• Published 3rd Mar 2016
  • 3,334 Views, 222 Comments

Twilight Sparkle has a Pokemon Journey - Darkmetroidz

Twilight recieves her first pokemon and goes off on an adventure. She meets new friends and rivals while striving to be the best Pokemon Trainer in Equestria.

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Chapter 8- The Commander

It had taken several days of hiking, much to Rarity's abhorrence, but they had finally reached the outskirts of Fillydelphia. They had spent most of the last few days walking or battling the many trainers and wild pokémon that inhabited Route 3. All that time hadn't gone to waste- Since her encounter with Trixie, Twilight felt that her pokémon had gotten much stronger. Soon it would be time to put that training to the test at the Fillydelphia gym. It had already been decided that she and Rainbow Dash would challenge them together, and one of them would team up with Applejack afterwards to get her a badge.

That would have to wait though. All six of their stomachs began rumbling in unison. "I guess lunch is the first order of business." Twilight said with an awkward giggle. Everypony heartily agreed.

Pokémon centers, in addition to offering lodging and medical services, often provided cheap meals for travelling trainers. While oatmeal and apples wasn't exactly anypony's ideal meal, it left them all feeling full.

There were a couple of telephones in the corner, and Twilight decided to make use of them. She inserted a few coins into it and dialed home.

"Twilight?" Her mother asked. "Dear, is that you?"

"Yes mom, how are you?"

"Much better now that I'm hearing your voice." She beamed. Twilight smiled. She could see the kindness radiating from her mother even in far-away Canterlot. "How are you doing?"

"Things are great! I made a few friends in Ponyville and we're travelling in one big group! I won a badge at Ponyville, and we just arrived in Fillydelphia."

"It seems like just yesterday you left home, and you've already accomplished quite a lot. You and your brother are so much alike. I remember when Shiny was out on his adventure, it seemed like every day he'd have won another badge. Nothing could stop him and Honedge."

"How is Shining Armor doing, by the way?" Twilight asked. She hadn't seen her brother since before she had left. He had been doing some intense training off in the mountains and hadn't been able to see her off.

"He's doing well. He's been speaking with Princess Celestia about a job, and I think he and Cadence may finally tie the knot soon!" She sang.

"That's so exciting," Twilight grinned. "I'll call you again soon, okay?"

"Anytime dear, I love hearing the sound of your voice." The phone hung up with a click, allowing Twilight to return to her friends.

"So Twi, how are you feeling about the gym?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know Rainbow Dash. I don't know if my pokémon are strong enough yet." Her mind was darting back to her encounter with Trixie. "Trixie's Charmander already evolved, and she had only won one badge."

"Evolving isn't the only way for a pokémon to get stronger, dear." Rarity commented.

"But your Kirlia must have evolved at some point!" Twilight countered.

Rarity held her nose up high. "Yes she most certainly did. But I allowed my precious Kirlia to evolve only when she was ready."

"Forcing a pokémon to evolve is so mean," Fluttershy added. "It basically means you only value a pokémon for its strength."

Twilight thought about it. From her limited interactions with Trixie, it was fairly clear she valued only one thing: winning. Rainbow Dash and Rarity had known their pokémon for months or probably years. Trixie had only gotten her first pokémon a little more than a week ago, and already it had evolved. Given the choice, Twilight knew she would rather treat her pokémon the way Rarity and Rainbow did than how Trixie trained hers.

"Ya know, you may not even need to evolve any of your team." Rainbow said with a knowing grin. "The gym leaders use Electric type pokémon. And didn't somepony just meet a Ground type?"

Cubone! Twilight smiled as realization dawned on her face. "Hey, you're right! But I think we should take a little time to train first. I only just caught him, and I don't think we're quite ready to go against the Gym leader yet."

"Ooh! I know just the place!" Pinkie exclaimed. She reached into her saddle bag and pulled out a map of the city she had gotten from an information stand. "There's a big park just down the street from here, and lots of trainers go there to battle!"

"Well then what are we waitin' fer?" Applejack already had gotten halfway to the door before anypony else stood up. The other five gave chase, following her down the road towards the park.

