?” I give him a smile.

He grins, shaking his head, “It’s only 3 bits for attempted theft. Your sister’s a nice mare, what’s she doin’ stealing?”

“Well you know how it is, some family go to the wayward side...”

“I HEARD THAT!” The voice comes out of the hallway.

I shrugged, giving him a ‘What can you do?’ look. He laughs as I put the bits on the desk.

“Door’s open, better get her out before she gets all angry.” He winks at me, waving goodbye as I go to the back room.

“Come along Athena, you’ve been pardoned.”

The Pegasus gets up with a sigh, her head hanging as we both walk out of the guard offices, “Please don’t tell Twilight?”

“I can’t do anything, the local guard sends reports every week.”

“Oh come on! Don’t tell her! Please?” She stops right in the front office where the guard Sergeant is watching. Her face is pleading with both of us.

“I can’t do anything,” But before she can ask again I point, “But he can.” The old Sgt. smiles behind the desk.

“Please, please, pretty please don’t tell Twilight?” How did she even get her eyes to go that big anyways, someone’s been taking lessons.

“I don’t know,” The elderly Sgt. is teasing her, seeing an opportunity, “Hardened criminals have to be kept in check you know.”

“A...WHAT? I am NOT a hardened.. I.. All I did was try to take a carrot!” She stamps a hoof on the wooden floor, actually looking petulant. She’s not had the best of days, and I can see that. This Guard Sergeant is apparently going to have some fun at her expense, this will be interesting to watch.

“Well..” The grizzled veteran taps a hoof on his chin, “For some ponies, little filly, they find that stealing leads to other things like robbery and high crimes, we try to keep young ones like yourself out of trouble.”

Athena gets a puzzled look on her face, replaying what he just said, “Little filly? Did you just call me little filly?” She plants both hooves on the desk in front of the unperturbed Sgt. “I’ll have you know I was blasting the enemy into pieces a million years before this place was even an hallucination in someone’s twisted mind! Young? I was serving on the battlefield for more than a century before I was in stasis! I’ll show you...”

A hoof held up stops her tirade, “You do know the fine for adults is seven bits for attempted theft, and if you’re saying you’re an adult, we’ll just have to levy that fine then.” The older pony has a dead flat delivery, in no way is he even intimidated by the hot-headed Pegasus.

I really like him.

The sable Pegasus splutters, flabbergasted at what was said, “WHAT? You..I...”

“If you can’t pay the fine it’s one day in the lockup.” The magenta eyes lock with Athena’s, telling her he’ll take no guff. It’s all I can do to keep from laughing out loud.

Athena‘s eyes go wide, “You wouldn’t... But.. For a carrot!?” I can see her fuming, she is getting really angry right now at this pony who’s giving her a hard time. I catch the twinkle in his eyes, hopefully it won’t go too much further.

He gives it away by cracking the barest smile.

“Seven bits for a CARROT? That’s...YOU...” She stamps a hoof on the wooden top, snorting and leaning over the desk, nose to nose with the Sgt. “I ought...to....” She narrows her eyes at him, glances at me, then back at the desk Sgt. It is suspiciously silent in the offices.

“Are you...are you smiling?” That does it, I can hear the other guards in the back room laughing their heads off. They are obviously very familiar with this type of trick pulled by the elder pony.

The pony’s face goes soft, smiling even more, “Why yes I am.”

“You...I...” Now I can see the dawning in her eyes, the realization of who she’s talking to now that her frustrations have cooled slightly.

She takes her hooves off the desk, standing in front of the older pony, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize you were the one with Bastion that night. I’m so very sorry.” She, like me, respects bravery in anyone, enemy, human or pony. She hadn’t realized it was the Sgt. from that night until she simmered down from his teasing.

“No need to apologize young filly, though you might want to watch that temper.” He is gently admonishing her, I don’t think he has a bad bone in his body. He must be thinking of someone close to him as he eyes her, perhaps family?

“I’ve got a grandfilly just like you, hot headed and temperamental. But she’ll learn, and I’m sure you will as well.” He leans over the desk whispering, “Just don’t trip next time.”

Athena slaps her hooves over her mouth, unable to stop the giggle at this grizzled Sergeant giving her that advice while leaning over the desk with a wink. She laughs out loud once more, “Got it, okay, I got it.”

“Good, now, will we be levying that fine....?”

“No, no I’m good, we’re paid right?” She looks at me, I give her a nod.

“Okay great!” She turns to the Sgt., “And I apologize again, I should never have acted that way.” She scuffs a hoof on the floor, “I’m sorry.”

The veteran chuckles, “Everypony has their moments, just remember, give respect to get respect young filly.”

She stops dead for a moment, staring at him again as I nudge her over the link.

“Please stop staring like that.”

“Marcus used to say that to us Crusader. He sounds so much like him.”

“He said a lot of things Athena, I know you miss him.”

“I do..but no one’s ever repeated anything he’s said before!”

“Then perhaps you should take his advice?” I figure why not go with it.

Athena runs around the desk, grabbing the pony in a warm hug, “I will, I promise!” Exactly what she said when he was her commander, every time he reminded her to do something.

