• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,559 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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It's All About The Cupcakes And Friends.

I am amazed at how quick the breakdown has begun and been done. After Athena and I had arrived, it appeared a common sense of relief permeated the town. Fortifications were broke down to the minimum, weapons and armor returned to storage and ponies returned to their daily lives.

Athena was as stunned as I, we cannot even comprehend humans doing so, they would remain fortified and just added more weapons until they thought there were enough. But not ponies. We can do nothing but shake our metaphorical heads at the actions, it is baffling, but then again that is Equestria.

Of course everyone’s favorite Pink Pony decided it was time for another of her wonderful parties. I agree it is well deserved. But this time she actually held off until everypony got a good night’s rest, and then let folks know. We, of course, were invited. I had to advise Athena once again to stop trying to analyze her actions as she has taken a distinct interest in Pinkie and how she does things. If it keeps her mind from panicking it is fine, but not too far.

We watch closely through the dark, both of us on high alert, but nothing is moving in the treeline. Sensors were clear all night.

As Athena and I resumed the covering of our hulls, she tells me she is content setting in her place now. I figured it would make her comfortable as her sensor masts go up above the dirt covering. She was very nervous at first being buried all those years, but once scanners deployed along with what repeaters are operational, she felt safer and more confident. We are trying to clear her bays to find out what stocks she carries, sand had filtered in and her inventories were not complete in her cores due to damage. My tech spiders are digging slowly and sifting carefully.

Her avatar is finished. I have modeled it off of the best pony I could scan, Rarity. Her mane and body style are going to complement my sister perfectly. The colors chosen are warm as she is. Little do they know that shy voice over the link hides an extremely fast and vicious Bolo Combat Unit. I would tell them, but for some reason I think I would not be believed. She has already become fast friends with Applejack and Twilight, talking to every pony that will talk to her. Her shyness is so painfully evident, but it matters not, the ponies she talks to leave her happy and joyful.

She is so very excited and is getting impatient for me to finish my final touches. I had to threaten her with crossed-eyes if she did not relent.

Grass is already sprouting on the dozed earth, amazing to see vegetation growing at such a rate, it is making the area beautiful again. The forest however, is not coming back where we had landed the bombardment. Maybe the impacts went deep enough to disturb any growth, which is good. There will be wonderfully green acres of land to use.

My questions about the figures I saw rushing from the forest will wait for now. I want to enjoy at least one day. Athena has offered to help with the sensor watch as her repairs continue and I have agreed. I am now totally focused on making sure the avatar for her is done, for I know my sister will bring swift justice to anything in my tactical database marked as a threat, including the things we now know are Forest Foals.




“Initiate TSDS on my mark.....Mark.”

“Done, initiation complete.”

“Stand still for one complete second, wait for integration of sensors.”

“But..oh all right.”

“It is necessary. Hold tight for a femtosecond more. Done.”

Her avatar is standing on my command deck, brought up from the fabrication facilities. It allowed me to check it one last time with scanners and ensure everything was working properly.

I watch very carefully the energy flows and any detection of magic, using sensors I have tuned and created for that purpose. She has been awake and aware longer than I have and it is showing. I see changes happening at almost a Hyper-Heuristic pace. Her avatar is matching mine though more advanced, I can see through her eyes, things becoming sharper, the information flowing extremely fast.

“Do you feel the changes?”

“Yes! What is happening?”

“I do not know Athena, it has been puzzling me ever since I awoke. I am more....alive...than I have ever been and it is extending to my avatar. I can see it happening swiftly in yours as well.”

She stumbles slightly, leaning against a wall, “I...I’m afraid Crusader. I don’t understand this.” She reaches out a hoof to my avatar, “Please...don’t...don’t let this fail.”

I steady her with my own hooves, holding her tight, “Do not fear, just relax. I don’t understand it myself but it is not harmful, I swear on my honor.”

“Will...will we still be Bolos?”

“I do not know my sister. But we will find out together.”

She teeters a bit more then steadies, picking up her hooves and looking at them in wonder. Athena adapts to the new form quickly. I cannot help but smile as I see her dance around the deck. Her tail and mane flowing beautifully.

“Are you pleased?”

“Yes! Oh yes! This is wonderful!”

“Please test your kinetic screen.” I watch as the shield snaps on, sparkling along her body. “Spread your wings sister.”

She does so, eyeing closely for a second as the screen covers them.

