• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,205 Views, 506 Comments

A Long Way to Fall - Cinders of War

Morning Blade recounts the story of Frigid Night to Twilight Sparkle. The story of how he became the man he was. The story of his fall.

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Chapter 92: A Choice to be Made

"Could I ask a personal question, Morning?" Twilight Sparkle looked up from her notes, stopping halfway.

"Oh, sure, that's fine." Morning nodded. She saw nothing wrong with that.

"You seem to care a lot for Frigid, at least, from what I'm getting in the stories." Twilight scratched the back of her head. "Did you... perhaps have feelings for him?"

"Oh, oh, that kind of question..." Morning Blade blushed and began stroking her braid. "Well, umm... you know, I'm not... uh, very sure myself... I did, um, look up to him very much. I always knew he could be a nice man. Perhaps... maybe I just wanted more from him."

"Well, there's nothing to be afraid of, Morning. Everyone should have someone to love, you know?" Twilight gave her shoulder a pat.

"It doesn't make any difference now, does it? He's gone and so are the others."

"Well, it's good what you're doing, Morning, recounting the stories of your friends. Rest assured, I'll make sure their memories will not be lost."

The ex-Assassin smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Twilight. You're right on that. It's good to have friends."

"Like I always tell everypony, Morning. Friendship is magic!"

It was about four in the morning when Steel Shine awoke to the sound of knocking on her door. Star Lance would’ve normally gotten to it, but for the first time in her life, he wasn’t here right now.

She rubbed at her eyes before shifting out of bed, taking her sword with her. She adjusted her hair and nightgown as she moved for the door, turning the knob and pulling it open.

Wreckhouse stood outside, dirty and bloody from his mission. Both his upper arms were bandaged up.

“Wreckhouse,” Steel Shine acknowledged. “What happened? Did you take down the chairman?”

“No,” he shook his head. “We failed, Mentor. Only Tangent and I got away.”

“Where is she now?” Steel Shine asked worriedly.

“I brought her to the medic wing. She’s in critical condition.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Tell me about the mission, Wreckhouse. What happened?”

She allowed the Assassin to sit himself in a chair as she grabbed another, sitting across from him.

Wreckhouse made himself comfortable before beginning. “We underestimated them, Mentor. Even the chairman was more formidable than I had first thought. He’s the one who put Tangent in the medic wing.”

“I’m sorry, Wreckhouse...” Steel Shine closed her eyes. “I shouldn’t have let you go. I should’ve known better myself.”

Steel Shine knew she was a little lost without Star Lance to give his input. He normally complemented what she didn’t have, but she couldn’t admit that to the younger Assassin; that would only take away any morale he had left.

“No, don’t worry, Wreckhouse. This was only a delay. We can still do this. We haven’t lost yet.”

“Yeah… I suppose so. Thank you, Mentor.”

“It’s fine. I think it’s safer to focus our attention on Saddle Arabia. We need to stop their advance there before they find more of the artifacts.”

“Mentor, if I may ask… What are these artifacts? Why do the Templars want them so much?”

Steel Shine unclasped her sword from her nightgown and held it out in front of her. “This sword was passed down from my mother, who received it from her mother, and so on. This sword has been with the Assassin Brotherhood since its founding. Now, long ago, my ancestors learnt that artifacts, like this sword, came from… Another world.”

“Another… World?” Wreckhouse seemed to have trouble taking it in.

“Yes,” Steel Shine continued. “Now, it is said only beings from that world are able to call on the full might of an artifact. I’m sure you must’ve heard how I can use its power?”

“Yes, Mentor. Frigid had told me… quite a while ago, actually. How you could fly and all that.”

“Yes, but I am only able to call forth this power partially. Let’s just say that we’ll be able to channel it less and less each generation.”

Wreckhouse nodded. “So what does this have to do with the Templars? Do they have someone like you? From the other world?”

Steel Shine covered her mouth with a hand as she chuckled briefly. “No, Wreckhouse. I’m not from the other world. My ancestor, the First Assassin… She was. And now, I have reason to believe this new Grand Master is from her world, or at the very least related by blood to someone who is.”

“Sombra is from the other world…? So… All this… Wow. It’s a lot to take in, Mentor.”

“Don’t worry. It’s perfectly normal not understanding all of it.”

“So that is why we can’t let them get the other artifacts,” Wreckhouse understood. “If Sombra gets his hands on them, we can’t stop him.”

“I’m afraid so, Wreckhouse.” Steel Shine cast her eyes over her golden blade, reminiscing the past. “Sombra must not find the tomb. If he does, then nothing, not even I will be able to stop him.”

Frigid Night awoke on a soft comfortable bed, staring up at a high white ceiling. His left arm felt tingly. He turned to his left to see Mirror Match resting her head on it, her body curled up against him, holding on to him; her eyes were still closed. Probably still sleeping.

He didn’t want to bother her, but she was just so pretty. He leaned over and planted a kiss on her forehead. Immediately after doing so, her eyes swished open, looking right into his.

“Sorry, did I wake you?” he smiled. She really was pretty.

“It’s fine, Friggy.” She scooted herself closer to him and leaned her head against his chest after a kiss to his lips. “I had a wonderful time, Friggy. I’m glad you stayed.”

“Well, I had to anyway. Unless I wanted to get drenched on the way back,” he smiled and wrapped an arm around her. “I should be the one thanking you for letting me stay.

“Speaking of which, I should probably leave, shouldn’t I,” Frigid rubbed the back of his head and searched for his pants on the floor. “Risky for both of us if we get seen together.”

He got up, but Mirror grabbed on to his arm to stop him. “Wait, Friggy. Don’t go. Stay with me. You don’t need to return to the Assassins. Think about it; you’re constantly surrounded by death, always one blade or bullet away from receiving it yourself. There is nothing gained by going to Saddle Arabia. If you go there, you’ll die.”

“But I have to, Mirror. If we don’t do anything, then your Grand Master wins.”

“You don’t owe the Assassins anything. Stay here, with me. I can explain to Mahogany that you changed sides. I can tell him you were my mole in the Brotherhood. It’s much safer for you here than in Masyaf.”

“Mirror…” Frigid sat there, looking between her and his clothes. “I… I shouldn’t. The Assassins need me.”

“Do they?” Mirror sat herself up and looked into his blue eyes. “From what you’ve told me, they don’t. But I do, Friggy. I need you.”

“But Mirror. The Templars… I can’t-”

“Then we’ll get away. We’ll leave this battlefield, together. We don’t need Assassins and Templars. Just us, Friggy. Just us…”

“What about your queen? Isn’t she a Templar?”

“What? No, she’s not!” Mirror grasped his arm tighter. “As if she would associate her royal self with these halfwits that I have to work with.”

“But… I still have responsibilities, Mirror, as an Assassin.”

“Morning Blade, right? What do you owe her? You said it yourself. You don’t care for her the same way you care for me. Is she more important than I am? Would you prioritize her over me?”

Frigid wanted more than anything to say no, but in his heart, he knew he couldn’t. He still had a job to do. An apprentice to teach. A future to ensure.

“I… I can’t. I’m sorry, Mirror.”

Mirror Match seemed to bristle at his decision, but it soon passed, replaced by a sad smile.

“Well, you can’t say I didn’t try, Friggy... Come on. Let me cook you breakfast before you go.”

Author's Note:

I wonder myself sometimes, what would've happened if Frigid had gone with Mirror Match that day. Things would surely have turned out very differently. Ain't that right?

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