• Published 3rd Mar 2016
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Twilight Sparkle has a Pokemon Journey - Darkmetroidz

Twilight recieves her first pokemon and goes off on an adventure. She meets new friends and rivals while striving to be the best Pokemon Trainer in Equestria.

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Chapter 33- Cave of Umbra

With the gym badges won, Twilight and Rainbow Dash left Griffonstone with heads held high. The ferry ride back to mainland Equestria was spent relaxing and decompressing. Rainbow and Twilight both decided to enjoy a couple days without battling to give both themselves and their pokémon a much-deserved break. Much of their time was spent asleep or sunbathing on the ship's deck. After so hectic a last few days, everypony was completely drained.

On the deck, Twilight marveled over her Keystone. She had seen the power of Mega Evolution firsthand during her time with Chrysalis, and knowing that she had access to that same power was both exhilarating and slightly terrifying.

Their boat made dock in Manehattan some days later. The six mares stepped onto the pier feeling rested and ready to continue their travels. Unsure of where to go next, they decided to go to the nearest pokémon center to decide.

The city streets of Manehattan were just as Twilight remembered them- crowded, noisy and incredibly active. As she often did after spending a fair amount of time away from large crowds, Twilight felt overwhelmed. Even the streets of Canterlot couldn't compare to the bustle of Manehattan. Twilight made sure to keep the other five within hoof's reach at all times. Losing somepony in these streets was all too easy.

Just like the city, the Pokémon center was large and crowded. From what she had read in her travel guides, Twilight knew that Manehattan had no fewer than six pokémon centers in its various districts. Even without a gym, Manehattan was still a hub of trainer activity in Equestria, and travelers were always coming in needing rest. For once, Twilight did not need a bed to sleep on or a meal in her stomach. Just a relatively quiet spot she could sit with the others and figure out where their next move would be. The six mares had only just seated themselves at an empty table and begun to unfold their maps when a newcomer approached them.

"Twilight Sparkle?" Asked the unicorn. She was a young mare, probably Twilight's age, with a set of half-rimmed glasses and a flowery blouse. "I'm so sorry to bother you. I work for Silph Co. I was asked to find you and deliver you a message from our Director. He said it was very important that I give this to you immediately."

Twilight took the envelope in her hoof and tore open the paper. Before she could unfold the letter within, the mare had already vanished into the crowds of trainers milling around the Pokémon Center's lobby.

"That was… weird," Rainbow Dash said at last, "If this letter is so important, why would her boss just have her wait around hoping she ran into us?"

"Beats the heck outta me," Applejack shrugged. She nudged Twilight, who still had yet to look at the contents of the note, "C'mon Twi, don't keep us in the dark, read it."

Twilight nodded and opened the note. It was written out in a stallion's cursive, neat but heavy. Twilight cleared her throat and began to read the letter to her curious audience.

To the esteemed Ms. Twilight Sparkle,

Good day to you, Ms. Sparkle. My name is Beauford Trottingsworth, and I am the Director of the Silph Company. It is my understanding you are an associate of the Princess and Professor of Pokémon Mi Amore Cadenza, and you were also the one responsible for retrieving the master ball that had been stolen from Team Umbra.

Unfortunately, it seems this was not the last my company would have to deal with those scoundrels. An expedition we had sent out to the far South was attacked and robbed by Team Umbra. The convoy was carrying several Mega Stones that we had unearthed for use in an upcoming research project. You and your friends have proven yourselves more than capable of dealing with Team Umbra in the past, and I would implore you to assist me in getting my Mega Stones back. As a token of my appreciation, I would allow you and your companions to take one apiece as thanks for your assistance. My scientists have managed to track Team Umbra to a hidden base in the shore caves North of Manehattan. I hope you would be willing to lend me a hoof. However, time is short and I must ask you make your way out there quickly. There's no telling when they will move those precious stones elsewhere.

Sincerely, Beauford Trottingsworth

Twilight re-read the letter again in her head, quickly giving it a critical examination before saying another word. "Does this all sound a bit strange to you girls?" She asked.

"Something about this rubs me the wrong way," Applejack said, "Can't put my hoof on it, but something seems mighty suspicious. "

"How did she even know to find us here?" Rainbow asked, "We just got back into town and they had no way to know we were here."

Rainbow Dash makes a really good point. Twilight mused. There were no fewer than six pokémon centers in Manehattan. Did Trottingsworth have secretaries waiting in every one? How did he know they would even go to a pokémon center? How did he even know they were back in Manehattan?