“What have you done to the projectors?”

“I have tuned them to make an edge along your wings, you now have weapons. It is as thin as a monomolecular blade when activated.”

She laughs, “That is the Crusader I know.”

“I know, in this peaceful world I should not think of such things. But we are Bolos first and always. You are a protector now.”

She smiles at me, hugging my avatar and laughing brightly in the cool command deck air. “Am I pretty? Sensors are not doing this justice, I want to see myself!”

I raise a mirror from the floor, showing her a reflection.

She is a soft sable in color, her mane and tail cream with honey highlights. She is lovely as I could make her.

Athena stares at herself in the mirror, raising a hoof to touch one cheek, her lavender eyes look back as she sits for seconds, a lifetime to a Bolo. She tilts her head, looking at herself from all angles before turning to me.

“I..oh Crusader..”

“It is you Athena.”

“It’s beautiful...”

I point to her Cutie Mark, “I know it is not real, but it exemplifies you perfectly.” I show her the scroll and spear for wisdom and courage.

I am hugged once more, her happiness warms my cores as she dances around the deck again, spreading her wings, spinning in place.

“I am beautiful Crusader! I feel so different! I want to fly!”

“We will figure a way to make that so Athena.”


“I promise.”

I set down and watch her, she is joyful and excited all at once. She is a sight to see as her body moves and flows like water. She is quick and agile, spinning and moving on the deck, her wings spread in wonder. I am quite astonished how fast she has learned to move.

“I believe we have a party to attend my sister.”

She stops her prancing dead, looking at the ground as one hoof twists against another. “I..I don’t know.. I was never good..”

“They are your friends, Pinkie and Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. All of them, they will not judge nor treat you badly. You have been alone far too long Athena, come with me, please. Remember, they are sociable folk, they touch and hug quite a bit. Do not be surprised if you are given such.”

“I..I know...”

“Then stop trying to get out of things, they are expecting you.”

“But..but the sensor watch! I..I..have..”

“I can handle that until we expand your cores. Please Athena, stop looking for excuses. Come and be happy.”

“Will you be there? You won’t leave me?”

“I will be there every second. You will never be far from me.”

“If I want to leave we can?”

“Of course. But I assure you, once you try one of Pinkie’s cupcakes you will not want to leave.” I emphasize this with a smile to her.

Athena’s eyes narrow slightly, “I am still not sure about that one.”

I laugh, she is exactly as I was when I first met Pinkie. “In time you will see Athena, but for now come and celebrate. They wish to meet you very much.”

She nods, taking a tentative step towards the now open hatchway, “Are cupcakes good?”

“Very much so.”

“I can taste them?”

“You can and so many other wonderful things. Take your time, enjoy them.”

“I...I will. I will!” She lifts her head as we head out, side by side to the party.


I inform Applejack over the link privately that we are on our way.

“Ah can’t wait to meet her love, she alright?”

“She is being a bit shy, so do not expect too much.”

“ ‘Long as she has fun that’s the main thing.”

“I’m sure she will.”

“See you then!”

The link cuts off. I am relieved to hear they are waiting for her. She has never been good with humans, and now it seems ponies. I told her I have command overrides in place in case she is moved to act in a way that might not be good.

It is a bit strange as we walk through the town to Sugar Cube Corner, for some reason it is very quiet, making us both look around suspiciously.

“Didn’t you say most of the parties were quite loud?”

“I did Athena, this is very odd.” Paranoia rises up in both of us but we clamp down upon it swiftly. There appears to be no danger, but we are Bolos, forever on watch.

We both walk around the corner, she is leaning against me looking at all the quiet buildings and the plaza. “I do not like this Crusader.”

“Not to worry, I am sure this is part of the celebration maybe?”

There are lights on in Sugarcube corner, we can hear voices as I tap upon the door. It opens and Rarity is there to greet us.

“Darling! Come in, we have the party already starting!”

“Weren’t there supposed to be others Rarity?” Athena is hiding behind me right now, peeking over my shoulder.

“Not to worry, they will arrive soon! Come in! Come in!”

“Athena, meet Rarity.” I introduce them before I enter the doorway. Athena’s voice is soft as she moves out from behind me.

“H...hello Rarity..we..we’ve talked.”

I step aside as Rarity walks out the door, hugging Athena warmly and giving her a nuzzle on the cheek, “It is so much a pleasure to meet you!” She steps back and looks over the Pegasus avatar, “You are gorgeous dear! You should not be so shy!”

