• Published 3rd Mar 2016
  • 3,334 Views, 222 Comments

Twilight Sparkle has a Pokemon Journey - Darkmetroidz

Twilight recieves her first pokemon and goes off on an adventure. She meets new friends and rivals while striving to be the best Pokemon Trainer in Equestria.

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Chapter 39- Battle on the Cliffs

“Finally, back on the road!” Twilight happily declared. It felt like it had been ages since she had last been able to put Team Umbra out of her mind and continue working towards her goal of becoming a Pokémon Master. But, with the last business behind her, she and her friends could finally continue onwards toward the next gym, the Cloudsdale City Gym. They had just left the city limits of Manehattan and were preparing to venture down Route 18 to their destination off in the Northwest.

“Too bad about those Mega Stones, huh?” Rainbow Dash sighed. Quietly, Twilight agreed. The impetus for their diversion to the Team Umbra lair had been because of the promise of Mega Stones from the Silph Company. Even if the promise had been a fake by Team Umbra, it still felt disappointing to have gone through so much and not have the Mega Stones to show for it.

“Unfortunately, those stones are more than likely in the hooves of the Military Police,” Rarity said with a frown. “If they were in that storage room that your things were being kept in, I would assume the authorities have taken it as evidence.”

“Ah shucks. Just forget about them there stones and let’s get a move on with our lives!” Applejack declared. “The way I see it, we’re not gettin’ anywhere standin’ here and bellyaching. What matters is we’re all safe and sound, and we’ve still got our pokémon with us.”

“You’re right Applejack.” With the events of the last couple days, Twilight was just happy to be back into a state of normalcy. They had elected to spend the rest of last night in Manehattan. With Twilight waking up past three, it would have been foolish for them to hit the road so late in the afternoon. Better to take a day to rest and be ready to move the next.

Route 18 took the group through the network of cliffs and hills that dominated the Northwestern quadrant of Equestria. Few ponies lived on this road. The land was poorly suited for farming or for building. The wildness of the region made it a popular area for trainers looking to catch powerful pokémon. And Rainbow Dash was one of those trainers.

Twilight had noticed Dash had been behaving oddly. She had been fluttering off by herself more than normal, and her eyes seemed trained on the horizon at all times, as if she was looking for something. “Is everything okay Rainbow?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow Dash nodded, “Yeah. I’m just keeping my eyes out for any wild pokémon. I need to get my team powered up if I want any chance of winning a badge in Cloudsdale.”

The mention of a gym badge caught Twilight’s attention. Rainbow Dash had mentioned awhile ago that she was going to waylay her quest while she got stronger. She had fought Gilda in Griffonstone and won, but Twilight had assumed that was because of Rainbow’s wounded pride. “Are you looking to start collecting badges again?”

“Not exactly,” Rainbow said, “It’s just this one has some significance to me is all. The Gym Leader is a pony named Spitfire. She’s an incredibly trainer, the greatest flying-type user in the whole world. Heck, she’s so good that she can command three pokémon AT ONCE. Trainers have to battle her three versus one and she still kicks serious tail.”

How is a pony that good not in the elite four? Surely somepony with that kind of talent should be at a level even beyond a Gym Leader.

Rainbow continued to describe Spitfire, “She and her group, the Wonderbolts, are all serious flying-type users. They race, battle, do stunts. Basically the coolest ponies in all of Equestria.”

“So you want to prove yourself against your idol?” Twilight asked. It certainly sounded like a great story. A young mare grows up idolizing another pony, then one day, they meet in battle, and she overcomes her hero.

“I’m looking to show off my skills so I can get accepted into the Wonderbolts!” Rainbow declared. “If me and Pidgeotto can show her we have what it takes, we’re a shoo in! But I need to make sure we’re up to the task, which is why I’m looking for some sweet new pokémon. The faster the better, and preferably something that can match up to flying types.”

“So, rock, electric and ice types?” Fluttershy suggested. Everypony turned to look at her, surprised. “Or, was that wrong?” She squeaked.

“No, actually that was perfect.” Twilight commended, flashing a smile. “Have you been studying your type matchups?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes. After that fight Pinkie Pie and I got into with Team Umbra, I realized that I need to make sure I know more about battling in order to keep my pokémon safe.”