We leave behind a puzzled Sgt. getting ribbed by the others at the hug which caught him off guard. I can’t help but chuckle to myself as we walk along.

Athena is quiet, smiling to herself when it hits me.

“Where is it?”

Her head snaps around, eyes wide, looking at me for a moment then at the surrounding town, “Whe..where’s what?”

“The second carrot you stole.”

“I didn’t..they got me..I..” She sighs seeing my look, lifting a wing that had been pinned tight, showing me the purloined vegetable.

“I had wondered why you gave up to the guards so easily when you could have outrun them.”

She rolls her eyes, recovering the carrot with her wing, “I tripped and hit that watering can, I didn’t realize the guards were that close when the neighbor yelled, I only had time to grab another before they came into the yard. I should have had drone coverage.

“Definitely a mistake not to.”

“But I’m good at this! I am! Stupid guards have gotten a lot faster.” She hits a rock across the river, we’ve reached the edge of town already.

“I think you got slightly overconfident Athena," I give her a grin, “Those guards learn fast. Either way, get a breakdown on that, we need to know.”

Both of us watch the wagon setting up once more. It appears the two Unicorns have a fresh supply of the potion they are hocking. We can see the machine behind them chugging along, dripping more liquid into colored bottles.

“Come one, come all! See the wonder....”

“I’m on my way, give me a little time.” Athena takes off towards her hull in a cloud of dust.

“I’ll be here.”

“Let me know soonest, they’ve got quite the crowd now and they are selling quick.”

“Fast as I can!”

I can only watch as ponies purchase the strange liquid. I can’t even get close to try and buy one myself as the crowd has only gotten larger. This is concerning, an untested growth formula used on plants that will be stored and eaten all winter.

They retrieved something from the Everfree, I am almost positive of this, if it is a component of their elixir, then it might very well be dangerous. The forest is not known for it’s pony-friendly plants or fauna.


The two swindlers have sold out so fast that they are already packing up an hour after they arrived, there’s quite a pile of money they are stashing away in preparation for leaving. I am sitll sitting and watching them as I await the test results from Athena, she’s been taking quite a long time, but then the machines were built for human use, not ours.

“Got it!”


“I’ve got purified water, some natural oils from plants we have in our directory, and one very odd chemical that looks like it’s been distilled from something. I’ve got no clue what it is, but it’s got magic attached to it. It’s persistent, but it is breaking down fast, once it’s put on a plant it looks like it dumps the magic into it, plus the chemical effect is synergistic so they make plants grow quick.” Her voice is truly puzzled, “I’ve never seen anything like this, it combines with plants to make them use all the available nutrition in the surrounding soil, sucking it up for one quick growth spurt.”

“So besides growing them, they’re draining the soil of everything, leaving it barren?”

“Yes, it’s not good. They’ll get a huge harvest, but next year is going to be bad unless they revive the soils.” She’s not happy, looking at a small plant in her command deck, now quite large from a drop of extract she’s managed to salvage from the carrot. Poking at the soil it is dry and brittle, crumbling to dust and not good loose earth holding tight like it should.

“No identifier at all?”

“None, this is something totally new, I’ve never seen it before.” She sends me the ID spec sheet on it, showing me the analyzer and deep scans reports.

“That... is a very odd composition.”

“The plant oils give it that color and the chemical help, the prism effect, the purified water is a base, but this, this is the one that does the trick. I’m not even sure how it works, but the natural oils are keeping it in check from doing something else. Even that I don’t know and this is frustrating.”

“This is very disturbing, but I’m not sure it’s a crime, I’ll have to ask. We can prepare a datasheet on the problems with the soil, that can always be alleviated, but it will take twice the work. I’m not even sure if the local constabulary will even understand the implications, they grasp things easily, this would take quite a time to explain.” I am in a quandary. Soils this barren are a crime, when they should be good and moist, providing everything for plants. This takes it all, limiting the growth to what’s available surrounding the plant.

“Mr. Crusader?” A little hoof taps my leg. I look down, seeing a smiling face under a Unicorn horn. Dinky, she’s always happy and smiling, it’s really a joy to see her and her mother out and about.

“Yes Dinky?”

She turns and waves, her mother joining her. She’s still very shy like Athena some times, but her eyes always glow with an inner joy. The gray mare smiles at me, “We thought Applejack may want to try some of this, she’s always taking such good care with her farm, so since she’s not here we got her some.” Dinky’s mother smiles and holds out a bottle of the liquid after her pronouncement.

That simple. So simple it never occurred to me. All our plans and machinations fade to nothing in the face of pure good will.

I take the bottle, holding it tightly as I don’t wish to lose it, “You don’t realize how much you’ve just helped.”

Dinky’s mother blushes as I hug her tight, “Thank you, thank you so very much. I am sorry I cannot stay and thank you properly, but I owe you both, very much.” I give Dinky a well-deserved hug as well.

I take off for Athena’s hull with a wave.

“I’ve got a bottle!”

“How’d you do that?”

“Dinky and her mother, we owe them, we’ll find a way to thank them properly.”