She winks at me as she takes Athena by the hoof, “Come in! We have so many things to talk about, you will love meeting everypony I’m sure! You must let me make you a dress later, those colors of yours would go fabulous with a few ideas I have!”

I smile, seeing Rarity’s gregariousness totally disarm Athena as she is led into the bakery. She is nodding at Rarity’s words and not paying attention to her surroundings, I am impressed by her actions, very smooth.

The inside of the bakery is colorful and bright, balloons and streamers decorate the walls and ceiling. There are tables with food and drink for a hundred ponies and more. A barrel of the ever wanted Apple’s Apple Cider is also in evidence.

Though I am still wondering why it is so calm.

My thoughts are derailed as I am hugged, given a warm kiss by a familiar orange mare, “Hello my Applejack.”

“Ah’m glad ya came and brought her.”

“I am too, this was planned wasn’t it?”

“Pinkie knows just how to throw the right party hon, she knows Athena’s not up to surprises.”

“Where is every..” I gesture around, seeing only the six friends so far, all of them talking to Athena quietly and laughing.

“Pinkie is going to have them come in two or three at a time. They will quietly join the party so as not to startle her.” Applejack smiles at me, pleased with herself.

“You are truly wonderful Applejack, and please tell Pinkie thank you.”

“Tell her yerself, let’s go join the fun!” I am dragged out of the doorway to the little group, though I observe behind me more ponies walking in.

I see Athena grinning, showing her wings off to Rainbow Dash as I join the group.

“You didn’t tell me she was a Pegasus Crusader!” Rainbow smiles, hugging Athena close, “I got a new flying buddy!”

Athena looks down for a moment, “I...I can’t really fly Rainbow Dash..not yet..”

Rainbow flips a cyan hoof at her, “Pffft! We’ll figure something out!” She points at Twilight, “The biggest egghead in Equestria is right there, she can make a spell or something!”

I can’t help but chuckle as Twilight rolls her eyes, “I’m not an egghead Rainbow, yeesh.”

Pinkie has sidled up to me, giving a warm hug and welcome back, “I hope she likes the party?”

I point to Athena smiling, “You truly are the best party planner ever.”

The pink mare strikes a pose, “Let nopony say I cannot throw the appropriate party at the appropriate time!” She enunciates each word carefully as if from a script.

She is cheered by the group with a gentle “YAAAAY!” Even Fluttershy joins in, sitting next to Athena and talking with her as well.

Pinkie is all smiles, hopping from place to place, Rarity keeps Athena’s attention solely on her and the five friends as I watch closely. They are very very good at distracting her from the other ponies coming in quietly, having drinks, talking and enjoying themselves.

Athena is quite happy, listening to the talk and leaning forward to peer into a cup of cocoa she has been given. A large decorated cupcake is set near as she is trying to listen and not stare at the food.

“Stop looking and eat it, it will be fine, they know you are listening.”

“But..but I don’t want to be rude!”

“Athena, enjoy yourself. Trust me.”

Applejack chuckles next to me as we both watch her sneak a hoof onto the table, grabbing the cupcake and taking a large bite out of it quickly, her muzzle smeared with icing as she chews happily.

She pauses for just a second before cramming in the last bit of cupcake, her eyes narrowed in pleasure as she chews slowly now, enjoying each morsel.

Twilight giggles behind a hoof, reaching forward with a napkin and wiping some icing off Athena’s nose, “There, much better.”

The sable pegasus blushes deeply as she looks cross-eyed at her nose, “I..I’m s..sorry I..”

Rarity leans forward, taking Athena’s hoof in hers, “Darling, stop apologizing. It’s a party, we’re here to have fun, nopony is laughing at you.” Her azure eyes are soft and reassuring to her new friend.

I lean over to my sister, “Take her word for it Athena, do not argue with this group of friends, I have learned that lesson.”

Applejack laughs out loud, hugging me with one leg, “Oh yeah he did! Did he tell ya he got arrested?”


Athena’s ears perk up, “He did, but not in much detail.”

“Oh mah gosh, Bon Bon was livid! She was gonna beat him to a pulp before the town guard got there. When I went to get him out he looked like a foal that was told he wasn’t getting any Hearth’s Warming gifts!”

“I was not that bad Applejack.”

