• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,205 Views, 506 Comments

A Long Way to Fall - Cinders of War

Morning Blade recounts the story of Frigid Night to Twilight Sparkle. The story of how he became the man he was. The story of his fall.

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Chapter 51: A Longtime Confession

“Heeeeey, Veeelvet!” Dewdrop slurred as Satin caught her, stopping her from falling face first into the doormat. “You’rrre home earleee.”

“It’s like, ten in the night. Are you drunk again, Dewdrop?” Velvet asked as she walked around both of them.

“Do me a favour, Velvet,” Satin smiled at her younger sister. “Never get drunk like this.”

“Sure, sis.” Velvet helped Satin get Dewdrop on the couch, putting one of the cushions under the pale woman’s head to support her it up. “Anything else you need? Cause I was thinking of heading to bed soon.”

“Yeah, Velv,” Satin said and sat beside her partner. “I’ll watch her. You can go on to sleep.”

“Okay. Night, Satin.” The middle schooler went over to her room door and waved one more time before closing it behind her.

Satin leaned back against the cushion and patted Dewdrop on the leg. “Well, Dew. I hope you learn your lesson. Don’t get drunk. Otherwise I have to deal with all this.”

“I get it, I get it,” Dewdrop mumbled, turning to her side and resting her head on one arm. “Don’t get drunk. I’ll try, Satty.”

“That’s more like it, Dew,” Satin chuckled, though she didn’t expect her partner to follow that rule very well.

“Actually, Satin…” Dewdrop said softly. “I’m… I’m not actually drunk.”

Satin did a double-take before looking back at her partner. “Y-you’re not? What?”

Dewdrop turned and faced Satin. “I did it to be here… with you. I didn’t want to go back to the bureau tonight.”

“Dewdrop…” Satin’s cheeks glowed red. “You could’ve just asked.”

“I didn’t know if you would let me,” Dewdrop admitted and sat up beside Satin. “I need to tell you, Satin. I know you already know, but… I’ve fallen in love… with you. You’re the reason I’m with the Assassins, after all. It was because of that day.”

Satin remembered. She had gone to one of the bars to get a drink. That was where she had met Dewdrop. The blue haired Assassin used to be part of an unruly gang, but she had followed after Satin that day, immediately saying yes when Satin decided to recruit her. Sure, she had made plenty of advances toward her back then, but to hear those words from her...

“Dewdrop…” Satin said again and clutched at her scarf. She knew Dewdrop was important to her, but she hadn’t thought it had developed this far for herself.

“You don’t need to say anything, Satin,” Dewdrop reached for her partner’s face and held it in her hand. “I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, whether we’re still with the Assassins or not.”

Satin hesitated for a second, but soon found her feelings for the other Assassin. She too had fallen for Dewdrop. She couldn’t imagine losing her partner as well.

The purple-skinned Assassin leaned in and kissed Dewdrop on the lips, closing her eyes as she took in the warmth of her partner’s lips. Dewdrop followed suit, wrapping an arm around Satin’s back, while the other continued to caress her cheek.

Satin Breeze opened her eyes again when Dewdrop began removing her clothes, putting them aside as she removed her own.

“I love you so much, Satin…” Dewdrop said in between kisses as she climbed over Satin, pushing her down. “So much…”

The two of them continued like that on into the night, expressing their feelings to one another to their full extent. For Dewdrop, this was the moment she had dreamt of the moment she laid her eyes on Satin, and she cherished it with everything she had.

"Oh boy, another one of these, huh?" Twilight pulled at her hair, her cheeks red. "Where did you even get information like this?"

Morning Blade's cheeks were equally as red. "I-I mean, I simply overhear things from the others. Like the other time, Frigid and Mirror supposedly just wasn't quiet enough. This one, well... I heard this one from Dewdrop herself. I guess she's not one to shy away from such things."

"Oh. R-Right."

"Umm... yes." Morning direly needed to change the subject. "Have I told you Dewdrop's story before? She's got quite the beginning as an Assassin."

"You have mentioned, yes. You said she was part of a gang?"

"Yes. She told me how she came to the Assassins all those years ago, though, I don't know how much of it is true. I only have her word for it.

"How it goes is, Dewdrop grew up on the streets. She used to be from an orphanage, did you know? But she killed one of the boys there after he, uh... tried to, um, there's no easy way to say this. After he tried to rape her."

"What?" Twilight leaned back in shock. "Orphanage? How old were they?"

"On that, I'm unsure..." Morning Blade pulled at her braid. "But yes, she was young. It must've been a terrible experience, but she fought back in self defense. After that, she fled and lived her life on the streets until her gang found her. I forgot its name, but that's where she was for a long time, up till she met Velvet's sister, Satin. Dewdrop said it was love at first sight."

"Wow. Go on."

"Well, in order to leave her gang, her boss told her she would have to wipe out the other gangs to make sure theirs would have no competition. Oh, and she was like, their best enforcer or something, so she was really valuable."

"And so that's what she did?" Twilight asked. "She wiped them all out?"

"Dewdrop said so, yes. After that, her boss tried to betray her to the Templars, so she wiped out her gang too."

"Wow... Dewdrop was sure the, um, skilled one, huh?"

"She was." Morning nodded, remembering her friend. While she and Dewdrop didn't always see eye to eye, Dewdrop had still been a good friend and one she was sad to have lost. "Um... Twilight. Tell me more about your world. All I know is you are all ponies. What else?"