In the minutes where the mares had been mulling over the letter, Fluttershy had left the table to return with a newspaper. "Twilight? Have a look at this." She laid the paper on the table. Right on the front page, there was a picture of a burnt-out truck convoy and an inserted picture of a stallion titled Beauford Trottingsworth. "The paper says this happened early in the morning yesterday."

Twilight took the paper in both hooves and quickly scanned over the article. In comparison to the letter, the article was less detailed, not mentioning Mega Stones at all. But enough of the details aligned to push all doubts from Twilight's mind. "Grab your stuff girls. We have to get over to those caves." The mares took their backpacks and took off out the door. The letter had included a picture of a set of sea caves with a boat dragged ashore near it. The six headed off toward the door to begin the hike to the caves.

Sunset Shimmer and Sonata waited impatiently on the roof of the department store across from the Pokémon Center. The two Team Umbra Admins had been shadowing the six from the back of a van since the group had arrived back in Manehattan. Sunset watched the door through a pair of binoculars while Sonata waited with a radio transceiver and a cooler full of drinks. Several empty glass bottles of soda pop and lemonade already were scattered around the rooftop. Sunset was starting to regret drinking so many lemonades. She was already growing uncomfortable, and she had no idea how much longer it would take for her quarry to leave. Sunset banished any thoughts of a bathroom from her mind and redoubled her focus. She could not risk missing them exit through that door; if Team Umbra's plan was to succeed, Sunset and Sonata would need to see their quarry the instant they left for the caves to put the base on high alert. Once they saw Twilight leave, Sonata and Sunset would alert the base, and get off the roof and down into the waiting van below.

The radio crackled as Adagio's voice came through the airwaves. "This is Hideout to Observer, come in. What is your status over there?"

"Nothing yet Hideout," Sonata sighed, "Our agent came out a couple minutes ago, but our target is still inside. Anything yet, Sunset?"

"Nope," Sunset Shimmer yawned. The Pokémon Center only had one exit. Unless Twilight had decided to leap out of a window, they would have to be coming out that door. She quickly scanned the long windows of the clinic, but returned her binoculars to the ground floor almost immediately. She needed to keep a constant watch over that door. If she took her eyes off it for even a second, it was entirely possible that Twilight would be able to walk out and melt into the crowds on the street. If this plan was to work, she would need to make sure the hideout was put on high alert the instant they left.

In between sips of her beverage, Sonata spoke into the transceiver. "Hey Dagi, how is Aria holding up?" Sunset coughed through her own drink. She had almost forgotten what had happened to Aria. They had to medivac Aria out of Griffonstone on account of her blood pressure. Fortunately, Aria and Sonata had made sure to get the purple apricorns that had been their target out, and now Team Umbra had everything they needed to make a Master Ball. In fact, they had the materials to make three. The operation today was only meant to eliminate a potential thorn in the boss' side before he proceeded with his plans.

I wonder how many of them know the truth… Sunset mused. His pitch had been so eloquent, so simple. Organize strong trainers who had been denied what was rightfully theirs, and rebuild Equestria so that ponies who were strong would rise up to rule. So elegant a promise. So lovely a lie. Sunset knew his true intentions were more nefarious. He did not want Equestria for the strong. He wanted Equestria for himself.

Like so many others who had fallen into his grasp, Sunset had done so because she believed in what he said. She had felt wronged, so wronged, and wanted revenge. The only thing that separated herself from the hundreds of other grunts was her strength, and the legendary pokémon she had at her disposal.

Sunset shook her head. It was much too late to be questioning herself now. She was Commander Sunset Shimmer of Team Umbra. And either way, if he wanted the world for the strong or for Team Umbra, Sunset would be on the winning side of that conflict. Victory, regardless of the cost. She reminded herself.

A flash of lilac in her binoculars snapped her out of her introspection. She swiped the radio away from Sonata and yelled into it urgently. "This is Commander Sunset Shimmer. Targets are leaving the Pokémon Center and are en route to the lair. Put all operatives into high alert. I repeat, Twilight Sparkle is inbound on the lair." Sunset quickly tossed the scattered cans back into the cooler and began sliding her way down the fire escape at the rear of the building, with Sonata in tow. They slid down twelve stories into the back alley behind the building and hopped into the waiting van. Sunset took the wheel and made for the maintenance tunnels that ran below the city. They would bypass the traffic and arrive at the base, laying the final pieces of Adagio's cunning trap into place. Watch out Twilight. You and your friends are about to get the surprise of a lifetime.

