• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,201 Views, 506 Comments

A Long Way to Fall - Cinders of War

Morning Blade recounts the story of Frigid Night to Twilight Sparkle. The story of how he became the man he was. The story of his fall.

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Chapter 81: A Meal and Creamer

Timber pushed the door to a small cafe in Trottingham’s city, Test Tube and Quantum following behind him. They had finally arrived in the main Assassin stronghold and all they had to do was find an Assassin. The sun had already set behind the tall buildings, casting shadows across the streets. The sight reminded the Templars of old folktales where monsters roamed the streets of Trottingham, but that wasn’t important at all at this time. They had to find an Assassin, somewhere in the city and convince them to help.

Piece of cake, Timber thought in his head as they sat down and ordered drinks. He didn’t give it any thought on how to actually find one of them. Soon, the waiter arrived and served them, but they were still no closer to finding an answer to their problem.

“So what now, boss?” Test Tube asked as his hands cradled a cup of coffee.

“We just need to find people that don’t want to be found,” Quantum mumbled at the table.

“Yes,” Timber nodded. “We need to look. What does an Assassin look like? It could be anyone. We just need to analyze the people carefully.”

The scientists looked around, but it was as it always was anywhere in the world. People were about doing their own things, minding their own business. There were a few people in hoodies, but they didn’t seem to bother about the Templars themselves, seated at the table.

“I don’t know,” Test Tube raised both eyebrows and sighed. “There doesn’t seem to be anyone gunning for us.”

“Perhaps we just need to wait,” Timber pointed to their drinks. “Give them time. Just relax and drink up.”

“Yes sir.” Quantum and Test Tube clashed their mugs together and swallowed the contents.

Timber smiled faintly and got to his coffee. “So why did you two want to come with me? I thought I was the only one who disagreed with the new management.”

“This guy is different from your brother,” Test Tube admitted. “He didn’t give us a choice to serve under him or not. Did you see what he did to Wolfgang? I mean, that guy doesn’t even come to the lab to bother us anymore. He’s so civilized now!”

Quantum scratched at his chin. “And I have a feeling he doesn’t aim for world peace. There’s more to it. A thing of such power? I’m sure he’s aiming to rule over the world.”

“With only himself at the top,” Timber added. “Yes. That’s what I thought. He’s not like my brother. He doesn’t want to unite the world, but Mahogany just won’t see it.”

“The chairman has waited for so long to find someone who can wield the Apple. He’s not going to give it up now.”

Timber put a fist to the table and adjusted his glasses with his other hand. “That’s what we need to do. We must show my brother the truth! We need to uncover Sombra’s true plans. That’s why we need the Assassins. I’m sure they can help us.”

“What makes you so sure they want to help us, sir?” Quantum asked. “We’ve been against them all these years and suddenly, we appear in their home asking for their help?”

“Yeah…” Test Tube leaned back and crossed a leg over a knee. “If I were an Assassin, I wouldn’t be too quick to trust a group of Templars.”

“We need to convince them…” Timber looked out the cafe window at the busy streets. “But how do we get the people we’ve been fighting against to believe us? That we want to help them…?”

“Well, you’re in luck,” someone said from another table. All three Templars turned to face a woman in a dark coat, the hood pulled low over her head, though Timber could see a teal braid out of her hood. “Yes, I’ve been listening to your conversation, and yes, I know who you are, Templars. Let’s say I’ve been deciding what to do with you, but I figured I’d let you say what you have to say before I decide.”

“Uhhh…” Timber mumbled and cleared his throat before looking at his companions. “What do you guys think?”

“Well, we were looking for an Assassin,” Quantum shrugged and pointed to the hooded woman. “She fits the description, I guess. Go ahead, sir. See if they’re willing to help us.”

“Yes, go ahead,” the woman said before turning around to face them. Her eyes were hidden in the shadows under her hood, but Timber could still see her amused smile under them. “What problem must you Templars have that you come to us for help?”

