• Published 20th Jan 2017
  • 7,656 Views, 239 Comments

Equestria girls Hell rider - Tunefulsubset72

Something is coming to canter lot city, something with a lust for vengeance..

  • ...

Let's make a deal

Clear The rider said as I peeked around a corner. Why would the devil be here?

"I don't know." I said with a worried tone as I ducked behind another corner." Let just hope he's not...."

"Hello Blizzard." A voice said creepily.

"Speak of the Devil." I said as I turned around.

"And he shall appear." The Devil said with a smirk." Been awhile, hasn't it?"

"Can it buddy." I said as my eyes flashed orange." I want nothing to do with you."

"You have no choice in this matter unfortunatly." The Devil said as I rolled my eyes." I need your help."

"Come again." I said confused." You...need my help?" I asked as The Devil nodded." Black heart back?"

"No, one of my followers, Quan Chi has decided to betray me." The Devil said as I stared." And he sending fighters to earth to wipe out the heroes."

"Since when is that your concern?" I asked crossing my arms." You despise the heroes as well."

"Quan Chi is a being with powers that rival mine, and he sending powerful fighters, two at least." The Devil said pulling out a scroll." So, let's make a deal, You help take care of these fighters, and you'll get your soul back."

Don't do it. The Rider said concerned as I grabbed the scroll. It could be a trap.

"What say you?" The Devil asked as I opened the scroll." Do we have a deal?"

"No." I said handing him back the scroll, much to his disappointment." I'll take care of these fighters, but I'm not signing no damn contract." I said with a hint of anger in my voice." But I'm not doing it alone."

"Very well." The Devil said stuffing the scroll in his jacket." After this blows over, I'll see you as an enemy."

"Maybe the man upstairs will give me a second chance then." I said as The Devil growled in anger before disappearing." Rider?"

Dude, You just blew of the devil himself. The Rider said as I sighed. So, what's the plan?

"I need to find Crimson." I said as I walked towards the exit." Maybe he can help."

That's not our biggest worry at the moment. The Rider said as I stopped. I think I may know who one of the fighters is going to be.

---Pie Rock Querry---

"Come on Marble we have to get the rest of the load before the sun sets." Limestone said as she lifted a crate of rocks." We have to get these rocks out by Sunday."

"I know." Marble said as she picking up a shovel." Where's Maud at by the way?"

"She's waiting for us." Limestone said as she the crate of rocks on the back of a truck." This has probably been the biggest order we have ever gotten."

"Agreed." Marble said as she set the shovel down." I wonder how Pinkies doing?"

"Fine like..."She was cut off has as a portal opened a few yards in front of them." Marble get in the truck." She said as Marble got in the truck and locked the door." Call Maud and tell her what going on."

"Sure thing." Marble said as she picked up a walkie talkie." Maud, we have a little situation down here."

"You call this little?" Limestone said annoyed as Marble shrugged as the portal got bigger.

"You two okay?" Maud's voice said from the radio." Are your hurt?"

"We're fine." Marble said shaking." But something weird happened."

"What do you mean?" Maud asked concerned.

"Give me that."Limestone said as Marie handed her the Radio." Maud, some kind of portal opened up down here."

"Portal?" Maud asked confused.

"Yeah, it just appeared and...Hold on." Limestone said as a shadowy figure appeared in the portal." Something coming out of it."

"I'm on my way down there." Maud said worried." Get somewhere safe."

"Sure thing." Limestone said as the figure stepped out of the portal." Who is this?" She said as she looked at the figure who was wearing black and yellow armor." Hey mister, sorry but I'm afraid your going to have to leave, this is private property." She said as the figured stared at her.

"Limestone!!" Marble whispered to her sister in fear." Get in the truck."

"Are you deaf?" Limestone said as the figure continued to stare." I'm going to ask you to...AAAHH!!!" Limestone was caught as she screamed in pain as the figure threw a dagger at her and hit her shoulder.

