• Published 3rd Mar 2016
  • 3,331 Views, 222 Comments

Twilight Sparkle has a Pokemon Journey - Darkmetroidz

Twilight recieves her first pokemon and goes off on an adventure. She meets new friends and rivals while striving to be the best Pokemon Trainer in Equestria.

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Semifinals Round 1- Trixie vs. Twilight

The tension in the air was palpable. After Rainbow Dash's defeat, Twilight had emerged in the spectator's minds as the hero of the tournament, and this battle was seen by many as the tournament's climax. Trixie had become the tournament's villain, and everypony was anxious to see her defeated. It was little surprise that when the two trainers emerged onto the stadium, one was greeted with roaring applause and the other with vehement booing. Trixie didn't seem to care. She continued to showboat herself even through the jeering crowd.


"You're worse than Discord!"

"You're lousy!"

Twilight stood stoic, staring intensely at her opponent, waiting for the noise to die down. "Trixie! They may have cleared you for what you did in the last battle, but I know the truth!"

"What does it matter what you think? Trixie is innocent of any wrongdoing."

This is where I have to get her… Twilight drew a deep breath. Her next statement would, for better or worse, dictate the pace of the next battle. "Somepony who is really as 'Great and Powerful' as you claim to be shouldn't need to resort to dirty tricks in order to win. If you really are all that you say you are, you should be able to beat me fair and square!"

"Trixie doesn't need to prove anything to you Twilight Tinkle." Trixie wasn't taking the bait. Twilight grimaced. She needed to poke harder. Everypony has an igniter, I just need to find hers.

"Maybe not to me, but maybe you do to everypony watching us right now!" Twilight tried again, desperately trying to get the better of Trixie's temper. It hadn't been hard to figure out Trixie's ego was her biggest weakness. Fan it enough, and she could be tricked into doing what Twilight wanted. Twilight knew this was an underhoofed trick, which seemed a bit hypocritical, but she was only doing it to ensure that the battle was fair and nopony would get needlessly hurt. "They all think you're a fraud Trixie! Nothing but a bully who can't win a fair fight!"

As if on cue, the crowd started booing Trixie again. This time, their jeers seemed to get under her skin. Twilight could see anger welling up in her eyes, as hundreds of insults were relentlessly hurled her way.

That was it. Twilight could see flames erupting in Trixie's eyes. "Alright! Trixie will play your way, if only to prove once and for all that Trixie is without a doubt the superior trainer. Haunter, if they want to play games, then let's play!"

Hook, line, and sinker. Twilight thought with a grin. She would have to remember this in the future. Trixie may be cruel and very, very strong, but she was still just a pony. A regular pony whose ego and temper can very easily get the better of her. Now it's time to cut that ego down to size! "Ivysaur, I choose you!"

"You heard it here first folks! It's going to be a no tricks, straight fight to the finish between Twilight Sparkle and Trixie Lulamoon!"

The two pokémon sized up their opponent. Both had evolved since the two trainers last fought, but even when they had fought in Ponyville, Trixie had switched her Charmeleon in when Twilight sent out Bulbasaur, meaning the two had never actually clashed.

Already, Twilight knew she was in for a rough fight. Ivysaur didn't know any moves that would work well against the ghost and poison type. Normal type moves like skull bash, tackle and double edge wouldn't work at all, and grass moves like razor leaf and solarbeam wouldn't do much. Worse, the option to poison Haunter and gradually wear him down wouldn't work either, as his typing rendered him immune to the effects of poisonpowder.

Trixie got off the first move. "Let's end this quick Haunter! Use shadow ball!" Haunter lobbed a mass of darkness at Ivysaur, knocking him flying. Haunter laughed as Ivysaur hit the ground, floating and making faces with its obnoxiously oversized features.

"You okay Ivysaur?" Ivysaur barked back confidently, reassuring his trainer. "Alright, let's go with a leech seed!" Ivysaur bombarded Haunter's gaseous form with the parasitic seeds, and managed to get them to take root. Haunter's strength began being sapped away, but still looked much better than Ivysaur after taking that shadow ball.

"We aren't going to take that! Hit it with lick!" Twilight had noticed a change in Trixie. Her voice seemed more impassioned, and her body language became far more wild and fierce. Was Trixie actually having fun?

"Haunter! Haunt! Haunt!" Haunter licked Ivysaur with its disgusting tongue, making his entire body convulse. Twilight swallowed. Ivysaur was paralyzed.

"Synthesis, come on!" Twilight yelled. The bright sun allowed Ivysaur to recover a huge amount of his stamina. Between the recovery and the extra strength he sapped from Haunter, Ivysaur looked well again.

Trixie was not fazed. "Come on Haunter, hit them with a hex!" Haunter's eyes flashed as colorful runes flashed around Ivysaur. Suddenly, Ivysaur went flying, crashing into the ground behind Twilight.

"A devastating hit from hex!" The emcee wailed. "Ivysaur being paralyzed means that attack hits twice as hard!" The crowd gasped, then cheered as Ivysaur stood up and returned to the arena. By this point, the leech seeds had been doing a number on Haunter, and he was beginning to look worse for wear.

One more attack can end this… Twilight steeled herself, hoping to put the coup de grace onto Trixie. "Alright Ivysaur, hit him with solarbeam!" The bright sunlight caused Ivysaur to rapidly gather the necessary solar power in order to fire off his attack.

Trixie's face had contorted into a tense grimace. "It's all or nothing! Go for your strongest dark pulse!" Haunter gathered an aura of shadows around itself, darkening the very air around it.

Both pokémon loosed their attacks simultaneously. Ivysaur shot off a nova of pure sunlight and Haunter a wave of black darkness. The two blasts met, whichever one overwhelmed the other would be victorious.

Twilight's eyes lit up as solarbeam began to push back Haunter's attack. "You can do it Ivysaur!"

"Haunter, I know you're strong! I believe in you!" Trixie cried, crying out to her pokémon. "Stay strong, please!" His trainer's words caused Haunter to dig deep and find a warren of strength previously untapped. With one last forceful push, his dark pulse ruptured through the solarbeam and struck Ivysaur with a ripple of pure shadow. Ivysaur went flying, and was unconscious upon landing.

"And that concludes the battle!" The emcee declared. If he was disappointed, he wasn't showing it. The crowd however, let out a collective groan as Trixie was pronounced the winner.

The azure mare galloped onto the field and leapt into the air, taking her Haunter in her arms. "You did it! You did it! I'm so proud of you!" A few tears had escaped Trixie's eyes, flying off her face as she and her pokémon jumped around.

Rainbow Dash came out onto the stadium to walk Twilight off. "You gave it your best shot, Twi."

"Something strange just happened." Twilight whispered as she walked back into the pits. "Something about Trixie changed in that fight." She blurted out.

"Whaddya mean?"

"I don't know. She seemed like a different pony."

Rainbow shrugged, dismissing it as nothing. "You're probably imagining things in the heat of battle. Come on, let's go get ready. Pinkie and Rarity are about to go on."

I know something was up with her. Right at the end, even her way of talking changed. There had been no insults, no names, no teasing. Trixie had battled with an intensity that Twilight had never seen from her. She had also praised her pokémon, something else she had never witnessed. I wonder what it all means…

Unable to find an answer, Twilight withdrew to cheer on her friends. Whoever was victorious in the next battle would emerge to take on Trixie in the finals.

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