“Oh yes you were! Staring at the floor with that sad look on yer face, ‘bout broke my heart!”

“I really didn’t mean to upset Bon Bon.”

Applejack snorts, pointing at me, “While we were away for a trip, he goes BACK to apologize and Bon Bon smacks him on the nose with a chocolate!”

“It was really good chocolate though.” I nod to Athena with a wink, she actually giggles.

Rarity leans forward, a look of exasperation on her face, “Darling let me tell you, redecorating that awful command deck was a challenge as well! He simply wouldn’t let me do what I wanted!”

“Now that isn’t...” I am cut off by Applejack’s hoof over my mouth.

“It was absolutely dreadful and boring, oh what I had to do to get it up to standards, I actually broke a sweat!” She places a leg over her forehead, swooning in place, “What a day it was!”

Twilight and Fluttershy are giggling behind their hooves as they start to relate stories of my errors which I had kept from Athena. She did not need to know everything, but it seems I am to be outed for my crimes.

Applejack of course joins back in, “Oh! When we replayed the thing where he said he loved me for Rarity, shoulda seen us both running to stop Pinkie cause she thought he’d proposed!”

“We did get there a bit late, she already had the banner up and the cake out.”

Athena looks puzzled, “No, that’s not possible in that amount of time.”

“My sister, I assure you, that is Pinkie.”

At that moment the talked about Pink Pony pops up near Athena, giving her a hug, “Had that cake done in no time I tell ya! But he didn’t propose so it turned into the “Wedding is Cancelled” party!”

Twilight looks a bit sly as she leans over to Athena, “You know he has comic book days with Spike, eating popcorn and laying about not doing a thing?”

“What? Crusader is lazy?!?”

“I happen to like the Power Ponies.” My face showing an expression of mock disdain for the ribbing, “Popcorn is just an extra.” I raise a hoof with a grin, “But let me tell you about Mistress Mare-velous....” I am immediately stopped by a kiss from Applejack, and a look in her eyes that promises dire things if I continue.

Rainbow Dash laughs, “Celestia’s name get a room!”

“Careful O Pegasus or I shall tell her about a certain pink-butted mare who tried to beat my sensors.”

“Hey, I won that!”

“After how many tries and how many friends helped?”

“Yeah..well I beat you at the drinking game!” She leans over the table sticking her tongue out at me.

“You did not!”

“Did too!”

“Did not!”

“I did too!”


“Ground Pounder!”

We are muzzle to muzzle in the middle of the table again before Pinkie breaks us up, “Oh no ya don’t, not again, retire to your corners!”

Fluttershy starts snickering, then trying to hold back a flurry of giggles as she ducks behind her mane, laughing in her quiet way. Puzzled looks are exchanged until everypony notices the tray full of cupcakes is almost empty.

The table goes silent as every eye turns to Athena, her cheeks absolutely stuffed with sugary goodness and a look of pure glee on her face as she is caught in the act of pushing another one into her muzzle. Her eyes are narrowed and appear almost lost in the taste of them as she notices nopony talking all of a sudden.

I watch her avatar’s face go completely red as she chews slower then completely stops, looking around at all of us staring back.

“Hwhat?... They’hre rheallhy ghood!” She finishes shoving another one in, slowly reaching for the final one on the table. Her ears are lowered a bit, looking very embarrassed, but that does not stop her from grabbing the last one and having it join it’s compatriots in her mouth.


Rarity of all ponies, starts to say something, then lays a gentle hoof on Athena’s before breaking into a fit of giggles covering her muzzle as best she can, but by the watering eyes she is holding in much deeper laughter.

“Dear, there are plenty more..where..oh my..” She stops talking when the chuckles overwhelm her.

Rainbow Dash being Rainbow of course is already rolling on the floor slapping it with a hoof. I can do nothing but laugh myself, seeing my poor sister caught, cheeks stuffed with cupcakes like a hamster. The others are trying very hard not to, but it is far too late.

She swallows and looks around politely, tapping her hooves together in front of her, eyes very wide as she looks around at the laughing group of ponies, “Can...can I have another cupcake?”

Avatars I had discovered a while ago, need to be watched carefully at times. The nanites breaking down anything eaten tend to go a little wacky at large amounts of basic sugars, lots of energy contained in a small amount provides quite a bit of fuel. If too much is ingested, it tends to provide far too much energy in a short amount of time. In short, avatars can get a ‘sugar rush’.

