• Published 3rd Mar 2016
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Twilight Sparkle has a Pokemon Journey - Darkmetroidz

Twilight recieves her first pokemon and goes off on an adventure. She meets new friends and rivals while striving to be the best Pokemon Trainer in Equestria.

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Chapter 31- The Griffonstone Gym

Twilight intended to take Gilda up on her recommendation to visit the pokémon center. Her team had taken quite the beating during their battle with Team Umbra, and she would need her team at full strength to take on Gilda's rock-types. She was not expecting an easy battle, but with Ivysaur at her side, she felt confident about her chances.

Then again, as a rock-type specialist, Gilda has no doubt built her team with this weakness in mind. While rock-types were formidable forces on the battlefield, their plodding speed and wide range of vulnerabilities made them difficult to use strategically. With an entire team comprised of them, Gilda would need to have a well thought out team to compensate for their shortcomings. Twilight shuddered. A strong pokémon was difficult to overcome, but a clever trainer could make even the weakest pokémon twice as dangerous.

As they walked, Twilight paged through her pokédex, looking over all of the rock pokémon and their typings. The more she looked, the more she was perplexed. A substantial number of the pokémon with dual typings had at least one of their weaknesses amplified by their secondary type. Twilight had no idea what to expect going in. The most common tactic for rock-types was to hit the opponent hard and fast, maybe setting up stealth rock and then proceeding to overwhelm the other trainer before they could exploit a type advantage. But Gilda wasn't an ordinary trailer. As a gym leader, Twilight had to expect a higher caliber of strategy.

"Hey Rainbow." Twilight piped up. Dash turned her head toward Twilight, shaking her out of her thoughts and back to reality. "Do you and Gilda know each other? It sounded like you two had some history back at the ranch."

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Yeah, I know Gilda. We were friends back when we went to Junior Flight Camp. Both of us wanted to become trainers, so we had a lot to talk about. After we left camp, we kind of drifted. She ended up becoming a gym leader, and I went home to Ponyville."

"So why was she teasing you like that?" From what Rainbow had described, it sounded like they had been good friends. But Gilda's teasing… it wasn't friendly at all. It seemed almost malicious.

"Iunno." Dash answered. "Gilda was always kind of abrasive. I think she might be a little disappointed in me too."

That got Twilight's attention. "What do you mean by that?"

"When Gilda and I were at camp, we promised to become the strongest trainers in Equestria. Like most fillies and colts do I guess." She laughed. "We parted ways after camp, but we kept in touch over the mail for a few years afterwards. Gilda went and became a gym leader. Meanwhile I couldn't even leave Ponyville until you came around."

During their trip to the pokémon center, Twilight pondered over Rainbow's words. Disappointed? If so, she had a strange way of showing it. Still, Twilight couldn't help but see aspects of the earlier stages of her relationship with Trixie. While now at least they were on respectful terms, early on Trixie's behavior could be downright cruel.

It's different with them. Twilight told herself. Trixie tended toward hostility in their interactions. While Trixie certainly acted superior during their confrontations, she did not have the same patronizing tone that Gilda used with Dash. It seemed as though Gilda barely recognized her as a trainer to begin with. Twilight sighed and pushed the thought from her mind. Right now she needed to worry about Gilda's team, not her past relationships.

The Gym was located in the historic district of Griffonstone. It was located in an ancient coliseum that was in the heart of old part of the Kingdom. It's great shadow sent a shiver down Twilight's spine. What sort of combat took place here before it became a part of the Pokémon League?

She pushed past her apprehensions and moved forward. The badge that represented the next stage of her journey complete waited inside, and she meant to win it. After much deliberation, she had decided that Ivysaur was an essential and that she would select her remaining two pokémon as the battle progressed. While she was hesitant to go in without a plan, her team was not especially effective against Rock-types, so she would have to make it up as she went.

The coliseum was decorated with massive statues of rock pokémon. Twilight shuddered as she passed beneath the massive shadows of an Armaldo and Rhydon. The stonework was ancient but the craftsmanship was exquisite; each statue's face was sculpted in horrific detail. Every tooth, spike, and plate was rendered so accurately it almost seemed like the pokémon had been turned to stone and used as decoration.

