• Published 20th Jan 2017
  • 7,674 Views, 239 Comments

Equestria girls Hell rider - Tunefulsubset72

Something is coming to canter lot city, something with a lust for vengeance..

  • ...


"Here we are." I said as me and Sunset stopped in front of Crimson house. "You're old friends are here."

"How can you tell?" Sunset asked as I gave her dead panned look. "Oh...Nevermind." She said nervously as we got off the bike. "You don't know how much this means to me with all this help you're giving me."

"It pains me to see how all these people are treating you." I said as we approached the door. "If I didnt say anything, Rider would've killed everyone in that room." I said as I opened the door and looked at Rarity and the others. " You have five seconds to explain why you're here."

"Whoa, calm down Blizzard, they're just here to talk." Rainbow said stopping me. "What happened to you Sunset?" Rainow asked noticing all the bruises.

"I'll be fine." Sunset said as Crimson lead her to a chair. "But why are they here?" Sunset asked glaring at her former freinds.

"We came to apologize, we are terribly sorry for how we treated you." Rarity spoke up as Sunset looked away. "But who did this to you?"

"Gilda." I said speaking up. "I took care of her." I said as Crimson glared at me. "She's not dead......Hopefully." I muttered the last part. "Anyway, I miss something."

"Two agents were killed recently." Crimson said as I looked at him shocked. " Fury informed me it was Hydra."

"Who?" I asked in confusion. "Who the f@ck is Hydra?"

"Nazis, to put it bluntly." Crimson said as we left the room. " but that's not all."

"Well don't leave me hanging." I said as Crimson sighed. "There's more going on here, isn't there?"

"A few years ago, someone in our family disappeared." Crimson said as I leaned against the wall. "Someone close....My son." Crimson said sadly as I looked at him surprised. "I won't get into the details, but he was taken by Hydra when he was very young."

"Sounds like eyepatch wasn't doing his job." I said as Crimson looked at me. "I bet you worked with my dad and shield at the time, So if you worked with shield, shouldn't that mean that they should've been protecting your family?"

"It wasn't his fault, the hospital my son was born in was a Hydra base." Crimson sighed. "After he was born, the docter took him, then sometime we were told that he was gone, they told us he was dead."

"Want me to help find him?" I asked concerned. "Sounds like you need help with this one?"

"But where would we start?" Crimson asked as I shrugged. "The one clue we have is a video of him, and the hospital and that's it."

"I could look around town for clues." I said as I heard laughter come from the living room. "Sounds like the made up, also where's Spitfire?"

"Left with Fury a little while before you arrived." Crimson said looking at his watch. "Which was about a half hour ago."

"So how did these agents die?" I asked crimson shrugged.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Crimson said as we walked back towards the living room. "He left that information out."

"Figures." I said rolling my eyes as Rainbow looked at me and motioned for me to follow her as she walked past me. "I guess she needs something."

"Nothing funny." Crimson said as I followed Rainbow. "I'll know."

"It's not like I'm going to F&ck her." I said to myself smirking as Crimson glared at me. "You didn't hear that."

"I assume Crimson told you what happened?" Rainbow asked as I nodded. "I wonder what else he's hiding?"

"He'll tell you in due time." I said as we sat on the bed. "So, what's up?"

"You probably heard us laughing during your conversation, right?" Rainbow said as I chuckled. "I guess that a yes then, Sunset forgave them, so we got talking, and Rarity asked if Sunset bonded with you."

"Rarity said what?" I asked confused as Rainbow explained again. "Doesn't Sunset already have a Boyfriend?"

"You mean Midnight?" Rainbow asked as I shrugged. "They're close friends, hopefully they'll get together."

"Yeah, Plus, I see her no more than a friend really." I said as I looked down at the floor. "I'm going out a limb and say, she told you 'bout our brief conversation outside the nurses office a few days ago?" I asked as Rainbow nodded blushing. "I meant it, I really do care for you."

"You d-do?" Rainbow asked as I nodded. "For how long?"

"A few years after we met." I said as Rainbow smiled. "But now....."

"But what?." Rainbow asked concerned. "What's wrong?"

"Deep down, I know you see as a monster." I said as Rainbow placed a hand on my shoulder. " When I was gone, lots of people had taken me in, but when the devil put the rider in me, they turned their backs on me, that's why I've been on the road for so long."I said as I felt a tear roll down my cheek."Then my life went down hill from there, I was being hunted, I couldn't stay in one place for no longer than a few days, not even a week, then someone would find out what I was and report me."

"You're not a monster to me." Rainbow said quietly as she laid her head on my shoulder as I sighed. "I care for you too."

"You're brother would not be happy hearing this conversation." I said as Rainbow snickered. "So....how do we tell him that we have feelings for each other?"

"Leave that to me." Rainbow said winking as I laughed as she loked at her phone. "Shoot, it's getting late."

"I'll take you home." I said as we left the room. "If you want?"

"I don't mind." Rainbow said as I noticed Crimson still glaring at me. "I think he's trying to set you on fire with his mind."

"More like pop me out of existence." I said as we laughed as Crimson narrowed his eyes. "I guess everyone else went home." I said as i noticed Sunset was a sleep on the couch. "I guess she told Crimson."