"You are very foolish to use that kind of tone with me." The figure spoke as he approached Limestone as she kneeled down grasping her shoulder." You are young, so I will show you mercy." The figure spoke as he kicked Limestone in the side.

"W-who are you?" Limestone said in pain as The figure crouched down and pulled the dagger out of her shoulder causing her to scream in pain again.

"I am Scorpion, Specter of the Nether Realm." Scorpion said as he sheathed the dagger.

"Hell." Marble whimper out as she watched from the truck as Scorpion lifted his hand up." LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!" Marble shouted as she got out of the truck, as Scorpion stared at her." Please?"

"You're just as foolish as she is." Scorpion said as set of lights approached them." Perhaps a punishment is order."

"Look, just let us go." Marble said in fear as a chain appeared in Scorpion's hand." We won't bother you again."

"I know you won't." Scorpion said as the chain extended." Because there won't be any again." He said as a gunshot was heard, followed by Scorpion grunting in pain as a bullet hit him." WHO DARES?!?!?!"

"Marble help your sister." Maud said as she aimed a rifle at Scorpion." NOW!!!" Maud yelled as Marble helped Limestone up and brought her over to Maud's truck." Listen, I don't know who you are and where you came from, but threatening and hurting my sisters is unforgivable in my book."

"Protecting your family, that is very honorable." Scorpion said facing Maud chuckling." Like I told your sister, I'll show mercy, So, get out of here."

"MAUD LET'S GO!!!!" Marble yelled as Maud back towards truck, keeping her gun aimed at Scorpion." Please hurry."

"I'm watching you." Maud said as she got in the truck and drove towards the exit of the quarry.

"Now to find my opponent." Scorpion said as he started walking.

---Rich estate---

"Thanks for inviting me over Diamond." Sliver Spoon told her friend as they entered The Diamond estate.

"Anything for a friend." Diamond said as a butler stood by the door and took there coats." But first dad told me we're not allowed to go in the woods this time."

"How come?" Silver asked sadly." I liked going to the lake in there."

"Dad said some guards found some bones in the woods that belonged to a person." Diamond said as Sliver gave her a scared look." But he said not to worry, the killer was killed a long time ago when the camp was there."

"Camp?" Silver asked.

"Yeah, The camp was called..." Diamond said as she tapped her chin." Camp Crystal lake I think."

"Wait, THE Camp Crystal Lake?" Sliver asked with excitement." I heard about that camp, It was believed that a Serial killer lived there."

"What was their name?" Diamond asked as they sat on the couch.

"Jason Voorhees." Sliver said before giving diamond a scared look." Wait, you said that the killer was killed right?"

"Yeah, why?" Diamond said concerned.

"Jason can't be killed." Silver said as they heard a scream and Diamonds mother running in.

"Charles, Call the police." Diamond's mother said with fear." I just witnessed something horrible."

"What Should I tell them?" Charles asked as he picked up the phone.

"There was a murder." Spoiled said as she sat down." I went to talk to the head guard about if the police arrived to investigate, but when I found him, he was being stabbed by this man wearing a hockey mask."

"Mrs. Rich, I say we should leave." Sliver said with fear." Diamond told me about how this mansion was built on and old camp, She also told me about how a murderer was killed as well."

"That is true." Spoiled said shaking." W-What are you getting at?"

"The killer name we Jason Voorhees." Silver said as Spoiled had a worried look." And when you think you've stopped him, he always comes back."

"So, That man I saw...was the killer?" Spoiled asked as silver nodded." How do you know all this?"

"Because my mom went to the camp when she was young." Silver said with worry." She barely made it out alive." She said as a crash was heard." He's here."

Ch ch ch ch ah ah ah ah

"Come on children." Spoiled said as she grabbed her coat and keys." I say we leave." She said as a scream was heard was quickly cut off as a head rolled out of a room and a shadow appeared in the doorway." Right now!"

Author's Note: