• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Into The Past Part XVII

“How are you doing, Calliope?” Wyatt’s voice was soft over the commlink as he sat in the early morning, that moment between night and day and it was his for the moment. Tugging his coat closed, it cut the chill immediately, Concordiat fabrics were thin and light, but definitely good to beyond sub-zero temperatures.

He warmed quickly, teach him to leave it undone this early. Even with the shield above them a little of the cold outside seeped in. Crystal Ponies long used to it, it didn’t affect them any, to them it was a comfortable day. Ponies in general weathered cold and heat fairly good, unless subjected to extremes.

“I am fine, Wyatt. Crusader and Athena are getting very good at staving off any problems. I must commend them, they are far more capable than I thought.

“Surprised a big dumb soldier can do delicate work, huh?” Wyatt laughed, leaning back on the bench with a smile.

“I never said that.

“But there were times when you didn’t think I could do things. Building that stasis unit, ya know.”

“I admit we had our misgivings.

At the word ‘we’, Wyatt thought back to Aoide and Thalia. The other two-thirds of the compound mind. Destroyed by Sombra, sentencing Calliope to living without them for as long as she could.

He called them ‘Muse’ for the longest time, or by their individual names, but they were a chorus of voices and minds. United in their wanting to discover cures for the diseases that still plagued man, to wonder about new and different things, they had been joyful and happy.

“Well, misgivings or no, look where we ended up.”

“It is a truly wondrous place Wyatt, something no one ever expected.”

“How did we even get here?”

Her voice was light in his ear, “I don’t know, and neither do Athena and Crusader. They have studied everything they could, nothing makes sense but the passage of time, and even that is assuming certain things.

“Colorful ponies who talk and build amazing things with magic and hard work. Who’d have thought?” He scratched his short-cropped hair for a moment, resting against the back of the bench.

“Don’t forget, raise the sun and moon.” Calliope chuckled, her voice still holding astonishment at that statement.

“Oh, can’t forget that. Absolutely.” He lifted his head, looking up at the lightening sky, “Concordiat scientists would lose their minds at that.”

“Is that why you have ignored such things? Waking up in a world like this, you were very calm.

“I think..” He stopped, tilting his head as though gathering his thoughts for a moment, “No, I’ve seen strange things, and we never knew when the stasis would end, did we?”


“I expected maybe a slightly changed world, really. Went through a few things in my mind. You know me, science-fiction buff.”

“I still can’t believe you read that trash.”

Wyatt laughed, “An AI literary snob.”

We were not snobs, we...just didn’t care for those things.


“You just have no appreciation for the classics.

“I don’t, I admit it.” He smiled towards the horizon, “I loved the action, the adventure. Things that, even with all our advances, still made you think.”

“That is true, we had many discussions.” He watched the edge of the world carefully, waiting for that moment when the sun finally rose.

The line of night was getting brighter, the stars fading as day made its slow way towards them.


Luna and Celestia knew he was trying to observe each sunrise and sunset, wanting to experience them after so many decades in the bunker. The commset he wore had a camera that was feeding back to Calliope on a dedicated channel, relayed through repeaters that Athena had set up for her to explore with him.

The two princesses of Equestria put an effort into each morning and night they hadn’t in a long time, wanting to make each one memorable for their visitor if he was watching.

When the moon rose, Luna stood tall on the balcony at Canterlot, looking into her beloved night and seeing the orb rise slowly, the light from it casting over the land a silvery blanket of comfort for her ponies. Stars were arranged in the constellations ponies had always known, making each one as perfect as possible among the stars which never had to be placed, having always been there. The reflection off the moons’ surface a spectrum of soft and velvet luminosity, making the world quiet for a few hours.

As always her sister was there for the end of the day, seeing Luna put her touch onto the blank canvas that was the night.

In turn, Luna stood and watched Celestia do her magic in the morning.

As the sun rose, each creeping increment was accompanied by a joyous blend of honeys and golds that swept over the landscape, brightening moment by moment and bringing warmth to the land once more. The fiery orb rose above the horizon, the colors of the morning reflecting off the last of the nights dew left on the grasses and growing things, a rainbow shimmer which was a pale reflection of the true magic of Equestria, but it was as uplifting and heartening to see, as was the coming of night now.

Luna watched for a moment, seeing a bright smile on her sisters face as she finished the final touched, setting the golden day star on its path to the evening.

“So happy this morning, sister?”

“Am I not allowed to be? Not that I haven’t seen such a smile on your face in the evening.” Her eyes were bright in the first rays of the day.

