• Published 3rd Mar 2016
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Twilight Sparkle has a Pokemon Journey - Darkmetroidz

Twilight recieves her first pokemon and goes off on an adventure. She meets new friends and rivals while striving to be the best Pokemon Trainer in Equestria.

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Chapter 24- Proving Yourself Worthy

Chrysalis led Twilight and her friends down another tunnel, which extended down a way before finally ending at an elevator door. "Just up here is the Hive Omega Gym." Chrysalis announced. "Are you ready, Twilight?"

"Yes!" She emphatically answered. The seven of them crowded into the lift, ascending a great distance before the car came to a halt, opening to reveal a locker room whose walls were covered in all sorts of awards. The room was large, but was set up to be used by only one pony. In one corner there was a small couch and a television set, and in the other there was a small fridge with a half-empty case of sports drinks next to it. Twilight couldn’t help but notice the frankly absurd number of Stufful plush dolls that were scattered throughout the room.

"This is my personal locker room." Chrysalis explained. "Usually challengers never come in here, but there's no sense in making you take the long way around to the main entrance. There is another room for challengers and company on the other side of the stadium. My drones will show you there." On cue, two small drones wearing green polo shirts appeared and wordlessly escorted Twilight and company out of the locker room, travelling down the hallway until they reached the challenger's room. Along the way they passed a very busy thoroughfare through the stadium. Easily hundreds of Changelings were standing in the hall, chittering among themselves or waiting in line at one of several food vendor's booths.

Rounding a corner they reached the entrance to the challenger's locker room, which was gated behind an "Authorized Ponies Only" sign. The room was more plainly decorated than Chrysalis' room, lacking the host of awards or small army of stuffed Stufful. The few posters hanging on the wall explained the rules of gym battle, or explained simple safety procedures. There were several sturdy chairs and a table, along with another fridge, filled with complementary beverages for the visitors. She, Rainbow and Pinkie each helped themselves to a bottle of lemonade.

"So, what's the plan Twi?" Rainbow Dash asked, taking a sip of her fizzy beverage.

Twilight hesitated. She would be allowed the use of three pokémon, but none of her team matched up favorably against bug-types.

"Helioptile." Twilight said finally. "A lot of bug-types are also flying-type, so having an electric-type on hoof would be good."

She sat back on her haunches, and began to realize she didn't have too many options. Gible was out of the question, which left her to choose between Cubone, Espeon, and Ivysaur. She cringed. Cubone would go because he matched up well against poison types, but no matter how she cut it, she would have to use either Ivysaur or Espeon, both of which were weak to bug pokémon.

Twilight considered their moves. Espeon knows psychic attacks. Those will be useful if she uses her Heracross. Psychic attacks were at least normally effective against bugs, so Espeon would have her innate power to rely on, if she could avoid whatever bug attacks Chrysalis would throw at her.

Ivysaur can use a couple poison attacks, which are normally effective against bug-types. Twilight mused. Poison types also resist bug, so he has that going… But then again there were the flying types she had to worry about. At present, Twilight knew she had a Heracross available, which knew aerial ace, and her Pinsir was a flying-type in mega form, as were all its attacks. But she wouldn't use a mega in her gym battle, right?

With a final sigh, she decided on Ivysaur. If the situation called for it, she could use Espeon instead, but at the moment Ivysaur seemed like the better choice.

With a round of wishes of luck, Twilight and her friends parted ways. Twilight stepped forward into the tunnel while her friends took to the stands. As she stepped out of the concrete tube, she held up a hoof to shield her eyes from the blinding light of countless banks of lights illuminating the night sky. As her eyes adjusted, she was able to make out the vastness of the stadium, each seat packed with black changeling bodies. Twilight had known the arena was large just from walking around inside; both locker rooms were on opposite sides of the stadium and there was a large distance between them. But still, the stadium managed to defy Twilight's expectation. The arena looked like the ones she would see on TV, where large-scale tournaments were held.

Compared to all the gyms she had previously battled, this one was on a whole new level of grandeur. The Ponyville gym was a mere set of bleachers. Fillydelphia was a relatively large indoor stadium. Appleoosa didn't even have a formal gym and the battle was fought in the town. Even the Appleoosa cup was dwarfed by this huge structure. There were thousands of Changelings in the audience, in addition to five colorful spots seated directly behind her in the sea of blackness.

"Welcome to the Hive Omega Gym!" Chrysalis announced over a microphone. She stood on the opposite side to Twilight, having changed into another bleached white coat with a green undershirt. She looked much more official without the Stufful shirt, but her body language was much more confident. "Challenger, are you ready?"

"Yes!" Twilight shouted back.

Chrysalis grinned. "Today's battle will test three of each trainer's pokémon against each other. The battle will continue until one trainer can no longer battle. Twilight Sparkle, if you are victorious, I will entrust you with the Swarm Badge. So without further ado, let the battle begin!"