“That’s perfectly reasonable Fluttershy. I’m proud of you for not allowing yourself to be a victim.” Rarity cooed

Twilight took out her pokédex. As she had found out, the little red device had been the tool by which her friends had been able to find her. While she had been slightly upset that Cadence had been tracking her without her knowing, she quickly forgave Cadence and was just happy to be saved. She looked up Route 18 in the computer and began paging through the pokémon living in the region. She filtered it down to the three types Rainbow wanted: ice, electric, and rock. There weren’t any ice types living this far south, and according to the database, the only electric type that was found in the region was the Shinx family, and Rainbow already had her Luxio. Rock-type pokémon were much more plentiful. Twilight could see at least seven different families that were well-represented in the area,

Rainbow Dash took the pokédex and began flipping through its virtual pages. “Graveller? No. Nosepass? No. Dwebble? No. Lycanroc?” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and smiled, “Yeah. I can work with that.”

“A Lycanroc?” Twilight asked. Gilda had used one of those in her gym battle. Granted, Twilight had not gotten to see much of it, because she allowed it to get knocked out after setting up her stealth rocks. But Twilight looked at the pokédex and noticed the pokémon was different. This one stood on four legs instead of two, and had a coat that was lighter, with a light brown coat instead of red.

“Lycanroc has two different forms, depending on what time of day it evolves at,” Fluttershy chirped, “The one Gilda had evolved at night. This version evolves in the day.”

“They’re almost different pokémon,” Dash added, “Gilda’s Lycanroc is slower but it’s tougher. This kind is way faster but it’s defenses aren’t as strong. But who cares about defense if your opponent’s pokémon is KO’d before they even get a chance to attack?”

“That all works fine an’ good until you get a pokémon you can’t down in one hit, Dashie,” Applejack responded with a grin. “Havin’ a quick striker is all an’ good, but ya can’t let that be your entire plan.”

Rainbow returned the pokédex to Twilight and began gazing off the cliffs. Down in the valley below, Twilight could see a herd of Tauros charging along the side of the river. The badlands of the Northwest were alive with wild pokémon. It was not the same lush nature preserve that the Safari Zone was. It was instead a region which was barely touched by ponies because of its inhospitality. That ironically made it a thriving ecosystem for wild pokémon.

Behind the herd of Tauros, Twilight could see a pokémon trailing behind them. It kept a slight distance behind them, not close enough to be threatened by Tauros’ hooves but still close enough to menace them. Rainbow Dash smiled. It was a Lycanroc.

“Well, I’ve got a pokémon to catch. See ya later!” Dash waved as she jumped down the cliff, racing down on a slab of stone. Everypony else watched wide-eyed as Dash zoomed down the loose rock and dirt of the hillside, laughing the whole way down.

As Rainbow reached the bottom of the, everypony else eyed each other. “So. That happened.” Applejack said blankly.

“Indeed, it did,” Rarity agreed, “Well, I suppose now is as good a time as any to take a rest. I could stand for a drink.” The group spread out their picnic blanket on the ground and watched Rainbow Dash gallop after the Lycanroc with Pidgeotto at her side. Twilight didn’t realize how much she had needed the break. She had gotten much stronger over the last several months, but in the hectic last couple weeks she had, Twilight was not used to long days of monotonous walking.

“Say Twi,” Applejack said, giving her a nudge. “Ya know, now that I think of it, you and I haven’t battled since Ponyville. What do you say about us havin’ a friendly bout right here?”

“Now?” Twilight had not been prepared for such a request. As tired of fighting as she was, the idea of a match with no stakes did sound like a good time. Celestia only knew how it had been since she had battled with nothing on the line.

But Rarity would not have it. “Absolutely not. I can’t believe how irresponsible you would be to battle out here in the middle of nowhere and leave your pokémon hurt?”

Fluttershy spoke up in response, “Actually Rarity, Chansey and I could heal any injuries that anypony’s pokémon take. There wouldn’t be any risk.”

“Well then in that case, I want to battle Twilight.” Rarity smiled smugly. Twilight was caught by surprise by this, and was unsure how to feel. She had never gotten to battle against Rarity before, and rather fancied the opportunity. “Alright Rarity, I accept your challenge. Let’s see what that Gardevoir of yours can do.”

“Hey now!” Applejack protested. “What about me?”

“I promise Applejack, I will battle you too. If not now, then soon.” Twilight assured. “Alright Rarity. Two on two?”

Rarity nodded. “That would be preferable Twilight. I am prepared when you are.”

