• Published 3rd Mar 2016
  • 3,334 Views, 222 Comments

Twilight Sparkle has a Pokemon Journey - Darkmetroidz

Twilight recieves her first pokemon and goes off on an adventure. She meets new friends and rivals while striving to be the best Pokemon Trainer in Equestria.

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Chapter 30- Return to Griffonstone

As promised, the Team Umbra grunts had cleared out of the cavern lair, leaving the base deathly quiet, the lights on the walls only running until whatever was powering their generator ran out. Twilight and company explored every room in the building, deserately hoping that Sonata had been lying when she said the Apricorns were gone. Much to Twilight's dismay, it seemed she had been telling the truth. They did not bother to grab any of the stolen property out of the loot room. They had resolved to alert the police when they returned to town to the location of the hidden base, and let them sort through it.

A wide variety of taxing thoughts swirled through Twilight's head, all demanding her attention simultaneously. Too many questions she couldn't answer. Foremost among them was Trixie. Her parting words seemed particularly odd. "I owe you one." The phrase was simple, but from Trixie seemed so out of place. Twilight shrugged. It had been a strange day for everypony. Perhaps she was just relieved it was all over.

The walk back to Griffonstone was mostly smalltalk between the mares and glittering praise to Twilight. Twilight herself said little, only occasionally nodding in agreement or offering a quick "Thank you." They all sighed with relief as they saw the outer fence to Groucho's estate off in the distance, grateful that the day's misadventure was almost over.

The property was still on lockdown from the break-in earlier. The pokémon under the ranch's care had all been herded into barns for their protection, protected by several squads of ranch employees and their own pokémon. The breeders recognized Twilight and company as soon as they set hoof on the property, waving them down and escorting them across the estate to Groucho's house.

The old Griffon had been holed up in his office with two of the most muscular griffons on his staff standing guard outside. Upon their approach, they stood aside, allowing the mares inside the room. "What happened?" He asked worriedly. "Please tell me you're unharmed."

"We're okay Mr. Groucho." Dash assured. "Twilight made sure of that. You won't be having to worry about Team Umbra anymore. They're all on their way out of Griffonstone."

Groucho's eyes lit up with relief. "Really? They're gone?"

Aplejack nodded. "Yes siree. Twi here gave 'em the beating of a lifetime."

The old griffon smiled. "Then it's finally over. I assume you managed to retrieve my Apricorns then?"

The mere mention of the Apricorns turned all six sets of eyes toward the floor. "No." Twilight finally said. "They sent them off as soon as they got back to their hideout."

Groucho sighed. "Then it's too late. That tree has to be destroyed."

The grim resolution of the Griffon came as a shock to the mares. "Whatever do you mean?" Rarity asked.

Groucho's wrinkled face twisted into a determined scowl. "What I mean is that those Purple Apricorns are too much of a liability for me to keep around. It's my fault that Team Umbra has the most essential part they need to make a Master Ball. That tree made me what I am today, and for that I will always be grateful. But leaving it standing is a danger Equestria cannot afford." Groucho stormed out of his office, grumbling beneath his breath. His bodyguards took after him, prompting Twilight and company to do the same.

For somepony as old as Groucho, he could move surprisingly fast. He took wing once outside the house, flying to the forest's edge and continuing on foot. Twilight Rainbow and Applejack tailed closely behind him, following Groucho past the forge he had showed them earlier and further into the woods. After a few minutes of navigating through the underbrush, the group emerged at a small, carefully manicured clearing with a small tree in the middle of it. Doubtless, this was the Apricorn tree. From what Twilight could tell, Groucho had been carefully tending to the plant since he had discovered it years ago, as was evidenced by the stakes supporting the trunk and carefully trimmed branches. Groucho walked toward the tree, dragging a lumber axe in his claws to cut down the tree. The elderly griffon struggled to hoist up the axe, staggering around on his rear legs as he tried to prepare his swing.

"Groucho! Please stop!" Twilight urged. "You can't destroy the tree!"

"Quiet girlie. This is my property and I'll do with it as I wish." Groucho snapped back. There was murder in his eyes, and the tree was to be his victim.

Finally, Groucho found steady footing. He planted his hind legs firmly on the ground while he gripped the axe in his front claws. He brought the axe back, ready to start chopping at the base of the tree.

"Stop it Gramps!" The gruff, female voice gave Groucho pause, making him lower the blade. Griffonstone's Gym Leader Gilda descended from the sky, her powerful wings bringing her to alight in front of Groucho.

"Gilda, go home." Groucho growled. "This doesn't concern you."

Gilda shook her head defiantly."Yes it does, Grandpa. Those Apricorns are Griffonstone's treasure and you know it."

