• Published 3rd Mar 2016
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Twilight Sparkle has a Pokemon Journey - Darkmetroidz

Twilight recieves her first pokemon and goes off on an adventure. She meets new friends and rivals while striving to be the best Pokemon Trainer in Equestria.

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Chapter 1- The Journey Begins

Twilight's alarm clock went off with a loud ring several hours before sunrise. Today was the big day, the day she had been waiting for for untold months. It was February 27th, the day she would finally be able to finally get her very own pokémon. Ever since Shining Armor had left on his own journey a few years ago, Twilight had been anxiously waiting for when it would finally be her turn. She had gone about getting ready in her usual way; studying. Over the course of two years, Twilight had read every book on the subject the Canterlot library had to offer. Everything from practical knowledge about types, battling and breeding, to less relevant information about the discovery of new species of pokémon and of the mythology that surrounded them.

She shoveled down a hearty breakfast of oats before grabbing her saddlebags and her hat. She gave her mom and dad a firm hug, and finally galloped out the door.

The sun had barely begun to peek over the horizon when Twilight left her house. She was supposed to meet with Cadence at the Canterlot castle at eight AM sharp. Princess Celestia, her mentor, had sent away for three exceedingly rare pokémon, and she and another pony would have the pick of them. Twilight wondered excitedly what kind of pokémon she would get to meet. Her entire walk over was spent obsessing over what would be inside those pokéballs. Oh, I hope it's a Lapras. Or maybe a Riolu. But Munna are so cute. After a few minutes, she finally decided to give it a rest. There's no point in tiring myself out before I even start.

She arrived about fifteen minutes early, as was the norm for Twilight. Cadence was already there, as was another unicorn. "Finally. Trixie was getting tired of waiting." The blue mare sneered.

"I'm so sorry, did I get the time wrong?" Twilight asked apologetically. She was never late, especially not for things this important. Could she have gotten the wrong time?

Cadence laughed. "No Twilight, we're just early. It's normal, really. Everypony shows up early to get their first pokémon." She produced a chrome case, which she opened with great excitement. "Princess Celestia had these specially imported. It's hard to find these kinds of pokémon here in Equestria."

"What are they, Cadence?" Twilight asked, eagerly. She stared at the three shiny new pokéballs. One of them contained what would become her new partner and best friend.

"We have these three: Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander." She said with a smile. Three of the oldest known species, they were among the first pokémon listed in the pokédex. Cadence looked at the two eager mares. "Now, I'm going to flip a coin. Whoever wins gets to pick first, okay?"

Both mares nodded. Cadence held up a bit in her hoof and threw it into the air.

"Tails!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Heads!" Trixie cried, simultaneously. There was absolute silence as the coin landed with a loud ding.

"Tails." Cadence announced. "Twilight, you get to pick first."

Trixie shot Twilight a dirty look. Nervously, Twilight stepped forward to inspect the three pokéballs. A bead of sweat ran down her mane. She had not expected the choice to be so difficult, but the hugeness of the choice was overwhelming. After several minutes of thought, she rested her lilac hoof on the leftmost pokéball.

"Ah, Bulbasaur, a wise choice." Cadence nodded as Twilight took the ball in hoof. "Well come on, say hello."

Twilight stared at the red and white capsule for a moment. Finally, she smiled. Bulbasaur, I choose you!" She shouted as she tossed the pokéball onto the ground. In a flash of light, Bulbasaur, her pokémon, had appeared before her.

"Bulba?" It croaked, confusedly.

"Hi Bulbasaur, I'm Twilight, your new trainer." Twilight hesitantly stretched her hoof out, and started gently stroking it's head. It smiled, and rubbed itself alongside her leg.

Cadence was positively beaming. "This is my favorite part of this job. Nothing compares to seeing how happy somepony is when they meet their first pokémon. Trixie, now it's your turn."

Trixie rolled her eyes. "Well, fortunately, Trixie had been planning to choose Charmander all along." She took the rightmost pokéball and released its occupant, which she began stroking confidently.

"Well, it looks like I'll be taking care of this Squirtle for the time being." Cadence laughed. "As for you two, here are your pokédexes." She gave each of them a red device that fit in their hoof. "This will catalog all the pokémon you encounter, and-"

"Hold it!" Trixie exclaimed. "Since Trixie has her pokémon now, and you have yours, there really is only one logical thing to do; Twilight Sparkle, the Great and Powerful Trixie challenges you to a pokémon battle!"