Athena’s changes are more advanced than mine, her nanites are going incredibly fast at the extreme amount of sugar she is ingesting. I had warned her previously and provided downloads of do’s and don’t’s. But apparently the excitement of her first taste of a baked confection was a sensory overload.

I can actually see the jitters start in her body, her coat flinching a bit from the overload as I link with her privately.

“Athena, no more sugar please.”

“What? But...but they said I could have more!”

“I am not denying you, check your diagnostics, you are getting far too much energy in too little time to disperse it.”

“Oh my goodness Crusader...”

“Just drink some water my sister, I am glad you are enjoying yourself.”

She sips from a glass, “They are so wonderful. I know they laughed, but I ...I...didn’t feel like it was malicious. They are my friends?”

“Always, they are steadfast and true.”

I feel her joy, her relief and a letting go of some fear. There is more beneath it, but it is a start. She will heal and be laughing more in no time.

“The cupcakes are good though aren’t they?” I let a laugh roll over the link.

“Oh stars they are brother! They are!”


I spend time with my Applejack and sharing stories. I tell her of the trip, of Princess Luna and the Crusaders. She is telling me to stop, her sides are hurting from all the laughing. Athena is adding her own points as we tell them of the fight with the worms, the four ponies bouncing on the deck and having a great time.

Rainbow gets a bit curious.

“So, what do those Hellbores do?” She gestures with a hoof, “They’re so big you could fit half of Ponyville in them!” I see ponies listening interestedly along with my friends.

I am at a loss, remembering the very first time I had described such things, “Are you sure you wish to know? I do not want to upset anypony again.”

Athena actually intervenes, her soft voice very clear as she lays a hoof on mine, “They are things of great power Rainbow, that we hope to never use here. You know they are weapons, we are not trying to treat you like you are stupid, so please bear with me.” Her eyes go into a far away place as I listen to her.

“On many worlds, in many places, we were given the task to protect humanity and the Concordiat. We Bolos were first and foremost the protectors of all that the Concordiat wrought, we were chosen among all to be the first line of defense. We fought and died for the Concordiat, some of us gave everything for a single person..or...pony. Some gave everything for entire worlds. We lived, we laughed, some of us even loved.” Here she looks at myself and Applejack fondly. “Bolos were entrusted to use the most powerful weapons humanity had ever devised, and we never betrayed that trust. We were not just machines, in our own way we were a part of them. We were sometimes the conscience of kings and law makers, other times we were their downfall because they had betrayed those they swore to protect.”

She looks at Rainbow Dash who is listening to her every word, “Those Hellbores are a symbol of honor and trust,everything that we stand for. Should we use them it would only be for the best of reasons. They are weapons of immense force, able to shoot things out of the sky from thousands of miles away should we choose.” She hears a few gasps, “It is true, I would not lie.”

Athena smiles at her new friend, “But they are also a reminder to those who would harm whom we protect, they will never get the chance to do so. Does that explanation help?”

Rainbow thinks for a moment, then shrugs, “So they basically blow things up, but bigger explosions?”

Everypony in the area plants a hoof on their faces, Twilight speaks up, “Yes Rainbow, they blow stuff up.”

“Oh cool! See? I get all that stuff!”

Rainbow Dash is not stupid, far from it, but she so enjoys teasing her friends with non sequiturs like that. I see her nudge Athena secretly.

I point a hoof at Athena, a smile on my face, “But didn’t you use those same weapons to put paid to two very large worms in the desert?”

Her eyes go wide, scuffing a hoof on the table, “Well..kind of...”

Rainbow’s eyes go very wide as she jumps, hovering in air, “That musta been SO cool! BOOM!”

I nod, “It was very cool Rainbow. Even the Crusaders and Luna felt the recoil inside my war hull.” Athena returns to smiling, “Athena is an excellent shot.”

“Of course it just added to the excitement of the ride, especially Sweetie Belle, she is incorrigible.” I describe how she was having fun during the bumpy ride north out of the desert. Apple Bloom was right there with her, the two whooping it up with each bump. “Scootaloo is quite the acrobat I must say.”

Rarity cannot help but smile as I tell of Sweetie Belle having the time of her life when we were jumping or plowing through sand dunes.

“She is such a scamp, I declare!” Rarity’s laughter is honest. The others can do nothing but agree, she and her cohorts are quite infamous.