City Park stretched for acres and acres in the very middle of the city. Dozens of ponies meandered about, either with friends or pokémon. Some walked, others fished, and some sat on the ground and enjoyed a picnic. Meanwhile, on the far side of the stream that separated the park, Twilight could already see battles in progress between groups of trainers.

"Let's get over there!" Rainbow exclaimed, getting her two pokéballs ready. Applejack and Pinkie followed suit, meanwhile Twilight hung back with Rarity and Fluttershy.

"Are you going to battle too?" Twilight asked. She knew Fluttershy wasn't much for battles, but Rarity she was less sure of.

"No dear, I will not." The white mare answered, "I am not one for battles. I adore watching other trainers, but I myself am not much for it."

Twilight nodded and cantered ahead to catch her friends. They sat and watched some of the trainers go at it, while they waited for opponents to arrive who they could challenge.

After a few minutes, two ponies appeared, dressed like characters from a bad movie. "Hey, are you cool cats looking for a pokémon battle?" The mare asked.

"Like, we're totally looking a battle." The stallion added. "We want to have some radical good times."

Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked at each other confused. "Do ponies still talk like that?" Dash whispered.

"Maybe in San Franciscolt?" Twilight whispered back. She turned her attention back to the two trainers. "Sure, we'd love to battle!"

The two seemed startled when she stood up. "Uh, like, rad." The red stallion laughed nervously, pulling the collar of his Hawaiian shirt and frantically adjusting his sunglasses.

"Haha, yeah, like cool." The mare clucked. Her mane was covered by a floppy sun hat, and she, like her companion, wore sunglasses and a button-up Hawaiian.

"Um, are y'all alright?" Applejack asked. "You fellers are lookin' mighty strange."

"Oh just forget it! I knew these disguises were a stupid idea!" The mare screamed. They each tore off their clothes, revealing familiar black uniforms underneath. "Long time no see, squirt." Panic Attack growled. Without her hat, her purple mane was allowed to flow freely. It sat flat over her left eye, leaving only the right one angrily glaring at them.

"The disguises were fine, but you had to go and blow our cover." Crimson Comet retorted, letting his spiky red mane free. "It doesn’t matter anyway. Let's just take their pokémon and be done with it."

Rainbow Dash stood up and looked the two Team Umbra goons in the eyes. "If you want their pokémon, you're going to have to beat all three of us."

By this point, the other trainers in the area had stopped their battles and taken notice. They were whispering excitedly between each other.

"Is that team Umbra?"

"Stealing pokémon? Not on my watch."

"Let's show these jerks that we aren't afraid!"

Crimson Comet and Panic Attack grit their teeth. "Looks like we're going to have to do this the hard way." Panic Attack found a whistle in her uniform pocket and frantically blew it. From inside of bushes, trees, and from out of the shadows came at least a dozen members of Team Umbra. "Looks like we're going to have a real brawl." She smiled.

"Applejack, help those other trainers. We can take care of these guys." Rainbow ordered. Applejack nodded and galloped off, leaving Twilight and Rainbow with Panic Attack and Crimson Comet.

"Alright, Houndour, you're up!"

"Pawniard, you too!" The same pokémon as last time took shape, baring their fangs and blades at the trainers.

"Slowpoke! Let's give these jerks a beating!" Rainbow yelled.

"Cubone, it looks like it's your turn!"

* * *

Applejack saw a pair of Team Umbra thugs closing in on Rarity and Fluttershy. "Fork over your pokémon and nopony gets hurt." One of them growled.

A fire ignited in Rarity's eyes. The stress of the situation seemed to have awoken something deep within her, something that Team Umbra had every right to fear. "I will not take commands from the likes of you. Kirlia, let us teach them some manners!" She ordered, putting herself into a defensive stance, grinding her teeth into a fearsome snarl.

"B-buneary, help!" Fluttershy squeaked.

The two pokémon were opposed by Koffing and Machop. "Looks like we're going to do things the hard way. Use poison gas!" The thug ordered. Koffing spewed a cloud of toxic gas that billowed toward the mares' pokémon.

Without so much as a flinch, Rarity gave an order back. "Kirlia, use safeguard!" The small humanoid threw up a magical field that shielded them from the gas.

