• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,201 Views, 506 Comments

A Long Way to Fall - Cinders of War

Morning Blade recounts the story of Frigid Night to Twilight Sparkle. The story of how he became the man he was. The story of his fall.

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Chapter 33: Friends

Wolfgang sat in the canteen and stared at the new girl, inspecting her form, stance and expression. He had remembered her when he was out in the field. She and another Assassin had killed Volatile that one day so many years ago, and now here she was. A Templar. The girl had on a red and purple coat, with a bright red sash hanging around her waist, under a belt with the Templar logo on it.

“So, Mirror Match…” Wolfgang started snidely as he picked apart a roasted chicken with his bare hands. “You’re here working with us, because you have information on the Assassins that we have to use… Is that right?”

“Yes…” The orange-green haired girl folded her arms. She didn’t seem to be too pleased to be working with Wolfgang and Pressure Point. Her food sat on the table, barely touched.

“Oh, why the long face?” Wolfgang reached over for the salt. “You don’t like hanging out with us?”

“Don’t bother her, Wolf.” Pressure Point tossed a knife up into the air and caught it as it came back down. “She’s an Assassin, remember? She’s not like Timber or any of those weak scientists in there. This one knows how to fight.”

“Whatever,” Wolfgang said and leaned back. “So, tell us where to find the Assassins and I’ll be sure to bring back a few of their heads for decoration. It’s really… grey around here.”

“I will tell you where to find them, when I want to. Wolfey.” Mirror Match smiled as the killer formed a frown on his face. She’d found the right nerve. "If you want to know anything, go ask Mahogany. He's your boss after all."

"Well, fine..." Wolfgang turned his attention to the morning papers. Over the last few days, there had been killings all across Manehattan, and if one were to inspect the victims carefully, they would find them all to be Templars. "Seems we have a new killer in town." Each victim had died with several injuries, some more gruesome than others.

"Think the boss knows about this?" Pressure Point asked as she read the paper, leaning over to look at it. "He should really beef up the security."

"What, and pull the soldiers away from the machine?" Wolfgang scoffed. "Yeah right. That machine's everything to them. Right, Mirror Match? You're a Templar now. You must think like that too, do you not?"

Mirror nodded her head, but didn't look at them. "True, the machine is important. It'll find some interesting people out there, I'm hoping. I've read a lot about this machine from the bug we placed in the Templar database a while ago. I must say, it's a marvel, this artifact. It has the power to change the world. I hope Mahogany knows what he's doing with it."

"Of course he does..." Wolfgang ripped off a chicken leg and stuffed it in his mouth. "Mind-control? Yeah. He's going to make the world a better place and blah blah blah, all that. Honestly, I don't care."

"Agreed, Wolf," Pressure added. "I mean, killing is our lifestyle. I don't want that to change. It's just... so much fun! Especially when your victim just begs for the life, trying to pay you off with everything they own. Ha! Priceless! Right before you gut them into a million pieces."

Mirror made it clear that she was disgusted at these two killers, but Wolfgang didn't care. He was a killer and he was proud of it. A lot of people didn't like him, but eventually, he would just show them why they should hate him more. He pulled a knife from his pocket and cut the chicken's body clean in half.

"Doesn't matter what you think about us, Mirror Match. We get the job done and that's all that matters."

"Pipeline, Rust Rod, Hubcap, Skyline..." Mahogany Wood read off the paper in his office. These four Templars were killed in just three days, along with a bunch of guards and soldiers. The Assassins have never been this active in Mahogany's lifetime.

"My men don't just die like that," Talon said, smashing a fist on Mahogany's desk, earning an evil eye from the Grand Master. "Someone tough is out there, and they're looking for something. Look at the patterns."

"Yes, I agree..." Mahogany swapped from the papers to his reports. Those four Templars had all been killed with a stab wound to the chest, besides multiple injuries all over their bodies. Interrogation. Someone wanted information from them, injuring a part of their bodies when they didn't give an answer. "Mirror Match did say something about an Assassin she was close with. Frigid Night. Perhaps he's looking for her. Trying to make things right."

"But brother," Timber said from behind his laptop screen. "Mirror Match said the Assassin's fighting style didn't match anyone she knew from her Trottingham. It could be someone entirely new to us."

"Don't you have a bug to remove?" Talon interrupted. He didn't like all the fancy talk about guesses and assumptions.

Timber sniffed and returned his attention to his screen. He tapped away on the keyboard, bringing up all kinds of windows filled with a bunch of text.