The stadium erupted in cheers as each trainer prepared their first pokémon. Chrysalis would choose first, then Twilight. Chrysalis pensively selected a ball, releasing her first pokémon. "Come out, Venemoth!"

Twilight pulled out her pokédex. Venemoth, the Poison Moth pokémon. When Venemoth beats its wings, it scatters toxic scales that are poisonous if they are inhaled or touch the skin.

A poison type, huh? Twilight briefly thought to open up with Espeon, but she reconsidered. Cubone would still have a type advantage with his ground attacks against a poison type. "Cubone, come on!"

Cubone landed on the ground, holding his bone out against his opponent.

The stadium went silent for a few moment as both trainer and pokémon sized up their opponent. Undoubtedly, Venemoth was going to be faster than Cubone, and Chrysalis wasted no time giving her opening command. "Infestation, let's go!"

Venemoth's gossamer wings spread a vast cloud of small buzzing insects at Cubone. Try as he might to swat them with his bone, the vast majority landed on him and began to bite.

"Don't let them get away with that!" Twilight urged. "Bonemerang!" Her command fell on deaf ears as Cubone swatted at the bugs crawling all over his body.

I didn't want to have to do this, but if I want to win, I'm going to need to switch. There was no way Cubone would be able to fight at his fullest if he had to deal with Venemoth's infestation. I guess it's Helioptile's turn. "Cubone, return!" She ordered. She pulled Cubone back, preparing Helioptile's pokéball. She grinned. The switch may have lost her a chance to attack, but luckily she had taught it a move that should be able to compensate. "Come on, Helioptile!"

Chrysalis nodded absentmindedly at the change. "Switching your pokémon in order to mitigate the effects of Infestation. Very well. Confusion!" Venemoth's eyes lit up with a psychic aura, dazing Helioptile.

Twilight grimaced. "You'll have to do better than that! Helioptile, return with a parabolic charge!" A bolt of electricity fired at Venemoth, electrocuting the insectoid pokémon. Immediately after it hit, the charge returned to Helioptile, reinvigorating it.

"Smart. Using a move like that to keep up your stamina." Chrysalis' praising tone threw Twilight off guard. The way she was speaking sounded more like she was teaching Twilight a game, not engaging in a gym battle.

She doesn't feel threatened yet. She realized. Chrysalis was no doubt the smartest opponent she had fought thus far. As a gym leader she had probably seen this scenario play out hundreds of times or more…

"Venemoth! Silver wind!" She announced.

"Volt switch!" Twilight yelled in return. Helioptile cloaked itself in a veil of lightning, firing itself at Venemoth as a silver haze began to emit from its rapidly flapping wings. Helioptile hit with a massive impact, knocking Venemoth to the ground. Helioptile bounced back towards Twilight, who readied its pokéball. Now let's get Cubone back in here.

Cubone sprang back onto the battlefield, standing before Chrysalis' downed Venemoth. "Venemoth, are you alright?" Chrysalis asked her pokémon. With a weak chitter, Venemoth rose from the ground. "Alright, if you're sure. Go for a psybeam!"

"Bonemerang!" Twilight commanded. Cubone's bone flew through the air, going through Venemoth's psychic beam and clobbering it in the face, knocking it to the ground.

"Well done Venemoth. Come back." Chrysalis returned Venemoth to its pokéball, nodding to Twilight to acknowledge this small victory.

"Good job Cubone!" Twilight praised. As she finished speaking, she noticed that Cubone was staring at the sky, entranced. Through the floodlights, Twilight could see a huge full moon in the cloudless sky. Cubone's tiny hands tightened around the bone. It shrieked aloud, as a dark and malefic aura surrounded the tiny pokémon. Twilight was aghast. It looked like it was evolving, but no evolution she had seen had ever been quite so horrific. Cubone roared with an anguished rage, as the dark aura was replaced by one of bluish-green flame. Then at once, the aura faded, leaving a new pokémon in its place.

Twilight pulled out her pokédex. Marowak, the --ne ke--er pok-mon. Mar---- is -----ed w--- us--- its b--- as a ---pon, an- is f--rce-- prote-tive of -ubon-. She shook her pokédex, trying to see what was the matter with it. The image was covered in static, but from what little she could see, the Marowak on the screen looked completely different than the one before her. She knew what Marowak usually looked like. This one was slimmer, and a much darker color than the sandy brown that was similar to Cubone's. Marowak twirled his bone, striking it on the dark patch on its skull, igniting it in a ghastly fire.

It's definitely a Marowak, but that doesn't look like any Marowak I've ever seen. I'd better just stick with moves I know it can use. Something about her pokémon was causing her pokédex to glitch out, so she meant to proceed with caution.

