• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,206 Views, 506 Comments

A Long Way to Fall - Cinders of War

Morning Blade recounts the story of Frigid Night to Twilight Sparkle. The story of how he became the man he was. The story of his fall.

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Chapter 31: Why Do We Fight?

Mahogany Wood readied himself and checked Crescent Wing. His bodyguard had taken up a good position behind the chairman and the desk, both hands resting on the hilts of his sabers, ready to strike if anything went wrong. A knock on the door signaled Timber’s arrival with their guest.

“Enter,” Mahogany said, putting power in his voice. It was something he did with every new Templar. He had to show he was the one in power, teach them to give him the respect he deserved.

The door opened, revealing Mahogany’s brothers, Timber and Lumberjack, walking behind a girl with mauve skin and orange-green hair. She wore a white Assassins coat, along with a gauntlet on her right arm, probably housing a hidden blade.

“Assassin?” Mahogany raised an eyebrow and slightly looked at Crescent Wing. The man from Horston had already gripped the handle of one of his sabers, but kept it in its sheath.

“It’s alright, brother.” Lumberjack walked up and patted the girl on the back. “This is Mirror Match. She’s the one who was sending us those letters.”

“And she’s proven she has no loyalty to the Assassin Brotherhood,” Timber added from the side, pushing up his glasses with a smug grin. “Earlier today, she had killed one of the best Assassins the Mentor has. Goes by the name of Dust Fencer.”


“Video,” Lumberjack said and brought out a small phone.

Mahogany took it and inspected it. He watched as the Assassin in the gray robes jumped over the one in white, shielding him with his body as a bomb exploded, sending him flying across the small pit they were both in. Eventually, both of them stopped moving.

He nodded his approval before handing the device back to his burly brother. “Convincing. But Mirror Match, I’m sure you know just killing one Assassin isn’t enough for me to just let an Assassin join us.”

“Of course,” she grinned and put a hand on her hip. “I have information. About the Assassins, about the bureau, about anything you need to know about them.”

Mahogany Wood put his fingers together and thought about it. Was this true? Did he finally have someone who know the inner workings of the Assassins, and where their hideout was? Or was this a clever ruse to tear down the Templars from within. This was a gamble, but Mahogany was certain it was going to be a good choice to make.

“Very well,” he nodded. “Welcome to the Order, Mirror Match. First, let us discuss something. What is it that you want? Why do you wish to join us?”

She sighed and hung her head down, as if asking Mahogany to pity her. He was going to do no such thing. Pity was only for the weak. If she wanted to be a Templar, she was going to have to learn how to deal with what life threw at her, whether she liked it or not.

“I’m looking for someone,” she said at last. “You Templars might have the resources I need to find them.”

“That’s rather vague, don’t you think?” Mahogany stood off his chair and walked around his desk, Crescent Wing following very closely behind. “If you want our help, you’re going to have to provide more information than that. Who is it you are looking for? What do they look like?”

“I… don’t know,” she replied. “I’m not sure what they look like now, and I can’t give you any more details than that.”

“Well, if you don’t give us that information, there’s really no way we can help.” Mahogany inspected the girl. She looked young, younger than even Timber, but there was something about her that seemed experienced. “How about money? I’m sure someone such as yourself would love to get her hands on a lot of money, because that would be something we can provide you with, and I can’t imagine the Assassins were paying you much either. Perhaps with money, you’ll have what you need to scour for the information yourself.”

Mirror Match’s face instantly lit up when she heard the word, ‘money’. “Oh, that would do just fine. I would be thankful for your help and contribution in my search.”

“Then it’s settled,” Mahogany smiled and returned to his chair. He motioned a hand to the chair across from his desk. “Sit, please. You and I have much to discuss. I want to know everything you know about the Assassins.”

"That is just..." Twilight Sparkle leaned back against her chair and sighed. "That's so sad... To be betrayed like that by the one you love... And poor Dust Fencer."

"Yeah, it sure is..." Morning Blade closed her one eye and pulled at her braid. "It's never easy, losing someone you care about, even as an Assassin. I know, no matter how much I think about it, it's still there with me.

"I never knew Dust Fencer. He was before my time, but from what the others have said, he was a great Assassin. It would've been a great honour to get to know him."

"I wonder if I can find him over in Equestria." Twilight tapped her chin. "If Frigid Night is a captain for the Royal Guard, maybe Dust would be there too, just like you are, Morning."

The ex-Assassin shrugged. "Maybe. Hard to know, since I don't know anything about your world. Maybe when I'm done with my story, you can tell me yours."