"Wait, here?" Twilight stammered, no, I mean, not now."

Trixie shook her head condescendingly. "Tsk tsk, didn't you learn anything studying with Princess Celestia? A pokémon trainer can't refuse a challenge from another. You should know that."

Twilight grimaced. "Right. But shouldn't we go somewhere else? I mean, this is the castle courtyard?"

"It would be fine." Cadence reassured. "Plenty of battles have gone down here. Besides, your pokémon are still small. They won't cause any damage."

Gee, thanks Cadence. Trixie was right though. And besides, battling was how trainer and pokémon become close. Twilight sighed. "No time like the present, I guess."

The two trainers took to either side of the courtyard, with Cadence standing on the steps, between the two mares but out of the line of fire. "If both trainers are ready, then their pokémon may enter the battle!" She declared.

"You ready for this, little guy?" Twilight whispered.

Bulbasaur nodded. It waddled forward on its four little legs, standing directly in front of Trixie's Charmander. For a moment, there was an energetic silence, as both sides waited for the cue to go.

"Let the battle begin!" Cadence shouted. Immediately, the two pokémon readied themselves, awaiting their trainer's orders.

Trixie acted first. "Alright Charmander, use scratch!" Charmander obeyed, rushing forward and scraping Bulbasaur with its claws.

"You alright Bulbasaur?" Twilight shouted. She had an idea. "Hey, use growl!" Bulbasaur made a rumbling noise towards Charmander, which seemed to unsteady it a little.

"Go for another scratch!" Trixie shouted again. Charmander attacked, a little more weakly this time.

Twilight smiled. Perfect. Trixie doesn't realize what's going on. She knew from Shining that an opponent was at a disadvantage when they didn't respect the effects of moves like growl and leer. Soon Charmander would barely be hurting, and then it would be time to strike.

This went back and forth for a while. Bulbasaur would use growl, and Charmander would attack a little less forcefully. Finally, after the fourth or so growl, Charmander was barely touching her pokémon.

Now! Twilight told herself. "Okay, now use tackle!" After so long on the defensive, Bulbasaur eagerly charged to attack. It knocked Charmander flat on its tail. A solid hit, but not enough to knock it out.

Trixie had finally realized what was going on, but it was too late. "Leer! Use leer!" Charmander glared at Bulbasaur. But it was too late.

"Tackle! Once more!" With all its strength, Bulbasaur plowed into Charmander. It fell over, and finally fainted. The battle was over. Twilight had won.

"Stop!" Cadence shouted. "This battle is over! The winner it Twilight Sparkle."

"Yes!" Twilight cried. Happily, she scooped up Bulbasaur in her hooves, and began affectionately petting it.

Trixie walked over, and handed her a few bits angrily. "Here, you won." She growled.

Twilight gave her a confused look. "Trixie, we didn't bet any-"

"Wow, you really don't know anything. When you lose a battle, you have to pay some money to the winner. Trixie was planning on using that for lunch, but-"

"That's quite enough." Cadence interjected. "Seeing that was your first battle, I will cover your prize money." She returned Trixie's money and gave Twilight a few coins herself. It was just enough to buy a soda or something, but not much more. "But yes, Trixie is right. From here on out, whenever one of you lose a battle, you will have to pay out money to the victor."

"It's a good thing Trixie doesn't intend on losing again." Trixie pointed a blue hoof at Twilight. "Listen up, Twilight Sparkle, and listen well. That win was a fluke. Once Trixie is able to properly train her pokémon, you will no doubt taste defeat. The Great and Powerful Trixie intends to be the best pokémon trainer there ever was. When we meet again, you will lose. Until then, smell ya later." She galloped off without so much as another word.

"What was that all about?" Twilight asked, bewildered.

Cadence chuckled. "Have fun on your journey. I think you just made yourself a rival."

Author's Note:

I thought I would work on something to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of my favorite series of all time. Really, no series has had quite the same impact on me as Pokemon has. It's been my favorite since I was a little kid and it's still kept its charm for all these years. I hope you can enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it, because this is really a lot of fun for me to work on.
Happy 20th pokemon, here's to even more years of greatness! :pinkiehappy:

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