Chrysalis remained unusually silent throughout the process. She stowed Venemoth's pokéball away in her coat, and readied her next pokémon. "Scyther, come out."

Twilight recalled Marowak. In spite of its evolution she still had no idea what its limits were and what it could do. Better be safe with Helioptile.

"Scyther! Strike with x-scissor!" Chrysalis ordered.

Chrysalis caught Twilight off guard. She was still musing to herself about Cubone evolving when she was already forced back into battle. "Thunder shock!" Twilight ordered back. Helioptile released a charge at Scyther, zapping the flying type out of the air.

Chrysalis bit her lip. "You're doing well Twilight. But keep your guard up. Scyther, use double team!" Scyther split itself into a dozen identical clones, each one brandishing its blades at Helioptile.

Twilight was prepared for this situation. "Helioptile, parabolic charge!" Helioptile readied an electric charge, firing off at the first Scyther available. The charge hit the clone and destroyed it, but the charge bounced off the clone and arced onto the next one. With each bounce the jolt dispelled a clone and moved on to the next one, travelling between each clone, trying ultimately to create a circuit between itself and the true Scyther.

"SCYYYYYYYYTHER!" The surge hit its mark, electrocuting the real Scyther and returning back to Helioptile. The barrage of electric attacks had overwhelmed Scyther, knocking the flying-type out. Chrysalis pulled her pokémon back into its ball, nodding at Twilight.

"Well done, Twilight Sparkle. One more pokémon stands between you and your badge. However, be warned. Your tactics with Helioptile won't work on this one. Galvantula, come forth!"

Twilight pulled Helioptile back. Using electric attacks was not going to work. This left her with two options. She was locked in with Marowak, but his abilities were still untested. She still had Espeon and Ivysaur on hoof. With a sigh, Twilight tossed out Espeon.

"Espi!" Her pokémon cried.

"A psychic type?" Chrysalis laughed. "Making things harder for yourself, eh? Galvantula, electroweb!" Galvantula hurled a wad of electrified webbing at Espeon, entrapping it in the sticky mess.

Twilight was unfazed. "Calm mind. We can do this." Espeon closed its eyes, focusing her mind in preparation.

"Signal beam!" Chrysalis knew what Twilight was trying to do and was intent on making sure she did not have the time to do it. Galvantula released a perplexing beam at Espeon, knocking her back but thanks to the defensive increase her calm mind had given her, she seemed unscathed.

Twilight carefully assessed her pokémon's condition. If she were to unleash her attack now, she might not have the power necessary to knock out Galvantula in one hit. Espeon should be able to raise enough defensive power to survive another attack… I hope. "Calm mind!"

Espeon further braced itself, desperately trying to put its focus into surviving the next attack and dishing out more damage after.

Chrysalis smiled. "Looks like it comes down to this. Galvantula, go for signal beam." Galvantula fired off another massive beam that knocked Espeon flying. Twilight cringed. Espeon landed on the ground, twitching.

"Espeon? Are you alright?" Twilight asked frantically. The stadium had gone silent. With a strained groan, Espeon found her footing, taking a stand before Galvantula. Twilight smiled. "Alright Espeon, let's end this! Let loose with a hyper beam!"

Espeon fired a massive blast of pure energy at Galvantula, enveloping it in the blazing beam of energy. When the blast cleared, Galvantula fell over, scorched by the intensity of the blazing beam.

"Well done Galvantula." Chrysalis said with an approving nod. "You've done well Twilight. Your pokémon are quite strong, and confident besides. And you aren't a slouch either. It is my pleasure to present you with the Swarm Badge."

Twilight placed the badge with the other three in her case. She smiled with delight. She now had half of the badges she would need.

"And as promised, here is the other gift I promised to entrust you with." Chrysalis handed her a pokéball, a standard red ball with the mark of the Chrysalis laboratory marked on it. Twilight hesitantly opened the ball, unsure what was inside.

"Grrrr…" The pokémon hesitantly growled.

Twilight stepped back. "Is that your Type: Null?"

"No, it's your Type: Null." Chrysalis corrected. "This pokémon needs somepony to train it and befriend it. I still don't know what this pokémon can do, but I want you to be able to raise it and help it grow."

Applejack's words echoed through her head. What kind of a silly name is that? She was right. If she was going to raise this pokémon, it would need a nickname.

"Twilight smiled. "Welcome to the team, Silvia."

Author's Note:

Finally managed to force myself out of a rut after quite frankly too long not writing. Thanks to the data leaks so that I could actually check out some of the info for Alolan Marowak.

How did Twilight get an Alola form? What will she do with Type: Null? What is Team Umbra up to? All this and more will be answered shortly, but for now I have a copy of Pokemon Moon arriving at my door tomorrow. :twilightblush: Hope you're all excited!

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