• Published 20th Jan 2017
  • 7,675 Views, 239 Comments

Equestria girls Hell rider - Tunefulsubset72

Something is coming to canter lot city, something with a lust for vengeance..

  • ...


"I feel bad for Sunset." Green Song said as she watched T.V. while Crimson sat in the kitchen doing paperwork. "I'm glad it's a snow day."

"I wish I could agree on that." Crimson muttered as someone knocked on the door. "Could you get that?" Crimson asked as Green Song opened the door.

"Hey guys." Green Song said as I walked in followed by Rainbow."How are you not cold Blizzard?" She asked as she noticed I was only wearing my normal clothes and Rainbow was wearing a heavy coat.

"Ghost Rider, remember?" I asked as Green Song shrugged. "Plus it's not really that cold outside."

"Not that cold?" Rainbow blurted as she hung up her jacket. "It's fifteen degrees."

"Ever been to Vostok?" I asked as Rainbow and Green Song looked at me confused. "It's somewhere in Antarctica, it got about minus 128 if I remember."

"How did you not get Frostbite?" Green Song asked as I shrugged. "I hate the cold."

"That makes two of us." Rainbow said as I rolled my eyes. "I know you want to say it."

"I'm not quoting Frozen." I groaned as Rainbow laughed. "And you're not going to force me to either."

"Please don't." Crimson called from the kitchen.

"Even your brother agrees." I said as Rainbow pouted. "Nice try though."

"How's Sunset?" Green Song asked as Rainbow gave her a sad look. "What happened?"

"She wanted to try to talk to her former friends her side of the story." I said as we sat down. "Some pretty hateful things were said."

"Oh no." Green Song said with worry. "How bad was it?"

"Bad enough that I had to pull Blizzard out of there before the Rider wanted to have a say." Rainbow said as Crimson glanced at me. "Just in time too."

In my defense, I was trying to stand up for Sunset. The Rider mutter as I sighed.

"I'm glad you did Rainbow." I said as Rainbow smiled. "The last thing we need is a rampaging Ghost Rider....Again." I said Crimson went back to his work. "Anyway, are we any closer to finding who Anon-A-Miss really is?"

"I may have a lead." Crimson said he got up and walked over to us. "Anon-A-Miss decided to pay me a little visit last night, she knew who Grimstone was."

"Well we know it's a Girl who's behind this." I said. "But...Who could it be?"

"Someone who really hates Sunset?" Green Song said as I gave her a dead panned look. "What if you asked around?"

"How exactly would that work?" I asked as Green Song shrugged as Rainbows Phone buzzed. "If you're talking about my sin sense, it doesn't work that way."

"We need to find Sunset, She's in trouble." Rainbow said as she showed me her phone.

This is for whoever wants to get back at Sunset Shimmer for posting our secrets, Meet me at the abandoned warehouse on east rain street tonight, bring anything to make her pay.

"You know where she lives Rainbow?" I asked as she shock her head." Crimson?"

"Nope." Crimson said as he looked at the text. "You know who this is Rainbow?"

"I can't remember." Rainbow said looking at the number. "Sorry."

"How can we find her before pretty much of C.H.S gets to her first?" Rainbow asked as I sighed. "Any ideas?"

"We could check the school." Crimson said as he pulled out a key. "All teachers have a key."

"You check there then." I said as I opened the door. "I'll swing by Sugar cube and check to see if she went back."

"We can help." Green Song said as Rainbow grabbed her jacket. "Dad?"

"You two can help me out." Crimson said grabbing his jacket. "Blizzard?"

"I'll meet you at C.H.S." I said as I closed the door behind me. "I hope she'll be okay."


"Wake up." A voice said as Sunset felt a sharp pain cross her cheek. "Don't want to pass out while we have our fun tonight," The raspy voice said evilly.

"Mmpf." Sunset struggled out through the gag. "Gilda?"

"Just confess that Your Anon-A-Miss, and we might go easy on you." Gilda said cackling a she left. "Try not to freeze to death."

Someone, please help me. Sunset thought to herself as she began to sob.


"What are you doing here?" Applejack asked me with hatred in her voice as a I approached her and her friends. "Shouldn't you be eating some souls right now?"

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't b@tch slap you right now." I snapped back as the group gave me shocked looks. "If things weren't so serious I'd give you a piece of my mind, But I need to know where Sunset is?"

"I'm afraid we don't know darling." Rarity said without looking up from her drink. "Last time we saw that wench was when she left after you and that traitor left."

"You're pushing the wrong buttons right now." I said as I felt myself heat up. "You should be ashamed of yourselves."

"Why, because even though you're a Rider, you can't tell that Sunset guilty?" Pinkie said getting in my face. "She's probably using some spell on you."

"I dare you to repeat cupcake." The rider spoke as he took control as Pinkie fell back."I promised Blizzard I wouldn't hurt ya, but I'm really regretting that choice."

"You wouldn't, would you?" Fluttershy spoke up as the Rider looked at her as she hid behind her hair. "N-never mind."

"I'd say you four are useless. How can you sit idly by as someone who was there for each one of you is in need of help? Look at Blizzard everyone thought he was dead and when he came back even though I've murdered many bad guys with his body as my vessel you still accepted him. What's so different now? If you still want to harm Sunset then remember this." The Rider ranted as he began to speak the lyrics of a song. "One, two, Riders coming for you, Three, four, better lock your door, Five, six, gonna need more than sticks, Seven, eight, you're gonna see the gate , Nine, ten, now I'm awake again." He finished as he cackled.

"I'm going to have nightmares for awhile." Rarity said as Fluttershy shuttered.


"Couldn't you ask you're S.H.I.E.L.D. buddies if they could help?" Rainbow asked as Crimson glared at her. "What did I say?"

"They're to busy with trying to arrest Blizzard." Crimson said as they walked back to his car. "But they're too scared to try because of me."

"I take it that's a good thing?" Green Song asked as Crimson nodded. "Are they still around?"

"They're everywhere." Crimson said as I pulled up. "Well?"

"No luck." I said as Rainbow sighed. "But I have a feeling she might've been here."

"How can you tell?" Green Song asked as I gave her a worried look. "It's not good, is it?"

"Innocent blood was spilled here, Her Blood." I said as Crimson gave me a worried look.

"Can't you track her then?" Rainbow asked as I nodded. "Heck we could go to that warehouse and find her."

"Do you realize, that the street and warehouse that were mentioned are located in the warehouse district?" I asked Rainbow face palmed. "If you went there you'd have about ten or twenty buildings to search."

"It's up to you then."Rainbow said sadly as I half gave her a knowing smile. "Make them pay."

"With pleasure." I said as I turned into the Rider and drove off as the song came back to me as I hummed the tune.


"Fury said we might be dropping this mission." A shield agent said as he and his partner stopped in front to an alley. "This Rider has Girmstone on his side."

"So that's not a rumor then." His partner asked as he nodded. "What's next Williams?"

"Who knows Hobbs?" Williams said as they failed to noticed a shadowy figure wearing a black outfit with a red and black symbol on the chest, and a mask with a red 'H' on the forehead approach behind them.

"Honestly, with this Ghost Rider business, I kinda miss stopping Hydra." Hobbs said.

"You won't for much longer." The figure spoke as the sound of shifting metal was heard followed by a bang as Williams was shot in the chest.

"This is agent Hobbs, requesting back up on ACK!!!" Hobbs was cut off as the figure grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up and aimed a Flint Lock pistol at the side of his head. "Who are you?"

"Hail...Hydra." The Figure spoke as he shot Hobbs.