“Darn right, we’ll find something I’m sure!”

“Oh my way with it, we can get a deeper look at the purer item.”

“Just give it to me, I’ll tear it apart.”

“Outside your hull now.”

Athena meets me outside her Command Deck, swiping the bottle and flashing back inside.

“Be careful.”

“No worries, I’ll take all measures.” She clicks the link off, I go back and return to keeping an eye on the wagon.


Athena carefully put a drop in the spectral analyzer, adding a few more for good measure. She carefully added more to the various scanners and analyzers and got them running quickly, the tech spider was steady as it ran the machines. Athena was looking at the results, same except the purity was far higher, it would grow plants well but the soil would be dead afterwards. Putting it on a plant a drop or two at a time, it would still make it grow, but the the soil would still suffer even at diluted levels.

She debated for a moment before finally choosing to break it down further, pouring some carefully she loaded it into a quantum scanning machine, it would break it down to component atoms for a look-see. This was disturbing, but very, very interesting at the same time. A new discovery, a new chemical composition..amazing!

Athena was careful though, the effects on plants were stupendous really, but the after-effects were far worse. She leaned back, hitting the bottle which tilted, then fell over, splashing her with the liquid.

She shook herself, the liquid felt oily and just..wrong.. ”Ugh this...this...” She tilted her head slightly, “Oh stars! My coat is absolutely filthy! I’ve got to do something about this bay as well, Celestia’s name it’s SO unfashionable!”

She trotted lightly off to the shower, thinking maybe some curtains would look wonderful here.


I haven’t heard from Athena in a while, which is odd, she should have at least given me an update. The wagon has packed up, once more heading for the Everfree, more bits made today definitely. I watch them as they enter the forest, heading for the campsite once more as I task a drone to provide surveillance. It is only afternoon, and they sold out quickly.

“Athena?” I call her, wondering if she’s all right.


“Darling! Oh I’m so sorry I’ve been busy redecorating the Command Deck, oh my stars it’s such a mess!”

What? “Why are you redecorating? We need that analysis.”

“Oh that is soooOOoooo boring darling. Take some time out, I’m heading to Rarity’s to take a look at some absolutely fabulous dresses she’s just put on display!”

“Dresses? Athena we need that analysis!”

“Oh stop being such a boor!” Her voice is cultured, elegant and so very unlike her.


The link clicks off with a finality that shocks me. What is going on with her and her voice? It’s very different. Something’s happened and I don’t know what.


“Rarity? Are you still open?” The cultured voice caught her attention immediately, sophisticated and sublime, it sounded like somepony just in from the big city. She couldn’t imagine who that knew her name though.

“Oh of course! One second!” She gathered her sewing things, putting them away and ducking out of the back room, her smile was bright as she queried, “What can I....do... Athena?” A puzzled look crossed her face, staring at the Pegasus who was looking at the dresses on display, as well as fine winter garments. She was standing differently, more confident, almost arrogantly. Was that her voice?

“Athena? Oh I’m so sorry, I thought somepony..did you hear someone else in here?” The Unicorn was looking around for another customer.

“Oh no dear!” Athena laughed lightly, almost tittering, “That would be me. I was just wondering if you could show me some of these divine dresses!” The voice was smooth and cultured, exactly the same one she’d heard in the back room.

Rarity’s eyes got wider as she stood there staring at the perusing pony, it was Athena, there’s the Mark, same build yes. What in the world?

“I..I’m sorry? Dresses?”

“Why yes! I’ve always thought you had the most wonderful outfits, I’ve just never had the chance to admire them properly! Oh and I bet this hat would look stunning with a good scarf!” She was trying on a wide brimmed winter hat, gems gleaming off the band as the material accented her coat perfectly, Rarity thought she couldn’t have made a better choice.

Normally she would have been thrilled for the business, even Athena, but this was so totally out of character for her. Perhaps a small joke on her part? She was always having fun with somepony.

“I..think that hat looks wonderful on you,” She watched the Pegasus turn and admire it from all sides in the dressing mirror, “But I’m sure this is just a small prank on your part Athena, really now.” She chuckled, happy with herself it was just something silly. “You got me, I admit.”

She was turned to with a look she had seen before in Canterlot, when one of the upper crust was not amused, “I assure you darling, I’m quite serious.”

“But..you never..” She was truly puzzled, Athena never bought outfits, she didn’t feel the cold or the heat. What was going on here?

“I think it’s time to change that don’t you? I mean having such haute couture in this town is truly a treasure. Some ponies don’t get it, but I assure you Rarity, I do. Much better than prêt-à-porter don’t you think?” She was looking at a high end scarf, sold to winter visitors from Canterlot who looked for such things and could spot quality at good prices.

On one hoof, Rarity was just wondering what was going on, on the other, she was thrilled to her tail at someone speaking her language!

“We-ll..it is true some don’t understand high fashion, but that’s never been a problem. I enjoy the trade and the creation of beautiful things.” She flipped her mane artfully, “It’s so nice though, when someone does understand. Though I do try to make sure every pony that comes in here shines.”