“ ‘Tis true, I am feeling somewhat..joyful at night these days.” The Night Mare’s smile was bright as her sisters.

“Maybe because you know of a certain visitor who might be waiting each night to see your moonrise?”

“As he might be awaiting your morning.”

“True. Should we not put on our very best then?” Celestia’s voice was warm, and holding a slight bit of..pain?

Luna nodded, stepping back with a click of clad hooves, “I understand your feelings sister, they mirror my own.” Her own dulcet tones were tinged with a little sadness.

“Is there nothing we can do?” Celestia had turned from the balconies’ edge, walking with Luna back inside.

“I have asked our most learned scholars, they have been researching ever since we found out. I am afraid even magic can only do so much.” Her sigh followed the statement, setting down upon a cushion at the breakfast table.

“And I have looked through our private library, I am afraid I have found nothing.” The taller white mare sat heavily upon her own cushion, her head hanging just slightly with futility.

“He understands, I am sure, that we would do our utmost for him if we could.” A dark hoof reached across the table, touching a gold covered one, “He told me himself.”

The other mare nodded slowly, her pale magenta eyes still staring at the table for a long moment, “It is disheartening to have such a visitor and know you cannot keep them from leaving. He is so unique, never before in Equestria..”

“His love of life is a wonder, is it not?” Luna was smiling, remembering the outrageous stories told around a dinner table, not wanting to believe a word of it but being held rapt by the way it was told by the tall human.

Celestia laughed, “Oh, it is. He is such a tale teller.”

Luna leaned over the table, “You mean out and out maker of falsehoods.” Her eyes were merry as Celestia nodded, a smile growing by the moment.

Both of them raised their voices at the same time, “What do you mean what happened? They killed us!”

Laughter filled the private room for a long moment, deep, abiding, unashamed laughter that came from within at a true jest.

Celestia wiped her eyes for a moment, seeing her sister do the same, “Oh, he is such a rogue.”

“But a likeable one, yes.”

“Very much so.” Her eyes wandered to a framed drawing, newly glassed over by the glaziers and framed with a soft wood that was taken from the cultivated trees in Canterlot. The polished wood glowed a soft red in the daylight peeking over the balcony’s edge.

Quiet fell between them comfortably while Celestia gathered her thoughts, “He sees things about us we never knew. Even Starswirl never saw the magic surrounding ponies, nor did he ever mention anything like it. I wonder why that is?”

Luna leaned back and pondered that for a moment, “He wasn’t born into a world that knew magic, or even believed it was real. Could his different viewpoint and culture be a part of it?”

“I don’t know. We ‘ve talked, but nothing stood out.” Celestia shook her head in frustration, a snort accompanying it.

“One of those mysteries we shall always wonder about.” Luna leaned to the side, tugging a velvet cord that rang a bell to summon their morning meal.

“I wonder if Crusader or Athena have any answers?”

Luna’s hoof raised slightly, the other tapping on the Cutie Mark engraved into a band that encircled her leg, “Have you been listening?”

“We have not, Highness. Privacy is to be respected as we promised.” Crusader response was light over the long-range link, “You know better than that.

Luna smiled, to herself as well as Celestia who was stifling a giggle, “One day I will catch you snooping.” It had become somewhat of a game between them, Luna knowing that the two Bolos were scrupulous about maintaining communications, but also about privacy, emergencies notwithstanding. She was persistent, it was a source of much humor some days.

“Of course. What can we do for you, Princess?

“Might you have any idea why Wyatt sees us as he does?” Celestia asked this, her own band raised near her lips as they watched a servant come in, laying out hot plates of fresh food for the two rulers.

We do not. The human brain was fairly well understood in our time, but as to why he sees what he does, we do not know. I am afraid detailed information is wanting, as we do not have any more subjects to observe to find any solid basis for a theory.

“Do you know anything at all?”

We cannot even give a plausible conjecture, your Highness.

“You do know this is not reflecting well upon your Princesses, as we rely on you for information about such things.” Luna gave a broad wink to Celestia who kept trying not to laugh out loud, her hoof pressed firmly against her muzzle, “We are the source of all wisdom for Equestria you know. If our ponies come to us asking and we lack the information, that does not look good.”

The...source of all wisdom... We shall attempt to do better then, Your Highness.” Crusader’s voice had taken a distinct deadpan tone.

“Please see that you do.” Luna’s voice was sounding haughty now, but the smile was almost overtaking her calm words.

“You would not want us to look bad in front of our ponies now would you?

“Of course not...?” The questioning tone of his voice broke her iron will, making her laugh into the commlink. He had apparently been starting to doubt her sanity for the moment.