Timber rested an arm over the chair and began, “It’s our new Grand Master, Sombra. He doesn’t carry the same goal and outlook as the rest of us. I’m certain whatever he has planned is far more sinister.”

“And what do you mean?” the Assassin’s smile faded.

“He’s got the entire lot of Mahogany’s organization under his thumb, and he’s-”

The woman clapped a hand over the scientist’s mouth, silencing him. She appeared to be looking over their shoulders, out onto the shadowed street. The scientists followed her head’s direction, right out to look at a slim figure all in black with a closed helmet astride an equally dark motorcycle. A few inches of green and brown hair fanning out under the helm’s collar told them more than enough.

“It’s Mirror Match!” Test Tube hissed and ducked his head under the windowsill. “How did she know we were here?”

“She must have followed us,” Quantum gritted his teeth. “We should’ve known!”

Timber removed the Assassin’s hand from his mouth. “Assassin, you’ve got to help us! She’s trying to silence us!” The scientist was sure the Witch of Manehattan’s mouth was curved into a smile under that helmet.

“You can take her, right?” Quantum said quietly. “I mean, there’s a reason we’re all scared to sleep at night with you Assassins prowling the rooftops, uh, no offense.”

“We Assassins are good, but not that good,” the woman breathed and continued to look out the window. “And besides, Mirror Match is on a different level, if you haven’t noticed. I won’t be able to take her on my own.”

“What? Why not?”

She turned her head to the man, her face giving him enough information to know not to push it.

“Alright, alright.” Timber raised his hands in surrender. He looked around the cafe, looking for another way out. There was only the one door at the front of the establishment. “How do you propose we get out?”

“First of all, how do I know I can trust any of you?” the Assassin asked. “You might be here just to trap me after all.”

“Oh, no,” Timber quavered. “She’s coming in!”

The black-clad Templar agent pushed the glass door open and headed to the counter, not looking once in Timber’s direction. She faced her back to them while she placed her order, her helmet still on her head with the visor down.

“There’s no way out!” Test Tube began to panic. “What are we going to do? What are we going to do?” He looked to the other two scientists for help, his shaking increasing in intensity by the second.

“Shh!” the Assassin hissed. “You see those people coming in?” She pointed to a flock of late night workers who were making a beeline for the cafe’s door. “When they come in, move into their group and go out the door. Harder to spot you that way.”

“She’s bound to see us! There’s no way we can get past without her seeing us!”

Timber put a hand on his friend’s shoulder to get his attention. “Do as she says. It’s better than sitting here and waiting to die.” He turned back to the Assassin. “What about you? We still need your help.”

“I’ll be ready to make a move if Mirror tries anything,” the Assassin’s mouth twitched, which Timber’s minor degree in psychology told him meant she was nervous. He sympathized. “Just go, before the crowd is all in here,” Timber felt her hand press something into his palm. “Meet me here once you get out. If you’re serious about Sombra being trouble, then I think we have more to talk about.”

The head scientist nodded and pocketed the piece of paper before getting up, motioning for his companions to follow. He walked as calmly as he could towards the door, pretending to look out the window while keeping an eye on Mirror Match from the corner of his eye. She was still placing her order by the looks of it.

The first man outside pushed the door open, rushing in with a crowd of his friends behind him. Timber used the chance to get him and his Templars out the door as the workers came in, using the crowd to cover their exit as Mirror continued to face her back to them.

What on earth is she doing? Is she playing with us?

Timber hoped the agent was really as oblivious to them as she looked. He didn’t want to walk into a trap and get killed tonight. Not yet. He still had a job to do. Information to relay. He had to make sure Sombra was stopped and that his brother would see the truth.

They made their way to the man’s car and got in, only breathing once they closed all the doors. Timber looked outside, relieved to see that Mirror hadn’t followed them out.

“So what now, boss?” Quantum asked as he locked the side door, just in case. “Where to?”