“Well the Gala is coming up isn’t it? I don’t know if I’ll be invited, but I’d love it if you’d make something special?” Her eyes were hopeful, the voice smooth.

Rarity was ecstatic, “Why..why of course!” Her fashion passion took over as her horn lit up, bringing tea out; setting it on a warming plate to keep it hot as she and Athena went through the winter selection, picking out a few pieces here and there, a hat or two. Rarity loved a challenge, and as they talked, she realized they’d never done so with Athena before and was quite happy.

Though at the back of her mind she was wondering what was going on, resolving to talk to Crusader later about this. But until then, she was having the time of her life!


I need that analysis, Athena has cut comms so I wander over to her hull, entering the bay where she’s set up the machines. I don’t touch anything, seeing a few of them still running their scans. The bottle has been placed in a secure area, but it appears the tech spiders have cleaned, the logs show they had disposed of a liquid spill earlier about when Athena talked to me. The potion maybe?

It appears as if some of this potion had splashed her, affecting her in some way? It’s the only possibility, unless a glitch in her deeper cores has switched personalities, which was extremely unlikely but it did happen.

I set the machines to report straight to me, it’s going to take longer than I thought for the results. The two con artists will probably be back for a third run and if so, I need to have the data available.

The drone spots the campsite at the same place, thermal imaging telling me a campfire is set up again; but this time I am ready with a heavier drone, getting resolution on cameras that allow me to see them.

Nothing is happening so far other than them cooking a meal over the open fire. The wagon is set up for living I suppose, giving them space to relax without the cost of a room for the night. Where are they getting the ingredient for this? How are they making it? I can only assume that the wagon contains some sort of distillery, as the pure water is shown to have been made that way along with the plant oils.

What is that third ingredient?

Leaving the machines to do their jobs, I wander back out. Athena has not answered my calls and the last I heard was she was heading to Rarity’s. Thus, I shall as well.

Soil that is bad is one thing, making it so is even worse. But if this potion or whatever it is affects ponies like I think it may be affecting Athena, then that is criminal, but I still have no proof. But if this many farmers and growers use this elixir, the soils will be dead for years to come, the cost in lives and harvest would be staggering.

Perhaps she can clear it up at Rarity’s, though there is one other I can talk to about potions.


The bell tinkled merrily on the door as I walked in, looking at the boutique and seeing Athena posing on a stand, a wonderfully made garment in the process of being adjusted is along her body. Rarity truly has outdone herself. I find all I can do is stand there and see my sister dressed up in such a way that it truly is breathtaking. The outfit is not even done and still it is wonderful to see.

“Crusader!” Rarity sets down another measuring tape, “Athena and I were just having a wonderful time talking. She wants a dress for the Gala if she’s invited, doesn’t she look stunning in silks?”

All I can do is nod.

“Stars above, if the rest comes out looking like this it will be a hit at the Gala, I just know it! We just have to get the fitting right so I can finish the plans for it!” She shows me a tailors’ blueprint, the placement of each item and stitch is methodically done. I had no clue Rarity was so precise or meticulous, though there were hints before, this shows how truly careful she is. I am deeply impressed.

“She’ll have a midnight blue outfit that will just shock the crowd! Not a normal color no, of course it will shimmer like the brightest evening!” She turns to me with a smile, “I thought night would be a good choice, we’ve done such bright colors in the past, perhaps it’s time for something different. To add some ..oh... je ne sais quoi to it all!”

Athena turns and looks at us both, holding very still so Rarity can work, just moving her head, “Oh anything you do, I am most positive Rarity dear, will be absolutely fabulous.” Her voice is very unlike her, but I recognize inflection and tone, the sly usage of certain words when she talks. It is far more subtle than it appears.

The white Unicorn giggles in delight, though she does turn to me in a low voice, “What is going on?” Her eyes are concerned.

“I don’t know, something has changed her personality, done something to her that has affected her deeply.” I make sure she understands I am worried.

“The only time I saw anything like this was..oh let me think.. I can’t remember, I know we ran into something like this before.” She taps a hoof on the floor in impatience, wanting to remember. “I’m sorry Crusader, I’ve been so caught up in this I’ve just lost my train of thought.”

“Can you keep her busy for a while, I must go visit some one else to maybe find out what this is?”

Rarity nods, “Of course! We have to finish this design and that will take time.” She smiles at me, “I didn’t know she was interested in anything like this, change of personality or no.”

“She is not wanting to ever bother anypony for anything Rarity, she loves being free and about. But she’s always admired your skill, you do impress her.”

“Really now?”

“Very much so, when you designed a dress for her the night of Pinkie’s party, she was so thrilled she encased it, to possibly wear again some time and to keep it new.” I give her a smile, “She loves looking at it, and will always be grateful to you though sometimes she cannot say the words.”

A polished hoof touches her chest in a display of emotion as Rarity looks again at the Pegasus, “Truly? She’s never said anything at all. It was just a simple design, I mean, nothing spectacular, though she looked wonderful in it.”

“Truly. For her it meant everything that you thought enough to do so. She will keep it forever.”