Groucho steadied himself on the shaft of the axe, using it in place of the cane he had left back at the manor. "It doesn't matter anymore. We can't risk them falling into the wrong hooves again. Now that Team Umbra knows they're here, do you think they will stop? The only way we can ever make sure they don't steal any more is to cut this tree down."

"Maybe so." Gilda conceded. "But think for a second about who else needs those Apricorns."

"What do you mean?" Groucho's attention had shifted away from the tree and was now fully focused on his granddaughter.

"Did you ever stop to think about why Silph Co. has been paying you almost twice as much for your Apricorns in the last several years?" Gilda asked.

To that, Groucho nodded his head yes. "Damn inflation!" He squawked. "Prices on everything are out of control anymore!"

"No gramps." She sighed, her face covered by her clawed foreleg. "Don't you remember that story from a few years back, the one where Trottingham forest burned down? Do you remember what caused it?"

That's the same story that Cadence showed me in the newspaper. The realization dawned on Twilight exactly what Gilda was getting at. Her thoughts darted to Silvia's pokéball. After their trip to Hive Omega, Twilight held Chrysalis in high regard for her incredible scientific prowess, even if her experiments could be… disturbing.

A unsure nod yes was Groucho's eventual answer. "I remember, but don't recall too many of the details."

"Then let me give you the short version. A super-powerful artificial pokémon got loose a few years back, completely leveled the forest, and disappeared to Celestia knows where. Silph decided to step up production of their Master Ball technology to try to contain it if anypony manages to find it."

Still, Groucho was not convinced. He had stopped leaning on the axe and was already preparing to strike with it. "Sorry kiddo, I'm not convinced. If they already have what they need to make a Master Ball, why do they need more? I know they've already built one. Team Umbra tried to steal it awhile back. It was all over the news."

"They did. I was the one who got it back from them!" Twilight blurted out. Gilda, Groucho, and all of the security stallions all looked at her in disbelief. "It's true. If you don't believe me, ask Princess Cadence. She sent me to pick it up for her."

For a good minute, Groucho sized up Twilight with his old, wizened eyes. His gaze pierced through her, staring into her soul to assess her mettle. "I believe you." He concluded. "You've got a fire in your eyes girlie. A look like that never lies."

"It's true that Team Umbra has what they need to make a Master Ball." Twilight conceded. "But that can't be helped anymore. Even if we can't stop Team Umbra from using the Master Ball to catch a legendary pokémon, we can at least make sure that somepony is able to use a legendary pokémon to stop them." She tried to avoid revealing too much of what Cadence had told her.

Groucho rolled his eyes. "Let me guess. That somepony is you, right? You're wanting to be the big hero to go and save the day?"

The thought had not even crossed Twilight's mind. "No, not at all. Princess Cadence is the one with a plan to stop them. But we need to make sure she can get what she needs, and that means we need to make sure Silph Co. is able to keep their research going."

Twilight's rationale seemed satisfactory to Groucho. He shouldered his axe and smiled. "I guess I can’t rightly go and hurt this little tree when it's been what gave me the life I have today. Alright I'll leave the tree alone. But I will be in touch with Silph Co. and Princess Celestia to make sure this little plant is put under guard. I don't want anypony getting anywhere near it without my say-so."

Gilda nodded. "Sounds good Gramps."

The elderly Griffon, with his two security personnel at his sides, left the clearing and returned to the gentle shade of the forest, heading back to the manor. With a sigh, Gilda turned to Twilight. "Thanks for the help. Once that stubborn old bird gets an idea in his head he doesn't stop until he sees it through. I can't thank you enough for talking him down."

"My pleasure." Twilight smiled.

"Anyway, I think you've proven yourself worthy of challenging my gym. Take some time to rest up your pokémon, but once you're ready I'll be waiting for you." She turned her attention from Twilight over to Rainbow Dash. "And Dashie, maybe you should pay attention. I bet you and your Pidgey could learn a thing or two from watching us."

Rainbow Dash gave Gilda a scowl back. "We'll see Gilda. And maybe after Twilight finishes thrashing you, me and my pokémon can teach you a lesson ourselves."

"Ha. I'd love to see you try." She said with a smirk.

Author's Note:

TIL- Apparently having a week with nothing to do but sit on your butt and relax is really conducive to productivity. Considering it's Tuesday when I had this written, I should be able to churn out a couple more of these at least before I go home. Consider this my apology for such a long hiatus.

A small moment the other day got me really back into a Pokemon mood. I got to battle with the kid of some of the admins at my school, and it made me smile seeing a kid's love for the same series I grew up with. We had a couple battles and I gave him one of my Mariene as a thank-you. Joshua, I know you'll never see this, but train on kid. You'll be a great trainer.

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