They passed under the main archway of the gym. Twilight parted with her friends in the inside of the coliseum, sending them to the stands while she moved to the challenger's entrance. Finally alone, Twilight allowed herself a heavy breath. The gym battle had her nervously on edge. Whether it was the awkward matchup for her team or what limited information she had about Gilda, she did not know. Then again, I beat Silverstar with just Eevee. Her victory over his Rhyhorn came from an ability to outmaneuver it. She would have to do the same here.

She stepped out onto the sand floor of the stadium. At one point, the arena would have hosted events that could seat thousands. Today, it was sparsely attended by several dozen griffons, plus the five ponies seated toward the midpoint of the arc between Twilight and the gym leader. Gilda descended from the sky, landing with a spray of sand. "Welcome to my gym, Twilight Sparkle." Gilda shouted across the sandy arena. "I owe you one for kicking Team Umbra out of here. But don't think for a second that means I'll take it easy on you. Challenger, are you ready?"

"Yes!" She shouted back. This is it. Time to get that badge.

Gilda's beak shifted into a grin. "Heh. Alright then. Hey Rainbow Dash, let's see if your friend here can hold her own better than you could back at camp." Gilda's claw wrapped around one of the Ultra balls hanging on her belt. "Let's go Lycanroc!"

The bipedal lycanthrope pokémon emerged from its pokéball, letting out a hair-raising howl. Twilight took out her pokédex, hoping to gain some information about this new pokémon.

Lycanroc, the Wolf Pokémon. Lycanroc evolves differently based on time of day, and its strengths are different based on each form. The Midnight form is slower and tougher, boasting a mane with fur as sharp as knives.

Twilight scanned over the data available. Lycanroc was a pure Rock-type. She reached for a pokéball of her own, opting to meet Gilda with her Ivysaur.

A grass type will have a clear advantage in this battle. Twilight thought with a grin. Though, if Gilda is worth her feathers, no doubt she's got some kind of an answer for this… Twilight focused herself back onto the battle. From her research, she had reached the conclusion that the best way to deal with a Rock-type was to try to knock it out before it could get itself rolling. "Ivysaur, open with razor leaf!"

"Stealth rock, let's go!" Gilda retorted. Ivysaur's attack hit its mark, inflicting a solid hit upon Lycanroc. Meanwhile Ivysaur remained unharmed, but large jagged rocks floated in the air all over her side of the arena. Already, the battle seemed to be going her way. Another hit would like that would likely leave Lycanroc unconscious. If she could get Ivysaur out of this first phase of the battle unhurt, she would be well on her way to earning her badge.

Gilda seemed agitated. Twilight had put her on the back hoof faster than she had anticipated. "I guess that win against Team Umbra wasn't a fluke. Lycanroc, hit 'em with rock climb! Full force!" With as much energy as it had left, Lycanroc barreled toward Ivysaur, tearing apart the earth as it ran.

"Razor leaf! Counter with razor leaf!" Twilight commanded, doing her best to maintain her composure. Ivysaur fired blade after blade at the charging beast, gradually slowing its charge with each hit. While Lycanroc managed to connect, the force of the hit had been weakened substantially. Ivysaur still looked healthy, but Lycanroc couldn't take any more. With a desperate howl, it collapsed. Twilight was up one pokémon, and if this was any indication, Ivysaur could just keep sweeping Gilda's team.

From the stands, Twilight could hear Rainbow Dash roaring with laughter. "What's the matter Gilda? You can't be giving up now, Twilight just started wiping the floor with you!"

Gilda shot Rainbow a furious glare. "Quit your squawking Dash, I'll grind you into the dirt in a few minutes once I finish up here. Rhydon, let's give 'em the hurt!" The ground shook as Rhydon landed upon the bare sand floor. Twilight steeled herself. Rhydon was big, but it was at a massive disadvantage. It can't be this easy. She told herself. Gilda has to have something up her sleeve.