"Oh, yes, of course, that's easy." Twilight nodded and seemed happy to move on to a different subject now. "So we have two princess who rule Equestria, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, who lower and raise the moon and sun."

"Ah, yes, you have mentioned Principal Celestia's counterpart once before." Morning bent back and laughed lightly. "It still baffles me how our worlds are mirrors or sorts. I've known Principal Celestia my whole high school life. I wonder what your princess is like."

"Oh, they're very similar. They don't even feel like different poni- uh, people."

"And you too are a princess. Um, what do you do as a princess, Twilight Sparkle?"

"Oh, I'm the Princess of Friendship, so my goal is to help maintain or create friendships so that everypony's happy."

"Hmm, makes sense, I guess." Morning nodded along. It sounded like a cartoon world, but the princess herself was seated right in front of her. "I could spend days listening to your story, Twilight. But perhaps if we still have time after Frigid's story."

"Sure. I would be happy to talk to you about Equestria," Twilight said and flipped her notebook open again. "So, where were we again?"

Wolfgang let out a shrill laughter as he grabbed an Assassin by the face before slashing at the other one’s eye with a dagger, knocking him down to his knees, screaming.

“Pathetic. What do they feed you Assassins in Fillydelphia? I’ve fought better ones from Trottingham.”

The Assassin unsheathed her hidden blade and stabbed for the killer’s arm, but Wolfgang simply let go and elbowed her in the nose, her body landing at the feet of a black robed figure that Wolfgang recognized. He wasn’t pleased to see this person.

“Mirror Match,” He said glumly. “I hope you’re not here to take my kills. What’s with the ridiculous outfit?”

The purple skinned woman shrugged and stepped over the Assassin. “Chairman couldn’t reach your cell. He wants to see you about your little field trips. He looked pretty pissed about it too.”

“Don’t mistaken my field trips to be like yours,” Wolfgang smiled and put a foot on the female Assassin’s neck. “Lumberjack gave me my orders. I’m just doing them how I wish.”

“Lumberjack still answers to Mahogany,” Mirror shot back. “And Mahogany wants to talk to you. Right now,” she tapped her foot on the ground to emphasize her point. “In person.”

“Fine, but just so you know…” Wolfgang pressed down harder and watched as the Assassin stopped moving. “I’m doing my job well. The chairman’ll be proud of my work.”

Mirror Match sniffed at him snidely. “If you say so, Wolfey.

“You know, I hate that name. So much. So very much.” Wolfgang flipped his knife into reverse grip and stalked over to the wounded Assassin.

Mirror smiled wider. “I know. Leave that one to me. Killing him is just a waste, you know. Why not leave him alive to send a message?”

“Send a message? What for? This guy’s not even from the same bureau you keep visiting.”

Wolfgang took another step toward the downed Assassin but stopped as soon as a red laser dot appeared on his finger. His frown deepened.

“You know, I thought we were supposed to be on the same side…” he growled.

“We are. It’s just when you start defying orders that I get the sense you’re not quite with the rest of us.”

“As I’ve said, I’m not doing anything wrong,” he squinted his eyes. “I’m just finishing up.”

Mirror Match nodded, but didn’t lower her gun. “Then you won’t mind leaving the cleanup to me. I’m more than capable, if you’ve seen my results from my little visit to the Trottingham bureau.”

Wolfgang snarled but shook his head and stowed his knife. “Oh, very well. Whatever you want, princess.” He grumbled as he pushed past her and disappeared down the street.

Mirror waited until she could no longer smell him, then bent down to examine the two Assassins. Her gun was replaced by two vials of bright green liquid.

“Let’s see, time until effective brain death, four to six minutes… there should still be time.”

Kneeling down to the female’s side first, she poured the contents of one vial down her throat and tilted the head back to force the liquid down. Next she drew a plain combat knife from inside her robes and pulled back one sleeve to stab it into her forearm. Dark red blood trickled out of the wound and into the female’s mouth, pooling around the throat.

Leaving the concoction to do its work, Mirror then stalked to the still conscious man. Batting aside his feeble attempt to stab her, she gripped his face and turned his head left and right, clucking her tongue.

“Hmm, this doesn’t look too bad,” she said as she brought out the second vial. Without ceremony, she unstoppered it and threw it into his face. The Assassin coughed and spluttered, flinching as Mirror held him down and dripped more of her blood into the socket where his eye had been. Once that was done, she finished by tying a bandage around his eyes and topped it off by shoving a lollipop into his mouth.

“There we go! Now keep that on for a few days, and try to avoid getting knifed in the face again. Growing back eyes is troublesome, even for me,” Mirror giggled and listened to the female Assassin groan and come to. “And do me a favor, the next time you see Wolfgang, just run away. You two aren’t very good at fighting.”

“Who are you?” The man asked around the lollipop. “Who are you really working for?”

“Well, that’s an easy one,” Mirror twitched her sleeve back into place and dropped into a sprinter’s crouch. “I’m working for whoever I want to work for.”

There was a whoosh of displaced air and Mirror Match sprang vertically upwards into the night, leaving behind two very confused Assassins in her wake.

Author's Note:

Well, we're getting ahead, I guess, so I hope y'all continue enjoying the story if you are! Still much more to come! Cheers!

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