Twilight smirked. "It's a deal, Morning."

One month later

Rose Petal and Trueshot had gone back to visit Dust Fencer's memorial for a second time that day. After the ceremony the Assassins had for Dust, the Mentor and Star Lance had placed his outfit, along with anything else he had on him down in the vault, with the rest of their fallen brothers and sisters. The only possessions that weren’t in the vault were his hidden blades, which he had given to Frigid Night. Though ever since Dust passed on, it was like their team spirit went along with him. It wasn't the same without him.

"I still... I can't believe it..." Rose tried to hold back her tears. "How could she...? She was one of us."

The two Assassins headed through the vault’s metal doors, walking over to the glass case where they kept their friend’s things. The sight of Dust's outfit drew water from Rose’s eyes and she buried herself in Trueshot's embrace, a small whimper escaping her mouth.

Trueshot did his best to comfort her, but in truth, he felt like doing the same. Dust was the leader of their little team. He was the one that kept them together all these years. The one who led them through all the troubles they faced. In the end, he had still been the one to help out, sacrificing himself to protect young Frigid Night. He wanted to say something to Rose. Something that would cheer her up, but he had nothing. Water began to cloud his vision as well, but he maintained his strong facade. He had to be strong for the both of them.

“Dust was… Dust was a good friend,” Trueshot choked the words out. “We will remember him always. Rose. He wouldn’t want us to stand here all day, mourning him. He would want us to get back out there and fight for him. To do what he never could.”

Rose looked up at Trueshot, tears still slowly dripping down her face. “You… you’re right. Mourning Dust won’t bring him back… But… Mirror Match. What a sweet girl she was… To just… To just turn her back on us like that… Poor Frigid.”

Trueshot nodded. Mirror Match was everything to Frigid. The young Assassin had fought on, not just for the Creed or the Brotherhood, but for her as well. And what happened? She stabbed him in the back and left to join the Templars. “That kid… I haven’t seen him since Patch released him from the medic wing.”

“Frigid has it the worst...” Rose wiped at her eyes. “The love of his life betrayed him, and his master died protecting him. I know how he must feel, but I would never be able to understand what he’s going through. It’s too much for anyone to bear… We… we need to check on him. Talk to him. See if he’s okay.”

“You’re right,” Trueshot let her go and walked up to Dust’s gear. “Dust wouldn’t want him to waste away as well.”

“I’ll go," she decided, heading for the door. Just thinking about Frigid threatened to bring the tears out again, but she willed them back. Frigid needed them now, more than ever.

Rose Petal had decided to check on his room first, because she found no reason for him to be anywhere else in the bureau. If he wasn’t there, she had no idea where else he might be.

She passed High Noon and Windy Sails in the corridor, stopping both of them. “High Noon. Have you… seen Frigid?”

The cowboy sighed and his apprentice slowly put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. “He’s in his room. Been in there for the last two days. I don’t know. He’s not answering my calls. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to just barge in there, you know?”

“It’s alright, Noon.” Rose gave a nod of thanks before walking past them. “Take care.”

Arriving outside his door, Rose knocked on it with her knuckles, waiting to hear any forms of sound from inside. The East Assassin heard nothing. Not even footsteps walking away. She decided to try the handle, finding it unlocked. She slowly pushed the door open, steadily flooding the dark room with the hallway lights. The room had seen better days, probably dirty from all the time Frigid had spent in Mirror's, instead of his own. Dust and dirt caked the floor under her, every footprint the young Assassin had taken leaving an impression on the ground, all the way to the bed where he sat, face in his hands. He didn't even bother to look up as Rose entered the room. His coat hung over a wooden chair, the hood almost touching the floor, as if the piece of clothing had also lost its will to fight. Dust Fencer’s trident blades sat on the chair, the gifts from the Trottingham Assassin before he passed.

“Frigid?” Rose softly called as she made her way towards him. “May I come in?”

The gray haired Assassin stayed silent and unmoving, maintaining his position on his bed.

“A-are you alright?” Rose asked as she stood beside the unmoving Assassin.

Frigid didn’t reply, nor move. He continued to sit there, face in his palms, not even bothering to acknowledge her presence.

“Frigid…” she put a hand on his back. “I don’t know how you must feel, but you cannot sit here forever. You need to eat.”

“Food is the least of my worries,” he mumbled from under his hands. “Please… I don’t want to see anyone else.”

“You mustn’t waste away, Frigid.” Rose sat down beside him. “Dust wouldn’t want this.”