With a steady breath, Twilight decided to figure out just what her opponent had in store. "Another razor leaf, let's go!" The bladed leaves whizzed through the air, utterly tearing through Rhydon's defenses and knocking it to the ground in a single hit. Twilight looked on in shock. Maybe I am getting stronger. I haven't ever had this easy a time against a gym leader.

Somehow, the loss didn't faze Gilda. Twilight remembered not to get ahead of herself. She couldn't afford to get cocky now. Not with victory so tantalizingly close. Still, Twilight couldn't help but worry. She had never seen anypony take a loss of a pokémon that nonchalantly. She had to have something big in the back if she was willing to let her Rhydon go down in a single hit.

"Heh. I have to give it to ya, you're good kid. Way better than Dashie. But you haven't seen anything yet. Aerodactyl, let's show 'em what you've got!"

"AEEEEERRR!" The fossil pokémon screeched. Its wingbeats stirred up the sand with each flap, whipping up a cloud of dust in the arena. Twilight and her friends let out a collective gasp. None of them had expected Gilda's ace to be a pokémon said to be several million years extinct.

"Impressed?" Gilda laughed. The entire gym had gone silent save for the sound of Aerodactyl's wings, which left her a perfect opportunity to gloat. "You're about to see the ferocious power of Rock-types. Heck, I can sweep your entire team with nothing but Aerodactyl. Just watch."

Unfazed, Twilight met Gilda's avian eyes with her own. "Your Aerodactyl may be strong, but Ivysaur can match him attack for attack. I've been travelling with him at my side since day 1, and he's never let me down."

A knowing smile was Gilda's response. "Awwww, how sweet. It's too bad you're not going to be using him. Aerodactyl, use roar!" With a ear-piercing screech, Aerodactyl forced Ivysaur back into its pokéball. Twilight grimaced. So much for a clean sweep with Ivysaur. She evaluated the pokémon she had in her party. Silvia, Heliolisk, Marowak, Gible and Espeon. She ruled out Marowak immediately on account of type disadvantage, and she had yet to make any progress with Gible. Heliolisk has an advantage, but Gilda might have more tricks up her sleeve. I had better scout her out first. Silvia was tougher than Espeon, so it would be a better choice for figuring out what Aerodactyl was hiding.

"Alright Silvia, let's get to work!" Twilight tossed the pokéball Chrysalis had entrusted her with, letting her creation loose onto the battlefield. No sooner did Silvia's claws and paws hit the sand than did the stones floating in the air dig themselves into Silvia's body. Its pained cries echoed in its helmet.

I'm going to have to do as little switching as possible. Twilight thought. The rocks would keep hurting her pokémon every time she swapped out. And as long as Aerodactyl kept using roar, she would keep taking damage from the rocks.

"Alright Aerodactyl, go for a rock slide!" Aerodactyl whipped up a mass of boulders and tossed them at Silvia. From under the stones, Twilight could hear her pokémon's pained cries. She needed to do something, and fast.

Her options were limited for moves. Twilight puzzled over what she had to work with, and went with whatever could hit Aerodactyl the hardest. "Iron head, go!" Silvia smashed the boulders imprisoning it with its helmet, spraying shards of stone and dust everywhere. Its eyes locked onto Aerodactyl, and leapt forward, smashing the prehistoric flier with its helmet.

The hit knocked Aerodactyl from the sky, causing it to cry out in shock. It was certainly hurt, but it was not unconscious yet. With a few flaps, Aerodactyl steadied its flight and readied itself to retaliate.

Gilda gave Twilight an approving nod. "That creature of yours is pretty tough. That hit put a hurting on us, but don't think for a minute you've won. Aerodactyl, use hyper beam!"

A blazing light began to collect in Aerodactyl's mouth, forcing Twilight to shield her eyes. She felt her heartbeat accelerate as the nova of energy flared up within the predator's maw. Aerodactyl blasted a beam of energy that gleamed with each color of the rainbow. Twilight cried out as the attack engulfed Silvia in its prismatic glow. Her eyes snapped shut the instant the attack fired, her instincts taking over to ensure Twilight did not go blind.

