• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,201 Views, 506 Comments

A Long Way to Fall - Cinders of War

Morning Blade recounts the story of Frigid Night to Twilight Sparkle. The story of how he became the man he was. The story of his fall.

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Chapter 36: Elbow Room

High Noon had spent the last hour teaching Windy Sails the history of the Assassin Brotherhood. He had brought her to the library and picked out a few books for her to read as they moved over to one of the small square tables on the second floor.

"Do you need a break, Windy?" High Noon asked as he watched his apprentice. Her eyelids have slowly been getting lower as she read through the first book.

"That would be nice," Windy whispered and put the book down. She leaned back in her chair and stretched her arms back. "So what now?"

High Noon contemplated his options. He could get to know her better, talk about more Assassin stuff, or he could even ask her out. Noon really wanted to go for the third option, but he had no idea how to get the words out of his mouth. He had somehow asked Dewdrop that one time, but failed miserably. Would this be the same?

"Uhh... Well..." High Noon didn't realize he was staring into nothing for so long. "Well, where are you from, Windy? How'd you end up with the Templars?"

The blonde girl picked up a book and started spinning it unconsciously. "I'm f-from Manehattan. I-I thought I'd follow my calling and work out at sea, eventually finding my way to the B-Board of Education's ship services. But I guess I never really knew what they were..."

"Yeah..." Noon sighed, remembering his time with the Board. He had thought they worked to make the world better, but when he found their methods questionable, he lost his trust in them. "I actually knew. I was a Templar myself. A bodyguard."

"Then what happened?" Windy leaned forward in her seat, interested to know her master's backstory.

"They started doing things... Things that didn't seem like they were making a better world," High Noon continued. "And... I'm a failure. I couldn't do anything right. The Templars tried to kill me, so I left."

"You-you're not a failure, Noon," Windy told him. "Umm... Yeah."

High Noon smiled at his apprentice, though he didn't look at her eyes. She was trying to make him feel better about himself, and he liked that. "Thanks, Windy. Well, I think we should-"

"High Noon!" Both Assassins turned to see Star Lance approaching them. He had shouted pretty loudly, but the other Assassins in the library didn't dare tell Star Lance to lower his volume.

"Yes, Star Lance?" High Noon asked as politely as he could as the man stood over them.

"Need someone to pick up more supplies," he said gruffly. "Figure I'll give you the chance to get out there with your apprentice here." He handed a sheet a paper with everything they needed to the cowboy. "Make sure you get everything."

"Right," High Noon nodded as the Mentor's lieutenant turned around and left. He looked at his expecting apprentice. "Looks like we have some groceries to pick up. The studying will have to wait."

"What do we have to get?"

High Noon looked at the list before handing it to Windy. By the looks of it, Star Lance was sending them on the usual restocking of equipment and necessities. Every now and then, a few Assassins would go out and grab a few items the Brotherhood needed. Their job was to pick up the canned food and bottled water for field work.

“Sounds easy enough…” Windy mumbled as she read the words on the paper.

“This would be the perfect chance to show you around town,” High Noon smiled as he led her to the exit. “Ever been to Trottingham?”

“Not really, no… I’ve only been to the docks after taking the yacht here.”

“Huh…” High Noon nodded as they made their way down the bureau, soon heading out the front doors. “So… how’s… everything been going for you? Your room comfortable enough? Sleeping alright?”

“Yes, everything’s fine.” Windy looked around at the roads to the city, taking in the scenery as they moved. “I haven’t had any problems yet…”

“Oh, that’s… good, I guess.” High Noon searched his mind for any kind of conversation he could have with Windy, but he couldn’t come up with anything lasting.

Think, Noon. What can you talk about? What conversation can you hold?

"Ummm..." Windy started. "Is there... anything you enjoy doing...?"

"Enjoy? Hmm..." High Noon curled his lip up as he thought about the question. "Well, I like using my guns, or my lasso. You ever tried using a lasso?"

"No," Windy said as she shook her head. "We don't do all that in Manehattan."

"Well, I'll be sure to show you how it's done one day." As High Noon thought about it, it began sounding like a good idea to bond with her. "How about... later? Y'know... After we get the stuff?"

"S-sounds great to me." She turned and looked to the front.

High Noon let out a sigh of relief. She didn't see his cheeks glow red after the question left his mouth. Then he looked up at the bright, warm sun. Perhaps things were going his way today.

"Kill them all..." Dewdrop muttered as Satin hoisted her through the doors of the bureau. "Every *hic* last one of them guys..."

After returning to Trottingham, Dewdrop had dragged Satin to a bar to have a good time before returning to the bureau. They had spent the next four hours there before Satin decided it was time they headed back.

"Easy, Dew..." Satin held back a laugh. "We're back. You're home. No Templars here."

