• Published 20th Jan 2017
  • 7,656 Views, 239 Comments

Equestria girls Hell rider - Tunefulsubset72

Something is coming to canter lot city, something with a lust for vengeance..

  • ...


"He sure did a number on her." A voice that sounded far in the distance said as Green Song slowly opened her eyes as she felt herself be carried. "When do you think she'll wake up."

"Soon hopefully." A familiar voice spoke as Green Song looked up as she gave a fearful look at her attacker. "Speaking of which, welcome back to the land of the living."

"W-where am I?" Green Song asked in fear." W-who are y-you?"

"I am 17, and you currently a prisoner of Hydra." 17 spoke as the two men holding let her go as she struggled to stand. "Anymore annoying questions?"

"Where's my mom?" Green Song asked glaring at him as the men chuckled. "Wait until my father finds out what you did, he'll...."

"We've planned for your father....Crimson, correct?" 17 asked as he motioned for the men to follow him. "As for your mother, you shall see." He said as one of them pushed her to move. "Don't even bother trying to escape." He said as Green Song looked out the window and noticed that they were underwater. "You'd suffocate before you reach the surface."

"I'll keep that in mind." Green Song muttered as they turned a corner. "So....is 17 your real name?"

"That is none of your concern." 17 said annoyed. "Now please, remain silent, or else."

"Or else whaAHHH!!!" Green Song screamed in pain as electricity coursed through her body.

"if I recall, electricity doesn't mix well with changeling biology, now does it?" 17 said as Green Song whimpered. "I have orders not to kill you, but these men...Don't."

"I'll be quiet." Green Song said quietly.

"Good girl." 17 said as the continued down the hall for what seemed like forever for Green Song. "You two are dismissed, I'll take it from here."

"Yes sir." The men said as the walked away.

"Keep moving." 17 said as Green Song squeaked as she followed 17. "You may talk if you wish."

"What's it like living underwater?" Green Song asked as 17 chuckled.

"I was perfected here." 17 said as Green Song looked at him confused. "I was given my arm and leg."

"You have a metal leg too?" Green Song asked as 17 nodded. "Must suck going through a metal detector?"

"You have no idea." 17 muttered as they stopped in front of a door. "Here we are, hopefully she'll calm down."

"What's the supposed to mean?" Green Song asked as the door opened and a Hydra agent stumbled out as his helmet was thrown at him.

"THAT B@TCH IS CRAZY!!!!!" The hydra agent shouted as he ran down the hall as the door quickly closed. "DUDE, YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN!!!!"

"Oh." Green Song said as the agent tripped. "What do you think will happen if you go in there?"

"Nothing." 17 said as his metal hand turned into his gun as he aimed it at her. "You lead, I follow."

"Yeah okay." Green Song said as 17 opened the door. "Hello?"

"TAKE THIS YOU NAZI FU..." Spitfire began but stopped as she held a pipe above her head. "Green Song?"

"Mom!" Green Song said as she ran and hugged her. "You're okay."

"I'm fine." Spitfire said as she dropped the pipe and returned the hug. "How did they get to you, your father..."

"He's disappeared, we have no idea where he went." Green Song said as tears rolled down her cheek. "Blizzard's hurt and.."

"It's going to be okay." Spitfire said as Green Song buried her head into her chest as she sobbed. "You..."

"Monsters, yes I know we've been over this." 17 said with a shrug as Spitfire moved Green Song behind her. "Relax, she's fine." He said as Spitfire picked up the pipe. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Well...you're not." Spitfire said as she charged 17 how quickly moved out of the way and slammed her into the wall. "You were definitely trained."

"Indeed." 17 said as Spitfire swung downward as 17 grabbed the pipe. "Don't make this hard on yourself, and just stand down agent Spitfire."

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" Green Song yelled as she jumped on his back and grabbed his helmet as he tried to get her off. "A LITTLE HELP!"

"Keep him still." Spitfire said as 17 rammed Green Song against the wall, knocking the air out of her lungs as she remained attached.

"ENOUGH!!!!!" 17 bellowed as his sparks covered his hand as he grabbed Green Song and threw her off followed by something hitting the floor . "I have had about enough...." He trailed off as he felt something hit his foot.