The two found a wide spot on the hillside to stand across from one another. Rarity twirled her pokéball in hoof and gave it a toss. “Gardevoir, it’s our time to shine!”

Twilight took note of Rarity’s choice. Of course she would open up with Gardevoir. It’s her best pokémon. Gardevoir’s fairy and psychic typing covered a few of the other’s weaknesses. But a ghost-type like Marowak should have little problem hitting it where it hurt. “Alright Marowak, let’s go!” Marowak brandished its bone with a twirl before striking it on his skull to ignite it. Twilight smiled. This was going to be fun.

“First move is yours, dearest.” Rarity shouted with a wave. Twilight raised an eyebrow. While Rarity cared more about politeness than most, it was unusual to display it mid-battle. But Twilight pushed her doubts aside and continued forward.

“Alright Rarity, but remember, you asked for it! Marowak, shadow bone, let’s go!”

As Marowak lunged forward, Twilight could see a grin cracking across Rarity’s face. “I did ask for it, didn’t I?” She cackled. Marowak’s bone connected with Gardevoir, but the attack barely left an impact. Twilight was astounded. A ghost attack like that should have sent Gardevoir reeling. Unless…

Gardevoir held a hand over her mouth and laughed before her from blinked out of existence. In its place, Zorua was left instead. Twilight swallowed. Rarity had pulled a fast one on her using Zorua’s special ability.

“And now my dear Zorua will be able to retaliate in turn,” Rarity teased, “And worry not. My attack is sure to be super-effective. Zorua, attack with foul play.”

Twilight cringed. Foul play was an attack that dealt more damage based on the target’s attack power. Marowak was holding a thick club, which doubles its attack power. Twilight was running numbers in her head as Zorua dashed forward, but all of her calculations were returning the same result: defeat.

Zorua crashed into Marowak in a massive cloud of dust. When it settled, Marowak was standing, but barely. Marowak was using his club to support its body, but between the quaking of its limbs and its deep breathing, Marowak not doing well. Twilight’s best option was to pull it back and heal it to send out again later.

Without thinking, Twilight pulled out Marowak’s pokéball to get him out of harm's way. “Return, now.”

“Ah, ah!” Rarity interrupted, “Zorua, use pursuit!” As the beam of the pokéball extended towards Marowak, Zorua zipped in and delivered a kick to Marowak’s back, knocking it over and leaving Zorua the only pokémon standing. Rarity seemed very pleased with herself, and Twilight was left reeling.

There’s no question about it, Rarity is a tough customer. Twilight was loath to forget Rarity’s stunning victory in the Appleoosa Cup all those months ago. While she was not as avid a battler as she, Applejack or Rainbow Dash, Rarity made up for that in spades with a sharp mind and a perfectly synchronous bond with her pokémon. I’m already down a pokémon and I barely put a dent into her Zorua. How am I going to defeat both it and Gardevoir?

Twilight ran through her options. Espeon had a poor matchup against Zorua, and Gible would fare poorly against Gardevoir. Silvia and Heliolisk were neutral in both matchups, and either would be a good choice. Ivysaur though had an awkward matchup into Gardevoir, with both pokémon packing attacks super effective against the other. Twilight grit her teeth. None of my options give me the advantage I need. I guess I will just have to trust in my pokémon and-

Her thought was cut off by one of her pokéballs bursting open. Gible emerged with a roar, landing on two little feet to face against Zorua. “Gible?” Twilight stammered, “No, I didn’t mean it! I take it back, I take it back!”

“The little guy looks like he wants to fight!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Besides, he’s on the field, so you’re stuck with him!”

Twilight groaned. Rules were rules and she was not about to break them just to get the upper hoof in a battle. She knelt down to Gible’s side. “You’re going to end up going into Rarity’s Gardevoir, which is a fairy type. Are you sure you sure you want to go?”

Gible snarled confidently before turning back to face Zorua. Well, I’ve got him working with me. Might as well go for it. Gible didn’t have any moves that would be super-effective against Zorua. So, Twilight would have to resort to the tried and true tactic of brute force if she wanted to win here. Fortunately, Zorua’s defense is pretty low. So, a strong move should be able to break right through it.

“Alright Gible, let’s go with a dragon claw!” Gible slashed out at Zorua with its sharp claws. This, combined with the first hit, was enough to take Zorua down, and put Twilight on even standings with Rarity.

