• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,206 Views, 506 Comments

A Long Way to Fall - Cinders of War

Morning Blade recounts the story of Frigid Night to Twilight Sparkle. The story of how he became the man he was. The story of his fall.

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Chapter 58: A Final Touch

Satin Breeze and Dewdrop swiftly hopped into the back of the truck before the man came back. They scanned the insides before positioning themselves behind a stack of wooden crates.

“Are you sure this is the best way, Dew?” Satin asked as she tried her best to squeeze in the small corner.

“Of course!” Dewdrop smiled as she pulled down her hood to straighten her blue hair. “Sneak into truck. Truck takes us to Templar base. We steal Templar secrets. Stall Templar Eye construction. Get out. Easy!”

“If you say so.”

The driver came around shortly after, whistling an odd tune to himself before closing the back doors and locking them.

Satin tensed for a moment as she thought about the plan. It seemed like an easy enough plan, but she was afraid it seemed a bit too easy. What if they ran into trouble? What if they ran into Mirror Match? Her old teacher had already killed Broadside and Fire Frenzy in the most horrible way. Satin didn’t want to end up like them.

Dewdrop sensed her partner’s worry and reached a hand over and put it on her shoulder. “Hey, we’ll get through this, Satin. I’ll do my best for you.”

Satin leaned over and kissed Dewdrop on the cheek as the truck began to move. The ride was bumpy, but the two Assassins managed to keep any crates from falling on top of them.

“Where do you think they’re taking us?” Dewdrop asked as she leaned back against the side. “That same building?”

Satin shrugged. “I doubt it. Why would they keep the Eye in the same place as the last? Though, I can’t say that wouldn’t be the case.”

“Yeah, some of these Templars sure know how to use their brains,” Dewdrop said while making a spinning motion with a finger by the side of her head and sticking her tongue out.

“Oh, Dew,” Satin laughed.

The truck eventually came to a stop after another turn. The sound of the engines cut off as they heard the driver’s door slam shut. The two girls quickly pulled their hoods back on and got into a crouch. Voices were heard as the driver began conversing with someone else.

“How many?” Satin asked aloud as she focused her eagle vision, trying to determine how many people they had to face at the moment. The crates in the back were going to be taken out, but they needed to know how many workers there were, just in case.

“Sounds like four,” Dewdrop guessed, trying to listen to their different voices and footsteps.

Then the doors began opening as the first man came into sight. It was the driver, but shortly after, three more men came into view and began unloading the crates.

“Ready?” Satin asked her partner. There was only one option for this, and they had to take the chance.

“Always,” Dewdrop nodded.

After one more breath, both Assassins hopped over the crates, catching the first two men by surprise. Satin’s hidden blade found itself in the man’s chest before she pulled him towards her and dumped him in the truck. Dewdrop had already slashed the first man with her blade before spinning and stabbing the next one through the neck. The last man shook for a second before turning around and dashing off. Dewdrop simply pointed her hidden blade at him and pressed a button near her palm.

Dewdrop’s hidden blade shot out and impaled the man in the back, knocking him down with a cry. She swiftly moved over and yanked her blade out of his bloodied back. “We better hide all these.”

Satin nodded. They shouldn’t leave so much evidence of a fight for the Templars to find. Together with her partner, they moved the rest of the bodies into the back of the truck and hid them behind the crates before locking the back doors.

“There,” Dewdrop dusted her hands. “That should buy us some time. We just need to find their machine and anything else that might be important and sabotage them. Then we can go spend some quality time together.”

“How insightful, Dewdrop,” Satin grinned as they headed for the nearest door.

The way up from the loading bay proved easy; only a single stairwell stood in their way, easily overcomed in a matter of minutes. It was just like the last time they came to a building like this. Satin pushed open the door leading out to the office floors and peered out carefully. This time, however, they had snuck in through a night shipment, so the halls were a lot less populated; perfect for the Assassins to have a good look around the place.

“Looks easy enough,” Dewdrop murmured from behind. “If they just let us walk through their building like that, we’re bound to find some clues and data.”

The female Assassins stood up and began searching the nearby tables for papers and anything that might point them towards the Templars’ ultimate goal. It was only after the fifth table did Satin look up to see a blinking light in the corner of the room, just under the ceiling. The blue-purple haired Assassin stared at it for a few seconds, trying to figure out what it was. Once she understood, her eyes widened with caution as she backed away into her partner.

“Dew,” Satin said, her voice full of warning. “They know we’re here. They’ve been watching us.”

“What?” Dewdrop looked around, trying to figure out what Satin meant.

“Camera,” Satin pointed to the black box with the blinking red light.

“But there hasn’t been any alarms,” Dewdrop mentioned. “Don’t you think they would start blaring those things if they knew we were here?”

“Unless they have something else planned.” Satin quickly scrambled to the other tables and grabbed what she could, stuffing them into her coat. Dewdrop watched her and did the same. Whatever information they could get, Pierce could decipher it for them. They just had to get back to the bureau.

Satin stopped and focused her eagle sense, listening and watching for anything that might seem out of the ordinary. The camera was active and they had been prowling within its view for a good amount of time, so why wasn’t there an alarm yet?

A sudden burst of fire just next to her answered her question. Satin immediately grabbed Dewdrop and dived down before more bullets began pelting the desks around them.

“Soldiers,” she breathed as she focused her eagle sense. There were just six men across from them, standing just under an exit sign. Each one had on a black suit and helmet. Dragon Unit.