"How important is your helmet?" Green Song wheezed out as 17 noticed his helmet was laying on the floor. "Mom?" Green Song asked as tears filled Spitfire eyes.

"It..It can't be." Spitfire said breathlessly as she stared at 17, her son. "Flint?"

"Flint is dead." 17 said as he kicked Spitfire back. "He died eighteen years ago, so will your daughter soon if you don't remain in your place." He said walking out as an agent walked to him as the door closed. "What's the word?"

"The serum worked." Tirek said with a booming voice as he approached 17. "Come with me 17."

"Yes my lord." 17 said as they walked down hallway.

"I have heard great things about you." Tirek said as 17 glanced at him. "How you follow orders directly, and efficiently I may add."

"Time is money, and so are resources." 17 said as Tirek smirked at his response. "The heroes will soon be upon us, what is our plan?"

"From what I've been told, Apocylptus has recently returned, correct?" Tirek asked as 17 nodded. "Excellent, Tell our best men to get into position topside, and get ready for battle."

"What of you sir?" 17 asked as Tirek walked away.

"I'll meet you there." Tirek said as he picked up a staff with two horns on it as 17 gave orders and left. "Time to get reacquainted."


"So what's the plan?" Cap asked as Stromm looked out over the water. "Stromm?"

"Blizzard, Thor, Cap, and Hawkeye, you'll be the team that gets Spitfire and Green Song out." Stromm said facing cap. "Apocalyptus, me-self, and tony, we're going to keep them distracted."

"What about us two?" Black Widow asked as she pointed at Banner. "I'm pretty sure you don't want the Hulk smashing through a underwater base."

"That's actually part of the plan." Stromm said as the base came into few. "Not all of it is underwater, just most of the labs and holding cells."

"So what do we do?" Banner asked as Quinjet hovered of the base as the cargo door opened. "Stromm?"

"Go crazy." Stromm said pushing Banner out, followed by a roar. "Romanoff, you stay with the jet, we may need a quick get away."

"Why?" Thor asked as Stromm gave him a nervous look.

"This is Tirek's base, he's still alive." Stromm said with a sigh. "So we have only one chance to get them out, or Tirek will kill them."

"So that's the plan then?" I asked as cracked my knuckles. "RACE YA!!!!" I shouted as I let the Rider out and jumped.

"Stick to the plan." Cap said as he and the rest of the Avengers followed.

"I need to see if Crimson's family is okay." Apocalyptus said as Stromm sighed as the fight began. "Let me go with Rider."

"I don't want you getting distracted." Stromm said as he activated his mask. "Plus, we won't be able to take Tirek alone."

"Not helping." Apocalyptus said as they jumped out. "DIE!!!!"

"HULK SMASH!!!!" The Hulk roared as he jumped and slammed his fist into the ground. "GRAHHH!!!"

"Never though I'd be fightin' with the Avengers." The Rider said as he swung his chain at a hydra agent. "I'll admit, it's kinda fun."

"I'll keep that in mind." Cap said as he bounced his shield of an agent. "Thor, think you can open the door?"

"With pleasure." Thor said as he threw his hammer and smashed the door open. "This way."

"We'll be back." Hawkeyes said as they ran through the door. "So how can we find them?"

"Already on it." Rider said as he ran down the corridor. "Luckly for us, their on the second floor."

"They'd better be." Cap said as they charged a group of agents. "Don't let your guard down, Tirek could be anywhere?"


"What happened to you not fighting anymore?" Apocalyptus asked as Stromm cackled as he fired at hydra agents.

"I'm not aloud to change me mind?" Stromm said as he dove behind cover to reload his weapon as Apocalyptus swung his sword at the enemy. "And honestly, I forgot how f@cking fun this was."

"That's the Stromm I remember." Crimson voice echoed inside Apocalyptus' mind.

"Ready for more fun?" Apocalyptus asked as Stromm readied his weapon. "I go high..."

"And I'll go low." Stromm said as he jumped up and fired at the closest agents. "Crimson's son is nearby."

"Where?" Apocalyptus asked as Flint tackled Stromm. "Nevermind."

"Stromm Wind, should've known you'd be behind this." Flint said as he held down Stromm. "I wish I was sent after you when I had the chance."

"Well, know's your chance." Stromm said as he shoved Flint off him and fired at him. "Bring it."