One of the windows flashed red as Timber accessed it, raising an amused smile on his face. "Oh...? This is where you were hiding?"

Timber's fingers blurred across the keyboard, faster than Mahogany could see. Before long, his brother leaned back and stretched his arms out, turning the laptop around to show them. On the screen, a single bar slowly began filling up.

"What is that?" Mahogany asked.

"It's the new firewall," Timber chuckled as he turned the computer back to himself. "It'll prevent the Assassins from planting anymore of these bugs. Unless they upgrade, they'll never get back in here."

"That's great and all, but what about my men?" Talon bellowed. "Chairman, I say we send a group of them to the Assassin's base and blow it down. We have the ordnance to do so."

"Patience, Talon." Mahogany Wood saw logic in that plan. They now knew where the Trottingham Assassin bureau was, but rushing in there blindly would only cause them to lose more men. They had to wait. "The time will come. I have plans for Mirror Match, but first, let us finish the Eye. With the artifact, we can reduce our casualties from ten to zero easily."

"At least send someone to kill some Assassins..." Talon grumbled and looked at his big, powerful hands. "The deaths of my men cannot go to waste."

"Very well." Mahogany would at least give Talon that one. Killing a few Assassins wouldn't hurt. Mahogany Wood turned his chair around and gazed out the large window. "We can send the killers. As far as I'm concerned, they're expendable."

Frigid Night hopped off the last building, quickly making his way back to the bureau in the cover of the dark sky. It was still rather early in the morning, meaning most of the Assassins would still be asleep. The roads were still deserted, not a single soul had awoken down in the city.

Frigid had left the bureau unexpectedly, telling no one of his plans before he headed to Manehattan. He crept along the streets, watching out for the Assassins on duty on the roof. Seems it was Silent Frame and Fire Frenzy on duty today.

Fire Frenzy.

The man had become a real frenzy after Ice Flake had passed. Frigid remembered telling him that he shouldn't do rash, impulsive things to get back at the Templars. The pale yellow-skinned Assassin laughed at himself inside. Now here he was, doing all those dumb things he told Frenzy not to do.

Frigid quietly crept along the foliage towards the bureau, making sure the Assassins above weren't looking in his direction when he moved closer. Arriving at the building, he pressed himself against the wall as he crept closer to the entrance. He spied inside the lobby, watching as Dewdrop walked back and forth while Spectral Rim lay on a bench, 'resting her eyes'.

Just two more guards to get by and I'll be home free.

Finding no other way in, Frigid did the only thing he could do. He breathed and walked right in. Dewdrop immediately picked up his presence and turned to face him.

She relaxed her body after realizing who it was. "Frigid, it's just you. Where have you been? We we looking all over for you yesterday, High Noon and Windy the day before! Do you know how much time we wasted?"

Spectral Rim mumbled something unintelligible, but didn't get up.

"Sorry, Dewdrop," Frigid tried to sound as sincere as he could, but it didn't come out right. "I've got to find Mirror. She needs to answer for what she's done."

"Well, I'm okay with that," Dewdrop nodded. "But this isn't like you, Frigid. I thought you were the one that encouraged people when they have problems like yours? What happened to you?"

"It's not important." Frigid walked past her and attempted to wave her off, but Dewdrop caught on to his arm and spun him around to face her.

"One event, Frigid," Dewdrop said sternly as she stared into his eyes. "One event was all it took to destroy you? What happened to bouncing back up? Why did you let it change you?"

"Anyone can fall, Dewdrop." Frigid shook her off and sped out of the lobby. "Anyone. And I'm nothing special."

He quickly doubled up the steps, making his way to his room. Dewdrop's words had brought back memories that he thought he had blocked out. Frigid was always the one to tell others not to give up, that if they kept trying, they would eventually get good at it. Now, he wasn't so sure about his own words and without Dust around to guide him, things were different.

This is how things must be now.

Frigid arrived at the floor where his room was, making a right turn after the stairs to get there. He still had some cleaning to do in his room, and the faster he did it, the faster he could get some rest.

"Frigid Night."

Frigid stopped and tensed in his tracks. Star Lance. He cursed under his breath that of all people to see him, it had to be Star Lance.

"Come with me," Star Lance ordered, walking back down the stairs.