“Rude, rude, RUDE!” Rarity exclaimed. She recomposed herself as she recalled her pokémon and readied her next. “Well Twilight, this battle has been fun, but I believe it is high time we concluded this exercise. Gardevoir, for real this time, come out!” Gardevoir landed gracefully on two dainty feet, with hands clutched over her heart. “Twilight, I suppose I can give you an opportunity to do something. After all, I would be remiss to not give you and Gible an opportunity to work together now that you are on better terms with one another. Gardevoir dear, use calm mind for now.” Gardevoir nodded and allowed itself to enter a zen-like state of tranquility, honing its power in the process.

Twilight nodded. “Thanks Rarity. That’s all the time I need. Gible, use iron tail, right away!” Iron tail had a lower accuracy than iron head, but the way Twilight saw it, if she didn’t score the K.O. right there she was finished anyway. The extra power would hopefully be enough to take down Gardevoir, and if not, she had at least been able to have a productive battle with Gible. Gible’s tail took on a metallic luster as it brought the stocky appendage down onto Gardevoir’s chest. Gardevoir was sent reeling, but her feet never left the ground and she did not fall. Gible’s attack had pushed Gardevoir back a good twenty feet and left two distinct ruts doing so. But it had not knocked out Rarity’s pokémon.

“Well Twilight, I commend you, but I think it’s time to end this. Gardevoir, use moonblast. Full power!” Gardevoir channeled the power of the mystic moon into a pinkish blast that annihilated Gible. Twilight was forced to shield her eyes from the blinding gleam.

When the light cleared, Gible stood. It was panting, but he had kept his feet and gave a roar of defiance. A bright light engulfed Gible as its body enlarged greatly. Arms and legs extended as its neck elongated and its jaw became less deep. Fins grew off the arms and its tail became less stumpy. With a flash, the light cleared. Gible had evolved into Gabite.

“BIIIITE!” It roared. Gabite looked to Twilight intensely. It wanted desperately to finish the fight. Twilight nodded.

“Rarity, thank you for this. I don’t think anypony else could have pushed us far enough to get Gible to evolve. I’m sorry, but this is how I have to repay you. Gabite, iron head!” Gabite lunged forward at a much faster pace, now that its legs were no longer so stumpy. It rammed its skull into Rarity’s pokémon and knocked Gardevoir flying. Gabite let out a triumphant roar as Rarity pulled her pokémon back.

“Well Twilight, you’ve once again proven yourself the better trainer.” Rarity said with a sigh. She took out her pokéballs and handed them over to Fluttershy to heal them.

“’Once again’?” Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow at the defeated remark, “Rarity, that was our first battle ever. And you easily could have beat me. The only reason I won was because you gave me a chance to attack, and even then, if Gabite hadn’t evolved we probably still would have lost. You’re an incredible trainer. And hey, if it makes you feel any better, you’re the only one of us who has been able to beat Trixie! So, you’ve got that over me.”

Rarity could not hold back a smile. “I suppose you’re right. Very well Twilight, I won’t trouble us with self-pity. I really must thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Had I never met you I probably would have never left Ponyville. And that means Kirlia would likely not have evolved and I would never have met my little Zorua. While this journey has had a bit more excitement and,” She paused, murmuring under her breath a moment, “Nature, for my liking, I cannot deny that this voyage has been an inspiration for me.”

“Rarity, thank you.” Twilight said with a sniffle. There was more she wanted to say, much more, but she couldn’t find the words.

Rarity dug through her backpack and produced a sketchbook. “I have been working on this since we left. The day we left Ponyville, this book was empty. Today, I have nearly filled it with drawings. All the pokémon and ponies we have met, and the battles I have witnessed, have given me no shortage of inspiration. Once I return to my boutique I expect to be busy with these for months if not years. And we still have a ways to go.”

“I know they will all be beautiful,” Twilight smiled.

Rainbow Dash returned a few minutes later, pokéball in hoof. “Hey guys, I caught it!” She declared, through panting breath. “That took way longer than it was supposed to, but this thing is fast! So, what did I miss?”

Rarity and Twilight eyed each other and turned back to Rainbow Dash. “It’s… a long story.” Twilight laughed.

Comments ( 4 )

Seriously, does Spike not exist in this fic or are you going to introduce him later?

Because IMO, it doesn't seem fair not to have him with the girls

be funny if spike was a Gible in this universe

Twilight should have picked Charmander for her starter!:twilightangry2:

Even if we never get another chapter for this story, it's been a fun read! Thanks for that Darkmetroidz.

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