“We can take them,” Dewdrop unsheathed both hidden blades. “I’ll go around.”

“No Dew,” Satin grabbed her partner’s arm. “We have what we need. Let’s just go. I don’t like the looks of this.”

“But they’re at our exit!” Dewdrop pointed out. If we want to get out, we’ll have to get through them.”

Satin turned her head and saw a second exit sign on the other side. “There’s always more than one way out. Come on.”

The two Assassins kept low, watching as papers near their heads began floating up as more bullets impacted into the desks as they moved.

From the sound of it, their assailants had suppressors, the gunfire almost unheard. If they came with suppressors, they must’ve known Assassins would be coming. No guard would protect their own building with suppressed weaponry.

“Head up!” Dewdrop suggested as they entered the next stairwell. “We can get away using the roofs. Or if we’re lucky, a jumping point.”

“Good thinking, Dew.”

They proceeded up, only to notice something rolling down the steps towards them. Something round.

“Satin!” Dewdrop warned as she pulled her partner’s arm, throwing her down the stairs before diving down herself.

The grenade’s explosion was deafening in the enclosed space. Satin closed her eyes as the ringing grew stronger. She focused herself. They had to move. The Templars above would likely be coming down to check on their work soon.

Satin looked up to see Dewdrop lying on top of her, her head down. She reached a hand to her partner’s shoulder. “Dewdrop!”

“Uhh…” the pale Assassin muttered as she began pushing herself up. “I-I’m fine, Satin… Just a little burned out.”

Satin got up and hoisted Dewdrop back to her feet. She put an arm to her partner’s side, but it felt sticky.

“Dew?” Satin looked at the blood on her hand, then at her partner’s side. Dewdrop had a piece of metal stuck in her side, blood already pooling around the shrapnel.

“Doesn’t matter…” Dewdrop managed a smile and a hand to hold her injury. “Just a small wound. Let’s go. We don’t have much time.”

“Can you move?”

“Totally.” Dewdrop stood as straight as she could to prove she could do so.

“We have to head back down.” Satin speculated. “Go. I’ll cover the rear.”

Dewdrop drew one of her three swords strapped across her back and headed down, one hand on the hilt and the other at her side. Satin quickly headed down behind her, constantly keeping an eye behind her, just in case the soldiers decided to rush down. Her partner kicked open the door on the lower floor and headed through. Satin swooped through the door and closed it silently before they proceeded down the new hallway. It was painted pale green, and only a few lightbulbs spanned the ceiling above them, casting dark shadows all around. Black solid metal doors were on their left and right, going down the corridor with them.

“I wonder what’s behind these doors, Dewdrop muttered as she put her sword down to push at one of them.

“Dew, you’re injured,” Satin stopped her. “Let me.”

Satin pressed both hands against the door and pushed. It was tough, but she was progressing slowly. Inside the room, there were all kinds of metallic objects, from wrenches to metal plates.

“These must be parts,” she guessed as she picked a gear up. “For the machine!”

“And we just happened to stumble here? Awesome.” Dewdrop picked up one of the screwdrivers and jammed it through a plate. Satin looked at her with a weird eye. “What? Might as well destroy some of this.”

“But they’re coming!” Satin hissed. “We don’t have time!”

“Fine, fine…” Dewdrop threw another piece into the corner after denting it with her hidden blade. “Let’s go.”

Satin was about to leave when something shiny caught her eye on the opposite table. She walked across the room and examined the object. It was a small grey hard drive, the words, “World-Changing Plans” were written in red on the sleek surface.

“Seriously?” Dewdrop said as she looked at the words. “Why would the Templars just leave this here?”

“Don’t know, but this is our lucky day,” Satin smiled and pocketed the device. “Alright. Let’s go.”

The Assassins left the door open as they headed away. Nearing the end of the hallway, Satin began hearing the sound of boots on the concrete floor and hastened her pace. She made sure to keep Dewdrop in front of her at all times; she didn’t want her partner to fall behind because of her injury.

Two guards rounded the corner in front of them, pistols already aimed at them. Satin pulled out two throwing knives and chucked them forward as Dewdrop ducked down. Both blades found their mark, lodging into both guards’ chests. By the time the two Assassins passed them, they were already dead.

“Where are we now?” Satin thought aloud as she looked down the next hall. It was a wider passage, but three soldiers already stood on the other end, coming towards them with rifles drawn.

Satin saw no alternative and made up her mind. She turned and forced one of the black doors open, pushing Dewdrop inside.

“Satin? What are you doing?”

Satin looked at her and pointed to the hall. “Stay here. I’ll lure the Templars past you. Once you’re clear, go. Get the data back to the bureau.” Satin pulled out the hard drive and papers she had and put them in Dewdrop’s coat pockets.

“No, Satin,” Dewdrop grabbed for her wrist. “I’m not leaving you. We’ll do this together.”

“You’re wounded, Dew,” Satin looked at her partner’s stained coat. “I’m not letting you die. I’ll buy you time to get away. This is some pretty important information. You need to get it back to Mentor.”

Dewdrop’s eyes began misting, but she still managed to pull Satin in for a long kiss. When she finally broke away, she looked Satin in her orange eyes. “Stay safe. I love you.”

“Love you too, Dew,” Satin assured with a final touch on Dewdrop’s cheek before heading out and closing the door.

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