• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,205 Views, 506 Comments

A Long Way to Fall - Cinders of War

Morning Blade recounts the story of Frigid Night to Twilight Sparkle. The story of how he became the man he was. The story of his fall.

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Chapter 19: Nighttime Stories

After training, where Satin Breeze had performed extraordinarily, and a tour of the bureau, Frigid Night had accompanied Mirror Match to her room while Satin returned to her apartment outside the bureau. As they entered her room, Mirror had quickly grabbed him and threw both herself and Frigid on her bed.

"This new apprentice isn't going to change anything between us, right?"

Mirror Match chuckled, resting on Frigid. "Why? Jealous already?"

"Uhmm... No. Of course not," Frigid tried to keep it cool.

"It's okay, Friggy," Mirror rested her head against his chest. "Nothing's changed. You’ll still be my very special someone.”

“You too, Mirror,” Frigid wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

The two of them stayed in that position, enjoying the closeness of each other. Frigid thought back to all the time he’d spent with Mirror Match. She was indeed very important to him. If it weren’t for her, he wouldn’t have lived this long. They’d saved each other on several encounters with the Templars, and Frigid had come to treasure his partner very much. He fought for the Brotherhood, but he would live on and fight for Mirror Match. Soon, Frigid began feeling strangely tired and his eyelids began feeling heavy. He eventually allowed them to close and drifted off to sleep.

“I’m hooome!” Satin Breeze chimed as she closed the door behind her.

Her sister, Velvet Breeze, ran out from her room and straight into Satin’s arms. “Satin! You’re home! How was the first day of work?”

“It’s alright,” Satin said as she put Velvet back down. “The community there is pretty good. Much better than that of Hollow Shades.”

Velvet nodded happily, but then remembered their old home. “Will we ever get to go home?”

Satin turned away from Velvet. She was sure she would never have anything to do with their parents anymore, but the thought left her doubts. They were their parents after all. They were family. “I don’t know Velv... Maybe one day.”

“It’s lonely here without you,” Velvet said, walking back into her big sister’s hug. “Can I come to work with you? I can be quiet. I won’t bother you. I just want to be with you.”

“Sorry, Velv,” Satin hugged her sister tight. “But I don’t think it’s a good environment for children. Maybe one day when you’re older.”

“Awwww,” Velvet grumbled.

“It’s alright, little sis. I’ll find some stuff for you to do while I’m gone.” Satin dug around in her bag and pulled out a ball. “You could practice your throwing. You were pretty good back home. Remember the time you broke Old Wayshot’s window? He was so furious.”

“I remember,” Velvet nodded, unsure whether to feel happy or guilty. She took the ball from her sister. “He never did find out, did he?”

“Nope,” Satin smiled and rubbed Velvet’s head before standing up. “Never did. Well, I better whip up some dinner. It’s really late, and you’ve got to get to bed soon. What do you want? Chicken or fish? And... How about we cook it together?"

Frigid slowly cracked open his eyes as he woke up, looking right at Mirror Match's amusing smile. She was still on top of him, but didn't look like she slept at all.

"Hey, Mirror," Frigid started to ask. "How long was I asleep?"

"Only a few hours," she laughed. "But we did miss dinner, though."

"Uhhh..." Frigid blinked a few times and rubbed at his head. "I don't feel hungry, really. That's weird. How about you?"

"I'm good," she told her friend. "I could've gone, but I just wanted to stay with you a while longer. Oh, yeah, I did get up once, though. Dust Fencer came by earlier. I told him you were resting, but he wanted to let you know that High Noon's back from the field, and he did pretty well. He said even Pierce gave him a good report."

"Sounds big," Frigid smiled. "Pierce rarely gives good reports. Good for Noon. People are starting to trust him."

“I’m glad for him,” Mirror Match sighed. “We live in such trying times.”

Frigid blinked at this curious statement. “Well, yeah, but we’ll get through it all right.”

Mirror inched herself up towards his face. "I have no doubt, Friggy."

"Should we go?" Frigid started to get up, but Mirror pushed him back down. "I'll take that as a no?"