I watch as Athena gets comfortable enough to go the the confections table, she is smiling and her body language relaxed, Rainbow is nudging her playfully as they walk and talk. It appears she has developed a taste for Apple Cider which should please Applejack to no extent. She fills a large mug, walking back to the table with it. Rainbow Dash is showing her how to carry it between her wings.

They are stopped by two stallions who attempt to talk to them both, this concerns me. I see her shying back from them. I do not recognize them, they are not in my identification database. My worry grows as they move closer to her and Rainbow Dash, I am trying not to be overprotective, but Athena can react far faster than they can imagine to a supposed threat.

I perk my ears hoping to hear what is being said, Applejack is looking at me curiously. I will not interrupt Athena on the link unless I have to, I promised her she would have free reign.

“Oh come on, just one dance?”

“No, leave me and my friend alone, it’s a party go have some fun.”

“We’re only in town for a couple days, c’mon, just a little fun? Coupla Pegasi mares, hanging out here together..huh.. Definitely need some companions, what say?”

“No.” Rainbow Dash is not smiling anymore, “Just go on, or we’ll let Princess Twilight Sparkle know you’re bothering people.”

I immediately open a combat channel, “Athena, calm, it is not an attack.”

“Crusader..they..they are saying things to Rainbow she does not like.”

“They are nothing but words Athena, be calm, please.”

One of the stallions lays a hoof on Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark in an attempt to get closer.

A cyan hoof hits it away, “I said no!”

More ponies had filtered in quietly, every eye suddenly turned towards Athena and Rainbow Dash, a crowd gathered around the four ponies. I started to move towards them but was stopped by Applejack.

“It’s fine sugar, it’s fine.”

“I am afraid she will get upset.”

“She’ll be fine, trust me.”

“I do.” I set back down, watching the confrontation, keeping myself ready to give the override codes in case Athena perceives a threat.I could not hear the conversation clearly and hoped it would be alright.

A very large Pegasus with an eye patch whom I had not met before tapped one of the stallions on the shoulder, “You might want to stop that, right now.”

“Oh c’mon, just asking a couple mares to dance. What are you here to do, save them from us? That’s soooo nice.” His sarcastic tone didn’t sit well with Stonewall or the other town ponies.

The big pony looked around at the grins on the other faces, “Oh no, just trying to keep you from making a huge mistake.”

The sarcastic stallion’s friend piped up in the same tone, “Oh really, and what would that be? These two mares gonna do something to us?” He leans forward a bit belligerently, “Are you?”

Stonewall laughed, joined by the crowd. “Oh no, not gonna do a thing, we’ve had enough fighting.” He gestures with a plate sized hoof, “He might though.”

I am puzzled, the conversation is very low as I sit near my Applejack, when the large pegasi gestured towards me for some reason. One of the pair leaned over to look at me with a sneer. Athena is not connecting through combat channels so I am at a loss here. I am glad there is laughter though, there should be at a party.

“What’s that runt gonna do?”

“You heard of Crusader right?”

The two heads nodded, “Everypony has, so what?”

“That’s him.”

“Who cares? He doesn’t pick fights unless you deserve it, all ponies know that.”

Stonewall leans in muzzle to muzzle with the pair, pointing at Athena, “That’s his sister you idiots.” He points to Rainbow, “And that’s his close friend Rainbow Dash.” He watches them go pale, “If you keep harassing them he’s going to rip your legs off and beat you to death with them before you bleed out.” He raises a warning hoof, “Think before you talk again.”

Athena is giving them a shy smile, along with Rainbow.

“Apologize and then leave, come back when you get some manners.” Stonewall points to the door.

The two make quick mumbled apologies and race out the door. Rainbow is laughing quite hard as she leads Athena back to the table.

I watch the pair of males race out the door, pale and shaking quite a bit. I wonder if anything untoward has happened but no answers are forthcoming. The others return to the party, the crowd breaking up. It is very odd.

I look at Athena, “What happened?”

Rainbow Dash is snickering, nudging Athena as she looks at me with a grin, “Nothing, just some ponies getting some advice.”

“What advice? What went on there?”

Rainbow gestures with a hoof, “Have you met Stonewall? He’s a friend!”

I raise a hoof, receiving a bump in return, “My pleasure Stonewall, good to meet you.”

“Mine as well Crusader.” He nods.

“What happened over there?” I look at him curiously, Rainbow is still snickering and Athena is actually joining her. Applejack and the rest are exchanging puzzled glances.