“I... I didn’t know that.” Her eyes go soft, “I just thought...” Her voice tapers off into silence as she looks at the Pegasus enjoying her designs.

“Your generosity affects many lives Rarity, though I am sure you do it out of the goodness of your heart and not for any reward, understand that she has never been given gifts like that before. She could never wear them or show them off to anyone, but here in this place, she can.”

“Well!” The Unicorn stands slightly taller, “Then we’ll just have to make sure she goes to the Gala as well, we’ll have an entire Midnight Collection to show off! We can’t have a single piece missing, that just won’t do!”

“As you wish Rarity, and thank you.”

“I must be off, have to get back to finishing this you know. Oh so many ideas now!” She gets a calculating look on her face as things begin to levitate, tapes and threads, blueprints being drawn as she keeps working on the design for Athena, and now it seems all her other friends. The look of concentration on her face tells me she’ll be working late into this night.

“I will be back.” I give a wave to her and Athena, who’s ignoring me to look at herself in the mirror. She’s standing taller though, a more confident pose. It’s odd seeing her like that, but she bears it up well.

But it is not her, it strikes me as wrong in different ways. As I wait for the final report, I head out to the Forest myself.


“This is so nice to see, Crusader come to visit me.” The smiling Zebra opened the door wider, letting me into the warm and comfortable house.

“Habari Zecora.” I watch as her eyes get wide.

“Unajua ulimi wangu mama?” She speaks with a soft voice, the accent unmistakable, from long ago I remember Swahili and when Athena told me, it made me wonder.

“Mimi kufanya, kutoka kwa muda mrefu mrefu uliopita.” I chuckle, switching to Equestrian, “It was called Swahili back then Zecora, a known language and spoken exactly like yours.”

I watch her step back and take a quick seat, obviously it had been long since somepony else spoke to her in her native language.

“I know you speak in rhyme to learn Equestrian better, but we have no time. There is a problem.”

“Then please, let me know how I can help?” She graciously gestures to a seat, which I take. She brings out a pot of some drink, pouring me a cup full. “It is the tea of my lands, it grows here well and provides a refreshing change sometimes.”

I do sip it, the taste is very unlike Equestrian teas, dark and rich, full flavored from the chemical breakdown I receive, “It is very good, my thanks.”

“You have mine as well, it has been long since I heard a voice in my..my..lugha ya asili..”

“‘Native tongue’ are the words you’re looking for.”

“Thank you. It truly has been a while.” She is warm and very gracious.

“There are two Unicorns here in the forest, approximately ten miles from here. They are con artists, and I believe they are using some plant here in the forest to make a potion.” I describe to her the effects to her, the growth spurts and results.

Setting her tea cup down, she wanders over to a bookshelf, retrieving an old volume by the looks, “I’ve never heard of such a thing, to make plants grow so big?”

“Neither have I, but these two are named Flim and Flam.”

She turns to look at me, “Nami nawajua, ila matapeli ambao kudanganya unwary!” She mixes Equestrian with Swahili once more.

“Obviously you know them,” We both chuckle.

“If it is them, then there is a problem.” She points to the book she’s been leafing through, “But I have nothing that can do that. It’s not right to push natural things beyond their limits, one must respect the land.”

“I understand, but I don’t think ponies realize that it will do such damage. They only see the immediate effect.” I describe to her the soil, what is left after such growth.

She shakes her head and then pours more tea, “Perhaps we should go visit their camp, see what they are up to?”

“I have them under observation right now, currently they are relaxing by a campfire, counting their ill-gotten gains.”

The Zebra’s voice is soft in the firelight, “Well then, perhaps I shall go take a look later, to see if they are gathering the wrong plants for this.”

“It is becoming late Zecora, it would probably be best to wait until tomorrow, though the harvest is in a couple days.”

“True even for me, one must be careful in the Everfree.” Her smile, as she goes back to rhyming, is bright in the hearth light. “I shall look around, tell you what I found, for if it is trouble, it would be better to know on the double.”

“Shukrani zangu kwako na heshima kwa familia yako Zecora.” Her eyes go warm as she nods her head in return at my thank you in her tongue.

“Be safe Crusader.”

I stop for a moment, “Zecora, one time I would like to sit and talk with you about how your native language came to be. It is very old and was spoken on the Earth I knew.”

“Please be welcome anytime.” We both exchange waves as I head back to the town.


Once again I am in Rarity’s, they have just finished with the plans for the final dress and I am told to keep my nose out of it. Surprises are always nice though, so I don’t mind. It didn’t take long to travel back, being able to maintain speed is useful.

Rarity is having the time of her life, I’m sure she was surprised at Athena’s knowledge of fashion, but considering the extent of our databases, it’s no real revelation to me. Although watching her talk with the Unicorn in an upper society voice is somewhat disconcerting, they are getting along famously. Perhaps I should leave them be for the moment and continue the investigations on my own.

But no, invited to stay for a cup of evening tea, the conversation turns to things like Canterlot, the recent events of the past few months. I watch Athena closely, seeing her with a poise and grace that is so unlike her. Her speech and mannerisms are sublime and purposeful without a doubt.