Timber took out the piece of paper the Assassin had given him and looked at it. “We go look for the Assassin. She said she’ll meet us at this address.”

He handed the paper to the white haired scientist and started the engine. He hoped the Assassin was true to her word.

Spectral Rim warily crossed the few meters between herself and Mirror. The Templar agent stood by one of the windows, seemingly entirely focused on her cup of coffee. Her visor was still down, giving off the eerie impression that she was looking both everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

The Assassin pulled down her hood, and picked up a sachet of sugar and a straw. She kept part of her vision on Mirror Match, watching to see if she was going to make a move to go out after the Templar scientists. It all seemed like she had no idea they were here at all, but Spectral knew that wasn’t the case. The girl was a lot smarter than she had let on when she was with the Assassins. Spectral had seen it firsthand.

A packet of creamer fell from Spectral’s fingers and she glanced down to pick it up again. At the same time, she suddenly became aware of a presence at her side.

“Let me get that for you,” a muffled voice said before two long, black gloved fingers swiped the creamer from the floor, returning it to the Assassin.

Spectral instinctively took a few steps back and raised her gauntlet in front of her. “What are you doing here?”

“Getting myself a straw,” Mirror replied coolly, her finger brushing against the Assassin’s knuckle. “It’s difficult to enjoy my coffee without one.”

“A straw for coffee?” Spectral raised a suspicious eyebrow. She put her other arm behind her back, just in case she had to draw her knives.

Mirror nodded once. “Indeed. How else am I to drink it?”

The Assassin unconsciously rubbed the finger that Mirror had touched. The very point of contact felt oily and damp, which somehow seemed wrong.

“What did you do?” Spectral lifted her finger for the Templar to see.

Mirror inserted the end of her straw into her cappuccino and took a long drag of the scalding liquid through one of her helmet’s breathing holes.

“Oh, that? It’s moisturizer. Your skin is terribly cracked and worn from stress, Spectral.”

The Assassin looked at her hands and then wiped the finger against the cloth of her skirt. “Well, thanks, but it was extremely unnecessary. And why don’t you just take off that helmet to drink your coffee?”

“Hmm, well I could take it off…” Mirror crept closer so that their bodies were almost touching. “But do you really want to see what I’ve got under it again so soon?”

Spectral Rim remembered the fangs in the traitor’s mouth and shuddered slightly, though she managed to keep a tough face.

“Just leave your helmet on then. So, what do you want? Why are you in Trottingham? You’re not getting Pierce. We’ve made sure he’s safe from you.”

To Spectral’s surprise, Mirror gave a good-natured guffaw.

“Oh, yes. Well, you’ll be pleased to hear that the tedious little man has been bumped down a few spots on my list of priorities. As for why I’m here, I simply followed those eggheads from the labs. They were childishly easy to track.”

“Doing the dirty work for the new Grand Master? How about that queen of yours?”

Mirror stiffened for a brief second. The straw found another hole in her helmet and an angry sip was taken.

“It’s not that simple,” Mirror said, her voice brittle. “Royals are always demanding. Whether it’s a king or a queen, they want things done their way, and King Sombra wants every one of his subjects following him unquestioningly.”

“Well, you’re not taking the scientists back, if you want to know.” Spectral glared at her reflection in Mirror’s visor, hoping she was looking at the Templar’s eyes. “We’ll find a way to beat you.”

“Oh, I can think of several ways to do that right here,” Mirror breathed. Spectral took a step back as the Witch of Manehattan advanced on her, hips swinging and one gloved hand tickling the Assassin’s cheek.

Spectral glanced around in desperation. While the shelf of condiments was relatively hidden from view of the rest of the patrons, pulling a weapon here would most definitely violate the Creed, as well as several city laws. She was left with no choice but to stare at Mirror’s leather encased form, leaning as far back as she could and trying not to think about how well that skin tight outfit accentuated all her curves…

“Come on, Spectral,” Mirror’s voice wormed its way into her head, while the Templar laboriously tugged down the zipper of her jumpsuit, exposing a couple of inches of skin. “Just you and me. No one else has to know.”