She brought her face closer to his, just centimeters away. "Oh, where do we have to go? It's late. Might as well enjoy each other's company. Am I right?"

Frigid smiled and reached for her face. “Did I ever tell you how much I like you?”

“Not directly, no,” Mirror grinned slyly, melting against him and hugged him close. "I wouldn't mind hearing it."

“Well… I love you, Mirror,” Frigid sighed with contentment as their lips met in a passionate kiss.

Timber stood in the labs, recording data on the energy spike radiating from the artifact. It was just a small, simple spherical object, but it held so much power. Power to change the world.

“Still the same result,” he muttered to himself. His brother wasn't going to be pleased, but then again, he hasn't really been himself the last few years. “Always the same result.”

“Sir?” Test Tube asked from his corner. “I’m afraid the test subject didn’t survive.”

“I’m well aware, Test Tube,” Timber walked to the viewing panel. “It’s still the same. No one we find has been able to harness the energy for long periods of time. If we could just find one. Just one person that could use this artifact to its full power… Quantum? What was it you said? Aliens?”

The other scientist nodded and walked over. He was an older man, with white hair already sprouting from his head. “Yes sir. From our calculations, it seems it needs a different infrastructure of the body to control this artifact. It needs some kind of energy to control the power in the artifact. We just don’t have that energy within us.”

Timber put a hand to his chin. Energy within. That’s what they needed to wield the artifact without its fatal drawbacks. People didn’t have this power, but someone or something out there had this energy. "That's where we've been getting it wrong. Quantum. Start researching this energy you speak of. There must be a way to find someone containing the energy within their body."

"Ahead of you sir." Quantum returned to his station. "I had already begun basic research on the components within the artifact's energy. Every time we tap into it, it drains a person's life essence bit by bit, until there is none left, but... If the subject had more essence, more power within themselves, then the artifact wouldn't be able to drain everything. We would have stable energy source."

"Send me what you have on this energy, this... substance. This is something to go on. Mahogany's going to want to hear this."

"Hear what?" a voice intruded behind them. "Do tell."

"Wolfgang," Timber acknowledged as the grey killer slowly walked into the room, one hand behind his back, and the other holding an almost burnt drumstick of some kind. "What are you doing here? I didn't think you would be interested in research."

The scientists caught the whiff of the meat in his hands. Barbecued no doubt. The smokey smell stuck in their lungs as the man walked closer.

"Oh, don't get me wrong," he smirked. "I hate science. I just wanted to know what you got cooked up in here."

"And... What's that you have there?" Test Tube pointed at the drumstick. "The smell is too... Overpowering. I demand you remove it from the labs at once."

"What, this?" Wolfgang lifted the edible item higher for them to see before widening his already large smile. "Bird. And don’t worry, four-eyes. I’ll be done with it in a minute."

"Now, Wolfgang." Timber stepped forward towards the killer. "My brother may have hired you, but you are still below us. If you are not going to do anything useful, please leave at once."

"Not too much into fun are you?" Wolfgang nodded and chewed on his piece of meat. He turned around and headed for the door. "Good luck with your work. I hope you find what you're looking for! Oh, and before I forget..." He turned back to the scientists at the door and pulled out a white envelope. "The chairman wanted me to hand this to you. It's anonymous, but someone out there wants to join your Order! Ha. He wants you to check for fingerprints. Anything that can lead to whoever sent this, blah blah blah. You know the rest."

Timber started towards the killer to take the letter, but Wolfgang just let it drop to the floor as he left, not even bothering to pass it to the scientist.

"Oops," Wolfgang sneered as he left. "My bad!"

Timber sighed and picked up the letter. Someone wanted to join them, but no name was provided. This was going to be an interesting piece of research. He was curious to know the identity of their mysterious friend.

Frigid woke up the next morning, feeling better than ever. He sat up and stretched out his arms, working out the stiffness in his joints. He turned to Mirror, who was already up, staring straight at him.

"Morning, Friggy," she gave him a smile.

"Hey, Mirror," he yawned. "You sleep well?"

"Very well, Frigid. Very well." She reached out and took his hand. "About time for us to head out?"

