• Published 20th Jan 2017
  • 7,656 Views, 239 Comments

Equestria girls Hell rider - Tunefulsubset72

Something is coming to canter lot city, something with a lust for vengeance..

  • ...

The Accused and The Hunted

---A few days later---

"Ah Coulson, 'bout time you showed up." Fury said as agents examined what was left of the scene from a few nights prior."I was starting to think you wouldn't show."

"Quinjet engine froze." Coulson said as he stood next to his boss. "Any luck?"

"One of our agents informed us it was indeed a Ghost Rider." Fury said as the walked towards the charred truck. "And this one had some beef with Chrysalis."

"He got to her?"Coulson asked in confusion.

"She said someone talked him down from doing so." Fury said with concern. "I think I know who."

"Crimson?" Coulson asked as Fury nodded. "Haven't seen him for a while, how's he doing?"

"He's a father now, so I'm guessing he's doing just fine." Fury said as a thwip was heard behind them. "Hello Spiderman."

"Sup Nicky." Spiderman said as Fury groaned. "Sorry I'm late, My aunt needed me to get some shopping done before I left, also the others should be here soon."

"Anyway, If you haven't heard the Ghost Rider we've been searching for is here in Canterlot city." Fury said as Spiderman nodded. "We need you to try find it."

"How hard will it be to find a spirit with a flaming skull?" Spidey asked as Fury gave him a dead panned look. "Oh right, whole him being able transform, gotcha."

"I'm going to walk away before I get a headache." Fury muttered walking of.

"Any ideas where to start?" Spidey asked Coulson handed him a file."What's this?"

"A witness who was hurt during the fight that took place here." Coulson said as Spiderman opened it. "I suggest you go under cover for this one."

"Won't the witness get suspicious?"Spidey asked. "Hold on....This says the witness is Blizzard Wind, Didn't he die a few years ago?"

"We thought the same thing." Coulson said as he took the file back. "We thought wrong."

"Guess so." Spidey said concerned as he swung away.


I'm so BORED!!!! The Rider groaned as I stared at the television. How much longer until we can leave?

"In a few hours the Doc said." I replied as I turned the channel to the news. "But your right, it's getting quite boring here."

We've been here for at least a week, all for what, some broken bones? The Rider groaned as I sighed. But no, they had to run test and what not.

"Probably wondering how I survived a rampaging Ghost Rider." I said annoyed as the Rider cackled. "Please, just shut up."

"Hey Blizzard." Crimson said as he walked in. "See you're doing better."

"What happened to you?" I asked noticing a bruise on the side of his face.

"Spitfire didn't take it to lightly that I pretty much almost died. And Dash had to get two swings in as well for lying and almost dying also." Crimson said rubbing the back of his head, chuckling nervously."Don't want to repeat that."

"I would say." I said as I rest my head in my pillow. "How's Rainbow doing?"

"She's fine." Crimson said as I looked out the window. "She wanted to know if you're positive that you're staying, whatever that means."

"I told her one of the reasons I left." I said sighing. "It was to find Chrysalis, now that she been captured, the job's done."

"So you are leaving?" Crimson said concerned. "Rainbow would hate that."

"I don't plan on leaving." I said as I sat up. "In fact, I'm going to start doing what I was meant to do."

"And that is?" Crimson asked as my eyes flashed orange as I smirked. "I see." He muttered as my eyes turned back to normal.

"Anyway, I miss anything interesting." I said as Crimson sighed. "What happened?"

"Everything's a mess a C.H.S." Crimson said rubbing his face."Someone person on Mystable going by the name Anon-A-Miss is spreading very personal secrets on the Internet."

At least things didn't get dull while we were on the sidelines. The Rider said with excitement.

"Any ideas who it is?"I asked as Crimson pulled out his phone and showed my the page. "That tells me nothing."

"I've tried hacking it, whoever's account this is has some good firewalls." Crimson said as a nurse walked.