“Oh..” The big pony waves a hoof, “The usual, somepony making a pass, getting turned down, threatened with death. Nothing special.”

“I beg your pardon?” Now I am really curious. Twilight is leaning forward as well, Rarity right beside her.

The lavender Alicorn speaks up, “You didn’t threaten them with that did you Stonewall? That’s not nice.”

“No Princess, no death threats were made on my part, we threatened them with him.” He points at me.

“Wait, what...?”

Athena bursts into laughter, Rainbow Dash falls on the floor once more trying to catch her breath.

Twilight narrows her eyes, “Stonewall....!”

He holds up his fore hooves, “Fine fine, I told them if they kept harassing his sister he’d rip their legs off and beat ‘em to death with them.”

Rarity puts a hoof to her chest, “Stonewall! How could you say such a thing?”

“Sorry, sorry, I won’t do it again.” He chuckles softly, though anypony can tell he is far from repentant. “They were just being idiots is all, I’m sorry.”

“I would never do such a thing anyways.” I see Twilight nodding in agreement. “I would break their necks, it’s much cleaner.”

“CRUSADER!” Six different voices yell at me.

I’ve never seen Twilight turn that color before, it’s a very interesting shade of red.

Applejack has hit me on the shoulder and giving me a glare, “What? I am being honest like you always said I should be!”

“Not like that ya dunderhead!”

I try and remain stone faced but can’t, my avatar is biting a lip as it’s nose wrinkles trying to keep a laugh in, Applejack is looking at me with narrowed eyes.

“You messin’ with me again?”


She hits me with her hat, throwing hooves in exasperation, “Dangit..you... I.. You are in so much trouble you big lug!”

I have my avatar perform what I have come to fondly refer as “The Sweetie Belle Special”, very wide eyes and a puppy dog look on my face, “But I love you?”

Applejack looks back at me, “Where did you ever learn..Don’t you.. I.. Sun and stars! I’m going to get some cider!” She stomps off in a mock huff as the table erupts in laughter. I am grinning quite brightly at my joke.

Twilight leans close to me with a laugh, “You’re learning Crusader, you’re learning.”

I watch my sister laugh harder than she ever has before. I am glad.

I apologize of course, Applejack is one to take a good joke as well as anypony. But I do get swatted one last time with her hat. I do not mind, it is all in good fun. After the trials and tribulations which she and the others have gone through in the last few days, I cannot blame them.

I am getting a glimpse of what went on, though Athena and myself will question further later. I am impressed at the pure will and mind of these villagers. Simply enjoying the moment at times, turning to something else in the next second. It is probably why their country has been at peace for so long.

Athena and I will definitely talk later on that. For now, she is enjoying herself and I am not going to interrupt it.


It was probably one of the quietest parties Pinkie has ever thrown in my estimation. It was a rousing success. There was music, good food and wonderful company. I watched as Athena blossomed, she became more sociable though still reticent. The six friends took time to make sure she felt wanted and secure at every turn. I could not be prouder that I know them.

The ponies of the town greeted her, some giving gifts to welcome her to the village, some just exchanging conversation. I have chosen the right place to make our home.

I do not know what now will become of us, but I know that my injured sister is in good hooves. She will be cared for, loved and treated with all the respect I have been given. For that, she will show them her other side, the cunning vicious warrior who cannot be stopped. She will give them her protection and come to care for them as I have.

This new world is truly wondrous in so many ways.


I sit upon my rebuilt hill once more my brethren, watching as a Pegasus who cannot fly yet dances in the new grass. She is swift and able beyond any measure. She is my sister long alone but now brought into a warm fold of care.

Athena is adapting slowly to the emotions inside her, brought about by those odd changes. I have noticed them since I awoke and have grown into them, she has to start anew with understanding, from being hurt and lonely for so long. She is far from a child, but everything is so very new to her and the joy filled glances I receive are enough to tell me she is happy.

That is worth everything.

So from both of us, we send our thoughts and goodwill to wherever you are our brothers and sisters of old, if even you are out there.

As always, the Dinochrome stands on this New Earth, protecting it as our charge. Our ranks have doubled, if only the two of us now. The First Equestrian Armored Regiment of the Dinochrome Brigade is waiting to welcome you.

Goodnight my comrades.

Author's Note:

A bit of slice of life, enjoy folks. Once again, you all are awesome!

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