• Published 3rd Mar 2016
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Twilight Sparkle has a Pokemon Journey - Darkmetroidz

Twilight recieves her first pokemon and goes off on an adventure. She meets new friends and rivals while striving to be the best Pokemon Trainer in Equestria.

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Chapter 38- Fury of the Tempest

Twilight, Rarity and Trixie found Rainbow Dash running around on the third floor and Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy on the second. After a brief reunion, they resolved to get out as quickly as possible in order to put some distance between Team Umbra and themselves before they took the time to breathe.

Rainbow Dash pointed a hoof down towards the main hallway. “Chrysalis and Cadence are that way,” She directed. Twilight listened closer. She could hear the echoing sounds of an intense pokémon battle coming from deeper in the corridor. Whoever was down there must be a master trainer in order to be holding their own against both Cadence and Chrysalis at the same time.

“Let’s move,” Trixie urged. The mares followed her direction and galloped off toward the source of the sound. Twilight felt nervous. The pony that was down there must be the new Admin that Sunset Shimmer had told her about. Whoever this Tempest was, she had a legendary pokémon at her disposal, and that made her a threat. Still, it’s nine on one. We can probably handle her. She dug through her backpack to have the pokéball Sunset Shimmer had left her on hoof to give to Cadence and took off down the hall.

“Mawile, return.” Cadence ordered through heavy breath. She put her pokémon back into her ball as she readied her next pokémon. She and Chrysalis had managed to whittle Tempest down to her last pokémon, although they each only had one left in turn. Chrysalis’ Pheromosa and Buzzwole had fought well, and Azumarill and Mawile had in turn given it their all.

Cadence threw out her last pokémon for this challenge, her Wigglytuff. Likewise, Chrysalis selected her Pinsir. They waited for Tempest to pick her last pokémon, and hopefully let them finish the battle with a victory.

“Cadence!” The sound of Twilight’s voice tore Cadence’s attention away from the battle. Twilight had been found, along with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Cadence cracked a smile and could hear Chrysalis let out a relieved sigh.

Tempest raised an eyebrow. “Well, well. It seems the rats have gotten loose. As per usual, it falls to me to put you back where you belong.” Tempest drew her final pokéball. “I will ask each of you to return to you cells now. If you refuse, I cannot promise that you will survive. Now, Kyurem, come forth!”

She tossed the pokéball into the air. It popped open and spilled out a great mass of light that slowly materialized into a jagged iceberg of a pokémon. Kyurem’s massive feet hit the ground with a slam that shook the building. All at once, the heat seemed to sap out of the room to be replaced by a howling winter gale.

Tempest did not wait for an instant. “Kyurem, glaciate. NOW.” Kyurem’s frigid breath froze Wigglytuff and Pinsir in an instant, encasing the two in ice. But Kyurem’s attack did not relent. With another breath, he flash-froze Cadence, Twilight, and Chrysalis.

“Run!” Trixie ordered.

“Not without Twilight,” Applejack argued, planting her feet firmly on the ground. “We just got her back, I ain’t leaving her.”

The moment of indecision gave Tempest an opportunity to attack again. “Glaciate. Again!” With a final breath, the remaining mares were flash frozen. Savage winter winds whipped through the corridor, encasing everything in its path in a sheet of ice. All nine of the intruders plus two pokémon were now rendered helpless by the slightest exertion of Kyurem’s power.

Tempest pressed the radio transceiver in her collar to get in contact with HQ. “This is Tempest,” She said with a tone of mild annoyance, “I have thwarted the breakout attempt, and in the process was able to freeze four more intruders, along with Professors Cadence and Chrysalis. I am moving to have them detained now.”

Sombra’s voice crackled over the radio waves. “No. Intercepted police communications shows a huge force closing in on your position as we speak. You need to evacuate now.”

“But sir!” Tempest stammered, indignant. “How can we just let them go? I can get them out, just give me the command!”

Sombra did not relent. “No. Getting a frozen pony out to the helipad will slow you down too much. Getting you out is more important than catching those mares. Now get out! That’s an order!”