“No no, what…?” Spectrum felt her head begin to spin, grabbing ahold of the table counter behind her. “No. Frigid… Aren’t you with him? What are you doing?”

In a blur, Mirror had steered the dazed Assassin out a side door and out into the streets. A light fog swirled through Trottingham, hiding the two from view of any bystanders.

“Beautiful night, isn’t it?” Mirror purred, pressing her marshmallowy chest against the Assassin’s own, the leather squeaking slightly. “Reminds me of the koi gardens back at the Emperor’s palace, you know?”

“What are you… talking about?” Spectral tried to push the Templar away, but her fingers felt tingly and weak. Why was she suddenly like this? “What did you do to me…?”

“Nothing.” Spectral let out a throaty moan as Mirror’s fingers squeezed her rear. “You’re just reacting to how most humans do when exposed to my charm. You taste so nice, by the way…”

“N-no, I don’t know what you’re t-talking about…” Spectrum grabbed Mirror’s arm and did her best to pull it away, but couldn’t.

Unbuttoning Spectral’s grey coat, Mirror snaked a black gloved hand under her white shirt, a finger drawing little circles on the Assassin’s collarbone before wandering down her top, each digit worming under the cloth and sending little tingles of excitement down Spectral’s spine.

What’s wrong, Spectral? Why can’t you push her away and grab a dagger?

“Oh, it’s damp out,” said Mirror quietly. Spectral’s own flushed and sweaty face was plain for her to see, reflected in the Templar’s polished visor. The Assassin wasn’t sure what was going on, but she felt her senses slowly slipping away as she continued to stare at her face in Mirror’s helmet. The space in her mind was slowly being taken up by the woman before her. In a moment of lusty desire, the Assassin thrust her head out and gave Mirror’s helmet a few sloppy licks. “And the weather’s not the only thing that’s wet, is it now?”

No, Spectral! What’s gotten into you? Snap out of it! It’s all a trick! She’s messing with you! Stop. Stop this...

That last piece of rational thought was thrown down a chasm of mental blankness that opened up with Mirror pressing her knee between Spectral’s legs at a very sensitive spot and pushing her over the edge.

Ooooohhhh, yesssss…” Spectral moaned as her legs shuddered beneath her. She grabbed Mirror’s helmet with both hands and lifted it off her shoulders, revealing a very amused face of the Templar agent. She softly caressed Mirror’s cheeks with both hands, badly wanting the Templar to do more. “More, Mirror… Please…”

Moving her face forward, Spectral placed her lips against Mirror’s own, hungrily looking for the Templar’s tongue with her own. Moans escaped the Assassin’s mouth as the Witch of Manehattan fought back, entwining their tongues together. She winced as Mirror replaced a hand on her chest, squeezing softly.

So good...

Soon, their mouths broke apart, Spectral breathing heavily, her cheeks glowing like a street lamp.

“Well, that’s all the time I have for today,” Mirror Match smirked at the putty of an Assassin that she held in her arms, still basking in her afterglow. “Now to clean up.”

Ever so gently, Mirror opened her mouth and kissed Spectral on the neck, sucking on the skin before driving both fangs into the Assassin’s flesh. Spectral went limp in Mirror’s arms and the Templar agent set her down softly next to the door.

Retrieving her helmet from the ground, she gave the visor a quick wipe before lowering it back on her head. Then Mirror tore open a packet of coffee creamer and dusted the contents over Spectral’s upper lip and around her nose. The Assassin sneezed, but couldn’t do anything about wiping the contents off her face.

“Thanks for the meal, sweetie,” Mirror blew Spectral a kiss and sauntered away, her hips swaying hypnotically in the streetlights. “If you’re still interested, you know where to find me. Ciao.”

Author's Note:

A little more of weird Mirror Match again, huh? I apologize ahead if it disturbs anyone, haha. Cheers!

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