When the beam subsided, Twilight opened her eyes apprehensively. Large swaths of sand had been turned to glass, scorched by the ferocious attack that Aerodactyl unleashed. In the middle of the field of scorched earth, Silvia had collapsed in a heap, letting out a weak growl that echoed inside its helmet. Twilight wordlessly recalled her pokémon, sadness welling up inside her. She felt a deep sense of guilt for allowing her pokémon to come to such harm.

She thought out her next pokémon with care. True, she could use Heliolisk and probably secure the victory, but she felt an overwhelming desire to defeat Gilda with similar firepower. "Ivysaur." She whispered, clutching her partner's pokéball close to her heart. "I have faith in you. For this whole journey, you've been at my side every step of the way, since we first took our first steps outside the walls of Canterlot. I need you now more than ever. Ivysaur, I choose you!"

"Ivysaur!" Her pokémon stood as proudly as its tiny legs would allow. Its eyes set firmly on Aerodactyl, it let out a brave cry, giving a roar as strong as an Arcanine.

Twilight pointed her hoof at Aerodactyl as she shouted her command. "Alright Ivysaur. Give it all you've got. Solarbeam, go!"

The flower atop Ivysaur's back began to gather light to charge up its attack. Gilda was forced to sit and watch as the aura of light on Ivysaur's back blazed brighter and brighter. Her Aerodactyl was spent after that attack, allowing Ivysaur all the time it needed to prepare its attack.

Finally, Aerodactyl regained its strength. "Alright, let's go! Give it another hyper beam!" Gilda roared.

The flower on Ivysaur's back stopped drawing in light. Every nerve on her pokémon's body was visibly charged with energy, its small body struggling to keep the power contained inside itself.

"FIRE" Twilight and Gilda commanded in unison. Each pokémon unleashed its beam, sending two blasts of energy blazing towards the center of the arena. Aerodactyl's rainbow beam met Ivysaur's nova of sunlight with an explosive flash. Twilight and Gilda gritted their teeth as the beams pushed back and forth against each other. Neither pokémon would be able to sustain their attacks much longer. It would be a question as to whichever pokémon ran out of energy first.

Come on Ivysaur. You can do this. Twilight had put all of her faith in this attack. If Ivysaur lost, the damage he would take would be catastrophic.

Finally, one of the pokémon waned. Aerodactyl, already drained from its previous attack, couldn’t compete with the vast amount of solar energy that Ivysaur had gathered. The hyper beam fizzled out, allowing the golden blast of sunlight to push backwards and immolate Aerodactyl in its beam.

The attack knocked Aerodactyl to the ground. Ivysaur's attack utterly overwhelmed it, knocking it unconscious and leaving Gilda without any more pokémon. Gilda responded with an approving nod. "Well done kid. That Ivysaur of yours has moxie, I'll give him that. As gym leader of Griffonstone, it's my duty to present you with this Cliff badge."

Twilight accepted the badge with a gracious hoofshake. "Thank you." Ivysaur waddled up beside her, nuzzling Twilight's hind leg. She rubbed her pokémon affectionately, stroking his leaves and rubbing his head.

After Twilight took the badge, Gilda turned her attention to Rainbow Dash, who was still watching from the stands. "Well Dashie, think you learned anything? If you practice, maybe someday you'll be as strong as your friend here. Maybe if you're really lucky you might be able to win the badge too. " She threw back her head and laughed. "Ah, who am I kidding? You're light-years away from me!"

After so much incessant teasing, Rainbow Dash finally snapped. "You think you're all that don't you Gilda? I challenge you to a battle, right here, right now. Then we'll see who's light years behind who." Dash flew out from the stand and dropped to the ground in front of Gilda, brandishing a pokéball as if she was ready to throw it at her. "You have no idea how much stronger I've gotten. My pokémon and I are going to wipe the floor with you."

Gilda met Dash's anger with a smugness that only spurred her even harder. "Dash." She said with a sneer. "I would love to see you try."

Author's Note:

Well. I'm back.

Funnily enough Rock types were giving me a heck of a time in USUM. I guess that's what happens when you're running too many fire types and Olivia's Lileep gets some REALLY lucky stat ups from Ancient Power

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