The panic that Fluttershy had been building seemed to reach a critical mass, unleashing itself in a torrent of rage. "You… MEANIES!" She roared, "Buneary, use jump kick!" Buneary hopped into the air, with a surprising amount of finesse considering how little she battled.

"Bun! Eary!" She cried. Her powerful feet collided with Machop square in the face, sending it flying backwards.

"Kirlia, finish these miscreants with psyshock!" Rarity ordered. Kirlia focused her psychic energies and blasted both of the two pokémon away, sending the two thugs fleeing.

"Darn Rarity, what the hay was that?"

Rarity ran a hoof through her mane as her breathing became less ragged. "Oh, that was nothing. I just got a bit flustered and lost my composure."

* * *

Panic Attack and Crimson Comet were faring little better than their companions. One bone club from Cubone and one water gun from Slowpoke had sent Pawniard and Houndour reeling, forcing them back.

"Crud, this isn't good!" Panic Attack cried.

"We'd better call the Commander." Crimson sighed. He dug out a walkie talkie and began speaking frantically into the receiver. "Boss, we got a problem in the park!"

"You brats are in trouble now!" Panic Attack jeered. "Our commander is coming, and she's going to kick your-"

"What do you idiots have to say for yourselves?" A voice demanded. The two whirled around to face a yellowish-orange mare with a fiery mane. "Can you imbeciles do anything right?"

"F-forgive us, boss." Crimson Comet stuttered, dropping to his knees. "These trainers are tougher than we thought."

The mare eyed Twilight up and down. "I can tell by looking at you that you're still a rookie trainer. That my operatives lost to the likes of you is frankly a disgrace. However, you now have the misfortune of calling me your opponent." She produced a pokéball. "Moltres, show them your strength."

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and the rest of the park trembled as the legendary bird was unleashed upon the park. Moltres spread its fiery wings, and screeched at the two young trainers.

"Now there's no need for this, wouldn't you agree, brother of mine?" The powerful, charismatic voice drew the attention of everypony in the park to look back, even despite the legendary pokémon in their midst.

"It's the gym leaders!" A trainer cried joyfully. "Mr. Flim, Mr. Flam! You arrived just in time!"

"I can see that, young filly." Flam answered. "Now listen here, missy. This city is under our protection, and we aren't going to allow thugs like you to terrorize these fair ponies."

The commander grit her teeth. She hadn't anticipated the arrival of the gym leaders. With their appearance, the situation had officially gotten out of hoof. "Very well. I will call back my underlings." She recalled Moltres and waved for her cronies to move along. Before she turned tail and followed them, the admin turned and glared at Twilight. "You. From my understanding you were the one who interfered with my men's attempt to retrieve the rare bone on Route 3. A word of advice, stay out of Team Umbra's way. We are stronger than you will ever know, and we will not show you any mercy. The next time you cross paths with Commander Sunset Shimmer, I will not hesitate to show you the true power of a legendary pokémon." With that, she galloped off after her comrades, leaving the park in an uneasy quiet.

The two gym leaders, confident the thugs were gone, turned their attention to Twilight and Company. "You kids fought mighty well against those criminals, wouldn't you say, brother of mine?" Flim asked to his twin.

"Couldn't agree more." Flam concurred. "I assume you're here looking for a gym badge?"

"Yes!" Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow exclaimed in unison.

"Well feel welcome to visit our gym anytime." Flim invited with a tip of his hat, "You'll be treated to the most spectacular, mind blowing, most outrageously thrilling gym battle you'll ever experience."

"We'll come tomorrow!" Twilight answered, filled with confidence.

"Tomorrow it is, mark it on your calendars folks!" The twins announced, before leaving to return to their gym.

"Well that was one way to practice." Applejack laughed, slapping a hoof on Twilight's back. "So how 'bout it sugarcube, feelin' ready to battle with 'em?"

There was no fear, no worry in Twilight's eyes. After everything she had just been through, she felt like she could take on the world. "I'm ready." She said at last, voice laden with confidence. "Gemini Badge, here I come."

Author's Note:

With finals week coming up, I wouldn't be surprised if I don't get around to updating this for awhile. I sk that you bear with me, and thank you for sticking with me this far.


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