I can do nothing further but await the test results, enjoying tea with Rarity and Athena in a way I never have before. It is different, there is much discussion and gentle joking, conversation of a type I have not heard in..well..millenia, from Rarity. Behind Athena’s though, I notice a certain steely glint in her eyes, something which troubles me to no extent. She is like a viper in wait for prey, her words cutting in a way that is beyond sharp, and she is using this to slyly poke at Rarity without the Unicorn even understanding the deeper concepts.

I catch Rarity looking at me in concern, having endured this for a few hours, she is a friend and very worried.

So am I.


It has been a long day, my drones observe the two coming back into town for a third run. I have a feeling that this is the last day, they have pretty much milked this town dry and will most likely be moving along. I cannot let this happen.

Though I am loathe to do so, I have come up with a plan. My mind has been bothered by Athena’s actions, she is cruel in a way that slides past others but not me. I see it this day, how she acts and talks, it’s not right. But I cannot stop her at this moment, I must solve this problem first.

As they set their stage up once more, they are distracted for long moments; it gives me a chance to knock one axle out of alignment, it will prevent movement if they try to leave. This will necessitate a repair that will take hours.

The first stop is the Guard offices with the data we have accumulated. The results of the tests came in last night and I have reviewed them. Whatever this unknown chemical is, it is highly dangerous to the health of ponies and the soil. Not just draining the nutrients, but it can affect living beings as well from the data I have.

Breakdown is quick, if left for a few days the chemical will lose most of it’s potency, but that does not alleviate the threat. Anything left behind might have consequences.


“So, you’re saying it kills the soil?” The Unicorn known as Paper Work has listened to my explanation so far, nodding at points.

“Exactly. If used on crops here and around it will drain it dead. Next years harvest will be a staggering loss.”

His eyes go wide, knowing as everypony does, it’s important to keep and tend the land, That’s...really? That bad?”

“You will not have a harvest next year, I guarantee it.” I show him the simplified version of harvest predictions, the next few years will be at least a tenth of what they are now unless the soils are replenished. I am already at peak manufacturing for natural soil nitrates and nutrients, stacking them in my bays for use. The liquid has already been used by many ponies and it is going to takes tons of soil enhancers to replace what’s been used.

Paper Work slaps a hoof on the desk top, “I knew that stuff was gonna be bad news, we’ve been watching them but couldn’t pin anything to ‘em.” He thinks for a moment, “In Celestia’s Name this is going to be bad! Let me go get the Captain.”

He comes back with Bars after a few minutes, the long suffering Captain of the Guard. Despite everything he has an easygoing manner, from years of experience dealing with Ponyville problems.

“Paper here tells me we got a problem.” He waits for my explanation, which I give succinctly. He doesn’t react outwardly, but I do see him turn thoughtful.

“Yeah, I think it’s time we shut them down.” He gestures to a few of his biggest guards, “Go slam a lock on it.” Watching them leave the office at speed, he turns to me, “What do you need?”

“I need to take a look at that machine in the wagon, what it’s doing and what they’re using to make this.”

“Done, let’s go.” He turns without a further word, leading me into the town proper. We travel along the street to the plaza itself where a crowd is already gathering. His guards are in the process of shutting it down, telling townsfolk that there will be no more sales today.

This has the expected effect of making an angry crowd, those who had seen others use it, wanting some for themselves and now it was being forbidden. Bars is ready for it.

“Shut it down!” He raises a large hoof, “Now, listen closely.” The crowd quiets, letting him speak. “We got evidence that this stuff is going to affect the soil in a bad way, it takes all the essence from it and next year we won’t HAVE a harvest.”

Gasps are heard, then angry murmuring from ponies that have already used it on their crops. Their farms and gardens are their livelihood, something like this could devastate a town. I think back and really am glad there is not a pitchfork and torch store in this town, though Quills and Sofas might sell them.

“We’ll get to the bottom of this, now just go on back home or whatever, they’ll be no sales today.”

Angry looks are directed at the two Unicorns as ponies leave the plaza, eventually going back to what they were doing. It is beginning of harvest anyways, the last time to do anything as ponies are already gathering produce up and selling it in the markets. The larger vegetables from the elixir are commanding higher prices.

Bars turns to me, “Alright, take a look at this thing, tell me what you got.” He’s eyeing the two nervous Unicorns who are protesting.

“Now that’s proprietary machinery there! We can’t just let anypony look at that!” The one brother, Flim, is saying. He moves to block access to the door leading inside the wagon.

“My brother is right of course, this cost a pretty bit to make and we can’t just let any one inside. Of course if you’d be willing to pay for the privilege...” He leaves the sentence open with a smile.

Bars just smiles in return. Even I find it a bit menacing.

“Really? Pay for the privilege?” He taps a hoof, “How about I give you both ten days in the cells for ruining the farm land? That enough pay?” He glares at the now nervous Unicorns, “Then you can work to help restore it no matter how long it takes?”