"You know, I don't feel like it, but I guess we have to." Frigid scooched forward and planted a kiss on Mirror's cheek. "We've got Templars to stop."

After washing up, the two Assassins made their way down to the canteen for breakfast. After grabbing some food, they spotted Dust, Rose, Trueshot, and Sparkplug already seated at one of the tables, and decided to join them.

Dust Fencer pretended to look at a watch he didn't have. "You two are really early today. Decided to sleep in?"

"You could say that..." Mirror smirked, setting her food down before taking a seat.

"Umm... So what business do we have today?" Frigid quickly changed the subject.

"Stakeout," Trueshot spoke. "Templars have been busy. They've been moving things. Research and weapons most likely."

"And we're going to find out." Dust reached over and gave Frigid a quick pat on the back. "Itching to join us? Trueshot, Rose and I will be monitoring Manehattan. Sparkplug here's heading to Las Pegasus with Frenzy and Silent."

"Yeah." Sparkplug leaned back. "Heard they're moving some big guns to the Templar casinos there. Maybe we'll throw a wrench in there as well."

"Sounds good," Frigid nodded, turning to Dust. "That'll give us some time to catch up."

"Yeah," Dust chuckled. "We haven't really talked in a while. Lately it's just been you and Mirror Match, huh?"

"Ummm... Well..." Frigid blushed.

"It's fine, Frigid." Dust added before getting up. "Glad that you've found some love in this profession. We'll be heading to Star Lance for our directions first. Meet us down at the lobby when you're done. Then we'll head out."

"See you two!" Rose Petal waved as she followed after Dust.

Frigid and Mirror chatted about the Templars and their artifact, both throwing out guesses as to what it could be. After finishing their food, Mirror walked with Frigid until they had to go their separate ways; Frigid to the lobby, and Mirror to the dojo.

"Guess we'll have to split for now." Mirror made a disappointed face. "Satin will be here shortly."

"Don't worry," Frigid assured. "I'll see you tonight when I get back." He quickly walked up to her and touched her lips with his own.

"Thanks, Friggy," Mirror grinned as he pulled away. "I'll see you then. Don't keep me waiting, partner."

She waved to her grey haired partner as he joined up with Dust and the rest, all three of them already set to leave.

"How many guards?" Timber asked again, making sure he had heard his brother right.

"As many as I can spare," Mahogany replied, turning from the window and walking up to his brother. "You, Lumberjack and I are all that's left of our esteemed family. I will not have you join the rest of them too. We're brothers, Timber. Brothers look out for each other."

"Thanks, Mahogany." Timber put an arm on the chairman's shoulder. "I'll move the tech as fast as I can. I just need to visit the main storehouse and the second lab. Then you needn't worry about the Assassins finding me."

"I'm hoping they don't." Mahogany walked back to the window. "I'm sending Pressure Point and Smokey Flames out to the loading point first. They have an eye for Assassins. Perhaps they'll be able to flush out some before you get there. I've also sent Cough Drops to city hall. He's going to get the clearance for movement, and blockades. Which means anyone in the surrounding area is either one of us, or an Assassin. It'll make your job much easier, and safer."

"Right." Timber pulled at his pants. "Well, thanks for the help. I'll get done as fast as I can and we'll get to constructing the machine. Perhaps we'll finally have a breakthrough, huh? It's been a while since we've discovered anything."

Timber headed back down to the lobby, his armed transport already waiting. He counted about twenty soldiers, each of them wearing a black leather jacket and a motorbike helmet. Four armored trucks were stationed just outside, each one the colour of a bank transport to mask their purpose.

"Sir." Test Tube joined the Templar. He wore a simple red shirt and beige pants, but still kept his white lab coat over his attire. "The guards are ready. I must say, they're quite a group. Supplied straight from Major Talon's personal Dragon Unit."

"Army soldiers?" Timber was impressed with his brother's resources. "Not bad."

Each soldier carried one of the new rifles, taken straight from the Manehattan base. Each was fitted with a scope and silencer, just in case the gunfire were to attract civilians.

"Let's move then." Timber stepped towards the front truck. "The faster we get this done, the faster we can get some results!"

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