Although she had some misgivings about the whole situation, Twilight dismissed the thoughts and left the Pokémon Center. She had thought to ask some or all of her friends to stay, but she knew that would be a mistake. They were all capable trainers, and they would all be safer together.

Applejack had the sense to grab a trail map from the tourist kiosk at the center before they had left. The city had a fairly robust network of hiking trails beyond the city limits, one of which wound its way around the cliffs and bluffs north of town. The shore was riddled with such caves, which according to the guide had once made them a popular hideout for pirates. Twilight wasn't sure how they would figure out which one Team Umbra was hiding in, but she was confident she would track them down. This wasn't her first time hunting them in caves.

With her pokémon all in tip-top condition and her friends' pokémon similarly rested, Twilight doubted Team Umbra could throw much at her that she wasn't prepared to handle. Honestly, I feel like this walk is going to be the hardest part.

Getting out of the city limits had taken them nearly an hour thanks to the horrible pedestrian traffic. Finally, they crossed the bridge out of the city, and found themselves in the quiet peacefulness of nature. "Alright girls, let's get out to those caves."

The maintenance tunnel put Sunset and Sonata's van onto a barely-used road leading off along the coast. She pulled the van down a dirt ramp and onto the coarse sand of the beach. She made little effort to hide her movements; she wanted to be followed.

Making sure she was leaving clear tire marks behind, Sunset drove toward the cave that she and the other admins had been using as a hideout. The Shoal Cave was less of a permanent base and more of a temporary outpost. Team Umbra had set it up specifically for the Mega Stone heist, and now as a trap for Twilight Sparkle under Adagio's guidance. Sunset had to admit, the plan was cunning. Lure them in with the stolen Mega Stones and ambush them. If all went well, Team Umbra would wall them inside with boulders, leaving them for dead. With them out of the way, there would be nopony left to get in Team Umbra's way on their path to domination of Equestria.

Their radio crackled with static as they drove across the beach. "Come in Sunset," Adagio's voice crackled, "What is your location?"

"On the beach, five minutes out," She answered, "What's going on?"

"The boss is requesting us as soon as possible," Came the answer. Sunset swallowed. Sombra did not 'request' their attention. She pressed her hoof down harder on the gas pedal. Her heart began to race as the cave came into view. She had no idea what he wanted, but she doubted it was praise. Sunset looked into the rear-view mirror and saw Sonata in a similar state of unease in the back. This in turn worried Sunset even more. Little ever fazed Sonata's carefree nature. He can't be that angry, can he? They had managed to accomplish their goals at Hive Omega and Griffonstone. Granted, neither operation had been quite as clean as they would have preferred, and they had lost their Griffonstone headquarters in the process, but they had the equipment to make the Master Ball. If anything, Adagio's setback in Canterlot had worked out in their favor, considering they had three Master Balls instead of one.

Sunset pulled the van into the cave, throwing it in park and quickly galloping into the command chamber where Adagio and Aria already waited. Adagio shared Sunset's look of unease. Aria was still out of commission after her hypertension had nearly killed her. She was finally able to start walking around, but it had been agreed that she was in no condition to be battling, and would be evacuated from the facility before their foes arrived. Sunset felt a twinge of pity for her. She looked like hell, and whatever was about to come through from headquarters was not going to improve her situation. She was fully regretting the lemonades she had drank at this point, as between her nerves and the liquid in her system, she felt incredibly uncomfortable and would have to endure it while they spoke with the boss. She dared not keep him waiting any longer, even as badly as she wanted to.

Four chairs had been dragged into place in an arc surrounding the large screen of the facility's computer. Once the other three admins had sat, Adagio hesitantly pushed the call button on the video phone, replacing the Team Umbra wallpaper of the computer with a window containing Sombra's scowling visage.

"Admins," He growled. On command, Adagio, Sonata and Sunset dropped onto a knee and placed their front hoof over their chest. Aria, still on her medical equipment, moved as best she could into the position while still being able to move back into her sitting position. "I have been satisfied with your performance as of late. But not pleased." Sunset swallowed. She had little idea where this was going, but she dared not interrupt him.

Sombra continued to speak on the screen. "Thanks to your efforts, we have secured the materials necessary to create three Master Balls. However, because of your failures, we have lost our Griffonstone headquarters, and nearly lost out on the Master Ball. Furthermore, the damage to our prestige because of your repeated defeats cannot be overstated."