“Well now, no reason to be totally unreasonable here, I’m sure we can explain everything to your satisfaction.” Slick to the end, they’re still trying to block access. “It doesn’t ruin the land, it helps! Making things grow to twice their size, giving more food for everypony!” He’s using his circus barker’s voice to explain.

“By draining the nutrients and essence from the soil you idiots!” Bars is not happy at being thwarted. He waves a hoof at the closest ponies who move them away from the wagon, still protesting.

“Get in there, tell me what’s going on.” He points at me.

“Yes sir.” I move quickly inside, there is copper tubing everywhere, some sort of distillery. Looking around, I can see the flasks and such over low flames, dripping liquid into the tubing which runs up into coils, purifying whatever it is..there we go.

There is the water, for the base. Beside it, a collection of simple plants for oils and coloring, but what is this? A few odd blue flowers stuffed into a flask, oils being produced out of them. I scan them quickly and can’t find any comparison to them. There is a very large amount of distilled liquid in the container, almost slopping over as I take a closer look at it. Flora in the Forest has been a low priority, we were usually too busy shooting to worry about it.

I wish I had paid more attention.

The Captain peeks in, seeing me reaching for the container, “Don’t touch that!” He almost screams at me.

I stop immediately, “What is it?”

“That’s Poison Joke! You dump that and we’re all infected!”

Poison Joke? I’ve heard...wait one. Files are accessed about tales told about this flower, the effects were described as unpredictable, and while non-harmful in the long run, this distilled version could be a thousand times worse.

Bars’ voice is very calm as he talks to me, “Is that liquid Poison Joke in the bottom there?”

“I believe so, there’s quite an amount in this container.”

“Celestia damn their eyes. Crusader don’t even nudge that thing.”

“I assure you, I will not move.” I lock myself in place, keeping a firm stance as the wagon rocks when Bars steps back out, the liquid slopping back and forth. I don’t touch it as any movement could spill some over the side, and by the guards expressions this would be bad. A Ferret is now rolling out with containment and decon spiders in it, by the look on Bars face I can tell they are scared down to their hooves of this stuff.

He flips to the two Unicorns now backing away from him, “You idiots! Purifying Poison Joke? What were you thinking?”

One brother looks at the other, both of them just shrugging with the ubiquitous smiles on their faces. They turn to run, but are blocked by guards who take them into custody.

“Take ‘em away, they’ve got some explaining to do.” His disgusted look brooks no comment from the two brothers as they get hauled off.

“You okay in there Crusader?” The wagon’s instability is worrying him, myself as well, I do not want this stuff on me.

“I’m fine, I have help coming, it will arrive in one minute.” The Ferret is on the street now.

Ears perk up at the rumbling sound, the guards are familiar with it and clear the street. The Ferret slews to a stop, dropping the back ramp and letting a few specialized spiders out. I direct them to surround the container with a containment vessel, slowly taking it out of the wagon and sealing it into an airtight package. They hustle back into the Ferret with it and off to my hull, nano-dissembler packages are already working to break it down before being dumped inert into my fusion furnace.

I unlock my joints and stretch a moment, the guards heaving a sigh of relief.

I now know why Athena is acting the way she is. Poison Joke had been said to effect personality or physical changes in a pony. Since she is such a free spirit, perhaps this was the ‘joke’ it played on her? But then I can only assume so. There is a cure thankfully.

“Luna’s Stars Crusader, what were they thinking?”

“I don’t know Bars, some will make money any way they can.”

“Distilling Poison Joke, what idiots.”

“Well, diluting it with the plants and water, somehow helped to grow plants bigger, I’m not fully understanding how but we’ll find out. I think when Athena spilled some on herself, it still acted as Poison Joke would. Like when they said plants only? I’m truly puzzled by it.”

“What amazes me is nopony spilled any on themselves while using it, kinda strange don’t you...”

“Captain Bars! Oh thank goodness!” A red maned mare runs up, “I don’t know what’s going on but my little filly is an adult mare now! What’s happening here? She’s only six!”

A hoof meets a face as Bars sighs. He tells his guards to spread the word, collecting the potion so it can be disposed of, and making sure the cure is ready at the spa. The two Spa owners will be getting a brisk business it seems as other ponies are running up to the guards.

I prepare more dissembler nanos and task spiders for the disposal of hazardous waste. I’m afraid I do laugh at the look on Bars face, he returns it with a shrug and grin, a typical day in Ponyville.


Collecting the containers posed no problem once ponies were notified of the hazard to them. There were a few more incidents, but nothing that couldn’t be solved with a cure. Though Bars got some spilled on him in one incident, his low voice replaced with a high squeaky one that kept the guards laughing so hard they couldn’t do their job. I do wonder if it was an accident though, seeing the looks ponies gave each other.

I stayed well away from it.

The liquid itself was destroyed in total by my disassemblers, it’s better that way, not allowing it to soak into the soil at any stage. The containment vessel and everything else was deconned heavily in my hull afterwards. This stuff made even me wary.

Zecora has made sure that there is plenty of antidote for the spa, to take care of any more problems.

The two brothers, however, are facing a stiff fine, the authorities taking a dim view of ruining a livelihood. They had found an old treatise on distillation in the Canterlot Library, notes to the effects of certain plants and natural items when run through the apparatus.