“Please… leave me be…”


“I’m... sorry Rose,” Frigid started choking on his words. “Mirror… I loved her… she was the most important person in my life… the person I trusted the most… and I let her get the better of me. Just like that… Dust… he lost his life because I was too trusting…”

Rose lifted his head out of his hands, noticing the new scars he had received from the explosion. She pulled him in and embraced him. “It’s not your fault Frigid. Dust had always wanted to help others. No matter the cost. That’s why Trueshot and I are still alive today. That’s why you’re still alive today. It’s because of him, Frigid. He protected us so that we could live on and continue our duties. To protect the world from the hands of the Templars.”

"That's right..." Frigid nodded, leaning on her. "But how can I trust anyone else? They could easily betray me like... like Mirror did. I cannot lower my guard. I don't want to experience this pain again..."

“Frigid...” Rose repeated again.

“No, Rose,” Frigid shook his head as more tears rolled down his face. “I can’t. I know what an Assassin is meant to do, but I just can’t. Not anymore...”

"Frigid," Rose said sternly. "Do you remember? Why do we fight? Do you remember why you fight?"


She stood up and paced the room. "Back home, we don’t have elected officials like you do here. In the East, regions are ruled by noble families who all answer to the emperor. They decide the laws and rules of the land, and the people have to follow along." Rose extended her hidden blade. “More often than not, the decrees are slated to the nobles’ favour. Back when I was a girl, my province was ruled over by a cruel man called Tiger Claw. Because he was rich and powerful, he was able to stay in power while abusing his people.”

Frigid sat up a little more, wondering where Rose Petal was going with this. “Things got worse and worse, and nearly every week there would be some word of Tiger Claw’s injustices. We thought things would never change... “ Rose breathed deeply, recalling her youth. “But then one night, as I went with my brother to pay that month’s taxes, we were greeted with the sight of Tiger Claw’s entire palace, filled with dead men and blood. It was like a demon from the underworld had torn through it, destroying and killing everyone inside. We stood there, awestruck, as before our very eyes, a woman wearing dark armor and a mask emerged from the balcony with Tiger Claw’s head and threw it down into the courtyard.”

The morbidity of the memory was lost on Frigid. He simply didn’t have the will to imagine it all that well. Undeterred, Rose continued, “My brother ran for home, but as I followed him I looked back, and the assassin looked right into my eyes, as if she could see into my heart… and that’s when I understood that by taking one life, you can save hundreds, maybe thousands. I never saw her again, but whoever she was, she taught me something special.” The Eastern Assassin retracted her hidden blade and turned back to her friend. “I only wish I could see her one more time, so I can thank her properly. But that is why I fight. What about you?"

Frigid remembered his story. The reason he had joined the Assassins. It all started on that fateful day as he made his way down the streets. A thug had ambushed a woman in front and demanded all her money. Frigid couldn't just stand by while the man threatened her, so he intervened.

Back then, he had lacked combat experience, instead, getting himself beaten up by the thief, but there was a quality that the Assassin hiding beside the dumpster had seen in him that day. The will to fight. No matter how many times the thug beat Frigid to the wet ground, he got back up and tried to bring justice to the man. After seeing enough, the Assassin had left his hiding spot and took the man down, tossing his unconscious body into the blue dumpster.

The woman had nodded her thanks and left, not bothering to check on young Frigid, but the Assassin helped him up and offered him a place in the Brotherhood. An offer Frigid had gladfully accepted. And the Assassin that found him was none other than the man who would go on to teach him the ways of the Assassins; Dust Fencer himself.

Frigid remembering all of it. Dust wouldn't have picked him up that day if he was just going to give up now. He had a job to do and a master to avenge.

“Thank you, Rose…” Frigid said at last, giving the female Assassin a reassuring look. “You’re right. Dust wouldn’t want this, and I’m not doing anyone any good by sitting in here and rotting away. I will make things right, but please, could you give me the rest of the day off? I just need time.”

Rose gave him another hug before standing up. “Of course, Frigid. Take as much time as you need. Just make sure you eat. Tell you what. I’ll bring dinner up for you. How’s that sound?”

“Appreciated,” Frigid smiled. Something Rose Petal hadn’t seen in a while. “Thanks for looking out for me.”

“You’re important to us, Frigid,” Rose said as she pulled the door open. “Remember that.”

Frigid turned his head to look at the walls of his room. He was going to have to find some time to clean all of it up, but he also had to find Mirror. She had betrayed him and the Brotherhood and who knows what secrets she might have been giving away about them. Someone was going to have to find her and that someone was going to be him.

I’m not going to stop until I find her. For Dust Fencer.

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