"We accept full responsibility for these failures sir," Adagio kowtowed, "But we promise we will not fail you again. Within the day, we will make sure the trainers who have been interfering in our operations will be out of our way. Permanently."

"You intend to trap them within these caves, correct?" Sombra asked, a skeptical eyebrow raised at Adagio. She nodded, daring not to speak. "Fool," He spat, "How are you to ensure that nopony comes searching for them? They have connections with Princess Cadence and with the Silph company. Not to mention you're using Silph's stolen goods to bait your trap. You are to capture them and deliver them to our new base of operations at Sendoff Spring."

"A new base?" Sunset asked. She had heard of any new bases being constructed, especially not in a location as remote as Sendoff Spring.

"Ah yes, that reminds me." Sombra's smile worried Sunset. Whatever he had to say, she was not going to like it. "We have a new Admin who will be taking the prisoners off your hooves." On cue, a new window opened in the video call, revealing another unicorn wearing the black uniform of Team Umbra, and the scarf of an Admin. Sunset's eyes, and the eyes of her comrades, were immediately drawn to the shattered horn atop her head.

"My name is Tempest Shadow," The unicorn declared, "And I have been tasked with ensuring that these particular ponies do not interfere with our operations ever again. I expect you to arrive at Sendoff by tomorrow afternoon with the prisoners in hoof."

Sunset could feel Adagio and Aria bristling as they listened to this new officer order them around. She felt similarly displeased that Sombra would add on another Admin and seemingly grant her superiority over the senior officers.

"One more thing," Sombra added, "With three Master Balls at our disposal, I have considered granting two of them to my officers as a symbol of my gratitude and favor. Consider this assignment a test of your worthiness. Should you please me, one of you may be granted the third Master Ball."

"'Third?'" Adagio asked, "Who has the second one?" Sunset was thinking the same thing. Unless he had seriously...

"That will be my decision. Now, do as you must to capture those insolent trainers. Do not disappoint me. Sombra out." Sombra's window closed, leaving the five mares alone in the video call.

"So, you are the four who Sombra has told me so much about," She jeered, her tongue dripping with venomous sarcasm, "It's my understanding you four have been foiled repeatedly by a group of upstart bumpkins, is that correct?"

Adagio growled, but her usually sharp wit seemed to desert her. She sighed, and submitted herself to the verbal berating that was surely coming.

"It's difficult to believe that you four have been able to control legendary pokémon," Tempest jeered, "Of course, if you can call Moltres and your beasts as legendary."

"And who are you to talk?" Sunset snapped. Her capture of Moltres had been her greatest achievement as a trainer, and she would not allow anypony to dismiss it.

Wordlessly, Tempest produced a pokéball of her own. The camera pulled backwards as she threw it onto the ground before her. With a horrible roar, a jagged shape took shape in front of the camera. There was no mistaking it. Tempest Shadow had captured the legendary pokémon Kyurem. "You know, he rather suites me," Tempest purred, "We are both broken, incomplete. And Sombra will make us whole again. Honestly, I don't think I even need that Master Ball for my goals, but who am I to question our leader? Now, I expect those prisoners captured. A bit of advice, don't mess this up. You'll have to answer to me and to Sombra." With that remark, the screen went black, leaving the four alone in silence.

"I hate this," Adagio said finally.

"Me too," Sonata added.

Aria's breathing grew heavier through her oxygen tank, "Who does that freak think she is? Bossing us around like that."

"I'm worried what will happen to us," Sunset said uneasily, "Sombra definitely seems to favor this new mare over any of us. We can't risk messing this up, or else there will be hell to pay for all of us."

Adagio nodded. "We'll get Aria transported out of here, and-"

"No," Aria coughed. The three turned their attention back towards her. "We're all in this together. I'm not going to leave you alone. The more of us we have, the better." She removed the oxygen mask and breathed deeply. She stood without help, determination grim in her eyes.

"Fine," Adagio relented, "This changes things. We need to get this place ready. We'll have to throw a plan together for nabbing those ponies quickly. Time is not on our side and we can't afford any mistakes."

No, time is not on our side. There was a set of fresh tire tracks that would be leading Twilight Sparkle right to them. By Sunset's estimate, they had at most two hours in order to put a trap into place and ready to be sprung. Come on Twilight Sparkle. I'm ready for you. I'll prove that I'm the best Team Umbra has.

Author's Note:

Well, I would like to thank one Tempest Shadow for lighting a fire under me to get this story back into high gear. I have a week ahead of me of no classes, and if all goes well, I will be able to crank out some good stuff for you guys in the next few days.

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