Said apparatus was destroyed by the way, appears a fire broke out inside the wagon which totaled the whole thing. Captain Bars said it was quite a tragedy it happened.

I wonder.

Ponies were given back their monies, thankfully it was recovered, as well as replacements out of our stores for the produce that had been affected. Much discussion went into this as I had informed them the chemical broke down quickly, but they hadn’t wanted to take any chances with Poison Joke. It was no problem providing extra meals for the families, the Crown is also going to reimburse anything lost on harvest sales as well which I thought was quite generous.

I don’t think, from the interrogation I witnessed, that the two Unicorns knew what it did to the soil. Though they should really have tested it first, but it seems greed is foremost in their minds.

Between Athena and I, there will enough soil enhancers that will bring back what was lost so the land can continue to produce well.

Which brings me to my sister.


“But darling, I don’t want to go to the spa!” She’s giving me a stare down the bridge of her nose that’s quite annoying.

“Don’t call me ‘darling’ and yes, you need to go for the cure.” I ponder the use of heavy weapons right now.

We’re walking along in front of Rarity’s Boutique, arguing about the need for her to take the antidote. She’s spent an inordinate amount of time in there, but I admit the hat she’s wearing right now looks very nice on her. But her personality is wrong, it’s vicious, it’s back-hooved, it’s so...not her.

“Well ‘dear’.. Perhaps I like being like this. It’s so much nicer actually, I feel so different.” She nods haughtily at another couple walking along the street.

“But it is not you Athena, it is totally opposite of yourself.”

“Well from what I can see, the stuttering, shy me was nothing special. It might be nice to be this way. In any case, I don’t want the cure, I’m happy the way I am.” She stops, stomping a hoof pettily in the dirt.

“You are arrogant and self-absorbed, thinking nothing of anypony but yourself.” I point a steady hoof at her as I go on evenly, “That ‘stuttering and shy’ you was a good person and did wonderful things for so many.”

She leans her head down, sneering at me, “Well it’s better than being a holier than thou little twerp who thinks that he’s a teacher and that anypony actually listens!” Her voice has a venom in it I have never heard before, I am taken aback and step backwards for the moment.

Her voice switches to a Concordiat Worlds slang that we know ponies cannot understand.

“Honor and loyalty my ass, what have they ever done for you? In love with your commander? Oh puh-leese, she’s nothing but a farmer and you want to be with her. You could do so much better and you know it!” She waves a hoof around, “We could run this entire world if you’d just let technology out, let them become dependent on it and us for the supply.” She hisses at me, “You’re so stupid and single-minded!”

“There’s nothing left of the Concordiat, we owe them nothing! WE can run this place so much better than these ponies. We are the pinnacle of technology from a thousand worlds and are in the here and now. Nothing you’ve found changes that, nothing! You were alone and still you turned to these..these..primitives!”

“I found you.”

She stops her poison laced speech for a moment, taken off guard by my simple statement, I take the advantage.

“I brought you out of exile, a lonely prison of sand which you would have never escaped. You are treated well here and trusted but would have us take over? Become the tyrants and dictators we fought against so long ago? You would have us turn from that which is burned in our very souls?”

I ready a cyber attack, I will crash her systems and take her offline if I have to. We are in TSDS so it will be simple to do so. She cannot be allowed to think this way, it is dangerous to all of us. She is not unstable, Resartus would kick in, but with a nasty turn of mind.

“Do not have us deny our history and lineage Athena, do not tell me you can put it aside that easily. You may look like a pony, but you are a Bolo with all that implies. Even if we are the last, our very beings compel us to do what we have always done.” I plead with her, trying to reach that which I know is inside her.

The countdown starts, systems are online for a full out attack, my programs are hot and ready. She is wary but my skills are top of the line in cyber assault, I do not wish to, but if I must... If she fights it will burn cores, we will both suffer heavy damage; but she cannot be allowed to be like this any longer, she will become a threat to this world if let loose.

I do not wish to think of what will have to happen if she repels my attempts.

“Athena! How nice to see you! I was just heading for my hooficure and wondered if you’d come along with Fluttershy and myself? We’d so love the company.” Rarity is standing on her porch, smiling at us both, Fluttershy gives a small wave.

Athena smiles nastily at me before turning to the Unicorn, “Of course! It’d be a pleasure!” She looks back at me, “We’ll talk later, I’m sure.” As she joins the two heading for the spa.

I can’t let her go, my systems charge up, the start signal prepared, it will take a few seconds actually...

The white Unicorn watches Fluttershy and Athena head off towards the spa, “Be with you in a moment!” She doesn’t let me speak, just nods slightly with the barest smile, “I saw, don’t worry.” She trots off to catch up with the two pegasi, talking merrily as they head for the shop.

I can only close my eyes as I shut down, taking the assault systems offline, wishing I could heave a sigh of relief. I watch though, carefully and quietly, just in case. The burden taken from me for the moment by a gesture and word.

How close we can be to the edge of disaster, only to be brought back by the simple kindness of a friend.

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