• Published 3rd Mar 2016
  • 3,334 Views, 222 Comments

Twilight Sparkle has a Pokemon Journey - Darkmetroidz

Twilight recieves her first pokemon and goes off on an adventure. She meets new friends and rivals while striving to be the best Pokemon Trainer in Equestria.

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Chapter 2- On the Road

Twilight was still shaken from her encounter with Trixie. There was no logical reason why she had acted so hostile when they had only just met. Still, just thinking about the entire interaction pained her. She had left home that morning excited to make friends, but it seems she had so far only made a rival, out of somepony she had never met no less. Still, at least she had Bulbasaur at her side, and that was enough for now.

Before she had left, Cadence had given her a few pokéballs, and a town map to help find her way around the long roads that ran between the many towns of Equestria. If she was going to be a proper trainer, she would need to go start earning gym badges from the cities around the region. While the Canterlot City Gym was closer, the Gym Leader was supposed to be incredibly strong, certainly more than she and her little Bulbasaur could handle. The Ponyville Gym, on the other hoof, was reportedly a popular stop for rookies, and to boot was fairly close. She put her map away, and with a last glance back, left her hometown and set off into the wider world.

Twilight had two goals in mind. First was to win her first gym badge. Second, she wanted to catch at least one more pokémon before she challenged the gym leader. She had no idea what kind of pokémon she would use, so it would probably be for the best to have options for who to use against them. There were two roads from Canterlot to Ponyville. The Mountain Tunnel was shorter and inhabited by wild pokémon, but the place was not considered friendly to rookie trainers, and Twilight didn't feel comfortable going through there alone. The Cliffside Road was longer, but was undeniably the safer route.

The walk was for the most part uneventful. Aside from the breathtaking view of the heartland of Equestria from the many vistas along the road, there was not much to do on the route. After a few hours of walking, Twilight's hooves and stomach had finally had enough, and both began complaining.

She sat down with a grunt. She had packed a fair amount of food before she'd left, but she wanted to try and make her supply last as long as possible. She had resolved to forage for food whenever possible, only turning to her packed rations as a last resort.

She had long ago passed the vegetation line, below which trees freely grew. Twilight gazed through the treetops, and saw a few bright red apples atop the branches of one of the trees. She was not going to be able to climb to get them, and couldn't focus her magic enough to pull one down. But before she gave up, she remembered she wasn't out of options.

She tossed Bulbasaur's pokéball down, releasing the creature from inside. "Hey Bulbasaur, can you possibly get a few of those apples down? We can share them."

"Bulba!" He nodded. A pair of vines extended from the bulb on its back, extending skyward towards the treetops. Each vine wrapped around an apple, pulling two fruits down from the treetops.

"Thanks little guy." Twilight smiled. "You know, it's kind of lonely out here. Would you mind walking with me for awhile?"

Bulbasaur took a momentary break from munching on the apple and nodded. "Bulbasaur!" It cried happily.

"Then it's settled." She grinned. They sat for awhile longer, eating a couple more apples before finally getting back on the road. With her hooves rested and stomach sated, Twilight walked with a renewed pep. Her pace was slowed down by Bulbasaur's slow waddle, but she wasn't in any hurry, and besides, having the companionship was well worth it. They wouldn't make it to Ponyville until tomorrow, but the weather was nice and Twilight was looking forward to finally be able to camp out for the night.

Sundown had begun to approach when Twilight reached a river. There was a bridge spanning the waterway, but what attracted Twilight's attention was the girl sitting on the edge of the water with a fishing pole, shouting at the water.

"How long does it take to for something to bite?" The girl fumed. "I swear Pidgeotto, something's gotta be wrong with this rod."

Twilight decided to wave to the girl. "Hello!" She shouted. "What are you doing?"

The girl rolled her eyes. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm fishing, or at least trying to. I've been sitting here all day, and I haven't gotten so much as a nibble."

Twilight cantered closer to the girl. "Mind if I sit down?" She asked. "I'd like to watch."

She laughed at that. "Not a lot to watch. Pidgeotto and I have been sitting here for hours, and nothing's happened. I'd settle for a Magikarp at this point, but I need to catch something."


"Why do you think? I'm trying to challenge the Ponyville Gym, but the last time I went in there, Pidgeotto and I got our butts handed to us. That Gym Leader is tough, let me tell you."

The mention of the gym leader perked up Twilight's ears. "You're a pokémon trainer too? Are you trying to collect badges?"

The girl gave a cocky laugh. "Sure am! The name's Rainbow Dash. Remember that, because someday I'll be the Champion of this whole region!"

"Have you won any badges yet?" Twilight asked curiously.

All at once, Rainbow Dash's bravado disappeared. "Well, no, not yet. But I will soon!" She insisted, re-inflating just as fast. "Me and Pidgeotto haven't been on the road for very long, but we're already a great team!"

Twilight was almost as caught up in Rainbow Dash's ranting as she was. Fortunately though, she was just able to perceive the tip of her fishing pole bending into the water. "Um, Rainbow Dash? I hate to interrupt, but I think you have a bite."

"What? Whoa!" She exclaimed, snapping out of her talking. She began reeling in the line as fast as she could manage. "Whatever it is, it's heavy!" The pokémon on the end of the line was pulling Dash towards the water's edge. Without thinking, Twilight wrapped her hooves around her waist, and began pulling the girl away from the water.

"Almost… got it!" Dash yelled, giving the rod one last hard yank. The two girls fell backwards, pulling the biting pokémon out of the water with them. Twilight saw a flash of pink, but her vision was quickly covered by Rainbow Dash collapsing on top of her.

The two quickly sat up to see what they had caught. "Slow………… poke." The pokémon yawned.

"Are you kidding me?" Dash growled. "A Slowpoke?"

"It must have bitten your line while it was floating by, and kept drifting." Twilight hypothesized. "It wasn't fighting back, it was just being pulled by the water."

Rainbow Dash groaned. "I can't believe I waited all day for this." She sighed, and turned to her Pidgeotto. "Alright, we might as well try again."

"Um, Rainbow Dash, you may not be able to…" Twilight giggled, pointing at the Slowpoke.

"You have to be kidding…" The line had snapped, and the Slowpoke had eaten Rainbow Dash's lure. "It's okay… I can just wait until tomorrow, and I can go buy a new one. Thanks for your help…" Rainbow stopped abruptly, "Sorry, I didn't get your name."

"My name's Twilight." She smiled. "And you're welcome. Hey, it's getting dark. I'm going to be finding a place to camp? Care to join me?"

"Sure, I don't have anything better to do." Dash picked up her backpack from the side of the river, intending to leave the lazy Slowpoke on the edge of the water. The clueless pokémon hadn't even moved back towards the water during their entire exchange. As Dash turned away, a pokéball fell out of her backpack. Slowpoke eyed it hungrily, and poked the button in the middle of the capsule with its tongue.

A bright flash of light startled the two girls, drawing their gaze to the source. Where a moment ago there had been a pink mass of pokémon, now there was a pokéball wiggling on the ground. Twilight remembered something she saw ages ago in a book. "I read once that Slowpokes are so slow to react to things they don't even realize they're in a pokéball until after they've been captured." The ball wiggled a few more times, as Rainbow Dash looked at it with a defeated expression on her face, until it made a faint click sound. Like it or not, the Slowpoke was hers now.

"You've gotta be kidding me." She moaned. Rainbow Dash picked up the pokéball, and with a sigh of defeat, put it into her backpack. "Let's find a place to camp. Just thinking about this pokémon is making me tired."

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