"Pfffffff!" Dewdrop puffed her cheeks. "Templars everywhere, they are! Might be here. Check that plant! Could be a 'plar hiding in there..."

"Sure, Dew," Satin giggled as they made their way to the rooms. She figured she'll get Dewdrop to bed before reporting to the Mentor. "I'll check the plant later."

"You're pretty pretty, Satin..." Dewdrop started a laugh, ending it with a series of hiccups. "Wish I was like you."

"Alright, next time, lay off the alcohol, yeah?" Satin dragged her partner up the steps. "I think you've had waaaay too much."

"Naw..." Dewdrop continued to drag her feet, making it harder for Satin to move her. "It's noothing. I only had a few *hic* bottles is all..."

After arriving at the right floor, the gray-pink haired Assassin brought Dewdrop to her room, opening the door with one hand while supporting the pale coloured Assassin with her other. She lay Dewdrop on her bed before pulling up the sheets to her chin.

"Get some rest, Dew," Satin patted her partner on the head. "I'll see you later if you get up before I leave for home."

"Wait, hold up there, Satin..." Dewdrop grabbed Satin's arm and pulled her back. She brought Satin's form lower before giving her a light kiss on the cheek. "See you tomorrow, Satty. Gonna kill some 'plaaaaars..."

"Right..." Satin rubbed at her red cheek before walking backwards to the door. "See you. Sleep well."

Satin closed the door and leaned her back against it. She continued to think about what Dewdrop had just done as her cheeks maintained their flushed colour. She knew how Dewdrop felt about her. They even had a whole long adventure while recruiting Dewdrop to the Brotherhood and there had been moments greater than a simple kiss to the cheek, but until now, Satin still couldn't figure out what she thought about it all. After a few more minutes, she left, heading down to the canteen. Her stomach grumbled from the lack of food, making the Assassin think of roast chicken and fresh tomatoes. She couldn’t report to the Mentor like that. Her stomach would be speaking more than her mouth.

Passing the dojo, she looked in to see High Noon teaching Windy Sails how to use his rope. She noticed how close he was behind her, shakily holding her hands to show her how to swing it correctly. Satin almost laughed at the sight. The cowboy was definitely trying to get closer to the girl, trying not to make it too obvious, but the fun part was that Windy was doing the same. They didn’t seem to notice each other in that way just yet.

"You need to maintain your speed as you bring it up," High Noon explained, a small blush creeping over his face.

"R-right..." Windy nodded.

Satin smiled before continuing. She would've stayed and watched, but she really needed some food. She proceeded to the canteen, grabbing herself a plate of cheese sandwiches before finding a spot to chow down.

"Hey, Satin!"

Satin greeted Rose Petal as she sat down across from her. "Hi, Rose."

The Eastern Assassin smiled at the grey-skinned girl. "How's it been? It's been a while since we had time to talk like this."

"Yeah..." Satin sighed. Things had changed after Mirror Match had left the Brotherhood. Frigid Night was always away, Rose and Trueshot seemed to be at a loss without Dust Fencer, and the Assassins as a whole seemed to be down. "I'm doing fine, I guess. Dewdrop's a very fast learner. Probably experience from all the time she spent living on the streets."

"That's good, that's good..." Rose looked down at her plate of food. "Huh... Things are just different. Dust was the one holding us together. Now, I don't know what's going to become of us."

"We're close, Rose," Satin said before offering the older Assassin a smile. "We found the location where the Templars held their machine, but they've moved it. It won't be long before we find it."

"Right," Rose nodded, a little confidence returning to her. "Just leave it to Pierce and any recon we all do. We'll find it. Then we'll make things right."

“Yeah.” Satin looked at her with determined eyes. This machine would determine the fate of the world, and the Brotherhood and Templar Order. “We can’t let them use it. Imagine the whole world, under the control of Mahogany Wood. Uuurgh. I don’t want to imagine it.”

“Well, they’re pretty easy to imagine,” Rose said, smiling as Satin gave her a shocked look. “Yeah, just imagine a world where everyone is a zombie-like minion, doing everything the master says. That’s easy, isn’t it?”

Satin recovered and put a smile on her face as well. “Yeah, that is pretty easy.”

Both Assassins began laughing as they continued their conversation about Templars and world-destroying machines, finishing up their dinner as they chatted.

"Well, I gotta get going." Satin got up and picked up her empty tray. "I need to report to the Mentor. Pretty important, you know."

"Yup! Catch you around Satin!" Rose Petal waved goodbye as Satin left.

The blue-pink haired girl washed her tray and put it away before heading out of the canteen. It was getting late, so the faster she talked to the Mentor, the faster she could get home to Velvet.

Author's Note:

Once again, buildup, you guys know the drill, but thanks for reading on!

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