“Yes sir,” Tempest relented. She ground her teeth, frustrated that so much work had gone down the toilet. “With any luck, the freeze killed them, and they’re out of our way for good. I’ll get our computer mainframe destroyed and get out." Tempest stole a glance back at Twilight. The frozen mare had a pokéball held in hoof. Tempest chuckled. Probably trying to get involved in the battle. As if any number of pokémon these excuses for trainers had could have been enough to match my Kyurem. Tempest galloped off to the computer mainframe room to wipe any incriminating data, leaving the frozen trainers alone.

Several minutes passed and the air’s natural warmth began to return. Water began to drip from melting ice as the room began to thaw. Eventually, the ice holding the pokéball to Twilight’s downward-sloping hoof thinned and broke, causing the pokéball to roll down and hit the floor, causing it to open.

A massive canine form emerged into the frozen corridor. Arcanine looked around the corridor, confused. It had not been out of the pokéball in a very long time. It sniffed around to find its master, but there was no sign of Sunset Shimmer anywhere. Her scent was faint, but it could tell that she had not been here long, and she had not stayed. Arcanine took notice of the frozen ponies. Seven he did not recognize. One he faintly remembered battling a long time ago, back when he was still on a journey with his master.

The ninth however, he recognized. It was the mare who had given him to Sunset Shimmer when he was a baby Growlithe. Without another thought, Arcanine used a low-powered ember to begin thawing the ice that encased her. He kept up the fire until the ice had melted and Cadence collapsed on the ground. Arcanine pressed his warm muzzle into her neck, urging her to get up.

Cadence’s teeth chattered as she came to. “What… happened?” Gradually, she found her way to her hooves and stood up, only to be tackled by kisses from Arcanine. Cadence laughed, pleading Arcanine to stop. “Wait… Arcanine? Where did you come from?” Cadence turned her attention to her frozen allies. “Oh Celestia… We have to help them. Arcanine, can you thaw them out?”

Arcanine gave an affirmative bark, and one by one used his flames to melt the ice that encased each of the mares. As they fell to the ground, Cadence and her unhurt pokémon moved to help take care of them as they recovered.

“C-c-cadence?” Twilight stuttered through her shivers. “Are we safe?”

Cadence nodded reassuringly, “Yes Twilight. Team Umbra is gone and everypony is okay.”

With some effort, Twilight smiled. “Good. I have a l-letter for you.” Twilight reached into her backpack and took out the letter. Cadence took it and left Twilight to lay down. She unfolded the paper and curiously began to read.

No question about it, that’s Sunset’s writing. The penmanship was rough and hasty, but each word was carefully considered. During her journey, Sunset would frequently send postcards from around Equestria. She was younger then, and happier. Every word Cadence heard from her was joyful. Sunset would narrate every day with such optimism and enthusiasm. Her search for strength was motivated by her desire to be the best she could be. Cadence wasn’t sure when that changed.

Four years ago, Sunset Shimmer returned to Canterlot after a great many months away. Cadence had started to worry about her in the last few weeks, because communication had abruptly stopped since Sunset had arrived in the Crystal Empire. The day Sunset returned, Cadence had been in her lab, working diligently away researching the evolution process of Magnemite. A knock at the door to her lab attracted her attention. She turned her attention away from Magnemite and went to see who had come to visit.

“Sunset! What a surprise!” Cadence said with a glow. She was ecstatic to see one of her trainers return to visit. Cadence had hoped Sunset might stay for tea, or at least chat for a while to catch up.

“Hi Professor…” Sunset murmured. Cadence raised an eyebrow. Something was very wrong. The look in Sunset’s eyes was dead. The fire that used to burn in her eyes had been snuffed to smoke. Sunset spoke little that day. She came to retrieve her Turtonator to challenge the Canterlot gym and left without speaking about what had happened since they last met. Cadence deeply regretted not pressing further to find out what had happened. Maybe if she had been able to help Sunset that day, she might not have gone down the path she had taken.

Cadence turned her eyes to Twilight. She lay on the ground on a patch which Whimsicott had done her best to dry, huddled into a shivering ball on the verge on consciousness. She then turned her gaze towards Trixie, who was in a similar state. When I heard what happened to Sunset, I vowed not to let that happen to one of my trainers ever again. Twilight’s heart is strong. So is her faith in her friends. Trixie though… She might have gone down a bad path. There had been a darkness in Trixie’s heart when she was first starting out. Cadence could feel it when Trixie battled Twilight for the first time. But that had changed. Whatever bitterness Trixie had been holding onto had been banished from her soul. Trixie had grown up over these many months. They’ll be fine. They’ve got each other to keep them on the straight and narrow.