"Yo Crimson." Rainbow said as Crimson snapped back to reality. "I need to get going home."

"I'll take you home." Crimson said as Rainbow looked at me.

"Actaully, Blizzard offered to take me home." Rainbow said as I nodded. "Also, is it okay if he came over for dinner on Christmas?"

"That's up to Mom and Dad." Crimson said glancing at me as I looked away whistling. "Just let them know why you were late?"

"I will." Rainbow said as out her jacket on. "I'll be outside."

"I'm watching you." Crimson said as my eyes flashed orange as I flipped him off as I walked out. "Merry Christmas to you too Rider."

"Sorry about that." I said as my eyes turned back. "Grimstone and Rider really don't like each other do they?"

"Let's just say when I see a flaming skeleton I expect them to not talk.... PERIOD!" Grimstone said as he partially took over Crimson who rubbed his eyes coming back to reality.

"You have no idea." Crimson said chuckling. "The dinner Rainbow mentioned is on Christmas eve, I hope you'll be there."

"If it's okay with your folks, then, yeah I'll be there." I said as I stuffed my hand into my pockets. "Any luck?"

"I might have a lead." Crimson said. "A lot of the pictures posted were from Sunset phone, but as the girls were talking one of them asked about this pictures."

"It's possible that someone could've taken her phone." I said as Crimson nodded in agreement. "Anything else?"

"After what happened, Rarity and Applejack mentioned then spent a lot of time with family." Crimson said a is snapped my fingers. "What?"

"That's the clue we've been looking for." I said as Crimson began to think. "Someone in their families posted those pictures."

"And I think I know who." Crimson said as I opened the door. "I'll see you tommorrow."

"You got it." I said as Rainbow waited by my bike. "You ready to go home?"


"Any clues on who this Hydra agent could be?" Spitfire asked Fury as he drove. "Or are you still looking for clues?"

"According to some footage we found, this agent is.....unique." Fury said as Spitfire looked at him confused. "The weapon he killed Hobbs and Willaims with, seemed to form out of his arm, kinda like a transformer."

"Never figured you to be the Transformers type." Spitfire said jokingly as Fury scoffed. "Anyway?"

"So the footage showed the agents arm turning into a gun of some sort." Fury said as he turned down a road. "What concerns me is, how did they get this kind of tech?"

"Good point." Spitfire said as Fury glanced in the mirror. "That's the fifth time I've seen you look in the mirror, we being followed?"

"Yep." Fury said as Spitfire looked back. "I think it might You-Know-Who."

"I think so." Spitfire said as she watched vehicle starting to get closer. "You might want to speed up."

"I was thinking the same thing." Fury said as slammed on he gas peddle as Spitfire hung onto the handle of the door. "Try following us now." He said as he looked in mirror as the vehicle slowly faded into the darkness. "I don't think they were following us."

"LOOK OUT!!!" Spitfire shouted as a black jeep slammed into them. "That was a distraction."

"I know." Fury said struggling to keep the car straight as they were slammed into again. "What do they want?"

"Us obviously." Spitfire said as she pulled out a gun. "You drive, I'll shoot."

"What do you think I'm...(SMASH)" Fury was cut off as the jeep slammed the again, pushing them closer to the side of the rode. "HANG ON!!!" Fury shouted as the jeep slammed them one last time as he turned out to control and flipped over and rolled down the road.

"Gonna.....feel that one tomorrow." Spitfire groaned as Fury breathed heavily. "You okay?" She asked as the jeep came to a stop. "Where'd the gun go?"

"It flew somewhere!" Fury said as he groaned in pain as the car door was heard opening as 17 stepped out of the jeep wearing his hydra suit. "I can try to call for back up."

"Good idea." Spitfire said as the passenger door was ripped off and she was pulled out. "AND HURRY!!!" She shouted as 17 threw her against the dirt road.

"SPITFIRE!!!" Fury called as Spitfire struggled against the hydra agent. "THIS IS DIRCETOR FURY, I NEED BACK UP!!!" Fury shouted into the radio only to hear silence. " Work d@mn it."

"GET OFF!!!" Spitfire shouted as she kicked 17 back as she got up. "Let's tango."

"That is ill advised." 17 spoke as his hand turned until Flint Lock pistol. "You are to come with me Agent Spitfire."

"Not after what you did to my son." Spitfire said as she swung a punch at the agent which was followed bang a she yelled in pain as she clutched her leg as blood began to roll down it.

"I will not ask again." 17 said grabbing her by the neck and picking her up a she yelled in pain. "Come with me.....or die." He said aiming the gun to her head as she whimpered in pain as the gun turned back into a hand. "This is 17, I have the target." He said as he spoke into a communicator inside his helmet. "Returning to base." He said as he grabbed a grenade from his belt and pulled the pin and tossed it to the flipped car. "Mission success."

"No..." Spitfire whispered as the car exploded. "YOU MONSTER!!!"

"I'm no monster, I'm a beast." 17 said throwing her into the back of the jeep. "One by one, they fall." 17 muttered as he jumped into the driver seat and sped down the dirt road as Spitfire hit her head and blacked out.