• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,201 Views, 506 Comments

A Long Way to Fall - Cinders of War

Morning Blade recounts the story of Frigid Night to Twilight Sparkle. The story of how he became the man he was. The story of his fall.

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Chapter 24: Brightest Night

"But seriously?!" Frigid threw his hands up in the air in frustration. "You know, I don't care as much if he assigned me another guard duty, but to give me one just the day after? Really?"

"Technically, it's your own fault," Dust said as he polished his rapier. "Guard duty is serious."

"But High Noon got put on duty a week from now!" Frigid complained and fell back against the floor. "At least there's a break..."

"Well, does it matter?" Dust flashed him a cheeky smile. "Mirror Match isn't back yet. What else do you have to do?"

"W-well..." Frigid lost his words. "I mean, well..."

"Yup," Dust said and folded his arms. "Don't worry, Frigid. She'll be back soon enough."

"I know..." he sighed. "I'm just worried about her."

"It's expected, Frigid." Dust slapped a hand onto the younger Assassin's shoulder. "We're Assassins. Our lives are dangerous paths. We knew that when we joined, and besides, if you didn't worry about her, then you're not human."

Frigid nodded. Dust was right. Being an Assassin wasn't an easy job. Everyday, there was a chance you wouldn't return from a mission, and most of them knew that well, but the one thing to look forward to was a world without Templars; a world without dictators, and for Frigid's case, looking forward to Mirror Match's return.

"Thanks, Dust. For always looking out for me."

"Of course!" the Assassin laughed. "You were one of my best pupils! Maybe the best! I'll always be watching out for you."

"You too, Dust." Frigid fistbumped with him. "You were an awesome teacher."

"Were?" Dust raised his eyebrow, but laughed it off. He reached into his coat and brought out a small bottle of root beer. "Here, Frigid. Thought you might enjoy this."

"But you turned us in last night!" Frigid inspected the bottle closely, just in case Dust Fencer had spiked it or something along those lines.

"One bottle isn't going to change anything! Just make sure Star Lance doesn't see it."

Frigid gladfully took the bottle and cracked the lid off. "I owe you one, Dust."

"More than one, I'm sure..."

The night soon became day as the sounds on the streets began floating up to their ears.

"Would you look at that..." Dust squinted towards the city as he got up.

"Yeah, time sure flew by, huh?" Frigid joined the Assassin at the edge of the roof to marvel at the sunrise. He chugged down the drink in his bottle.

"Look closely, Frigid."

Frigid wasn't sure what Dust meant until he focused his eagle vision, watching as a few blue lights danced on the rooftops, slowly but steadily getting closer to the bureau, one of which was very familiar to Frigid.

"Mirror Match!" The younger Assassin's excitement put a large smile on Dust's face.

The two of them watched as the spy team leapt off the last building, all four members landing safely in a dumpster before sprinting the remaining distance to the bureau.

"Go on, Frigid." Dust waved for him to leave. "There's only seven more minutes to the shift. Go welcome her back. I can cover this myself."

Frigid nodded his thanks to the man and dashed straight for the staircase. He hopped down three steps at a time, trying to get to the bottom as quickly as he could, almost rolling down on the third floor.

Frigid finally arrived at the lobby, panting from his sprint and his excitement. The recon team had just stepped through the front doors, their leader, the pink haired Glimpse, leading the group. The master-ranked Assassin was lightly equipped, wearing a short sleeveless coat over a dark sleeveless shirt and shorts. According to the others, she was the fastest Assassin they had.

The brothers, Broadside and Smokestack followed closely behind, each one as large and powerful as Frigid remembered them to be, and behind them…

“Mirror Match!” Frigid called, a little louder than he wanted, quickly running towards his girlfriend, trying not to trip over his own feet. He threw his arms around Mirror, reveling in just being there with her and resting his head against her shoulder. “You smell nice,” he said without letting go.

“Nice to see you too, Friggy.” Mirror patted him on the back. She sniffed at the air and pulled back a step. “Do I smell... root beer?”