“You are so easy to jape, Crusader.

It appears so. I will attempt to be more easy-going as Athena has often advised me.

Celestia had held out as long as she could before letting out a gentle sound of merriment. Her head shook in amazement at Luna always pulling something out of the ordinary.

“Apologies, Crusader, we meant only to inquire, but it seems Luna had another plan in mind.”

“It is never a problem Princess. I am honored to provide amusement during your busy day.” With the sound of his voice so much was conveyed, such as the snarky tone coming through very clearly to an even more delighted Luna.

He needs to lighten up anyways! Hiya, Princesses!” Athena’s cheerful voice came through the commlink.

Celestia and Luna always wore smiles when dealing with the happy Bolo, “Hello, Athena, how is the Crystal Empire treating you?”

We’re having a ball! Found a few things we badly needed, though convincing Dusty to let go was a challenge.

“He is the caretaker. That is understandable.”

“True, but we’ve come to an agreement. We get what we want and we don’t lock him in a storeroom somewhere and loot the place.


Oh shush, we wouldn’t do that.

You did yesterday when he wouldn’t give you the box of..

“It was only temporary!

Luna couldn’t contain the giggling that overwhelmed her, hearing those two bicker like foals was always amusing to say the least.

“Annnnyways, we’re fine Princesses, thank you. Dusty is getting ready for his big trip and he couldn’t be happier.

“We’re glad to hear it.” Celestia lost her smile for a moment, “On a more somber note, will you please keep us notified?” Everyone listening in knew exactly what she was talking about as the link went silent for a moment before Crusader responded.

Are you positive, Your Highness?

“Yes, we would like to be there, please.”

“Acknowledged, we will advise you immediately.

“Thank you. How is he doing?”

Sergeant Carpenter is doing well, feeling quite stronger. We are boosting his immune system as much as we dare, he is in no pain.

“We are glad, please give him and Calliope our best, will you?

“We shall, as soon as he comes back in.”

“What is he doing?” Luna was giving her a curious look, listening on her own ‘link.

“He is currently sitting on the same bench that he has since he awoke, enjoying the first warming rays of the sun. He has also observed, each night, without fail, the rising of the moon. We were told in no uncertain terms that it was ’me’ time and we are not to disturb him or Calliope.

“Each morning and night he does this?” Luna was surprised. They’d known he’d probably be watching one or two nights, but not as dedicated as it would appear.

“Without fail. We are to cease whatever we are doing and allow him to do so.

Celestia’s voice was warm as she smiled to her sister, “Thank you. Please give him our best when you can.”

“Acknowledged, we will do so. Is there anything else we can help with?

“Oh, no. Thank you for taking the time, Crusader. Be well.” They both tapped their respective Cutie Marked bands and sat for a moment before lifting forks in magical auras, each taking a bite of still hot food that had been served.

Silence reigned in the room, the sounds of contented chewing on savory delights as made for them from the kitchen staff was the only thing echoing before Luna swallowed, tapping a hoof on her chin.

“Perhaps a few more stars would make the night better, do you think sister?”

Celestia eyed the pretty face for a moment, swallowing her own morsels before smiling gently, “I believe it would make it better.”

“Of course it wouldn’t have to be more stars, it’s beautiful the way it is.” Luna looked down at her plate for a moment, a slight frown crossing her lovely features for just a brief flash of time.

She peered upwards to see the taller mare looking out the window, a golden clad hoof touching her cheek, “Maybe some more golds or reds in the days light would make it a little better.” She turned, seeing Luna watching, “For our ponies, of course.”

“Oh, of course.”

Two royal hooves met in the middle of the table with gentle looks of compassion that crossed their faces as they continued the meal, eyes glancing outside the window for a moment before returning to concentrate on the day ahead.


Wyatt gathered himself up off the bench, not needing the cane so much anymore as Crusader and Athena had tweaked a few things for him internally.

Wyatt? Have you noticed a change in the spectra of the sun and moon? They appear softer, more soothing?

He stopped, looking over his shoulder for a moment after sliding the sunglasses back in place, “Come to think of it..yeah. Little things, you know?”

“You don’t think the Princesses would be doing it for a reason would you?”

“You mean especially for us?” He snorted, walking towards the Crystal Castle, his sense of time telling him breakfast was in order, “I’m sure they’re far too busy to worry about what one old soldier and an AI would think of it. They rule an entire country.”

“I am sure you’re right.”

“Nothin’ special ‘bout us Calliope. Nothin’ special.”

To be continued...

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