The Equestrian Military Police arrived a few minutes later. Once the building was confirmed to be clear of Team Umbra, the officers took the mares back to their vehicles to drive them back to Manehattan. Twilight spent the trip asleep. The last day had been the most stressful time of her life without a doubt, and she was just happy to see it over. Rainbow Dash was in the back seat with her, and seemed to feel similarly, judging by how loudly she was snoring. After a few minutes, exhaustion overcame Twilight as she herself passed out.

Twilight awoke the next morning to a start. The first thing she saw when she woke up was bars, and that immediately set off her panic reflex. Had everything been a dream? Was she still in Team Umbra’s custody? No. The warm cotton sheets and clean cot she was sleeping on was proof enough. The door to the cell was wide open, and a mustachioed stallion in a police uniform was keeping watch from the outside. “Good afternoon Miss Sparkle,” he said politely, “Apologies for your sleeping arrangements, but the Chief insisted we house you in the station for security.”

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. She was safe. “It’s fine, I understand,” She said with an understanding smile, “Wait, did you say afternoon?”

The officer nodded. “Yes ma’am. It’s three o’clock.”

Twilight deadpanned. Maybe yesterday took more out of me than I thought. She wasn’t sure what time that they had gotten back to the city. She had slept all the way from the hideout to here. “Umm, where is everypony else? My friends, I mean.”

“Everypony else is in the lobby. The professors are speaking with Chief Broadhoof so we can start trying to track down Team Umbra. No doubt Princess Celestia already has the Military Police on the case, but we will be doing everything in our power to drive them out of the city.”

Twilight stood from her bed onto uneasy legs. Between the time spent jailed, frozen, and asleep, her legs had gone numb and were not cooperating with Twilight’s intentions. Slowly, she forced herself up, and after retrieving her belongings which were neatly piled on a table near the bed, she took off for the lobby.

Outside the cell, she could get a better read on where she was. It wasn’t a jail, certainly not. The cell had a TV and a desk in it, along with a clean rug and comfortable bedding. The halls looked more like an office Apart from those of the individual cells, there were no barred doors anywhere. Twilight passed through a double door and read the sign above it on the other side: Safe rooms.

These must be for ponies who are in danger and need a safe place to sleep. Twilight mused. There wasn’t anywhere much safer than the heart of one of the largest police stations in Equestria. Twilight followed the signs on the wall toward the lobby, while she quietly took inventory of everything in her bag again. She gave a relieved sigh when she confirmed that her pokémon, her badges, her ID, her items and money were all safe and accounted for.

Twilight opened the last door to the lobby, only to be dogpiled by six ponies the instant she did. “We were so worried!” Fluttershy exclaimed, in the timid way that Fluttershy exclaimed things.

“I’m so glad you’re unhurt,” Rarity sobbed, “When I get my hooves on those scoundrels I simply won’t know what to do with myself.”

Rainbow Dash was eager to contribute ideas. “When I see Team Umbra again, I’m going to throw them into a hole and see how they like it!”

“What Dashie means is, we’re glad you’re okay sugarcube,” Applejack said with a warm smile.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is just glad she could lend a hoof.” Trixie smiled. “Don’t make any mistakes, the next time we meet, we will meet as rivals. But Trixie would be remiss to allow any harm to come to you, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight laughed uneasily. “Thanks Trixie. I really appreciate you coming out to help us out. We couldn’t have done it without you.”

“And Trixie could not have gotten her pokémon back without you.” She said back. “While Trixie wishes she could stay, there is some business in The Crystal Empire that Trixie needs to attend to. There is a seventh gym badge to be earned, and Trixie is not going to keep it waiting.”

“Seventh?” Twilight and friends shouted aghast.

Trixie flashed a smug smile. “Of course. Trixie is nothing if not an efficient traveler. Now, Trixie bids you all adieu.” With that, Trixie threw down a smoke pellet and vanished. The trick would have worked better if not for the automatic door of the station making it very obvious where she had gone.

“Looks like you gotta step up your game, Twi.” Rainbow Dash laughed. “Guess getting snagged up in all this Team Umbra business hasn’t helped any, huh?”