“Uh, no,” Frigid said quickly, looking to see if Star Lance was nearby.

“Hey, Mirror.” Glimpse pulled back her hood to straighten her bright hair. “Us Raiders are heading off to get some food. Want to join us?”

“No thanks. You three go on ahead.”

“But we’ve been on the road for six hours!” Broadside, the older brother protested. “Aren’t you hungry?” As if to punctuate his point, a deep growl came from his stomach.

“I’m good,” Mirror said. “Don’t let me hold you back.”

"If you say so."

The other Raiders waved goodbye as they headed for the mess, Broadside and Smokestack hoping to fill their bellies with meat and mead most likely.

"Amateurs…” Mirror muttered before giving Frigid a radiant smile. “Anyway, it’s so good to see you again, Friggy. You wouldn’t believe how bored I was out there.”

They walked up the stairs, heading to Mirror's room. “Didn’t you learn a lot about Templar plans though? Glimpse was pretty excited when she called yesterday.”

“Nothing we don’t already know,” Mirror spat with a hint of bitterness. “Just that the machine is closer to completion than we might think; the plans they upload onto the database are three months out of date."

"That doesn't sound too good..." Frigid mused. If they had the machine ready for use, then the Templars had basically won.

“We can do this, Frigid.” Mirror’s expression turned down for a second, but quickly regained her firm smile. "How have you been? It's been a few days."

"Things have been... Bumpy," Frigid admitted. "I was on back to back guard duty."

"Oh?" Mirror chuckled as they arrived at the top of the stairs. "Did you do something Star Lance didn't like?"

Frigid's cheeks turned red as he recalled the picnic they had the night before. "Y-you could say that, yes..."

"Sounds fun..." Mirror pulled open her door, pausing to let Frigid in first. "Looks like we have plenty to catch up on."

The second she closed the door, she grabbed Frigid and thrust him against the wall, holding him in place. “I missed you, Friggy. It’s been days since we’ve been together.” She leaned in and breathed deeply, taking in his smell.

Frigid smiled and put his hands around her. Even if it was only a few days, without Mirror around, it felt like forever. "Missed you too, Mirror."

Mirror pecked him on the nose, a blush spreading over her face as she did so. “I know you did.”

Abruptly, she pulled him to the bed and pushed him down. The mattress was soft and springy beneath Frigid and his eyes settled on his girlfriend. Her face was flushed and her breathing was heavy, and something inside Frigid awoke in his chest.

“To tell you the truth, Friggy,” Mirror panted, unbuttoning her coat and dropping it unceremoniously on the ground. “I am hungry. So hungry… for you.” Her gloves followed her coat, her phantom blade clattering to the floor.

Mirror Match dragged a finger down Frigid’s chest, undoing each button slowly and methodically. Frigid’s heart pounded against his ribs. In one swift motion, his girlfriend pulled his coat and shirt from his body, straddling him, her warm weight pressing into Frigid’s waist not uncomfortably.

“Mirror, I-” Frigid began, his face burning bright. She put a finger on his lips, silencing him.

“Shhh.” In the dimness of the room, he could have sworn her eyes, those beautiful eyes, were glowing at him like twin moons. “Let me.”

With agonizing slowness, Mirror reached down and seized the bottom of her tunic, peeling it up inch by inch to reveal her tantalizingly flawless skin. By the time it was cast aside, it was all Frigid could do to keep himself from drooling at her luscious curves.

Mirror Match leaned down and their lips met in a passionate kiss, their tongues wrestling for control, hands playing over each others’ bare skin. When they broke contact after what seemed like forever, a thin string of saliva remained between their lips, glistening in the lamplight.

Finally, Mirror rolled off Frigid and discarded her pants. Grinning with an almost predatory glee, the female Assassin reached for Frigid’s belt with one hand and flicked off the lamp with the other.

Darkness flooded the room, but for Frigid Night, it was the brightest moment of his life.

Author's Note:

Short chapter, but yeah!

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