"Please tell me you have good news." I said as the nurse rolled her eyes. "Please?"

"Today is your lucky day." The nurse said as I raised an eyebrow. "You're being discharged early."

"I thought he said I wasn't going to be released until later today?" I asked as the nurse shrugged and walked out. "Finally."

"Must've been boring here." Crimson joked as I nodded. "Anyway, when you get the chance, mind helping out with this whole Anon-A-Miss thing?"

"I can try, but it won't be easy." I said as Crimson looked at me confused. "Whoever is behind this has a pure soul, which means I can't track them."

"I didn't think about that." Crimson groaned as I nodded. "But still, we need all the help we can get."

"I can ask around." I said as I swung my feet out of the bed. "Who's your number one suspect?"

"People are saying it's Sunset Shimmer." Crimson said as I looked at him surprised. "I don't think it is."

"Anyone else thinks she innocent?" I asked as Crimson shook his head.

"Just Green Song, myself, and Rainbow surprisingly." Crimson said as I smirked." The others were the first to blame Sunset, Rainbow too at first, but she realized the truth."

"Let me guess, the other turned their back on her and Sunset?" I asked as Crimson nodded. "Let's get one thing straight, I'm on no ones side until I talk to sunset."

"Sin sense, right?" Crimson said as he began to leave." Also, Sunset and Rainbow are waiting for us in the lobby."

"Tell them I'll be with them soon." I said as Crimson left. "I'm going to f@cking kill who ever is behind this."

---Sometime later---

"What's taking him so long?" Rainbow asked no one in particular as she walked back and forth.

"Paper work probably." Crimson said as Rainbow sighed." You doing okay Sunset?"

"I'll be fine." Sunset said sadly as she rubbed her arms." Just nervous."

"About what?" Crimson asked as Sunset looked away." You're going to be fine, The Rider isn't going to do anything."

"If he does then we'll take care of it." Grimstone and Crimson said in unison as his right eye turned black and red, then back to normal.

"Thanks I guess, I hope you're right." Sunset said as she spotted me." There he is."

"Sorry it took me so long." I said as Rainbow kept pacing. "Is she alright?"

"She will be." Crimson said as Sunset avoided eye contact with me. "So?"

"What's your side of the story Sunset?" I asked as Sunset slowly looked at me. "I'm not going to bite."

"I'm pretty sure Crimson told you about Anon-A-Miss right?" Sunset asked as I nodded. "It started kinda small, but slowly got bigger, then one day they posted secrets about Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow." She said sadly as she sniffled. "When their secrets got out, they used pictures I took and posted from slumber parties and..." I cut off by raising my hand as she looked at me confused.

"I've heard enough." I said as Sunset gave me a worried look. "Any ideas on where I can start proving innocence?" I asked as she began to smile as I felt a pair of arms wrap around me as Sunset giggled. "'Bout time you noticed Rainbow."

"Glad to see you're better." Rainbow said as she let go of me. "Listen we need your help.."

"I was just given the details." I said as Rainbow looked at Sunset." It doesn't take a Rider to know that she's innocent."

"So you'll help us?" Rainbow said as I nodded." Any ideas on where to start?"

"No clue." I said shrugging." This is not going to be easy."

"Oh Celestia.." Crimson said as he looked at his phone with his eyes growing like he just saw a ghost.

"What's wrong bro?" Rainbow asked as she looked over worried.

"Anon-a-miss just made another post.. Blizzard you need to see this." Crimson said as he showed me his phone.

"Oh no.." I said as I read the heading of the article: The Ghost Rider and Demon King. Who are they? Could they be anyone... Even a staff member and student attending Canterlot High School?: Underneath the article heading was a close up of both Rider and Grimstone with two question marks next to their faces.

"We need to find them now before the truth gets out or it will be nothing but chaos." Crimson said as he yanked his keys out of his pocket as we all headed towards the front door of the hospital in a rush.