“Not at all.” Twilight sighed. “It will be good to get back on pace though. At this point I really just want to have a battle with somepony who isn’t out to fillynap me.”

A few minutes later, Cadence and Chrysalis emerged from another doorway. Immediately, both of them turned their attention to Twilight. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” Cadence smiled tearfully.

Chrysalis nodded in agreement. “We both came the moment we heard something had happened. I was not about to allow anything to happen my favorite guest.”

“Chrysalis and I may have our…” Cadence’s eyes narrowed in Chrysalis’ direction as she spoke. “Differences. But we at least can agree that you’re worth putting aside some bad blood for.”

“Everypony, thank you,” Twilight sniffled. “I don’t think there is anything I can do to ever thank you all enough. I owe you my life.”

“You want to repay me?” Chrysalis chuckled, “Keep taking care of that Type: Null for me. The data you’ve been giving me has been incredibly helpful. And who knows? You might discover something new about it.”

Cadence rolled her eyes. “Well, if we’re making requests, then make sure you make it back to Canterlot for me, okay? Now that I’m a bonded member of the Elite Four, it’s only a matter of time until we get to battle each other.”

Twilight nodded, “Of course professor.” She paused for a moment, as she considered the letter. Twilight faintly remembered giving it to Cadence when she had been thawed out of the ice. “What was going on with Sunset Shimmer? She left you a letter and a pokémon, and well I took a peak at the letter when she left me alone, but I don’t know what it means. Can you tell me what happened between you and her?”

Cadence’s face hardened into a somber mask. “I knew you’d ask me that. Have a seat Twilight.”

Everypony gathered around Cadence, except for Chrysalis, who like Trixie, bade everypony farewell and left to attend to business elsewhere. “Quite a few years ago, while you were still too young to have a pokémon, Sunset Shimmer was one of my trainers. She was a wonderful student, like you in a lot of ways. She was eager to learn and see the world and wanted to be the best trainer in all of Equestria. I gave her a pokémon, a Growlithe. That was the Arcanine that she left with you. For so many months, I heard from her at least once a week. She was so happy… She found herself among fire-type pokémon and decided that she wanted to become a gym leader herself. But something happened after she won her Gym badge in the Crystal Empire. At first she seemed scared, but as time passed her heart grew hard and bitter. Eventually she came to care about nothing but power. Two years ago, she entered a tournament to become a new gym leader. Sunset won the tournament, but Princess Celestia did not think she was a good candidate for the position, so she was passed over. Sunset was indignant and vanished for six months after the event ended. When she turned up again, she was wearing a Team Umbra uniform.”

Cadence gave an exhausted sigh. “Sunset Shimmer was my greatest failure. I should have done something. I could have stopped this from happening.”

“You can’t blame yourself for what happened back then,” Twilight consoled, putting a gentle hoof on Cadence’s back. “I don’t think Sunset is beyond helping. She left me a key to escape. I think there is good inside her. She just needs to be reminded of what’s important.”

A police officer’s entry into the room interrupted their conversation. “Thank you for your cooperation. The chief says you all are free to go.”

Twilight was surprised. She had thought at least they would want to ask her some questions first. “Are you sure?”

The officer nodded affirmatively, “That’s affirmative. We’ve been able to corroborate a report with all of your friends. Between Misses Rainbow Dash and Applejack and everypony who led the raid on the Team Umbra base, we were able to corroborate all of the information we were going to get. Granted, the Military Police is going to be leading the nationwide investigation into Team Umbra, so you may be contacted by them for information. But for now, you’re all set to leave.”

“Thank you sir,” the group said in unison.

Outside the police station, Cadence bid the group farewell, leaving the six to plot their own course. “Alright Twi, lead the way,” Applejack said, giving Twilight an encouraging smile. “It’s high time we get back on the road, right?”

Applejack was right. Twilight still had three badges left to win. She ran over the map in her mind. The remaining three cities were Cloudsdale, The Crystal Empire, and Canterlot. The Crystal Empire was incredibly far away, and Canterlot was agreed upon as the final destination on a trainer’s journey. So, Cloudsdale was the next step.

I owe it to myself and my friends to keep growing and getting stronger. Twilight told herself. But as long as I have my friends with me, nothing is going to stop us. Look out world, we’re coming!

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