Frigid grumbled and followed. When Star Lance calls, it's always best that you do what he says. The Master Assassin led him back to the Mentor's office and opened the door. He stood by the frame, motioning for Frigid to enter before him. The Mentor sat on her large bed, looking like she had just woken up, though she still managed to keep her composed form. This was the first time Frigid saw her without her armor on, the pieces of metal hanging on a wooden mannequin next to her bed. She still had on her gray and red robes, along with a blue scarf wrapped around her neck.

“Frigid Night,” the Mentor started, calm and cool like always. “I have reason to believe you’ve gone out and done your own work the last three days. While I applaud your initiative, there is one thing I must tell you. This is not the right thing to do. Fighting for your own personal motives is not what we are about.”

“I know, Mentor.” Frigid knew she was right, but he just couldn’t stop. A part of him had disappeared with Mirror. If he wanted to get it back, he had to find Mirror and finish it. “But I’ve also managed to pull some useful intel from the Templars.” Frigid fished around his pocket and pulled out the thumbdrive. “I have data on the machine and the artifact.”

The Mentor seemed to weigh her thoughts and decisions before talking. “Bring that drive to Pierce. Have him look over it, but Frigid Night. Please, no more self missions. I trust you’ll make the right decision.”

Frigid sighed, but eventually nodded his head in agreement.

“Kid, I know what you’ve been through,” Star Lance said as he escorted the younger Assassin out. “It’s hard, losing someone you love and even harder when the person you love betrays you. But you must have self-control. Going out in the dark without a flashlight is just plain stupid, reckless, and below an Assassin of your rank.”

"Right..." Frigid played along, telling him what he wanted to hear. For this to be truly over, Frigid needed to make things right, either by destroying the artifact or taking Mirror down. "You're right, Star Lance."

Star Lance did something Frigid never thought the big man would do. He gave the gray haired Assassin a pat on the back. "Take care of yourself, Frigid. Don't get yourself into more trouble than you already are." Star Lance turned around and returned to the office.

Judging from their words, the Assassins would likely be keeping a closer eye on him from now on. Frigid decided to think about it later and headed back to his room. He would love to head out into the field right away, but he was only human and he requires rest like everyone else.

Frigid headed up the building again, slowly making his way to his room. As he approached it, he noticed the door was open and voices could be heard from inside.

"It sure is d-dirty in here..."

"Well, the guy hasn't used it in a long time. No one else to clean the room."

"That's why we're here. We're giving him a..." Frigid saw Satin Breeze speaking to Dewdrop, High Noon, and Windy Sails. She turned her head to the doorway and noticed the owner of the room. "...Surprise... Well, you just spoiled it, Frigid."

"Glad to see you pal." High Noon walked over, a broom in one hand, and gave Frigid a friendly punch on the shoulder.

"What're you all doing?" Frigid asked.

"Well, as I've said," Satin continued, pushing some stray strands of dark blue and purple hair from her forehead. "We were going to surprise you by cleaning this place up for you. Thought that might cheer you up."

Frigid looked at Dewdrop. Then at the door, then back at Dewdrop again. He was sure she was just downstairs on guard duty. If she was here and if Spectral Rim was still sleeping, who was watching the bureau entrance? He decided he didn't care enought to find out.

"You looked like you needed some help." High Noon smiled.

Frigid was moved by the kindness his friends had towards him, but couldn't overshadow his anger or grief. "I'm grateful, but if you could all leave me to rest. I need some time alone."

"But you've had just about a whole week of alone time!" Dewdrop challenged, dropping her broom to the floor. "You've got to-"

"Dewdrop, it's alright," Satin grabbed her apprentice and pulled her towards the door. "If Frigid wants some time, we'll give it to him."

Dewdrop huffed but let Satin pull her along. "I've got to get back to duty anyway. Mentor'll kill me if she found out."

"I hope it all works out, Frigid," High Noon told his friend as he and his apprentice headed out.

"Take care," Windy whispered as she closed the door behind her.

Frigid looked at his room. His friends had managed to clean at least half of the place. Two of the four walls were dusted, and the ground under his feet had been completely swept. His side table and bed were still a little dirty, but nothing he couldn't handle himself. He leaned back against his pillow after patting it down with his hand.


Mirror Match had been his friend. His girlfriend. If someone as close as her could betray him, could he put his trust in the rest of his friends? Frigid shook his head. He couldn't think like that. They've all had tough times and Frigid himself was no different. He just had to take a leap of faith and trust in them, but remain vigilant, just in case.

Frigid stretched his legs out and closed his eyes. A little rest wouldn't kill him.

Author's Note:

Well, another build up chapter, folks. Hope it was decent enough! Cheers!

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