"Don't kill him." Apocalyptus said as Stromm nodded. "Now to find where Tirek is?"

"Right here." Tirek said appearing behind him. "Hello old friend." He said as Apocalyptus' eyes turned purple.


"Find them yet?" Hawkeye asked as he knocked a hydra agent out as Rider nodded. "Where?"

"Here." Rider said as he ripped off a door. "Spitfire? Green Song?"

"Rider?" Green Song said as he stepped in followed by Cap and Hawkeye as Thor waited outside. "You found us?"

"Thanks to a friend of Crimsons." Cap said as they lead them out. "Now let's get it to here."

"You do that." Rider said as he walked away. "I'm going after Tirek, I'll clear you a away to the Quinjet, but you get them out of here."

"Apocalyptus is probably already ahead of you." Cap said as they ran down the way the came. "Hope he hasn't already beat him."

"He hasn't." Rider said as the base shook. "It's only just begun."

"Good luck." Thor said as Rider nodded and ran up stairs leading to the surface.


"DIIIEEE!!!" Tirek bellowed as he swung his staff at Apocalyptus. "You're stronger than I thought."

"That tends to happen when an enemy from the past threatens you?" Apocalyptus said with a smirk. "You messed with someone's family, now you're going to pay."

"Isn't that Ghost Rider's job?" Tirek asking as a flaming chain wrapped around his neck and pulled him backwards.

"Well your not wrong." The Rider said as he dragged Tirek close to him. "Nice to finally meet ya."

"Sadly." Tirek said as he grabbed the chain and pulled it off and got up. "I don't feel the same way."

"Doesn't matter, imma kill ya now." Rider said as Tirek smirked. "You have something to say?"

"Have you ever stopped and asked why some people do what they do." Tirek said as Rider looked at Apocalyptus, who just shrugged. "Meaning, why do people do certain things, for example.....murder."

"Because they had a sad life." The Rider said as Tirek looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Since you brought up the subject, why are you doing this, targeting innocent people, kidnapping, and so on."

"For justice." Tirek said as the word 'justice' echoed through Rider's mind. "You see, this demon's host here has killed plenty of people, and since you're not doing your job, I took matter into my own hands."

That's not how Justice works." The Rider said as Tirek scoffed. "Justice has already been served for what Crimson has done, justice isn't kid-napping, torturing, or murdering innocent people." the Rider said as his flames started dying. "Justice is when someone is brought and put on trial for what they've done."

"And how would you know Rider?" Tirek asked as Apocalyptus charged at him. "You only know Vengeance."

"Before I was vengeance, I was...." The Rider trailed off as two blue glowing dots appeared in his eye sockets. "I was.....JUSTICE!!!!" The Rider roared as purple flames erupted from his body. "I AM JUSTICE!!!!"

"This is new." Apocalyptus said as the Rider swung his chain at Tirek as Apocalyptus held him down. "Together Rider?"

"No." Rider said as he tossed Tirek into a wall. "Let me get some hits in."

"I'm killing him." Apocalyptus said as Rider grabbed Tirek by the head and slammed him repeatedly into the ground.

"You know Tirek, letting Apocalyptus kill you is me being merciful." Rider said as Tirek groaned. "He's all yours."

"Thanks." Apocalyptus said as he summoned his sword. "Are they...."

"Safe? Yes." Rider said as Stromm approached them holding Flint over his shoulder. "Make it quick."

"I'm making this painful." Apocalyptus said as he approached Tirek.

"So which of your beasts are you going to kill me with this time 'Demon King'?" Tirek laughed as he stood up coughing up blood.

"Well I wanted to make this painful so how about I save you the pleasure of dying by my blade merely because I hate getting the blood of greedy pigs on it." Apocalyptus said as he threw the sword to the side causing it to burst into white flames and disappear.

"Oh you call me a greedy pig? Well you were the one who decided to trick and drag that angel to hell!" Tirek screamed as his eyes grew large with rage.

"I'm growing tired of your mouth." Apocalyptus said as he disappeared and reappeared behind Tirek with something pink in his hand.

"RRRAAAAGGGGGHHHH!" Tirek yelled as his mouth filled with blood because his tongue had been ripped out in an instant.

"Now Tirek let these precious waters flow over you and snuff out the fire of your soul." Apocalyptus said as his eyes suddenly turned blue.

