• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,205 Views, 506 Comments

A Long Way to Fall - Cinders of War

Morning Blade recounts the story of Frigid Night to Twilight Sparkle. The story of how he became the man he was. The story of his fall.

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Chapter 65: Out of Balance

“Out of balance,” Pierce said without looking. Velvet dropped her hands to her side and looked at him. “When you strike with a baton, you’ll need better balance to recover from each strike.”

“Okay.” Velvet tried again, landing blow after blow on the dummy in front of her, watching it bounce back and forth after each blow.

“Not bad kid,” Pierce nodded with approval, but still without taking his eyes off his phone. “You learn fast. Maybe in a year or two, you’ll get the hang of it. Though, that might be a little long for Assassin standards. We’ve been losing people too much lately. I’m… sorry about what happened with your sister.”

“Yeah…” Velvet put a hand to the hairpin she kept in her hair. She didn’t use it for its original use, instead leaving it in her hair just to remember her sister. “Was she a great Assassin?”

“Yes,” Pierce nodded and took his eyes off his phone for just a second to look at Velvet. “She was a good kid. Fast learner, just like you, I guess. It’s a shame she… passed on. Templars. One day, they’re all going to pay. Whether by our hands or by someone else's. We’ll make them regret the day the decided to try to take over the world. That’s what they’re planning, you know? Their leader, Mahogany Wood sees a future where the world bows under one ruler. Himself. We’re going to make sure that never happens.”

“Oh…” Velvet made an understanding inside her head. She had to get better. To be able to fight to protect others from the Templars. She looked at the dummy and imagined it as a Templar, like a knight from the old days. She raised her baton and attacked again.

“That’s right, kid. Left, right, left, right. Make sure you hit important places, like the head, arms or legs. A crippled opponent is better than a standing one.”

“Say, you sound like you’ve been around for a long time,” Velvet asked as she worked on the dummy, sweat forming on her brows. “How long?”

“Long enough, kid,” the hacker sighed. “Too long. I’ve watched this bureau rise and fall. Times are changing. We’re not the Assassins we used to be. Not when the Templars have someone like Mirror Match. She’s after me, you know? A team and I destroyed a Templar world-changing machine. I’m the only one left standing. The only one she hasn’t touched. I don’t know what this ‘queen’ of hers has to do with any of this but she’s taking us down for her, supposedly. And I already have their other plans. They plan on unleashing a second machine besides converting the populace to their side. Against us. You know, it’s all thanks to your sister that we know more about the Templar plans now. I wish I could’ve thanked her in person.”

Velvet listened attentively. It seems her sister was a well respected Assassin, not just by her close friends, but also by many of the others, including Pierce.

“You’re a good kid, Velvet,” Pierce nodded. “Remember that. Us Assassins, we’re too deep in this ocean already. Know this, Velvet Breeze. Don’t walk too far into the deep waters. That’s where all the dangerous fish are.”

Sparkplug lay on his bed, unmoving. It had already been two days, and the Assassin was entering the third and final day of the venom’s lifespan. He had already entered his comatose state, and in a few more hours, he would just cease to be, just like Broadside and Fire Frenzy before him.

Dr. Patch sat on a stool opposite him, defeat written all over her face. Rose Petal stood beside her, a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“You did your best, Patch. There’s nothing more we can do but give him a proper goodbye.”

“I know, I know…” Patch sniffed and looked at the wheels of her chair. “But I’m a doctor. I’ve sat by and watched two of my friends die, unable to do anything for them. And now Sparkplug…”

“You saved Trueshot,” Rose Petal squeezed the medic’s shoulder. “If it weren’t for you, he wouldn’t be sitting there in bed waving to you right now.”

Patch looked up at the Stalliongrad Assassin. He gave her a warm smile and a wave with a three-fingered hand, bandaged all the way to the elbow. In the crook of one elbow was a noxious mixture of the prescribed holy water, garlic, and ashes.

“You’re right, Rose,” Patch nodded. “Even if I can’t do anything, I’ve got to work hard, if not for him, then for the others that I can still save.”

“That’s the spirit, Patch. But for Sparkplug, we’ll be with him until he goes. It’s the least we could do for an old friend.”

“Do you think it’ll end?” Patch asked despondently.

“What will end?”

“Mirror Match’s executions,” Patch explained as she readjusted her glasses. “Mentor said she was only going after those involved in the Templar machine’s destruction. But what if it doesn’t end with all of them dead? What if she goes on, one Assassin at a time until there are none of us left? What can I do then?”

“She won’t,” Rose looked at Trueshot. “She’s only used that black blade on the people she’s targeted.”

“But this queen she keeps killing for… Who is she? Is she even a real person?”

“She has to be. Why else would she go through all this trouble to kill them?”

Patch shifted a hand under her chin. “Though… I’ve never heard of this queen. Neither have any of you, I’m sure. Is there someone out there higher than the Grand Master?”

“I don’t know, Patch. But we’ll stop Mirror, queen or no. We’re going to make sure of it.”

“But Pierce. He’s the only one left from the team. We can’t just let Mirror do as she pleases with him. We can’t let him leave the bureau. That witch has successfully taken down each of her targets without fail. Pierce is not going to be any different. She and her pet vampire.”

“We’re Assassins. We can’t just lock the man up in the bureau just because he’s being hunted. And Pierce is different. Even if he’s not the most social person, he’s smart. I’m sure he’ll figure out a way to deal with Mirror if he does go out,” Rose chewed her lip. “As for vampires, I’ve already put in an order for silver bullets and garlic. We’ll be ready this time.”

“Pierce’ll find a way to beat her, Patch,” Trueshot croaked out of his dry mouth from his position. “He’s our best hacker after all. He’s got a lot of information to work from.”

“I guess.” It was a thin string of hope for Patch to hold onto, but she gladly took it. It was better than letting go and falling into the jaws of the shark below. They would have to ready themselves against Mirror Match. They had to beat her. That was all they had to do now.

Author's Note:

I apologize for another short chapter, but that's just the way it's all done. Haha. I hope it's still informative enough, at least. I apologize ahead, seeing as there'll be more shorter chapters.

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