Then the water surrounding them began to swirl around Apocalyptus as he roared out as his body began to change in multiple ways. After a couple minutes the water then evaporated and standing in the middle of it was a giant Leviathan. The long slender and smooth body was covered on top in scales that shined like pearls and an underside covered in purple bristly fur. The beast just stood there and glared at Tirek.

"Go on. Do it!!" Tirek screamed as he concentrated the power he had to regenerate his tongue, the beast only growled. "Fine I'll swing first!" Tirek yelled as he lifted his staff and fired a straight line of fire at the beast before him. Without a second of hesitation the beast let out a straight jet of water from its mouth that went directly down the center of the flames and hit the staff in the middle causing it to turn to splinters.

"You b@stard!" Tirek yelled as he ran towards the leviathan who replied by slamming its body down launching massive bubbles everywhere.

"Stop playing around Apocalyptus!" Rider complained.

"Shut it boy this is what a man must do te' avenge his family." Stromm said as he just looked at Tirek struggling to keep his footing.

"You are just playing around with me aren't you?!" Tirek yelled as he fell down on his rear while the beast walked towards him.

"For those of you with weak stomachs look away now!" Stromm yelled to the others who watched all around.

"You are too weak! All three of you! Crimson you care too much for your family. Grimstone you care too much for your pride. Apocalyptus you just want to exist. The three of you could never stop me even if yo-" Tirek began ranting only to be interrupted by a giant sharp purple claw stabbing through his abdomen.

"RRRRRAAAAAAHHHHH" The beast roared inches away from his face.

"Just remember this... 'When the sun dies and the moon stands on it's corpse the final beast of the four horsemen you possess shall be released without your consent!" Tirek yelled as his eyes flashed between black and white at a rapid pace. Then the symbol of yin and yang flashed on the beast's chest for an instant and then sunk into it's flesh and disappeared. "HAHAHAHAHHAH I WIN!!!!" Tirek yelled with such triumph in his voice. Suddenly with a quick turning motion the beast used it's jaws and claw to rip the madman in half as the beast threw the halves into the sea to be never seen again.
With a loud pop the leviathan then disappeared into foam that was blown away by the breeze and standing in the middle was the figure that had been there before.

"Let me see Spitfire and Green Song so I can rest." Apocalyptus said as his flames grew dim.

"DAD!!" A voice yelled a couple feet away from Apocalyptus.

"Crimson!!" Spitfire yelled as she followed Green Song who ran with a small limp happily to her father.

"AAAAGGGGHHHH!" Apocalyptus yelled as he suddenly was lifted into the air surrounded in a red light.

"It's okay everyone he's just saying goodbye!" Stromm yelled reassuring everyone.

"The deed is done and the request has been achieved and completed. I am no longer needed at this time so I shall return to the world between my two masters and shall slumber until the time I am needed once again." Apocalyptus said as the red light flashed once causing everyone to close their eyes.

"Crimson?" Spitfire said as she covered her eyes.

"Hey honey... I told you nothing could keep me away from you." Crimson said as he grabbed Spitfire's hands as she began to tear up.

"I was so worried that you would've been killed, I don't even know how he got to me so easily I feel like a terr-" Spitfire began rambling before she was cut off as Crimson kissed her with an intense passion.

"You talk to much." Crimson chuckled as he pulled away laughing. Then without warning he fell onto the floor and began to snore.

"He's done for a couple days." Tony said as he lifted him up and threw him over his shoulder.

"It's good to see you Stromm. Thank you for helping him." Spitfire said as she walked over to Stromm.

"Don't mention it 'e was very worried ya' woulda bit the dust by the time we got here." Stromm said laughing.

"I'm not that much of a weakling." Spitfire said as she playfully pushed his shoulder.

"Aye lassie that is true. You found yourself someone who will never let you down. You found your true soulmate." Stromm said as he smiled.

"Yeah you got that right. Now let's all go home." Spitfire said as she picked up Green Song and put her on her shoulders and began walking to the quinjet.

---Rider realm, Blizzards mind---

Well you were the one who decided to trick and drag that angel to hell!Tireks voiced echoed as Rider sat down on a chair that appeared out of thin air.

"Why does that sounds so familiar?" Rider asked no one in particular.

Author's Note:

Apocalyptus leviathan